, V)N- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEI.D, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911 EVENING EDITION. t r " COOS BAY TIMES Entered nt the postolllce nt Mnnh field, Oregon, for trnsnilMl thrniiRti the mails an second clan Binll mutter. fZ MM QUNT JBHREgP Jfc.y J J" V - .' ONDENEE- I tt. ( MAl.O.VHV Editor mil! Pub. AX K. MAI.ONKY Now Itdllor An independent Ittiitibllcmi news pnpor published erwy evening ex cent Sunday, mid Weekly by Tlie Coot liny Time I'ulil lliln n Co. I AI.I.I.G.WY MS. Mr. Chan. Krooger I nick of la KrliM. NEWS OF COgi'll.Mv. ToM Cons County Kent Ewiit An I lly The llct-iild. Mrs. F. C. True returned Wednw (Uy from n visit with her mother nt Mnrahflold. Dedicated to the wrvlce of tho people, that no Rood chum shall lack , n olmtnplon, and that evil shall not ! MIh OMMi Cflwnn Is 111 of the tnump. tlirlvo unopposed. Onieltil Paper of Coo County. J OFFICIAL lMI'KIt OK TIIK CITv' OK MAIISIIFIKLD. Mrs. K. L. Ploroe visited Marsh Held on Tuesday nnd Wodnosdny. .1. J. Ott of Mlllluonm, hns put n t(lihono In Ills housu nt Allegany. Address nil comuiuulcntlout! to COOS lAV DAILY TIMES, i Mai'thlleltl :: :: t: :: Oregon Wm. Robinson linn tnkou n posi tion us engineer nt Smlth-Powors Cnuip nhove Allognny. Mr.. Murry Gardner, of Portland, who Is horo visiting, returned from llnudnn Mondny where she has henn visiting her brother, Sam .Johnson, nnd family. WHAT TIIK PEOPLE WANT. Knur new pupils ontcred tho Alio- ' gnuy bcIiooI this week. They woro Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sherwood wore passongors for Marshllold on Wednes day for a few days visit. .Mrs. Sher wood will visit with her mothor, Mrs. Hogurs, on Coos River before return ing home. Mrs. M. Nosier nnd Miss Lllllnn III HAT are tho ...ensures that In- "oryj and Ivy Noah, nnd Ilnxcl nnd Wm will open up tho Coqullle hl ..- ..... ...i, win..... niiMlu Cnwnn. . "kory nnd Confectionery on Satur- VH nine j.wjm,..., uiu ii iiiiuub !.... . .mIa 11 tho following mny he put down ns day morning, March 2fi, In the I.o- Mnson nnd Mabel Nonh nnd llMvy!re,W0 " on Klrst street, for measures on which practically all the IUwkW, who have been attending """ occup..ea u A. r. jiiuui. . .school nt North Hend. returned homo. i . Krlilnv Tlio.ncnutiiui new Mr propagandists nro agreed: The Inltlntlve nnd referendum. Tho recall. The short ballot. Direct nomination for nil olllcos. residence of nnd Mrs. Hen McMiillen Is fnnt Hort Orny nnd wife onmo homo nonring completion ni Aiyruo roiiu. Tuesdnv from n visit In Connllle I'otor Colo, tho pnlntcr. With , Ills Populnr election of United States City. Mrs. Orny hns spent n week "; '"' " ", . D... ,nr . tlmm. Mr. (Irav liniii..l.t l.nmn tOUcllOS Wltlt tl.O hrilsll. Tills resl- DUUllMIID, I"' " - ...., ...... ...... ........ Publicity of campaign contrlbu- Ano hone which ho bought thoro. " la "" to ono ' thc county, tlons nnd expenses before nnd after primaries nud elections. Effective corrupt practises not. Commission government of cities. Populnr designation of delegates fo iiatlnnnl political conventions, with (TIIHV COUNTY XKWS. I both In bounty of design nud work manship. Kvciilt There A Tohl lly the Port EASTERN OREGON CONDITIONS. Orfonl Tribune. ' I The butter famine, which has pr- Myrtle Point .Man To IN of Kxporl- onnortiinltv for tin. vntup tn IiwIIikim vIIed 111 town for the mist several euro In That Section. his choice for President. week, 1ms been .relieved by the Mo-' .1. II. Ilnrkdoll of Norway returned Perfection of tho Australian ballot Knl creniuory stnrtlng. . Inst week, from Madras, tho cantor Inws. I or tho Contrnl Oregon spurt of dovel- Elltnluntlmi of mitohlno mnnng'- A moveniont Is on foot to build a opmont. While thoro he visited . nt went In House of RoprusuntntlvM sawmill ou Hubbard's crock this Alex llarklow's who. though living on nnd In tho United States Senate. sumnW. An enstern syndicate Is the Deschutes river cannot get the There Is nothing hero nbout tho Investigating the proposition. i wnter from the river for use, It be- tnrlff, or tho trusts, or the railroads, ' ' 'K l "' unttom of n steep canon. or nny prosslng ocononilc ipioatloa. ' Robert Kronim nnd Miss Nellie too rur down to be nccossinio. .Mr. Tho people's government ndvocntos Anderson woro iiulotly married sit Hhrkdoll says thoro Is quite n rush InslBt that they want first to glvo the tln homo of tho groom's brothor, T. to that section, 100 