THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. Mikes Home Baking Easy avm POWDER Absolutely Pure The only baking powder .jmacla from Royal Grape Oroam of Tartar KO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE TWO VIEWS OF RAILWAY PLANS Wall Street Journal .Outlines Southern Racjfio Projects In Detail. - -Tho Wnll Street Journal of Now York, ono of tho moat nUthoritatlvo financial publications In tho United States, says: ( 1 "Up In tho northwest Is nn Inland cmplro capable of supporting n third of tho population .of tho United States. Until now this empire has been loft to cnttlo grazing nnd tho Imagination, hut word has gono forth to quicken this dorninut wealth. "In thlH Btntoineut of tho nctlon taken liy Union nnd Southern l'aclllc executive committees, President Lov ctt placed tho emphasis of tho an nouncement on double trnckliiK to cost $70,000,000. There was nnother Item In the statement, however, which will require grottier outlay nnd ndd decidedly more to tho onrnlug power of the llnrrltnnn lines. This Item was approval of loifg contem plated plans for oxtoiisloiiH nnd now lines, the expenditure to extend over a period of six yenrs. "While nn nggrogato estimated cost or oven location of tho lines ns finally decided upon Is for tho tlmo being ono of tho secrets of territo rial conquest, the plnns known to .hovo been contemplated by tho Ha rlmnn management Involved con struction of soiuo 2,000 miles of new line at n cost of $100,000,000. "A lnrgo part of this amount will bo spent In tho northwest. Tho Im minent extensions nro: lllscctton of 'Washington by completion of tho .North CoaBt from Spoknno to Scat ,tlo via Lewlston; cnnstriietlnh of nu merous branches of this line to de ,'velqp tho snto; nn oast and west jjlne- across Orogon from Ontario on ,he eastern border through Hnrnoy ailey to tho Pacific coast nt Cres cont City, Cnl., vln Lnltevlow and Uhe llnrrltnnn lines Is n solved . blem for mmiy yonrs to come I 'This development of new terrl tory It the vital point of the Harrl inan program. The double tracking; of the main lines was unavoidable when once the ofwnlng of the north west was assured. " Commenting on tho above, The Ba re un Herald says: This nrticte, coming from the source It doe and authorized by President Lovott of tho(Southorn Pn clllc, sols at rest all doubts which may have bcon entertained as to tho ultimate destination of tho railroad I1 now being constructed out of OrantB Pass, Oregon, to Crescent City by tho Grants PnBs and Rogue River Rail road Company, long thought to bo n Southern Pacific subsidiary corpora tion. As related In Tho Eureka Herald several days ago, rails aro now being I laid otit of Grants Pnss toward Cros- 'cent City. That this rnllrond Is tho link which will ultimately connect this city with Portland by n coast lino Is now Bcttlod beyond question. That secrecy Is bolng mnlntnlncd by tho Interests behind tho activities of tho Grants Pass nnd Ilogua rlvnr rnllrond Is not to bo wondered nt in vlow of tho rlvnlry botwecn tho Hnr- rlmnn and Hill systems for tho trans portation mastery of tho Pacific northwest. General Manager W. 8. Palmer of. tho Northwcstorn Pacific recently told Goncrnl Mnnnger MncDonnld of tho Pacific Lumbor'Compnny thai ho hoped tp h.nv.o the "gnji" between Eu reka and Snn Francisco .filled by tho first, ot. l,pi,3... jv , , , 4 4' ' news of riAmuNKit. ' OARDINER, Ore, Mnr. 28. J Things seem n llttlo dull hero at pre sent, but Heedsport Is still on tho boom. Wo understand Hint thcro aro Intentions of commencing nctunl work preparatory to putting tho streets In condition and that snmo buildings will soon bo constructed. Tim