THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIElD, OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 4 ''H01YPAP" GHAS. 8TAUFF IGLEflf! CLOUD i M. .." 1 IIV GREETING H5 CONTESTi OH PORT BfiHDS I LrVCT Z.UOU V ISlIWg E Big Moose Here to Organize United States Land Office Sus NeW'Lodgeof That r tains His Claim to Order. "Howdy Pnp," was tho greeting that E. P. Mooro, tho assistant Su pr ot Plio Order of Moose, extended n Times' reporter In tne muuy ui iuu Chnndicr Hotel this morning. "Mow nro .vou7" wns tho reply. Homestead. Attorney Tom llnll today rccolved liotlco from tho United States Land OfTlco that In tho contest of tho Un'tcd States against Charles Gov. West Asked Permission for State to Institute Friend ly Suit. In order to clear the cloud on the bonds Hint wore recently voted by tho Port of Coos Day, tho Port Com- C. It. Peck ask This placing n very eoinervalive eslininlo on the liiiilibcr oi' pook who ms ,j our store Saturday which wis tho reopening of the A. W. Myur & ('.' st(lh which wc-recently bought for only mlssloners have had Statiff, the ofllcors of tho Land Ofllco Governor West to autfcorlzo Prosecut has decided tho contest In favor of Ing Attorney Geo. M 'hut will von nxnlaln that "Howdy Mr. Stauff. This contest wns ono tuto n friendly suit. Pnn ' H..111. -n m.t nnv further?" f i. ,,,, i,, ti,nt u. n,.l'ns raised In tho case of . ..,. ...-. .. - K, - -- VJI II1U IHUOi IIIIIIUIiUMb (llllb III1D VVI I Bono up from Coos County and' In- nott Trust Company Drown .natl The question the Den- nnd Southern "Why, sure," was the Jovial re enonse. " 'Howdy Pan' Is tho Mooso ' . ! Oregon company but tho Supremo greeting, which corresponds to tho,vo,vcd ninny nlcc nml ,nlrlcnl n"c-)Curt In deciding that litigation hold 'Hello Dill' of tho Elks. When woi,,on8' nml tho flrm ()f 1,nl1 & na,,thnt the question of whether or not havo Instituted the Order of Moose In this city that byword will not arqtiflo so much Interest." Mr. E. D. Moore with his assis tants nrrhed In the city this morn ing nnd havo established their head quarters at tho Chandler Hotel. They Intend to commenco work immediately on the organization of n' lodge of tho Loyal Order of M0010 JnhVcily. ' 'You bco', wo get tho word 'Pap,' from tho Initial letters of 'Purity, Aid nnd Progress.' which nro tho watchwords of tho Order. "The Moose Order was first estab lished April 12, 1888, so you bco It Is not an old ordor, nnd Is Just com mencing to work West. Wo estab lished a lodgo in Spokane last year which now has nn enrollment of 2,000. Seattle has that number nlso, nnd Portland has 3,500, Everett has a lodgo which totnls 1,200 members, Astoria has 0G0 members," wore tno attorneys mr .Mr. ainuu in tllc fn1Uro to post part of tho no tho rnse, fool vory much pleased tlco8 of ccct0 by tho Judges nnd over this decision. Mr. StaufT 1 clerks of election Invnlldoted tho olcc hlghly elntcd over his victory as this ton mU8t bo trIe(, n n 80pnrnt0 suit prnctlcally assures him of tho cou-i- brought In tho name of tho noonle try plnco which ho has been Improv ing. No decisions havo beon received in tho contests of C. E. N'lcholson nnd It. C. Cordcs but It is oxpected tho outcome will bo tho snmo. .Ttidgo Schlbrcdo has rccolved word or state. Tho alleged failure of tho officials of election to post tho full numbor of notices occurred at tho time ot tho spdclnl election at which tho Port, wns orgnnlzod. Until this cloud Is elenred, It will th'nt tho OcnernI Land Ofllco had do- bo dlfllcuU to dlsposj'of thc'$300,000 elded In IiIb favor Iho contest Instltut- bond Issuo to advantage. Gov. West