'( '"TV fcf ..wit , . i ft U s THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1911 EVENING EDITION. f Clothes That Are Tailor Strife ! ?islllPn4 I m 1 i1 J t Eg KtflE 1M? Benjamin Gothci Or gh & VllfWJ Rnt.min.,r&"""" " M"y i -vr rmxrom. North Bend News Mrs. Snrah Wilson of Marshflcl-J visited friends hero Wednesday. Mrs. Robert McCnnn spent Thurs day ns n guest of Enstsldo friends. Geo. E. Murphy nnd wlfo nro re joicing over tho birth of u son Wednesday. Mrs. W. N.-Ekblnd nnd Mrs. Oil ibortson vlaltod North Hiiul relative yesterdny. Right and Priced Ri ON THIS LAST BREAKWATER WE RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF CLOTHING, WHICH WE ARE MORE THAN ANXIOUS TO SHOW YOU. FIRST-REGARDING S T Y L E AND T A I L 0 R I N G WE WANT TO PROVE TO YOUR ENTIRE SATISFACTION THAT THERE IS NOTHING BETTER MADE. SECOND A SAVING TO YOU FROM 10 TO 20 PER CENT AND, THE REASON IS EASY TO EXPLAIN CASH ONLY - IS WORTH WHILE TO ANY MAN. WE ARE READY TO PROVE BOTH STATEMENTS AN D NOW IT IS UP TO YOU TO - . MAKE US DO IT. - .( A COMPARISON IS ALL WE ASK. "Money Talks" Hub Clothing Shoe Compan "ff;.a;; ' .---.- .-.v.-." MAHSIIMHl Our Saturday 9 Market wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrtimmMmmmmmm Basket pure ' Mrs. C. E. Kaiser, Mrs. Oobhard nnd Miss Theodora Knlser spend Thursday with Mnrshllnld friends. J. Frank Evans, rormurly druggist ftt tho North Rend Drug stoio nnd bis brldo, formerly Miss Elizabeth Knrtkopf, hnvo gono to Cambridge, Idaho, to ni n l(o their homo. They were married last week. Is well filled with nil tho FOOD tho market cmbrnqes. Wo have n fresh supply of SALT NORWAY MACKEREL Just arrived. Wo also havo all kinds of SALT and nitlEl) HSU, tho best of MISTLE TOE HAM and HACON. PURE HON'EY In COM I). All kinds of pic nic Roods. Our list or FICEnH FRUITS nnd VEGETARLES for Sat urday follows: fresh vegetahlek SIMNACH, UHUIUnn, A8PARAOUS ARTICHOKES, HEAD LETTUCE, ICUCUMHERS, FRESH TOMATOES, th0 OltEEN ON'IONS, CAULIFLOWER,4 (or CAHHAGE, CELERY M. 0. Coleman Is training North 11 ciid lllch school bovs cirsmen. Tho Coos Hay Motor Ilont Nn'8' CARROTS, PARSNIPS, club has presonted tho high school boys with n racing boat and It Is txprctod that n fast four-oared team will bo dovolopcd. C. II. Bonn of Astoria, who Is h pervlsliiK tho construction of u sister chip of tho Oshkosh, tho order for which was placed boforo tho loss of tho Oshkosh and hor crow on the Co lumbia Itlvor bar, has awarded tho contract to Kruso & Ilnnks for an other' Vessel to repjaco tho lost one. Tho engines snved from tho Oshkosh Tf ck- nro to bo used In her. " Work on tho vessel now underway Is pro-' cceding rapidly nnd tho second one will bo started soon. nEETS, TUtf- RU- TAUAGAS. FRESH , FRUITS. ORANGES, LEMONS, APPLES. FRESH PINEAPPLES, OHAPE 1 FRUIT. HATCAXAS. 1 DRIED FRUITS all kinds. Don't forgot that wo havo, II. J. HEINZ Pure HARLEY MALT VINEGAR In bulk. Tho only plnco In town that you can got It. ...