largo wharf has already been completed. i Most of tho logging camps have started up nnd will undoubtedly be run with full force during tho mini mor. W. T. Dovvnr, purchased tho gaso line launch formerly owned by .loo Hunt. Work has commenced driving pil ing for tho erection of tho now ho tel nt Gardiner. It Is to be a lnrgo building with nil tho modern equip ments of n llrfit class hotel; nnd will bo locnted on Front Btrcot. The Gardiner Mill Company's mill was closed ono day last weok for tho purpose of Inspecting tho boilers. Married At this placo, March IS, 1011, Ray Chambers, to Miss Kiln Schillings. Mr. ChnmberK Is In tho employ of Tho Townsend Cronmory Co., n creamery mnn nt this place, nnd Is well nnd fnvorably known, while his estimable bride Is n daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Schillings, of Five Mile Lnko. Tho happy will Inako their homo near tho creamery. ' C. A. Perkins nnd C. F. Ilorgmnn returned from a business trip to 'Portlnnd. There seems to bo n good run of pereh In t'o rivet (his spring. Flue sport for (he anglers. Fred Asfenhelmer has purchased : RMRFKLL IS ii BELOW 11 Five Inches Less Than Average This Ssason Not As I Much As Expected. ! The total rainfall from September 1, 1910, to March 2, 1911, oil Coos liny Is 51. 0C Inches or 5.24 Inches less than tho nvorngo for tho samo , period for tho Inst eight years. Tho average rainfall for tho period fdr olght years has been 51.00 Inches. : I Mnny thought that tho rainfall for this year was further bolow tho aver age, Just guessing nt It, Howcvo", I tho official records ns kept by-Mrs. I E. MlngU8, government wenther ob server, show otherwise. Consequent ly, Coos liny Is not unlikely to have nn unbroken continuation of fine weather nnd the averngo rainfall bo mndo up from tlmo to tlmo during tho Bttmmcr months when It will bo moro bcncftclnl tlinn If It came now. The following tnblo from tho rec ords of Mrs. MtngtiB shows tho rain-1 fall each season from September ll to March 28 for tho past eight yenrs: Inches, 1002-09 r.S.Gf, 1003-04 72.C3 1904-05 48.74 1905-06 43.63 1900-07 59.15 1907-08 . 47.RR 1908-09 '. 59.69 1909-10 60.08 Sept. 1-10 to Mnr. 28, 1911.. 51, 0C .Vr0 VirVlrN f Stir' as! 'BfaRJksiiVA ',U Deficit Avorago yenrly rainfall years 67.5 Inches. for 5.2 S eight .TIO.7H.-5 ACHES AUK LEFT j i'd by Joe Hut lor, A I I-l.l.,o l II..- ..I .... .v.... ";!"" - Tlllnmook rosuienco nt tnis placo. Do you know thnt fdlly n'ne n every ten cases of rhcumnt'sm ire Imply rheumatism of tho muscles in to enld or damp, or chronic ihnnniptlntii, and require no Interna. treatment wbatovor? Apply Chant- lmrlnln's I.lnlmcnt freely and ' bQT nnlokl.v It gives relief. Fo Don't forget solo by nil dealers! PHONE 21 I-.T. (Z,ofc SHOE Bench rlde Iflnninth l.'nllw nvtoimlnn nf tho Northwestern Pnelllc along tho Cull- '' 'nnfectlonory "tore formerly own fornln const to meet tho forogotir; line nt Crescent City; east and west line across northern Central Oregon to Lebanon on the Southern Pacific ' via Prlnevllle to connect with .the Ontario-Crescent City lino Burns; extension of tho Deschutes line south to connect with tho Wood Natron division at Odoll. "Other probabilities are n lino from Lnkovtow, Ore., south to tho Central Pnelllc at Fernly, Reno nn extension .from tho Southorn Pacific at or near Howie, Ariz., northeast to the compnny's coal fields at Durnngo, Col., "finally extension of tho North PIntte branch of the Union PnelOo h Nebraska, now terminating nt North port, across to meet the "'"In I't at or near Medicine How, Wyo. The last nnmed Improvement Is assured. It will reduco nnd ellmlnnto the hard climb from Cheyenne, Wyo., north