. (ffiwra ufattra YOU&ADS CARRYING v,mr H'rt-ncwo, Mioultl appear us rcmtlHrly iw l, this newspaper? It . ...... nwiin-r omit toil nn Muo now SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A rtoiv'n niUrrllnlnp; svhto 1h a nrMnHT, rotnpnml ilth llto space UM-il ly olJirr Morvd, should dcflno Hi rompnrntlw ltiiMit-tnnro In tho romnuiiili)! Dih'n jour Mine's nd ciillim uic(' lo (lini? i'i n ii ..-. ion fr no weighty n rei ntul tlM-"- i...t iluii it nilulit in In Milt n i - I) WOllM IIDt IK' II K""" m,Hi'l'l"-T. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED IMlKSct FRIDAY; MARCH 31, . 1911 EVENING EDITION IMnblMicd In 1HTH ni The Count Mull VOL XXXIV MARSHFIELD, OREGON. A I'oiiMilltljitlnn of Thiu, I'miM Mull nntl C'iVoh liny AilwrllM'r. No. 66 " mn F: m cm HER Oregon State Health Officer Condemns It After Analysis. HEALTH OF COMMUNITY MAY BE IN DANGER Water Company's Analysis Re cently Showed No In-' fectlon. Dr. Ira I). Hurtle, hcnlth officer of North Iloiid and member of the city council there, Btiys thnt nil city wnter ihould be boiled beforo using. Ho ba JiiBt received tho result of nn analjsls of samples of tho city wnter which he took from tho faucets nnd tent to tho Stnto Hoard of Health. According to J. V. Huggard, for Thls nnnlysls will be probably mcfly an employe of the Enterprise brought up nt tho Joint sessions of Ment Mnrkct some horrlblo things North IJcnd nnd Mnrshflcld city coun- hnvo tnken plnco In, tho ment trndo. ells next Mondny night. Tho report Dr. Dnrtlo received from h Orecon Stnto nonrd of Hcnlth is tclf'cxplnnntory nnd Is ns follows: State Uonrd of Hcnlth) Portland, ore. farch 27, 1011. Dr. I. II. Ilnrtlp, V' North Bond, OreY rw.ni. Clr" "' The result of tho-examinations jof specimens sent by you to the Inborn- tory n few days ago Is ns follows: Water No. 'lab rontnincu in.uiru uy pnrueH who uusirf m unimiKu iiih( organisms per c. c. nnd colon bncllll. buslnesB. Ho hns coimulted attorneys j Wnter No. 287 contained ld,200ln rofofenco to tho mntter nnd they, organisms per c. c. nnd colon bncllll. Wnter No. 2SC contained 33,480 organisms per c. c. nnd colon bncllll. THE Iti:srir OK THE WATHK ANALYSIS WOl'M) INDKUTH THAT AM. THE SAMPLES WEHE CONTAMINATED WITH Hl'MAV SKWAGE AND TOTAMiY UNFIT I'Olt DOMESTIC PUItPOSES. Yours very truly, i CALVIN S. WHITE, I Stnto Health Olllcor. Diiiigei of Typhoid. Dr. Dartlo said in dlgcusslng tho matter today that tho nresonco of tho bacilli Indicated n danger, of u. Uphold f o er epldomlo developing ly, It Is claimed. Soon nfter his E McCrqy A. G. Cozens, W, A. AVI1 latoron. Ho declared that nil drink-1 trouble with Mr. King, Huggard camo, Hams, Grace Whltmore, Mrs. M. E. Ing water should bo boiled to ellml- " nate tho danger especially during tho' summer months. Ho declared that the Kiinntinn wru nn Mmt aiinniii 1..1 dealt promptly with by tho cities cause If tho water system over come Infected with tvnhold. It would be nrnctlcnllv 'Imnosslblo to ellml-. nato It. Ho Bald that It wns pos- tho news about It. It was explain- sli.li. thnt ti,n i...nnntinnu r D.wl.olmi tn him thnt tho mntter was of "" "w.i.wmo w. --, - w , mi it),, ),,, ,,.i..i .., .i. ,nin'on.ii n unriniiR nnturo that It could -o... ...nu lUDuuuu nun. mo "..k .. -. - main running close to n defective,: not bo given publicity unless officially ewer. Ho plnnB to get a dovyi or imeen samples from various public, ana from the reservoir and havo an other analysis mado next week. Dr. MliWis' Vlew.v Dr, E. Mlngus, city health officer of Marshfleld, after rending thoann l)sls of tho Coos Day wp tor" "this morning, said: "I do not think thnt nny dlseasefl have nrlsen frqm tho using of the Marshfleld whter on nccount of nny germs which