THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1911 EVENING EDITION. BAKING POWDER Absalutaiy Pura Makes Home Baking; Easy SAVES FLOUR BUTTER EGGS And makes the cake lighter, finer flavored, more sightly, and Insures Its, freedom from alum. tUyal Cook Bock 800 Receipts Frte. Stni Name emi Aitrtu. royal PAKiwa rowom co., New YORK. CONCIL I E wins ni prize. North Bend Doesn't Have Have Special, Election for Purpose. to STATE. JUD FOR LOtlLlll Wisconsin 'Legislators' ' Bill ,! I Continues to'Cr.eate,','. i Much Conlhient. , MADISON', Wl8., Mnr. 30 Thci i bill to promote mntrlmony bytavyiim ;n tax of Jfi.00 en spinsters over .'." , years of ngc and by cstnbllBhjng n state b'urcnu to help old mnlda llnd , j husbands which wbb Introduced !u : tho lower house by A8scmblymii:i Cnrl Hansen of Mnnltawoc, continues . to excite much comment. "Tho bill Is no Joko," Bnld Mr. Han scn. "Tho nlarmlnp decrcniso M ' mninlannd I .. 11'tnjinHalM .1 . m. .. . .1 . f mil. iiiftvn in t myuimfll Ill-IllllllUB III terventlon by tho legislature. ""WlV-l consln women aj;c the prettiest In the world, but still Hymen's harvest In this state annually decro-ises. "Hcautlful buds . of Radgerdom bloom and blossom to bloes mauklntl, but bashful Dadgcr boys balk at be coming benedicts. It Is time for tho state to take a hand and qelp. vtho bridal business:-- ., A Id 'For Elderly. ,8lntoM. Tho bill provides for n. stnto. matri monial comnilBslon ,to .consist of Gov. McGoVcrn', C. R! Shnffcr;, chief cjprtt. of tho asBcmbly, and Stnto. 8upt' of Public property4 William .JL.,Kssma,,j.j Thfs committee l8to';8uperln.tenJ tl'o collection of tho IR-tar andinpp'y ilio j recelpJB 1n"hUvc'rtlslngtv,tliPi ..chjir.iw and accomplishment)! of. aplnstocs who arc looking fofhuBbnndt, Tlio c'dtn'mlflRloit'lfl'to TWbllflh pam phlets contnlrilng'pteturrs nnd de scriptions of innrrlagenhlo women We Are Now Ready to Show You That Voa Should Buy Your Spring Suit At mm!Sl' H'si Wo lire showing m.inx wiriftitvs both as to color and price but only 0ue quality ot-v- THE BEST 13nohSuit.thc best vniue of its kind obtainable anywhere. ,v You know WHY Buying and selling for Cash Only. "MONEY TALKS" AVc invite your comparison with other clothes other stores other prices. The Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. BANDOtf MAHSIIFIEfa) outBldo tho Btnto between tK"fn V ' ",,,U"B " " '" t. 10A0, and December 3l.'inK " ,0 l, ,,xo,""t from tho 8t o winning article appeared inx' .n t,, tnpory thnt thev c,on'? , ronu. U II I LICENSE l-'Olt IIAHEM SKIRT. Portland Man Writes nest Article On Prt'gon. PORTLANp, Ore.'. Mar. ', 30' It. It. Howard, qf.tho Pacific Monthly Btoff of Portland,'. wns declared tho" winner of $1,000 In gold, tho first pilio In tho $5,000 contest organized . by tho Portland Commercial Club, for tho beBt article on Portland or Ore-!""" ","" "' """'"" """' " ""r gon published In some newspaper or ! rlnR,nb, mcn ' M"1"8- wilder, 2 .,..,l.. ,., ,(.!.. i. ., i. ......., JViirn in iif," mm inuu in liny uiu At n meeting of tho North Ilond 'Novomber .11. . ....... n .i.i.. i .11 ...iimn. Tim ,i V1VJ UdllllLU HUH WITH, llll (irillll.'lllCO ' " " "im,l"h ...liviv tl'ii.tll -J ,r , . ,- . , ... providing for tho into of $30,000,111 World's Work under the tlt'.c. I1"1 .l,J, ho1" df n '"ntrlnionlnl bu worth of bonds to redeem tho out-j "inillrond Fight for i.n Umplro." stondlng general fund warrants of, Klglity