THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1911 EVENING EDITION ARBOR DM TO ! BE OBSERVED ff'ohflltuvl I'-trn MP I tit pupil of ili rnr (trades oh Mm wall or the lower Assembly ball. I'Mptls of the higher grades will have thr work on exhibition on the walls Day iit the upper Assembly hall. Tlwre will he decoration in, the rttrloua rooms, celebrating ArlHir Dajr nMtl Knitter Snnday. Parents of puplli In nil grade 'tire cordially Invited. Sovonth Krndo program consists of recitations with rending of nuliool pnpor ly Eddie Holt. Flint Grade. All tliu Birds Have Come Again Chorus. Arbor Day .Memory Gems School. Motion Bong, A Woo Llttlo Neat Twenty-four glrla. Woodpecker Song Chorus. Arbor Day Bird Song Eight boys. The Dlrdfl Concert Chorun. Memory gem, Llttlo Miss Dnlsy '' School. Daisy drill Fourteen boys and girls. Fussy Willow Song Chorus. flhg salute School. 1,1 ' Second Grade. Welcome song-. Exorcise, Tho Tree Three boys and three girls. Song. Exorcise, Why wo Should Plant Trees Four hoys and four girls. i Song. . Drill by entire grade Exorcise What do you Plant When you Plant a Tree By ten hoys and girls. Song. Exorclso, Arbor Hay Eight boys and girls. Play, Thorn's Somebody Knocking. Song. Exorcise, Tho Planting Two'lvo boysnnd girls. "" ' Drill by entire grade. Song. Recitation. Tommy the Pretender IMilovn Wheeler. Kecttntlon. Arhor Day Thelmn Talwr. tterltallon. A Rear Day Virginia t'Urke. Rerltntlm. Mother Mature' New ('.irrn-t Ray Prtttkart. fl.r.-y. The Bo Who Hated Ttws Itut'i Onlden. . K" Rattan, Little Johnny !Unkln Beaa Flanagan. fCxerelee, THe Coming of Arbnr tly the fmni. If Uih (ffmle. Anna. Rob WhlteClase. Reeltntlon, Urandmn Knows ie Tot ten. Reclla'lnn. Tn Chickens' Dinner Grorge Kuglund. Hon. April Day Class. Ueeltntlon. The Awakening '' Spring Marguerite Wiseman. Recitation Kills Dodge. Song, Arbor Day Class. Recitation, Ready for Spring Earnest Holm ph. I Recitation, Spring Chester Con- dron. Recitation, Easter Day Cleo. Hon-gcll. Recitation, Easter Day Elzlo Lingo. Recitation, Pussy Willow Arthur Chrlstcnscn. Song, Tho niuo Ulrd Class. Drill, Arbor Day Eight boys and girls. Bong, Careless Potatoe Class. Song, Grasshopper Green Class. Sixth Cirnrie. Song, Wolcomo All. Recitation, 'TIh Arbor Day Pearl Miller. Recitation, Germination of Edwin Ilongell. iKKLD ' ONE OF NOT Contlts Enumerator Says Ail Wottcrn Cities of It8 Size Were Disappointed. ' Editor Times: We arte with The Times In refer ence to tbe olllotal census report, i iton It my, "ven ohii got recount K we go nftor It In the proper way." Let us tint sit back and miy "I told j on so." ' ' If Murshlleld lm llvo thousand, or oven four thousand, wu are entitled to have those llgurea go down in the official record Instead of two-thou-saud nine hundred and eighty. If our cuumerntorB failed to give us n true count, through neglect, willfulness or Indolence, tho law pro vides a penalty and they ought to be punished. If they failed becauso of Incompetency of course they cannot bo punished, since thoro is no law .against Ignorance. Hut in any en bo if they failed to glvo Us a trti6 count wo are entitled to a recount. Let us get at it at once: First, be cause tho national records will soon bo closed against further challenge, and second, tho steamer "Hazel Dollar" 1b In port, with a largo crow