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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1911)
i imnnanM n m t - " ri. mmmmmmmmmmmmm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRL 10, 1911 -EVENING EDITION ' m ImML Mmlw (I fe- '4W ft M JASTER is a time of new things everywhere; and men generally like to have new clothes it such a time. Have yours for iaster Sunday Jart Schaffner & Marx nake them right, and we'll see hat you get exactly what's best or you Suits $20.00 and Up The Woolen Mill Store 'Home of Hart ochafincr & Marx Clothes Mi - t BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION A ' . ererr woman's birth right, but tho uso of strong soaps and ox- rire to the juddon changes qt .temporaturo so pharactoristlc of crlcta climate destroys tht natural softness of tbo skla. Carmelita Cream imIIm Af'nfttnrtil Alnrrtna nnrf hv Ha nntlnnnMp. rlnnnnlnf- nnil UMn$-!ctloa heals 'ail roughpess and Redness of tho. skin pro-lii'xnltlesr-prH3tve3 the youthful and Natural beauty of tho PRICK PER. JAR 50 CENTS FOR 'sAlife AT THE DUSY CORNER , irt-Rars'ons Drue Co. "m. ' .v. ,vvr. 1 PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Leading Drug Store- lrv Coos-County. ixkha rvr COOS BAY-ROSFBURG STAGE UN t - tty Hfo Jbetwia. Jtoaequrg afd i&rahflojiL Stage leave dally " T0 SCHBTTER, Agekt,' I C. P. BARNARD, ' HARKBrAV.,mrshfleM. Agent, iROSEBURG, Ore. PHONE ,11 " SAFE IKVRSxrwwTa formation' concerning Mus bond InTestmenta, J Interest net, J B. Hinsdale, care J. ; 7lttPd Company, Loa H California. 1 Class Laundry 'most Honu.1.1. . , -"mu to anyone L 7 "nen t0 Possess that . Dn,Sa so necessary to r 'a dress. BOTH kri,i , Vl(-l!'a OF WORK I"" llt Convince. Wteam Laundry UI. B7T Uhoxe fOH GilmTir.v."? lion. " Villi it,.. " l" - uieanmg, mM m. Satisfaction Cr;uWKcnAnn dod. l"1 Ul(li l?.- . Hotel Men Attention! An uniiBuaKopportunlty to pur chase a nronerty In tho Heart ot the City of Dandoq, Pre., that is eminen tly fitted. fprU "modern hotel. This property has a Frontage of 250 feet on tho three principal busi ness streets Qt the town, .It is' "the Huh" of Bandon. An exceptlouul Opening for a Wide Awako Hotel Man. For forther particulars address -W. O, SELLMER, Uniidon, Oregon. Snrino" Is Here and so Is PInegpr. Have your carpets cleaned with my vacuum cleaner. No dust or worry. Phono your order to 215 McCrary's Drug Store. R'. E. rNEGOR. North Bend News Rev. I). A. Mncl.cod linn conn to Hrltlili Columbia to meet and visit n brother for n few wotika. Mr. nud Mrn. W. V. DeimliiK of the IJKht hniim? wore .Mnrshlhld vliltum Saturday on Uulr return (boy wore nccamiMnlml by their dnugbtor, Mlw Alice who Is nttHiiilliiK sebool !n Mnrslilleld and vho will visit nt hotttv for n few days. OJEipiNGS O I.OlAI, TEMfEUATfRK Rl. I'OltV. O Por twenty-four hours ending reault will bo announced In tomor row evening's Coos liny Times. The W. C. T. U. will moot Tuesday nftt'rnuon nt 2:30 o'aloak nt tho I'res b.jerlBii church. Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Itodson visited rolHthos hero Snttirdny. nt 1:48 p. in., April 1), by Mrs. IC. Mlnmis. serial KovoruiuiMit niotooniloKlonl ubiwrvm-: .Maximum. . ri Minimum 4,-1 At i:V. p. m 48 Proolplttitlon 79 Wind, West; rain. A iv ItfiipiHiluiiMl. SI Noah and Cal WrlKht hae bwn reappointed deputy Rnnie wnrdens for tHlK e lion. 9 Klnils Clinrm. Mr. Clark, one of the proprloto'rs of tho Central Hotel, I round h -nlunblo Elks obnrm whlak .t. V llllili'iibrnml lout and as a r Isnlt of an ad hi The Tlmos It was roturnd