riww wr OIOUB rSuADS CARRYING vr More-", ,,,ouh1 Wer .lrly " ,oc!' ,W" ,","nPcr' ,f rnrwlwp ,,l,l,ll0,! "U ,"M,C ,,0W , ,.M 'un f" "" "eighty w Hi n "''" ,,,,,t " mlht rn,,, SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A Mittc'b advertising spnco In n nevispnrH'r, rnmpiirvd wllli the space utieil by utlicr More, should dellno Its lompnnitlw Impiirtnnrc In tlio riiiniuuultyt Does )our Moro's ml erlMng npiuv ilo that? tm I, n until nut ih K""" " "T"i" .MEMBER OK ASSOCIATED PRESK F.Mnbllhhcil In 1HTH iih Tin? Const Mali VOL. XXXIV MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1911 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. A Cu'"",l ' t" co,t mii n 67 unit Cihmj Ray Advertiser. 'u' u' wfl 0MHH UNITED SHIES ABUT Ml NOW HEADS INSURRECTDS WIFE RETURNS ATTEMPT TO W SAFE OF WOO FOILED IN DES MOINES TO J '" ""wlWHWPIiWlwwpippp OAOIN Stanley Williams, Former Quartermaster of Ninth . Infantry. SUCCEEDS GEN. LEYVA AT MEXICAL1 TODAY 9 Both 'He and Predecessor Lia ble to Be Prosecuted by America. (By Associated Press to Coob Bny Times.) MEXICAM, Mexico., April 1. - General Stanley, tlio Amcrlcnn lead tt of the rebels In Lower California, took full command today of tlio In iurroctors of Mexlcall. Lcyvn, the deposed coiumnndor, hai departed and Is supposed to bo on his way to Los Angles. If Loyvn I, caugM. he Is llablo to 1)0 prosecut ed for violation of tho nontrnllty laws of the United States carrying with 't penalty of two yeors' Impilflonment ii he with llerthold organized tho or iginal rebel force In Holtyvlllo, Cnl. lilt January. It beenmo known to day that Stanley's rcnl ntunu Is Stan ley Williams, formerly qnartcrmnstor of the Ninth Infantry, U. S. A. If he should bo driven across tho line, he might bo arrested by Aniorlcnn troops and tried for desertion. UTTi.r. imn: for peace. Innirrerto .luiitii Koyn tlio 1'rospectn Are Poor. (Dy AisoMa'od Press to Coos Day Times.) EL PASO. Tex., Mnr. 31. Olllcorfl of the Jnsurrccto Junta hero whllo declaring theyhopo earnestly for peace again, they stnted today thoro items to be llttlo prospect of an Im mediate cessation of hostilities. 5 I Ml GAME Take Portland Into Camp Yes(Tnrn Tf) terday by Score of Five to 1 1 j I L U I U One. ror.TI.AND. Ore.. Anril 1. Tho AwN took Portland Into camn yes terday by a score of five to ono, got ti revenge for tho tvJ previous c) Tlio scores or yesterday's games la the Coast I.enKite wero as follows: At Log Angeles It II Los Angeles. ........ fi C Portland 1 4 At San Francisco It H San Francisco 11 17 Veraon 2 C At Sacramento It' II Sacramento 4 9 Oakland. . . t "7 's HYFITLE POINT Meats Bandon In Qoos Coun ty Championship Game at Coquille. (Special to The Times.) C0Ql'ILLE. Oro An-u i n i !"" C 21 to 1, the Myrtle Point -- a to l, the Myi so icnool basket ball team defeat- 1 school baskc &e Banrinn m. ,M Bandot, High school team here "" ann,-- .,... .. .uuuii, winning me uoos uiiy rham-l i-. . - . -iuuiibiiij), vnere was a Jw- of rooters from both cities. lath """" ia oniy point eany ! game. ; r Kodak work finished right at n'r Studio ASY VICTOR LEAVE TODAY ON BREAKWATER Steamship Sails This Afternoon For Portland WithlW Passengers. Tho Drcnkwatcr sailed this after noon for Portlnml with 103 passen gers, tho IargcRt outgoing list b)io has had In a long time. Tho usual travel was augmented by people leav ing on eastern trips. Among thoso sailing on the Break water were: C. P. McKnlght, P. Drlvor, Mrs. II. P. Sheldon, Mrs. E. Porter, H. 0. Strnuhl, E. P. Murphy, Thou. Mu. phy, M. C. Smith mid fnmlly, W. P. Miller mid wlfo, Pntrlck Kolly, Qlu MtiBettl, J. W. Colllton, M. H. Sul livan, Ed. Williamson, II. 0. Saun ders, Gus, Johnson, Jack KnuguB, Otis Salo, Axel Valnl.i, C. Battel, M. An oskl, Prank Isancsom, J no. Erlcksou, Prank Milton, E. M. Eberhnrd, II. P. Sholdon, Miss Qerlike, Mrs. Emnm Stevens, Oust Iledbcrg, J. E. arnhaui, Seletl Predulcke, Mike Haiitlcy, Mrs. II. W. Wilson, II. W. Wilson, II. J. Valentino, Geo. Dlnucliard, Mrs. niunchard, Miss Edun Davit, Mrs. C. G. Adams, Henry Knock, S. 13. Thorn ton, P. II. Soulo, I). II. Kennedy, Mrs. Kennedy, .Mrs, J, C. McDonald, Mri. A. Bowon, Vivian Ilowon, Laura Ilnllndny. P. A. Hlctt, II. Cavls, J. It. Olson, 0. D. Anderson, Mrs. Ander son, Esther Anderson, Philip Herz, Jus. Myers, Win. Turpeii.