and will Ball soon. , Let us act and act soon. But if wo cannot get a recount, wo can con Seeds B0'o oursolvcs by remembering that every town In tho west, Of Marsh- Marshficld Bandon The HUB FOR. Q.UALITY, STYLE AND BEST VALUE A Splendid Showing of Men's Easter Clothes " . iii i ii l titti "I linn iiiii Benjamin Clothes In these magnificent garments you find.the art and ideals of the very best tailoring. These clothes are built to give the wearer utmost satisfac tion in style and quality. The Suits and Overcoats for Spring wear possess a per fection of their own. The Best at the price of the ordinary; ghat's our 'assur ance. So why not have the Best7 Men's Finest Spring Suits and Overcoats &1 f CVS BintealiLCIsthtt v CASH ONLY "MONEY TALKS" Recitation, What tho Trees Said no'(1's c,nHS. wn disappointed to the Edith Hnwknuin. tune of from ono to thrco thousand. Recitation, Not Unlit that Way Chester Lcnct. Recitation, Whnt They Call It Monroe Upton. MltS. n. It. IIWW1.TT. COUNT ANGERS PENDLETON. Recitation, Arbor Day Workers Census Total IndlcateN That City Story Musson. Exorclso, A Choice of Trees Four boys- Song. Sing More, Sing There All. Itecltntlon, My Ma Sho Khowb Milton Johnson. fluliiK. Only .11 In II) Vein. PENDLETON, Ore, April 12 The rccolpt of tho oulclnl census report for Pendleton giving n population of 1460 and showing a gain of Q-i per sons or exactly 1 per cent In 10 i 4 '.,! Tl.ll '..... I.. . - . I l- .II I14I1II-. T ' r r - . . , ,, -, - I uuciuiuiiii, iiirvu kiuiu ireen ycnr hns nroused a storm of protojf .Inek Merchant. , anil dlHgttst In this city. Hcrllntlnn. Why They Plant Seeds' . "Karclcal"'and "unfair" are a few l.llllan Cook. Song School. Kecltatlon, Greeting RuksIo Var ey. N Recitation, The First Singing Les son Corlnno Dye. Itecltntlon, An April Welcome Thomas Crosthwnlte. 8ong School, Chorus of Flowers Knuna Doug las, Elslo HllHtrom, Edith Ayro, Flor rnco Flanngan. Itecltntlon, My Treo Doris Seng stneken. Iieadlng, The Traveler's Tree Douglas IlurrnugliH. Heading, Tho Palm Treo Stelln Erlckson. Reeltntlon, Have You n Tree? Theodore Daly. 8ong School. Rending Opnl Whohrey. Kecltatlon, The Hole In Ills Poc ketFred (tenfold. Rending Elvn Johnson. Itecltntlon, Arbor Day Illlmoro flrnnt. Song School. 'of tho mildest terms applied to the Exerclso. Thrco Trees Mil Mllner roort, but at this late day It Is not and Jnck Cartor. believed any protest will bo mado iiuuuimiiii, alburn) .Mini in ah- to tho department other James Smcaton. It wns'lcnrncd that the H00 bona Reeltntlon. Lnment of n Llttlo Olrl.Hilo nnirles fiirnlsluxl liv thn Pnnimm.. Edna Lando. jcnj 'Association workers nfter the Recitation, Going On An Errnnd uovornmout consus-takers had failed (- - Myrtle Lonot. to do' their work properly wore reject- Song, Como to tho Green Woodrl0l, i,y the C01BIIB uiroctop. No tea- "" " I boh was glvtin for throwing out theso Recitation. On Thla Arbor nay ; nB,CB though It Is declnred thoro Helen Smith. , Recitation, Thij (irltlo Einll Huck ni nu. Recital Ion, When Wo Plant a Seed Ethel Lingo. Reeltntlon, An Easter Song Ilen riette EstiiR. Song, Historic Trees All. Rending of Paper Albert Ilur-roughs. e.vstsiim:. It Ir uotinrnllv nntinArlnil Hint tlinrrt Itecltntlon. name Nature's Reclpo a M' SMMC " f ' h"s many advantage not was not n "fnk'o" ono In tho