if Bf V ' l) tHI a v THE COOS BAY TIMES.-MARSHFIELD; 'OREGON?lTHl)RSDAY; MARCH 30, 1911-EyEWINGJDITION. MUkrfkw CQOS BAY TIMES could cKtabllRh Itself on the Pacific, China, the bout fur-buying market of t inc uniu, wihiiii uw Entered at tho postomce ni Jurm- ,,. ,,,,, nf lhn fldil, Oregon, for transmission KngtBm, could 1)0 Hnut oul from tho through tho nmii as seconu cimi cl , of ,,, UockM 444-tfff Every married woman likes to tWITHTHE H fU)K" fnn nnJ dpnanc nt tnnl "obo" j a grent market fori f Tfli 5T 4 M II IF A,! feature or tno marriage cerumu..,. United StatoB! thntk .. ', Ball matter. . C. MAI.ONEV Editor ami Pnlt. A.V "K. MAI.ONKV News Editor 1 -rr An Independent Republican news paper published evory evening ex cept Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coot liny Times PiiIiIMiIiik Co. Dodlcatod to tho service of tho people, that no good cause shall lack n champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. SUnSCKIlTION HATES. DAILY. One year $0.00 Per month 30 When paid strictly In ndvancotho subscription price of tho Coos Hay "'uos Is $5.00 per year or $2. GO fo. months. WEEKLY. t year. . . ........ . . i f l.ou ( Tho Coos Hay Times represents u consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Hny Advertiser. Tho Coast Mall wns tho first dally cstao llshcd on Coos Hay nnd Tho Coos Day Times Is Itw Immediate sms-ccssor. Jfllclnl Pnpcr of ('ii Comity. OFFICIAL PA Pint OK THE CITV OP MAHSIIFIELI). Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES, Mnrshllcltl :: :: :: :: Oregon so let mi: live and that the Pacific coast from California to Alaska could be brought peaceful ly under the 8tars and Stripes. To President Jefferson and othor eminent Americans or vision- and courage his project neomod feasible. He founded and financed a company with a capital of J 1.000, 000 to oper ate the enterprise. He asked a Ilrlt Ish company to cooporate. This re fused, but tried to occupy the Oregon country boforo him. Then ho resolv ed to shut them out of what now Is Hrltlsh Columbia. Idaho, Oregon, Washington and tho Yukon. When Astor's ship sailed Into tho Columbia and founded Astoria n cou ntry ago, tho race between Hrltlsh and the United Stntes for political ascendancy over half a continent was won for America. Disasters occurred afterward, and tho post wns tempora rily lost: but tho founding of Astoria established the American title to tho Oregon country by nctunl occupancy, and all else wns but the logical nnd Inevitable development of American rights. This country owes nn lm menHtirnblo debt to tho commercial genius, foresight, courage, wealth nnd patriotism of tho Gcrmnn-Amor-Icnn builder of empire, John Jacob Astor. ! ' . r.ooi).j?VK.viX(r. .Volile 'disappointment Bolf-dcnlnl are not-to bo ndtnlr cd, pot oven pnrdonod, If they bring bitterness. . . . Oentle- nesB nnd cheerfulness, these conic before all morality; they nre the perfect duties. Hubert l.ouls Stevenson. Don't blnmo other people for not taking your advice; you won't tnko ' ' w It yourself more than half the time. . T' noble I SSIN WOIH CONTEST. I Owing to spring nousecieaniug aim other annual duties at mis season THE FIGHT WITH SELF. THE VALUE OK A VEGETAHLE (JAHDKX. I N THE Hprlng tiny mnn's fancy mny profitably turn to thoughts of n vegetable gardon. A vogetablo gardon Is not only valuable as a doterrcnt to tho high cost of living, It ndds to tho quality 'Oil, the fight for wonlth Wo all have fights to mnko with self, And these are tho bitterest fights of nil. Worse than the fight for n board or pelf Is the fight to master our vices small. Worse than the fight on tho battle lino Is the Btrugglc that ninny n man goes through To rid himself of the thirst for wine, That he may. live ns he wants to do. Temptation knocks nt the good priest's door. And fierce is tho struggle within his breast, Hut ho kneels nnd prays till the si ego Is o'er, And rises n victor In tho test. And man nnd woman must fight iib ho The things of solf that wouldMrag iib down, And over ourselves get tho mnstory Else nil wc gain Is n paper crown. this Important department has been neglected the pnst week. It Is now resumed with nn extra Unfiling mys tery for today: "It ncer ruins but It ." , Tho foregoing being nn especially hard one, the polls