The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 13, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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li t
In nn entirely different nplrtt written
by nn Irntc citizen who tnkes Imiic
J with The Times. 1'nllko the Coo
I liny Dairyman who rIriis his. name
this other party In not bravo omniRh
to sIrii hln or lior name, tint hlil
i behind the nom do illume of "llen.l-
IMIIor ami Tub. 01 " Tho writer of this letter throat
Xran IMItor ens to stop the subtwrtptlon to this
.. I tiftwsHiHr. beeniiM? w bnve been
An independent it-publican new- ,,rRV0 wmgh t 8pofl,. 0M ,,,, ,
papsr i.ubllshed every evening oxcopt ( ,Iofenw, of 01lr ,lonK, ln,illRtrlM. We
Kntered nl tho poslofliee at Marsh
flold. Oregon, for transmission
through tho mails as second class
ninll matter.
Sundsy, and Weekly by
Tho Vmn liny Times 1'iil.lMiliig Co. ,; nmy f-o , e tnmQ ,(f ,,,,
Uedlcnted "to the rwrvlce of the, that we will not cry If such citizens
people, thnt no good ciunw shall look do stop their subscription to The
big ninll order bouses to leiyn thnt
the different members of tbeso houses"
hardly ever use any dt tMo! type
writers, stoves, farm' impleme'hts and
ronnlless other thtiiKS that tlicy bbII.
For ywrs Sears Itoebuck & Co., have
been athortlslng their cream separa
tors nB better than tho Do l.rtvnl, yet
It was discovered the other dny that
Hlchnrd W. Soars, founder of thnt
house Is using four Do t.nvnl separa
tors on the different fnrms. If Mr.
a oliampion, nuu intu ovu snaii nui
thrlvo unopposed.
Ono year JG.00
Per month
nay tq that render nnd to any other Soars does not believe that the mer
chandise his house Is selling Is good
enough for his own personal use, It
Is dtlllcult to understand why some
people continue to trade with such
Wo wnnt nn oxprosalon from these
mall order 'house patrons, Just ns
"Header" has expressed hlniBolf. Out
bo brnvo enough to sign your nnino
Whon paid strictly In advance tho Bt,.00t8. Thoy suck tho commercial
subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay
Times Is JG.00 por year or $2.50 for
six months.
Ono year $1.50
OIllcliil Paper of Coos County
Address .all communications to
Multifield :: :: :: :: Oregon
N a recent Issuo of The Times there
nppenred n strong editorial casti
gating Coos Day citizens for send-
lnr; $25,000 away during tho year
to foreign mail order or catalog
houses. This article was written and
published for the single purpose of
educating tho people of this city nnd
community ngalnst dealing with theae
lioufton and In favor of patronizing
homo merchants, whether those mer
chants reside hero and do luminous
lioro or elsewhere In Cooi county.
Wo have board some friendly nnd
somo unfriendly comment upon tho
The mall order houses leave not a
dollar of business with this little
newspaper or this printing plant
Thoy spond not a lollar hero Mi
taxes, not n dollnr In helping us build
our roads or pave or Improve our so thnt wo may know who you nro
and can help convince you that you
are wrong, and let us nnd somo of
our merchants show you bow and
why you err.
j Following Is tho letter sent by
'"Header" to Tho Times nnd we pub
lish It In full and without changes:
Marshflcld, Ore., April 10, 1911.
Kdltor Times:
, I notice, what I suppose you call
a smart nnd Interesting article, In
The Times In regard to tho catalog
houses. I order very nearly all my
goods, shoes and hnrdwnrc that I
and my family use. And for what
reason? Simply because a worklnn
nmn can't afford to pay the Coos
liny prlcos for tho goods be uses.
You talk In Vour llttlo pnpor ns
blood from our merchants nnd In the
end the citizen who buys those goods
gets n cheaper, article tbnu he could
buy n bolter nrtlcle for a little nioro
money aphonic.
If every citizen of Coos Hay and
, Coos county did like "Header" says
he dees, then there would be no Coos
liny Times or other county papers to
defend tho people's rights or help in
the development of this city nnd
county's rosourcos. Tho business men
would soon close their shops, nnd
when this Is done the county newspa
pers will close their doors nnd move
tholr plants to other nioro lucrntlvo
Holds of endeavor. 'Wo cannot exist
upon the subscription money thnt
comos lazily llowlng Into the coffers, though people can't tell good goodH
of this nowspnpor.
