FRIDAY, APAIL 7, 1911 EVENING EDITION THE COOS BAY TIMES MARSHFIELD, OREGON, f m ;ti pi i gffC D AV TPIJVyTP'Q w l"t your from this city by ono VVVAJ SjJ I I IlYJLIuD fa,y for catalog houso articles, In- Kntcrcd at tho poslomce at Marsh flold, Oregon, for transmission) through tho mails as second class mall matter. , ' M. V. MALONKV MAX K. .MALO.MCV An Independent ltnthllcan news paper published ever) evonlng except Bundny, ntid Weekly by Tito rMi Uuy Time I'litilMiliiK Co. IMilor and Tub. NtM Kdllor Dedicated to the Hcrvlc of the people, that no good rauw shall lack a chninplon, find that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposed. sntsntirrmx iiatrs. DAILV. Ono yonr c'0u'he aupiiorted in tho cause by every cludlim groceries, la thta a Rqunro deal to your city? la It right to tho men who help build your streets, who subscribe to every worthy causo, and who, were they to clone up their places of business, would mean the abandonment of thin, city as an out side renter? l.eave the money you wim here at home. It holoiiRS here. It dona not belong nor should It go to fatten the coffers of Seattle, Snn Francisco, Portland, Chicago or New York catalog houses. If It become neeiaar.v Tor Tlio Times to print nniiios of the men and women In this city, who gain their employment here, and who are buying most of their goods from those foreign catalog houses, we will do so; nud wo wilt 1'cr month t0 When pnld strictly In advance tho subscription price of the Coos Day Times 1b $G.OO per year or J2.G0 for six months. WKKIUjV. Ono year $1.50 loyal citizen of Coos Day. Official Taper of Coo Comity OFFICIAL I'APKIC OF THK CITV OF MAHSHl'IKLD. n Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY' T1MIM. Mtirsliflehl :: :: :: :: Oregon CATALOG HOUHKK OUT fllW.OOO t WITH THE t x toastandtea: GOOD EVEXIXG. A good deed Is novcr lort. lie who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants klndnesa gathers lovo: pleasure bestowed upon a grateful mind was nover storllo, .but generally grntltude begets reward. S. UASIL. EXTRA! WARRIORS IN Many cltlzona nsk tho question why Mnrahfleld Ijiib net 3 houses do nut grow nnd becomo great big merenn tlio houses like other cities Htipport. Wo will toll you why nud the nnswer Is contnlncd In the statement that, ftrlng 1910, Coos liny citizens scut! nwny to foreign catalog houses tho J shameful sum of $25,000 that should have been left with our Coos Hay morchnnts and business houses. i Thero went from this city last year to Sonttlo, Portland nnd Sun Fran cisco mall, order houses, $9,000; to ( Now York catalog houses, $3,000, nnd to Oilman I'ntnlnir Iwiuhku t In ( onormoua sum of $14,000. Wo any ahamo on such people of this city for tholr disloyalty. Tho history of catalog houses '.a that thoy leave not a dollar In tho thousands of small communities from which thoy reap so rich a re- CoQn i. QrcjcrGH turn. Thoy hiro men to get up a oulu,IUi uruerep. catchy catalog to bo nont freo to every small town resident and farm er In tho country. In catchy nnd misleading Innguago thoy print cuts of articles of furniture, firearms, gro-. corlos, etc., nnd pnlm them off on n AP.TIVltV STARTI FS MARCH. .......... . ..... . ww mniiwir Public, General Mobility, General Hestilta, General Delivery and Gen eral Summary. Colonel Nona of Ilandon has been appointed ndjutftnl general nm nt once assumes the duties of tho posi tion. A J. W. Ingram has been made su--geon general and will direct tho hos pltnl corps and check casualties. Jtoy Lnwhorno has been placed in chargo of the aerial corps nud has telographed for Curttss. Loonl recruiting ofllccs hnvo been opened but so far only It. P. Smith hns applied for admission. Colonel Will Kkblad hns been re lieved of nctlvo Bcrvlco with Instrur tloun to develop his gunpowder crop nt ouco. Admiral Hartlo has been ordered to prepare his licet of schooners for nctlvo Bcrvlco na rapidly as possible. It Is pointed out that when North Dend falls before the onslaught of the little brown men that tho fleet will nt onco conio up tho bay and at tack tho metropolis. TIiIb Is to bo prevented at nil