prlzo3, ranging from $1,000 tho city. The council had 'planned for first prlx to f 10 given to onch of to submit the mutter of bonding to - authors, wero awarded. Muclih tho voters at a Bpeclal olectlon, hut turrHt wuh taken In tho outrnmo. the city attorney reported that It wuh for the punt mouth tliu Judges, W1H tnnecPHsnry under tho charter an tho l l. MrowHlor. O. C. I.elter and council had the right to Hull tliu Kred l.oekley, had devoted a great bonds by ordinance. Howuver, tho deal of time to tho consideration nf ordinance hns no emorgeney clnuKO the many nrtlrloH submitted. Nearly attnehed and ho If tho people object to every country was represented, tho bonding plan, thoy can Invoke HwoiIIhIi, French. Herman and Itnllau the referendum. articles were found In tho llflt, whllo Only Nine KiiIooiih. t tin mnga.tueH and other American A decrease of two In tho number of publleatlons were well roproHonted. salooifs In North Hend was noted Walter V. Woehlko of Santa Monica, whon tho grnntlug of licenses ennio Oal n regular contributor to the up. Jay Wilcox has closed IiIh nnd Sunset Magazine and tho Snturd.iy tho one In the hotel building was put Kvenlng Post, won tho second prize, out of business by the flro. Tho II- $r00. Ills article, which appeared In censes of tho following wore renow- tho Sunset Magnztno, was entitled, !:. "Where HoIIh tho Oregon." Stelln John Volz, Fred Johnson, Will M. Walker Durham of Portland was Shrock, ChrU Orohs, J. F., third, receiving $2!)0 for hor article, J. N. 8hlrla, Ilort ItiiHh, Chris Potor- "Portlond, tlio Qlty of Itoses." which son nnd Cnns. Haarscn, , ' , onpnnred In Oood HotiBokccpIng, n IVfiilt fKiiiMl "' CJItl to Pnnide Slri'e'N lu it'finrated fiiinneiit I'niJi'i" Pi"ote"'oii cf Police. T WKHSK CITY. Mloh.. Mnr. 30. A harem skirt worn lu tho streets of the downtown section by Miss M.' rlo Schmaltz, a saleswoman, ercntw' a furor anion i; pnHsorsby. nnd tho g'rl had to appeal to police headquartorp for permission to wear the gnrpiot untnnlestod. She wns given police li cense to wenr tho skirt. The ncmit wns like a llcenso to parnde. There after she went about tundcr police protection. DO IT NOW O jf a'-Xiuy in your supply of wood now and ft ) frvMMliWusunl summer rush. AVe have ""'J'" plenty of'wobd and just at present can deliver it promptly. A little later, when nnlcrs begin to pile in, we will not bo able to give you our undivided atten tion. : 12-in. Stove Wood $2.00 per (lump load Firo Place Blocks $2.50 per (lamp load We can furnish you a man to split and pile it if desired. C. A. SMITH LUMBER &MTG; CO. Electric flat h From $2.50 Dp n-iomoniH nnti repair ptrti Irons of different make and ik calling on us ask about h.i,. OI Lamp changed to an tlectrlc I wo can do it at small cott j Coos Bay Wiring (i lUUrtH, X374. PHONE 1D-.7 182 So. Broadway COOS BAY LIVE1 Wo iihvo secured ine llrcr; ness cf L. H. ilulaner anil in pnrod to render excellent lerrta tho peoplo of Cooa liar, Cwl -. . unvcrs, goon rigs nnd trenUi (hut will moan satisfactory serrla (ho public. Phone us lor I tit horso, n rig or nnythlnc ittiii the Jlvery lino. We alio h '......I.I.... 1. ..!.... .11 ii. 1. ' v, ukniiiH uiiBiiiuBs ui uii Kiau, IILANCHAItl) llltOTlim Livery, Kwd and Sulci SmVt 141 First nnd Alder 3trU iuuuu uo'j j I .N'OT A FISH KOLLOWKIt. Hal IlaNter Wli'i Tlirvnteneil Seeley. In Nnslrr Mini. . , i COQUH.LK, .Ore-.. Mar, 2ft, Edi tor Times: In tho little vrltc up yoij , The Noth Ilend Liquor ordtnanco Oeorgo P. Putnam, of Ilond.' Or., re- B"5'0" th boxlnK ntet of Mnrcn ftias not been changed nnd tho license cejved tho fourthprl. 