We ropoat that nny man or woman
who on r n 8 his or her livelihood In
this city or county Is disloyal to tho
Intorosts of tholr home when thy
send this money galloping Into tho
coffors of, a $30,000,000 corporation
thnt annually declares a dividend of
thirty-three and one-third per cent
upon Its capital.' We ask If nny of
these ninll order bouses extends to
you, Mr. "Header" a lino of credit
who;! you hnppeu to be out of work,
when you or your family Is sick? In-
stand wo havo taken nnd have re-
i ..... I.. . ...
coivou some luiiura in roiorouco iu ; (k,U(, oti They domand that you go
this important question. One lettor t0 tho pot omco or 0X,,re8B olllce nnd
Is. vory fair and polntH out, another Inco yolir IIU)noy ,,, the form of
ubuso that should bo checked. This
lotter from a Coos nay dairyman
is ns follows:
"Mnrshflold, Ore., April 10, 1011.
Kdltor Coos Day Times: Iu your
Issuo of April 7, under the bending,
'Catalog Houses Get $2r.,'000,' you
from chenp, trashy goods. It's
strango thnt the pcoplo keep on or
dering. It sccniB they would gel
noxt to themselves sometime. For
myself I hnvo bought nnd priced
goods here nnd I find I can order the
snmo nrtlclo exactly nnd pay freight
nnd snvc from thirty to ninety per
cent. Ab to you publishing the
names of thoso ordering goods, I
suppose no ono Is nshamod of It. And
ono good thing you can pass no lnw
prohibiting goods from coming
through tho mnlls, express nnd
freight. If such a lnw wns to tnko
effect people would havo 'to' leav.4
coos nay, ror notuing snort or a
negotiable order and It Is cashed ami iBilllIannlro could keep clothed.
cioposiieu in tno Ulilcngo, ;ow ork, Soon n8 ,ny aubscrlptlon Is up I'll
Portland, Seattle or San Francisco over ,my nothor cent for Tho Times
the MnrshMold or North Hend banks
to help these Institutions along. If
. . ... .... . i - - - f
ot n uouar or it is sent to-n ... ,,,, ,. rnna TinvwHnt.R '
' . 4 M
'It sells for nioro than1 lfnworth."
tho farmer needs a loan from n bank
score mo men no wufk on ion. uy , r ,rom a business house, can he wioxbT. S. KAUFJ1AN& CO YOUR
...... uv.... ..u.. .. ..nva uKiwn"! inn o wiro nr write n nutnr n
nnd other places for goods. I fully
agrco with you In your contention
thnt wo should all patronlzo homo
merchants nnd homo Industries as
far ns poBslblo, but tboro are two
sides to this question, nnd I think Ic
would bo well for you to look at both I
sides, nnd wiien you puollsu tno
names of the men and women, who
gain tholr employment horo, nnd
aontl tholr wnges to tho foreign cata
log bouses, publish also tho names of
tho morchants, who nro depending on
tho peoplo hero for business, and aro
Bonding tholr money away, to pay for
butler, bought of a Chicago Packing
IIouso, whon there Ih enough In Cooa
county for nil. The money for this
butter goes to tho same place as the
$14,000 for which you say, "Shame
on such people of this city for their
dloloynlty." Tho people who send
away for goods, do so because they
think thoy save money by doing so.
Tho morchnutH buy the Chicago Pack
ing House butter, because they make
a llttlo moro pro lit by doing so.
Thoro aro some morchnnta horo
who buy very llttlo If any Coos Hay
buttor, sending hundreds of dollars
oach month to other places for it,
yot thoy make a great fuss If n Cooa
Dny dairyman sends to Portland for
a hundred dollars worth of goods.
Coos Hay Dairyman la right. The
Times has no moro uho for the mer
chant, business man or banker who
Bonds away for articles that may bo
purchased at home than he has for
tho disloyal citizen who makes his
monoy hero and then sonds It away
to build up Portland, San Fraucla-o
nnd Chicago bouses. It Is by stand
ing by each other that communities
muke progress nnd grow prosperous.
