The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 25, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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Have You Seen
Our New Market?
We me ow ",ccly ,ocn,,Ml
l our now shop niul oNlond a
ronlln! Invitation to every
one to coll. Wo hnndla only
iiiwr meats
nt reiat)iml)lo prices.
When you wont a Juicy
teak, n nlco mutton chop,
tonic tender lnmli or good vcnl
call ns "in !' phono.
A trlHl ortlor will convlnco
Enterprise Market
i:o. w. kix, Pi-op.
1MIONI-: 52-.I.
nates i educed to: Day 00c, YDc and
1,00; week $2.00 to C.OO. Houso
Vetplng apartments with gas rangos
JtO.OO to $18.00 per month. I'll 13 B
jIAThS - I'. W. SULLIVAN. Prop.
Tho niinual mooting of tho Htocle
holders of the Mnrshllold Lnud Com
pany will ' 'O1'1 ln tl10 mcc,i ot l
S. Kaufman & Co., on Front street,
Manhllcld, Coos county, Oregon, on
Monday, tho third dny ot April 1911,
at four o'clock P. M., for tho election
of directors and for tho transaction
of such other ouslnoss ns mny ho
trouRlit before snld mooting-.
Dated nt Marshflold, Oregon, tho
first day of March, 1011.
JX)lli:( LOSfHE HMiK
Notice Is hereby given thnt Flan-i-
gan & Ilcnnctt Hank, n corporation,
under the Inws of Oregon, owner nnd
holder of that certnln nolo and niort-
pse executed and delivered, on No-
rember 21. 1909. by John S. Ander-
son to Flanngnn & Ilonnott Unnlc, to
secure tho repnymont In ninety dnys
from said date of $1,000.00 and In-
tercst at rato of eight per cent per
nnuiiui, iiu iui in mm;., iu.o ...-..
paldoxccpt J100.U0 on prlnclpnl and
paio oxcepi iuu.uu on pnnuiimi iimi
160.00 on Interest account, leaving
o due thereon $900.00 principal
and Interest from Novombor 18,
1910, nt Bald rato, which more-
.,. ,0-i,i I., i,n nnUnntnr'a
i . , . . n .i n .
Offlce, District of Southorn Oregon,
Srort of Coos Hay, In tho Custom
House, Umpire City, Oregon, on No-
umber 2G, 1909, in Hook 1, Folio
21, Records of Mortgage's of llconsod
vessels In snld olllco, describing tho
gas launch or vessel called tho
"Fish," substantially of tho follow
ing dimensions, to-wlt: Length 39.7,
Ireadth 11 feet, depth, 4.2 foot, ono
deck, net tonnage nlno tons; built
it'EmpIro City, Oregon, In 1903, of
ood; to which mortgage nnd tho
record' thereof for n more comploto
description of snld launch, roforonco
Is hereby mado; Including nil mnats,
bowssprlt, boats, nnchors, cnbles,
chains, rigging, tackle, nppnrol, fur
niture and nil tho necossltlos thereto
appertaining nnd belonging, g'nBolIno
nglne, fixtures nnd connections In
ld launch, by renson of tho default
t said mortgagor, John S. Anderson,
In the payment of snld noto and
nftsage, has this day foreclosed
"Id mortgago by taking possession
' the launch "Fish" and property
aforesaid; and said mortgagee being
la possession thoreof, on Thursday,
he 6th day of April, 1911, at tho
tour of ono o'clock In tho nftornoon
' that day at tho wharf at foot of
rket Avenue In tho City of Marsh
ld, Coos County, Oregon, will ex
hibit, .offer for sale and soil said
anch and property aforesaid, or so
wh thereof as may bo nocessary
w satisfy said debt, interest nnd rea
sonable expenses, to the highest nnd
t bidder for cash, at public nuc
t'oaand outcry; and will retain and
my the proceeds of auch sale to
e Pa'ment of the amount now duo
a said noto and mortgago aforesaid,
w reasonable expenses or said
"ftgage In connection with the fore-1
"jure of said mortgago Including
. Ds au(1 keeping possession of
sum IaUnCh' "nd tho Pnyment of'
... wh,ch niay be necessary to sat-'
u'y any Up,, i. ....... ..,.,
I, " " lilWIUl UKlllUSl 8UIU
wn having priority to aald mort-
--. uu any surplus to tho said
John s.
Anderson, his heirs or aa-
OrJon1 Marh 23' 19U' MarsUfleld'
y J- W. DENNETT, Prealdont.
Golden Oak
Barber Shop
Finest equipped nhojj on Coos nfy.
A Smooth Shnvu
A Uood Hnlr Cut
Shoe Shining
CIiIMivh'm CntMiit; a peelnlty.
mwrmt .v- ci.aiikv
Propriety s.