to lilni today. Tlnindcr Storm. This morning, Coos Hay wltnemed ono of Its rare thunder storms and the olnps of thunder substituted for tho alarm clock Konornlly. A liimvy rainstorm followod It. Personal Notes F. S. DOW left yesterdoy Francisco on business. for Sau CAI. WRiailT and wlfo returned to day from a short stay at Ton Mile. IAS WATSON, ceunty olark, here from ConIIU for an Sunday visit. WAS over Emll Poturson, who has boon teaching tho school on Daniels Creek, will teach the school near tho Coos Day creamery on Coos River this summer. Otto Nlehaus has moved his family from the resldcnco on Sherman ave nuo Into tho Henry Hocck home which they will occupy permanently. j UNmI In UoM'hut-g. The home of 0. Mr. and Mrs. Ira I,. I.eo, In West HORN. ' Rosoburg, was tho sconu of n quiet J homo wedding late Thursday nftor COX To Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cox nt noo" nt which time Mr. Carl Wnl- tho W. 11. Cox homo n ton-pound , kcr' nn l'Ioyo of tho S. P. Com- MRS. C. TIM.MON8 mill 'M lis Ethet TtntiMiit of llaiulon nro Mnrslilleld visitors today. MRS. K. S. UAROKLT and hor broth or, Rnlph Mntson, navo gone to Portland for a few weeks' visit. daughter. Audrey Elolso Is nnmo conferred upon her by proud parents. The Mlzpah Illblo Class band will give a concert Tuesday night nt tho Star thentro. Dr. and Mrs. Ira Dartlo Marshfleld yesterday. visited MYRTliE POINT POINTERS. News of Upper CimiiiIIIo Valley From The ICiilcrpiise. Henry Honey of Leo, who had his leg badly broken lust week, Is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alford. who live across tho river, aro tho parents of nn 11-pound boy, bom on tho 4th. Mrs. E nun a Johnson of Marshfleld, was hero the first of tho week visit ing her mother, Mrs. L. E. Wilson. Ilom, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilton James, n son, on March 2Sth. A sou was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Carver on tho 4th. A daughtor was born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gannon on March 26th. Ik III. Mrs. Pcnnock, wlfo of Jus- the I,nny' nml JI'88 Annn Kruger, of .. 'Marshfleld were married In tho pres ence or n row intimate mends nml relatives. Tho ceremony that Join ed tho two young people together ror tlco Pcnnock. Is reported qulto 111 ati,lfe's voynB wns ""! by Rev her homo in West Marshfleld. I.'iives Today. C. A. Smith left op. tho Nnnn Smith today for Sm Francisco from whero ho will go east on business. Fight Again. -Arrangements nro being made to match Art Fish nnd Pud Nosier of Coquillu for a twenty round go In Marshfleld Homotlme next month. Give Cnnlntu. This evening nt tho Unptlst church, tho Baptist church choir will glvo tho sacred cantata, "Tho Galilean" under tho direct lo'ii of C. J. Mlllls. It will bo free. O'llHim (illC.NMT.M.' doing & Hnrvoy's Tho coupons In consus guessing J. N. McConncll, pnstor of tho Chris tian church. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnlkor will mnko their home in Roscbtirg. Roseburg News. STREET CASE DECIDED. Abutting Property Owner's Right to Dirt Decided. SALEM, Ore, April 10. That a property-owner on nn abutting street In Portland owns tho soil to the mid dle of the street nnd that ho still owns It when it Is excavated unless needed for tho Improvement of tho street nud that he has n right to take II away promptly without delaying tho work of Improvement, nro points In n decision by Justlco McUrldo. Tho decision wns handed down by tho Su premo Court In tho case of tho Jonn P. Sharkey