Home Industries nnd home business
houses should receive tho support of
homo people
Now for tho other lettor which M
Scars, Hoobuck & Co., or Montgo
mery, Ward & Co., and havo them go
good for him at tho ban,k or furnish
him money to develop his farm or
business with money from tholr over
flowing till.
Wo say that It Is for tho best in
terests of every citizen to buy at
home. Hero Is an oxamplo showing
thnt thoso big owners of mnll order
houses havo no faith In tho shoddy
stock thnt they sell. It Is taken from
tho tiles of tho Northwest Furnltuio
Hovlow and has not boon doulod by
tho sonlor member of tho big Chicago
mall order house:
It will bo Interesting uowa to our
farmers who have boon buying o.f tho
Don't Worry
jj About the
Drink Stafford's Ico Cream Soda
pure water, pure cream, puro fruit
Juices, mako n delightful, healthful,
refreshing and invigorating drink.
Don't forgot
PHONK 214.J.
tho Turkish Hatha
Curtain Specials
The following prices should be of great Interest to those who desire good stales
and good qualities at Low Prices.
RUFFLED SWISS CURTAINS, per pair -- ------ -- 90c
HEMSTITCHED RUFFLED SWISS, per pair --- -- '- ----$1.25
SCREEN FOR STENCILLING, per yard -,.T- --, ---25c
The Greatest Line of Rugs
Ever Shown Here
See our Special Bungalow Designs and Colorings,
Perry, Montgomery Co.
v., '.
We dislike to "knock." We much prefer to
boost. As a progressive local business institu
tion we believe, as a rule, in saying kind
'things, or letting unkind words go unsaid.
On ono particular subject, however, wo be
lieve that intelligent "knocking" is warranted
and justified. .
That subject is the GASOLINE COOK STOVE.
The gasoline cook stove deserves harsh treat
ment because it KILLS AND MAIMS many
people and DESTROYS a great deal of PROP
ERTY annually.
Any one who reads the newspapers knows
we are telling the truth. Nearly everyone
knows first hand of incidents bearing out our.
statement. It is not necessary to quote figures,
Honior Mnuzey, one of the driven
and the solicitor for us is out for
J-uundry. Watch him! ho la llablo
to stop you on tho utrcet nnd explain
all details of Laundry and also to bo
at your homo any time, Ho knowi
Laundry business from A tj Z.
Marslifield Hand and
Steam Laundry
Coal Cheapest Fuel
on Cofts Bay
Lump coal Nut coal $3.00.
Wo do nil dnds of hauling, and
contracting. Horses nnd vehicles fpr
Bale. For quick dollvery call on
or phono 120-J or 49-U
Front St 1 10 Central
In tho matter oL, E. Drown-'tind
Arthur Drown, co-partnora V,
known as, "Jlrown Brothers, nnd
h. K. Drown and Arthur Brown1
as Individuals.
Tho undornlgncd will recolvo seal
ed bids up to 12 o'clock noon of
Tuesday, April 18th, 1911, for Uiq
following described porsonnl prop
erty belonging to said estate, to-wjt;
a stock of general merchandise con
sisting principally of dry goods, ladles
and gents clothing nnd furnishing
goods, hats, gloves, shoes, crockory
nnd grocorles of tho Inventory valuo
of $1, 0G. 13, togothor with a lot of
atoro fixtures of tho Inventory valuo
of SG9S.00, nil locnted at Myrtle
Point, Coos Co,, Oregon. On Inven
tory may be seen at tho oftlco of the
undersigned No. 7 First street,
Portlnnd, Oregon, and at tho olllce of
C'. A. Sohlbrede, Rofereo In Bankrupt
cy, Mnrshfleld, Orogon, and tho prop
erty may bo Inspected upon applica
tion to F. E. RubsoU iu charge of
Drown Brothers' store nt Myrtle
Point. Cash or a certified check for
ten per cent, of tho amount offered
must accompany oach bid, and tho
right la resorvod to reject nny nnd
nil bids, tho said salo being made
subject to confirmation of the Court.
All bids will bo oponed at tho ofllce
of tho undorslgned,
R. L. SADIX, Trustee.
Datod April 7th, 1911.
Why not avoid danger and cook
with G'A S this summer?
