THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THUR?PAY, MARCH 30r 1911 EVENING EDITION. Buick Redbird $975 Delivered Free Demonstration By Appointment North Bend News Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wltte of North Hontl Heights are moving today to their ranch- on South Coos River where they will spend the summer. I. R. TOWER Buick Agent for Coos County Office at The Gunnery Marshnew, ore. Don't Suffer With Corns The simplest nnd most effective method of removing corns Is to ap ply Arch Corn Remover and that's nil thoro Is to It. JiiBt put n Uttlo on tho corn, nnd It forms n coating of protection over It nnd begins to work. It re lieves tho pnln at once nnd tho corn Is ready to be removed In a very short time. PRICE PER HOTTLI-: 23 CENTS. FOR SALE AT Till-: BUSY CORNER PHONE 298. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Leading Drug Store In Coos County. Mrs. Henry lloeck nnd children will leave on the Breakwater for $ Seattle where they will Join Mr. lloeck nnd expect to make their fu- lure home. jo ( Mrs. J. Durnnd of Flagstaff spent' Wednesday with North llend friends. O - ! O tV fx-1 TVYT' A TT gswubiu (BIH tiii: WEATHER. (Hy Associated Press.) OREGON. Mar. 30. Fair to night and Friday. I.OCAI, TEMPERATURE POUT. UK- sihkdi'i.i: change ox mav i. Steamer Hii-nluwitei- to lie Put On Flic-Day Nervli-e. The Portland Oregonlan prints tho following: C. .1. Mlflis, superintend ont of the Portland & Coos H.iy StoaniBhlp Company said that by May 1 the Breakwater would bo put on a five-day schedule, and If conditions wore satisfactory tho change would bo made even before that time. Concerning tho proposed railway from the main line or tho Souther! Pnciric to Coos Buy, Mr. Mtllls sntd ho could not announce nt present when work will bo begun on tho lino. "If you nsk mo If the lino is to be built," said Mr. Mlllls, "I will an swer yes, assuredly, but If you nsk mo when It will be built, I will hnvo to sny that I cannot now answer tho question." Mr. Mlllls recently spent a month In San Francisco, consulting , with Ilarrlmnti olllclnls there, and when ho returned he said that ono of tho mat te rs discussed whllo ho was In Snn Francisco was the construction of tho proposed railroad from the mnln lino J to Coos Day. Captain Macgenn, commanding tho Hronkwatcr, said that the drodge Oregon, which hns been nt work Im proving tho channel at Coos Hay slnco last Octobor, had cut a channel from For twenty-four hours ending lug 1:43 p. in., Mar. 2D, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government mcteorologlcnl observer: Maximum.. 75 Minimum 33 At 4: 13 p, m G5 Precipitation nono Wind, northwest; clear. I I ! :' I i I.EIks last night Initiated Jas Watson, county clerk, of Coqulllo Into the mysteries of the order. Ivy Condrou was elected trustee of the lodge for three years to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of M. C. Smith who Is to move to Portland. At next Wed nesday night's meeting, olllcers for the ensuing year will be Installed, Personal Notes. JAS WATSON returned to his hotn In Coqulllo today. W. It. HAINES lefi via Myrtle Point for Portland today. Hearing CoiitlmicM. The hearing In the Coos Hay Hapld Transit com pany bankruptcy proceedings continu ed' today and It Is uncertain Just when the local hearing will bo completed. Much testimony Is being Introducd as to the size of the debts and the as sets of the Kinney corporations. Yes terday, a Chinaman wns ono of tho witnesses and furnished not a little merriment for those In attendance. FRANK HOOD was down from much today on business. his ARCHIE KKUSE and wife are hero from Randolph for a short visit.. I-:. OHAllAM will leave this week for Portland und eastern points. Moves to Simmer. Fred Hansen, who recently sold his ranch on Wll- lnuch Inlet to Martin Larson, moved to Sumner, occupying n l( Oil Pi-oiM-i-tH. 0. W. Shelly has returned from a trip to towns on tho Coqiilllc. Ho reports that n commit tee from Unndoii returned yesterday from nil Inspection of tho oil well be ing sunk on Hear Creek nnd nru elat ed