list. Gordon Sandherg. Heading Enrnest Johnson. Song School, Itecltntlon, Dicky nnd the Pears Dertlo llnmptnn. Ueeltntlon, Didn't Want Much Jiinulta Ellerby, Reeltntlon. Small Ueglnulng Clyde McOary. Drill, Awakening of the Flowers Lillian Senman, Agnes Johnson, Ha moiul MeKeown, Allco Flan.ignn, re Grant, Rlanche Cmipjo, Jeauetto El I re Upton, Jane Mael.aln. Song School. Fourth (iriule. Song Spring Flowers. Recitation, April loin Lonimov. Recitation. Arbor Day Ik Hero Martha Sprngue. Reeltntlon, Planted Himself o Grow Edgar Farley. Itecltntlon. Little Ulrd Ulue Alma Pratt. Itecltntlon, Always Dluner Time Irene Oultuetto. itealtntlou. Door of Sprang- All-e Johnson. Song. Now to the Woods. Erorolse, rnklng Three boys. Recitation, Playing School- Mabel Lingo. Itecltntlon, Spring Alice Denning Recitation, In April Rnlny Weath er Clara Ferguson. Reeltntlon, Kitty Know Anna Storgnrd. Recitation, Daino Nature's Recipe Helen Gulovson. Itecltntlon, If 1 Wore a Sunbeam Jam os Knox, v Exercise, Trees Five girls an J tlw toys, Bong, Spring Time Comlug. Sil.l.OOO FOR SALOON LICENSE. LYNNFIELD. Mnss., April 12. Although this town voted for license nt Its annual election, If the plans of tho bonrd of selectmen nro carried out It will probably remain dry. Chnirtuan Perkins of tho bonrd says: "1 do not think ?2r,000 Is too much to ask for n liquor license." Perkins, opinion Is also vplced !iv the two other members of tho board, who nro tompernnco advocates. pnpsofsed by other olty-Hltes: nnd tiro'ierty enn he pecurel there bv (oniopopl'ers and lnviston with Mm Ited menus. To encournKR smnll Inventors and furnish the foundation for n savlntP peioiint. wo wl offer for the no thlrtv days 20 lots nt $"0 eaeh. on terms of IS. 00 down nnd $2.50 per month. Don't delay Investment, ns thepe itp will make you money while you a-o nnleen, TITLE GFVRANTFE AND Ad STRACT COMPNNY. IFRY SENGSTVCKKN. Manager. My New Cadillac Foro Door Auto for hfro. Phone Rudolph Lackstrom, 231 It. Ed's RU Hard Room. After midnight Phono 1S1X. Cnreful driving assured. DO IT NOW Lay in your supply of wood now and avoid the usual summer rush. "We have plenty of wood and just at present can deliver it promptly. A little later, when orders begin to pile in, we will not be able to give you our undivided atten tion. 12-in. Stove Wood $2.00 per dump load Fire Place Blocks $2.50 por dump loud Wo can furnish you a man to split and pi'lo it if desired. CJ. SMITH LUMBERS MTG. CO. PpONE 19-J 182 So. Broathvay PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOfir WlVl''Mtlllb m, tlBilU Grnduato of tho Amerhan cchod tf I Osteopathy nt .Klrksvllle, Mo. In Eldorndo Dlk. Hours 10 to Mil 4; Phofao 1G1-J; Mnrshflcld; 0r ryi. J. V. INGRAM, - l'liyslcliiu and Surgeon. ' 200-210 Coko Bulldlnt Phonesr Olllco lOJj Rcsldtnctl J. W. 1JENNETT, Ijuvjcr. Ofllco ovor Flanagan &. Bennett I Marshficld Ow M. S. TUItPEX, W Architect Over Chamber of Comnorct Spring Is Here nnu so is l'inegor. nave your w, cloanod with my Vacuum ckt No dust or worry. Phone your or to 21G McCrary's Drug Store.