XV 'TvT-; rv? r" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1911 EVENING EDITION i-j 1 II! i Hi Ml W . c. f ' ! ': is (. M i 1)1 t: lti l'nleridty nrlionl. hut as to the i.mln iiurpnMW thrr can Ih lint one c n -iimlon. naun'ly. thnt the training will l along the linn of technical Mini IiiikIiipm administration iif city government. Clvlca are taught Im lira pMte IfeMtor ami luH. schools, but the study I not scimtl- Xews ldlltor flr. It hut little more mint thM tlra . - rtudy of politics In the college; It , ndent Republican at.- ymlw of --a bU. , -bed every evening .xcept mMm kBowlwlw of ln Bttbrt. j, " J M"l'r hf ii uMfui in to fur aa It leads the uttt- i May YHNW 1'nMMilng P.. ,0 undmtJllldl of ik9 COOS BAY TIMES Hnterei at the pimioince at Mnrwli (laid, Oti'H'in. for trannmlMl m through tlo malls an teeond clam V M matter. -"Err? MINKY MU.OXKV " ii ! . u.'J to the service of the theory of municipal gorernmont. but Ik , ti at no good cauaa ahull lack H alforda no spe-lil traliiing'for pro. a th.i....lon. and that trll shall not Bclency In any branch or tMl Ui.hr unopposed. ernmant. City government ahonld b dival-i oped aa a science that Ii non-polltlcal. for tha rtueationa thnt It haa to dual f.vu wijfc and thM tirnhUniM that It liu to hlltSCKIPttOX KATIW DAI I A. Or., i .a !' ' ' ' 'th 0 -0iv Bav really nntlilna to (to with U ' . n paid ttrlctly In advance tha IMJjtc, i0 far t,e ii,lt,r9ttB of the h. ojptlon price of tha Gooa Bay ctWMi are concerned. City nimn-T- us la $5.00 per year or $2.60 for cering, dty aocountiiig, cty 0Rn. six tiuntha. earing, city atreet RUperintondaiieof WI815KLY. t city police and Ilro mnnngemont, city Oiji year ,....$1.60 . niajrgnmnd and imrk anpurvlHlon, city (architecture mid building, city educa tion, Hit and chnrlty cadi of thane Official Paper of CMHi County OK MAItSHPIKLIf. OVVlCIAh VAVIUI OK TIIK CITY nffor.1 nn oxcallont field for the ape- 1 clatlflt. If wo can only gut nwny from the fool till I dun thnt tho business of oach la to he peddled nhout from yenr I to yonr as a political favor, Instead of being conducted on the basis of competency and high achievement. Aa wo grow In wisdom wo will tin Address all r-rminunlcntlon to COOS MAY DAILY TIMICS. Miirlim)M :: :: :: :: Oregon MIItACLK OI TIIK THICK. "" ' ' ' ' ,,. I III HH -.! . "S AlVQn TJlfTufc,-, iY55tSkn o JfrAJf 4UM mm ulin.mt '-rjl.ly UlliliiKlngMhimt clotl Xii. I rw9f Jfe- 1 M,, ,H v,l," "'"',v Uv '"'r Hnvsl ,,u',,ny "IH " U ""'' With 7lf-f fL-fM natiiiwl that u -I hi ih' !" ltimpls In Unit lliif WA r.Xrl laaTaaaJjT. ll aWV . a litill...il XI.. -N fcsAS'Ofl WXL'h & n. ,ilrlnr' Miown here Is nn oxni'i iiiu'hcnm in "iiri-nir s J AIyH mRjMSdWL A. "l,M,l', f'"' M,'n '" Irt,,,,,, ,w",,l,' i'io i?... "" vi 3)r V nlH JIiK'MiliilK niHiiy otlu'is. i- f Nvfl Sir VSSGat NV, ",,t '"" .von,'?",,r '" I"'"1'" l"",,,,0,l' wiiii i no ruin, jr i i ,i (!s IMOl TOl"' KW& Iuk Klml mmimiiiV vA Easter Walk-Over Shoes y(jfk - kWjh' ' MaEes (Mb Matsosi w! KLjwy&yj MAitsnnniiD's i,::aihni ot rrrr- jtA " -y' (t jlViSw TKHH AND II ItMSlI Kits. QjX l'??Z waafaafcaaaaaaaaaMMMowBMaMiMiiMMcaaMyajpjftjiijjjjjjijjjP, iiBiiHiwaaiaiiiiiitiiiiiiiaiaiT1winMWTBTWTT11'1gyTrnffrn7 mi nnj An HLD droppod an acorn by tho ,1bt,' e ' vlow of c,t' By- WATCH ! NOTICE ! bank of a atream, nnd wont on ornmet- Wo .hnll not thou rely;" v plijylng. upon tlio unlveiHltlos nnd (yollci;c8 for , Homer .Mauzcy, one of tho drivers v...i ...i..t.. ..,u ".....I ...hi... ...t 'he trnlnlug of HpoclnllHta, In will 'aim tho boncl.or ior uh U out for , , conduct thnt trnlnlug tit llrat hnnd In ! '-.ntinclry. Watch him!' ho is llnblu Bummor. nnd tho aun shone and tho t,)U oUy hKh MlmoUf whonj tlo Bt"t0 Btop you on th(J Btfccl nm, oxp,nln rnin oamo oowu, aim auur a vmiiio U(nt w ,)(J n QwU wUh tJ(J nctl(U n dotalla of Laundry nnd nIBo to ho local problems ho miiHt wroatlo with nt your homo nny time. lie knows Intel on. tho winds found that thoy hnd a new plaything on the river bank. And the treo grew nnd grew nnd piiHlicd out Its branches nnd lifted Its hoad up towards the sun, nnd Btrotuhed Uh tirma out wider nnd wider; Ita trunk beenmo moro sturdy, and children played honnnth Its whlsporlng loaves; and nt Inst, many, ninny years nflerwnrtls, a man camo by In tho heat of n Hummer day. And ho stooped nnd drank from tho utronm, and then aat down In the ahado of tho groat old trco, and said: ".My! hut thla Is ploaanntl" .luikm .i. hill si:i:s Tin: SKIICS. J AMHS J. HILL has taken off his blue KlaHsos and sccsbluo skies for buslucsH In tho United States. "So far aB I can boo," ho Is quoted as saying, "there nre no dnrk spots, no menace anywhere" Mr. Hill certainly Is In as central nnd commanding n position ob any American to forecast tho probabili ties of commercial wenther In the United Stntes. ' Ho enjoys especial opportunities for becoming acquaint ed with conditions, causes and com ing ovonts. If there wore anything basically at fault, ho could ltd trust ed to croak out tho nows. T I ii IB noioworiuy turn .Mr inn hiiijwh nn bikii oi concern over mo de cision of. thd Interstntd conimerco commission recently against tho rnll- , wnya' request to ho allowed to ralso rates. He nnd his comrades In tho' , industry of transportation know per fectly well thnt tho roads will not Hiiffor from tho refusal, nor tho coun try olthor. I Laundry business from A to Z. I iim-K Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry PIIO.V1. 220.J Re l Estate Bargains For bnrgnln In City, Dunker Hill nnd Farm Proporty. Seo , AUG. FIHZEK.V Itcnl ICstntc mill Insurnnco Agent, ,.8 CciUrnl Ave., MurNhflcIil,' Otr Soon It will bo Arbor day, when many children will plant troes. I Thoro might bo monuments to tho men who nro responsible for thla beautiful custom. Tho first sugges tion came In 1805 from Secretary fl. O. Northrop, of ,tho Connecticut Doard Of Education, nnd it was Storllng Morton who Inaugurated tho custom In Nohrnska In 1872, slnco which tlmo It haa spread to nearly nil parts of tho country. What n lesson for tho child In tho simple plnnttng of n trco! It Is first a lesson In unsolflshneBS, in kindness nnd In lovo, becnuso It teaches thoughtfuinoss for others. It Is a lesson in good citizenship, bo cnuso It looks forward to the needs of tho future. It la a lesson In eco nomies, n lesson In tho realm of Invi'Mlgntlon of Attorney (.Vnenil In wondorful Mothor-Nnturo. a lesson In Askeil. nrt, n lesson In Ideals In nil these (I)y Associated Press to the Coos Day things, and others, becnuso tho net Times.) Is mnklng tho world moro beautiful, I WASHINGTON', U. C, April 11. moro comfortable, more useful, moro Ilopresentntlvo Halnoy of Illinois in delightful, nnd thorefnro n better n resolution Introduced In tho IIouso world to llvo In. IX TIIK DISTINCT' C.OUIVJ' OF TDK UNlTKf) STAt'k's '.KQH TIIK 6lSTIlICf OF OljllJOpN'. , Int ATTACK OX WICKKItSIIAM. How mystorlous Is a groat treo! how eloquent! how uplifting! It reprosontB so much Industry, Bonttment, usefulness, beauty, growth, strength, virility llfo Itself. In a treo tho thinker comprehends the wholo world, the laws of ordor, nnd tho guiding hand of that wondor ful Intelligence that controls tho uni verse