Company, respondent, vs. politest will bo 'counted tomorrow tho City of Portland, M. J. Connol morning nt 10 o'clock by a commltteo loy, W. Scott nnd T. McDougnl, np- of Marshfleld business men. Tho pellnnts. A daughtor was, horn to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knight on March 31st. TOO CHEAP FOR HER. Recently ono of tho Coqulllo'a most fastldloua'young men bought a pair pf overalls and found in them tho name of tho .sowing girl who, piado (horn. Ho vory promptly wrote' her a lotter with all tho efrualvpnqss. necessary In such a caso and In duo tlmo rcQclyod a reply which, how over, was void of tho romanco usual in such cases. Hero It Is "I an working girl. t llHrM&foul K make a good living nnd not caro yto support a husband, as I would pro bably hava to do Jf I married some silly noodlo who gets smashed diu a girl ho nevor saw. Permit m&4o.K, IllllilUI BUjr UlUk 1 UU IIUJ. JJUH,ilU" my qard got in that pair of overalls, and when I do marry, if over, it )H besorao. fello.w who can .afford Rojpo Uilng bettor th.nn a 47-cont palrof breeches." Myrtlo Point Entorpr.lst. ' Why Buy "fland.Me-PpjynA" When we will make a Suit to your moasuro from cloth that you will se lect for the Umo, or less nioney and romember wo guaranteo absolutely A CORRECT FIT And satisfaction. Wo can make. a Fine Blue Serge Suit to Your " Measuj$or $fr.50 Other Suits from 15,00 to 135.00. Com,e In and let us show you the3o samples and talk the clothing ques tion over with you. .It will cost you nothing and It may save money for you. Seo us before you bur thttt new Suit. The Bazar . HOUSE OF QUALITY phone aa CEREALS t Aro an important factor of tho morning meal In tho average Marshfleld family. fe TO BE Wholesome and Appetizing ,''.' t '" ' l4s H-Ov- M'J? They musl ho 'fresh ' To keep4 goods fresh means "careful' buying and n largo selling' capacity. Although, our. stock of Cereals , is the largest i on tho Bay, It is being '.constantly xenowed, hus giv ing you tho assurance of getting .fresh clean goods when you or der from : M3GKHART r. t -v & a "A n a i'i' . -nr -PHONt 5-J l k&ciV' j) trt . i WATCH THIS SPACE. TOMORROW FOR LIST OF CEREALS. W. R. HAINES arrived homo Satur day night via Drain from a, trip to San Francisco nud Portland. JACOB M. BLAKE nnd wlfo nnd bnby left yesterday for San Francisco. Mr. Blake Is expected back soon on matters connected with his Btreot-cnr project. GEO. N. BOLT, Frank Sumner and Eddie Bolt returned Saturday night from n fishing expedition on South Coos River during which they land ed somo pretty good strings. J. V. BENNETT and Eugono O'Con noil returned this morning from Ten Mile. They struck bad weath er for llelilng and consequently fold not break the record this time. Mr. Bennett has had to postpone iho delivery of Ills ndvnnce orders for trout until his next trip. W. F. MILLER arrived homo today via Drnln. He has been In San Francisco and expected to return via Portlnnd where Mrs. Mlllor l visiting, but had to hasten back as Qenornl Mnnngcr Mlllls has boon summonod to San Frnnclsdo on im portant business. So far ns he was nblo to nscortaln, thoro was noth ing new In tho railroad situation so far aB Coos Bay Is concornod. g.'T"T SlSf?mB'sr, My New Cadillac Foro Door Auto for hlro. Phono Rudolph Lackstrom, 231 R. Ed's Bil liard Room. After midnight Phono 181X. Careful driving assured, For Sale Two full-biood regTsorod,nolStein bull calves. . SIre-j-QregOn Mechfltdo Do Kol No. 5332C ,whos6'slo Lunde; Qrogon Do Kol No. 25563 took flr3t prjzo at the Lewis & Clark