YOUR. ADS CARRYING Voiir More-neMa. nnouiu nppenr ui npilnrly I-' M ncMnpnper. If a ncttM"'!'1, onillloil mi issue mow ami tlioii ooit for no v eighty a rcn miii if foitrlnR tlmt H mlKlit mln I, not Ik? a k"h! newspaper. (Dona - - (litmus MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PHKSH VOL. XXXIV Established In 1H7K an The Const Mull -r SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising ipaco in n noMopniHT, rompnivd with tlio space used ly oilier nlnron, should dclltio lis eomparntlw importance In tlio eoniniiiiiltyl )(HM our store's ml. U'l'llotiiK spare do Unit? MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 3, 191 1 EVENING EDITION SPECIAL SESSION OF CONGRESS ILL BE CONVENED TOMORROW A Consolidation of Tlmo, Count Mull mid Coo liny Advertiser. No. 68 ...i. llninot Pnninrc In Cvlrn ' much iiiiiiiuoi wi,iu,ia hi .! Session of National Legis lators. . PECULIAR MIXUP IN POLITIC? QJBODY Democratic House and' Repub lican Senate For Taft to . Deal With. TAFT'S VIEWS OF CONGRESS EXPECT PEACE IN OLD MEXICO Maderos Await Arrival of Mes-lFrnnclHC0 ' Mntlcro sr., mhl Airon- so Mndoro who nrrhed In El Pnso senger From Provisional Mast night nthcr intimated develop- Di.noirln a---.. i ni ,nenl8 Poking to pence might bo ex i iiioiuum MiiiiuuMuiny nis Terms. (Uy Assoclnted Press to Coob Day TlmoB.) EL PASO, Tex., April r.4yiillo '""'ntnlnlng nlmost complete Bllcnc3, tjiltlca'. pectod within the next fow days. They are believed to bo hero to await the nrrlval of a niessengnr from tlio insurrocto leader who prob ably will submit to terms upon which he -will consent to ncps.sntion of Iiob- WILL NOT PERMIT DEALERS ID FIX RATES OF SELLING Likens Himself to Preacher Who Recommends and Prays For Results. (By Associated PrcBs to Coob Bny Tlmea.) (Dy Asuocinicu rrai iu uuo xju WASHINGTON, D. C, April 3. Times.) President Tnft enlivened tho early WASHINGTON, D. C April 3, morning proceeding! of the Baltl ii. it.... ! TlAHtihllnnti Unnntn crane nuu. ...u .-..-..... - cou)d . tiQUKteBt. onIr wll.,t meeting to consider ti Taft ndmlnls- tho ,nnBter ho,)0tj to do wlth tlH,, The Interesting situation of a d 91110-l,no,(J conference of tho Methodist ' !.'". ElllBCOnnl Church todnv 'jv ilnrtnrlnp TWO ARE HURT ARE INJURED - IN AUTO SUNDAL JN, Jit 1 . Dorsey Kreitzer and Wife In jured In "Hoodooed" Machine. Dorsey Krcltzcr and wife wore George Hennessey and Miss Emma Halverson In Acci dent Sunday. George Hennessey, a tallyman at IHIeT rancrer dead Isaac EnlundOld Resident of That Section, Passes' . . ., May. Isaac Enlund died at'hla homo on North Inlet yesterday after a linger ing illness of n complication or Ills. Ho was nn old resident of that eeti-tlon. United States Supreme Court Rules Against Patent Medicine Men. CANNOT ENFORCE THE CONTRACT FIXING PRICE Justice Hughes s Holds Thai: Terms Would Create a -Monopoly. (By ABsoclatod PrcBS to Coob Bar" Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 3. . Mr. Enlund wna sixty-two years, T,1 attempt tiV'put n ban on "out eleven months and 27 daya old and rntcs in "proprietary modlcInoB In ...!. -..- .II-.,.. or. .1 .. ... , Mimu ivmvi), llllllUll USHon HH-.IBU.U -- -" -...uuKii:ttuuuiiB iiinKO HIS recommeil- ,,..., .. , . ,.,, IfnlvrKnn nlorV .ll., I 11 ..... ."ljuitu JIHH.IUII), HI t UUIUIUUUIIU ..-.