It mny contnln. but tho presence of colon bncllll ns shown by the nnnlysls of tho .Stnto Doard of Health Is proof thnt the supply has been contaminated by human excreta and steps should be taken to locate the source of contamination. "The abundance of vogota,tlon cov ering the watershed from which the supply Is taken and tho condition In which tho reservoir Is In at present re favorable for tho rapid develop ment of disease producing germs nnd if tho sour" of t gupply should ever become contaminated with typhoid eerms, tho results would be very dis astrous to tho users of tho water. I consider it very Important for the protection of the people that tnattnem aier system should be tliorouguiy investigated and all sources of con- Jamlnatlon properly guarded against,! IS NOT ffl D I US "TIE JUNGLE" Clash BetWCen J. W. Hliggard and Geo. King Results In Ugly Charges. As a result of a difference nnd dU-, pute nbout wnges between nn employe of the Enterprise Meat Market nnd the proprietor, n number of stories nre being told nrouud the city thnt i plnce tho.nbnttolrs of Coos Day on x par with tho packing town talcs In Uln Sinclair's "Junglo" book. He nllcgcH thnt dlBcnscd nnlmnls and oven nnlmnls thnt died from dlscnso were dressed nnd sold to tlio unsils- pectliig public as gopd nftml.; n t f'l ft 41 t A t Geo. . King, tlio proprietor meets i nil tli nan ntinrima ltt An Mltarll II in f n..,l omiihntln .tonlrtl nnrt linMii, It nn with nn offer of a reward of $1,000 i to nny person- who will prove that ho hns ever sold in his mnrhet nny meat for human food thnt cnirid from .rilsenRod nnlmnls. Mr. King nllogcs thnt tjio stories hnvo been concocted Btnto thnt tho only recourse nt pros out Is to sue tho nuthor of tho stor- leH for dnmnges. Ho cannot ue neiu criminally until tho charges nro made In Bomo other form thnn more word of mouth. To PniM'ciile Case. City Attomoy Gobb said today thnt Ilf tho charges aro properly filed and there Is evidence to Biibstnntluto thorn, ho will prosecuto King for vlo- lotlng n city ordinance Ho expect- led thnt tho mnttor would como to n focus shortly. Huggard claims to havo several witnesses besides hlmsolf. Ho has circulated his charges qulto general- to Tho Times offlco with his story nnu wonted to have tho chnrges printed as an nil.- Ho was told that tho prop- nr thine to do was to present tho bo-.matter to tho city ofllclals for Inves- bo-Ulgntlon nnd make It a mnttor of rec- ord nnd thnf whon'Uio ennrges wore bo nropared, Tho Times would print subtlntinteu. . Mr. migguru hub i . .....v. n with Mr.l08S. ' ' . . Mr. King declares ho Ib nnxlous o have tho chnnco to prove the charges ( untrue 'and to prosecute Huggard for Slrinder. and libel, ' Yesterdny, Mr'. King attached two cows belonging to Huggard on n suit begun In Justlco Pennock's court. .SCHOOL GIKIi SLAIN. Fanner. Held Vnv Murder Near New-. ark, Ohio. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Coos Bnyi v- , ,, I NEWARK. Ohio, Mar. 31. The body of Elslo Hawthorne, a fifteen- ..-Li aohnni firi. wns found near l i,- vin.ro nf Pntnakala late jester-, day A bullet hole In the head show- ed how she had come to her death, nan Moreland. a farmer, was broug.U here last night under guard and Is i,m nonHin? further nvest gatlon. A diamond ring, worn on heron gagement finger, has the same effect on Borne gentle, meekvglrls that a ipink of whisky has on some men makes flercei roarIng lions out of popuLAIt BOOKS, classics, In .act aU k,nds ot book8 oa 6aie at the MA 5 ELD LET US TALK IT OVER THERE Is work In Mnrshfleld for the prosecuting nttorucy. The stories thnt nre being told up and down the RtreetB In reference to the sale of diseased uientB to tho people of this city are