i 'I iwpWi"E'l ut '"" THE CfiOS BftY TIMES, flMSHFIELD, AJJEGOH, r,'fclD;'f fiS&H 'sil .1 ISJllfiVENINtt EDITION. - 1 " "' "' ' v jt -?fi Vf A TT i ,n CouU, Vrcro KMly alarmed, un- til they round out that It was utter! Personal Notes without any foundation. "Tiwp,ri W7SX . H M t ' Special Announcement VOU'RE going to see this springand wear, we hopesome of the smartest Clothes ever offered to the well dressed men of Marshfield We have taken the agency for the greatest line of Clothes in America: Hart Schaffner & Marx You'll See them in our store now, and a little later you'll see them on the men who know what good Clothes are Hart Schaffner , & Marx use only all-wool fabrics; that's what you want in your Clothes, The shape-keeping, the service, the quality of the tailoring all depend pn that . We want you to come in and look at them We want you to see the new 'Varsity , and Shape-Maker models Woolen Mill Store Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes life MltS. McCLAI.LEN LEAVES. HOSHUlMia, Ore., Mar. 31, Mrs. Mnud McCtnllcn snout Tuesday In the clty 8ettnnK up nor busies nf- THE WEATHER. fairs preparatory to leaving for points In Southern California, where he (By Associated PreBS.) will make her future home. She will OREGON, Mar, 31, Fair u. accompanied on her Southern trip tonight nnd Saturday. ,y her son, Donnld. Mrs. McClnllcn recently secured n divorce from Hoy McClnllon who Is now nwnlllng trial Meet In (iitilllo. The Coos Conn- for murder here. tv convention of M. W. A. lodges will bo held at Coaullle April 5. pavi: AT HAXDOX. Knot Injured. John Mnrtcnson 0. It. Morrlssoy of MnrshfloM, while working as n longshoreman nt manager of the Cooh Hay Paving & the Hrenkwater dock yesterday sub- Construction Company, has hoen In tallied a hndly bruised fuot, a heavy Unndon n day or bo consulting the sornpor falling on It. No hones were property owners along Klrst street, broken, though. In regard to paving that thoiough- faro this summer, nnd reports that Hiillil Itont. H. II. Olson of Km- he received encouragement nil nlong plre, Fred Schilling nnd Hans Chris- the Hue, and that actual work of pav tciiBcn nre building n new seagoing Ing will probably begin in n short gasoline launch which they expect to time. Handon Recorder, complete the latter part of May. Sho Is to be 50 feet long with a 14-foot CARNIVAL IX HOSEBUHfl. beam. ' A. J. MEN'DEL returned today from n business trip to Handon. B. A. HUCKKT"oTcoqulllo was a MnrshDold business visitor yestor-day. TOM COKE, who has been laid up with la grippe, was nblo to bo down town yesterday. ROBERT MKHOHANT loaves today for his home In California after a visit with relatives here. TOM HALL left yesterday for Lake side where he will spend a few days fishing and looking nftor the Han del estate, v A. J. PRINDI.E and wife of Gardiner nrrlved hero this week to sccuro medical aid for Mrs. Prlndtc who has been tilling for somo time. I ROSEUURG, Ore., Mnr. 31. A Wiih Itepoiteil Demi. A strango mooting of tho executive committee report was started In Coqulllu Wed- of the Strawburry and Hoso Carnival ncBday" afternoon to tho effect that I for 1 All, was held at tho Commercial Mayor Straw of Marshflold had drop- club. Active Interest wor hIiowii nnd pod dend on tho street hero Wodnos- plans nro being dovcloped for niajclng day noon. Mayor Straw vigorously ths tho best threo days' event of Its donlos that ho dropped dend Wcdne kind over held hore. Tho dates for tho carnival will bo May 11, 12 nnd 13. Mil. nnd MIIS. 0. H. MYERS ana Stanley nro spending Saturday and Sunday at the homo of their daugh ter, Mrs. James Lnndrlth, South Coos Hlver. KAHIj KAUFMAN, who has been spending sometime In Helena, Mont., arrived