over tho prospectH for striking oil booh. Tho well Is now down over 1,100 fcettind Is in n paralluo forma lins , tlou and tlfey expect to get oil nt any Extreme caution is being lino time. homo whlchjho built on his property taken to prevent accidents or Intcn there. tlounl Injury to tho well. A I.OXO THE WATERFRONT. (elH Auto. I. H. Tower's now Uulck Hedbird nuto arrived on tho! Hrenkwnter today and ho gave it n " Frlal spin this nfternoon. It Is ono' The Nnnn Smith Railed yestorday of tho prettiest of tho 1911 machines trom lm' 1,olllt for Marshtleld nnd nnd' attracted much fnvornblo com-1 should reach horo this evening or incut today. .early tomorrow. d'etH Result "Stop that want ad J of mine before I am bothered to death," said 1. S. Smith today In or dering out n Uttlo nd of a furnished house for rent. It had been Inserted only two dnys." Tho Times wnnt oJh Hiiro get results," snld Mr, Smith. "I hnvo tried them several times nnd each time have got rcBiiltsnnd got them quick." Move Out. Tho tenants of tho Hough weather prevailing off the coast has delayed shipping from tho Coqullle. Yesterday's marine ropoit from Haudon showed that tho Eliza beth, Phoenix, Huby, Ida McKny, Fl llotd, Advanco and Oregon were bar bound thoro. IIAKIIY 0. HOY expects to lcavo Saturday for Portland nnd Snlom. E. DUNHAM and wife of Haudon were Marshlleld visitors yesterday GEO. E. PEOPLES of Coqulllo 8 looking after business . on Coos Hay. STANLEY P. HAHTLETT was hiro from Hivertou yesterday on busl ness. GEO. E. COOK arrived homo today front a business trip to Eugenolaud Portland. MItS. C. H. SELHY will leavo Satur day for Portland whqro sho will visit friends. MHS. W. F. SCHHOEDEIt and chil dren will leave Saturday to visit nt northern points. . HOME. COOS BAY-ROSEBURG STAGE LINE Dally stage bctvecn Roseburg nnd Mnrsliftclil. Stage leaves dully nnd Sundays nt 7 p. in. Faro, $0.00. OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, 0. l IURXAUD, 120 MAHKET AV., Mitrtriillcld. Agent, ROSEIIUKG, Ore. PHONE 11 IWECWSUIIK SALE- VESSEL. -LICENSED Notice ($ hereby given that Flam- ku t Dennett Dank, a corporation, miitt the laws of Orogon; owner nnd older of that cortnln note and raort- e( executed and dollvored on No vember 24, 1909, by John S. Andor Hon nnd outcry; nnd will retain and apply tho proceeds of such sale to tho payment of tho amount now duo on said noto nnd mortgage aforesaid, and reasonable 'expenses of said mortgage In connection with the fore closure of said mortgago Including taking and keeping possession of said lqunch, and tho paymeut of .urui iiciiii 10 .unrsmioui, n uismn-o )U,iK ncnr tho Williams Hat bulld of about three miles, nnd nn avorago ,Kt KnlnHt whom Uj F. WiiiiIUiib depth of 28 to 30 feet, lly April lC,'mndo COniplnint to tho city council It Is expected thnt tho dredge wlll,llHt Week, nro preparing to movo out movo down to tho lower bay to ro-'nmI ,10 ,)r08CCUton will bo necessary, movo some shoals, and when this Ibu ,8 H(ntudi AInrstinl Carter served dono tho channel will bo opened to J notlco on them ns directed by tho tho depth nbovo stntod from Marsh-councll nnd tnoy ron,Bed to vacate field to the sea, and will allow ofi)0foro 4vr j. much lnrgor vessels making ubq of the harbor. Constlpntlon Is tho cause of many ailments and disorders that make llfo miserable Take Chnutborlaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep your bowols regular and you will avoid theso diseases. For sale by all dealers. m to Flanagan & Dennett Bank, to BUns which may bo necessary to sat- Mcnw the repayment In ninety days rom laid date of $1,000.00 and ln- PMt at rato of eight per cont, per uaum, no part- of which hoa' been W except $100.00 on principal arid 10.00 ou Interest account, loavlrig " doe thoreon $$00.,00. principal W interest from November 18, ' at said rate, which, mort rt1 recorded In tho Collector's 0S, District of Southern Oregon, t of Cooa Day. In tho Custom P, Empire City, Oregon, on No- " 26, 1909, In; Book 1, folio . Kecords of Mortgages of .licensed eli In said office, descrihlne tho krM '"Mh or vessel rnllnd thn Isfy any Hen or claim against said launch having priority to said mort gago; and any surplus to the said .John S. Anderson, his heirs or as signs. Dated March 23, 1911, Marshflold, 6'regori. " FLANAGAN-& BENNETT BANK, By J.. W. BENNETT, President. Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal $4.00. We do all .finds Nut coul $3.00. of hauling, and on l: h:"HETsner or phone 120-J or 49-L. Union Oils GASOLINE DISTILLATE BENZINE KEROSENE SAMSON GAS ENGINES and CENTRIFUGAL TUMPS Coos Bay 0il& Supply Co.,K. , ' f ! contracting. Horses and vehicles for w- fuuoiauLiu iv nr rnn rnnnw.i . ..... . m.M , ; " r " .,. . Baie. ror quick ue ivery can k uiumnimna .. a. . v . a. n a ra - fWdth 11 feet, donth 4 9 font nno ri net tonnage nlno tons; built HtmnlrA PI,., n . .- . ', to which mortcaire. nnd tho J"1 thereof for a, mpro completo Wptlon of said launch, reference by made; Including all masts, """Prtt, boats, anchors, cables, "" tigging, tacklo, apparal, fur "e and aU the necessities' thereto Wrtalning and belonging, gasoline we, flxtures and connections in Uonch, by reason of the default "'Wldnjcrtp.,,. ti. 0 . J we oaympn .m .. -j ' "v ' oum uoio nnu "'sage. hn m,io j... -.:..,. -., cfn. . W8e by taklnB Possession Ca rDCh "Fl8h" and prPerty la . and sald mortgagee being weuion thereof, on Thursday, koJi dayof April, 1911, at the ttai 'Cl0Ck ,n th0 a"eroon Mr J ?xay at the whart at root ot teld p em,e ,n tho City of Marsh tIWt oi08 CUnty' Oregon, will ex- kaach fr Ea!o ana ' sol sa,d Mth i wPMty aforesaid, or so loUUsf reof a3 may be. necessary Hbk Ea'a debt ,ntore8t and rea bt Kid!Ipen8e6' to th0 highest and aar for cash, at public auc & 1U v ,"1 EASTER BOXES The Easter box of candy has become oulto as much a featuro of tho day as tho egg foast. ? Wo havoipfiar ed for tho custom ili'erBeaou Jvlth tuo IiAHUKST 7lHSOltTJIK.T-(0r Easter Novelties Ever shown la Coos county. - 'It In cludes aoino Imported baskets and boxes that are extra fine. You may select your box or basket now ,and It will bo laid asldaforiyou. .Don't jnlssBeeJnp these. You are already familiar with our candyfqual- ' fc . WO 8TORE9. S30 Front St 140 Central Ave; RUFKK1V HIM Now Is the .time. tp.rUwwirBuuke-r. Ilill.'ReBtdenqo and vacant lots a Ipw figures and easy terms.' W' . ' ? For particulars see vnv " AUG. FRIZEEN, . OS Central Ave., Marshfleld, Oregon, Mursliflcld, Ore. .Mall Orders PHONE 302-J Solicited. WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzoy, ono of tho drivers and tho solicitor lor ns is out ior Laundry, Watch hlni! ho Is liable to stop you on tho street and explain all details of Laundry and also to bo nt your homo any time. He knows Laundry business from A to Z, Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry PB ..10. PITOVLJ 220-J ih't " r r A few' old pictures on tho wall, Chrpnios nnd reprints, theso nro nil; A clean but hnrd mid barren floor, A few old chntrs, n ,stovo ns poor, A tablo and but Uttlo moro Yet this is home. Aye, this Is homo moro truly so Thnn many a mansion built for show Whoro woll tho stranger's oyo can traco By every sign about tho place, Tho presenco of fantastic grnce Yet this Is homo. And home, tho' ono can boo, Indeed, A semblance of tho form of nood; I For tho no luxury bemicnth. AVAXTKD 3-room lioutw, ierniatieiit To Umg0 wthjn nor K0ldon wreath rpiiter, roasonnbly, close In. Must No 'fi0lden sorrow" lurks beneath Meet. Marshllold Lodgo of )vEJ " -" -" - -- . CAPT. J. A. O'KELLY nnlyed homo today from n business trfp to Port laud and Astoria. WILL EICICWOHTH and family of Mllllcoma wero guests of Marsh lleld relatives yesterday. WM. TURPBN of Empire- will leave this week tor' Portlnnd Cottage Grove to visit relatives. E. W. KA.M.MEIIEII arrived homo to day from n business trip to Port land mid other coast points. MRS.M2. D. SPERRY and Mrs. Wal ter Sinclair of Coqulllo wore guests of Marshflold friends yesterday, f! W. ESTBERG and wlfo will leave Saturday for Portland whoro, It Is understood, thnt they will locato. FRANK LAYTON loaves today for Gardiner and tho Sluslaw. Ho