THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, , FRIDAY. WARCH 31, rlStll-EVENING EDITION. Vl i'W m prVO R AVlTriMP a 9S ilmcTkaJde that fHr?per' MriTCd alltlKhl bitU wis exceeding . . i SJfJ9.,&J? A'iiVifciJ hitme life Is tho basis ot national y rlley nnd much Bcdlmpnt. JdonotH .z L ,, -, , . , r-r-r--.. r- , t v- -- Rrtntnc8 did not originate with .Itoo- thnk u wfiultelvo'df aU trjt fio MlwU moroa ai mo mmomco ni hi- .,.i, n... i.. i... .V...n. -f.b. . i , ...v ,. I v iflitiL'iLi out. iiu nun it iuluil wk iai- nni innninirivntt iniiiv unniiiiiii' Biiai ',.. f.T....Mi ..1M. " f -,--,- , t(4 Pv.(u.l)R'JUll kwuaj lUWivi Ainvq Hold, :Orte(n, through tho ma toall matter. 11 L ,M..ddM ,nR "P p,nl" lrulh" nd mlt,n th0m boltl0, t1, tomce people accru I before the people In such a way a t0 tnk tnat jt. wj -como-alfrlght. If. C. MALONKY Editor anil Pub. AN K. MALONKY News Editor r tt 'to mako them realize their value: -fa careful to let tho water run' sonic llooRcvcIt Is not a dreamer but an In- timo i,cf0ro drawing, then nUi' Into tensely practical port of n man. When fo uolti0 Mfectly, liwiuttitiB in ,? r "'" tlio top ue sure it is screwed on tho tightly. 'O t mil antiillnir vim flin rnmilln nf he lectures he sonrs to no An Independent llcpubllcan news-, heights but stays down upon tiapor published every evening ex- ground where tho peoplo nre. copt Sunday, nnd Weekly by says In substnnco thnt people will no tne nrat ot whlch came by express Tho Coos liny Tlmew Publishing Co.! happy If they do right nnd do enough l)Ut vcry much ,e8ro n 8ccoluj K0,i .of t- Tho nntlon will remnln n great snln)lL. Thero WU l)0 no oxtra Dedicated to tho ncrvlce of tho nation as long ns tho homo llfo of chnrRc but I wlh to mnko sure of nn people, that no good cause shall Inck th6 peoplo Is what It should be. Whoa accurate nnnlysls. a champion, and that evil Bl'mll not. tho home llfo Is weakened tho atnto j tlo not know nnythlng about your thrlvo unopposed. lu,908 also, for the homo Is the unit 8()Urco of H1,plv nor your 8torao ' - - " ' m Mint iiltltunlnlti ulinlind It nlTnltm rT .. ..... i llHU ,u""i """i"--" - ' facilities. SL'IISCIM PTION HATES. DAILY. , One yonr $G.UO For month 50 When paid strictly In advance tho aubBcrlptlon price of tho Coos Hay ""mos Ib $fi-00 por year or $2. SO for months. WKKKLV. year $1.50 the nntlon. Tho Coos Hay Times represents u consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Hny Advortlser. The Coast Mall was tho first dally cstao llshod on Coos Day nnd The Cooa Bay Times Is Itu Immediate successor. CJTY WATER IS Ofllclnl Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPKIt OK TIIK CITY OK MAItSHPIKLD. Address all conimmilcntliins to COOS DAY DAILY TIMES, Mnrslillclil :: :: :: :: Oregon (Continued (rom paeo 1.) Grent enro should be taken to got the water from a pro tected source with no chnnco of con tamination. Tho considerable amount nf organic matter would scum to lu- dlcnte a possibly peaty source. Mnrshlleld water, sample No. 1 Deceived February 21, 1011. Amount used In the test In each case, 1 cubic centimeter (about twenty drops) : Dncterlnt count on Agar Plates (Average of three) ri2Mn 18 hours. Glucose fermentation tube .1. c. c. no gas. Glucose fermentation tube 1 c. c. CO per cent gas. Olucoso fermentation tube lO.c. c. There should bo a concrete reser voir constructed lu such n manner that all Biirfaco draluaco thereto should bo excluded nnd the outlet.110 Kn8, ":CO 35:25. I.nctoso bile fcrmentntlon tubes .1 no gas. " Lactose bile fcrmentntlon tubes 1 no gns. Lactose bile fermentation tubes 10, from the reservoir lending Into tho' mains Hhoitld be screened. I "Several years ngo under my dlroe-1 tlous the State Hoard of Health post-. ed trespass notices around the city A PRACTICAL PIIII.OKOPIIEIt. water rosorvolr prohibiting peoplo from camping or picnicking nbovo and around the reservoir In order to prevent It being contaminated by c. crotln nnd following up the spirit no gns. Total solids, 117 parts per million. Organic solids 131 parts por mil lion. Summnry The nbsenco of gns In I T SEISMS n particular delight of T. fl 1- a.. . r.A-i icnuiciu HUUBUVL-iLb lO IUKU t10 rcguryolr . i ...i . ai. . m .!. of this warning nnd for the purpose I ",B u" U,.'"