to Medicine Dow. "Tho most Important nart of that extensions; however, Is development of the great trlanglo bounded by tho Central Pacific, tho Southern Pacific coast lines, north to Portland and tho navigation company and Short Lino. This nrea contnlns 50,000,000 ncres capablo with modorato Irrigation of producing n vast amount of grain nnd fruit. It will yield n boundless sun ply of timber, Is already producing considerable ore, nnd promises oil. With tho settlement of this vast re gion consequent upon tho advent of transportation facilities, growth of Itevlstil l,lst of Htnte Lauds 1'nnolil Given Out by itoanl. SALK.M, Ore, Mar. 28. George C. Drown, dork of tho Stnte Lnud Hoard, has Just prepared n revised list showing tho acreage of unsold stnto lands, tho total acreage being 510,785. This does not Includo n few thousand acres of swnmp nnd school lnnda scattered in small tracts. Tho unsold stnto Inuds nro divided among tho counties ns follows: Acroa linker 19,810 Ronton 200 Clnckamns None Clntsoi None Columbia ', none Coos .' 120 Curry 940 Crook , 10,200 Douglas 905 Gilliam 3,520, Grant 21,840 Hnrnoy 145,280. Jackson ton coupio .j0Qph,no 2C0 Klamath 9., 220 Lake 94,240 Lane '. Nono Linn , . ... . None Lincoln 360 Malheur 175.520 Marlon rNono Morrow J, 960 Multnomah Nono i oik ... ... ... ., ,t . , .None Shermnn 1,400 160, Umntllla 4,360 Union 5,120 Wnllown 3,320 Wasco ., 3,560 Washington None Wheeler 8,160 Ynmhlll xonQ wiid'AJiiUHriiK H.xi.i-: 1,1 VKSSLL. Notice Is hereby u-ntlmri, gnu A llunnett 11 m, , , fur ,,v under tha laws of ou n rn "' r HI 11,1 J f. " I 'l s ( .., holder or thnt eo.tiin, grgo oxuculed nnl vomber 21, limit, son to Flnnaenu .: , secure the repnym. ut mCl. fl'llln Mil 111 lltltn r,f l .. Cl' torest nt rnte c.f 1! annum, no part of which tas 1 pnld oxcopt $100.u0 on nrlnr.,., t lid ' .... ' Vt-'HI fu.1 principal It's a wise head that wears a Stetson Hat WK IIAVK 'KM IN THIS Latest Spring and Summer Styles RK AVISK AND GKT ONK IIKKK MONKY TALKS Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. 11ANDON MAItSHFIELD --, and interest 1910, at snld DO IT NOW Lay in your supply of wood now nnd avoid the usual summer rush. AVe have plenty oL! wood and just at present can deliver it promptly. A little later, when orders he?in to pile in, we will not ho ahle to give you our undivided atten tion. lli-in. Stove Wood $2.00 'per dnmploud. Fire Pluec liloeliii $2.50 per dump load AVe ean furnish you a man to split and pile it if desired. C. A. SMITH LUMBER &MT'G. CO. PHONE 19-.T 382 So. Broadway itii irmniim oinnn mi ini,i . ,3i now duo thereon 900.nft ... . - -.vv urmrh.! from Xovcmbw i 1 rate, which . ran ...nn m I ( ' (, no H.V.UIULU III 1110 Collect Onico, District of Soutlicrn OreJ irort of Coos liny, In the (w iiuunv, uiiiiuiu vuy, uregon, on v .muling oi! innn i.. .. . '" " -"' """' '" "00K 1, rl -i, uucuruH oi mortgages of llce& vuhbuib in oiiiu oince, tlescrlblnj ts, gas Inunch or vessel called iu rum, Huusinniiniiy of the folic Ing dlmonsloiiB, to-wlt: Longn, j,, brendth 11 feet, depth 4.2 fett, uoca, nci tonnngo nine tons; Iq nt Kmplro City. Oregon, In !,, woou; 10 wnicn mortgngc, am) o, record thereof for a moro comtl description of said launch, rcftrtjd is ncrouy ninuo; including alt b bowBsprIt, bonta, nnchon, cabla, chains, rigging, tackle, apparl,fo nlturo nnd nil tho necessities then npportnlnlng nnd belonging, tufa engine, fixtures nnd connectlooi g Rnld launch, by reason of the defid oi saia mortgagor, John B. Andtn In tho jiaymont bf said note u mortgage, has this day foredoM snld mortgngo by taking pouetj. 