The, gas range is not fool proofbut it is
absolutely safe if used with COMMON care
and caution. Compared with a gasoline cook
, stove, however, it is as harmless as tho old
homestead on a sunny June afternoon.
Ask the New Business Department for details.
Telephone 178.
iThe Demand Is So Great
for tho
"New Mazda" '
That wo havo boon nblo to got only
ono-half caso of thoso lamps out of
an ordor for flvo caBcs placed slit;
days ago. Dut can supply out trad
with tho best lamp mado whllo they
Coos Bay Wiring Co.
PHONE 237-J.
l I tal hi1I.'hIIiii. h llioj ritmuit rtml
tliiMlUiMiM if iMirtt'iii nf Mm ir Tliero I 11 lj
tono wh In uiMMlfHf I'D ,mul Hint U w roil
UlUllllllllll lllliml'i'k Pl'Mflll" Ik IHIlHtl ll
atllnllHin.M.ii illil uof.liii miii .ma lining nl
Hie Kiisim liln lulu' W Iiimi IliU iiiIh U In
IIhiimmI ii Imvi'tt rinuMiiiit muiinl itf luip-r-fi'i
i li. iirint hihImIh'ii ! i I'liilu'l" olivnil
IifHfiu I-ilu rr-ull, mill iiiiIm tin liillum
nailoii i nit In' liil it nut mul till In orlurt
t iu iiiirinul c inlllliiii ImuliiK li lio !
tt iimiI (on o .iilni uw nut "f 1 1' nrot'iiiltil
liy t'ul-rrli utili-liU imlliiiitc hul nil lull m
uuil rnmlitloit of lliv mm linn kiirfuuvi
vlll kIvo One IIiunlriHl Iiolliirn for mi)
ca c of ili'iitiicn (cnntil li cuttirrli) tlMt tan
not Ih rnrnl lir IU.i'n I'ttHrth Citro
for clriuUri, free, . .
V. J PIIRNRV A CO., Tolcio, O.
Bold by I)riixRlU. TV-
Jn.t (Ull'i fumlljr rill for ronttipatlon.
Flanagan & Bennett Bank
Established 1889
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits Over $100,000
Assets Over ...... $500,000
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
First National Bank
Capital fully paid $100,000.00
Surplus 0,000.00
W,' S.' Ch'andler, M. C. Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer.
. President, Vice-President. Cashier.
W. S. Chandler,
-W,'U, Douglas,
John F. Hall,
F. S. Dow,
John S. Coke,
Wm. Grimes,
S, C. Rogers,
W. P. Murphy,
M, C. Horton,
Does a general banking business,
Interest paid on. time and savings deposits,
Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at
$3,00 and up per year,
Dally stago between Roseburg and Marslifield. Stngo leave,
and Sundays at 7 p. m. Faro, $0.00.
vrxxw Buitnx-r&m agent, 0, nAT,v.T,
ararshfleld. Agent, ROSEnimG, Or
PHONE 11 ' '
Polks Oregon
and Washington
Stnto Giuettcor nnd 'llus.nm Direc
tory. Just Issued for 1911-12 Is the most
conipleto work of tho kind published.
It contains an nccurato business di
rectory of ovory city, town and Til
1 lago In Orogon and Washington, and
I tho names and addresses ot country
merchants and professional men,
lurabermon, etc., who aro located ad
Jacont to vlllagos; also lists of goT
eminent and county ofllcers, commls
slonors of deeds, state boards, statu
tory provisions, torras of courts,
names of tho postmasters, postofflces,
express, tolephono and telegraph of
fices, Justices of trio peace, hotels,
dally and wookly nowspapers; be
sides much othor Jnform'atlon useful
to all classes ot business and profes
sional men. A descriptive sketch of
oach place Is given, embracing vari
ous items of Interest, suoh as the lo
cation, population, distances to dif
ferent points, tho most convenient
shipping stations, tho products that
are markoted, stago communication,
trade statistics, tho nearest bank lo
cation, mineral interests, churches,
schools, libraries and societies. An
Important feature Is the classified di
rectory, giving ovory business arran
ged under Its special heading, thus
enabling subscribers to obtain at a
Blanco a list of all houses manufac
turing or dealing In any particular
line of goods. Tho work generally
Is compiled to deserve their liberal
PRICE $0.00.
.,.JfW?jKA.i! t l
"- ---