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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 10, ISIl-EVENING EDITION I I, ' ' , - 51 ,lWytmu:' A Few Cold Facts on i I 0REI1 a.' -reciit wiM ror isu ui ' i. (Continual t'um (im:o 1 P-.L rtftr T- 4r, iiH Pra,lrl City. .. "YMM t.y- urn ii hi- !., jOUll tm.( Hum. .' '. ' .90'4Hnrnoy f Drewloy. . lf i iss, t,,- "' 'Hood River. " ., :, Hood ttVOJ.' - ..i .2331 !'. Aihlfth'lT. .rackMin. .UKriO Central' Point'1'?!)! GoldOllll. . ..423 'Jrfdkttfeylllu.. ..7Ju Mtfdfor.d, y.f.SSIQI hi t . .1 ttuittlllf lilt. Ornnt8.,rntv8. j. .m. itjv,.vv38Jl Klamath FJRllsu'.Ktt i ; 2';7J LnkevlcWi . hH(ij;i ... . ...lGjj ll liUIH'. . IFlorcncc 311, Cottnpfi ,1 Grove, ... ,1834 Croswell.. . . .367 Eugene.' :.M)0l) Junction 'Cltv. "7D"9 Springfield. .'wltoU ! Newport. ' '' Lincoln.' . . . 721Tolcdo. Linn.' .541 Sclo 296 Sodnvlllo. . . Ill Sweet Homo .202 Waterloo 83 Albany 427C Brownsville. . 919 Jlalsey.' 337 llarrlsburg ...4D3 Lebanon. . ..1821 Malheur. Nyssa 4 49Vnlo 39C Ontario. . . .1248Vcstfall. . . 137 .Marlon. ilem. . ..14,094 Sllvorton. . ..1,588 Stnyton. . . . ,703 Aurora 101 Buttcvllle. . . .40 Gervals 276 Mubbard. . .283 Jefferson. . . .415 Mt. Angel. . . .546 St. Paul. . . .103 Morrow. Hcpnner . . . .880Lcxlngton. Iono 239 MnllnomiUi. Sublimity. . . .152 Turner 191 Woodburn . 1,616 .185 Falrvlow. . . . 204 GrcBbam. . . .540 Portland. 207,214 Polk. Dallas.. . . . .2124 Falls City. . . .909 rA rMi mt Mum . r iWImm ,r-f pfef Ml 111 ; ii - VB it ., ,; .M IB - tflfl-r. Jill " Ml mi I 11 Hi iJf iu' fO VkS" till vWWWAHl IfS 14 (85-I AjjIIIH WttUllM yi!vBcnjminB(p Mmmf 'And Why You Should Buy Your Easter Sisit Here, l'fcWk .7 ' ' - I "J. iiil'nV , ,ivi" k. u2'Ih0n4 ulm caIIc r.rnfhiii'fV;J !-WatS.- SliO0S-how HBB0UGHT.THFM. ; .. . fcw.noli fcntfVuCMttrTi.lll nnl rllA.."o'l fiii '. J ASk llim it HE UIU NUI TAT OMon run iiiuwaW.Mi,,jiyM.-.Mui,,uiBiwr-Dy in -Y'RK ncl, Uo cnuec n lilinrA I'HiRRnUlltl ' A j .. ., UT-'Vruotl iiu omwu i. ... . ? teYOU-NOT ENTITLED TO THIS SAMEBIftUNT. Jjt Vftf? you to traded ' HUB, wlwr&.everyone gets the benefit of . , . . : .. Cash Unly-- Money ?i alks V let us -prove as we have proven it to thousands of others, WE HAVE ONLY ONE METHOD OF DOING BUSINESS. A i f p t Hub Clothing & Shoe Company Marshfield Bandon N.wYerK hhi:akwati:h airrs wiiiklkhs. OIIHKUVK AIUIOH DAY. Tho North Dcnd high Bchool stu- idontB will obBorvo Arbor Day next Aerogram HyMcm to Ho InNtnlled on VchwI TIiIh Month. St. Johns. .. .4872 When Captain Macgenn, of the Friday, April 14, with a suitable pro- Troutdale. . . . 309 Blnnm. nronkwntar . lnaunuratps tho gram In' tho Assembly room corn- summer Hchodulo May 1, after which monclng at 1:30. Tho public la ln thn vnssol will mill for Coob nnv ovorv vltcd. Thd program follows: Inoncon(! . .liool'0"' h0 W,U havonbonrdft fca" Mu8lc March IllRh Sch001 0r' Monmouth ... 493 turo for which ho has longed for more chestra. .'u . i. . i-a i i--- ftmrmn fv Ornirnn'. ' . . Slifiiimn. unnn n year n compiuio wirun."o .-i- ---a- Grass Valley. .342Waco 386 outfit. C. I). Cooper, chief operator AddrcsB of Welcome. .Chas. VanZllo Morb. . . . .' .378 lof tho United Wireless Telegraph Annual Senior Event. Tillamook. ! company for tho northwest, will havo Presenting tho Spado. Clnrenco Klhler Bay City ... .281Tlllamook. .. 