,4 v M T ,.1 u. k ..... .U..U...A U. t ! ' .' , l. 3. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIHLDf, OREGON; TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 191 1 EVENlNQ EDITION 4 yOHZ . . V1 Jfc.. tl II m m M i W' in' ft i V r. iff.'' uN jRHRHHSibH Makts Homt Baking Easy r fC "III1 Wir',m &AKIN5 POWDER Absolutely Pure 7Z;e oify baking powder ritmde from Royal Grape -x O'ream of Tartar MALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE ?JP SUMMER i' HE S i' i 1 i ANNOUNCED Railways Fix Tourist Passen ger Rates and Dates From ' ' Portland. POi'tTLANI), Ore., April 4 L'nHt- bound tourist anil convention rntcn i fflf TALLIN CITY COM fCntiflnuoil tro'in mtsn 1.1 tilled Mayor Straw, And he also ndd ed h number of other tiling. "dttntlomou don't do that Hort of thing," replied Mr. Copple. "Nor do they Interrupt other men's conversation," retorted the mayor. Flnnlly, after further discission of other phases of the matter, Coun cilman Copplc made a motion tlmt the marshal he Instructed to gather evidence against the Athcrton woman and to compel her to move from her new location. This was carried. Previously Councilman Savage wanted to know If she had reformed, 'saying that the council coy Id do noth ing until she had committed some of fense In, the new quarters. Wm. Holland, who was present, was called upon by Mayor Straw to jell what ho know about tho matter. Mi. Holland nd in I tied that ho and At. Owen owned tho housq to which tho woman waH moving and that 'id had rontqd It to her. . Ho said hq didn't know her, nnd hadn't seen hor. but that ho had rented It by phono. Hq said tho property had been Idlo for Bovcrnl ygnra nnd they hnd been glad to got a tenant but that ho hnd not been aware tlat, she, was an un desirable. Flrcmen'H Hull. Flro Chlof Tra'ver requested tho Wt the same ntitl. oilier urged that the prcsout nrmnKefnent stand for a while. However, It was migwfted Hint tho city dlMansr with tin- phone ' iii;ir nlty imrtntr'i offlcp which ui one iii nnd Hint fills $3 per m nMi In- rut off the ." por month for tho flr Alarm. Thp ntn of the Donnelly ave nue lniproveraofltwaabrotfght up. Mr. Alhrrcht nald aom of the propert owners wanted to be hoard before anything further wa thine nbnut U. I llocorder Hutler said that there would have to bo n deficit assessment when the work was accepted. The reason for the special work on It now wns recalled, It hnvfhg been ar ranged last year In order to let the nil sottlo. The council adjourned until the first Tuesday In May, Councilman Al brccht Faying It 'was unnecessary to meet before that date If tho council wns not going to mnko any street Improvement this year. STIMKF.H AT IllLMlOAItDS. Linv Forbids Sale of Liquor Adver tised on Them. TACOMA, Wash., April . The municipal commission, In absence of Mnyor Fnwcctt, dealt the billboard n blow by tho pnssngo of rin ordinance Introduced by Commissioner Hoys prohibiting "tho sale or holding fo'r sale of liquors advertised on any bill board In Tncoinn. Tho penalty for violation Is loss of, license, nnd any portion, of the license, fee not .used nt tho time tho license Is taken nwny. The orlnnncot.pns&cd...mnnulmouiriy and becomes cffcctlvo In 10 dnys. John W. Slckolsmlth, Greensboro, for 1011 have Just been announced by tho