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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY; APrllL TO, 1911 -EVENING EDITION .- T hehe COOS BAY TIMES or wrong wherever he has found It, cd to find what power and courage and his righting nbllltles have placed nro developed by this holding ou ns hltn whore no shaft of innttco or best you cam reason enn nffect him In the slight-1 After becoming better acquainted Cutcred nt the postofflco at Marsh flold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls ns second class pgt ,iCBrcc wh the vaBt multitudes with the mighty reserve which Is In mall matter. of the countryv They bolloVo In him ..,, ,, ,..,n .rn .1... .., .,.,.1 -; .... ....... .. ,,.. ., .,., " 1 ,. l, ,l p.... HHII "Hll tnwrj 11RH1. " iuwiiu vyu... ' m - M. c. maloxicv MAIONKY I)A K. Xcms Kdltor have for tholr love and confldonct. pend upon It; that It will come to This Is no ovor-stntoinent of the "r r08C"c ' """' Ul "'- An Independent ltepubllcan news- man's attitude In this country; It js ' I have known young men to play paper published every evening oxcept realised as completely by those who the nownrd to such an extent ns to Sunday, and Weekly by detost him as by those who bollovo enncol engagements to speak on Ini- Tlu Coos liny Times Publishing Co. In him, and the tremendous fnct will portant occasions, Just becnus they e-- . rorce Itself tiiioii the consclonsnoss ' wero lilted with terror nt the very Dedicated to the service o tho f lhp Mmrlenn oleotornto before people, that no good cause shall lack mnjiy n champion, nnd that evil shall not rhon RfH mon who nf0 ,mB)on. thrive unoi)posod. 'gnblg, nnd ho Is of thorn. Ills splen- ' st'HSCUIPTION" IIATHS. 1 tllil Idonls nnd rare bravery, along DAIIA. I with his fearloss boiiso of justice, One yoar 5C00 bare made him so; tho pooplo are Per month 60 "ot to bo missed nor blinded In osti- Whnn nnld 'strictly In advance tho mating n character so frnnk and subscription price of the Coos Day 'friendly as bis; and when tho propi onics Is $G.OO per year or 2.30 for tlous moment arrives for tho nnmlng of n champion 111 nigu pince, 111s name will bo upon the tongues of clx months. AVKKKLY. Ono year $1.50 Oniclnl Pnpcr or Coos County OrKICIAh PAPKIt OP Till: CITY OF MAItSIIKIKMK Address all communications to COOS I1AV DAIIjY timiw. Mni-slillold :: :: :: :: Oregon ' MAIlHIiriKlil) CENSUS WltO.Vfi. all men nnd find logical plnco upon their ballots. Wntch the man closely from now onward; and wntch the spirit with which tho pooplo meet and treat him. It will pay, ror It will glvo rorth tho cuo 'that Is to mako tho j best and interest use of the man who Is Incomparably nearest to the pop ular Idonl as loader and law-giver. M" rAKSIlFIHLl) has been badly bumped on Its census returns when ns a city of close to 5,000 population tho conaus onumorators ivoro nblo to locate but 2.9S0. Wo do not believe the figures are true to TOI'Ali STKAXHKIIS. T' ! Ill-: following editorial from tho OroRonlnti lndlcatos Mint Mnrsh- 11 eld nnd Coos county nro . not nlono In their tnx troubles: "(lovornor Hnwloy of Idnho, hna undortnkun to reform the nssosHinent tho count, nor tho count true to tho nm tnxatlon methods of tho state by nctualltlos In oltlier case, but for the tnslstliiK that all property shall bo nonco wo must take what wo are told rnt0( )V t)lu nBHossor8 nt full cash to bo farts, however It frets us nnd Vulue. "Uy tho otoriinl!" declnres t)iumbles our pride. Wo hav6 never tllt, Governor, "tho nsscHsors will do ,Iolt any real sonse of dependence t (8g(FH t real value) or get out of tipou tho federnl census, because of ujnee." Its cumbersome, hnphnzard, chenp. T1(! )080 stntesmnn expresses tho nnd unmodern system of gathering fonr tnnl i,iBi,er valuations mny not tho vital statistics of tho country. 