THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 191 1 EVENING EDITION. Hundreds of New Pretty Pat terns in Riigs Just Arrived You Are Cordially Invited to Come and See Them Whether You Wish to Buy or Not Now Is the Time to Fix Over the House and Make it into a Home THIS IS THE PLACE TO GET THE GOODS TOIDO IT WITH, AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES Going (8i Harvey Company YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Gibford Automatic Safety Razor STItOPl'ER AND STROP will put n smooth koon odgo on nny Safety Razor Blade . No other stroppor Is ns mechanically Blm ple si tho GH1POHD which socurca tho propor friction and sot it Wide, with a slnglo rollor and tho putonted proBsuro hnr. Tho itrop Is finished In tho natural color of tho hldo and not dyed or dirkcncd with poisonous chemicals. Tho Gibford Is tho razor itrop that accommodates all stylos of safety razor blade's and sells t a price that fits tho overaso pockot hook. Price $1.00 only. FOJt SALE AT THE BUSY CORNER PHONE 298. Lockhart-Parsons Drug1 Co; PRESCRIPTIONS' ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Leading Drug Store In Coos County. I EASTER BOXES Tho Easter box of candy has become quite ns much n feature of tho day us tho egg feast. Wo have prepar ed for tho custom this season with tho iaiUJKST ASSORTMENT of JEaster Novelties Ever shown In Coos county. It In eludes Homo Imported baskets and boxes that nro extra fine. You may select your box or basket now and it will be laid aside for you. Don't miss seeing theso, You aro already familiar with our candy qual ity. (jffaHvndsi YATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzey, one of tho drivers F' we solicitor for us Is out for h7. Watch him I ho Is Uablo J you on tho street and explain wails of Laundry and also to bo 'four home any tlmo. Ho knowH JW47 business from A to Z. Nifleld Hand and Steam Laundry PHONE 220-J XRAP NESTED BARRED PLYMOUTH lirwiro .ill MJJlOt ur mating. , j .. , t""ed BPcimens of exhibition ; " records of 242.227.222 J In 365 days. BootIlICkS mUl r'KRS for iratc,,,I,8 70Ur rderS n0W for 8Prm8 'f' A few cockerels .from y laTlng stock for $5.Q0. U'uth Place, Poultry Yards. iikmu... 7 "", liU ,ul llOY 4H.i. Ti.. ouu SAFE INVESMT2NTS. liL !nformatlon concornlne Mass bond Investments, trte 6 Interest net, "te 0. B. Hinsdale, care J. C225- California. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY "-' Osteopathic Physician, Qraduato of tho Amorhan school of Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. Offleo In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 101-Jj Marshflold; Oregon. DR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician and Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Building Phones: Ofllco 102J; Residence 1021. W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Ofllco ovor Flanagan & Bennott Bank Marshfleld Oregon W M. S. TURPEN, Architect Ovor Chamber of Commorco. Whon buying a cough medlclno for chlldron bear In mind that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is most effec tual for colds, croup and whooping cough and that It contains no harm ful drug. For salo by all dealers. Spring Is Here and so Is Plnegor, Have your carpets cleaned with my Vacuum cleaner. No dust or worry. Phono your order to 215 McCrary's Drug Store. R, E. PINEGOR. TWO STORES. 2.10 Front St 110 Centra! Ave. PREPARE FOR THE HOT WRATH ER BY BUYING YOUR Summer Underwear FROM US Ladies Sleovoless Vosts 10c, 10c, 20c, 23e Ladies Muslin Drawers . . .50c, 73c Ladles Muslin Skirts. . .91 to $2.25 LaJdes Corset Covers, . , . .llloup Ladies Knee length Pants. . , .25c MUscs Vests 25c Children's Vests 20c Children's Pants 20c Shirt Waists, all prices from 50c up fo $3.00. Cash Talks Trade- hero and savo Money. pOOS BAY ASH STORE Tho Store Tlint Suvcs You Money. GEO. X. HOLT, - - Manager. Front Street, Marshfleld. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The Anvil sailed yesterday fro.u Bundon for Portland. Tho Excelsior arrived In yesterday to load with lumber here. The Nairn Smith which left hero Sunday reached Bay Point Into yesterday. The steamer Fllleld plying hetve;n ltnndon and San Francisco hus been equipped with wireless. The Itodoiulo sailed yesterday from San Frnnelsro for Coos Bay and should get In early tomorrow. Tho Elizabeth, Flllold, Ruby, Phoenix, Ruby nnd Ida McKay wero reported from Bnndon yesterdny ns being bnrbound In tho Coqullle. It Is reported that Chas. P. Boo will put tho Yucatan on tho Snn Francisco-Coos Bay run when ho completes rebuilding her. Tho Yuca tan was recently grounded nnd bndly damaged at Puget Sound nnd wns bought by Doe who Is rebuilding her. fflJKNNfiS Personal Notes C. It. PECK went to Myrtlo Point this morning on business. THE WEATHER. 