--.., .... ..v t.,u 111.01 tentlon to tho convening of congress Rations nnd hen pray for the best re-accWent Mri Kretr fi,lbtnlncd . Union onico, sustained Injuries j In extraordinary sosBlon iv noon to- "" Tho' I resident said he reallz- brokcn nrnj( 8I)rnn0(1 wr,8t j terday In n runaway on South Fl morrow. Tho political complcxlonn of tho two branches of Congress Is ai follows: I Rouse Ucmocrats, 22S; Repub licans, ICO; Soclnllst, 1; vacancies, ! (the ninth Iowa and second Penn ijdvanln districts). Senate - IlopubricniiB, 50; ucmo crats, 41; vacancy, 1, from Colorado ed tho ImmcnHu Inlluenco of tho church. .SOCIALISTS LOSE OUT. IIILMOCIIATK HOLD CAUCl'H. ('ciiiian Reichstag Rejects PIiiiih For Ponce. (By Assoclnted Press to Coob Ray Times.) I1EHMN, Germany, Jlnr. 31. Tho Reichstag by n Inrgd majority reject ed tho Socialist motion calling on had resided on tils North Inlet ranch quite severely, although not seriously tno C. A. Smith mill and MIbb Emma JuBt 21 years. He .Is survived by .1 nt tno western wife nml four crown liiMmn yes- Tho funoral will bo hold from tlio ifth Wilson chapol Tuesday jtfternoon ut Bomo Bovero bruises whllo Mr. ICrolt- street. 2 o'clock, tho Row Mr. RasmusBcn zer had Ills hobo broken and sustain- They wor olt 'or a diivo and of North Rend omclntlnir. ed some pnlnful bruises. Their son, woro comlnj; up Fifth street when the Wllllnnt Kreltrer, who was with thorn 1" heenmo frightened, started to escaped Injury. ,lck ttnA facn to run. They wero They wero running ona of Dr. 8eon "oyond control nnd Mi. Honnos HoiiKoworth's nutos tho red run- 80' w,no unnblo to turn them whon about, Mrs. Krcltzcr wn Just lonrn- Ul0' renchod Hall avonuo. They lug to opcrnlo tho machine. . Tihoy continued north Into the B.ilnes block wero turning from South Rrondwny w,,crp tno rK wns Iaot and tho oc towardB tho Smith mill when hIio c"lnntH thrown out. cither became confused or tho Bteor- MlB ""'verson sustnincl n sprnln BIG STRIKE IS Wl W PLANI this 'country' received today tho un qualified 'dlbappiuval of tho Supreme Court of tho Uniteif StatiB. That tribunal' declined, in an opin ion by Justice Hughes, to glvo Its aid to such an attempt on tho ground' that It would afford tho manufactur ers of medicine nti unlawful mono poly. j Tho question of tho right of tho manufacturer to control tho prlco ot nn artlclo to tho consumer nroso In n Biilt begun by tho Dr. Miles Modioli Conipnny ngalnnt wholesalo doa'lora In medicines at Cincinnati. John DV Park A Souh Company. Tho manufacturer sought to 011- 111 . ...,.. 1 .. vi.i.i,. m u i-umurwu ui viiu Blum- . .. . Rciirntatlvf. Adopt An Economy 8 08 ,.,," t0 ul ,nt Z '., ' , ' niumrntim refused to ...pond and n,1; n and severe bruises y . Maclilnists pion to MakA J'"n t" C,lldn,",tl flrn' fr"' "iJuo- i.,..,. '"tons lending to an Internntlonn t, crni,o of tho wI,II Mr- Hennessey was badly, umu" mdW,,ml& nan l0 maKe.lnB tho denloM who had procured (Br Violated Pre.H to Coos Day ' !" 7 -1." ," . 1 T 'vated roadway. Tho railing broke J'-'-'" " ;, ." 'cat.o of; Great Fight Fop Eflht (By toclnted Pre?H to Coob Day Times.) V1 IIVOTOV. D. P.. April 3. DeriWMt!" riii'osrntntivi'B of tho ilxty-tecond consrcsB who will con trol the lower lioueo for tho noxt tno years met In caucus today. An economy program which IncludOH tho abollilituent of tho six stnndlng houso committers, on mllitln, prlvnto land claims, Pnclllc rnllrnadn, rlvera and Improvement!) of tho MissltBlppl rlv- limitation of armnmontH and tho ;, llnohno 't,,-,,,,, turtlo , 1.1b shoulder. Tho rig was more or abolition right of capture. 