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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1911)
WHAFS BEST POR THE COMMUNITY MEANS NO HARM TO THE INDIVIDUAL YOUR. ADS CARRYING Your Mi'.iio, Jdioiild appear u in. pl,i omitted nn Nmio now j (K., cwll lor M 'ikiuj ii run- miii n fniriiiR thiil " mlKlU win t t, not lie n good newspaper. CflflS Sag QJtttt MlUlllltlt OK AKSOCIATim PRKSH SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A More' ndviMtlslug spare In i newspaper, rtuiiparvd with tli mpnco HH-d by iitlipr Moivm, should delltto IIh nmipunttUe iinportmice In llio voiiiiiitiiili)! OcK-ti your Mow's nd Vi'ltMiiK (.pare (Id tlmtV VOL. XXXIV INlnbllnlied In 1K7S im TI10 I'onM Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY. APRIL 8, 1911 -EVENING EDITION- -EIGHT PAGES. A c,"M,,l,,n"' f Time, c,im mu ' nnl Ok liny Advertiser. No. 73. SEVEHTY-THREE DEAD BODIES F (RE MEN I SCI M Loss of Life In Pennsylvania Disaster Greater Than First Feared. CAUSE OF FIRE NOT YET ASCERTAINED SE Accident One of Worst Known In Anthracite Fields In Late Years. ....... .titti.-'tt r i f T- (By Associated Press.) SCKANTON, Pn., April 8. t omclnls Into thlB nfternoon an t nounced tho total of the deaths t In the mine was soventy-four. BI EXPLOS Mother and Six Children Fatal ly Injured By Gasoline Stove Near Chicago. (Dy Associated PrcB to Coos Day Times.) CHICAaO, 111., April 8. By tho explosion of u kerosene Move, six children and their mother, Mrs. hud dle Podolll; were fatally burned last nlRht at Clyde, a suburb of ChlcnRO. A Word With Mr. Bennett I T IS k By Associated ITchh to Coos Bay' Times.) SCKANTON, Pn., April S Seventy bodies have been recovered from tho 'pancost mlno at Tliroop whoro A Uro yesterday entombed many men :,LEAVE TODAY ON BREAKWATER The Indications aro that many othcrB StCatllSllip Sails FQT Portland will jet bo found and tho tragedy cl .. .. . ,,.... i nis morning vvun Good List. fatal the colliery will be fnr more than was anticipated. The mini olllclulB thla nftornoon Mtlmnted the dead would number eighty-five. Soventy-three bodies had been brought to tho Burfnco up to 12:30 p. m. Tho numbor of dead ex ceeds that of any initio disaster In the anthracite regions In recent yean. The origin of tho flro lina not been ascertained. morning ro r rortinnd with n largo pnssongor list nnd n fair cargo of freight. Among those who Balled on her wore tho following: , JnnicB II. Walt, John Worn or, Mrs. j j Unkor, W. . Marshall, 0.S. Mnr'shull, Miss Besslo MarBhlleld and tho three thousand people of North Bend nro paramount Mlsh, John Illc88bac!c, to thoso of Mr. Bennett nnd his corporation. IBlAIEnT . iu iiirhl mil I.. ..,... ..NnAl... l.l..i,.u 1... ....... ... 1. 1.... . .1.1.. . .. t- nn..t. niniumi ui iiiii;iiih iiuiinvii 111- wifjiwBuitJii iu iiiia iiiuvuiiiuiit .mi. iiuuiiuiv should nook td lend his uBslBtanco and co-oporatlon. By hid present nt- Gub. Wostland, S. W. Scnrls, A. II Kirk, D. S. O'CnlluKan, Chas. Far rier, Mrs. J. A. Underwood, J. A. tltudo he Ib tnkliiK chances that would bo avoided by n sensible man. If Underwood, Jack WndkliiB, II. Fobs, 'disease and denthcomo ns n result of his attltudo tho responsibility peoplo from regard, of J. M. Blake On Street Car Pro- iect Not Part of Coos Bay and Boise. "I have no public announcement to I mako regarding my plana for n street j railway In Mnrshllold nt this time." This was tho ulst of Jacob M. i Mrs. Fobs, Sadlo Onroutte, Chns 01- will mat upon IiIh Bhoulders. .. I ho tlmo to protect the sen, Mnrtln Dahl, Chns AveiBon, K. such n disaster Ib NOW, not after the epidemic Is upon us. Hlltolness. W. It. IIIckB, II. McPheliB, Mr. Bennett writes with much