men having gone tools of do.nocrney back Into tho ' Kronim, nonr Euchre Crook. In on the snmo trnln with him. There hands of tho people. In order that the la considerable building and real peoplo mny use them to carve out & II. Penrso hns the contract for ostnte Is nctlve. .Ho did not fall In their own solution of those questions, building n residence Tor H. .W. Henn, love with tho country. It bqlng oo Mui.Boy's Mngazlne. .nnd will begin the construction ns cold uiur frosty to suit one who Is . soon us tho nmtcrlul can bo collected, ""dl Coos county topiperaturos. Wells nro few nnd hnrd In got Mrs.. Wm. (lllllngs found the through tho solid rock: ami water Is prize ngnto of the season on the therefore scarce. Wnter Is sold nt Rocky Point llench n few days ngo. Ti cents n bnrrel, wood Is $7 u cord It was pale blue, nbout the slzo of n nnd apples nro 5 conts apiece. The hen's egg nnd will make several engineering rent of running two mil beautiful cuttings. ways down the canon ho considers 'very romnrknblo. Myrtlo Point Eu-j Tho shingle mill will stnrt up for terprlse, tho summer within tho next few dnys. Over a hundred cords of cedar :: MARSHFJEtD i SCHOOL NEWSl WhrHWfHH-IHhV IIK.'II SCIIOOli XOTILS. Wll.li CONTEST IiAW. Miss Mary Price entertained tho b,)UH nrt ckpil In tho yard and " i .... , ... 0 or 400 cords nro cut In tho Hume uviiiiiiu tin ii hi. i mi iiiiiuu "i .urn, . ,,, ..... woods waiting to bo hntiled. ClaiiBon Thursday evening. May Estate Will Appeal for Foil- oral Supervision of Rogue River. An appeal to the federal court to prevent tho regulation of fishing In Prouss contributed n paper on Ilach. ' Our old friend, (loo. Mnrlett, nftor Tho topic for general discussion was an ahsenco of thirty-two years, has the Uoguo river by tho Btnto of Ore Gorman Musicians, i returned to his old stamping ground gon, Is tho threatened move of tho 'on Chelco. and has lensod what Id Hunio IntorosU, who hnvo failed In Nino pupils from Mbby entorod known as the Jnckson ranch located their efforts to ro-onon tho stream to Tfl rah flotil nnlinnlu Mmninv ,r.r.it.. I., .llll.. n..llnH(i ..a.i..i n . -....-... . ....... ............ ...u..i.n, lu , ,h iiuiitu, u,- a iicnuu oi wu Mr. Rood, their former teacher, was years, on hand to Introduce them nud to ns-l Blst In their enrollment. They nro: j A. II. Carey returned Inst weok Hazel Harrison, Irene Hnrrlson, Xel- from business visit to Coos Unv. Jlo Holland, Edwnrd Holland, Enoch bringing down boiho of the fixtures Hollnnd, Anna Holland. Nelllo Hoi- for tho creamery which is being In land, Delia Oldland, Amelia Alrola. stalled on Alf. Miller's farm at Rogue commorclnl fishing, ,An Injunction will bo naked on tho ground that tho control of tho waters of a stream nro vested In tho federal government In stead of In tho state. Such nt least Is tho Information, brought bnck by Ira J. Dodge from Pnrtlnnd, who states that this pro- river. Aco'rt lllch stenntlli; crnvn urn irrnni wnn niittlnnri hv Ivnn. Hnmnann Tho girls of grades seven and eight , among the most fancy buggy tennis 'ono of the Hume agonts. .Medfonl ,8outh Marsh field school nro nt work j lu this part of the country. on n (lower drill. Tho exercises will bo given nt the Arbor Day program April 14th. At n mooting of tho Athletic Asso clntton held this week, Eric Holt was oloctod track manage., John Fergu son, nsslstant manager. Guy Stuts man, track captain. Ilnndon nnd Myrtle Point will play for tho basket ball championship ,nf Coos county nt Coqullle, Saturday, April 1st nt ono o'clock. In enso of unfavorable weather, the game will bo played one weok lator nt the same hour. Tho game will be played out of doors on n regulation, sized ground. The Froy oratorical eoutoit whloh was to hnvo boon hold nt Coqullle on the fourteenth of April. wll prove doeldodly easy for Coqullle. Hvry school in the county except Cuqulllo linn dropped out of the contest nnd tl-o rup will apparently ro to Coqullle bv default. This situation Is regret table because tho trophy Is n beauti ful one nud tho other schools, should have put up n spirited contest for It. Tho teachers of the first throe gra des mot for conforouco nt Mrs. WIN dur's roorh on Monday afternoon. Mnll-Trlbune. DO Y()r KXOIY POSITIVELY THAT YOU CAXXOT USE ELECT It W POUl'JE TO ADVANTAGE? As ono man said recently, "Nowadays you can do almost everything with electricity." Fie roferrod, of course, to anything requir ing mechanical force