1. , . ., .. Iobo domollsht'd. iiih uii 111111' iiiu mini iiiiv., iiiu uti;i- pantR landing below It. Thoy wero running slowly nt tho time, not over sovon or eight mlloB jper hour or tho.nccldent would have roBMiiea nuicn more (lisnsirousiy. Today Mr. Kreitzer Is Hiifforlnt; conalderahly from the sovero bruises lin fillfcf nliirifl nlinnt liln tnunr 1 litllm ' SAIL SUNDAY M BLUffflUt jnnd head. One log Is bm'.ly swollon er, ventilation and nccoimtlca and Steamship LeaVCS FOI' Eureka nm' uotl eve nro hlaclionod from tho blow that broke IiIb iiofo. Tho machlno appears to bo hoodoo- Renters WIlO cd. It Is tho one In which Dr. nnd .Mrs. Straw had n similar r.cnldent a Tho Alliance sailed yesterday for couple of yoars ago on North Front Eureka with a fnlr paBBongei list and street. At that time. Dr. House- -Sails Wednesday for Portland. mamifnctures, was ndoptdd. i Tho pruning poUcy without out ' nearly one third of tho House onir' ployes and tho saving mny amount. to 118,000 nn entirely now codo of rules to goiern tho next hbuso will bo writ ten. They nro based on tho rules Considerable; through freight. Do- worth, tho owners of the 'car, was ol tho 53rd congress, tho Inst con- d1Jcs t'10 passengers from hero, alio ahi-ont'os'llo Is now. gress controlled by tho democrats, i iind a number of through passengers Saturday iitMi Mr. and Mn. 'Mill. STniPM i mini- uiuuLii ! i i rnnni nnvrn rnuffl duacd, . - i Hour Day. (Ry Do Not Lock Their Boxes Hera Lose i Their Letters. Petty thefts of mall from tho lock Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y April 3. A May dnj- btrlko aa tho greatest light for tho eight hours day In years In tho plnn of tho londorfl ot tho union machinists here. Tho strike Is sched uled take In all tho Union machi nists throughout tho United States. Preliminary arrangement!! have al ready been mndo here, but If agree ments nro mndo beforo May day tho controversy mny bo nvolded. A geuornl strike would Involvo more thnn ouo hundred 'thousand men. ' procurod medlelncH from tho manufneturor to sell In violation of a contrnct with tho manufacturer, and from soiling medicines procured In thU way at "cut rates," WIN ONE ANO XO DECISION YET. Kreitzer ran tho car down town nnd I from Portland to Rjroka. ( I Tho Alliance Is duo back horo whllo they woro attending a moving Tuesday afternoon or Wodnesday picture show, will lloll inn It away boxes lu tho Marshfleld postofflco I.OXO TUNNEL UNDER ALPS' COM- when tho renters of tho boxes for- PLETEI). get to lock them havo bpc-n causing considerable trouble of lato. Yester- Standunl Oil and Tobnco Not DecldeiL (By Aoclate.d Press to Coos Bay Trust morning and will sail Wednesday and left awheelbarrow In It place but "' 'b mimucr ui (By ....... .., t.. T-in.l . Intor rntiirnod II in than InfturH tnlrnn nml Ilnrrv Xr.lmrir In.-tt UllCIIIUUU IIU1II IIUIU ui IUIIIOIIU, I .. - .v .- ....... .