When ho contemplates tho mlrnrlo of tho tree, the orbits of tho stars and tho very Inuuonslty of the solar syatom become comprelionslvo. Lot tho children plant their trees. Kncourngo them. Talk to thorn nbnut It and about good citizenship and nbout Nature, until "This tholr llfo, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues In trees, books in tho running brooks. Sermons In stones, and good In everything." today proposes nn Investigation of tho Department of Justice concern Ing the proceedings Instituted under orty may ho inspected upori" ndpllea io matter of. L..E. Ilrown and ; . i . . i r . ri'V Arthur Drown, co-partnors ki own "lib Ilr'o'WKj'DrotWs, nnd If. K. Drown ,rfhd''Artiitir Drown as; Individuals'. '"'' '' l i 41 i'i'I r Tho undersigned will rccolvo scal ed, bids up to 12,'o,c'lo6knoon of Tuesday, April 18th, 4Mj! for the 9 r I ...a. 4 1. r. iT.itilalk.il' . n a. . .. n 1 .km..- lUlluniUH uco.iiuuif iuiouiiui liu,i- prljv bojonglhg to said estato, to-wlt: a stoc)q of general merchandlso con sisting, principally of dry goods, ladles and gents clothing and furn(shlng, goods, hats, glovtfs, shoes,.1 crockery,' nnd groceries of tho Invontory value of S-t.fipc.43, togothor with a lot of- store.-fixtures of tho Inventory .valuo of $C98.00, nil locatqd . aL. .MlTtlfl Point, Coob Co., Oregon. On Inven tory may t'be soon at tuo'oulcb.bT'tho Undersigned No", ' ,7 Flrst Jtfrtih'fc Portlnnd, Oregon, aridt tjo ofllco of C, A. Sohlbrcdp, Roforeo in Dankrupt cy,..Marsnueia, Oregon, nna tlio prop. '. . .. ii. !..' KNOCKING. We dislike to "knock." We-much prefer to boost. As a progressive local business institu tion we believe, as a rule, in saying kind things, or letting unkind words go unsaid. On one particular subject, however, we be lieve that intelligent "knocking" is warranted and justified, That subject is the GASOLINE COOK STOVE. The gasoline cook stove deserves harsh treat ment because it KILLS AND MAIMS many -peopleand DESTROYS a great deal of PROP ERTY annually. Any one who reads the newspapers knows we are telling the truth. Nearly everyone knows first hand of incidents, bearing out our statement, It is noUecessary to quote fig ures, ' .' COOS BAY LIVERY Wo liuvo secured tne livery turn. uess cf L. 11. Holsner ami nre pr 'pared to render excellent service to tho peoplo of Coos Hay. Careful drlvora, good rigs nnd evetythltj .lint tl'lll Ml.trlM UfillufiiMli K,. ......I-. . tho public. Phono iis lor a drltloj I horse, n rig or uuythlni; needed Is tho liver lino. Wo also do i trucking bnulnesi of nil kinds. ItLANCHAHl) lUtOTIII-ltS. Livery, I'Ved mid Sales Scrtlcft HI First and Alder Streets. Phono 13H-J Why not avoid danger and cook ' with GAS this summer? i, M?! w' -- The, gas range is not fool pi'oof but it Is absolutely safe if used with COMMON care and caution. Compared with a gasoline cook stove, however, it is as harmless as the old homestead on a sunny June afternoon. "FwNew Business Department for details, Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal $1.80. .Nut coal $3.00. Wo do all Kinds of hauling, mi contracting. Horses nnd voblcles for solo. For quick dollvory call oa L. H. HEISNER or phono 120-J or.tD-L. tho Sherman anti-trust law and sub sequently dropped nnd ns to whether Attorney Geueriil Wlckerahnm has outside employment which would dis qualify htm from his position lu Tnffs cabinet. PHOXi: I. S. KAUFMAN' CO XOUIl COAL 01tll-.HS $1.30 l'KK TON. Don't forgot tho Turkish Baths. PIIO.NK a I l-J. tlon to F. K. HiiBsoll in chnrgo of Drown Brothers' storo . nt Myrtle Point. Cnah or a certified check for ton