'U(, followed by lower levies, and dls- Tho Times protested loudly and cHgcs with many evidences or nppre- jjerslstontly nt the time tho coiisuh ilonH0,j tho condition when "county was being tnkon that hundreds or commissioners nnd city councils and ,r.eoplo wero being missed and It wns vllngo trustees nnd school boards, An unequal task for tho two women unshed with tho possibilities of In- jchnrgod with Its completion. For nntccl treasuries, shall ontor upon an fiur pnrt wo believe Marshftold Is at oxtravaagnt program." The liolso Jjast, 4,000 short or tho actual cstl- ,)n,,er.t nevertheless, appears to have mTato. Wo have no way of proving convinced Itsoir that tho "truo vnluo .our conclusion sjiprt or n depondablo 0f property should bo tho basis for .recount, nnd this so far as our city thonssossment or taxes." js concornod wp demnud. ' $0 iionbt! but when tho Idenl as- Wo can get this If wo go aftor It 8(,H8or mnkes tho Idonl valuation (at In tho nropor way, and It Is cortnlnly ,mr tbb ideal county, commissioner ..worth strivlpg tor. SUvP should bo nml clty council and vlllugo trustee fcakqn to qualify tho roport ,at hand nmJ Hch0ol' board nro conspicuously .through tho Chamber of Cpmmorce, absent 'from tho public service Gov backed by tho Inltlatlvo or tho Com- ernbr llawloy can learn n few things jon Council nnd other eloinopts of j,y coming down to Portland nnd Jocal government nnd civic relation, studying tho dxperlonco of Orogon. j Ho tlmo sliould bo Ipst, or tho na- ing vftlUntlons and low levies nro tlonal records, will bo closed ,ignlnst heatitirul diid harmonious .roncop Jnrthor challingo, nijd tho register tlons but In prnctlcd they nro-total jfl) atnnd. or tio noxt tou years, to atrhngors'." . . . tlc-detriment of the, city nnd ofnll TnW tnxatlon problom is a big ono fpneprns, nff,ectod by tho gross jnnc- nnd should receive the deep nnd earn-puracy,- est' thought of every c!tlon"concurn- Thq Cpos, Bay Times wll aid In e,i w'lth tho'fUturo welfnro of his this work In any way tliat presentH cbmmilulty nnd hls'sta'to. 'jtseU and bo glad. to dp It qve,n f . - - wo mny not hn'o tho sanction nnd ns- viu:x TK.MITKI) TO d'tiAY TIIK sjstnnco of tho U, S, aovormnent.and aro compollod to rely upon onr own Qrts and figures; tho main thing being to get n count that shall bo re- JJa.blp and which mny bo published thought of appearing before nn nudl once. Their tlmldlt, their fenr or not acquitting themselves properly mndo such cownrds or thorn that they Invented nil sorts or excuses ror shirking the responsibility. Many people nro frightened out or taking responslbtlltlos which they know perfectly well they would bo capable of fulfilling, nnd which would bo of untold benefit to them If car ried out. They bnven't tho 'courage to measure up to their opportunities. Xow, when tempted to piny tho coward, get by yourself and glvo yourself n good talking to. Think how cowardly It would bo to run away from your responsibility or op portunity, .lust say to yourself that you nre made of better stuff; Mint you nrc going to do tho thing. Mint you ngreed to do, no matter how hard or dtsagrccable It may Be. The Times had tho written prom ise of U. Dana I) urn ml, director or tho constiB" at Washington, to tcle gro'ih tho population or Coca counjy towns as hood, as It was known. .Ho" did not do it. After wo rend the MnrshDeld result wo 'cannot blnmo htm. Hu did not have the heart to do It. Your Easter Suit Is Here $8.50 to $25.00 Buys a Garment You Can De pend upon. Satisfaction or Your Money Back is Our Sys tem FIXUP North Frqnt Street A I,OXO TIIK WATKHKItOXT. Tho stoam sohoonor Daisy Mitchell arrived Saturday evening from San Fmnclscu. with u cargo for Uie box: fuctory. COWAltl). I I We nil have days- of dlscourngt- ni6ut and momouts when wo1 would' b6' glad to' run away from our trou- worl,d who n correction pf tho laches ,08 nn(I responsibilities, 'snys OrlBon 5&dq at tho hands pr tho govern- uoosi:vi:iTi was nuyor In tho discard with tho mflrlcnu pooplo for nn lustnnt; and ho hns not "como back" because he hns novor been out ot tho American heart, and mind for a day sljico the bullet of tho Insane allon laid Will ,1am McKlnjoy low. Ho has been In Jho, nntlonnl eye always, and tho gaze of tho jiooplo has ovpr been a levol f opo; they did not have to look up to ".ItqosovoU; ho was of thorn, for thorn, ylth thenv at nil times, and this, is tho sepret ( his undying popularity; nnd this distinctly nBliJo from the brilliant power of tho .man .and his excoplioual equipment for tilling the post or grontnoss. Thoro is nothing "picayune" about Jtooosovelt; ho Is "all thoro" when It comes to dealing wIMi men nnd measures; his courage, his analytical faculty. 