THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. ' MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Million Men In the United States kM '?JfjHM lift 1IBH :'- Ipim-ay,. I Cents a Woolen Mill Store MILL-TO-MAN CLOTHIER MARSHFIELD OREGON Arch Eczema Ointment A vnluablo Ilcmody for Ec:omn and all forms of-Skin Diseases. Kspeclnlly recommended for facial Eezomn, Pimples ami facial Eruptions. It softens tho crust mid scalos, and penetrates beneath tho surface of tho sklu and d jstroys tho parasites that cause tli'o Inflammation, thus eliminating nil trpco of- tho disease. price an roit sale at Tin-: PHONE 29S. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Leading Drug Store In Coos County. DO IT NOW Lay in your supply of wood now and avoid tho usual summer rush. AVe havo plenty of wood and just at present can deliver it promptly. A little later, when orders begin to pile in, wo will not be able to give you our undivided atten tion. 12-in. Stove Wood $2.00 per dump load. Fire Place Blocks $2.50 per dump load. We can furnish you a man to split and pile it if desired. CA. SMITH LUMBER SMTG. CO. PHONE 19-J 182 So. Broadway TRAP XESTEl) nARRED I'LYMOUTII ROCKS. f matlniro ,, J..-.J ..-., I4fd a "u JHUUULUU blUUU- "ftfl Bnoolmono nt ..l,ll.l,lnn IUlit " "l U4UIUHIUU . J with records of 242,227.222 VHi In Sfir j , I - ... uajB. Wcks and Eggs for Hatching Petite ers now for spring Iti I w cockerels from I til 7lns 8tock tr B.00. '"ui Place, Poultry Ynitls. F51ED. BACIIMAN, Prpp. . 400 i,(1 Box 485. Phonn "Sfl wear DUTCHES THOUSEls because Price and Quality com bine to a degree unequalled in any other garment of the same class. Because careful and liberal man ufacturing methods give them sur passing strength and durability. Because their style is attractive and their fit is easy and comfort able. Because the price is within the easy reach of all. Strongly made trousers for work, $1.50 to $2.50. More stylish patterns for dress-up, p to $6.00. All sold under the celebrated Dutchess warrant v 10 Button; $1.00 a Rip. cents '.f ursv corner i ' 'i 1 .' WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzey, ono of tho drivers and tho solicitor for us Js out for Laundry. Watch him! ho is Jiablo to stop you on tho street' and oxplaln all details of Laundry aud also to bo at your homo any tlmo: Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry PHONE 220-J TIIK WEATHER. (Hy Associated Press.) OREGON. Mnr. 27. Fair tonight and Tuesday, llenvy ' frost. 'Oo Walte ("oiuIiik Frank B. "Wnltc ,of Sutherlln Is expected here on the j llreakwater this week to look after buslness Interests on the Day.' i . llns Typhoid. A thirteen-year-old (nml C. M. Ilowman who will start an 'son of Mr. and Mrs, George Leatount Ho between Allegany and Is III of typhoid fever. This Is the Scottsburg. They and Capt. Edwards second case In the family, another boy Just recovering from It. I'miiiw Tonighi. The compotltlvo examination afar promotions In tho Third Division of the Oregon Naval Did You Know That Wo carry n Inrge and complete lino of royal granite steel ware stew Kirni.Ks sauce pans tea pots coffee pots tea kettles . drinking cups BUCKETS DISH PAXS PITCH Kits galvanized wash tubs , galvanized wash boilers Wash Hollers with Copper Bottoms and also all Copper Hollers. BROOMS CLOTHES I1ASKKTS The Bazar HOUSE ON QUALITY PIIOXK :w PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY, pH. G. W. LESLIE, A-' Osteopathic Physician Graduato of tho Ainorhnn school of Osteopathy nt Klrksvlllo, Mo. Oltlce In Eldorndo Hlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono itil-J; Marshlleld; Oregon. ryt. j. w. Ingram, , Physician mid Surgeon. 209-210 Coke Building Phones: Oillco HUM; ItcNltlcnco luai. J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Oillco over Flanagan & llennett Hank Marshlleld Oregon W M. S. TURPEX, Architect Ovor Chambor of Commorco. COOS BAY LIVERY We huvo secured tuo livery busi ness cf L. II. Helsner and aro pre pared to render excellent sorvlco to the people of Coos Day. Caroful drivers, good rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us lor a driving horse, a rig or anything needed lr the livery lino. Wo alBO do a trucking business of all kinds, HLANCHARD BROTHERS. Livery, Feed and Sules Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phona 38-J FOIl GOOD WOIUC Hrlng your clothes to us. Cleaning, pressing and repairing a specialty, by experienced men. Satisfaction guaranteed IJLANCHA1U) & UOl). SOX, Alliance llldg. Front St. Electric. Flat Irons from $2.50 Up . Elements and repair parts for Irons of different makes and while calling on, us ubIc about having that, Oil Lamp changed to .anj'ajef.tlc.' We can do It at shfallcost.' f Coos Bay Wiring Co. 1'iiovK Jm-j. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CQRTHELL ' Phono 3121 .SAFE JXVKSMENTS, For information concerning high-class bond Investment, bearing C Jntorest net, wrtt,e O, B, Hinsdale, care- J. IL'JAdams and Company, Loa Aogeles, Callfornlk , Reserve will be held nt the Mnrshllctd High school ImlhlliiK tills evening. (els New Auto. I. It. Tower will roelvo n llulck "Hodblnl Runnbout" on the rflronkwater this week. This !s cum uf thf latest model cam. Sold liui'k Kjitts. "You tuny take out tluit want ud. about duck oggs." Mrs. !:. I.. HosBey telephoned The Times oltlce today. "I have received ninny orders fiom It that I can't begin to 1111 them." That's the usual experience with The Times want nils. They set results. " Autos Geo. Goodrum has closed a deal for the sale of n 30- .horse power Cadillac and a 10-horso power Overland to .1. II. Edwnrds ,of Giu Alert and A. N. Denny of Drain have arranged for a through sorvlco between Marshfleld and Drain. Their schedule provides for covering tho dlstnnco In nlno hours. The service ,w,,l 8tnrt J8t aB 800 n l" roil"R will permit and more nutos will oo put on as rapidly as tho tralllc war rants. Personal Notes F. P. KRICK of Ten Mile Is a Mnrshlleld visitor today. MRS. CHAS. DOANE or Isthmus In let Is a Marshlleld shopper today. REYNOLD SEARS, one or tho Chand ler bell boys, has been qulto 111 of la grippe. MRS. HERHERT HAYNES and chil dren of Coos City wore visitors In Marshlleld today. DAVID MUSSEN and othor mombors of his family aro suffering from a severe attack of la grippe. DR. E. E. STRAW, Ivy Comlron and W. IT. Douglas, Harry McKoown, W. P. Murphy and W. II. Kennedy were among the members of a pic- WAXTED Good, live man iin deputy organizer for fraternal society. Apply nt Chandler hotel, Room 10, between 7 and S o'clock this eve ning. FOR ItEXT Modern heven-i-ooiii house furnished. Low rent, In qulro I. S. Smith. WAXTED ConiiH'tent girl for Ken oral houso work. Must give rofer vnces. Lloyd Hotel. FOR HALE -Team of lioies, Iiui-ni-sw and wngon, 17C. Enqulro Conner & Hoaglnud, Grocery, phono 175-L. WAXTED A coiiiMtent girl orvo man to do general housowork. Ap ply Mrs. Gus. Adolsporgor, Phono 2CC-J or 49-L. LOST Locket, between Christian church aud Elevonth St. Swastika mark on front. Return to Times' oillco for Mabol King FOR SALE A plains niiiht be wold. Party moving. Only ?90. Apply E. A. Elck worth, 491 Elrq'd Avo. WANTED Furnished house close in Address "M" euro Times. FOR SALE OR REXT Breakwater hotel. Mrs. Carrlo Gray, FOR SALE Diulug table uud cluiirs, weathered oak rockers and library Jable. Cheap as 'owner Is leaving town.. Apply 1C1 Third or Phone 147-L. - t AUTO Anytime, uuywlicrw Rea sonable rates. Phone Blanco hotel 46 or Residence 28-J. RAXCH FOR KENT Knqiilro Geo. Wltte, North Bend, Ore. FOR SALE IH-foot .launch, l H.-P. engine, also boat houso. Cheap. APIly A. X. Times' ofllco. SXAi" FOR SOME OXE HO-foot launch, 16-foot cabin. Inqulto Stanecypher's boat shop, Eastslde. FOR' REXT Baxter hotel nt Co qulllo, Oregon, after April 1, Wrlto or seb personally Baxter Brqs., Coquillo, Oro. The Times Vfant Ads bring results js&8sh nlc party tluit Bpent the day nt Charleston' yesterday. WILL lirTCUKSOX will take a posi tion In the local branch of the Standard Oil company April 1st. I .1. AUIEItT MATSOX and Prank Lalso were among the Coos Itlver fishermen yesterday utid had fairly good luck. IIIHIO QIMST and Ansgar Lagerstrom have returned from Ten Mile where they landed forty-one line trout yesterday. M. E. WHITMOItE and family expert to leave on the Itcdomlo this week for San Francisco whore they ex pect to mnke their future home. MRS..CAL. WRIGHT left today for Ton Mile where she will visit a few days. Mr. Wright Is looking after the Handel property there pending tho settlement of the estate. G. A. imoWX of the Smith-Powers Logging Company