looseness and n wrecklesa Mrs. A. S. Hammond, W. S. Ilenkel facts for n gentleman of his legal '.litnlnincnts, whon ho stntes thrtt Salem Pete Brutt, Joo Brutt, I). M. Thomns, ,11110 other valley towns nave not agitated tho puro water question, tho S. A. Montgomery, C. Ackerninn, r. j truth Ib that tho two dully papers of Kuroiio for montliB kept up an In :Blumst, Mrs. BluuiBt, Fred. Blunist, cessnnt ngltntlou nnd printed ninny pages of discussion pro and con In 1 Annlo Korniodo, Win, It. Kermode, their efforts to secure a water supply. As a result tho city purchased S. R. Smith, Wesley Miller, E. Ahl- tho old dilapidated system nnd rebuilt It wltli a new source of mipply. quiet, S. J. Klngrey, Mrs. Klngroy, The snmo Is truo of Medford and other Oregon cities. Tho Times Is not Mrs. E. S. Burgclt, Ralph Matson, 'seeking to create a BonBntlon unleBs telling the truth nnd proBontlng Mrs.-C. F. Buy, C. J.,Stlonon. Mrs. facts may bo culled sensational. Doubtless tho dovll deplores tho publl D. U. Anibrosln, D. I). Ambroslo, John city of gospel truth and decries It ns sensational but It In no measure Mosaorle, Mrs. Messeiio, May Messor-' minimizes tho force of vorlty or disturbs its eternal qualities, lo, Georgia Messorlo, Rose Mcsserlo, Salem, Albany nnd other Oregon cities are agitating for n purer wntor Blake's renlv to n imorv vestordav James Butts, Mrs. Butti, A. R. Corl- supply to prevent outbrenkfl of ty,)hold fever. In Eugeno tho agitation 11 to wimt ih at,,t,,u nt ihn ,,rnio.f tun. H. Rousseau. II. Burkliagen.'hns resulted In an entirely new municipal system, Medford hns tho s and when he expoctod to Btnrt Win, Rlchnrdson, Mrs. C. B. Solby, instruction. H. L. Ford, O. E. Nicholas, E. M. Mr. niako Is known to hnve had RoBonthnll, Master Saunders, Mrs. .the project up with a number of local Saunders. C. J. VanZllo, Mrs. Groat, Parties but how much local v- Mlchnol. E. B. Michael, Mra. be has interested In the project has Mlchnol, B. Luplow, B. Polndextor. sot been given out. There has been more or less snecu latlon as to whether some railway or railways were behind Mr. Blake's Project but the intoreating of local "Pltal has rather put a, quietus on tnU speculation. I Until this week, It wna supposed by Bny that .Mr. Blnko'a street car pro Ject was connected with tho Coos Bay "4 Bolee nnllwny project owing to iierences given whon the last ex- Rescue 1,720 Passengers From easlon was granted Mr. Blnko on his . ni , , , ., '"nchise. -x Stranded Steamer Near However, Frnncls H. Clarko. presi- Mo... Ynrt of tlie cooa Bay project, thla N(JW Yrk' ek emphatically stated that his (3y Associated Press to Coos Bay wmpany was not Interested in nnv Times.) L V1' whatsoever In Mr. Blnke'a nro- NEW YORK. April 8. "All are 1 Jtri "Ti. I ALL ABOARD . LINER SID same. Theso people were wlso to IiiBlst on pure water. Coos Bay peoplo would also bo wlso If they concerned themsolvea more nbont their wotor supply. City building cannot go along successfully without proper atten tion to theso things. Typhoid nnd other epidemics from city wntor are wholly preventable. Whether a wntor supply la puro or not can be de termined with scientific certainty. Wljy, then, Bhould n city hnve any thing but pure wntor? Speaking recently on n city water Biipply, u prominent doctor said that every enso of typhoid conies from somobody's ignorance cr neg'.cct. That boing truo, what eseuee can the authorities of any enlightened, nggrosslvo municipality give for not securing a water supply that Is positively, puro? It Ib nn old saying In tho modioli profession that for every enso of typhoid some one ought to bo hangoa. That Is putting It with exaggera tion, of course, but