(tea voUl ADS CARRYING Mvt& SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A Moiv'k nihrrtMiiR pnro lit n iuinKr, nuni'imnl with the apncw iimhI by ullu-r Mitiv, MimtM tlcflno lf (tuniwmtlu- lntiHit tuttei' lit tin nnitlUllM ' Iih lir ntoi-i 'K ill w-MMng irn. tin (ImIV oiir Mrvnp, """" "" - rrcnlnrl) n 1w mcwP"ht. If n innM!"'1' tunlltoil mi Umio now , ,,lin-,.rn for w wrluMy n iw Mll ,t, i.rtilnic Hm win l V " M" '"" mM-'nrv MKMUr.lt XiV ASHl TICI PHUSH KMnhlMird III 1H7M n Tho Conn Mnll VOL XXXIV MARSHFIELDi OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 30, EVENING EDITION OuiMilMtotltin f 'Hint, nwt Mnll niul (Nh ItN)- lv-rilvr. No. 65 Ifu is ... .. ..... .. i SILO THUGS HUH JLWbLHY ID 1 S STORE IN Make Get Away With $5,000 Worth of Jewels and Leave No Clue. PROPRIETOR WAGNER IS NEARLY KILLED Crime Pulled Off at 8 o'clock This Morning (n Business Section. (Hy Associated Press to Coon Day Tlracs.) SPOKANE, Wash., Mnr.,30. The Jewelry Btoro of It- D. Wagner, in the heart of tho downtown district, as Tobbcd ahortly nftcr eight o'clock this morning by two armed men who looted tho show case nnd sato of Jew- els valued at Jfi.000 nftcr dealing tho proprletor a murderous blow, knock Ing him unconscious to the floor. Wagner wan preparing his stojk for the day's business when n well- dressed man asked to bo shown Bomo collar buttons. Wngncr turned to reach the tray when ho was ordorcd to hold hla "hnndu up" nnd wbb con- fronted with a revolver. At the same time n second man en tered the storo Intchlng tho door. Wagner wns alow obeying nnd n hot wns fired shattering the show case. Tho proprietor then wna led to tho rear of tho store nnd 1U over tho with much force, head with n lllo until ho uecnino un- "This la tho third or fourth nccl coiibcIoiis. He rocovorotl ten minutes dout thnt has resulted from tho care later nnd nttrarted nttontlon of pns- loseneKK of tho niauugura In not llxlng torsby by beating on tho door. Ho tho weight," said .Mrs. Sullivan who was removed to the hospital. There Wns nonrly tired out today as a result Is no clue. ARRIVE TODAY. Steamship 1n Early This Morn ing From Portland With Large List. The nrenkwater arrived lu early this morning from Portland with a large pnjsenger list. She had n good cargo of miscellaneous freight In cluding an nuto for I. R. Tower. , I The Ilrenkwnter will sail at 1 O'clneV Rntnnlnv hflnrnnnn tnr Pnrl. land. Among those nrrlvlng on hor we-o tho following: I Mrs. Knnpp, E. McCnnon, J. W. Jote, H. Fobs. Mrs. Fobs. W. C. Camp. Geo. Lnlrit. f! p Pnnk finn ttniiln. son, J. E. Paulsen, Mrs, Paulson, L. D. Noah, Mrs. Noah, Ed. Folsom, Mra i Qrayson, W. drayson, O. F. Grayson, C Schuster, W. Motter, Mrs. Motter, V. Ilram, Jno. Carlson, D. L. Cnllagh- o. H. R. North, J. A. O'Kolly, M. Sneddoiu L. Perason, H. L. Ford, M Smlth. H. C. Jenkins, F. A. Heltt, Wm niako. T. M. Dlake, Mrs. Newn- ham. E. Nownham, M. Gordon, W. 13. Mt, G. Youngman, H. Oleman. Sv O. Newton, Mrs. Wade, L. Carmel, MUs ioer, H. Kingston, T. Durnett, Geo. Smallwood, F. C. Stout! ' Miss E. Moore, D. C. Gibson, Miss Lublch, C. J. Mtllls, Miss Mlllls, N. W. Qrandall, Mrs. Crandall, W. R. Hicks, E. Kan merer and thirteen steerage. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Press to Coos Day TImss.) CHICAGO, 111., Mar. ' 30. May heat. 8C 7-8c; July, 87 3-8c; Sep tember, 87 3-4c. DELAY IN HEARING. I-orlmer Investigation Adjourned Un til Next Thursday. (By Associated Press to Coos Day times.) SPRINGFIELD, 111., Mar, 30. The hearing of the Investigation of Senator Lorlmer's election was ad- .ourned today until next Thursday, AW SPOKANE TODAY BADLY HURT AT L Mrs. Francis Hatton Struck By Swinging Curtain Weight Last Night. Mrs. Francis Hatton, one of thu 'members of thu HolllngBworlh bIiow troupe, last night sustained very scrl- oub Injuries by being struck by n cur- tain weight during a performance at the Royal theatre. It la impossible yet to toll how serious her luJurleB may provo, Dr. llorsfnll aaylng It will probably be a few dnys before they will bo fully known. Three of hor teeth were broken, her skull frnctur- cd, her head nnd faco badly lacerated nnd her hand severely