North Pnclllc Coast PasHonger council to.,nass a reaqlutloii stlpulnt nflsoclntlon, to apply to all trnnscon- '"K tl10- flremen sliould have exclusive I'n.. has tluoo children, and like most t.nentn. lines out of Portland. Tho chnrgonnd control of tho room In tho, 'e r h. summer tourist rates will bo tho samo city '1' which they uso for n hnll. lC0UBh medicine," he says, "hut have ns In years past, to caBtorn termlnnlB "o BII' tho firemen hnd gone to con-(novep found any yet that did them .is nnd boyond nnd to Colorado common nldornblo oxponso In fixing It up and ; much good as Chamberlain's Cough points, 'as follows: ' , that some of the boys kept their mil- Remedy." For sale by nil dealers. TREAT.THE" BRIDE FAIRLY. V Why should not tlio modern Dates of sales: Mnv 10. 17.18. 19 'forms nnd other nrtlcles there The "if, 23, 21, 25, 27,'2'8, 20.' Juno fi, ronBon for bringing the question up, 7," 9, 10, 12, 10, 17, 21,-22, 28, 20, "u pnld, wnH because tho other night 30. July 1, 2, 3, 4, r, C, li, 20, 20, Homuono had Intimated Hint the llre- 27, 28. August 8B; 11 in, K. 'o lltln"t havo tho authority to e. 17,!21, 22, 23, 28, 20, 30. Suptom- ''"'" nnyono from tho hnll. After bor 1, 2, -I, 5, C, 7. .IlnBls rates Hnnio or less dlKcusHlon, n reHolutlon as Innt yenr to oifo'lei-h tormliials providing for tho firemen to hnvo Duluth, St. Pahl, MlnnenpollB, onia-,xc,,"'lvo elmrgu of tho hnll until tho ha, Council muffs, KniiRns City. etc.J.'Cimoll decides otherwise was mloyt SCO roiiml trill. f'lilriiL'o. J7!2.r,n! cd. St. LouIb, 70, and proportionately Heniliig In Poslpoiied. briclo' be giVGfl-the ' advailtaSO low fares to other points. ' ' ronpoiiBO to a request from C. Umlts: doing limit I fi dnyH. Hnnl T. MoKnlght, tho hearing of tho locil Of modOI'll appai'atllS 111 lie I' return limit Octobor 31. liquor men to protest ngnlnst the In- 8topovorH: Allowed Chicago, St. rene of the liquor llconso from $000 to $1,000 pur yenr was postponed until the next mooting. Mr. Mc- for Knight roiiroioiita tho liquor men wj je eXUOCted tO prepaiO Inrgo conventions there, viz., Presby- n" Iinl l K to Portland Saturday. ...... torlnn church, May 17 .to Juno 1; " thor mntters and could not be appotlfcillg Strength - giving preeont InBt night. 11 1 -n 11 1 no Anion on Av.ucr. wholesome meals, with )Q aid . :,:r':i!::r,,::,:c of somo kind of a cook stov? f.lllin vuillh ff V'tll U(l 11 t I Mlblllllll.l Louis, etc., nnd points west. Convention rates will bo as lows: To Atlantic City, N. J., fol- hoine? THREE TIMES DAY sne Springs. Denver. Puo- cnglnpor for a Joint waterworks yr SllOUld tile bride cIlOD kllld-' Fnnnlng congress, nt tem for No'u I1-1 " Maruhnel;!,1. igs, sales dates Octo- " commltteo from tho North Ilend. lijlKj Sai'iy C.0(ll,.SlQV.el SSlieS, Christian Kudenvor, July 0 to 12; Elks, 'July 10 to 15. Sales dates May 12 nnd 13, Juno 28, 20, 30, July 1 to 6 Inclusive 'Unto $102.40. To Colorado bio, for Dry nl Colorado Springs bor 12, in. 14. Hnto $&&. Ic,t" council did not put ln.nppearnnra To Detroit, Mich!, for Knights of ln8t n,Kt. Tho Marshlleld city conn. Columbus, August, snles dates July c" a,rt "t nko Buy action on the 26-to-J8. Hato $81. mnUer, pending th cpujlng. of tho ToMlnnenpolls. Mlnp..' for Hoyal -North "O".'1 committer. Arcnnumi'Mny 17 and 25. sales datou Other IVoeecdliiRs. I May 12 hnd 13. Hnto $00; Contractor Morrlimey-wns ordered To 'Itochester.'N. Y for Shrlnors, paid $14.01 on his Central .. nvenuol ll.f.. 1 t .A lO. 