hero for a visit with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. I. S. Knufninn. dny or any other time. Just how such n report coital have originated Is a mystery. For n Httlo while, many of his friends who henrd It ItHM) TIIK TIM US' WANT ADS. IK H CATARRH REMEDY Internal and Extornal 'Remedy. Tho Romody Is composod of nun Alteratives, Tonics and Blood Purifiers, that hnvo long b highly esteemed by thevrnodlcal profession, as being most txaeaelJl In the tretjn'ont ot Qonoral Catarrhal conditions. price i.ao per bottle The remedy Is guaranteed to glvo satisfaction or money back. FOIt SALE AT THR.BUSV CORNER N PHONE 298. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Leading Drug store In Coos County. SAKE INVESMENTS. For Information concerning high-class bond Investments, bearing C Intorcat not, write 0. D. Hinsdale, caro J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angolos, California. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY T-VR. G. W. LESLIE, -' Osteopathic Physician Graduate of the Amorhan school of Ostoopathy at KlrksVllle, Mo. Offlco In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4;Pnono 161-Jz Marshflold; Oregon, ; i . .i...Ti .I our Sunday Roast hAsT BEEP We have It ready for you, Sweet and Juicy. ROAST MUTTON ROAST PORK Union Meat Market o Ua-Your Order. Phono 58. coos RAV-PnQFRiior: ctat,f nivif- Lds'80 between Rosoburg ana Slarshflold. Stage leaves dally pURKETAV., Marshflold. O. P. BARNARD, Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. PHONE 11 pR, J. W. INGRAM, Physician nnd Burgeon. 309-210 Coke Building Phones: Ofllco 102J; Residence 1021. Spring Is Here and- A Change in Diet Is what wo all need. Fresh, cool, crisp vegetables appeal to all nnd th oso from Eastern Oregon nnd Southern California are parti cularly good this week, especially tho RHUBARB TOMATOES Cops Hlver Asparagus andQreen Onions nro also coming In In ftuo shape. Don't think that simply becauso wo do not list all our vegetables that wo havo not a comploto stock but satisfy yourself by cnllliiK; up 8VJ. also a nice lot of Unwed Chickens for your SUNDAY DINNER. LOCKHART'S GROCERY CAULIFLOWER ASPARAGUS CUCUMUEIIS, and LETTUCE FOR RENT Furnished liungulow In good location. Apply Title Guar antee and Abstract Company. FOB RENT- Jun'o 2. -FurnUhcd house until Aprly Cook's Grocery. FOR RENT 7 room, modern house, Close in, C30 Central Ave. Phone 185-J, . ' W. BENNETT, ' , Lawyer, Ofllco over Flanagan & Dennett Bank Marshfletd Oregon W M. S. TURPEN, .Arcldtect Over Chamber of Commorce. Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good horses and careful drivers are now at the dis posal of the Coos Bay publla at REASONABLE RATES. nigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special accommo datlons provided for funeral parties W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 27S-J WANTED-i-Young man for book- keopor. Address giving ago ana experience In detail "Competent" caro Times ofllce. IAST Rword stick pin, set wltli smaii pearls. Finder will bo re warded by C. A. Howard Blanco Hotel 4. t LADY AVAJTS-rPostion ns house keopbr or care for children Ad dress P. U. care Times. SPRING GARDEN "SASS" We have It. CELERY CAULIFLOWER GREEN ONIONS RHUBARB TOMATOES rofrATOKH CABBAGE FRESH FRUITS ObXNGES BANANAS APPLES LEMONS Make tho Tablo Inviting with an order from The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY PHONE 33 JOE STEVE, formerly nn. otter hunt er In Curry county, hut who has resided In Cnllforuln for tho p'a&t ton yonrs, arrlvod hero this week to visit friends. CAPT. HARRIS of Sumner Is In Marshflold on business. Ho and Mrs. Harris will inovo to Marsh Held to resldo Just ns soon