-Mliw Koeck, Mrs. Henry Hoeek, L. P. Pnlkonsteln, Chns Hlcklng, Jr., Chas Hloklng, Sr W. J. Murphy, Potor Welck and wife, John Welck, Mrs. Matlur, Joo Swu ney, Harry G. Hoy, G. W. Canty, P. W. Estborg, Mrs. Estberg, Mrs. Win. Schroeder, A. M. Bartholomew, W. C. Camp. Mrs. Hentli, G. W. Elwell, Q. M. Patterson, T. Snka, 0. Shlo, T. II. Cowhord, Jns. Harlogl, Florence Gra ham, Wm. Grimes, Mrs. Win. Grimes, A. L. Housoworth. Mrs. A. L. House worth, Theros Contos, A. J. Hlcl3, Tony Grlsko, Henry Trump, G. Ellis, Oscar Jones, II. L. Cordwoll, P. Swan son, P. A. Cook, Win. Rnbley. KALPH L. ULOSSKR SAID TO HAVE CONFESSED TO ATTEMPTED CItl.ME NEAIt POKTLAND POL- LOWS WIPE'S SUICIDE. (By Associated Pres3 to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., April 1. Last Saturday an attempt was mado to rob tho Sellwood Bank, a small suburban flnarjclal Institution. The robber had cut ins way Into the bank through the basement nnd bound and gagged tho Janitor who was laying In wait for tho cashier but was frightened away. Today nalph L. Blossor, a tinner by occupation, was arrested and H nlleged to have confessed that he at tempted to rob tho Sellwood bank. Last Tuosdny afternoon tho body of Mrs. Grnco Blossor was found ly ing In a bed a their homo. She died by poison and wns believod to have committed suicide though no good reason for such nn act nn her part was found. Tho confession of Blos eer's death through chagrin over the discovery of her husband's alleged misdeeds, may have caused her 'o take her own life. . SPANISH CABINET OUT. .-.....I...' PnmiliiiiiR nnd Ministers Ilc- I rrlmAD MADRID, April 1. Tho Cabinet r,t Droir H.innlalns resiirred today. SELL10D BANK BURNED TODAY i WEYLER TO BE NEWPREIfllER Spanish Cabinet Resigns -and Captain General Is Called on. (Ily Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) MADRID, Spain, April 1 It was rumored tonight that General "Woy lcr, captain general of Cnlndoonla had boon charged with trie responsi bility of forming tho now, cabinet. (By Associated Press to Coos 'Bay Times.) SEVILLE, Spain, April 1. King Alphonso, who has been stopping hero with Queen Victoria and tho children, left hastily todav for Mad rid following the receipt t ofllctal dispatches concerning the resignation of his cabinet. PACKERS TRY Now Set Up Contention That Anti-Trust Law Is Unconsti tutional (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay .Times.) - CHICAGO, 111., April 1 Demur rers tiled by tho Indicted Chicago! packors today with Judge Cnrpenter of the United Stntes District court set up tho contention that tho nntl-Trust Act under which nil tlio monopoly suits nro brought In tho United Sta tes does not crento any irlmo. Tho basis of tlio contention Is thnt tho statute does not define nny offonso against tho United Stntes with sutll clent certainty to inform defendants of tho nnturo of tho crime with which they nro charged, and tho samo In so far as It undertakes to create a , crlmo Is Invalid, void and contrary to tho United Stntes constitution. Tho Indictments, nre also attacked as if faulty preparation. St. James, Catholic Edifice at San Francisco, Destroyed With $100,000 Loss. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) SAN FItANCISCO, Cal., April 1. St. 'James Roman Catholic church, n large wooden structure at Twonty fourth nnd Guerrero streots was des troyed by fire early today. The loss Is estimated at ono hundroi thousand dollars. Defectlvo wiring was the cause. BODY IS FOUND. Aged Wutclininn Only Victim of Al bany Klre. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ALBANY, N. Y., Mar. 31. The body of Samuel J. Abbott, an aged watchman, was found in the runs of the State Capitol today. Ho was tho only victim of the Are. j ' OXFORD WINS RACE. Rowing Heoord Beaten In Cambridge Contest. (By Associated Pres? tn the Coos Bay Times.) PUTNEY, England, April 1. The sixty-eighth rowing contest between Cambridge and Oxford wu won oy Oxford today by three longths. The Oxford eight led all tho way The time was 18 minutes ?S seconds, Which is a record for th,e race. 0 I L ROD BIG CHURCH IS Happy Reunion of "Poet of the Sierras" and Estrang ed Frau. OAKLAND. Cal., April 1 After a separation of more than 10 years, Joaquin Miller, the poet of tho Sier ras, and his wife arc reunited. Mrs. .Miller coming from tho cast to her . husband's bcdsldo at Pablola hospi tal. Mrs. Miller, who haB been living with her sister near Saratoga, New York, accompanied by hor daughter, Juanltn, arrived in Oakland this week. Alarmed at the reported rclapBo of tho poet, following MIbb Miller's de parture for New York to closo her studio, mother and daughter hasten ed at onco to tho hospital, whero a happy and touching reunion took place. GIVE CONCERT E SUNDAY Marshficld Naval Reserve Band Will Give Program at City Park. Tho Coos Bay Naval Rohorvo Band will give a free public concert lit tho Mnrshllcld city park Sunday after noon at 2:30. Director FenUm an nounced tho following program for It today: 1. March, "Thoroughbred" Parbach 2. "Danco of tho Hours (from "La Gloconda").. . Ponchlolll 3. Bnrltouo solo, "Tho l.rago of tho Rofo" Hanson Clias. Kelser. ,4. Overture, "Stabat Mater"... Rossini Ii. Duet. "MUerero" (from "II Trovatoro") Vprdl Hayes Howard nnd T. Butchelor. fl. Idyl, "Canoeing" Pryor 7. WUU-, "Forget-Me-Not".. Brooks 8. Solcctlon, "Three Twins". . Ho8cna (Donhted by J. W. Bennett) "Star Spangled Banner." GO TO PRISON i Seattle Multi-Millionaire Real Estate Dealer Is Sen- tenced. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) 1 SEATTLE, Wash., April 1. Clar 'ence Dayton Hllman, tho multi-mil lionaire real estate dealor, who was convicted of using tho United' States malls to defraud, was boutenced to two years and six months Imprison mnent on tho McNeil's Island peniten tiary, to pay a Alio of JC,200 and to pay the costs of tho i losecutlon. On n contempt of court charge, Kill man was sentenced to twenty days in tho King county jail. LAND IS WITHDRAWN. Water Power Rehervea .Mada By Pifa- ideut Tuft. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D, C, April, 1. ' Lands for water power reserves In Utah and Washington aggregating (5,590 acres were withdrawn today by President Taft on tho recommen dation of Secretary of the Interior (Fisher. The area In Uta comprise C40 acres along Proper river, In 'Washington, three thousand acras along the Slmllkamen river and 3,150 acres along Bonaparte Creek. Photo supplies and flnleblng at Walker Studio. OILMAN 1ST ARRIVE TODAY 0 Steamship Arrives In From Portland Sails For Eureka Sunday. Tho Alliance nrrlvcd in early today from Portland, but wob delayed In tho lowor bay by the low tide, the Pony Inlet shoal not permitting her to como up nt low water. She has been newly painted. Ctipt. ThoniBen Is still In command, a report In n Portland pnper that sho had a new captain being erroneous. Tho Alliance will sail -.1 1:30 Sun day far Eureka. Among thoso arriving on tho Al liance' wero tho following: J. E. Murray, V. Crump, Emmn Schlnvln, E. Gnbrlolson, B. It. Mooro, Mrs. Moore, Nellie Mooro, Gertrude Thnrnoll, T. K. Wilson, P. W. Paris, Prances Ellcry, J. T. Qttlnlnn, Mrs. A. Davis, Dora Marvls, Mrs, J. R. Wiley, Miss N. Thomas. . H. Brown, 13. M. Rosenthal, G. W. f.awronco, II. Hazel, A. Swnnston, P. Kosen, J. II. Mntson, A. Mnoklln. WANTS AN INVESTIGATION. . ift (on. W. King AIsn Deputy PiiiNicut Ing Attorney l.lljt'iivlxt to Act. Geo. W. King, proprlotni of Tho Enterprise