por cent, of -tho nmount-'orTored must .accompany each hid, and tho right Is reserved to reject any and all bids, tho said sale bolng made subject to confirmation ot the' Court. All bids will bo opened at the ofllco of tho undorslgnod. , It. U SADIN', Trustee, , Dated April 7th, 1911. .16 nviOHw" Telephone 178. OREGON POWER COMPANY. TIIK PUOFKSSIOX Olf MUNICIPAL nnVKIl.NMIiXT. (From Portlnnd Telegram) COLUMBIA University contom plntfhj tlio establishment of a school of municipal training. So far, us wo nro told, tho matter Is but tentatively considered, but the major opinion of tho university auth orities Is In favor of the establish ment of tho school, and the predic tion Is frooly mndo by thoso who know host that tho Idea will be adopt ed nnd put Into practical effect. Thero Is not much dotnll given out sb to the plan of tho proposed Colum- Flanagan & Bennett Bank Establish edjl 889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits COOS BAY-R0SEBURG STAGE UNr Dally stage between Itosebiiru nnd Mnrslitleld. Stage leaves dally mill Sundays nt 7 p. m. Fare, $0.00. OTTO sriIKTTKK, Ageut, C. P. IUKNAIU), 120 MAUKKT AV Mnrsht.olrt. Agent, ROSEIlUna, Ore. PHONE 11 First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00 SurP'us 5,000,00 OFFICERS: W, S, -Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W. S, Chandler, John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas, Wm, Grimes, , Jphn.F. Hall, S, C, Rogers, F- s- Dowi W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, . .Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year, M p ai The Demand Is So Great for tho "New Mazda" Thnt wo have boon, ablo to got obit ono-halt caso of thoso lamps out ol an ordor for flvo cases plncod slit; days ago. Dut can supply out trail with tho best lamp mad.e while tbtr last. Coos Bay Wiring Co. I PHONE 837J. '- Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSOX CEMENT. ooa'- uometuc and Imported brands Plaster, Lime, Brick and all klnas of builders material HUGH McLAIN LrWNHKAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BKOADWAY, pnoNE not. Polks Oregon and Washington Stnto Gazetteer mid Business Direc tory. Just Issued for 1911-12 Is themoit comploto work of tho kind publlshei It contains an nccurato business di rectory of every city, town and ill lago in Oregon and Washlngtoa, asd tho names nnd addresses of countrr raorchnnts and nrofessioual men, lurabormen, etc., who aro located ad Jacont to villages; also lists of jot ornment and county officers, commli' sloners of deeds, state boards, statu tory provisions, terms of courti, names of tho postmasters, postofflce. express, tolophono and telegraph of fices, Justices of the peace, notol. dally and weekly newspapers; sldos much othor information useful to all classes of business and rofe slonal men. A descriptive sketch of each place Is given, embracing vari ous items of interest, suoh as the lo cation, population, distances to dif ferent points, tho most convenient shipping statlono, tho products that aro markoted, stago communication, trade statistics, tho nearest bank lo cation, minora! interests, churches. schools, libraries and societies. An Important feature Is tho classified di rectory, giving every business arran ged under Its special heading, thus enabling subscribers to obtain at glanco a list of all houses manufae turingor dealing in any particular lino of goods. Tho work generals Is compiled to desorvo tholr Ube:Sl patronage. PRICE $0,00. U. L. POLK & CO. SEATTLE, Wcsh. t - Itsm f. rr-4...ntfc-:-t.-jJ J TlTMljajpjSBajMBBaMMlifttaWy3SMMSAiM3tt8t'MiiMMMMMMMMi