ns they dispose of their store at Sumner CIIAS. S. HIL1IORN nnd wife, tho well-known Mllllcomn pioneers, were In Mnrslillold today on busi ness nnd plenstiro and wore warm ly greeted by their many friend hore. W. J. MURPHY, who hns chargo of of tho closing out sale of tho A. W. Myers storo at North Bond today received n tologram, calling him to Portland on Important buslnoss. Ho will luavo on tho Breakwator tomorrow and will return early next week. GIVEN LIFE TERM. TiIaIio Wife Murderer Given Sentence" Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Mar. 31. John N, McDowell, convlctod of tho mur der of his wlfo nt Sprlngton, Ida., was sontonced to life Imprisonment today. IORTLANI IS GROWING. man to do general housework, Ap ply Mrs. Gas. Adolsporger. Phone 2CG-J or 49-L. FOR, SALE Ten 10-guI. ml Ik cuus in B09 coBumuu. ""!'' AUTO Anytime, anywhere Reu sonablo rates. Phono Blanco hotel 40 or Residence 28-J. UUXKEit mLL IU the .1. . . "e to buy at Bunker dence and w. , . i ... - vi.m tuia ut iuw Hiii.... - '-"tuiars Bee AUG. FRiZEENf AT.i Mawhfleld, Oregoa. FA3HI.Y HOTEL THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and 11.00; week $2.00 to JJ5.00. House keeping; trptrrtmonts with gaB ranges 110.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. Spring Is Here and bo Is PInegor. Havo your carpets cleaned with ray Vacuum cleaner. No dust or worry. Phone your order to 215 McCrary's Drug Store. R. E. PINEGOR. Don't ,forget the Turkish Baths. PHONE 314-J. FOR SALE CHEAP 75 H.-P, elec tric motor. Practically new. In quire Frank Wood, North Bend. WANTED 5-rooin house, pemianeut renter, reasonably, close In. Must be dry and cheap. E. M. care Tlm-js WANTED Girls nt once. Apply Coos Bay Steam Laundry. FOR SALE Full bjood bronze turk ey eggs. ?2,Q0 per setting. S. C. Rogers, Phono Farmers 3167. FOR SALE 18-foot launch, 4 U.-P. engine, also boat house. Cheap, Apply A. X. Times' office. FOR RENT Baxter hotel at Cc qullle, Oregon, after April 1. Wrlto or see personally Baxter Bros., Coqulllo, Ore. If you have anytnlng to sell, trado rent or want help, try a want ad. New City Directory Indicate iW2,021 People. PORTLAND, Ore., Mar, 31. Tho new Portland city directory contains 112,270 nnmos, which according to jthe directory company's way of fig uring, Bhould glvo Pprtland and sub urbs a population of 252,621, and for tho first tlmo tho company is using 2V4 as a multlplo Instead of 2H-? that Is multiplying tho number of names In tho dlroctory by 2 V4 to find out approximately how many people thoro are in town. Tho lower mul tlplo Is used becauso ot tho recent in creaso In slnglo male- population ow ing to the rapid growth of tho city and stnte. Smiths are still in tho lead in Portland according to tho now direc tory. Thero nro 1230 of thorn mora tbantheroaro In FortSmlth, Ark., or any other place with tho name Smith In It. But tho strong Scandinavian olomont In Portland Is shown, by the way in which tho Johnsons and Johnstons are crowding them there are 1140 In the directory who carry ono or the other of those names. The Andersons, who usually rank tho Smiths, are far behind, there be ing but 774 In tho now book ot who'a who In Portland. Aftor them come 676 Browns, 618 Joneses, 473 Wil sons, 43C WlUlamsos, 389 Olsons aud 381 Hansons. PHONE I, S. KAUFMAN & CO YOUR COAL ORDERS 31.00 PER TON. FOR SALE Varmint pups. ? 10.00 each. Apply S. C. Rogors, phone Farmers 3167. WANTED Girl at Lloyd Hotel. Must give references. WANTED A competent girl or wo- Do You Use Rhubarb ? Nature's Own Remedy At this time of the year Rhubarb or "Pie Plant" Is neodod to tone tho system. PRICES ARE NOT HIGH AT YOUR GROCERS. rNM jUfcfatt&Xlyiy i stfurrrfidft'iin i rtMHn im .