1352 a force In Portland this present Acceptririto Clydo Smith Nehalcm 119 .month to Install a two-kllowat sqt, Motion JSong-'Arbor Day. .First i" Wxisco. 'instruments of which havo been shin- Arbor Day Address , y Antelope. . . .173Slmnlko 497 ,,e(j rrom Seattle. . . ' .....'.-,. .' Falkenstelp Dufur. . . .623Tho Dalles. . .48S0 on n recent visit to San Francisco Flower DYIll.' .'";', . . Third Grade UiiiutUla. n , Mini. irni innnL.or nf tho l ''Orchestra Adams. . . . .2011 Athena 580 Freewator. . . 532 Helix 109 Hernilston. . .6-17 Milton. . ..12 SO ' Union. Covo '.1433 'Elgin 120 Island City. . 166 La Grnudo . .4843 Wallowa. Enterprl Joseph Pendleton. . 4460 ',',,. n. ',. nv Rnm.i,in mm. AnrirwUhe's Four pupils. .First". S!inSSk.V: J!5 W, signed tho wireless contract. Song . . . . o8hcl.oy and Umatllln 198 Other compnnles will tako.slnir , , Ksther Uoinolds . , Bton . . ..499 notion this Hcnson. owing to tho ,on- ea"ing rro nmm.w ...- ."( t.'l.i. .' 1 11.. T..l..l.llrt CAt.nAl uviiiuiii;..kcMviui atlenca Thomuspu i .'MrsVChiipmon's. roqm -' .i.. ii... i. .. m.,.,. nr niimi lDrpltattoii--Si)rlnctlmQi. ......' with n wlrolou avBtom. Tho llreak- n Kntherlno Swearlngen 'water's performance last season galni April Five Llttlo Peoplc.Flrst Q nctment of n Federal low last yojir Jnalllo'llylnn of tha that provides a penalty for failure to Tlio L'lttlo Seed..Prtt ... . ... 'o.. "' .tld. North Powder 455 , V0880,8 operating nt sea beyond 'Song Siiiiiiiinrvllln .337 " " . . .. Union, . ,, . 1242Lost'.ne. . v . 230 ed for her tho reputation of teln, WytZn . . . ...729Wnllowa. . .' 793 among tho mdsf regular . stoamors Solo .Mar-gnrot' llo)noias Wnshlngton. plying hero, as sho rqported at tlio AVUclpalfonrT .- ; vllavry -ICcru Deaverton . . .386 IllllBbaro. Cornelius. . . .459 Sherwood. Forest Grovo 1772 Whwlrr. Fossil. . . . 421Mltchell. . Yniulilll. Amity. 407Nowborg. . Carlton. . . . 38 Sheridan. Dayton. . . .453 Dundee. . ..196 La Fayette. . .412 Wlllamlnn. Yamhill. . TIIK CITY KI.KCTION. .301(5 nn'.l nf nnnh rnnnil vovneo with TTlO """ ' Orchestrm ., ...115 precision of a train nnd soldom.wns The" Use of Trees ,..MUrlln Cbnppcll , in the harbor later than 2:30 o'clocinloguo-'Slgnlflcancqspf Arbor tho afternoon of tho day scheduled Day. . . 12 pupils .tfuhi 7tU grado. 2n for her arrlval;-Oregonlan. Prill.. '. . i ''V ilioadrig.Spn'p. T." .Kdtvh Ijavanach . ""," "The Galilean" Monday HaptUt nnu. n.iu,i.cru fi.. li riinroVi. America. . . ....', .,i . ; " - .. i PHONK I. S. KAUFMAN & CO YOUlt T11K GAILKAN Monday at uan- COAL OKDHnS PEU TON. Hft fhtirchv, HP"rs PI?Pi ai 'a i-2 Scho6lW DO IT NOW Lay in your supply of wood now and avoid the usual summer rush. We have plenty of wood and just at present can deliver it promptly. A little later, when orders hegin to pile in, we will not bo able to give you our undivided atten tion. 12-in. Stove IVood $2.00 per dump lond. Fire Place Blocks $2.50 per dump loud. "We can furnish you a man to split and pWe it if desired. C. A. SMITH LUMBER &MTG. CO. PHONE 19-J 182 So. Broadway FAMILY HOJEI, THE LLOYD MARSHFIBLD'S POPCLUl Rates reduced to: Day SCc. r Jl.on; week 12.00 to II.HB keeping apartmonti with (tin $10.00 to $18.00 per mojiM nATHB-.fl. W. RUM,1VAX.r light Voto Wan Polled hut a Full Brt of Ofrictm Wus IflectMl. Tho city election held at tho v(y kail Monday was uneventful, and a light vote was polled. There