4 (By Associated Press.) OREC10N, Mnr. 28. Fair to- night and Wednesday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours muling lug 4:43 p.m., Mnr. 27. by Mrs. E. Mlngim, special government meteorological observer: Maximum 54 Minimum 35 At 4:13 p. in CI Precipitation Nono Wind, Northwest: clenr. Meet Next Monday. Tho Mnrsh fleld city council will hold Its regulir quarterly mooting next Monday. Looks After liifntc. Martin Olson hnabeen appointed administrator of tho'cBtnto of John Aronqulst. tho 'harbor light keeper who mystorlous- I t illaniiiinninil nml in 4lt. ...!.. 1 .. 1. .... ij .ioi.,w.ii vu nun ib tfiuiinv III lllivu Mate Fltzmorrls formerly of tho M. F. Plant Is now mnto on tho Ex colslor. Purser Bryco Is now head recelvlllir clerk of tho .Innnnimn linn at San Francisco and Steward fJulln-i downed. Ho left a boat Iioiibc nnd gher Is still on tho Plnnt. Cant, llur- i 8OIH0 lroporty. tls Is now first olllcer on tho Roanoke. Eczema Cure a Beauty Wash Although D. I). D. Prescription has been recognized for yoars as tho ono remedy for Eczema, Psoriasis, nnd all other forms of skin diseases, It Is now known that there la no other wnsh, even thoso. used by tho beauty specialists, that can compare with thtH mild liquid for cleansing tho skin of pimples, hlackhonds, rash, and nil similar skin nffcctlous. For this reason alone, n bottlo of I). D. I), should bo kept on hand In ovcry household. A trial 2Gc bottle will show you tho merits of this grcnt remedy ns a complexion wash. D. D. I). scorns to romovo the cause, whntovor tho troublo may bo, cleansing tho skin, and leaving It ns sort, as smooth nnd clear ns that of n healthy child. Got a 2Gc bottlo today and keop It In tho house. Red Cross Drug Store. Aid For Chinese. Mnrshlleld peo ple aro contributing towards tho Chi nese fnmlno relief fund. Sunday, members of tho Baptist church Sun- jdny school contributed about $ir.00 I nnd members of tho Presbyterian church turned over n good Blzd I amount to I. S. Smith to ho for warded. L. A. ROBERTS of Myrtlo Point U in Mnrshlleld on business. It. II. OLSON of Emplro Is a Mnrsh lleld business visitor today. GEO. SHERIDAN of North Bend wa n Marshfleld business visitor today. TOM COKE has been quite 111 of 1.1 grippe nt his homo tho last fow days. GEO. GOULD, Jr., of North Coos Riv er Is a Marshfleld business visitor today. GEO. BLANCHARD nnd wlfo will lenvo Saturdny for their new' homo nt Newport, Oregon. MRS. E. W. GUPTIL nnd Mrs. E. L. BcB8ey of South Coos River, nro Mnrshlleld shoppers today. CLYDE GAGE, deputy sheriff. Is horo "from Coqullle on buslnes sconnect od with tho Kinney bankruptcy hearing. aTTo WENlbf f yesterdny for" South Coob River where ho will enjoy a few dnys Hshlng. R. M. Wledor is nsslstlng In tho store during his absence. aSs&SSsh LOST Small light leather pocket book, containing throo five-dollar gold pieces nnd somo silver, Mon day ovenlng botweon Chandler ho tol," Kolloy boat lauding and tho poatolllco. Findor, please, return to Times' ofllco and receive roward, HAVE some furniture left which will sell very cheap. Mrs. A. Bowen, 371 Broadway South. WANTED Man for work on dairy ranch. Inquire at Smokohouse. FOR RENT' Modern seven-room houso furnished. Low ront. In quire I. S. Smith. WANTED Competent girl for gen eral houso work. Must glvo refer ences. Lloyd Hotel. FOR SALE Team of homes, harness nnd wagon, $175. Enqulro Connor & Hongland, Grocery phono 17C-L. WANTED A competent girl or wo man to do general housowork. Ap ply Mrs. Gus. Adolsporgor, Phono 255-J or 49-L. FOR SALE Dining tablo and chairs, weathered oak rockers and library table, Cheap its owner Is leaving town. Apply 161 Third or Phone 147-L. Pay Chinch Debt. Tho Marshflold Bnptlst church Is making an en deavor to raise $2,G00 to pay tho debt ngaliiHt their building slto In South Marshfleld. Twolvu mombors of tho congregation hnvo agreed to contribute $1,2150 If tho hnlanco is raised and so far nhout $7fi0 of tho balance has been pledged. To Close Out Stock. W. J; Mm phy, sales manager for Murphy and Hamilton who hnvo taken ovor tho A. W. Myers' stock nt North Bond,' Is now nt North Bond conducting tho closing out sale. Mr. Murphy vlsltod Coos Bny soinotlmo ngo nnd inndo n number of friends who welcome hi in back horo. It Is tho Intontlon to closo out nil or tho stock that romnlns nt North Bond. A. S. HAMMOND of Coqulllo nnd Fred Holllstor of North Bend wero In Marshflold yostordny