left on the Nairn Smith yesterday for Southern Cali fornia where he will spend some time for the benefit of his health. CHAS. SEXDELHACH loft via Drain today for Newport where ho will take a position in tho Electric plnnt recently bought by Seymour II. Hell. Ho will return here In June. AI.OXG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Nan n Smith sailed yosterday for Hay Point with n lnrgo cargo of lumber. ' Tho Washcaloro arrived In nt Han- don yesterday nnd tho Elizabeth, Phoenix, Llbby and Ida McKay were reported bar-bound there. Do You Use Rhubarb ? Nature's Qwn Remedy At this tlmo of tho year Rhubarb or "Plo Plant" Is neoded to tono tho system. PRICI-rs ARE NOT HIGH AT YOUR GROCERS. SYNOPSIS OF THE AXXT'AL RTATEMEXT OF THE The Continental Insurance Company OF XEW YORK IX THE STATE OF XEW YORK On tho 31st dny or Decombor, 1910, mnilo to tho Insurance Commission er of tho Stnto or Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. " . . Amount of Capital paid up .J2.000.000. 00 Income. " ' ' Premiums received during tho year in cash ' 7,089,0S2.u6' ' Interest, dividends, nnd rents recolved during tho year ... 889,971.81 , Total Income X 7,379.624.4.7 DIsburxemeutH. Losses paid during tho year 3,175,134.91 Dividends paid during tho year on capital stock , 760,000.00 . Commissions and solnrles paid during tho year TaxoB, licenses, and fees paid during tho year ,. .. Amount of all other expenditures Total expenditures Asxets. Valuo of real estato owned ." Value of stocks and bonds ownod Loans on mortgages and collateral, Cash In banks nnd on hand Premiums In courso of collection nnd transmission '. ', Interest and roits duo and accrued. . ',. . .1184.420.42 nnlnaimnnnn All lltlliriM IIUIIIDUI lltliu w t4 lossos. , ., ... ..,...., i ' 3,429.45 Total aBsots...;,".' $24,198,038.01 ' ' Loss1 special deposits, In any Stato (If any there bo) 1,200,000.00 Total assots admlttod In Oregon $4,078,0.38,01 Lluhllltles. Gross cinlms. for losses unpaljl ? 520,052.26 Amount or, unearned premiums on all out standing risks.. , ... 7,917,551.92 All other liabilities 690,832.04 Total llaullltles 9.134,430.82 Total Insurance In rorco Decombor 31, 1910 $1,438,363,682.00 RiihluehH In .Oregon For Tho War, Totnl risks written during tho year ? 3,306,851.00 Gross premiums received during tho yonr 45,931.29 Premiums returned during tho year '..... 5,644.30 Losses paid during the year 1. .. 21,533.05 Losses Incurred during tho year 25,522.13 Totnl amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Deoembor 31, 1910 $ 3,578,356.00 THE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANV OF NEW YORK. By J. A. SWINNERTON. Secretary. ft, v" ' Portland, Ors. ' Statutory resideu't'geuoral agont and attorney ror sorvlco: . ' ' ' W. A WILLIAMS. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO., RealuVnt Agents. MARSHFIELD, Oregon. IS (U1AXTKH DIVORCE. Mr. Hoy MeClnllcii of Hiwchurg la Grunted Decree. PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 27. Maude McClallen secured a dlvorca from Hoy McClallen In the circuit court hero. They were mnrrled it Uoseburg In 1S98. llei chief com plaint was that he always found fault and complained about her cooking. She left Hoaeburg and came to Port laud In June, 1910. North Bend News Wh. Thorpe Is seriously 111 nt his homo In North llend Heights. Mrs. 1 Masters spent Sunday with relatives In Mtlllngton and Eastslde. Geo. Heal of South Coos Klver Is transacting business in North Ucnd today. Mrs. C. A. Metlln and daughter, Mary, were North Head shoppers Snturday. Archie Taylor has accepted a po sition with tho Electric Light Com pany In Myrtle Point. ' Mrs. C. A. Smith, who has spent a few weeks here visiting relatives, left for homo on the Ureakwator. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Steckle, who have recently returned hero from California, will make their homo In Eastslde. Ed. Couklln nnd family, who have been living for several mouths In EastHldo, have removed to tholr homestead on South Inlet. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Russel, who spent Sunday with relatives In North Heud, returned to their homo on South Coos River today. 2,070,138.77 ' 190,390.52 421,063.43 ) 6,607.317.03 t 1,200,000.00 18,390,680.00 etc. .. 2,700.00 3,389,125.49 In ' 1.027.770.65 187,855.87