cut. 8ho hao been unconscious a good share of tho tlmo slnco tho accident. Mra. Hntton Is being tenderly cared for by Mrs. Sullivan of tho Lloyd ho- tel whero alio has been limiting her home. It seems that thoro nre no guides on the weight ropo of one of the inner curtains allowing thu heavy weights to swing. Mrs. Hatton wab Just getting ready to appear when tho curtain. went up nnd tho weight swinging na It lowered struck hor of the Htrnln of curing for Mrs. Hnt ton last night and today. "Last sum mer, Mr. Dodge narrowly escnped Forloua Injuries from It durlnjg n home tnlent performance and recent ly Dixie Lottin hnd n narrow escape." Marry iiomngsworin uuu uuwr i mombora of tho troupe nro doing ( eovrythlng poaBlblo for their Injured i associate. J It Is fearod that brain fever Is liable to develop from tho Injuries. A slater of tho injured woman has been employed at Stafford's for some tlmo. HAD 1'IRE IN LOUISIANA. usm.SH section of Pollock Hums With $200,000 LohN. (ny Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) . ALEXANDRIA, Ln., Mar. 30. A two hundred-thousand-dollar flro IimCtlCnllV Wiped OUt tllO bUBlOCSS section of Pollock.'Ln., last night. It Is supposed to have fcoen incendiary. i - MUST SERVE SENTENCE. Conviction of W. Cooper Morris,. - Poitlaiul Hanker, Upheld. SALEM, Ore., Mnr. 30. W. Coop- er Morris, charged Jointly with W. H. Mooro with .embezzlement ln connec- tlon with the failure of tho Oregon Trust & Savings Dank, of Portland, must servo six years In tho penlten- ltary. Tho Supreme Court affirmed tiro case on appeal from tho Circuit Court of Marlon County, where Mor- ris was convicted of embezzling ?75,- 000 of tho bank's funds. T I Wilcox Covers Distance On Straight Away Course In 40:35 Seconds. M (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PABLO BEACH. Mai, 30. The mile automobile record straight away with a flying Btart hold by'Oldfleld was broken 'this afternoon by Wilcox ln a National who went the distance 40.32 seconds. Oldflold'K mark was 40.35 seconds. TE MILE RECORD BROKEN Sign Painter Suspected of Kill ing Railroad Man For Order ing Him Off Train. (lly AHSoclatcd Press to Coos Hay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., .Mar. 30. Geor ge Meyer, n sign painter waa arrested nt Mosler late yesterdny by Sheriff T. F. JohnBon of Hood River, and De- L Provisional President of Mexico to Determine Peace or War. 'By Associated Press ,to Coos Day Times.)' SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Mhr. 30. Another week will tell whether thoro Is to be peace or further war In Moxl co, according to Alfonso Madoro, brother of tho rebel leader, Francisco I. Madero, Jr. Tho synopsis of the talk between Jose Ltinnutour and Francisco Made ro Sr., In New York recently In which tentative plnns were proposed, are being Bent to the Insurrecto chief who Is n dny'a Journey west of tho city ot Chihuahua. HIh niiBwaf la expected within n week. Ho will any tho final word aa to Whether negotlntlona shall becomo formal. Measure Governing Them Held Unconstitutional In 1 Washington. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 30. Tho amendment to tho so-callod Vbucketahop law" which defines "bucketing," was declared unconsti tutional by Justice Wright lu tho dis trict of Columbia supremo court to day lu thnt It deprived citizens of the liberty to contract. Tho demurrer, of Edward ARemiiB, Angollo Celln and LoulBjA. Cella wns sustained. They were indicted Inst April. The government will appeal. "Ducket shopping" In tho DlstrUt of Columbia will be n lawful occupa tion according to the.declslon of Jus tice Wright nnd as n result tho widespread crusado wnnted by the de partment of Justice to end the prac tice In n half score of cities threatens come naught. TIME IN STATE SENATE Colorado Legislators Pass Ugly Words and Threaten to Fight. (By Associated' Pross to Coos Day Times.) DENVER, Colo., Mar. 30. Short 11 Wl I SHOPS W S HOT ugly words were passea ami .,, rhp!fi,erock. who was hanKed Jerked off during a debate In the State senate today over the resolution 'bere. today, gave a remarkable exhl to adjourn Sine Dlo, April 22. Sen- bltjon of