1ib brpnd oxporloneos. his contompt for tho paltrinesses, his ardont championship of tho common ers, his loynlty to the government it aoir, his lnclslvo and lionost criticism Associated Press to Coos Day Times. ; jpjpH i WASIWqtQKViW ftf April; ?. - Dr. Oomei, declared ho had not re ceived "any overtursT from ' Mexico City looking tp his ccoptance ot an iiuiujiuhuuiu iKuvernineni poauion. ft ' ' .vi. if TI10 I'ltESnYTUIWAN .Ladles will hold another(6flthelr CXOKKUlj,OOD HAUKS In Gow Why building; next WKI)XK$IAY comraonclngattO a. m. JA nlco display pf FAXQYjWOKK H . mo now to play tho part of a nianV'pndTAPUOXS 'will also b&,otferc4, Sweet Mdrden.' In' these times of la presslon and dlscouragonlent, 'when wo feol'thnt wo ntiiount todobutllttlo nnd doubt Jhe'thorVtYlftbi' nil, llfo Is Worth while, there! Isrnlways dnngor TURRB nro thqsq .who pretend to or plAyliig.thcoWnrdr orVlttlisoimc ppt Theodpre Uf)osevolt In Mm, thing 'that we Shall bo nslihmod- of m category, of.. tUo.,"bas bpons," ( ftter. It U 'bettr-novorto tako an and who prq now declaring, with juiportnnt Btep"or mnHu a radical , jlnxiilntoc surprjaq. that ho Is.ampng chnnge when Utscoiiragod. jfao. "cpmo bftcka." Theso pooplej vhen' everything beotml dark ahead -know bottorj, but aro politically pr j a)ni' you cannot tieo andthera-tep, thbn thoorotlcally. Inimical, tq th. jnniu Ly. yourself." "T gdesS His Upto .and, nis-JmJgO' m accoruuiBUV grit your te6th and push on, "know lilg Mint -the" gloomy condition will pnsaf "that nb- mnttorhow blaok or threatening thd'Monds, thero'U a sun behind them which will uttimately burst through.- You Vlll bo' mirprls- This I worth noting as omonsthe many thiirga polnjlng to the- new or der: . Fuel' oil from Alaskn will soon be placed in tho market on Puget Sound.. Tho three wells In tho ICntalta fields nro producing 1.2.00 barrels,, every twenty-four hbura.. TJh.q . product of tho wells tins' been contracted for, nnd tank steamers will convoy 'tho oil to Pugct Sound. ' ' The- first shIpmc4Lts will soon b3 mad and will bo between 20,000 nnd 30,000 barrels. Tills will be- follow ed by shipments evwrrion ortrejto- (1HH iiifrenitor WAXTKI) H'M'if hcuH, IthpoV Island: Ifeds. preferrrtf.' Applr-Marahflold Turkish Da.tha. Qr phoae' ?H-J: TO ilVK ItKIIKIi A JOIt. ,i .j '. k ItWnior M Appointment it l)r. oiui . " ' "S'of Conflnnrd." .' ( By Assocliitedi-Press' to tho C009 Itay ., , Tlmos.) , CHlHUA,liUX,',ex,lcb.kXprll fc A report which lacks confirmation, but Is In porslBTortrcIfeala'tnSir fa that In event to Presldont Dlaxrputtlns Into effect retqrms, auftgesied fntal "recent inessngo. tq Mexican cogres' -.nnd ... . . . ., . ''t f wun poaco result; lr.-visquez uQinez uriu lexlqo th? ilnau'rrectoj. coqfldQnttal agei 'Wfehlnstbn. Will City tt nsauni a hiKti.oiiico.-N. ' H -1 if- i-.I Atter the show try a Turkish. bath Phone 314- jf r, k-.,i.i S ' f 1 .. Romomber a XUIUCISIl BATH will do you good, Phone 214-J. ,. fi f l17i'I i Flanagan & Beijnett Pank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over ...... $JQ.00Q Assets Over ;$fop,Op6 Interest Paid on Time Deposits KNOCKING. We dislike to "knock." We much prefer to boost. As a progressive local business institu tion we believe, as a rule, in saying kind things, or letting unkind words go unsaid, . On one particular subject, however, we be lieve that intelligent "knocking" is warranted and justified, .That subject is the GASOLINE COOK STOVE. The gasoline cook stove deserves harsh treat ment because it KILLS AND MAIMS many people and DESTROYS a great deal of PROP ERTY annually, Any one who reads the newspapers . knows we are telling the truth, Nearly everyone knows first hand of incidents bearing out our statement, ft is not necessary to quote figures. I ; Why not avoid danger and cook '! with GAS-this summer? ! ?' 