ed by tho government against south Inlet homestead. his . EAGLES P'Pil THE DEPARTED ANNUAL MKMOltlAL KXKUCItiKS OP MAItHIIPIKLD AKUIK lli:i,l); YEKTEitiuY hj:vi:nti:i: i ii:.Min:its pass away. PItIZE SCHOOL MA'AM. A very beautiful school ma'am passed up tho coast a few days ago en route to Julius Stolnoko'B where nho Is en gaged to tench school, but she wns not red header-!, as so many school ma'ams nro. Port Or ion! Tribune. in response to, tho request stated ho Wotild tdko thb matter under advise-. mqi)t apd lot tho port commissioners- know about the matter In a fow days. Until this Is disposed of, tho harbor Improvements will bo held up dgalnj probably. PHONE r. S. KAUFMAN CO YOUH ,COAL OKDF.HS 81.30 PER TON. Komember n TUItKISH HATH will help you. Phono 2M-J. Turkish Dnths, 45 Cents on the Dolla r The crthvd began to gather in front of the store as early as 7:30, and when the doors were opened at 9 o'eloek a greater rush to the Bargain Counters was never witnessed in North Bond. MUST IS MASTER Don't fonrot tho l A A A A A. A AAAAAAAAA IMII1V1.' .!.. I t - , -. -WT-v-r-rir-r- .... m.-w-.., N Tho nnnunl memorial exorclhea of .1... t.1u..u.... I -.l.. ... . I..- . I iiiu riiuuiiiiii uiuur in r.iiKiio ub-i torday were largoiy attended. I)ur- Ing tho past year, soventeen mom bora ot tho Marsh Held Aorlo havaf been called to the Great Deyoud nnd duo tribute was paid their memory as well as to the memory of tho oth er depnrted of tho great Order.. Tno graves or tno deceased worol appropriately decorated and tho ri tualistic exercises conducted by tho Aorlo. President J. W. Davis wns in chnrge of the exercises whllo tho I eulogies were read and delivered by M. J. Ostrow, C. It. Flanagan nnd E. E. Kline. MAUSOLEUM rl Buick Automobiles Duilt rUht iiuJcr the paint More Power More Endurance More Value The Dulck Is an honestly built car with a reputation every where for reliability and small cost ot upkeep and Is u car built to stand up on rough roads. Tho Dulck factory has always concentrated Its efforts on tho me ehnnlcal construction of their cars. Tho 1911 Dulck models In ad dition to being mechanically perfect havo that beauty of outline and finish, tho smooth running qualities and general refinement ot detail that is found In tho higher priced automobiles, H lll pay you to Investlgnt . Prices From $?1.00 to ;$2025.00 Delivered ISAAC R. TOWER, Agent uun mi Bmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaammmmmmmmm H. ' As we have only a limit d lease on the building we 'are forced to sell every dol lar's worth of this stock in a given time or our losses will be great, so it all Must Go At Some Price Hundreds of people wlio attended' this sale last Saturday will testify that thtfre never has been so great i Bargain Opportunity. in the history. of North Bend as ' is now being offered on this stock. Everybody Is Buying I It is a conceded fact by those who know that there never has been a better l stock of merchandise show.i in North Bend than this and now that it has liccn sold If for this ridiculously low price of only -loc on the dollar creates within itself an Everybody Satisfied I opportunity whicii comes but nvv in a lifetime. jDo These Prices Appeal to You! "18 HIE ONE H. H. Wilson Completes Ele gant One For Mrs. Louisa Hirst Here. A mausoleum, 10x12 feet, the finest piece of cemetery monument i work In Coos county was recently' completed for .Mrs, Louisa Hirst In' tho 1. O. O. I Cemetery, Mnrshfleld, by II. II. WHon of tho Pacific Monti-j mentnl Works. i Tho exterior walls aio of tho finest i grnv i:nnlte. with two flue red gra-i nlto columns