Wxm& YOUR. ADS CARRYING V ur Mtrt-"cM. uliouhl appear us ttulmly " ,w" lhl" t'"',,nl,cr' If ri,rwMMiH'P ....- nn ,v,mj """ SOMEONE HAS SAIDt "A more' ntUcrtUliiR mco In n npwinHr, uitupumt with tlir nco uvil li) other Moivo, ulimilil OoHno lit nniminllt lnimrtnncc In tlto riHtiwiinllj! Iiwrw ytnir Mitr'i nd UMiir -mrr iltt I Ml? .cii for mi wlRlity n ivii- nnil ilu n- 5 ' n-nilnfC tlmi mll l ,, w,.iiM iil Ik n K'""' m-wfiwiwr. MK.M11KH ()!' ASSOCIATED PRESS lWiilillslied In 1H7H nn Tin Count Mull VOL XXXIV MARSHFIELD.OREGOM. TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A CiiMtlUtlhHt of TImmmi, t'nuM n( mill n ltr ImiWt. No. 63 fwlt IU'JPLpM !, ITT1 II HIIIW I -- "- ' "i , j , ,,11,,,,,, PEACE II OLG 110 10 , BE REESTABLISHED VERY 5001 Senor Madero, Sr., Says It Will Be Within Ten Days, Probably. NEGOTIATIONS ARE NOW WELL UNDERWAY Vice-President to Resign at Once and President Diaz In Six Months. Associated Press tq Coos Hay. w Times.) SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Mar. 28. tftV0 Mndero, father and brother of Francisco I. M.adoro, Sr., dcclnred t'll0 jnBnrrecto lender Francisco I. poaco In Mexico Is assured, probably Madero, Jr., arrived hero today. Thoy In ten days, he stated. 'went nt onco to tho house o'f Alfonso The diplomatic exchanges have j-ttlicro whcro tho iucni juntn meets, proceeded sufficiently, Senor Madero Tho Mnilcr0B Bn)li tll0 rounon Is pu added to make safe tho statomont roJy a ,)PrROimi affair, but the m tbat the ortlco of tho vice president nrcBBlon prevnllB that matters of mo at present occupicu o duuui v,uni, whom ho called obnoxious, will bo abolished. For tho tlmo being Diaz ulll Bave his fnco by remaining In of fice for four to six months and then resign. The functions of tho vice-president will fall upon tho new foreign min ister Do I.n Unrrn and when Din re signs It will rest upon Do Lu Hnrrn to become clelacto president anil to call an election. many aui: ri:kui:i:.s. McxIrniiM AiiIoiih to Leave That Country. i (Ily AfgJciutod l'ross to Coos Hay TlmoH.) I EI PASO, Tex., Mnr. 2S. Itofu- gees who Imvo been able to reach Times.) the border report thousands of noil- NEW YOUIC, N. Y., Mnr. 28. An combatants in Northern Moxlco nro interlocutory decreo of dlvorco In fa struBhllng to get out of tho country. vor j.(i,m Goodrich Ooodwln, tho Many women and children liavo no nctrcfls, from her husbnnd, Nnt Good means uf trniiHDorlatlon. Othors nro .in ! onitimiinn u-nh hIlmux! imlnv. afraid to attempt to mnko n living ' a country foreign to thoin and still A,kA-n .... U .. I I 1... .. !.. others aro restrained by fear """- their property will fall Into the hands of Inturrectos. ' O.XLV OPERATOR ESCAPES. lU'vulutloiiMs slay Mexlcuii lVderal OlllelalH. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) EL PASO, Tex., .Mar. 28. Mall advices from Alamos, Sonorn, con firm the report that revolutionists slaughtered eory federal official In the town of Guahahnras. A teleg raph operator only escaped. AIIAXIIOX 'OrEHILLA TACTICS. l'rotMoiinl Pit'McU'ut Mudero Orders liihiirgeut to Desist. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) EL PASO. Toy M oo Hiinrll. la warfare has formally been aban doned by tho Mexican Insurrectos, according to a decreo Issued by Fran- sco i. Madero and mado here today. public (Dy Associated Press' to Coos Bay Times.) I EL PASO, lew, Mar. 28, Ono f the objects of Mndero in abolishing Suerilla warfare which conalsta of ' "BUtlng of in dlBfirornntzmi linnrlH Is ,, ... . , , " , to induce foreign countries to recog- e the belligerency of the insur Efnts, it is stated. WOMAN APPEARS ON - i-..vA..u.u!. HAItESr SKIRTs inillUM) , , . t0 j)revent congesiion aim ueiu i..uv lnjBniuitly Decliires That She Will be done. Molls will be received and Xewr Wear It Aguln Curious dispatched as heretofore, and nrrau- Pedestrlans Block Truffle. I goments will bo made for a, limited I delivery through the general delivery LOS ANGELES, Cal., Mar. 27. windows. Mrs. R. F. Scarla of New York was Special delivery letters will be de wmpelled to, take refuge in a local Uvered and .patrons pf any