'of tho" launch "Fish" and Dm jnfo'resnld; nnd snld mortgajee U In possession thereof, on Thiini' tho 0th day of April, 1911, tt it hour of ono o'clock In the afttrtn of that tiny nt tho wlinrf at ton Market Avenuo In tho City of Mi flold, Coob County, Oregon, tin. hlblt, offor far snlo and tell nil launch nnd property nforcild,n much thereof ns mny bo niar to satisfy snld debt, Interest aodr snnnblo cxicnses, to the highest best bidder for cash, at public i Hon nnd outcry; nnd will rctilsul apply tho proceeds of such ultt tho payment of tho amount not It on snld unto nnd mortgage ihmd and reasonable expensoj o( I mortgage In connection wlthtktto iclnsuro of snld murtgago Inclcto ! talcing nnd keeping posieulo: t I snld launch, and tho pajrmest i iBiinis which may bo neccssarrtott !lsfy any Hon or claim agslsitKi . Inunch having priority to said igngo; nnd any surplus to the John S: Anderson, his heirs or signs. Dated March 23, 1911, Manbi Orogon i FLANAGAN & UENNETT BU Hy. J. ,.V. BENNETT, r7qUt THE PAST AND ('O.M.AIOIIIOUS Steamer Redohdo (Kqulppcd nitlt Wlrelehh) W1U uwlto regular trips enrrjing pnsscngers both van nn.l froi.r iK'twccn Coos Hay nnd Snn Francisco. Allrcervntlonsforpasscngcrs made AUco Dock, Mnnhllelil nml Inter-Occan Tnuiin Co V,1',?n LT Sin" n"' 2 ,''",r,SV, Vot: '"'"nnntlon. 'phono' 4Wor25. AMI1 hull .'rom San I-Vanclsco for .Mnrshflcld Monday March U7, a.l p. in. ' INTKU-OCEAX TRAXSl'OUTATlOV COMPANY. tho Turkish Hnths. " No. SIO. A '.launch comfort. bl .hoo (or h?T man with k thick foot. Clour Ku.tla colt .kin Uclhcr. lloth tld. of tongua attachad to topi rubber haal, felt cuthlon ioaola, Outwla thick anil atron and .upportina undrr tha in. Icp. A ' Sonata" .heo tha bett. For Hale At cijApskx's suo:; stoiii: A)7 No. 828 MWJ'ja CuJilo Sola l&mm ArctiSupport Immjr oiuchcr t - - - - ' OLD RELIABLE STEAMER BREAKWATER ALAVAYS ON TIME l.ll.KKATlXO.AOlS.Vr HIOXK MA.X 1 I " l " I Pacific Moiiumchtal and Building Worhs H. H. AVILSON, Proprietor MAH3UFIEI.D, ORB. All Ulpds ot monumental work promptly and artistically exe cuted. i a faVafi on Snutii llroudway, il "THE FRI KM) of COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE l0" Sunday, March 26 NORTH PHONE 44 PACIFIC 3TEAMSHIP COMPANY. r'f .C. F. .McGKOROk. Agent Have That Roof Fixed NOAV See ' COkTHELL Phone 31S1 """"1 ' T" I ' ' m ..i - a 9 FOR GOOD AVORK Rrlng. your clothes to us, Cleaning Pressing and repairing a .pS experienced, men. hJS.J SON, Alliance llldg. pront st, , PolksOregon r'and Washingtu State Gazotterr nnd nu?Iarn I tory. Just Issued for 1911-11 UtM complete work of tho kind P' It contains an accurate, busjM rectory of oyery city, towa iw J logo in Oregon nnd Washuutoi11 J tho names and addresses of eoi ! tnnrrhnntfl .mil nrOfeSSlOUSl lumbermen, etc.. who aro lowr Jacent to villages; also lUtillll ornmont and county offlcenc aloners of deeds, Btate boards, i tory provisions, terms of nnniM nf thn nnstmastOrS, P?1 express, telephone and telf 1 flcos. Justices of the pec' dally and weekly newspaper: sides much other Information to all classes' of business and P Blnnnl mnn A dnfiCrlDtlTS t! nnoh ntrinn la plvnil. embraCl'i ous item? of interest, such 1 cation, population, distance. ferent points, the most shipping' stations, the prwcu i..j otntBtttK' uio uiurnnicu, nmow --- .. 'atni intira. the nearest tnl aw Ma,auaw f rntlnn ,mlnnrnl Interests, Bchools, libraries and socletk important feature is thet"" rwrnrv rlvlne every bUSlB" I ged under its special aWJ pnnhllrinvfinhHcrlberS W g j elnnpn ft list of all U0U ' turlng or dealing la D line of goods. The wor n la mnll.l tl PRATTC tS1' patronage. ' SEATTLE, ,AV, ..ail ,. .... t Times " I It. Phone 133-J. WmZ22E2 I ;"" Yt -