'O A 1) t (.,. A... l.H 1 ..1.1. .. I to 9, 'sales dates Juno 30, July 1 to A resolution wns adopted author 6 Inclusive, August 14 to 17 Inclusive llng City Treasurer Wllllnma to In-Itnto$91-.35. dorso a warrant given Contractor Mo- Limltu r.nd stopovorB for conven- Inln for'tholinlnuco duo "on his old tlons "will bo tho same ns summer North Hrondwny contract. Thovo tourist rntcs. Tho transcontinental lines have U aued n tariff naming rates to Port- spoil her lobs and tem'peY and be forced to' give half her time to coaxing tho stove to bake 01 boil? ... . :: Or should she be fyeed from all this needless work' -and bother and enjoy the cleanli ness, convenience and comfort of an up-to-date gas range?' -Young 1 man, cooking." with gas "will enable your wife to STAY ATTRACTIVE in looks and temperament; inouAS KANUt question isj really up to you, Solve it With; 1 Isn't sufficient money In the fund now to pay him nnd there will not ho for nlong tlmo owing to-the lltlg- land for Hobo PeBtlval, tickets On sale ntlon over tho ownorshl;i of tho nbnt- fronr eastern terminals May 29, 30 ting property nnd the warrant was nnd' 31' (After'" which regular 'sun ordered Issued him1 bo that ho would mer tour'Ist'Vafes In effect), basis got Interest on the account, $60' for rbiiW 'frlp,'- returning over Improvement Hond No. 1 for about direct lino or via Missouri river $300 which Is held by Dr. r7j Mlngus poluts, $S1.73 returning through for the Dredge Committee on the California. South Hroadwuy Imiivoreniont was nogular sdmmer tourist tickets ordered paid'. ' '' - '"' wnatllril7itllv'fl tn t-kli nl.V rlnllv 'lull. 1 Prnmnlltlln.. lritnl. ...n.l. n I L to September .30. with final return port on the question of paying thoi the aSSlstailpO Of OUT NeW BUS- limn oi uciouor ji. Me.epnono company jr. per month ror n. npnnrtmpnt Tplpnhnnfi ; the special nru alarm service. "Mr. i l,ieS(S Uepai imen1, ' eiePn0116 IS YOUR SKIN ON FIRE? A,brecht d u:nt J",l,f Tvur. ' 178. . recnmmundlni: tint mHiiHtiiunt nf . Does U eora to you that you can't lmd ev'Wontly niul,aor8tooa tho bit stand another lnlnuta of th.it awful ' ......... .. ' ... . . .. . '.luiiion. .Mr. .iurecni sam tlio ur- r.-jiigoiuunt had been made, with for mer manager purrett and that tho company hnd cut tho regular charge from $6 to $5 per month. Some ona suggested that for the present It be burning Itch? That It MUST bo cooled? That you MUST havo relief? (let a' mixture of Oil of Winter green, Thymol, nnd other soothing Ingredients ns compounded only In D. D. D. Prescription. Tho very first drops STOP that awful burning instantly! Tho first drops soothe nnd heal! D. D. D. glvos you comfort clean ses the skin of all Impurities nnd washes away pimples nnd b'otchos over night! Take our word on It as your local druggist. OREGON POWER COMPANY. JTT TIIK FRIRKI) OF.OOv IUVV S: S. ALLIANCE COXXKCTINO WITH TIIK NQHT1I DANIC HOAD AT PORTLAND VIUiSAU, FKOSl ' MpJifirlSfor Poland. Wednesdav. P. M. w rE might with truth point with pride - to our large stock ot superbly tailored EN'S Suits awaiting your inspection in our -stores, but it's not quantity you are--aftei what you want is QUALITY and VALUE and above all, you want just that on& suit that! -f.i.f -J .... "iu ,i4.t ft r.,,, J ClOines you ano your peiauuniy wi,m wen Ilttinp' r,. . -f it 1 0 i 1 1 refinement ana distinction we nave mat suit ' . i ;, and we are holding it for you, because we know that you will 1 1 "GET YOUR NEXT SUIT AT" 1116 FlllI Shoe Company r i. t 1 A k. .. 