serious. If one half those Btorlcs nro true the mnn guilty of such nn nwful crime should spend all that remains of ltfo behind prison bars jib only a par tial pnlllatlon for so great n crime. Such decdB nre the deeper nnd darker because there Is nn wny In which tho vIctlniH can be protected until tho worst Is accomplished. If these storks are the result of malicious persecution the nuthor should be placed where his Boiled and sordid Imagination cannot dam oge honest men. The stntu penitentiary Is too good n place for nny one who would deliberately concoct and circulate such n fearsome falsehood. There is but one way for society to denl with such n situation nnd thnt is to demnnd n sweenlnc nnd thorounh Investigation. Let nil the facts bt- sftted nnd then tho most condign punishment meted out to the guilty one, whoever he mny ba. This is too serious n matter to bo permitted to pass with a small fine and reprimand. Tho guilty one should bo mndc to feel the full power of the law and tho utmost limit of Its punishment. AERIAL CAR LINE Two Others Have NarrOW . .Escape When Suspension Line OVer UlaCKamaS nlVer.fcet nnd wns built to hold two. To- fcives Away. (By Aesoclntcd Press Times.) PORTLAND, ore, Mnr. ji. wn- ' MxflM "Vi 1 1.1 iiina 1itinrl nVlfl tVii ....-- T nnrrowly cgcape,i todny whon uu ummvin u9 n.w.. I 1.1.1. ll . ....... MMnnnllll a Ctir in WHICH UK-y fl ,... .".- LEAVE TODAY Steamship Sails at NOOn For San Francisco With Many. The Redondo snlled nt noon today for Snn Frnnclscp. Her enrgo wns principally lumber from tho Smith ,ui, nor passenger accommodations Werd tnxed to capacity. ' Among thoso sailing on hor'wore tno following: . I D. C. Hays, W. C. Tlnked, J Marshall, Mrs . . . , , .. , A. L AWlewhlW.,aeo Gould, Noi;na Gould, leld. E. McCrny. Mrs. (jaVc, Mrs, L, Mrs. L. Murrlfleld whltmore, Miss Hope Whltmore, Miss vivlnn Whltmoro, Joo Neal Arthur McKeown, Mrs. A. McKeown, Albort j, smith. C. T. Adams. Mrs. 3. E. 0 REDONDO Norton, -J. . Hi-Norton, Roy Abbott, Mra C. f. Montgomery, Jny K. Montgomery, M. b. Morcnnni, -. .. T0Uerg, Edgar Simpson and ono steerage. - ; r.n.r".,.'TJ'.on..Mii I'llhT.lli IIA.XIV I'Uil .iniwiua ... . . ., . . WASHI.nuju.n, u. Ki muv. oi, . fno uemonus were uuiui.uuu u RddlUonalpMtAUo the letter, tho money being paid, Fing8"dejdsltorlos announped "V aro and postmnstor.General Hitchcock ..'... y, . i, i. tool. ....., Mnnt ABiuriu, ur. nuiiuiHiu, ..o..., Defeats Los Angeles Nine Qne Coast League Games. (By Associated Prebs to Coos Times,) to Day PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 31. -Port- land took another from the Angeles yesterday by a score of nine to one. , The Coast League, games yesterday resulted as follows: iai uob Angeies R 9 1 R 9 O o r.' i Portland . . Los Angeles . At Sacramento Oakland. . . . Sacramento, . At San Francisco vernon San Francisco. ....... 8 11 DON'T FORGET the I?OOI SALE AM.i . -ii-v in WIHIIUNII IS victor m -NN COSTS ONE LIFE tno Clncknmna r,vcr precipitated thorn nlnotv foot Into tho rlvor. Tho car wns on n suspension wlro .spanning tho river several hundred dry tho thrco men got Into it to cross tho river nnd wcro hnlf wiy to Coos Day jvor when tho swivel 6f tho enr around tnelr property nnu scores o' in uenu, injured ana cnpiurcu oa pulled out. Chllders jumped from Utile bon-flrcs curling upward lust both sldos, it Is not bollovod will ox I Mm rnr nn.i Mm ntiiop in nmn m. ills lit were indications of tho funor.il ceed threo hundred. ,,. ... It -,,.. ,,, fo malned in It. -Tliey mnnngcu n t ssi.t ()KJ a mu, n HUaiUU UBIHIX UII1I' I1UIU Ull UUU t MUillVU UDIIUlKi Willi" dors attempted to swim ashore and HlflO ll tWltt'fWlfl A. T. Rogers of Los Vegas N. M., Mulcted By Kid- napers (Dy Associated Press" to Coos Day Associated Press Times.) j LAS VEGAS, N. M., Mnr. 31. Tho baby of A. T. Rogers, a proml- nent lawye'r df this cft'y, was kidnap- p'ed four days ngo, nnd hold! for'n .. .T.nW Ths. mm, was I IUIHUHI J T,vwvf . ..vi -.