-.... ... . .. .a . . Among those anlllng from .hero on I , The car "was nqt dnmni,od 'much n book from their boxes. tho Alliance wero tho following: .yesterday, the. engine still working Switzerland .Mountains Pien-ed After I Five ntu n Ifulf-Vfiira T,I)or. Assoitlated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BERNE, Switzerland, Mnr. 31. Postmaster Curtis has had previous The final obstruction in tho Lootsch- It woHvqompiaintg nn(j althpugh he has had berg tunnel through the Bemez Alps Tlmoo WASHINGTON. D C AnrH 3 ' W. Rodenband, J. E. Vrcoland, after It had -turned turtle. No decision was announced today by Geo. J. Sonk, Theo Bradley, C. A. more or less Jammed and scratched diligent watch Instituted hy tho em-'was pierced by tho laborers at 3:50 the S.preme Court of tho United Pussey, J. A. Stewart;- F. F. Benlth, 'where It collided with tho railing. ployes, It Is dimcult for Mm to de- this morning after flvo nnd a half StMes In either tho stniulnnl oil or II. R. Fleming, .J, , T, Plerco, P. N, I 1-Viil Painter Hurt. tect parties taking mall from lock, years work and tho expoudlturo of -- -r" . , ' - louacco nntl-truat suits. GRAND Wing. JURY TO iPEACE PLANS TAKE UP CASE! UNDER TREATY ! Representative, Foster Says United States "Will Head New Arbitration Alliance tect parties taking mall from lock years work and tho expoudlturo Ferd Painter and Thayer Grimes boxes that do not belong to them, j twenty million dollars, were out horseback rldlnir when they Another feature of It that makes It , heard of tho accident of Mr. and Mrs. hard to detect tho culprt's Is that I Kreltzey nnd started back at a rapid most tho losses havo occurred on clip. As they were Hearing homo Sundays and holidays whn no post- Painter's horse slipped on tho pave- ofllco employe Ib around. ment and fell on him, badly crushing i There Is a severe penalty for pur- one foot. j ties taking mall that does not belong j C. Laukstrom slipped and sprain- to them from the postoffice, It 1h ed his ankle whllo assisting in put- suspected that some young lads who ting an auto in Goodrum's garage nro not aware of this are the culprits. last evening. I Postmaster Curtis today Issued , : the following warning to box renters: Title On Patent? Of "iiiiuiv iiA.Mr'-wiciTKif l'Ui.Mi "Uox renters nro cautioned to eoei YESTERDAY that their boxes nro locked when f PerSOnS Cannot Be Made M'LEOD LOSES LAND ACTION Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Liljeqvist Investigates Lo cal Matter. HrDlirailOn HllldllUtJ Chicago Itnllun Admltfl Sending 23 sovoraf boxes lately, and If the par Aftor e.,.n . .,...' rnv ARsnointeii Press to Coos Bay I TlnvatenliiR letters. ties are apprehended they will got h"re InvJti !u I 1 1 I Times) ! (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Bay the full penalty that tho la-v provides, , o'iwiij, niu iiuuuiv-b uu- I TIitips K7;JDelHTardrGrgW'l WASn,N0T0N' D- -f AP'U CHICAGO, S"mt. 31.Phl.p UllavuTf PrrCUU"g A,ney Representative Foster of Vermont, 'purnurhn , fomer comralb8loi mer. -- ivtuiucu iu uuijuiiiu vimi "wrning He said that tbo matter oum be presented to tho grand Jury Fictitious Jnich will assemble at Coquille April 7 Re does not wish to make ay Public statement concerning tho natter prior to theiu It is under :!C0(1 ,nugh that tho mntter will be thorough')- sifted, J'r LUJeqvisfs action will be Inde wndent of the prosecution of tho , e whlch City Attorney Goss Is Panning un(Jer