speaking temper'tely nnd fairly, ignorance nnd neg lect In matters pertaining to tho public water supply are Inexcusable. I say this In all kindness, for Mr.Bonnett occupies n prominent, niiico In this community nnd has shown wllllngnesa In many ways to help In forwnrdlng its interests. I sny It morely to warn him against old ten dencies, which seem to bo reasserting themselves, nnd will Interfere with that halo he Is Intending to ;et for hlmsolf somo .of theso days. Mr. Bennett cannot afford to opp- se this movement for a puro water supply as ho has opposed tho lmpr'vemont of tho harbor, The water problem Ib too vitally Interwoven ith tho lives and happiness of our people to bo Ignored or treated with Indifference, with regret I note thnt Mr. J. W. Bennett dnn nut irrmii the proper spirit the efforts of tho Marshnold and North Bend city councils, newspapers and citizens to seen re a better, nnd liiircr water supply. He chnrncterlzea tho publication of the state Bonrd of Health's annlyals of the city water ns an outrage. Ills whole attitude Is ono of Injured innocence. Ho views tho cntlro nffnlr ns one of financial expe diency rnther than the wclfaro of the community. Tho gratuitous slur at Ur. Bnrtlo charging him with being prompted by n desire to securo a little cheap advertising and notoriety la unworthy of Mr.. Bennett. Dr. Bnrtlc Is councilman and city Health ouiccr of North Bend and was doing his duty na a citizen and olllclal when ho secured this analysis nnd Is entitled to the gratitude of the entire community. The Times holds no brief for Dr. Bnrtlo who la well ablo to defend himself, but deems this stntement Is demnnded in simple Justlco to thnt gentleman. The fact Is that we must sotjle this water question for tho good of Coos Bay nnd furthermore nitjst settle It right and permanently. The only way to do this Ib by discussion and presentation of the facta In tho case. It Is dlfllcult to uiidurstrjnd why Mr. Bennett should desire to block u movement so fraught with vltnTcanBcquencc to the peoplo of this com munity. It Ib strange thnt a man of Mr. Bcnnotfs Intelligence should minimize thus the importance, of n puro nnd proper supply of wnter. Ho knows ns everybody knows that there Is no ono other article so ne cessary to human life and none other that lends Itself so easily to con tamination nnd tho spread of disease. Good water Is positively essential to good health; from Impure wntor spring all sorts of diseases and epidemics. The protection of the wntor supply of tho people Is one of the first things that Bhould suggott Itself to one placed In n position to assume tho responsibility. ' It Is nlmost unbcllovnblo thnt Mr. Bennett should state as ho docs in his communication thnt "There Ib probably no other wntor shed in tho state of Oregon as freo from contamination from human e.'cretn as tho Coos Bay Water Co.'b watershed;" Ami expect Mnrahlleld citizens to bollovo It. Too ninny citizens have wu.ked over this shod nnd viewed tho so-called reservoir. Within u week tho wlfo of n well-known Mnrshllold business man stood near this reservoir nnd snw agnail boys throwing sticks Into tho reservoir while 11 dog would plunge Into tho water and bring thorn back in Ita mouth. This Ib the source of tho water wo nro cimpclled to drink. This Ik a condition thnt cannot '; ng endure. It will require more .thnn Mr. Bennett's denial und lntlirntlon thnt tho State Board of Health Tio, Breakwater sailed early this Ib not qualified to make n proper analysis of tho wntor. There Una been too much in Amtrlcnii Ilfo of-ploclng private Interests above public advantage. Business hns too often allowed Its action In pub lic utilities to bo decided