Osteopathic Pliyslelnii
(Irnduato of tho Amorhnn Hchool of
wii-iiininy ni luritsvnio, Jio. Office la tnklK -i.ue li China In: "The
In Eldorado Illk. Hours 10 to 3 2; 1 to Sleeping (limit ot the Orient la rub
ti Phono 1G1-J; Murahfleld: OrcRon. i hlnx IHh eyes." The lluuro In not in-
r-lt. .1. W. IX(SRAM, "
- Physician iiml fiuiLnwin.
200-210 Coko Building
Phones: Olllco 1 C112.I ; Residence 10151.
w. bexxett,
Olllco over Flanagan & Ilonnott Uank
MntHhllold OroRon
Over Chnmber of Comniorco.
0ver, with her enormous population, ,0Iul frol tho foreigners who wero that the parliament bo convened at ' . ' ""-" v tBiorn nations,
Every family hns need of a sou 1. 1 her vast arenB hud her unlimited nn- onorntlnB It, nnd then tumbled ove- an onrller .Into. The request wns de- !." C"0C,,J,I'' Amorlco, to tnko no
lollnblo liniment. For sprnlin., tnral rosmin. tl.l fnvor for wt. rythlnB over Into the river. This ll-'nled. but thev would not list..., m it. lco nnt nct nccor'"Kl'' Jn.mii, tow
bruises Horeness of the muscles and
r loumnuc pnnm tnore is none better
thon Chnmborlalira. Sold by all
,,l",u,B' i
.1 I
-' -- - - ! ' '-
VI.'VU I.MM.'l'
Helleves Uilnarv ami Kiilnev Tron
lle. ltnckuche. S nituiiiir.
u..,,!!!,.,, ,.,.,
Stops Pain in the Ulnihler, Kidneys
niul Haelc.
'" Ol "
Wouldn't It bo nice within a week
to the i scnldlng! , drlbblliiK. atrnlnlng,
or too frequent' piiBsngo of urlno: tho
forehead, and tho back-of-tho-head
lhJi&J mntuLn!
spots lioforo tho oyoB ! ToHow skin;'
Blugglsh bowels; swollen eyelids or
anklea; log cramps; unnntur'nl short
cnui, nieepiossneBa ana mo uespon-
, uvo R rocpto fop H0go troub,eg
that you can depend on, nnd If you
want to make a quick recovery, you .
oiiBlit J" wJo "l fjt n copy oMt.
?350 jgt of wrlt!ng th,8 ,C8C'rp.
tlou. but I hnvo It nnd will bo glnd
to Bond it to yon ontlrely free. Just
I'tobinBon K-l" 01 Luck IluHding' '
notrolt, .Midi., nnd I will send It by
roturn mnll In a plnln onvolopo. Aa
return man in n pinm envelope, as ur the wnr with Japan when tho
JJ will bco jhon y.i go t ". jJ.youI,B KlI1,oror KnmK u'ni nttonilt.
SCSlo t It hni K't Sl?! I to make his reign nn era of re-
nmj pnln-conqiiorlnR power. .form. The roallty nnd Btrongth of
It will quickly show Its power
onco yon uso It. bo I think you had
better seo what It Is without dolny,
, w, 80n(1 yoi, coy frC0y0ll can
us It and cifo yourself nt homo.
Business Directory
Following la a list of Reliable
llualness Firms that It will
Pay to Patronize
Go To
Plumhinq and Heating
Mnitdilleld, Ore., Phono 773
All UIikIm of photograph work,
bromide enlarging mid IclmIuIc
.Machine and Kepulr Shops
Stenm and Gas Englno Work
At Hollnnd'a boat shop, Frout
street, Marshflold, Ore.
You Will Find
Solid, comfort and satiafactlon
mado by tho best manufactur
ers It comblnea elegance dura
bility and comfort. Our goods
being substantially mado will
retain tholr flno elegant finish
and last a lifetime and alwayB
prove a aourco of satisfaction.
Another important fact Is
that our prices aro no higher
than for poorer quality and
trashy goods.
Let us figure with you when
you want anything from a
kitchen chair to a complete
C. A. Johnson,
Oldest Furniture Store
on Coos Hay
Studies In the Life and Character of Its People and
Little Known Facts About the Country.
Written for The
(continued from latt. week)
A favor't- nv of exirn.lnsr. what
nptly cIiommi, except that the process
I n8 advanced beyond thnt of more
rubbing lilR eyes, lie mny bo snld
to hnve natually nwakeued. It Is
dllllcult for iih on this side ot the
waters to understand thoroughly Just
what that awakening moans now and
will moan to the world later on. Per
haps nothing of n similar nature lias
ever occurred, certnlnly not on such
a largo scale. The nwakeuhig of
Jnpnn wns complete and her adoption
of things western about as thorough
as one could Imagine. In Chinn. how-
oriI clvill.ntlon nnd learning will
mcan initely more thnn It did In
Tn,mn. Appiiniinir tn .ii... it -vmtt
". r. " .