was 1m than ono full ticket In tho field, but sorno of tbo voters got together and filled In, bo that a full sot it officers was elected. Tho rbault was as follows: For mayor J. K. Benson, regular, 77; Z. T. Johnson, 10; scattering, IV. For councilman, three year term Frank Schroeder, regular, 77; W. J. strong, regular, 83; L, A. nraden jl; scattering 5. For councilman, two-year-torro a C. Roberts, 21; P. U Phelan, 7; mattering, 21, For recorder I. E, Rose, regular, 95; scattering, 7. For treasurer J. M. Arrlngton, regular, 104. Myrtle Point Enter prise. Illoodcd BUx-k. Mr. R. A. Land rlth of North Coos River, was a Marshfield visitor today to do a llt tlo advertising for his herd of thor oughbred Holsteln calves. Soe hla For Salo adv tn tho want columns today. NOTICE. " All persons having claims against Jl. D. Herron, deceased, are notlfljd o present them to tho undersigned immediately. HALL & HALL. WHAT WAS YOUR GUESS On Marshfield's Population? The official figures of the government census of 1910 for the city of Marshfield having been issued from the government office in Washington the award In our census guessing contest will now be determined, Ever since the-close of contest tho coupons have re mained in the sealed box where they were deposited by the contestants, Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock the box will be opened by a committee of Marshfield Bus iness Men and the coupons canvassed, The persons making the two closest guesses will be awarded the prizes and the names of the winners will be published in The Times Tuesday Evening GOING & HARVEY COMPANY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS. "THE FRIEVl) OF COOS nAY" S. S. ALLIANCE CONNECTING WITH THE NORTn HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND WILL BAIL FROM Marshfield, for Eureka, Wednesday, A. M. nuuxu rAUiv-iu STEAMSHIP COMPANY, C. F, McGKOROE, Agest PHONE 44 tviii njingj THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo wEsi" Will tnako rtariai trips carrying PseHgw fcoth ways and freight brtween Oooa IUy and Baa Fraclcs Allrewrr.UoasforiMuweMoni mad at AllUnw Dock, Marshfeld and IntwvOceaa Tnuasn. Co Pnlon Street Wharf No. 2, ta Fr-ctsco. For ..form.tfJrf.hoae 44 or 283. Will wdl from Ban Francisco for Marehfleld, Thar day, April 18. "" INTER-OCEAN TRAyBPORTATION COMPANY. Business Direct Following Is a Hit ot M Business Firms tbit II ' Pay to Patronize. Go To WILLEY & SCHROEOB for Plumbing and Warn Marahflcld, Ore., ?M STADDEI All hinds of photograph i liroinldo enlarging mJ ! lliilshlng. J. J.. KOO'NTZ Mnchlne andllrpatrf OENKHAL JWCUWWI Steam and Qas EsjIm M At Holland's bostrt'f' street, Marshfield,! DIRECT1 TMU0. - Ostcojwithlc rbjildM Graduate of tbo Amffl ' Osteopathy at KlrknlUe. J In Eldorado Dllc. HouriHW' 4: Phono 161-J; MW' R, j7w. INOIUM, Physician. aadSsff 200-210 Cokeu,B'l rhoBesi Office lflSJj b J. W. IlENNETT, Iiirreh Offlc ovar FU6a k B Marshfield M. B. IDAWtf, ArcWW W Orer CemsV" tf ' OLD RELIABLE STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME L. ... KEAT.XO, AQEST rmm ' GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. Good Livery tvM nma rln. t9 ' Ai vat are . .. .u- lUf ttW RBABONABLB J& il,rlirftiortTB" asy trip aayvbert rtf " WdeJ and rf - , NOW BMIW - .. dations proviueu nnnKE 27 Have That Roof NOW q roR' rhone 312' nf fnrcet lna PHONE 214-J. Vl 4