will be kept open for three days. Will some studc::t of the Child Mind kindly tell us why the first thing said child learns to do with a lend pencil Is to chew It? THE KXOCKEH. nnd the Lot mo keep the child-heart, happily ot tho ,mll' ,,m of fnre n"'1 n ,Ma"'8 Unspoiled by tnnllce. full of charity , ,,on,,ll n,1(1 coiitoiitmont. nf tl, nl.t.fnul.lnnn.l -.xt il.nt ..Iw.u TIlO Into COtlllt TolstOl W .U ..... .11M...U..UU DUtl) ...... f).,JU nnd takes, With scorn of falsehood and of fakes; With love of simple things and home ly wnjs Tho common things of nil our com mon days, Lot mo keep keen the poot-hcart, With all his lovo and 'With IiIh art; Lot mo laugh at) Uttlo children laugh; Let mo drink of llfe'H red wlno quaff Ot Hh virtues, simple and sincere, Human, wholesome and without fear. Let mo sing as tho brown thrush tings, In tho hedgerow, of tho common things; So lot my song spring fresh and freo From tho warm heart of humanity. T.nt mn aim tn piinifnrf nml imilfn t1tnl ' Hearts that nre lonely, spirits that are sad. Lot mo llvo simply nnd'so'rcnely hero, Holding tho faith In tho things still dear declared that no man had really lived until ho had worked In tho soil nnd by IiIh own hands made things grow nnd bear, and a similar Idea was express ed by Hooker WtiHlilugton In Den Moines, Iown, ns follows: ,. Aftor I liavo gathered my eggs, and have at lenst said "Good morning" to my pigs, cowh nnd horse, the next morn ing duty no, I will not sny duty, but delight Is to gather the vegetables for tho family dinner. No pens, no turnips, radishes nor snludH taste so good as those which oho has raised and gathered with Ills own hands In Mr own gnrden. In comparison with these nil tho high-sounding dishes found In tho moat expensive restniirnntH seem flavorless, Qno' reols, whon eating his own fresh vege tables, that he Is gottlng near to the heart of nature; not a second-hand stnlo Imitation, but the gunulno. Those who havo picked the dew- fight for fame, Tho fight for glory nnd world np- plnuso; The struggle, too, for nu honored nntno, And I'd list the light for nn able cause , Are simple things, f the truth wore known Compared to tho struggle a man goes through In his flghl with self, when he's nil nlono, To llvo n life thnt Is clean nnd trno. Detroit Freo Press. If you tnko a gloomy view, as your Journey you pursue, you will have a weary Jaunt, getting nothing that you want, for tho man who always knocks finds his pathway strewn with rocks. In our vlllnge there's a man . who has followed up this plan, saying ns ha Jogged along that nil things on ' earth nro wrong; nnd the gods have ' weary grown of his dismal monotone, nnd thoy surely make him prance (every tlmo they have n chance. If a thunderstorm Is loose, lightning hits his chenp caboose; If a Hood Is raging round, ho's tho only ono that's drown ed; If tho fire flond visits town, It I will bum his haystacks down; nnd his pigs nil roam astray, and his hens I havo ceased to lay, and his dnughtcts nil elope, nnd his heart is void of hope. For tho mnn- who always walls of mlsfortiino seldom falls to encoun ter all there Is of that melancholy biz. WALT. MASON. To humblo hoarts-the common faith "PrlnkK lettuco In the early morn of nion lug, or when tho sun Is Just tinging .In that which U tho Now and tno eaatn ,lla w,in KP,(l' hnvo hood Then Dollovlng somehow God Is alwavs good, In spite of things misunderstood. Let mo bo big and bravo enough to b Fonrlcss In thought, and Just as freo To grant to others what Is granted tno, In tho truo spirit ot fraternity. Lot mo bo truo and Truth bo mlno All truth all human, all divine. So lot mo llvo, so let mo dlo, This year or next, nor question why. Enough to llvo and living know He knows tho way I still must go To Just go on Is always best Tho way Ho leads, leads unto rest. Anonymous. I about tho tondor shoots of onions, Will heartily agree witli Mr. wnan Ington that ono of the shortest and plensantest routes to the heart of na ture (s through a vegetable gardci. PLAIN IiAXOVAHE OX T.11E FLY. I AN OREGON HIHTU1UY. THIS month Oregon had a notablo anniversary. Mnrclu24, 1S11, was tho political birthday "tho Oregon country." It wns an epochal event In the history of tho T IS not easy to keop delicacy In a discussion ot the