ha? nearly recovered from his sovoro siege of the grip. , bo dry and clienp. E. M. care Tlmos l-'OH SALE nt a lwi-gnlu If taken uoonlNor nrt nor luxury,. nor all And this Is homo. For homo Is not In granlto.wnU, Ranch of 120 acres three miles from Myrtlo Point; also houso and four lots in Myrtlo Point J. II. Adams, i WANT-KDr-fllrTs ut once. Apply Coos Buy Stoani Laundry.' FOR rSAH-J 77 Ji HCi-tM on the North Fork of Coos River, 2 miles . above Allegany. ' Now 'bungalow nnd barn 20 acres fine bottom land, nowly fenced. Spring watari piped to houso. Price 127.50, part cash. C. M. Doutt, Allegany, Ore. FOR RENT Two furnished bed , (rooms Rjoasonablo ' price. Mrs. R. A. Church, South Fifth street. FOR SALE Fidl blood bronze turk ey (eggs. 12.00 per sotting. 8. C. . Rogers, Phono Farmors 3167. The glittering robes that pomp may wear . To hldo tho slgnot of despair.?. Wliero love is, homo Is over- there; Aye, thoro - Is home. Read Tho Times Want Ads, FOR SALE Varmint pups. $10.00 each. Apply 8. C. Rogors, phono Tanners 31C7. ' WANTED Girl ut- Lloyd Hotel. 'Must give references. Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good, horses .and FORSALE careful drivers rp the dis posal of tho Coos Say public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drlvors ready for any trip anywhero any tlmo. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 273-J HAVE souio furniture left which will sell very cheap. Mrs, A. Bowen, 371 Broadway South. .FAMILY nOTEL TnE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates icduced to: Day 50c, 75c nnd $1.00; week $2.00 to ?5.00. House keeping apartments wjth gas ranges 1 10.00 to $18.90 per month. FREE BATHS FS. W. SULLIVAN, ProP -Tuu pt hprueH, harness nnd wagon, $175,'.Knjn.lre Conner & Hoagland, Grocery 'poso 176-L. WANTED A competent girl or wo man to do general housework. Ap ply Mrs. Gus. Adelsporgor, Phono 255-J or 49-L. PREPARE FOR THE HOT WEATH,, Ell MY HU-YINQ YOUR Summer Underwear FROM 1'8 Ladles Sleeveless Vests 10c, lBc, 20c, 23e Ladles Muslin Drawers , . ,S0c, 73c Ludies Muslin Skirts. . ,$1 to 2.23 LaJdes Corset Covers lUc up LudlcH Knee longth Pants. . . ,23c Ml.HeN Vests 23c Children's Vests 20c Children's Pants . , 20c Hhlrt Waists, all prices from OOe up to 91I.QO. posh Talks Trade hero nnd suvo loney. OOS BAY ASH STORE The Store That Saves You Money. GEO. N. HOLT, Manager. Front Street, Marshfield. c MR. and MR8. A, W. MYER8 havo , leased t,bo E. I. Elckworth homo lu Soyth Marshflold and expect tu occupy ,lt as a homo about April .IB. ... . . ! R. M. JENNINOS, gonoral managor ,q the Oregon Power, Company, ,., and wjfo rotur.nod yla Drain yes ,fjtorday( froni a veok visit In. Port land. .... E..J, MAYFIELD and family have .moved from tho,D. W. Small house at the corjnor.of Fourth and Com- (lmerclal to a sulto In tho 6'qonnell .flat building." J. .0, ERIPKSON, who arrived hero yestorday frpm Missouri with hla , family, has moved Into ono of the ppnuqlly cpttages on South Fourth street near Hall avenuo. O. CANTY, formorly omployed at tho Mllllcoma club, will leave Sat urday fpr Portland to consult spe cialists regarding knoo trouble Ho .may have to undergo on oporntlon. S, C, SMALL and family aro- expect ed here from Havre, Mont., on tho Alliance this week to mako their homo,on tho Bay, Mr. Small Is a son of D. W. Small and was for morly Bhorltf at Havre Attor tho show try a Turkish bath Phone 314- J. ! AUTO -Anytime, anywhere Rea sonable rates. Phone Blanco hotel 46 or Residence 28-J. FOR KALK 18-foot launch, -1 J I. -P. englno, also boat house, Cheap. Apply A, X. Times' office. FOR RENT llnvtcr hotel nt Go- qullje, Oregon, after April 1, Write or see personally Baxter Br,qs., (Jbqulllo, Ore. 1 .dili " - Just Arrived on the Breakwater Today A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF WHITMAN'S CANDIES ALL KINDS AND PRICES, FROM THE FIVE-CENTER TO THE $2.00 "FUSSY PACKAGE." FAMOUS SINCE 1812. BROWN DRUG CO. Agents for Manhflold. GRADUATE CHEMISTS THE QUALITY STORE." Our New Store, 71 Market Avenue, Coos Building. ' K,S I . i.f ) -.. l.i'