China has mado greater progroea
within the past Ilvo yours than nny
other nation In tho world.
n i- ... i -.i.i .. .
i u.. .. ..
... .
tins movoment. A new national splr-
this movoment. A new nntlounl snlr
It h been kindled nmong the poo-
nlo. who rntehlnK nn tlm slounn;
Sow ciilim." "Heform." hnve nnss-
l ,l " "" tho torch of old. until
pVctlciiIly .the whole piatlon haw
naught the fever. Ono brouthos )f
iM H')lrlt In tho very ntmosphore
aliout lilm. To llluBtrato tho rapid-
Ity of the chnngos that aro taking
j,cc the Incident l related of ono
,m,ot,B n fron(1 ()f Ch1) ,, ngl.
iK lini if tlloro wnB nnytlilnic now
going on thero. Tho reply wiia: "I
jinvi, not Hl.on tll0 mornB ,,np01. nB
yet Kviiry,ny ono 8cn18 t0 J)a.
pora to boo whnt now movemont hna
boon inaugurated, what change pro-
TIiIb radical adjustment to foreign
coniiitlona Degnn In tho yenra follow-
B tj10 wnr WtM jn,,!U,( When tho
this movement for reform wna clonr-
ly seen In tho utter fnlluro of tho
Empress Dowager to check It. She
brought on tho Uoxer uprising,
thinking thnt by ridding China of all
foreigners, tho old consorvntlvo pol
icy could still bo adhered to. It was
a sovoro blow to tho Chlncso nnd tho
foreigners nllko, but In tho nnturo
of thlnRs It seomod nocossnry. It
was but tho hlrth-throQ of n now nn-
tlon. With tho Boxor Uprising tho
doom of old China wns sealed nnd n
now nnd more vigorous China was
I born. Tho Manchu Dynasty, which
j has boon ruling China for tho past
I threo conturlea or more, realizes Its
I Inability to stom tho tide ot reform
nnd now has well-nigh submitted to
the Inovltnble.
To get any adequate Idea of tho
progress of tho Reform Movoment,
one needs to turn back a fow pages
' to tho chapter on Old China. Hero
1 he Is told that China, before the splr-
Tim lending Seed Ctnloeof tho Weit
Lilly' Catalog. Your 1911 crop depend
on GOOD iecd lend lot thli Catalog
nod set tho be.t. 'Vrlto now to the
CHAS.IL LILLY CO., Seattle, Wn.
and C
All klmlv of repairs and shop uork
promptly attended to and neatly done.
Phono 1P.1X.
For Information concerning
high-class 'bond Investments,
bearing C lntorest net,
write O. B, Hinsdale, care J.
II. Adams and Company, Los
Angeles, California.
Cum Hay Tin-.,
I- ' Wniru Hc"otm eume to them.!
" lnd a'laf.lutply devoid of the
e-.ii-iial raaru-.vs of western clvlllzn- iiuently, wo nre not surprised at llnd
tluii. They tb ems vivos dbl not mlius- im? it in iiiin. i.,.n,ini mi... r...
an tiieee thlntti aecnttee they knew
of nothliiR different from what they
hail, and even If thoy did know about
such thliins, their ways and their
thoiiKlits wero hotter than ours, nnd
why model nfter Inferior things.
Scarcely more than a decade ago
there was no railway In bn foim.i in
nil China. Tho first railroad to be years ago the Kmpress Dowager nn-.!,l'B n(0,i,fiWu8lur ll1108' J 1 St
bullt. a small section rimnlnv fr.mi n.....,n.i n,.,f ..i. n ting it, It Is n matter of little concern
Slmnghnl to the ocean-suffered fovo-
n ..,,,..
rolv ' account of the superstltloiiH
droni1 of tlie Chinese that It would
ntorfero with the Fongsliul, the air
mm W!UtM' HI"rlt- TJioy purohnsed tho
ltrotoB their aversion nt that time
t() "'thlng foreign. Today a,ii00
miles of railway are In use. 1.000
mi '" courso of construction, and
"- '" uuiisii iiviiuii, llllll
1.000 miles are projected. Thero was
,not a telegraph wire In the Empire,
Today 34.000 miles of wire connect
the most distant vmnmi. fmiioii ,.r.
iioo.i win. 11..1.1... t . .