-,B " l r"11" " l of self protection, tho peoplo of "' "" " i" Mnrshlleld should remnln away from renso of bacillus coll. Daclllus coll Inhabits tho Intestines of nnlmnls and n plain and well known truth and "Tho approaching summer'.senson I Its presence would Indicate contnmln- drlvo It home with such forco ns to llvi(og ,l(,i0 to an outdoor llfo nnd nt,on wltn """ oxcrotn nnd honco tno posHioiiiiy or typuoiu, wniie usi mako peoplo take notlco of It anew For Instanco In his siieech nt Derko ley ho dwelt on tho subject of domes tic llfo and In the course of hla lec turo Bald: "All public achievement rests on prlvnto character as developed In the homo. Tho state cannot go onward and upward unless tho average Am erican Is a pretty decent fellow, nnd unloss his wlfo Is r still bettor fel low. "Tho first essential for tho ach ievement of good citizenship Ib ot courBO tho building up of tho kind of chnrnctor that makes of a man a good husband nnd father, and of a woman a good wlfo and mother. All of us know tho typo of man who on Bomo occasions plays tho hero and who Is nt other times n brute, but you ennnot depend on it thnt tho mnn who la a bruto Is also a hero. No community can afford to think for one moment that great public service or ability shown In any direction can atone for lnck of good citizenship In homo llfo." Of courso this Is something that haa boon quite well understood for thoy should bo careful to keep nwny from tho water supply." Statement by Company. F. M. Frlodborg, who hnB been looking nfter tho source of supply for tho water company and who Installed tho plant for thorn today deprecated tho analysis given by the State Hoard absence would show that tho samplo submitted gave no cvldenco of such contamination. Tho bacteria count Is fairly low. As far as Til IK HAMPLi: Is con cerned the Indications nro good: hut It must bo kept In mind tho supply must bo watched all the tlmo with tho . .. ,., , .i . igrcntest care, of Health. Ho gavo tho following . , , A1 . ,.... ., "' '... .J I can find tlmoito sond self-explanatory letter from Albert I It. Swcctsor of the Dopnrtmont ot Do tnny at tho Oregon State University at Kugcno to Tho Times to show that the company Is keeping n close record of tho situation: March IK, 1911. "Mr. Jas. II. Flanagan, Marshfleld, Ore Dear Sir: Tho sample last sent tho other samplo and got n clear one. Very truly yours, ALDKRr It. SWKKTS12R good 4he Reason Why Some Coos Bay women do not mnko bettor bread is be cause they do not uso bettor flour Century Flour lb made of tho best seleet Idaho hard wheat and it al ways makes good. "AVc back every sack with a cash guar antee" Before we closed uiu contract wo oraerea a ri sample lot and' placed it out COOK S GrOCCrV among tho women oi! Marsh- phoxk iho. J neld and everyone brought in tho same verdict. "THE BEST FLOUR ON COOS BAY" Century Flour, jwr sk. $1.50 Clearwater Flour p. $h $1.25 Aro you Flour wiso? Give us your next order. In Spile of All of Our Gare A mistake Is possible It Is Bomotlmcs impossible to pre vont It. You may get n pound of Ituttor not quite up to tho mark Or a dozen of oggs with ono or two of them of suspicious ago nUT (and this Is tho chief point ot this ad) you will find us not only willing but ANXI OUS to right theso wrongs. , You havo but to bring euch things to our notlco to havo them receive our immedlnto at tention. Wo want to get as near as pos albjo to porfoct Btorekeoplng, nnd you can help us to do this by pointing out our faults. Let us enroll you as a. customer. Come In and look over our stock, and lot us show you. No trouble would bo pleased to do 80. MXKTKKXTII DADY IIOKX. CHICAGO, Ill.,Mar. 31 Daby No. 19 Is added hero tq tho score ot Mm, John Adduce!, kwlfe ot a city laborer. Mrs. Adduccl Is only39, nnd ot her children, nil of whom woro born sing ly, 10 still survive .llItlOK CLAY DKPOHIT. two miles and half from Dnndon thoro Is a tremendous deposit of the licttt clay for .bricks. Underneath tho uppor soil Is a gravol deposit con taining much good paying black sand,' with gold mlxedj then bogles