Fair In 1805. DamB of calves Moheo',Lady Oracq No, 27484 giving at, nrosent'CO' lba. raljk a day, average test 1'ast spa-, son at Coos Bay Creamery 3,8. and Oregon Abbekerk No, 42881 now in her secorid year and giving 45. t'q GO, lbs. a day, average test last soaspri 3.9. Address R. . LANDIUJH, North Coos River, Phono .1034. JO.;,;; Reward f'or.rourn, tqT.imes 9fflce. , I- FOR SALE Bicycle, Muas, Lattin Hotel. apply to T. I-X)R RHNT Re&ldenco la Eastsldo .f,,P.b&uo .Ira. McCann Knith, Bond. WANTED Someono to pick up ft, snap 60x1.02 9n Elrodand 7,ln opposltoir, Waiters' residence, for ' J2,00,0, terraB half cash, Title (juarVnteo and Abstract Company. WANTED Olrl for general houso Work No laundry Mrs, Dorsoy Kreltzor. WANTED Girl tit Stafford's tit onco. LOST Strayed or stolen Black and tan Shepherd dog with slightly gray face. Phono 69-L. Sultablo reward. FOR BALE OR TRADE 1 good Surr roy, also 1 good ' buggy. Both nearly uow. Want stock cattle, J,'C,' Doano, Marshfleld, Ore., FOR RENT Furnished Iioubo until ' Juno 2d, Apply' Cook's" Grocery. FQR..RENT Baxter botol at Co i ullle, Oregon, after April 1. yrlte or see 'personally Baxter Brosv Coqullle, Ore. FOR SALE 18-foot launch, H.-P. englno, also boat house. Cheap, Apply' A. X. TJmes' office. AUTO Anytime, anyUliere Ron sonablo rates. Phono Blanco hotol 40 or Residence 2 8-J. DR. OWENS ADAIR of ' Astoria, conspicuous at ovory session of tho Oregon loglslaturo, with hor Ae featod. sterrlllzatlon bill nnd well known on Coos Bay where sho has visited, hasgano on a long trip. At Chicago sho will bo Jolnod by a nlccb, and tho two will visit Now York and Washington, nnd sail from the forme? city on April 29th, Instant for'iho! Mediterranean. ' FIND DUNCAN'S 110DY. Missing Curry County Man Finally t i. . Found. i ) Tho'Gold Bea'ctralobo says: "Bert Smith and Blllle- "Wilson, tho men htrod by tho dtlzons of Gfoid Beach o hunt fr the bo'd' of M. V. Dun pan, ound .bis b'ody about three fourths of a mllo from tho Bea Srajth cabin, whore, at tho time, ho had been stopping. Tho body was found to bo in oxcoptlonal good state of preservation considering tho time it had lain thoro. -This was duo to tho hoavy timber In which It was found and until Vocontly must bars .been covered "wjth, show. Tho c'ojonorja jury1 found that M. W. Duncan came to his doath by gun shot wound caused by tbo accidental dlschargo df his own gun. Duncan was aged about forty-eight. KILLED AT COTTAGE GROVE. Josoph Liggett, an old tlmo resi dent of'thls section, was killed last Monday at Cottago Grove, whore ho had mqvod last fall from Marshfleld. Ho. wis walking to town on tho rail- ,road, track. In passing tho tlo plant whore tho onglne was blowing off steam, tbo whlstlo of an approaching locomltl.vp was obscured, and Mr. Llggott. was struck by tho pilot and hurled somo sovonty-soveu feet, His head was crushed to a pulp against a Southorn Pacific tool chest, Ho was 59 years of age. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. EASTER PHOTO POSTALS, local views, 2, FOR n CENTS. Easter pos tals 1 cent each. A. M. PRENTISS &. Co. . FOR SALE Coos Day Homo Tele-, phono stock, Enqulro of C, lv Maybee. WANTED 2 chambermaids. Chandler Hotel, IjQST Elks, charm, two teeth, No, Primrose Butter w:th its Moreish Taste Your Grocer Wants to fell It f . '.Ei HI I m j Ml or 3 nil as he,, I ds'l all 1 m, 8.'( 1 r. Ikj o-, a- tr t- H-l n In a U at. I a- , aA i-jj IdS Id se )1. to IC Id- E 33! ay hoj ed ne he ,'o. v- im j n- '111 ?xt iL. I l ui bi. kimmmumii Vitti I in mi i.-h-.-i