mrv "Wfl 'J I 'I I. IB i.i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGOITHlRSDAY, AfRlCTiC'feTfE eVeNG EDITION 1. ', w '4 1 mm I 1 D in 1. I "if? M 1 ri 1 f. ' V ' IS fc i Af jLuBBlH EH " Kir mill ROYAL BASOUl PWDER Absolutely Pisra MAKES HOME BAKING EASY safitos Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts as 9HK&Mit Ml and and the food Is finer, more tasty, cleanly wholesome lhan the ready- made found at the shop or grocery. ttayml (took nooft800 fJeosfptmFret, Send Namo and Addrvma, nOYAL DAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. y m ran I Continued friini page 1.) mid tlint veasols carry 200,000 feet lini! snlled from Coon Hay. Now, lie nald vofsoIb enrryliiR 000,000 fci't of , lumber wero willing from the Co I qiilllo nnil vessels carrying over 2,- OOO.ofto feet were sailing from Coos (Hay. He touched up the rlvnlry be tween the two hnrbors n little by humorously remarking.- Hint while tCoos Day was felicitating Itself over 'the nrrlvnl of the Hazel Dollar hero jthat the Dollar company had an-' other nml larger steamship which It wns going to send to tho Cofiulilo to load. Capt. I'entony nnd Chief Engineer Milton spoko briefly, oxprcsslng their pleasure nt tho reception and meet ing so many good fellows nnd declar ed that they would ever and nlwnys say n good word for Coon Hay. Capt. OlBon.sntd ho wan highly gratified over tho coming of vcsboIb of tho Hazel Dollar's elnss nnd that ' ho hoped It would spur on the people , bore to improve the hnrhor to whnt It should bo one of the bout on tho const. FLIES FROM 0 DON TO PARIS Now French Aviator Scores Triumph In Loncj Distance . Flight. I ' (Dy AaHactated r.cas to Coon Itoy Times.) LONDON, Englnnd, April IS. Pierre Prior, nn nvlntnr Htnrted an HOME DAY You will nil bo buying Ki.orit of HALVES. JOIN DANCING CLASS SATURDAY that tho Senate had passed n resolu tion in fnvor of tho suppression of till territorial dellnltloiiB of tho men In which wine can legally bo deslg- niitul champagne. Seven thousand wine growers left horo today march-' Ing on the Epernny, four miles dls-I taut to destroy wlno collars there. J The manifests wore admirably or-1 " gunlzod nnd during J)ie progress of I'rof. L. A. Hlpburn, tho ofllclnl tho march they snnj; revolutionary dancing muster recognized by the jii-?8 nnd waved red lags. Thoy War Department at Vnneouver Bar clnlnf tli.o action of 1ir government racks, begs to nnnounco that ho will will ruin them as tho action vlll aid organlzo n select dancing class Sat tho milkers of Inferior grndew or urdny afternoon nt throe o'clock, nt wipe, Diunery In today n picture of tho I. O, O. F. hall for children. This (lobulation. The streets wero liter- class will nicct at four o'clock on Ally demolished by the mob Inst.Tuesdnys, also, nnd Tuesday and night. Thursday evenings of each week for , ndults. Ho hns enrolled n number EPERN'AY. Cbnmpngno, Ai'rll 12. Tuesday. April 10th. at which An important division of tho wlno t,mo vlu le88(,n wm bo S'ven. neronlnnn from llinidon todny In nn attempted lllght to Pnrln without .1 (Dy Assoctotcd Press to tho Coos liny r students nlreiidy. top. The ulrinmi successfully cross-' Times.) Tho ndult class will bo organized cd tho English channel between Do ver and Culnln nnd continued his An tun flight townrd tho French capital. rioters Hueeeodod In avoiding tho Unr " discrimination will bo 00- I troops nnd roaehed this place and mrteA ,n tho "nl"nco of pupils. Illy Associated to Coos Hay Hacked several depots of Champngno. Instructions only during tho teuton I Times.) Tho troopers charged with drawn B0a8O- Vor '""her Information call Issy-lea-Moullneaux. France, April 8abre and several were wounded. nt tno linU ,,n,,' 2 to 5 p. in., or 12. Trior arrived hero nt 5 -1 r this phono 13-L. evening from London, 200 miles In a monoplane without stopping. Prior Is a newcomer In Interna tional aviation and liln (light 'o the suburbs of Purls todny place him iu tho ranks of tho foremost world'o nvlntors. Thfc best iirovlona cross-1 country lllght was l'oi'it i.v.huki) ix whecic. Ewiilt Kivlulit Cni- Collides Willi Trolley nl CiiionIiii;, (Ily Associated Prors to Coos liny Times.) SEATTLE, WiiHh.. April 1 2. -Am 111 ...linn ......In1.. .. ....... -... 