hazards and ac counts for tho Buddcn activity. !.butt when ono of the fellows asked IfttW really and truly caught all I those fish Jim Haines grew sarcnR tic nnd growled! "No, 1 didn't catch a blamed one of them. They Jumped Ihto tho boat and I slipped and fell over them. That knocked tho wind nut nf 'cm, and I thought I might an well bring 'cm to yon follows, Just to prove they wore out there." "Motor enrs," says nn exchange, "go out of fashion In a single year." Some of thorn, we notice, go to the Bornp heap In les time than that too oarly to predict hl complete recovery. UXCIjK DUDLEY '8AYH: "Tho shortest argument I over see wna between two log- gors. Uoth lenowed tho Bttb- Jcct nnd both was carried home." ' Helen was a charming mnld With dough to burn, tho nolghbnra en Id; John, ho was a grasping youth With sportive tnstes all quite un couth. Old Hustle wbb n doting dnd To loso his daughter made htm mnd. John's father told the boy ono day That he was throwing time nwny. Said John, "It takes some dough to rustle." Said dad: "Then go to Helen ' Hustle." A Spokane divorce suit brought to light tho fact that the husband de serted his wife seven t'lmos In six yenrs. Ono can hnrdly blame the wife for tiring of n mnn with bucIi ft changeable mind. first Class Laundry work Is most desirable to anyono wishing their linen to possess that 1 .mrflnntnr fltilntl SO tlCCesSnrV tO II"""- -" , good taBto In dross. ) WE DO THAT CLASS OF WO UK Ono Trlnl will Convince. Coos Bay Slcam Laundry PHOXE MAIX 5T-.T Women havo certain Ideals and un certain realizations. Scnntor Halley hasn't had a peevish Bpoll for sovoral days, but It Is still 400 TKAP XESTED HAHUED PLYMOUTH HOCKS. Our matlngs havo produced standard-bred specimens of exhibition quality with records of 242,227,222 eggs In 30G days. Baby Chicks nnd Eggs for Hatching Dook your ordora now for spring delivery. A fow cockerels from heavy laying stock for $6.00. Plymouth Place, Poultry Ynrda. FHED. DACHMAN, Prop. Mnrnhneld, Hot 485. Phono 288 Hotel Men Attention! An unusunl opportune- tn ohnec n property In tho Hunt r n. City of Hnndon, Ore,, that U emla. tly fitted for n modern h.jtv This property has n Fr ntngo of 250 feet mi the three principal bn. ness streets of the town, a a ,.,h" Hub" of Ilandon. An exceptional Opening fnp a wid, Awake Hotel Man. For forthor particulars nddren W. I. SKLLMUt, Hiimhin, Orcein. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY THE KXOCKEH. GDNSU General Board of Strategy Meets In Sudden Session. to Prepare Their Commands For Active Service. FIELD; GREAT SECRECY No Reason Flven For Sudden Activity But It Is Believed President Taft Has Wired Instructions. trusting public for more than tho lat ter could buy tho better article, rela tively Hpoaklng, In tho locnl stores. To Illustrate Theso catalog houses contract with a factory for u cheap er grade of chair, promising to tn(ii so ninny carloada n year. Tho mnnu facturor, If ho Is willing to make the contrnct, goes abend und turns out an Inferior article for tho catalog houBO. AH tho catalog house wuuts is tho factory unme stamped on that Great secrecy surrounds tho sud chair. Tho well known factory nnmo den summoning of tho locnl board of is enougn ror tno rarmor or small Btrntegy this morning by Chlof of town resident. Hut lot them com- Staff E. E. Straw, which was attend poro tho artlclo with tho Holld, sub- ed by Chief or Engineers J. Albert stantlal nrtlclo that any legitimate Matson nnd Jim Haines, chlof of good furnlturo donlor sells In his store, scouts. It is rumored that tho board and tho deception Is uncovered. Wo Is acting under sudden telegraphic know of men employed by firms on Instructions from Genornl Wood and Co6s Day, which firms nro dopondont President Taft. None of tho mom vpon tho business of tho business bors of tho board would give tho real reason for their sudden activity but remained cloaked In socrocy. It is reported that tho board has decided to fortify Daniels creok In order to keop tho Japanese from lie wont to n bnsobnll game, A llttlo bet ho laid. ' - Tho team that ho bet on lost. "Tho game's n