--v p'nld over by Itogors nt midnight Inst nam over uy uogurs ui iuiuiiik" , nt -. . , - n U)o , surfourfdlnrifs'cityan ,,- .... j... ,.... v , . i - . , nioui. nnd tho c'hlld wnsfurnetf to lillm' - Tho, i in t,tnopon-t 'of r0volvors com- - . i'w R0 t0 surrender to tu 1 ql eil Mrs. liogers 10 nurrvuuvi w. ...ii." ...; u,a ..i... - r Trho'rk'Vd'nap'por8.l0ftH nbteVor no- erg"wyo' wnB nbBedt from tho city ', '.ohnn in oAslI if V i'V,v tV..r -,inY... ,,,,,, iivu And' "directing tne money was to po .. . ............ .,. ut V pam at miUIUHIlV- iubu iiihiu. '. . ., .' ....j...... .....i. and tho child reco.vcred,u . Tho baby Is a grandson of Judge nenry l. Waldo, a millionaire of Trnnenn HIIV. The bandits escaped ami posses are scouring tho country. i Ono oi the kidnappers wns partial ly Identified as Dennis Hart, tho noto rious postefneo and bank robber. THREE KILLED German Explosion Aboard Naval Cruiser Fatal to 'Members of Crew. 10 M kidnaping1 :rfnV Wrta bn'e.'twolty limns nitor Apm u, .,uw.b iiio uiwri sissuing urUOr .- Bked men hdvlntfnforcoif entranctf' row !"' .ficu. .,u. r""',?' "lW'Brturer uu ""' . ?. i. .- -(ih, ..,.. .!,.,. -. .... nnd i ininosslblo to "clean up" to- ho M tlioTsunerlor ofllcor and tho nn nn r Jk r w if mill w- iv ! iit'HMii r --. - n-. .- FOIIFi HLiR! H (By Associated Press to Coos Bay 11 ' r Times.) 3 KIEL, Germany, Mar, 31. Threo H bluejackets were killed and four In- 8 Jured In an explosion aboard , the 10 cruiser Vorck of the German navy to ll day. DROP IN at Tho WOOLEN MILL a vv t, HAitT.SCllAFF. NHR& MARX Clothes; they are URGE NUMBER WOUNDED IN Everything Ready For Crusade for "Spotless Town" Here. With the plans complete for a whirlwind campaign tomorrow to rid .the city of Mnrshflcld of nil gnrbngc, J rubbish nnd unsightly mnterlnl on Btroets, lots nnd yards tomorrow nnd with much work nlrcndy done, the annual "Cleanup Day" of tho A. X. club nnd city officials Saturday l-'omlses to far eclipse anything of the kind over attempted hero. For the pnst two or threo dnyj, jeople in all sections of tho city hnvu brn busy cleaning up tho refuse ,,vU df unsightly things In this city Sticet Commissioner Lnwhoruo ,.-.- -- - --, nnd his assistants nro busy arranging to glvo systematic nld In the crusndo tomorrow. (' Tho A. N. W. club nt Its meeting yesterday perfected its plaim. Tho committees of tho club havo already Bcon many property ownors nnd re- quested their cooporntlon In tho "Cleanup I)ny" work.- Nearly every ono has accoptod tho miggestlonB of tho commltteu with tho proper spirit and 1-nimlHOd thotr hearty coopora- tlon. ' Stipt. Tlodgcir hhs enlisted n large number of school boys who will co operate with tho committees tomor row. , In order to facilitate tho work and enable the completion or It all tomor row, property owners nro- recjuested- ,0 ,m i"o their jgnrVngo plnced Inbnr-j oi enns w'hoi'iovor iioiwibltf nutdi rols always placed on tho Kldownjk t pr( trrct where tho tennisters can gdt it readliy. - ! strnw nnu aireoi cummi.