tho clay, and ns prospected Ib over forty feot deep, and ho end found yet. The Itecorder has taken occasion to speak of theso great resources ' tlmea, and It la to bo hoped that lu tho near future that an immense brick manufacturing establishment will be on tho ground to convert tho clay Into wealth. As to tho black sand mines, thoro aro a number of methods now being trlod' out whlcln It Is hoped will bo successful in sav ing, .the gold and this moans great wealth to tho country. Dandon Recorder. Once More Spring Opens a ND WITH it we herald fdV you our fresh A now styles to go with the season. You think of Clothes with the Spring and iour Bci Inter ests must turn iour mind toward our Store. n (his you are wise, for our now Springstyles are STBix-BLOCH, than which, dollar for dollar, there are no better clothes value in the world. Try on One of These Stein Bloch Spring Suits B I j U 13 SEKdKS $18.50 to $35.00 FANCY WORSTEDS $20.00 to $30.00 OTHER MAKES $7.50 to $l(i.50 Shirt Fashions for the Fastidious iSS53. XL'J -V"V. TyrEN" with ideas fastidious exercise iVJ- much care in the selection of fur nishingsand particularlv in the choice of Shirts. AVe like to sell shirts to particular men, because the Shirts we sell are par ticularly good, andthcre is no difficulty in explaining such goodness to the mail who knows and who chooses knowinir- iy. Such Shirts as the FAULTLESS are too well known as products of the most celebrated makers hi this coun try t) need our testimony. "We have them" here in a broad assortment of make, style, design and an infinitude of Colorings beautifully blended two toned, and dual elTects and quality and quantities of utmost luxury. It is the season for supplementing your, possibly, depleted store, with first choice in Spring designs. Prices rango to conform to individu al requirements. "In A Spring Thought mEEP out of doors as much as possiblo; put your A, cheek to the hills and hear the secrets of nature. Let your mental attitude bo ono of rejoicing." Incidentally a pair of pretty and well fitting WALK-OVER Shoes or oxfords will add much to the pleasure of your outings. A good style for spring is the "Bridge" model. FRiCE $4.00 Magnes & Matson V. i MARSIIFIELD'S LEADING OUTFITTERS AND. FURNISHERS. A MAM A CASH GROCERY First Class Laundry work Is most desirable to anyone wishing tholr linen to possess that particular finish so necessary to eood taBto In dress. AVK DO THAT CLASS OV WOHK One Trial will Convluce. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J ' 4UO TU.U NESTED DAUBED PLYMOUTH HOClts. Our matlngs havo produced stand ard-bred specimens pf exhibition quality with records' of 242,227,222 eggs In 3G5 days. Duby Chicks nuri Errs for Unletting Hook your orders now for spring doilvery. A few cookoreU from heavy laying stock for $5.00, Plymouth Place, Poultry Yards. FKED IUCHMAX, Prop. Mnrhlillelri, Dov 185, Phone 288 Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3121 POlt GOOD WOUK Bring your clothes to vjs. Cleaning, prosslng nnd ropalrlng a specialty, by experienced mu, Satisfaction guaranteed uraNCHAnn MOD- SON, Alliance Hldg. Front St. IS TIIEBE A GAS MAIN close to TiiAftiEw House YOU ABE GOING TO BUILD? Your wife probably has asked that question already. It is, a matter of importance to her, and it is important to you.' Gas cooking means economy, comfort, clean liness and convenience. Wo will bo glad to give advice free regard ing the layout for gas piping and tho in stallation of the gas range, gas water heat er, laundry stove iu& gas heating stoves. If your building site is not on a gas main, we will bo glad to talk with you regarding tho prospect of extending mains. AVe aro willing to extend mains wherever thoro is a reasonable prospect of eventual fair return on the investment. Tclophone 178 and ask for tho Xow Busi ness Department. OREGON POWER COMPANY , r t " Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits (Wr Assefs0ver $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposit. $100,000 Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAJ1LO AVn .m,n l. "a., BOA M ,1, klM, 0, umm mtnM jyjpH MgLAIN T -1 " -oSf CONTRACTOR - ' PHONE Ml. M:l&