4i . i Tliet gas range is not fool proof but it is absolutely safe if used with COMMON care ajid taution. Compared with a gasoline cook st( vef however, it is as hafmjess as the old lifj nestead on a sunny June afternoon. As tVe New Business Department for details. tftl'- i Telephone 178. nnFnnw powpr mmpamy 1 1 v u Ktet National Bank t"WUa!fiilli noM '' IPinnnnAnn VvihHiiuiliuiij nmu IUW,UUU,UU Surplus... : " "5,(J00.00 'f I ! ' ' OFFICERS: I -.v WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mniuey, ono of tho drhCri and tho solicitor for tin u otlt Laundry. Wntch hlm ho U utu to atop you on tho street nnd cxpiu all details ot Laundry and aluo t0 b at your homo nny time. H0 j(ao Laundry business from A tj z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry PIIO.W ll.J 7 LIVERY COOS BAY Wo havo seemed uio ilvUy ,nsi. ncss cf L. II. Ilelsuer and nro pre pared to render excellent scrvlco to tho people of Coos Uuy. Careful drlvors, good rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us lor a driving horso, a rig or anything needed In the livery lino. Wo also do a trucking business of all kinds. HLANClIAItl) UltOTIIKIlS. Livery, Keeil uml SiiIvm Sen ice, HI First nnd Alder Streets. Phone 138-J Real Estate Bargains For bargain In City, Dunkcr IIIU and Farm I'roporty. Sea AU(J. KUIZKKN Itenl ICslnto 'itml Insiii-aiiro Agent. OH CVntnil Ave, Mui-Hlilield, Ore. too thai' m:sti:i) iiahued PliVJIOl'Tll ItOCKS. Our matlngs hnvo produced standard-bred specimens ot exhibition quality with records of 2-12,227,22! eggs In 305 days. Ilaby Chicks and Ivggs for Hatching Dook your orders now for spring doilvery. A fow cockerels from heavy laying stock for $5.00. Plymouth Pluee, Poultry Ynrdj. FItBD I1ACIIMAN, Prop. .Miinlillol(l, Itov .-,. Phono 2S Coal Cheapest fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal $4.30. Nut coal $3.00. Wo do all Kinds ot hauling, anil contracting. Horses and vohlclesfor salo. For quick .doilvery call on L. H. HEISNPfl or phono '120-J or"40-L. The Demand Is So Great for tho (t New Mazda" That wchavo beon.abQ to, got only ono-halt case ot these lamps -out pf an order for flvo cases placod ;slxty days ago. Dut can supply out trad with tho best lamp made wbllo .they last , - . ' t Coos Bay Wiring Co. rtsuxijs iv4, W. S. Hhanfllfir. M. fV Hnrtnn. nnrcQw lmU-r "' President. Vice-President. Cashier! ?I ' DIRECTORS:,.. -';W;;S. Chandler, "' '" John S. Coke, - .";y.,lJ, Douglas; . Wm. Grimes, '"John F Hall. S. C. Rnp-ore. .$W . W, P. Murphy;-' X ' . ,. t witij. .-. M C. Horton. v ' .Dies' a ieherar banklncr hiislnfiss.' x. Interest-paid on time and, savings deposits, Rent a'safety deposit box for your valuable papers at ,$3,00 and up. per year, "" " i -----. i Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CE3IEXT. The best Domestic, -nd Imported brands' Plaster, Lime, Brlok and all kinds ot builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH; UROADW.VY. PIIOVf on, -. nun T?Y A. WANT AP IN TlWmS IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS PpUis .Qregpn and Washington 8tnte Gazetteer Vnd" business Dfiw '- tory. Just issued for'i911-12 la the mwt coraplotp work of tho kind publlabeij. It contolns an accurate business di rectory of every city,.' town and ill lage In Orogon and -Washington, sad tho names and addresses of country merchants and professional wen,, lumbermen, etc., who aro located ad, Jacont to vIIages also lists. of. gor ernmqnt and 'county officers, cornmte sloners of deeds .state boards, statu tory provisions,) .termB of courts. namos.of tho postmasters, postof-oss. express, telephone- and telegraph of Acqs, -JuatlcQa of tho peacp, hQteW, dally .apd weekly newspapers,1! eb sides much- other Information uwful to all classes of business and profes sional men. A descriptive sketch of each placo( Is given, 'embracing vari ous items of interest, .such as the lo cation, population, distances to dif ferent points, tho most convenient shipping stations, tho products that are markoted, stage, communication, trade statistics, tho nearest bank lo cation, mineral interests, churches, schools, libraries and societies. An Important feature is tho classified di rectory, giving every business arran ged under Its special heading, thus enabling subscribers to obtain at a glance a list of all houses manufac turing or dealing In any particular line of goods. Tho work generally Is compiled to deserve their liberal patronage. PRICE SO.OO. R. L. POLK & CO. SEATTLE, Wash. m mlk 1 V ii-TUStiif-iftnli.1 &