- . ' . . . .. I sioner i.awnornw win iib'u hhuiuj '', c' ordlnnnco prohibiting tho leaving, of garbage, otc.wunn uio morrow., " ., i ".' , . ") YlK "ty' . " V '1 .' .' u t .' . i Suner ntondont TiedgeW'haB dlvld " tlW schools boys nto Bounds' to w"" ' uireiu wih. foroman for each district who will ,iav te" or. wonty oUlor ,naB n88,at" .Inir him. Tho foreman and tho dls- - ,,,.. trlnts nsslcncd nro as lollows; ,1 0y Stutsman, to assist North of. Commercial 1 Ilonald McGeorge, to assist on Front street. I Wesley 8eaman to assist in South Jiarsuneiu. Alton Johnson In West Marshfleld. Jas. Smeaton to. assist south of Commerclnl. ' v Tho boys nro to report for work In tho "various districts at 8 o'clock tho morning. LATEST FASHION FOR MEN. Here Is What New York Doiio Sheet Siiyn. Tailors' NEW YORK, N. Y Mar. 31. "No, rah rah styles" Is tho edict horo to- 'day of tho New York Custom Cut- tera' club, which Is out with tho die- turn on what will bo the real thing TOMORROW IS CLEANUP DAY ' 'J?" this year. Hero aro somo oi uieir Tll0 (0jiowlng letter to The Times styles decided on: 'from Coqullle Is self-explanatory: CoatB to havo narrow shoulders "Editor Coos Dny Times: and pouter pigeon chest effects. Hearing of the sad accldont to Mra. Small boro trousers, with spring uatton at tho Royal Theatre, Wed bottoms and velvet cuffs. 'nesday evening, wo express our High cut vests, specially adapted doene8t gympathy and knowing ot to the uso of dickies. Mr. and Mrs. Hatton present clrcum- Norfolk Jackets will be "aviation coats," even If you hao no ner- plane. White suedo pumps and white flnn- nei iuu-uu iu. ,... -v-.. Red brown is to bo the m J . nnnlii(f urafll favorite hue. KILLED MEXICAN MULE Rsport That J, 000 Were Lost Is Doubted By Persons Familiar With It, BOTH SIDES LOSE1 HEAVILY IN CLASH Trouble In Rebel Ranks at Me xican Endanger Insur rcctos. (By Associated Press to Coos Day, Times.) j NOOALES, Sonorn, Mexico, Mnr 31 Iteports thnt n thousand men wora killed In the battlo of Urns, 140 mlloa south of here nro declnrcd to bo grcntly exaggerated by porsoiiB horo 'acquainted with tho situation boforo tho bnttlo begun. Guerilla warfare was carried on in tho vicinity of'Urua for tho past threo days but casualties HAItl) IIATTLU KOUGIIT. ' HoIm-Ih Ieet KedernN Near Snnt Itnrtmrn. (Dy ABsoclated Press to Coos Day Times.) j-ji, PASO, Tex., Mar. 31. A stubbornly fought bloody bnttlo ho- tweon 300 Insurgents nnd 200 fedoral troops hns rnged nround tho little town of Santa Barbara, southwest at the city of Chihuahua slnco Wednos- (ny morning according to n tologrnm received horo from Parrat lato lait night. , Doth sides hnvo sent for reinforce ments. ItOW AMONG ItEIIELH. liiMirm-lo lA'iiiler nt Mclcnli fllM'H to Ih IU'IwimmI. Itc- (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day y MEi Times.) XICALI, Mex., Mnr, 31. The fybe army In Movlcnll Is ngul tno throes of dlssentlon nnd In Movlcnll is nguln in bad shnpo owing to lnck of disclplino and A m i ... !.. oinor causes to inco uio imponoins it-uunu imuun. mu .iiuah.uu juuw, in Los Angeles, Iiob doposod General .Lvlrt ravor or uenorai uauna. re . x 3; ... : : . ...... I uei soiuieru uru ui u iuhb ivuitu tuuuur to follow. Mrs. Francis Hatton Improves and May Be Assisted by Actors. Mrs. Frnncls ilntton, tho actross who wns Injured by tho curtain m'W(.sht at the. HoyaL Theatro, was ro- iiortcd doing nicely today. Today she suffered tho most pain In bor neck nnd lower Jnw. However, un less complications set in, it la hopod that she will soon recover. Plan For Benefit. Harry Holllngsworth nnd other members of his company who wore nBSOclttted with Mrs. Hatton in the Dornoll troupe hero, arc anxious to do wnat they can for Mrs. Hnttoa, Btances we hereby offer to give a benefit performance for them at the Masonic Theatre, Thursday evening. April 6, If the Mabons will douato the theatre to our use. Kindly publish letter nud oblige. Yours respectfully, HARRY JIOLLINGSWORTH & CO. tl 114! i I W i I..'! tru rn h it mcif I .! 1 It I. I ' I1 V L : ? 'i, ii'i ft r y at the RED CROSS DRUG Stofe showing. A wantea a warn u " (Continued on pace two,)' RED CROSS. . v .4kW --. J btiujK)ui i; . v au. . tmti