- HOTEL CHANGES HANDS. PHONE US YOUR OR,DER '- OLLIVANT & WEAYER Pl'REFOOD GHOCKRYMKN A Goo J Place to Trndo. PHONE 27.VJ Try Our Hod HUiIxhui Piiuipkln CORNER :IIU) AND CENTRAL COOS BAY LIVERY Having rented what was formerly known as- tho Hreakwntor hotel, 1 hao lmd It refitted and renovated j Wo hnvo secured tno llvory IihbI and will conduct It as a thoroughly ness of L. H. HoUner and are pre first-class European hotel. Clean, parort to render excellent service t sanitary and thoroughly modern at , tno people ot Coos Hay Carefu raodorato rates. drivers, good rigs and everything 'i;,nL JOXSSON, r; WATCH! NOTICE! Hpmor Mauioy, ono cf the drlwua and tho solicitor for us Is out for Luundry, Watch him! ho is llablo to stop you ou tho streot nnd explain all details of Laundry and also to bo lit your homo any time. Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfieid Hand and Steam Laundry PHONL 220-J Proprietor Ihut will mean snttsfactiry service U , ; tho public. Phono us lor a driving horse, n rig or auythlim needed li tho liver) line. We also do a trucking business of oil kinds. 11LANCHAKD UltOTIIEIlR. Livery, Fm! nnd Snlrs Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phono 38-J Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal $1.30. Nut coal $iI.0Q Wo do nil winds of hauling, and contracting. Horses and vehicles for nolo. For quick dellve-v cnll on L. H. HEISNE.R vr phono 120-J or 49-L. DO-IT NOW yt ,i, ,' J,y in your gupply of wood now nnd avoid the usual suinnioi' rush. AVc have plonfy otiyood and just at present can deliver it promptly. A little later, when orders begh) to pile in, we will not he able to give you our undivided atten tion. y2'iu:S(ov(trool $2.00 per dump load. "Fira -PltltcmticlM&XiO per dump load AVe can furnisli you a man to split and pile it if desired. C.A. SMITH LUMBER &MTG. CO. PHONE1 Tfl-T -1S2 So. TJroadwav kumHumwmmm 3BBMU - V' ' I,? OLD RELIADLE STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME Riills frqm Alnsworth Dock Portland, at to" P, M., every TucMlny. Sails "from Coos pny eor' Satnrtjay at serylre of .title. JtoM-rvntlons will not be held lutcfttm Friday noon,itn1esstlcketsnrt purchaH-d. Ji. .11. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN tW-L Condensed Statement of the First National Bank of Coos Bay At tha clooe of Imi.hIiickn, .'Mnrcli 7th, JOII. KESOUHCKS. Loans nnd dis counts $160,538.00 Overdrafts. . . . U. S. Honds nnd promlttms. . , Other bonds nnd warrants. . . Hanking House., Furniture nnd 1U tu res ... Ciihh nnd duo fioiu banks . , .-IS 25,250.00 Sl.037.15 ,71,100.11 7.0S0.31 i:tti,i:t(i.t7 LLi;iUTii:s. Capital stock. . .MOO.OGOIll SurphiB and pro- lltB . . .... Circulation. Deposits, , 6,!!J.1I 24,5(1 111 ,...m&m 9494.03111 $104,052.20 Cash Ilchmic J17 Per Cent of Drjipxlts Wo linlto your nttontlon to tho condition of this bankanlcn by the nbovo statement. A general banking business transacted. Accounts of Individuals, corporations nnd Arms received. Interest paid on tlmo nnd Ravings Deposits. Safo deposit bates for rent nt 13.'00 nnd up per annum. Your business solicited. OITICEHS: W. S. CHANDLER, President. DOItSEY KRBITZEK, Cashier. M. C HOUTON, Vice-President. RAY T. KAUFMAN, AMt.