200. for his. -,h XXwx wn 'nWnk e .which ..remains nt 2f0 for bIx months. story of "Onen ne Un Central Ore-v ' ' . "" ""' ""T story of "Opening Up Central Oilier llilfclni'ax. trnn " nlllilluhnH Uv Iutnnm'i Mnrn Owing to the complaints about tho zlne. dthor ' ftrRrf prize winners ?,f followers that Jumped inta the oldvehlcle llcenso ordinance W&H ''ere:- - --m . , ,, r,nB and M t0 causo,troub)e nffjr decided to ennct n now oikv .A cq()1 Flfth-r-llenl.T.' FinkNoWv -. .' . ..... ... .. -. . . . oi I'oninuu s iniesi venicto onunance vorK , )bas been oeciih-d nnd it wasvdecldeh,,8lxthV-W. IK Unlluu, Nawork 'to hnvo tho rates changed 'jiud to City ... .'...'...,, . .'..., ,ji 15 Issue. You stated thnt It, wns'oni Rcferco Seeley hnd 'given the. deol p.. " ' ii?-, lon. '''this statement Is absolutey' OLD RELIADLE STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME Sails from AlnsjvortU Dock, Portlnnd, nt H P. M cverj- TucMlay. Sails from Ooos liny every Saturday nt Mnice of tide. Reservations' Mill not lo held later than Friday noon.unlcMtlckctsnro purchased L. II. KKAT1.NG. AGENT W,0.vB MAIN First Class Launin work Is moat dcalrablo to wishing their linen to poum! particular finish so cccewi ' good tasto in dress. WE DO THAT CLASS OF ffOU Ono Trial will Convince. Coos Bay Steam Laun PHONE .MAIN 374 Jens Ornndahl, Hed Wing. Minn F.lshth J. L. Wnllln. Portland Ninth Oenevlevo Thompson, Portland 100 Tenth Professor Jnmes Dry- den, Corvnllls , 10Q HAIIY TRAVELS 10,(100 .MILES. Adopt It at a session In tho nenr fu- Seventh ture. r City Recorder Derbyshlfw nnd Mayor Simpson were nulhnrUed to enter Into n contract with tho Ore gon Power company freeing the.n from iinv liability In ense of nogjet cf Its employes to glvo tho flro sig nals. This has been delaying the In stallation of the new tlronlHrm signal system In North Demi?- A gong Is to be opernted by tho Central girl and a ,lren whistle sounded by the engin eer, tho city being divided Into dis tricts which uro designated by tho number of blasts, The, gong has been secured but perhaps the Porter mill whistle may po used as tho sirciv Pit, Ilnnfintill. nl,tiVQllr.i nlia .. ...... j ..v. fj.. v,., Iinni 11 u I i;'i authorized to Ittsuo a "warrant Tor, enmo'frohr Manilla $441.40 to D. Imnll in payment of his Dolnwnro street contract, Jh flty treasurer was Instructed to sell all property on Delaware street which has not paid' tho street Improvement assessment. Waterworks Matter. Owing to the fnlluro of tho spe cial repoit from Portland on th'o waterworks failing to arrive, tho North Bond council did not take the waterworks question, However It is expected thnt they will receive tho report lu a day or two and hnve It for the committee to bring to Mnrsh flold next Monday night whon they will meet with tho Mnrshflold city council to consider tho matter. ri 12fi 110 wrong nnd 7 r"Rret Vor much that you'Nvero mlrfnformod,, . , f I In) Haxtoc, the party who Jumped into tho ring, hns always taken ,tie nppoBltb sldo from mo In every, p(n- test I have taken pnrt Jn. Trusting you will correct this error and thnnkr. lug you In advance, I am yours verJl truly. ARTHUR M. FISH. . i Turxlsh Hafts. Don-'t forgot PHONE 2I4..L tho IF I HAD ECZEMA