office will htel to escapei-a' crowd of curious be afforded the privilege of having mae pedestrians. Sho startled 4ny oy wearing, an oxtreme" depositing tne requireu.ieu u fv arem skirt. In a few moments cial delivery service, traffic was blocked and -police were Postmaster General Hitchcock'' li "equlred to break up the crowd and "sued Instructions designed to carry allow the lady to make her escape, j Into effect these Ideas, and to afford "I never thought my harem skirt employes of the postal service one uld create so much excitement," day's rest a seven, Mid Mrs. Scarla Indignantly, '-l shall never wear It again." i Rd The Time Want Adi. MADEROS HOLD CONFERENCE Relatives of Provisional Pres-: ident of Mexico Are at San Antonio. (ny Assoclnted Press to Coos Day Times.) 8AN ANTON10, Tex., Mnr. 28. .Francisco 1. Madero. Sr.. aud Gus- mcnt nro t0 uo coiiBiaurcd In co.i- nectlou with tho pence proposals. T New York Judge Puts an End to Matrimonial Proclivities of Actor. (,,,. Associated Press (Uy Associated Press to Coos Hay Bg Ooodwln Is given permission to ninrry nagln but Mr. Ooodwln Is de- . ...... At... tiled inni permission uuriiig inu uiu tlmo of his former wife. Goodwin has boon divorced thrco or four times. BURNED TODAY . .. I Pitt River uompany s nam Near Vancouver Is Des troyed By Fire. ... . r. n (By ASSOCiaieu re-)B iu vuuo "'i Tlmea I VWCOUVER B C Mar. 28. -r. '!.Wmiii BhiftclL mill' and i lumber nri of the Pitt River Sawmill com- pittrlver 25 miles east of i -- - -. ..- .nn uotfnvnrl llV ft TO tO VniliUUUI nwo u-onw. - - -- day. Tho loss ls ?25,000. - POSTAL SKHVICK VICTOR, ' ' ,.... t .. ni,,ro...l,.ul Fw- """"' """ ;., ", . us Coiihlsteiit, mijs iiiiuii , . WASHINGTON, D. C., .lar. - . SuU(lay work In postofflcea through- ' out the country Is to ho discontinued , . . 1 so far as consistent with rapid trans- mission of tho mails. n Is not proposeu io ciubo mi'- a,mn. niiiv. Certain work It ls not proposed to close Import- U1JV luu,vv, v .,. - their mall delivered on Sunday by II LUMBER MILL Fffl AUSTRALION Cargo From Ship Carrying Sixty-Eight Passengers and Crew of Seventy Is Washed Ashore. (Hy Assoclnteil Press to Coos Buy Times.) BRISBANE, Austrnlln, Mnr. 28. The cargo from the overdue Inter state steamer Youngnla bound from Townsvllle to Mncky with G8 pasBon- gers and a crew of 70 was washed gennce, the olllcer having reprlmnnd ashore today. It Is feared the vea-Jed the man for slackness. The as sel was lost. sassln wns placed In chains. DID iniML ID BEGUN TODAY Case Involving Alaska Coal 'Lands Worth $100,000,000 Is Underway. (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) ' SEATTLE, Vnsh., Mar. 28. Tho trial of the case of the United States ct nl against Chns. F. Munday, Ar chie W. Shlcls and Earl E Indicted .with Algernon II. Slegloy. atrncey fnr nn nllnirn,! nnnanli-nnv tr. ,lfrnli.I tho government out of 0,087 acres of iiorthold, tho American socialist In- conl lands In Alaska valued nt more 8Urr(,cto j0uer, was .wounded In tho than one hundred million dollars wns . ,.,.,... , . , . . ,,,.,.. . i . llK Un- hnttlo and wns tnkon begun In I'nltcil States DlBtrlct Court today. Stracoy is a brother of'"r,BO,,or nml executed three days Sir Edward Stracey and Is a fugitive Intor at Enscnnda. Seven rebels In In Vancouver. ' WILL OISCUSS North Bend City CoiMCil EX pected to Take Matter Up Tonight. It is expected that tho North nond. cltv council at Its meeting tonight ... A , .... ., . ,, Will laKO UP lllu (JIll'DllUU Ul II JUilll, water works system preliminary to u committee from that body confer- ring with the Mnrshfiold city council next Monday relative to tho matter, Dr, Unrtle of tho North Hend city, council nnd who is n member of tho special committee to confer with the Marshflold city council Iibb had sam-1 nlna et fin npIUAnt U'dtn nnflluTAft CouncIlmnn McDnniei, another mom-, i ... ... . ....... bcr of tho committee irom mere, nas plans for a new' system atid Is get- ting 'further' data from nn engineer in Portland and elsewhere bearing on the subject. Councilman McDanlel, who was In Marshfleld today on business, 'says thnt ho ls an'0"6 that something bo done qulrkly about tht matter as no deema it a necessity from a com mercial standpoint as well ns from tho health standpoint. The watar compnny'B franchise In 'North Bend requires them to fix a price at' whloh .. . ... - !. talnnl A .tin y ?'"