by couBldoi aliens of peraounl' ndvautago Instead of those of public welfare. It must be recognized now that human rights nro superior to property rights. It uiiiBt bo recognized that the health, comfort, safety nnd happiness of tho live thousand peoplo of FEAR SKIT MINERS WERE KILLED IN ALA8 AH SHAFT INIES DD Explosion In Shaft Near Little ton Endangers Nearly 200 Miners MOST OF WORKMEN CONVICTS LABORERS 1 iTERJUPFlf President J. W. Bennett of Wa ter Company Gives Their View. Of It. Editor Times: - No death or oven n- case of sick ness haa over been attributed to the water of tho Coos Bay Water com pany. Under audi conditions Is It not nn outrago to tho community to nouiy inioiuiing comers by advortls-r ''' h.kiu.n, Ala., April 8. Ing In tho newspapers that tho water At tnrco o'clock this nftornoon supply hero Ib bad. ( It was practically cortaln that Large Number InjuredRes cuers Bring Out Many This Afternoon. 4. MAY HE tin DEAD. (By Associated Press. Tho Inhabitants nt North Bend and Marshflold drank It freely since 1S08; five thousand In Marshnold and thrco thousand In North Bond, and not ono death or a cnno of nlck- neBB can bo attributed to tho water and then some one, In order to ad vertise himself In tho community or out of Kheer cussednesB cnuses the peoplo In the town uneasiness and I frightens outsiders from locating here, as no ono wnnta to live In a 'community whero they cannot get puro wnter. So fnr aB tho Coos Bay Wntor Bay, no men nnd been killed In tho Banner mine explosion that oc- curred thla morning. Seven bodlea wero recovered nnd nbout thirty whites and eighty negroes nro still In the shnft. Forty- llvo wero rescued nllvo. Thoro Is small hopo for tho entombed men, nil but llvo of whom aro convicts. (By Associated Press to Cooa Times.) LITTLETON, Ala., April 8. It 'company Ib concerned, from, a llnnn- is feared that jilxty state and county Clal point of view It Is Immaterial conv)ct8 W(Jf0 ke(I , ft tmloWk iwhothor theso statements nro pub- , , llBhed or not. bo fnr as tho present cxl.loslon. thnt occurred In tho Ban- j residents aro concorned ns the only ncr C(ml ",,I1LH 1,ero N'la mornlntr. effect It will hnve will bo tho coiibii- Ono hundred nnd aevouty-Ilvo minors ' ,il.i.a It'tll IimII llin .1 k.l.il1.... tt.nli. iu '&...... .. I .... M ...u.u ..... mw ...ih .....v. .... vuiU iiimerKnxiiKi wonting Wlion IQO they do In nenrly -all. ..the Vnlloy uxploslou occurred. Most of tho mi towns. Instond of drinking It Btralght nora woro-ucgniea. Rescuers lmvo from the fiiucuts ns thoy hnve for the 'brought out between" forty..nnd fifty last thirteen-years, but It Is nn out-men, most of whom nro InJurfiUri rage under ineso conditions ror any -negroo8 wero dead.. Thirty whites ono to advertise results of nn exam- nro Iu the mlno yet. Inntlon without understanding thp 1 ' (By jct. "Tho n,l, ,.. ... , , t ,,. tio nioC.mT rinBi.iii n n rnn 11 run iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii 11 i i r i ?s-";rr;;;::Lrp tAfLUfllUPI rtlUVtO rrtlHL s' "'P. I WOUld lilf tn ccn II Qi.nnnnrt ora 1H tllO 111 ET liner Wltll tllO 1,720 'course, my neonlo would wish nnv resRiied nasseiiEera from tho strand- 'Ml1 bu"t here to bo under a com- ed Prinzoaa Ireno swung Into tho n user clauso regulation so that North German Lloyd docks at Hobo wouhl be open to their use tho ken today. . "" as other railways." , - Photo supplies and finishing at Kodak finishing done right at Wal- Walker Studio. I ammo. 6. READ THE TIMES WAfT Al)9. Mwe River Flour, highest quality. THE (JALILEAX, sacred cantata at Baptist church Monday. MISTLETOE Hams & Uncon Excell. J. E. Thurman Killed and Geo,,tho wren construction company's I quarry, some