-JUi PINKGOR. iB A K:'.alJ.llfWllTiljrilllfu MHt,fJFJV I'M than Ire ti Vj WWLK jW lour litcftt dftl- 9 P"jm 'iflr r nor .v Jpfcppv price- h t)M m Mtudrilon tH m fKILLb KtUULLU H v un DBia Rafi rm nii H Wl&Aowi. uK-Sil!. Wk H 2 poc r-w ' S'MrSJ W Art rn-t P rt to oxuVWH i Cut'ag V"r"n( Door. I t3& uM y: :s up cS pH H fM ImU. KlnUk 8U t-'V Tv3S V H 8.Dd ioul lor cattlofua VbLJ M m 0. B. W IltAMS co. vRl JM3 Tint Av. s. VRS1! v sr Wfc " rt Ilk first Class' Laundry work Is most desirable to anyonr wishing their linen to possess that particular finish so. necessary tr gpod tnsto In dress, WE DO THAT CLASS OF WORK Ono Trial will Convince. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 7-J Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good horses and careful drivers are now nt tho dis posal of the Coos nay public nt REASONARLE KATES. Rlss or rigs with drivers ready foi any trip anywhore any time. Horsee boarded nnd rigs cared for. New hearse and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties I.IVERV AND FEED STARLITS PHONE 27:MJ Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone SIS1 "THE FItlKMi OK COOS RAY" S. S. ALLIANCE CO.N.NKrri.NG WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLWI) WILL SAIL FROM Marshfield for Portland, Saturday, 2PM Pimvr . .NOnT" I,AC,FI 3T,:AMS,, COM1WSV. ' ' ' ' C. p. McOEORQE, A(sent THE FAST AND COM.MODIOfS Steamer Redondo (Eqiiliiped tvhh M'lreless II III tt III I' It Hitffltl tM IhIl. ... . . ..!. ; ; coi, : ; --j :n rrT -- "- .... llllllil II .tlll....n.. II. l. w ..... . 1 e " . ... '"y m lnier.Ocenn . miiTi n Mill I ,ii, , s,. yf)t M-.I or SIH3. Will Mill fi-iiui S tiny, April i:J. (NTER-OCEAN , .. ' ' .""""" u,n,t,l,"'ntloiisfopi,,,ss,,i, "U'ld and ,,U.r.Ocn, Transp. Co. in Irnneisco. For Information phon, "" ,,pcwo for .Marine,, Thurs- y.X 'nt-SPORTrrioy ro.MPANV. 'KmaBmmmmmwmmuimaKmmotmmammjmrTmm 'm f NOTICE TO CO.NTIIACTORi NOTICE Is hereby given thit cd bids will bo received br tit i dorslKned up to 10 o'clock A. 1 April 14. l'JIl, at the Court Ho in Conulllo City. Coos Count;, con. for tho Dulldlng of arwi' nccordanco with tho specific. tho ofllco of tho County Clerk Coos County, Oregon, from oi 731-nluo.GS to Station UW (Jackson Bluff) on the road Ieti from Allegany to tho Dougln C ty lino. Said road way to !"" ten foot In width on solid rfc Work to bo completed br MP first. 1911. Tho right is roserved to reJ" or all bids, Datod this 22nd day ol 1911. ALFRED 0I .Road Supervisor of Road a No, 6 Coob County, OLD RELIAIH.E STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Sails from Ooos ALWAYS ON TIME .liibworth Dock, Portland, nt 8 P m os Ray every Salurttav nt . ",i'.:. .CVC,y T,,,"'- nlll not be held later than Friday noon.unlc. ck Z' "we,tlo' L. 11. KEATING. AGENT u'e"HcketBaro purchased rO.NK MAIN 3STL NOTICE OF DISSOIATW- i i Notice is hereby given tb nm-rnnrsliln formerly eXtln ' rtvoon .!, iminraimied. doing 00 ...,.i i. iirm namewR1 m.oo iittuui IUU i of "Geo. Goodrum" has tbla w iiCcr.H.o,i i.v tmiiiinl consent, t" tire interest of Geo. Goodrum ,ai hiuibiiiii uuhiiv.. . ij .. n.tmrt.tW'l purcna8oa oy inayei ""- ,f no.,,i nil Mm iiniillltlcatberf01 to whom nil accounts and P duo the firm havo been aslsJ; flm nH. flm nnrilGT 01 mu in in uv viiu v."-- . avenue and Broadway '" -tlnued under the name or gory". Geo. Goodrum vl bo responsible for any of tbe contracts or liabilities or nersh,P- ....- Datod nt Marshrieru, ""' 11, 1911. r.KO G00 THAVERflj2 GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' Have your calling rd P"' OFFICE. 'The Times office. "T-vy