111 nnil.- iiitiuu uvcrc 1 'ir.eruruan ui'igui c.ivi .... ..... . - ...i." ... .. y iieiiieiiiiiii vnnieriiiiiii .vim iiiniiu 8truek n trolley ear nt the cvohbIii n distance in four hours nnd twenty nulla -M 11 1 neon nnd hurled the minutes, December 22 lo8t In Franco. ;om, i,mjmi foot and seriously Injur- My New Cadillac Foro Door Auto for hire. Phone j Iludolph Lnckstrom, 231 It. Ed's Bil liard Ildom. After midnight Phono 1 1S1X. Careful driving nssurod. : Real Estate Bargains Hill SAX VHAXCISCO MAX RESIGNS. ContmlsHloiirr of liumlunilloii ,ult. Place Cutler- Prei-Miie. (Ily Associated Press to Coos Hay Tim jk. ) WASHINGTON. D."tV. April 12. Tho unnounomiient Is made hem that II, II; North. Commissioner of Immi gration In Sun Franrtsco hn inslgu ed. No rensoiu tiro glvoii mid no Buccessor decided upon. For bargain iu City, Hunker od four pmweugers who wero tnke.i nml Farm Property. So to hospltnlB. The leg of 0110 woman Al'(J. Fltl.KKX was almost sovered. ,Jl',', Kftnto nml Insurance Agent. (IS (Vnirnl Ae., Mnihlitleld, Ore. ALASKA Tt)VX DHSTHOYKD, FOH COOD WOKK Wiped Pi" "g your clothes to ms. CWnlii: pressing nnd repairing n sneclnlty tVntrr of Ve- (Jehl Klelils (I,v Awoelated Press to Coos liny ly experienced men. Satisfaction Tlme-i.) gunrnnteed HLANCIIAHD 1)01). SKATTIJJ. Waih.. Anrll 12. A s. Alliance UlilK. Iront St. - '! I ! ' r w ealilo to TUo AlnlU. ( l)U,aiuw iei ...l.i 1.. u..l.... 1... .. 11.... i... r.....l.... ,.,. . run,. .., .- n,v ,..Bl .m.ip.11 work , most ,,os,ral)0 t0 nnvnnp The n'uWjof JJWjjneai, of H'ore, Upui ,,,.. .hclr ncn to OMeH .., Times from t- JCnit.-K. (Ily Associated Prow to Coos lla . ' Times.) SAN FUAXCISCO; Ctl. April 12. Owing to clmraoB of lnlt- In his office espeelaljy In regurd to, the nd mlsslon of Hindu and other Immi grants from tho Orient. Hart II. North, commissioner of lnunlratlon of thlB port, was Niispemlod several months ugo psndtng an mvotigntlnu hut IrwpVnbly. ho , i? flshtlng which It Is undorstoqd has byon lu ;equlnuieni i(ilng crude and the water- e progrc88,ju;iuuu tno -UUlia mean upplwoomlng. from n-romoto nnul- tlmo.f tho otllco hns been n ahirgo . holo, of Hufiia S. Steward, as acting commissioner. "'ion oudTurocity w8 nfst Liass L8!ifiury tu'ihHtv'liu wnnt tlnaltnv.til Tlif . ., v,.. ... ,. ,w. ,..,.. ....... , - partlcuwn nnlsh so necessary to r,ii.,ir. I...PH l one Vundrl thou, g00(, n8'0 n (,rcS8 md .dolim, So for ..8 known -none - w,. 0 T,AT rfaRS 0K xfQmi of tl.. dIiipps Wmt woremfiural. Wo T,.,n, w ConvInc0i The llrp,t(rpkrt out In tlw .piopeer 'i"tel owned by Mrs. Uinsvldson, r. Qai Cf-now I nn A Bhoitiy otter noon, nnd fi),sd siowiv LOOS Day ulGaiU LaUnQry PHOXK .MAIX 57-J Ofl Marshficld lllC HwJD Bm FOK QUALITY, STYLE AND BEST VALUE A Splendid Showing of Men's Easter Clothes Benjamin Clothes In these magnificent garments you find the art and ideals of the very best tailoring. These clothes are built to give the wearer utmost satisfac tion in style and quality. The Suits and Overcoats for Spring wear possess a per fection of their own. The Best at the price of the ordinary; that's our assur ance. So why not have the Best7 Men's Finest Spring Suits and Overcoats f61S f 2R BJ3Jsni!n.