to nttond the hearing In tho bankruptcy pro ceedings of the Coos Bny Rapid Transit company. L. J. SIMPSON and" Cnpt. Edgar Simpson or North Bond woro Mnrshlleld buslnoss visitors yostor dny. They expect work on tho now lunihor schooner or tho Simpson Lumber Company to stnrt next wcok. MRS. R. 11. MYNATT or Mnrshflold, who hns been spending tho past winter at points In California, ar rived hero last evening to spend a few dnyB visiting with her slstor, Mrs. Clyde McClung. Concluding her visit horo she will proceed to Marshflold. Rosoburg Nows. DING, DONG, DEM CAT WEARS A BELL Will Move. Rev. J. .Richard Olson nnd Judgo nnd Mrs. Anderson nro packing their hoiiRohold goods pre paratory to moving to Portland noxt Saturday. Tho body of Mrs. Olson, whoso funoral will bo hold nt tho Swedish Luthornn church Friday nft ernoon, will bo accompanied by them to Portland. Rov. B. F. Bongtson will fill tho local pulpit until a suc cessor to Rov, Olson Is selected. Self Denial Tho nnnunl "Solf Denial Week" of tho Salvation Army has been fixed for April 2 to April 9 this year. Tho funds rntsod dur ing tho weok aro dovotod to charl tablo work of tho Salvation Army. Capt. B. Anderson of tho local branch Is endeavoring to have tho wook nioro recognized on Coos Bny this year than ovor beforo and will endoavoY to lnpreaso tho donations and sub scriptions. CURRY COUNTY BOOZE. Witness Siu'urs They Dlspcuso Vine gar For It. Tho Gold Bench Globo says: "A complaint (lied In Justlco Suydam's court last Wednesday by James Hope, alleging assault and battery, and accusing W. D, Clark with tho misdemeanor, brought a small dele gation from Pistol river, and mado no small amount of amusement at tho hearing, which was beforo a jury. Ono of tho witnesses, In ex plaining tho melee to tho jury, not- Spokane Cats Must Look Altsurd, He- cmiKo Im Feared They'll the Bird. A recent press dispatch says: Mm. J. D. Murphy, living nt 1S27 East Jllversldo avenue, Jh advocating a movemont In Spoknno that all owners of cats provldo their pots with bolls In the Interest or preserving tho birds of song, which nro now coming back to their haunts for tho sunimor. Mrs. Murphy hns Interested n lnrgo mini bor or club and society women In her campaign and It Is llkoly that n "Boll on Cat" society will ho organized to tako chargo of tho work. Tho plan Is to attach a small boll with n strap or ribbon on tho neck of ovory cat In tho city and suburbs, tho argument bolng that If It woro mado a custom gonorally thoro would bo moro birds In Spokane. No mention has been mado so far of tho tinkling nt mid night Thomas and his bnckyard acquaintances, but It Is no wild guoss at this tlmo to say that some ono may organize n crusade to not only put tho bolls out of com mission, but also oxtormlnnto tho wearers. Tho theory advanced Is that this method would mnko doubly suro of protecting the birds for all tlmo. withstanding tho Attornoy's efforts to keop htm In tho straight and nar row path, said at tho tlmo that ho and tho defendant woro full of vino gar, but thoy didn't know It wns vine gar nt tho tlmo, as It wns told thorn that It was tho host brand of Gold Beach boozo ,but nftorwards learned It was nothing but vinegar, and thay needn't tako his word for It as thoro wero threo other witnesses on Pistol river who would swear to tho samo thing. As tho Jury woro not exports on vlnogar testimony, a short deliber ation resultod In a verdict of acquit tal for tho dofondant." AUTO Anytime, anywhere Rea sonable rates. Phono Blanco hotel 46 or Resldenco 28-J. RANCH FOR RENT Enquire Geo. Wltto, North Bend, Ore. Modlclnas that aid uaturo aro al ways most effectual. Chamberlain 3 Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays tho cough, relieves tho lungs, opens tho secretions and aids nature In restoring tho system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to Its superior excellonce. Sold by all dealers. FOR SALE lil-foot launch, -1 H.-P. engine, also boat house. Cheap. Apply A. X. Times' office. SXAf FOR SOME ONE 10-foot launch, 16-foot cabin. Inqutto Stonecypher's boat shop, Eastsido. FOR RENT Baxter hotel nt Co qulllo, Oregon, after April 1, Wrlto or see personally Baxter Bros., Coqulllo, Ore. Good Teeth Good tooth como from tho ubo or good powder, ono that removes tho adhorlng food particles, and provonts acids rrom rormlng In your mouth and attacking tho onamel ot your tcoth. B. & S. Tooth Powder Does all this. Beautiful, clean, poarly, whlto tooth como through Its dally use. 25c THE CX. BROWN DRUG CO. GILI)UATE CHEMISTS "THE QUALITY STOKE." Our Now Store, 71 Market Avenue, Coos Building.