nerve. When summoned to ator Dlakey applied the word to Sn- BO;to the gallows he walked smiling ator Decker, who forthwith told his from n,8 ce,I( ran jgntijr up the colleague he "could lick him either ' ovef hg own here or outside of chamber doorB.' Jlecker did not follow. Friends sue- head, bade a happy farewell to 100 ceeded In bringing thelratestatesmen! people and dropped to death. He back to the chamber. Hecker stated confessed to the murder of Mrs. Ann ho would apdlogize for Ills language! Richards, whom, be shot when sho but Dlakey refused to retract. detected him Attempting to mistreat (her daughter. He confessed to a Read the Times Want Ads. number of other less serious crimes. y put) Sheriff Archie Leonard of Port land, an suspicion of being connected with the murder of Anthony S. Lowe, nn. engineer on a passenger train un the Spokane. Portland & Seattle rnllrond nt Wasthucnn, Wash., at midnight, March It. The murderer shot the engineer because he ordered him off the caboose. Meyer nrrlved at Mosler a few days after the murder. IS Shuts Los Angeles Out In Ten Inning Game Yes terday. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 30. Port land won tho second gnmo of the sea son yesterday by a scoru of one to nothing, shutting out Los Angeles In n ten Inning contest. Tho results of yesterday's games were as follows: At Lob Angeles R H Portland , 1 C Los Angclea 0 1 (Ten Innings) At Sacramento R Onkland . 3 Sacramento 7 At San FrnnclBco It H San Frnnclsco 2 8 Vernon G 10 E Chinese Trying to Escape Into Russian Asia Are Forced to Return. (ny Assoclnted Press to Coos Day Tim oa.) ST. PETERSBURG, Russln, Mar. 30. An official telegram from Hnr bin axplalns last night's rumors of a ChlncBo attack on Dlagovlcshtchonsk, tho capital of Amur Provlnco, nroso from the expulsion from the Russian bank of tho Amur rlverof many Chinese I who had fled thlthor from tho plaguo centers. They are now returning In .a starving coudltlou and frequently attack Russian travelers. KLAMATH FALLS SMALL. WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 30. Tho, United States census bureauMs sued the following, results: Klamuth FallB, Oro 2,758; Lewlston, Mont., In 1900, Klamath Falls bad 4-17 population. Pennsylvanian Gives Remark able Exhibition of Nerve v On Gallows. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) .POTTS VI LLE, Pa., Mar.' 30, ow w PLAGUE EXPOSED HANGING IS RELIEFJO HIM I RANCHER INNOCENT Last Services for Mrs. J. Rich ard Olson Here Tomorrow Afternoon. The funeral of Mrs. J. Ulchnrd Olson, wlfo of tho pastor of the MarBhfleld Swedish Lutheran church who died last last Friday of typhoid fever, will bo held tomorrow (Fri day) afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Swedish Lutheran church on Com mercial nvcnuo west. Rev. D. F. Dcngtson will conduct funeral ser vices In Swedish and Rev. RaBmuBscn In English whllo spcclnl music will ' be rendered by tho choir. Tho fu neral will bo largely attended, owing to tho high regard In which the de ceased and her family Is held. Few women have encircled them selves with more close friends than hnd Mrs. Olson. Her thoughtfulness of her friends was shown by the fact thnt one of her last acts wns to In dite a lotter accompanying n birth day present to one of them. Lydln Elvira Anderson wns born at Red Wing, Minn., July 25. 1883, nnd was tho only child of Judge nnd Mrs. r O. n. Andorann who were with her nt I her death. Her girlhood dnya woro 'spent lu Red Wing and sho complnt- 'ed tho public school course ther, i graduating from tho Rod Wing High 'school In 1002. Thou she took n year's course In art, domestic sclouco and music nt the Lutheran Ladles Seminary In Red Wing. Sho contluu- Ied hor art amf vocn) and Instrumental miiBlc nourHO nt the Augustann Col lego Conservatory at Rock Island, 111., whore sho wns prominent lu the Seminary art and music clubs. Juno 1G, 1900, hIio wns united In marrlnge to tho Rev. J. Richard OU son, who survives hor. Soon after itholr mnrrlugo they came to Cons Day to begin pastoral duties hero, Sho was very actlvo In nsslstlng hor litis bnnd In tho church work, being a teacher In the Mnrahflold nnd