(M CASH ONLY "MONEY TALKS" lIJWWimlVIJI.l-'E'i'MT DO IT NOW Lay in your supply of wood now and avoid the usual .suinnit'i' rush. "Wc have plenty of wood and jusl at present can deliver it promptly. A little later, when orders begin to pile in, we v.'ill not be able to give you our undivided atten tion. 12-in. Stove Wood $2.00 per (lump load. Fire Place Mocks $2.50 per dump loud We can furnish you a man to split aiKlpi'lcit if desired. U. SMITH LUMBER &MT'G. CO. 3'IIONE Ifl-J 182 So. Bronilwnv CVNBtfcU Don't Buy your Iluttor, Cream ct milk frpm tho Coos Di; let nnd Cold Storngo company u- lcas you wnnt only tho B nioxE 73J Delivery 8 n. in. 2 p. m. BEAN POT CKEESE-Trj It "THE I-'ItlHM) OK COOS MAY" S. S. ALLIANCE 'i;o.xi;cnx(i with the xoutii iimv ho.mi at roitnaxi) :"'. WU.l. SAll, MUMl Marshfield for Portland, Saturday, 2 P. M. .miii-ui 1'Ai.iiii; -;.MNI1M COMl'AXV. IMIOXr, II V. V. McOEOURE, AKent PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORT rHTuTATTisTiErsvv,vvv - Oistcoiiiitliic I'liislclin Qrnduato of tho American ichool Oatoopnthy ut Klrksvlllc, Mo. 0& In'Eldorndo Dili. Hours 10 to !!. 4; Phono Ifcl-J; MarshHeld; urfj Du. j: w. ixoham. I'lijhlclnn mid Surgeon. 209.210 Coke nulldlM Phones: Ofllco lfllU; Itcsldtnce Ictttl ef W. IIEXXKTT. Linvjer. Ofilco ovor FlnnnKnn & Dennett Bl xin-oi.nni.i Ores" I w M. S.'TUHPEX. Architect Ovor Chambor of Comnwrc ailvMiwcxK mors sKitiors. Seven Tlionsuiiil Wine ii'wer l'arll cipnle Iu Denioiihtrntloii Dcsiro). li)B Pmnerty. (By Associated Press to Cros B.ij DAMEHY, Department of Mnrne, France. April 12. The champaRne Good Livery Service ' rrrv turr' iiwwi.-c fcnney new rigs, good horsefe nnd ' r.7.' ''IT .S " '' ,tf areful drivers are now at tho dls-i . , - J ,.i i, nr. rj-.. ....i.ii. IUil ut mu Vill'D 4.l MU1IV lib ItEASOXAHLi: RATES. RiMnvo'-ipi n o-e.. Anrll 11. Tlti SM-lnni"'l Pminoll i? in Pnettlc States Telnnhone & Telesmni I 11r& r,BS w,th rlvprs ready for any trip nnywnoro any imo, Horses hoarded and rigs cared for. eonnmnv n franchlso tnoierite lines In Springfield. The franohlso Elves the company the ufo of all streets nnd Kew hearse a special accomnnv alloys for poles. The city gets tho options provided for funeral parties use of five phones free, and tho pres ent ten'party lines must bo (hanged riots which begnn In, this, department so thnt;no niQro than four parties will yesterday were continued this morn- lie, on tho same Ino. Ing by tho excited populace. Wlno W. L. CONDRON'S IilVKKY AXD FKKt) ST".I1LT collars aro being destroyed and the EASTER SAUf -Tf CAKKS disorder Is spreadlug In splto of tho other COOlttn VWOHS BATURDAY presence of troops called out te pre- afternoon,'at'" FMRRY-MOXTGOM erro order. The tronbl bgAB yes. KRYS by ILADIIM rda.v on recelDt of bows trfrii6 Altar GUIL8. ot and KTISCOPAIj Have That Roof Fixed M XOW- "' ' See CORTHELL Tmvf 812tt - THE KAST AMI fOMMOIHOlS Steamer Redoiado lS ,vh!l Will ninkc regular trip, cnnylnS passenger botli ys ,m flvKlit between Coos Hay nnd San Francisco. AllreM-rvatlonsforpaengers iimile ut Alllmirq Drnk, Miirsliikld mm Imer-Ocean Tiansn P, V',,,r SS? wm ' n; ' S"" Frn,,c,fcC0- ,,,,r 'nfommtlnn .l, h!y! April Jil. " lfnmClW tW M"rs,",c,l,. Tl' (XTEU.QCEAX THAXSPOUTATIOX COMPANY. OLD RELIABLE STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS OX TIME Sails from Alnsworth Rock, Portland, ut n r Sails from Ooos Ray ever, Sature IZL'"' "T . not be held late, than Prjday noon, unless ticket "JSS ' UIUKKAXIXO, ACEXT MA n6rygW JOB PRINTING DONE ArfHiKtMFR' rJFICE. Snrincr Is He jT i. ni5;n. itnvn vourcvt UlIU BO IB I lllUfcui. ....- cleaned with my Vacuum del - Phone your ojI f0 cilisi OB worrf . " . .-'.. t. . .. etnre. '' 10 a in Aicurnry s ut. --'- PIXEtiOR. NOTICE OK HISSOIA'TIOX- Notice Is hereby given tb partnership, formerly eIs'lnS tyeen tho undersigned. tm .... -.., iiime and w ness unuer me '"" " be of "Ceo. Goodruni" has tWi dissolved by mutual consenc. uro inieresi oi uw "" 110m partnership business haT"1rlotJ purchased by Thayer Grime, , assumed all the liabilities M I,n?d. Vi to whom all accounts and duo the nrm have been ass .ill ha settlements hereafter win y uio nrm at mo tu'" - i nvenue and Broadway w" wjofj tinuod under tbe name - ,m gory". Gep.- Goodrum will n m be responsible for anj contracts ,pf Jlabllittea nershlp, ' Ddted 11, 1911, of tne i of t& at Marehfleld, OrJ' GEO. QOODRB TUAYR .j at. ii4ta.P Srv f