1 J The Stores Where "Money Talks" Marshfield Bandon DO IT' NOW Lay in yonr supply oi! wood now and avoid the usual summer rush. We havo plenty ot wood and just at present can deliver it promptlv. A little later, when orders bcitfn to pile in, we will not he abje to give you our undivided atten tion. 12-in, Slovc Wdod $2.00 per (Imp load -Fire Place Blocks $2.50 per damp land. Tdi can fuynisli you a man to, split . an(Uuleit,f(esrpd? (; t Vll. ., lU CA. SMITH LUMBER &MTG. CO. it.,'"- ' '-"' .. COOS BAY m We luivu secured the Urn; I I noH8 ct L. II. lloliuer aniwfi puiOQ to render oxa'lleut len'o I (he people of Coos Vij. ilrlvurs, kdoiI rigs nnd mm tliut will moan Kutlifartii i tho imbllc. I'lionu ik Ion ft liorso, a rlR or nn)ttla; i tho llvcrV lino. We tli) ii truckluR business o'( all kick IlLANCIIAltO IIIIOriltBt I J very, IVcil niidSalwSitml Ml First and Alder S:wll Phono US-J Coal Cheapest fi ! . .on Coos Bayi Limp coal 91.00. Nut Hj i Wq .do .all rflnds of UtUJ Bfjlo. For quick MJTt;; l. h. mipm ur. phono 1.2 0-J or 1g,.u v.I . SAFK INVKSMtW For .Information ' hlch.clnsa bond laid bcarlnn C Jnterrtt W4rlto..O. B. IHn6dalMi H. Adomfl ana vjojav Anrnlffl. nallforOlt. 11 ITtj Vt ' - TIIK FAST AXl!) COMMODIOUS Steamer R.edcmdo ' lmSS! ,vUh Will i,uiko.reSul rl,S carryl,, pnbkcngcnr both W1J8 d frclKht between Coos y d B Francisco. AH reservlsfr,msgerS mule nt Alliance- Dock, Mar.h.lcld and Intcr-Ocoan Tn i.r Co hToT'Z1 'wmsS;-r s,,n "ri,,,r ,sc- '"SoTpho; XTKK.orK.X THAXSl'OltTATlON' COMPANY. WF tamm ai fci OLD RELIABLE ISTEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS 0, TIME Sails rrom Alnsworth Dock, Portland, at k n t ' 8.11. from Coo,-nay every Saturday '.Sd"? ,U"dar IU uo held later ,h FrWano IZTssilet' " L. II, KFUTIXG, AGF..NT ' ,U",CSStlro purchased WIOXK MAIX 35.L COOS BAY-ROStBURG STAGE I INT Dally stage between Wborg .nd M.rThfli i o d Sundaya at 7 p. m. 00 ' S,aS lme8 f Good Liverv . t mAlt kflPTl rnncy new riB, h"- - ..? n-r..l J.lvnn nr bflff it " uuutui m.i, .w . poaal of tho Coos DapuM-". REASOXA1ILE i nicn nr rlca with drlvfrtl any trip anywhere any 11" boarded and rlss carea 'v' ,'n nnd soefla datlons provided fpr tavpl L1VEIIV AXD FKED SI PHONE 273 ..,... vurTED . ..n noCIvS- 1 Our matlnga hate Pro J . 1 nnMltT1AnS VI . aru-ortju ;"- ,,y; quality with records w ' egps In 3C5 days- , Uaby.hlcU? nnd Egg not) ypw p;u"""vefeU deHvery. ttA 5(.. heavy laying stock for i Pnpn. BACHM'J?S " ' .D . n""j lorhtlfll. Dt'X - .... unAK Fonc.ooM"' c i . iuAd rn Bring your ciw--- . wfc prising abd. repaW'f ...k. A-nni-lnnAri -tlK"' ...u uj. "-7KtMk1V guaranteca ! - ( f J7 . .... J - ."?! AB0Bt' C. P. BAHVAim HW "- ii JJ r-1-- " -- --- - - - ,. i kt-t ITII lllllllll IIIII1I1IM IWT JtVL. 'JHK. Lim.-1 fmrnk: .....U gnimo. or. Ttrvn't for?t tl faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawMmmsiiFV) mi