-CU. DIRKCTOKS: K. S. DOW, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, WM. GRIMES, W. P. MURPHY, JOHN P. HALL, M. C. HORTON. W. S. CHANDLER, JOHN S. COKE, W. U. DOUGLAS, FORLCLOSURK SALE LICENSED I VESSEL. Notlco Is hereby given that Flam- ald launch, by reason of th of said mortgagor, John 8. A in tho navment of eald BOtt ninrtcnufi. hns this day (01 " - "O tJ F -." said mortgage by taking of tho launch "Fish" and aforesaid: and said morUJM Tbt The Demand Is So Great for tho "New Mazda" That wo have been able to get only one-half case of these lamps out ot an ordor for five cases placed sixty days ago. Hut can supply out trade. with tho best lamp made whllo they i last, Coos Bay Wiring Co. I'M ONE 2.17-J. THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS. Steamer &edondo (Equipped vriih Wireless) Will nuiko reiwlaMrlpp carry ng passengers both a)s and freight betwot-n Coos Hay nnd Sun Fmnclsco. Allreservationsforpassengers niudc tit Alliance Dock, Mnrslilleld and Inter-Ocean Transp. Co. I'iiIoii Street Wharf No. 2, S'in Francisco. For Information, phono 4 l-J or IWfl. Will will fo.r San l-Vanclsco from Mnrslilleld, Frid.iv Murch ill, at 12 M. j" INTEU-OCKAN fRANSPOHTATION COMPANY. Romombor a TUIUUS1I HATH will holp you. Phone 21 W, "THE Fill I Kl) OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND WILL SAIL FROM Marshfieid for Eureka Sunday A.M. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. rilONE 44 C. F. McGEORGE, Agent gan & nennett Rank, n corporation, under the laws of Oregon, owner nnd holder of that certain note and mort- gego executed nnd delivered on No-! In possession thereof, on -.vcmbor 24, 1909. by John S. Amlor. tho'Cth dnv of Anrll. 19i ,son to Flanncan & nnnnoi rtnnu tnlmnr nt nun nVlock In tho rt " f e'eure (he repayment In ninety dayp ' qf, tljnt day nt tho wharf t JJ trora said ilate of 11,000.00 nnd in- Market Avenue In theCU7' terest nt rato of eight per cent per field, Coos County, Ore" annum, nn nnrt nf i-lilnl, i.. i. kll.lt n(f . snln and K" " -, 4IIIO UlTH ,".., UUUI ., -.- - paid except fl00.u0 on principal nnd launch and property afore S0. 00 On IlltOrOKt nxxnnnl lno..lnr. mnnh thnronf ns mSV 9 now duo thereon ssnn on ii.i antarv onM itnbt. latere" " nnd interest from Novembor i s. sonnblo oxnenses. to the Wll 1!10, nt said ral. whini, ...-r hnof i,M fnr rash, at P11 eauo was rponrrinH i.. . rii... .'.i.. a .. ad will rei-1 OfP.Ce, District of Snnlhom1 r.- Unnlu !, nrnronds Of SUCH ""I 'ort of Coos Ray, in tho Custom tho payment of the ainount wjj nouse, hmplro City, Oregon, on No- on said note and mortsas6 "" vombcr 26. 1909. in ni, i d.h.L.j Monoi,i oxnenses " 21, Records of MortcnPAa nr ll.Mj 'rmWotiM In rnnnectkm witb t vessels In en 1,1 m. ., .. . .. ' . -. u .nrtiraee I ... ...... uiinc, ucscrioing tno Closure oi nam ..-- jbrts launcn or vessel called the taking and keeping P i r.. suustantlally of the follow- ng dimensions, to-wt: Length 39.7, breadth 11 feet, depth 4.2 feet, one , , net tonnage nlno tons; built ,at Empire City, Oregon, In 1903, of ,ood; to which mortgage, nnd tho .record thereof for a more complete .description of said launch, reference Ha hereby made; including all masts. bowwprit, boats, anchors, cables, chains, rigging, tackle, apMl, fur- lUltUro anH nil v, ..' ,. iHO lieCUSSltlPR thnrnfn ti.k I ..v,u dnrllWI said lnunch, and the P7 sums which may be neceW TRY A WANT An IN TIMCQ IP YOU WAWT nillPI dphi n- laPPrt'nlng and belonging caBniin In.. .... linn nf plfllnl H lOlf UIIJ tICIl u. . . . I u i.-.,i nrlnrltV tO 1 j anmlUS t0 I John S. Anderson, bl W signs. . Dated March 23, 19U, rr-.o.vTJ,nENKETTl By J. V. DENNETTjg After the show try 1ar " " U,UU "MULle-gino. ures and connections in Phone 214- J. 4 HS3 vMm IwlSnwBMy fflMTllMrn to' "BHBHiJ'' ., kiBHHaaHB