fnke," ho said. Ho Bat In, a rlngaldo scat, Whllo n couplo of flghtors mixed, And although thoy fought like mnd, Ho said: "Tho light Is fixed." Ho wont to n drama rnro, Tho audience snt enthused, It didn't nppeal to htm. "Punk" wbb tho word ho' used. Ho rond railway rumors dally, Hut It wasn't good enough, Throwing Tho Times away Ho said: "This Is awful stuff." . And tho knocker died at last And wont to tho goldon shore, Hn said: "I havo often seen Hottor than this boforo." St. Peter turnod nround; His look on tho knocker foil. "If It doesn't suit you hero You can loavo and go to Floras Lako, Curry county, Oregon. When Harry McKeown nnd Jim Ilnlnos enmo In from Ten Mile tho first week and showed their frlonds tho bunch of boautiea they had caught fn a stnglo day, thoy had to stand for a lot of guying, of courso, Our Saturday city, nro striking at the very roots of tholr own omployment, nnd tn tho ond got a cheap article from theo foreign marts qf trade. men and merchnnts of this city for tholr mon'a positions. Ye these men sond nwny annually hundreds of dol lars for thefiQ catalog house goods, and spond tho money that Indirectly comeB Into tholr pockets through the' coming up with warships, and captur- Dusiness mni otnor loyal citizens give lug tho camp at that point. It Is tholr local merchants. Wo say that J still hoped that tho shoal at Pony In- ,tho men and women Coos Hay who j let will prevent this but It is pointed do this nro disloyal to tholj home ' out that tho Japs can go whoro tho steelhcnd can't so not much faith Is placed In this barrier, Whllo E. E. Strnw, chief of staff, will not discuss tho matter in his Scatter that $2C,000 that went out.olllctal capacity ho says that In a prl- of Coos Hay among tho merchants of . vato capacity ho favors tho planting his city, and business would bo bet-J of mines just below Empire. On tho tor. Tho buslnossiuon of this city Coos Head ho will plnco severul should nt onco ascertain the names heavy pieces of artillery, of tho men and women who nre, In tho meantime orders have boon making their Uvollhood here and Issued to the following colonels ro Bonding away tholr wages nnd savings prepare their commauds for action to thoso onstorn catalog houses. Tho at once: Colonel Graves, Colonel flrnic omploylng theso porsons should ' Grimes, Colonel Going, Colonel J. W. bo npprlsod of this fact. It Is of Dennett of the Port of Coos Uay dtvl courso n freo country and wo can slon. Colonel Lee Webster of the buy nnd sell whore wo please, but It Empire Infautry nud Major L. D. Kin Is a crying shame that some stop uey of Hnugor . The latter is in is not tnkon to stop the Inroads thoso 'struoted to fortify Plat H and hold It catalog houses aro making. j at all hazards. Wo advlso that tho merchants of A number of armored cars aro to this city secure some fow articles be used for scout duty on tho Coos front theso catalog houses. Placo ' Uay, Hoseburg and Eastern along the thorn besldo tho substantial artlclo J banks of tho Coqulllo. Ahugomogul they soil in tholr stores and against ' engine, capable it developing, high which tho cntnlog houses aro placing speed has been painted n deep black tho shoddy article, nnd show tho during tho past few days In propara pooplo of Coos Uar and vicinity tho Hon for war. deception. Wo aro reliably Inform-, Tho following generals nro uow in ed that upwards of $300 was sont tho field; General Apathy, General Market Basket la well filled with all tho PUHE FOOD the market embraces.. . . Wo havo a fresh supply of SALT NORW'AY MACKfJItEL just arrived: Wo nlso havo all kinds of SALT and DRIED FISH, tho best of MISTLE TOE HAM and BACON. PURE HONEY In COMD. All kinds of pic nic goods. Our list of FRESH FRUITS nnd VEGETABLES for Sat urday follows: FRESH COOS HAY RHUBARB SPINACH, TENDER ASPARAGUS. RTICHOKES. HEAD LETTUCE. CUCyMBERS, FRESH TOMATOES, GREEN ONIONS. CAULIFLOWER, CABBAGE, CELERY, BEETS, TUR NIPS. CARROTS, PARSNIPS, RU TABAGAS. .