- UV"U "'"" lu " " cltv. If It enn be outainea ni a rea - Bonnu0 prjee, ho Is In favor of buy- Jng Jt but otnorwjso not ns jie Bajs mi . . t. m. ... . nvn . nA fit It V It vu -- replaced, being too small or old and worthless. ojiOXE I. S. KAUFMAN & CO YOUR " .i1 . tM UHllKltp V4,nil I'I'.K 1Mii Little Talks TAL.K WATER 1 DO YOU realize, Mr. Advertiser, that the public Is both. Indifferent and thoughtless, and that you must tell your advertising atory.often If you want It to remember yoa and your product? Life Is useless without tho newspaper. Nothing can withstand Its tre mendous power, Its capacity for hitting repeatedly, 'Tell your public about your product In a straightforward manner. Use the newspaper, because your advertland you can reach the greatest num sing can be placed on a news pageher at the lowest cost. VESSEL IS LOSI shot roit hcvexcc. Turki-ii sowier si.ooih suitim1 Army insu-iirior. (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) CONSTANTINOPLE, Mnr. 2S. Col. Von Schllchtlng, one of the Oor- mnn Instructors In the Turkish nrmy, wns sliot dend on the parade ground today by nn Albnnlnn soldier for ven- S. IS Report That American Social ist Insurrect'o Leader WaVshoL'- (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) MEXICALI, Mex., Mnr. 28. Fugl- tlvo rebels from tho fight at Alamos, on Mnrch 22, reached Mcxlcnll today With tllO Information that SlmOll .all were captured and executed. Street Railway Promoter Holds . ...... . UUIHUmiUU Willi LUOcll Men About Plan. Although no official announcement l"18 'et uoe'1 "nuo concerning the matter, It was reported today that ,.-,,,.., ., .Tnrnli M. Itlnkn 1b norfoctincr Ills plnna tQ ,ntorc8t ,ocal cn),(n, n h( Btreet railway project and hopes to start active construction on It In tho near future. Yesterday, Messrs. J. W, Bennett, J. H. Flanagan, Jacob M. Blake, C. A. Smith nnd somo othors wore together, presumably dlB- niioal.m 1ia mnitAI. Ml. Tllflkn wa8.iu conference with Mr. Bennett . .. again touay. Councilman McDnniei of North nend stated today that Mr, Blake had not renewed his application for a I franchise there. . i Mr. Blako's Marshfleld franchise ( requires him to have tho work well, underway by July 1, .P. A. Sandbers, formerly city engineer, has bqqn u:o- ing some surveying on tho project for him. Ills Mnrshfiold frnnchhe covors only about two miles of street and It la estimated that It will not require more than ?50000 to build .kl. .. Hnn --' . ...... i u is expectea mai somo ouiciii announcement will bo made concern- ng tho project shortly. RATH Remember - a TURKISH will help you, Phone 214-J. 8ave money by Tfmpn ndverHopri! patronizing Th on Advertising No. 9 E TAKE UP CAR LINE PROJECT u BUCK HAND" SESOS NOTE . 10 JUDGE Report That Mexican Rebels Had Seventy Killed Near Hcrmosillo. (Uy Assoclnted Press to Coos Hay Times.) CANANEA, Mex., Mar. 28. Of ficial government reports hnvc reach ed here of an overwhelming rebel de HEM LOSS TO INSURGENTS feat near Ures, a few miles northwem CKW "Ulnck Hand" thrent upon the of HcrmoBlllo, tho capital of 8onorn, ! ' of J(.RO K. M. Landls of tho Monday. Tho rebels ore said to hato jUnllp- StateH district court, has lost seventy killed and moro thnn ono Urouscd thp United States secret sor hundred wounded. Tho federal 1obIv,cc operatives to unusual activity to is given ub sixteen dead and twenty I urca,t "l a gang which for somo time wounded. An official dlBpatch says hna ecn Intimidating citizens and two hundred rebels nro surrounded carried threats' into tho midst of tho nt Hacienda San Rafael. government's ilo'pa'rfVent of Justice IS IN ROSE CITY Body of Well Dressed Young Woman Found In Portland Park Today. (Uy Associated Press to Coos Uny Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 2S. Tho body of a well-dressed, unldontlflud girl wns found