at tho entrance doom' Tho Interior Is finished with tho finest gray Vermont marble, brilliantly po lished, i ' Catacombs nro provided for twd bodies. The doors are of solid stand-1 nrd bronze, A tlno colored art glass window arranged at tho west end gives light to tho Interior The de sign was drawn by F, II. Prober, em ployed at tho 1'ncitlo Monumental Works on South Drondway. Spring I Fere and so Is Plnegor, Have your carpets cleaned with my Vacuum eleauer. Vn ilttot nw iDilHNIi Dli Atirt rtiii si trl il4 to 215 McCrar s Dru.? Store It. i:,l rixixxm. TIIH FAST AV COMMODIOIS (Fqulpped 'villi Wireless) Steamer Redondo Will iiulke tegular trips carrying passengers both ways nnd freight belMcen Ciiiih Day anil San Frunclsco. AllrfM'iMitloiihforpiissengem miuJe nt Alliance Dock, Mnrsh'lclil nml liiti'r-Oreaii TransN Ci. I'iiIiui Slivei WliHrf No. S, Sun l-'rnnclsco. For Inforiiintloii, phono I ..J or tW5. Will hail from Sun lVamlsco for Mnrahllclti Monday, Murcli -7, at ;t p. n:. I.NTHH.IK'FA.V TltAXSPOHTATION COMPANY. .$2.23 Men's Shirts $1.19 About 400 duett nnd Knglo Shirts, nil bright now Block nnd 1011 Pat terns worth $2.25, will hi closed out nt on,ly $1.19 25c Ribbed Hose ' 11c ' About GO Dozen Doys' nnd Girls' Heavy ribbed Hose, In sizes C to 9. All extra good, worth 25c Is going for only lie OLD HELIADLB STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS OJiTIMB Suljs from Alnworth Dock, Portland, nt 8 P. M., every Tuesday. SIU from Oos Day eery Saturday at service of tide. Itcscrvntions will not bo held later than Fiiduy uoon, unless tlckotbaro purclinscd Ij. II. KKATIXd, AOUXT PIIONK MAIN JW-L 12Mic Collars 8 1-Hu AH Arrow brand linen Collars which overyono knows 2 for 25c the world over, Will bo closed nt only 8 l-3c ' $1.73 Shirt Waistu 48c Only 3 dozen Ladies' "'Mite Shirt Wnlsts worth up to $1.75. Ail now styles will be closed at only 48c $1.75 to $2.25 Shirt AVaists 98c Ono lot Ladles' White Shirt Wnlsts In nil sizes. Now styles nnd Patterns nro going for only 98c $20.00 Men's Suits $11.85 This lot of nbout 32 Suits are nil now styles nnd patterns In woll-nssortcd sizes worth $20.00, aro being clobed out for only $11.85 75c and $1.00 Um brellas 35c About -18 Steel nibbed Umbrellas In crooked nnd straight handles, worth 75c and $1.00. Are Sell ing for only 35c $3.50 to $-1.50 Low Shoes $1.82 One lot Ladles' low Shoes worth $3.50, $4.00 nnd $4.50 In Dlnck nnd Tan, to close at only $1.82 20c Embroideries 11c About 000 yards ot bffl tlful patterns nil H. widths, worth 20c, M being closod out at onlj lie $2.5p;Muslin Skirts ,, $1.38 Only a limited number of Lndles' Muslin Under skirts, a regular $2.50 value, laco trimmed, only $1.38 $1.50 White Quilts 88c Only 18 left In thliij! did value, well worth whore $1.50. While M Inst will go at 88c 85c Men's Overalls 'i ,' J8c "Doss of the Iload" All sizes In Blue Gray, which everjro" have been paying 85c tt are going for only 48c These are only a few of the Hundreds of just such values as will be offered for ...v -, u,iiB) mm jou can readily sec what it will mean to your bank account lO llllSS this snviiio nnnnif mif .. ' O IT"'1' ""l," i" T""1 M0S'r SKEPTICAL THAT tf THAI IS SA rm 1 ISO THE HOST uystebical bargain iwxtu "TUK FIUKMI OF COOS DAY' S. S. ALLIANCE CQN.NKCTIXG WITH TDK XODTH HAXK ItOAD AT POUTLAXD WILL SAIL FOK Pprtland on Sunday, March 26 noktii PAcmr snvMsiup company. wfoM-llzir; r ; ' - yvA iUU HOi tncy are gone forever, Murphy & H SUCCESSORS TO ei r, yl t f NORTH BEND A. W. MYERS & CO. ?i?Am i OREGON v PHONK Mfc. . C. F. Mc(ii:01tCK. A-nn ....., .-r,,,. '-ft)jfHft yWHB -Mv-- B fM