- FBESH FRUITS. ORANGES. LEMONS, . APPLES'. FRESH PINEAPPLES, GRAPE FRUIT, BANANAS. DRIED FRUITS nil kinds. Don't forget that we havo H. J. HEIN55 Pure n.VRLEY MALT -VINEGAR; In bulk. Tho only .place In town that you can got it. PHONE US YOUR ORDER. OLLIVANT & WEAVER PUREFOOD GROCERYMEX A Good Placo to Trade. PHOXE 27B-J Try Our Hod Rlbboon Pumpkin CORNER URD AND CENTRAL UmiMIWIIjRBJII.IUI.l DO IT NOW Lay in your supply of wood now nnd avoid the usual summer rush. Wc have plenty of wood and just at present can deliver it promptly. A little later, when orders begin to pile in, wc will not bo able to give you our undivided atten tion. 12-in. Stove Wood $2.00 per dump'lond. Fire Place Blocks $2.50 per dump loud. We can furnish you a man to split and pile it if desired. CA. SMITH LUMBER &MTG. CO. PHONE 19-J 182 So. Broadway rH. O. W. LESLIE, ft.i,i, m.M-i-i . vs....."!-....... i iijnicinii Graduato of tho American school ot Osteopathy at Klrkavlllc, Mo. Offlc In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12: ltn K Phono 101-Jj Mnrahfleld: Oregon. D IU J. W. INGRAM, Physician nnd Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Building Phones: Ofllco 10SJ; Resldcnco 1C21. W. HENNETT, Lawyer. Ofllco ovor Flanagan & Bennett Dink Marshflold Orefoi W " M. S.TdtPEX, ' Architect Ovor Chnmbor of Commorce. WATCH! NOTICE! Homor Mauzoy, one of tho driven and tho solicitor for us Is out for Laundry. Watch him! ho Is liable to stop1 you on the street nnd explain all details of Laundry and also tot nt your homo any time. He knowi Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry PHOX- 220-J I r Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 i Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 AssekOver $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Teposits COOS BAY LIVERY Wo havo socurod tho llvory but- nosa of L. H. Holsnor and are pre pared to ronder oxcollont service to the peoplo of Coos Bay. Careful drivore, good rigs and erorythhs that will moan satisfactory service to the public. Phono ,ua for a driving horse, a 'rig or anything needed la' tho livery line. Wo also do trucking buslnoss of all kinds. HLANCIIAHD nilOTHEHS. Llvory, Foed and 8Ics Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phono 13 8-J FOR GOOD WORK Rrlng your clothos to us. Cleaning, pressing and repairing a specialty, by oxperloncod men. Satisfaction guaranteed HLANCHAHD & UOD. SOT, Alliance IUdg. Front St. -" i First National Bank OF COOS RAY Capital fully paid .$100,000,00 burp,us"-- - 5,000,00 ' OFFICERS: W. Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer J President, Vice-President Y Cashier! DIRECTORS: W. S. Chandler, " John S, Coke, . W.U. Douglas, Wm, Grimes John F.Hall, S, C, Rogers F,SlDow' W, P. Murphy, M, C, Horton, ' ; :" ' Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year, v v r5 at Polks Oregon and Washington State Gazetteer nnd HnsJness Dfrw tory. Just Isauod for 1011-12 Is the mott complete work of tho kind publUhed. It contains an accurato business di rectory of every city, town and Til lage In Orogon and Washington, ni tho names and addresses of country merchants and professional men, lumbermen, etc., who are located ad' Jacent to villaces: also lists ot gor eminent nnd county ofllcerB, commis sioners ot deeds, stato boards, statu tory provisions, termB of courts, names of the postmasters, postofflces, oxpross, tolephono and telegraph flcos, justices of iti peaco, hotels, dally and wookly newspapers; bo sides much other Information usefal to all classes of business and profes sional men. A descriptive sketch of each nlace Ir irivnn. nmhraclng varl- ous Items of Interest, suoh as the lo cation, population, distances to a ferent points, tho most convenient shipping stations, tho products that are marketed, stage communication, trado statistics, tho nearest bank lo cation, mineral interests, churches, schools, libraries and societies. An Important feature Is the classified di rectory, giving every business arran ged under Its special heading, thus enabling subscribers to obtain at a Slanco a list of nil houses manufac turing or dealing in any particular lino of goods. Tho work generally Is complied to deserve their liberal patronage. PRICE $0.00. R. L. POLK & CO. SEATTLE, Wcsh. v . i