to make it operative. In your business and in your home, there is bound to bo work that electricity can perform bettor than it is. dono now and usually moro economically. Yc have a department in our organization which specializes in showing peoplo how to uso electric service. If you suspect that electric power can be made useful to ijau, call in our New Busi ness Department remesentatives, and ex plain your needs. Our men will bo glad to take all the time necessary to mako an in vestigation, go over the proposition with you carefully, and to submit authoritative) advice, plans and estimates, There will be no fawned grievunco on our part should you decide not to mako the in stallation. OREGON POWER CO. TELEPHONE 178 UTHMO COmaY Jk It Is a Matter of Suiting: You The STYLE, MATERIAL, WORKMANSHIP and PRICE Are Always PJGHT Suits From t $8.50 to $25j All New FIXUP North Front St. Opposite Breakwater Office 00 FlanaganS Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capita), Surplus and Undivided Profits Over ..... $100,000 Assets Over 5500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump conl tM.no. Nut co., $joo. Wo do nil .ilntls of limiting, i-j contrnctir.B. Horses urn! vehlcltifor nnlc. Tor quick dollu-v call os L. H. HEISNER ir nlto'in 1S0..I or 40-L. Condensed Statement of tho ' J first National Bank of Coos Bay First Class Laundry work Ir most dcslrnblo to iinjon wUMiik tlmlr linen to possets thi pnrllculnr llnlsli so nccessarjr ti good tiiRtc In dress. Wi: I0 THAT CLASS OV W0I1K Ono Trlnl will Convince. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PIIO.VK MAIN .17.J At Hi? cloxe of liushioss, March 7th, 1011. iiaiulitii:s. Capital stock. . .9100,000.00 Surplus and pro- ni:soi'Hci:s. L6nns nnd dla-' counts $lC9,33S.0u Ovordrnfts. ... .-IS U. S. Uonds nud promluniB. . . . 25,250.00 Othor bonds and warrants. , .. SI, 037. 15 Hanking Houso.. 74,100.11 Furnlturo nnd - fixtures .... 7,989.31 Cash nnd due from bunk . . J:I0,1R0,17 fits C2S3.11 Circulation. . . . 24,500.00 deposits :i03,UOO.O 9494,052.20 $494,052.20 Cash Ilcserre 7 l'or Cent or Deposits Wo Invito your attention to the condition of this banlc as shown by tho abovo statement. A general banking business transacted. Accounts of individuals, corporations and Arms received. Intorcst paid on time and Ravings Deposits. Safe doposlt boxes for rent at $3.00 and up per annum. Your business solicited. OFFICERS: W. S. CHANDLER, rresldont. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. M. C. HOKTOX, Vice-President.' RAY T. KAUFMAN, Asst.-Cashler. DIRECTORS i 'W.'S. CHANDLER, F. S. DOW, STEPHEN C. ROGERS JOHN S. COKE, WM. GRIMES, Wi P MURPHY V. U. DOUGLAS, JOHN F. HALL, M. C. HORTON ' Business Directory Following Is n list of Reliable nustnoss FlrniH that It will Pny to Patroulzo. Go To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heating Miit-xhflcld, Ons, l'lione 773 STADDEN All kinds of photograph uork, hromldo eulnrKlng nnd kodik llnlshliiK' J. J.. KOONTZ Mnclilne mid Itcpnlr Shops OEXKHAIi .MACHINIST Steam nnd Gas Engine Work At Holland's boat shop, Froat streot, Marshflold, Ore. Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSOX CEMENT. iuiv uosi uonutuc and Imported brnndB Plaster. Lme, nrlck and all klnos of Lullders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFI Good Liverv Service I Fancy new rigs, good horses m careful drivers aro now at the dU posal of tho Coos Day public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drlvors ready for any trip anywhore any time. HorMi boarded and rigs cared for. Now hearse nnd special accommo datlons'provided for funeral parties- W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AXD FEED STABLES PHONE 273-J COUS BAV-HOSEBURG STAGTmnF Dally stage between ltosoburg , Mnt8hflclll , U ' L ' and Sundays nt 7 p. m. Fare, 0.00. a,es daI,y OTTO SCHRTTEIt, Agent, ' c p ISO MARKET AV.. Jtorshfleld. A ig? PHONE 11 ' Oro HUNKER HILL Now Is the tlmo ,to buy at Dunker 'Hill. Resldonco nnd vacant lots at lo figures and easy terms. For particulars boo AUG. FRIZEEN, 8 Central Ave., Marshllold, Oregon. FAJnLY nOTEL THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates leduced to: Day 50c, 75c a"1 11.00: week S2.00 to $5.00. Huse keeping apartments with gas range' flO.OO to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS E. V. SULLIVAN. PrP, After the show try fc Turkish bata Phone 214- J.' ats,. fr "jiffrjIlwiriTHr3 ill, ism'- iHu''1