market, today tolophoucdi to Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Lll-j JoqvlHt of Coqulllo to como over and i Investigate "Tho Jungle" stories that' J, W. Huggard has been tolling about him. Mr. King Is nnxtoi's to bring tho matter to a focus as quickly as possible. OR Mayor L. J. Simpson Has Port land Engineer Preparing Them. Plans for a Joint wntor fcystom for North Bend nnd Mnrshflcld with esti mates of probable cost are being pre pared by J. L. Stnuiiurd of Stannurd & Rlchnrdson of Portland. Tho plans and ostlmntes wero ordered by Mayor L. J. Simpson of Noith Bond whllo In Portlnnd recently. Mr. Staunnrd visited North Bond somo time ago and prapared plans for n water works system for North Bend but that was beforo any steps had boon taken for Joint B.vsteni for .tho two cities. It is expected thnt tho plans and estlmntOB will reach hero bon. Coun I oilman McDanlol of North Bond who was In Marshflold today said thoy had hoped thoy would b hero In time to be brought up nt tho Joint meeting of North Bend nnd Marsh flold couuillmen Monday evening. 'Mr. Stannurd assisted in Installing tho noted Clear Lake wator system nt Seattle and also tho Bull Run system nt Portlnnd. WILL SOON FIND CAUSE. Good Progress Made Tnmud Raising tlio Maine. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PENSACOLA, Fla., Apill 1. Tho hull of the 'sunken battleship Maine1 In HavanaMiarbor will be reached not later than Juno 1, according to Frank M. Daulels, the contractor who has built cofferdams about tho ship, Then It can be determined whothor the explosion which destroyed tho hip wbb from, without o- within, For Sale Let Times want ad. get It. Phone 133-J. WATER WORKS LIS Plot to Loot County Treas urer's Office In Iowa Fails. DEPUTY IS BOUND; ROBBERS FRIGHTENED Several Arrests Made and De puty Official Is Sus pected. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) DES MOINES, la., April 1. Sovon arrests wero mndo today In nn ef fort to apprehend tho four men who shortly before midnight bound and gagged Deputy County tnnsuror O. W. Keller and tried to dynnmlto tho vault of the county treasurer's oluco which contained $100,000. On what Is snld by the police to bi- a confofl hIoii from Al. Rhodes, tho first of tho men arrested, Deputy County; Treasurer James O'Callaghnn has been held. O'Cnllaghau Is n brother of Robort O'Callaghan, tho Wcutorn Lenguo baseball manager. With Rhodes nnd VCallaghun the pollen nro holding Barret Lynch nnd wife. Mrs. Rhodos, Clayton Baylos and nn unknown mnn. Tho attempted robbery was a failure. Tho first charge of ultroglycorlno shnttered tho door but tin men wora frightened away beforo nncthor could bo prepared ARE ON STRIKE Thousands of Men In St. Louis and Kansas City Demand More Pay. I By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times,) ST. LOUIS, April 1. Pour thou sand union carpenters struck today becauso their demands of forty contti a day Increase and eight hours' work woro roftiHod. Five hundred union woodworkers untitled their employers' thoy would not go back to work un- ' less an liirreaso of CO cents u day wns granted. STRIKE IN KANSAS CITY. Carpenters Out to Komi Demand For Better Pay, (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Bny I Times.) KANSAS CITY. Kun., April 1. About ono thniiFnud union carpenters fallod to appear for work today. Thoy want an Increnso of flvo routs per hour. Tho men now receive fifty cents per hour. California. Supreme Ccurt Re fuses Grant Reliof- to Jack Johnson. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay, Times.) SAN'FRANCISCO, Cal.. April 1. The State Supreme Court has denied tho application of Jack Johnson, heavy-weight champion for relict from tho gBiitonce of 25 days Impri sonment In tho comity Jail Imposed by acting police Judgo Treadwoll for automobile speeding Johnson Is now serving his seoi fence. BLACK PUB" i SERVES TIE U- ,1 i i, fiiiti f--' ii.-"