North Dend Sunday schools, secretary ot the Ladles' Aid Society, organist In the church, membor of tho choir, and leader of tho "Duay Decs," an or ganization of tho younger girls of tho church. I Mra. Olson wns baptized and con firmed In tho Swedish Lutheran church at Red Wing ln 1898. Despite tho vast amount of time these duties took up, she kept up her art, work nnd reached n high stand, ard In It. She had quite a largo collection of her own works, hor best I probably bolng a largo painting of Christ. Sho wns very versatile in nrt, doing pen and Ink sketches, crayon work, water colors and oil paintings. Character sketches and pnstornl sce nery woro hor dollght and forte. Every sympathy and mnrk of sor row that hosts of frlenda could show have been shown tho bereaved family. Tho body will bo taken to Portland on tho Dreakwater Saturday for buri al, the members of tho family accom panying It. F FOONJHJOILTY Automobilist Is Convicted of Killing Girls at Akron, Ohio. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) AKRON, Ohio. Mar. .10. Earl Sprankle, an automobile dealer 'charged with causing tho death of Helen Starr and Laura W. Kirk, No vember 4, 1910, by ruunlng them down with an uuto, was today found guilty of manslaughter. FUNERAL TO BE HELD FRIDAY SIMS THREE PASSERSBY TODAY Resident of Skagit County, Wash., Lays In Walt For Victim. POSSE IN PURSUIT OF MURDERER NOW Made Getaway On Horseback and Is Armed and Further Violence Feared. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Coos Day Times.) DURLINGTON, Wash., Mar. 30.- William Weiigln, n rancher of South Prnlrlo became violently Insnno to day nnd taking n largo callbor rtflo went out into the county road and shot and killed tho first three pas Bcrsby who were John Rnnko, Wlll Inm Rnnko and John Ware. All woro of Durllngton. After tho shooting, Wcagln mount ed n homo nnd rodo nwny with a rlflo. It Is feared he will do further killing nnd a posso hns gono In pursuit. Dur llngton Is In Sknglt county, twenty miles stiuth of Uelllnghntn. A Ilelllnghnm report says tho doad men nro residents of Dnrrlngton, Snohomish county, and ndds that the killing occurred lu tho custom part of Sknglt county, ln tho foothills of t!.o Cnscndo mouutnlus mldwny be tween Dnrrlngton and Snuk. Tho scene Is remote from tclegmph or telephone communication. Sauk and Darriugtomare tho nearest points. Pupils of Washington State College Resent Raid on Girls' Dormitory. (Dy Associated Press to Cops Bay Times.) SPOKANE, WnBh., Mar. 30. A student's strike Is on at Washington State College. The students are In dignant over a raid alleged to haves been made on thu girls' dormitory Tuesday morning by boyB of tho col luge, Pickets at tho entranco ot all buildings notified pupils ot n decision of 1,200 students of tho college, in cluding every girl at tho institution, to remain away from classes till the perpetrators uro apprehended by the faculty and expelled from tho collog3. A meeting or the students lost night decided on this action. The studonta are gnthored on the campus denounc ing tho affair. Hardly a class-room was occupied today. Tho students today removed the big bell from tho auditorium ot the building usod to call tho classos. More thun sixty students woro call ed boforo tho faculty for Investiga tions. Evidence Is said to bo Btroug ngqlnst half a dozen promlnont stu dents. Several girls suffered physical Injuries, WILL APPEAL CASE. U. A. HuiltlY t(TCnrry Up Timber Lltlgutlou. PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 30. A. E. Uslnnd one of Minneapolis attorneys for C A. Smith nnd John H. Oearln, Mr, Smith's Portland attorney, ap peared beforo Judge Gilbert In tho United States circuit court and secur ed a formal ordor concerning the ap peal of tho case of tho government against tho C, A. Smith Lumber com pany and tho Linn & Lano Tlniber company In which tho government so cured 49 claims formerly held by tho Smith concerns. Tho cases aro soon to bo appealed to the United States court of appeals and later to tha United States supreme court, ln all probability. PROVE I. S. KAUFMAN H CO VOVtt COAL ORDERS JM.30 PER TON. SPOUE HAS STUDENT STRIKE ;i