miles east of here luat Shump and Wjfe Badly In- gnt instantly killed J. E. Thurman jured Near Ashland. iau lmt ,n,ured, m0, ,r8hu,np 1 jand wife. Shump and his wife wore iBy Associated Press to Coos Bay landing near and numerous small Times.) pieces of rock were blown into their ASHLAND, Ore., April 8. A bodies. Thurman came from Klam- premature explosion of dynamite in ath Falla. White River Flour, highest quality. Perfection in Preferred Sock Brands requisites of an examination. To get fair .results, wnter Bhould be oxnmlned tho annio day It Is drawn, and not threo duya after wards as In thla enso. The containers must bo thoroughly sterilized, which wnB not done In the North Bond mutter. "Bacteria can multiply from soven .per c. c. to four Hundred ninety-live thousands In three days nt ordinary room temperature." (Mlguol). It does not necessarily mean thnt colon bacilli means typhoid or any 'other disease, or that It means hu man excreta. Speaking of bacteria Index of fae cal pollution, Stoddard, says: "Until wo aro nblo to alnglo out a form apeclfically assooluted with fae cal n attor, and at least as easily re cognizable as the tuberclo or dlph tprrla bacillus, we shnll do well to a' old such expressions ns contniu ' Index faecal pollution. It la an as sumption to say tluit bacterial .soil communis does not occur In abun dance In organic matters, othor thai r ilmal oxcreta." But If tho wntor contains unythluv. tho stockholders of the Wntor com pany nro Just as anxious to have It remedied ns anybody olso na thorn selves, their relatlvoa nnd frlouda uso it continually and havo for the Init thirteen years; but It la pot fair to havo thorn nlnrmod simply bocnuso somo one adopts that niothod of bo coming noticod In tho aoninumlty whero otherwise tholr proaeuo would nevor hnvo been known. In one bronth they say tho water I positively not lit for uso nnd In the next, which follows Immediately, thy Bay tho Council advises tho buying of tho plant or forco tho company to sell. Whnt do you think of that? Thoro Is probably no othor wator abed in tho State of Orogon aa free Aasoclated Press to Ccos Bay Times.) lHIlMlNGIIAM, Aln April 8. . Scores of minora nro reported ' to have been killed In an explosion at tho Banner mines nt Littleton, thir ty miles from here. Tho Banner mines aro owned by tho Pratt Con solidated Coal company with otllcos hero. Convicts hired from various coun ties In the state nro employed In tho mines. Two hundred men uro known to hnvo been In tho inluos when the explosion occurred nnd only twenty thus far have come out nllvo and It la bolloved n -majority of tho remain der are dead. Tho cause of tho ex plosion hna not been ascertained. II ROBBERS ra ED Man at Aurora, Mo., Thwarts Effort to Loot Bank There. (By Associated Proas to Cooa Bay Times.) AURORA. Mo., April 8. Two rob bora whllo attempting to forco on trnuu. to tho .Minors & Farmers banlc In this elty wero shot and seriously wounded early today by Frank Rup poll, a butcher, who discovered the men at work. Ituppel was aaleop across the btreot whon he hoard tho noise. He mkod tho window with a revolver In his hnd. Ho saw four niou trying to pry opon the front door of tho bank. Ruppol shot llvo times ' of posalble contamination from hu- and two men fell but their eonipunl- man excreta aa tho C003 Bay Water ona gathered them up and oseapod company's water shed. Tho water boforo Ruppol could arouso tho cltl- 9hed Is completely covered with Urn- zonu. Tho rob, burs did not return njJv"'uJvvs' Kuppol'8 Uro. (Continued on page 8.) . MISTLETOE Hums & Bacon i:ccll. I Perfection In 1'rvfri red Stuck linuuk 4 j ---fe-fcL:.. tu.:).-i iil ir l-aM aa.---jAV 1H ilfTAJt "i -i