Si-K'n Weeks Olil"Son of Army Of llcer In Ilellewl to Hold Peiv-, grlnat Inn llcconl. , ATCHISON, Kas., Mar. 3 O.How- ' d w""h U awny w,th thnt mlld ard, son of MaJ. and Mrs. Horace D. 80"th,B ,,(iuld. n, D. D. Trial not Illoombergh, who arrived In Atchison t,0 cIt,nnslnB awny tho Impurities with his niothcri the other day slnco nn(' c,pnrl"B P tho complexion as his birth, seven weeks nun lnt Sun. ""thing else cir. dn. hasltrnvoted 10.000 mile. Ho' Yc8 ,f l nnd "' k'nd pf skin . f ' w ' 'Ironr Manilla to San . . .. - i co on an army transport. Ho Is e lleved to bo the greatest travl"d baby of his age In the United State. THE PAST AND COMMODIOUS Streamer Redondo (Equlpjicd vUI AVIrolpka) WTlTnuiko regular trips carrying passengers both ays and freight IuM Carina ltn i.,l G. i ... h ,v . ' tin ""',""" auu """ '"l reservations for passengers mule at Alliance Dock, Mar,h.lcld and Tnin.p. Co MatiaLa-t -H ,0r "- l' " MnfleW Friday, INTER-OCEAX TRAXSI'OKTATIO.V COMPANY. Fia(irtls- ,n,u"ies ru uot. u( u. u. tienuross Drug Store. fiET CTRTISS TO FLY. ASTORIA, Ore., Mar. 30. Peoplo of the Pacific Northwest expect to hnve n chanco to see tho Curtlss hy droplano nt tho Astoria Centennial, for contracts hnve been, signed be tween the luanagemont of tho expo sition and Glenn Curtlss. He ngrees to bring his machlno to Astoria dur ing tho last week In August and give a number of exhibition flights. SAFE INVESMKNTS. For Information concerning hlgh;clas8 bond investments, bearing 6 Interest net, write O. D. Hinsdale, care J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angolcs, California. THE FIMKM) OF COOS DAY" S. S. ALLIANCE .,v.vkCT,n,. w,tu rino,u WILL SAIL Fltosi r Portland on Thursday, March O C.F,C3rEAMS,,v5Cn 6U I'HONE 44 STEAMSHIP COMPANY. c- P McGEORQE. Agent Wnntod A want ud will toll It. How to cure a cold is a question in which mnny are interested Just now. t Chamberlain's Cough Homed hns won Its great reputation and immenfo sn'o by Its romarknble cu'p of colds. It can always be depeart ed upon. For sale br all dealers I m. Beaver Hill Coal Thswr ANI J0SS0N CEMENT. Plaater u T, f0" aBd lm brand' Plaater. Llm Brick .nd all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN office. SSH&J; CONTRACTOR Polks Oregon and Washing State Gazetteer and IlnjbfMl torjr. Just Issued for 1911-11 U I complete work of tho kind p$ It contains an accurate- bwl rectory of every city, lo "1 lago in Oregon nnd Wa"' tho names and addreMM 01 mnrrhnnlH Jnd nrofewlOMl lumberjnen.'etc, who a'reloj Jncent (q villages; also i ' ornmont and county offlcerii slonors of deeds, state board. tory provisions, terms 01 nnmes of the nostmasten. I express, tolqphone and telT flees. Justices of the pec- dally and weekly newipPrtr aides much other Inform"""" to nil classes of business w slonnl men. A descrlptlre each nlaca Is civen. emM oub items of Interest, such cation, nonulation. dlstaacM feront points, the roost J" Bhlpplng stations, the pw aro markoted, stago coma trado BtatlBtlcs, the nere lln. mlnarnl tntCfeStJi school's, libraries and socWj Important feature is tue Siry ... .... rv bulls"" ged under Ite Bpeclal h1 .ll -.D..Ko.rlhflrS tO B"1, Kla Hat of all hooM turlng or dealing l J ii. -. J- Thn WOf imu oi uuus. -- , ia' compiled to deserve W patronage, WIICE ? R. L. POLK J SEATTLE, w j' For Sale Let Time It, . Phono 1S3-J. . ", nnnvD nv - V1, wrmrzTrrrTsmMhdjjat. s mE4gu ' . IfSHSHSHSM