fly. Tho health authorities who attack It do not waste much time In efforts to do so. Tho nature and habits of tho pest make It next to Impossible to say what It Is and does without the Mao of plain English, Tho authorities nre giving tho plain English not only to householdera but to school chlldron. Tho following Is taken from a "Fly Catechism" distributed to tho chil dren In North Carolina schools: .. THE QUIET OHHEKYKlTsAYS; "You'vp got no kick coming If you desor.VQ tho mean things t said about you." ., ,.,, l'OHA HAINY DAY. Whoro Is tho fly born? In filth. ; Where does tho By llvo? In filth. Whero doos he go? Into tho kit chen and dining room. He walks on 0( tho bread, fruit, nnd vegetables; ho wipes his feet on tho buttor and bathes In tho buttermilk. HnA., M.. ! lllU 41. .v !. 4 .1.1. United States and intimately concerns :"uva ", . , i-unum ..- i ir n nnnanniiirinn iiiinniii lAiinn n every dwollor In tho Pacific north-1""" i"-"i "i'' . . ,. .. ... ...., !... ., .,.. 'cnoiern wcsi. ii ii mm "i uvi-M iui -un rounding of Astoria at t,ho mouth of It was nunquueed from, this houch tho othor;jda: itjint.tlio next follow sending In, a. pQom,.boglnnlng,.,"Ah,. Spring" wouldNbo tnnicd over to tho postal authortie for ,oir protection. Yesterday however, hero ..enmo through thQ,mal(sIp aheof bravado Homo cQupleta which ve, tvaro.,,con stralned, In our admiration ot real courage, to nrJnt . rijor.oforg, .ukb glvo it In .tjnl, t $ ! J "Ah, Sprlng'Oh K99d. kinder. Tko pltiV9A my est.' " ' ' .Hoforo-ltds cpnslgued ito rest . .r I Within 'tho poet's hoarse!. , , - . , .-,' t ' 'r "Ah," ?P,rlng;'r-l. gqt. n.oJarther, A mufllo tQmy thouhtsi 1 .vJ My wife disturbs tho rhythm a .' With rattling pans and pas. , "Ah, Spring" I havo .aancy,'! I Know 'twill boji tako; When Wllllo calls impatiently: . "Say, Pa, whoro. J thojako!,' . "Ah, Spring" OpUdurn. tho.gardour Why will they pestor me. To grub and dig and puttor 'round Each flower and stuntod JVeel K ' f -Hi Ah, (Spring" I'vo got tho fever! "Hill bring mo tho spade, Tho pick and. rake and 'barrow! The jjur'.onjnust bo made!'! Infantum? Ho does and ' ninv nnll et x'fwt mw llitl Vi Ull Vt 4IV.'4 tho Columbia, porhaps this region nnd California would not today be In tho American Uilon and Hawaii and tho Philippines n part of our domi nions beyond tho Bens. Captain Gray had discovered tho Columbia In 17S2. Lewis and Clark had oxplorod It In 1S0C-G. Tliouo facts gave tho Vnltod States title to alt tho torrltory drained by this gro-it 'Rtvor of tho West." Ono man In America grnspod tho possibilities of power. This was John Jacob Astor, What dUoasoa does the fly carry? Ho carries typhoid fevor. tuberculo sis, and summer complaint. How? On his wings and dirty faot. What Is his correct nnmo? Typhoid fly, The "catoohlsm" Is written for children, but tho adult mind need not be offended by its simplicity. Some Coos Hay women would like to trado their husband for a bunch of alimony. , A motor boat In London has made a record of 40 1-2 knots nn hour. Some trolling In the stem of that boat. NOT SO SLOW, Some flings nt old Coos Hay Are mado, but never meant; I don't bellevo they nro so slow Thoy couldn't fast In Lent. ItemcmboY a TUHKISII will help you. Phone 211-J. H.vrii When her child Is In daugor a wo man will risk her life to protect It No great act ot heroism or risk of llfo Is noceBsnry to protect a child from1 croup, Give Chamberlain'' Cough ltomeily and all danger In uvoldod.' For, salo by all dealers Don't " Duy y?iTPor.cpreata pr JM,mllk from tho Coos Day Ico and Cold Storago company un less you want only the Best PHONEf7ijv . . k" Delivery 8 a. m. 3 p. m. BEA P04T CHEESE Try It. .PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY TnrwTLwaET"' "' '' -' Osteopathic Physician Qradiiate of tho Amerhan school of Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Qfflce In Eldorado Dlk. Hurs 10 to 13; 1 to i; Phono I61-S; Marahflold; Oregon. rnT j." w.TNGn.i7 " Physician aud Surgeon. 