In tho brush nt Forty soventh street, lloso City pnrlc, this nftornoon. Tho skull was crushed i. I The police hnvo not yet reached tho scone but from renorts she must , , , mt hnvo been dead n (lav or two. Thoi police have, no record'" of missing L girls. Sho wns about fifteen yenrsloys nnd streets nro In ovldeneo as bo old. NO NEW TRIAL 'Wasfiinnton Murderer Denied I'" . ''" Rehearing Reverses Old Decision. I '(By Associated. Press to Coos Bay T,lmes.) OLYMPIA, Wash., Mur. 28. A now, trial wb refused Geo. I.. Pepoon who with Ray Wilcox, a paroled con- vict, was convicted of killing Po- poon's wife AuguBt 29, 1909, In Ste- vena county, Tho plea for the now trial was made on tho grounds that tho Jurors were permitted to seo I nil.- .I...!-! ....... 1. -rnM' u j.vb.u .,- u. ground Is not sufficient nnu tnnt in Buch enpes thP integrity of tho Jurors must bo taken Jn(p nccopnt. The ml- Ing revprses a rule tp tho contrary established years ago in which Chlof l Justice Dunbar Joined. Pepoon was sentenced to life Imprisonment. , - . , CORPSE TOO RJO FOR HEARSE. Ambulance Convevs to CemeU-iv the Body of Jackson Tltterton, LnrgestMuiiln Central Illinois 5 FOR PEPOON JACKSONVILLE, 111., Mar. 28. icral use of whitewash and. paint Jackson Tlterton, aged 74 years, the on gorae tjiejr weathor beaten largest roan In Central Illinois, died buildings, It would Jmprovo tho np receptly at his homo In Alsoy. Ho ,,earnnce of tho city about ono hun welghed 530 pounds nnd measured dre(1 per cent nnj enhonco tho value thlrty-slx Inches from shoulder to of tll0 propertv accordingly, shoulder. There was no hearso here large enough to contain tho casket, jiiten H.ti'Io'v Thoro will bo a whch measures thirty-nlno inches ionten service in Emmanuel Eplsco across, and an nmbulance wns us-?d pnj ci,urCh tomorrow evening at 7:30 to convoy the body to the cemetery. Try The Times Want Ada. KENESflW L1DIS Threatening Epistle Received By Chicago Jurist Causes Stir. FORTY MURDERS ARE ATTRIBUTED TO IT Government Secret Service Men Now Active Trying to Break Up Gang. (Hy Assoclnted Press to Coos Hoy Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Mar. 28. An at- In Chicago. In a little over a year forty lives have been sacrificed by atlcgod "Iil'ack Hand" methods and tho gov ernment Is now actlvo In tho work to break up tho gang- GET BUST ON CITY CLEAN-UP Many Start In Early to Parti cipate In "Cleanup Day" Saturday. In nearly every section of Marsh field, ovldeneo of tho "Clean Up Day" crusade is now In evidence la . almost ovepy block, piles of rubbish nml Knrbn Kathered up off Iota, nl Ing ready for teamsters to hnul away. Tho beautiful spring wonthor prob ably Is having something to do with It and then everyone is taking an In terest in tho) "City Beautiful" plan launched by tho A. N. W. club and supported by Mayor Straw and tho city officials. Whllo next Saturday Is tho day for tho big doings, most pcoplo aro not waiting for tho last mlnuto but are taking advantage of tho favor able weather nnd getting ahead oC their slowor neighbors. Street Commissioner Lnwhorno Is getting almost as enthusiastic over It as tho members of tho A. N W. club. Mayor Straw has dologatod, to Mr. Lnwhorno the enforcement of the city ordinance prohibiting tho leav- ,1R 0f garbage, rubbish, etc., on lots, streets or alleys Insido tho city llmlta nn(j aH0 j,nB nnmed him to nsslst tha a. N. W. club on next Saturdny. Mr. Lnwhorno has secured tho coopora- tlon of D. I., Rood nnd n numhor of Othors nnd he say that ho will boo ... ... . . ....... nil.. Uint cpmp.ainiB nro won wiwi w necorder Butler against all property nwnors and tonnnts who fall to com- ,,.. with It nfter next Saturday. City Attorney Goss Ih ontlrolv In accord wlth tho "City Beautiful" plan and wm nrotpcuto the cases. While the A. N. W, club will bear tho expense of tenmstors for hauling nwny garbngo from streets and al- leys, It Is expected that all who can nfford it will pay for tho removal of tho waste from their proporty. It hna been Fiiirested that If somo Lroper,y ownerl. cooperate by tho Have your Jb printing dono Al Vho Times office.