the cUy or(Unancer ranking minority menjbwA of the chnnt of South 'Chicago, today con- House Committee on Foreign Affairs, fessed to tho police that he had writ closed. Mail has been stolen from ' W: B. CURTIS, PoBtmaster." I I ! (I HILLMAX IS IN JAIL. predicted at the White House today ten twenty-five letters demanding Seattle Pronioier Unable to Furnish that arbitration treaties would be money signing mem ine u;k Hand, negotiated between four of the lead-, ere BU f , Ing powers of the world, the United ie BaJdi The p0Hce are endeavoring States to take the leading part In to connect him with sending the mis Dig Bond (By Associated Press (o Coob Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., April 3. Clar ence Dayton Hlllman, the millionaire framing the negotiations. Foster gives of similar import to federal townslte promoter convicted of using named the United States, Great Brit- Judge Landls and Jto members of the the mall to defraud Is still In the ain, France and Japan as tho powers Jury In his court which was trying county Jail. He Is unable to furnish that would enter such an agreement, a "black hand" case. jborid for $215,000 required for his Eventually, he said, the other powers . appeal from a sentence ot two and "ONE I. 8t KA.UfMA?f & CO YOUR o tho world would be forced to take Ali OltllKKR . Kn tjet itav I similar action. Remember a TURKISli DATII one-nnlf years in the federal penlten wlll help you, Phone 214-J. (tlary. It qmJltji MISTIjSTOK Ham & Bftcsa Mxwll. Perfection la Preferred Stock BmadaJ WiIte.Riyer yiowr, higheet quality. Good. (By Associated Press to the Cooa Bay Times.) SAN FltANCJSqo, CnL, April 3. That an -Innocent purchaser of gov ernment laud cannot acquire title from a patent which hatf been secur ed by a ilctltlous personage was tho decision today of the United States circuit court, appealed from tho ninth district, amrmlng a decision of the federal district court of Oregon can celling the patents held by C. R. Mc-Leod. LOSEJECUl Portland Hopefuls Break Even In Double-Header With qt Los Angeles. . (By Associated Press to Coos Ray Tlmea.) PORTLAND, Ore., April 3. Port- land brok6 ev'e'n lu'.tho doublohoadnr at Los Angeles Sunday, winning one and, losing one. Tho results of the Sunday games in tho Coast League wero as follows: At Lob Artgeles Portland. . Lob Angeles. , (First game) Portland. , . , Los Angeles. . . , (Second gama). At Sacramento Onkland. '. . '.' . i. Sncru'mentd. Jkyj,, HyfO At San Francisco'- i M.iR, (First gninu). Vernon San Frandscq, ( , (Second Gnma).. Vernon. . . , Sau FrancUco. .... Siituiilny'N RonuRi. Saturday's games in the League resulted uh follows: At Los Angoles - Portland. Los Angeles, . . At Sacramento Oakland Sacramento. . , At San Francisco Vernon. . . . ' . , San Francisco. . t t i t R II 5 10 4- 9 G 1C 10 8 R II ,2 6 0 S It H G 7 1 7 0 3 0 10 i . Coast R It 0 1 1 4 R II 1 7 7 9 R II 4 11 0 S VETOES SUNDAY HALL. After the show try a 'lurklsh bath Phone 214- J. For Sale Let Times want ad. get ft Phone 133-J. MJBTLETOE Hums & Bucoa Excell, Nebraska Governor Refuses to Legal ize It. (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Day Times.) LINCOLN. Neb., April 3. Got-, ernor Aldrlch haa vetoed Senator Barking's bill (or legalizing Sunday baseball Perfection In Preferred Stock Unutd