209-210 Coke Building Phones: Oltlco 102J; llosldenco 1021. J. W. nEXNETT, Ijiwj'er. When4n man Is jilways talking about his dear wlfo tho chances are sho has to drag tho prlco of a spring bonnet out of him with a pair of Oillco over Flanacan & Dennott nnnv pliers. THE WONDKKS OK SCIENCE. If you tiro small, or crooked, or thin. handsome and And wish to bo grand, tho German-born morchnnt-prlnco of Just tnko n pin and stick It In Now York. Your Pituitary gland. Ho saw that If Amorlcan commerce Q. E. D. Tlieiv U more Catnrrli u tlila .'Ctloi r( I hi niuiilrv Hun all o lirr (ll.iiisos put (mjctlior. mill until tlu last d'u rtrs whw xipihko.1 to lo InonrntiU'. V'or a Krt m jea ilootom pro liouiii'tM ll Iwat d fin mul lire cMIhM Im-al Vltuflica ami by roiuianth (lllnr to. Hire ili local tiratmiMil pronoun iM It tnourablo tclvMicu lian xof it ratnri li to lu a rnuttim tlonal i1m-i) amt tliondiro TC)iilro- contltu tloiial trt'Htment. lti)' t ata'ili rurr. ii.inv fauumr by V J Uliiify.?ro IHAnto. ilhlo. In eonl) cuiktltu (una' euro on the marlet 11 ti taken In iloo from 10ilroptoa temprton till It acU illrctf lly oh tho tiloml arul inuroiu iirUrrtof tin yitem Thev offer one huudrrHi dollar for any cam It (all to cure. Bend for circular ami teatlmonlaU. Androsa? V J CHENKY Jk CO., Toledo, Ohio. SnM bjr DnigfUti. 7Jc. Take fJall'a Kamllr flll't for comttpaMoa. Marshflold I. S. TURPEN, Oregon w Architect Over Chamber of Commorco, nr-r' ,tn -o ,1S TltrUIE A GAS MAhV CLOSE fo THAT AWJJ' lldlSPJ YOV ARE G01XG TO BUTLD? Yoiir wife probably lias asked that question alrcadv. .It is a niaUei' of importance to her, aiid it is important to you. Gas cooking means economy, conifort,clean liness and co'nvenience. AVe will be glad to give'advicc free regard ing the layout for gas piping and the in stallation of the gas ratiffc, r(is water hvut crjaumlri stove and ias heathiy stoves. li' your building site is not on a gas main, wc'will be glad to talk with you regarding the prospect of extending mains. We are willing to extend mains wherever there is a reasonable prospect of eventual fair return on tho investment. Telephone ITS and ask for the New Busi ness Department. OREGON POWER COMPANY ?J I i i Pacific Monumental and Building Works H. II. WILSON, Proprietor MAItSIIFIELD, ORE. All kinds ot monumental work promptly and artistically cxe Call at our workc on Soutti Itrondwny. q3 x cuted. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over . . . . Assets Over $100,000 $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Condensed Statement of th First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho clos.0 of business, March 7th, 1011. IlESOUHCES. Loans and dis count J169.538.05 Overdrafts.- . . , U. S. Donds and promlums. . . , Othor bonds and warrants. . , Banking House., Furniture and fixtures . . . , Cash and due from bunks , .48 25,250.00 81,037,15 74,100.11 7,989.34 1:50,130.17 LIABILITIES. '' ' i Capital stock. ...1100,009.00 Surplus and profits Circulation. Deposits. . 6,283.14 .'; 24,500.00 ....aoapakM $494,05!.S $494,062.20 Cash Iteservo 37 Per Cent of Deposits Wo invito your attention to tho conditioner thls bank as shown by tho above atateraont. A general banking business transacted. ' Accounts of Individuals, corporations and firms received. Intorest paid on tlmo and Ravings Deposits. ' Safe deposit boxes for rent at J3.00 and up per annum. Your business solicited. 'OFFIOEBS: W. 8. CHANDLER, President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. M. C HOHTON, Vice-Presidents RAY T. KAUFMAN, Asst-Cashler. DIRECTORS: F. S. DOW, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, WM. GRIMES,' W. P. MURPHY, JOHN F. HALL, M. C. HORTON. R W. S. CHANDLER, JOHN S. COKE, W. U. DOUGLAS, 4 1 4 Spring Is Here and so Is Plnegor, Have your carpets cleaned with my Vacuum cleaner. No dust or worry. Phone your order to 216 McCrary's Drug Store. R, E. riNEGOR, 400 TUAl SESTEI IUR1,EI1 PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Our matlngs have produced stand-ard-bred specimens of exhibition quality with records of 2400,7'oo eggs in 365 days. """ '""" Baby Chicks aiI ERgs for Hatching "-'' w cockerels fron heavy laying stock for $5 00 l,PpTn I,aCC' !,uUr- Y. FRED DACHMAV n i,.i..i..,.. .. "f. i 1IOX Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 3121 FOR GOOD WORK Bring your clothes to ms. Cleaning, pressing and repairing a special'?' by oxnorifinonrt mon. 8atlsfactHn guarantecdHLANCHARD & v0V' jg. Phono 288 SON. Alliance Uldg. Front St. J GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. iii