' ' """. mii to
"""" uer J.uuu such olllcee
arc nnw opon, nnd tho number Is be-
'" 'ncreasod dally. Ton yeara ago
tllore w8 one dally nowapapdr
ln ,,okll8- Today thero are ten, one
"f l,H,m 0',,,t", u" n woman. Througli-
0,,t ll" Kmplro there are 200 dally
""er" ' "tln liromea aro
numerous, but they nro unnblo to
""I'l'b" the demand for translations of
Wvitom works. . Hong Kong. Slinu-
Bllnl """'"'w. nnd ninny other el-
tll'B' h,lV0 nU tho things thnt nro
typical of Western cltloa, and tho Chi-
neso nrolfapldly unlng those cities ns
'noileltrforthelrown oltlos. They nro
""Binning to construct their own
electric enr ayaroma, establishing
trlo "8t P'ntB, building roods
"'"u " " u";iu, hiuihivhik
8n"tn,y conditions, giving hotter pol-
m,mi"'J K
Ire prote.
tno won,(
ctiou, ami building higher
comfortnblo homoa. Todny
onlthy Chlnoio. whero ho Is
'Kt I" contact with any of tho
c,tl0H wo ,invo mentlonod, hns bo-
L,"" m "uioricnuizeu tiiai no mij'B
piiouogrnphs, automobiles and liar- or such studios as geography, bu
llosa. A few years ago tho Chluoao tory, mnthemntlca nnd the sciences,
know nothing about building or run- Tholr knowledge of tilings outside
iiIiir a manufacturing plnut. Today tholr own omplro wna wofully defl-
nr01"111 tho forolgnlzed cities smoke-
"""' nro "PrmBinB up iiko niusiw
,001"8' nml "ctory hnnda by tho hun-,
,,rod8 nro 8C0 B,nB t0 n,ul r,'' carn -
,nB tll0,r "J8"rablo plttnnco of a few
Ippera a day.
missionary returning to China
nfter a brlof absonce, reporta changes
that ho observes, as follows: "Dig-;
gor scnooiB anu more or tiiom; tno
opium reform pushing tho drug
steadily nnd Anally out of tho Em-
plroj tho city streets lighted by
nlght, nnd wonder of wondora, swept
by day; uniformed nnd ordorly pollco
' keeping order on these samo streets,
I while tho postman makoa hla rounda,,
delivering nowupapors and lottora.
Telephone bolls resound In tho
Bchools and In the larger stores .is
well as In yamons; but tho host of
nil is tlie porsuasivo lnuuoiico or tlio
Christian church, felt and acknowl-
edged as never bofore In the now llfo
nnd thought "of this wonderful do-
China has had practically no navy
luptothlatlmo. Todayaholaplanningto
apond seven yenra ln tho organizing Quito In contrast to all this has
and equipping of a navy. Ry 19 10 boon tho coming in of Western moth
alio hopes to havo eight first-class ods, which havo been followed In
battleships, 20 cruisers, 10 gunboats toto; In fact, so groat has boon tho
and 3 flotillas of torpedo boats. Tho zonl for western learning and west
samo activity la being shown in tho ern methods, that tho conservatives
reorganization and strengthening ofbavo been trembling for tho fato o!
her army. She has already copied , tholr own classics. A Chlncso youth
, ,.... ,...,.. ... ... ,i,
having military manoouvers.
In tho social habits and customs
pf the people, reforms quite na as
toundiug aa thoso wo have mention
ed, aro taking placo dally. Tho
smoking of opium, and tho raising of
tho poppy plant are gradually being
dono away with. Tho Antl-Footblnd-Ing
movement, started by American
and European ladles, has passed nvor
Into tho control of Influential Chi
nese, among wlypm nre Taotal Shen
and Admiral San. Chango of custom
In funorals, marriages and dress has .abroad. A majority of thoso aro In
been sanctioned by decreo. Tho Chi- Japaneso schools and colleges. Hun
neso student who formerly carried a'dreds of thorn are taking high rank
bird cago In ono hand and fanned among tho students of Amorlcao,
himself with tho other, now throws
himself with zeBt nnd enthuslnBin In-
to the Western sports which have
found their way Into nlinost every
Chinese miucntionnl Institution.
Kvun tho young women nre pos-
seod by the spirit of reform. When
thoy leant of the ways of western wo-
men regarding the Meeting of their
husbands, they And their own time-
honoiod oiiitom of having the par-
ents do tho selecting very objee-
tlonable. They now want the right
which American mid other Western
girls have of chooshiR whom they
please to be their life-associate.
The zeal for inform i.e..
nil phases of their life, nnd eonso
n av all Kl(,llv4n Flfll.Wfll. I V IKIl III
of Rovernment for China, like other
thliiRB, must be modelled after the
western type. The constant cry for
the past few years hns been for n
Parliament, wherein tho people
would have a voice In their own nf-
fairs, Instead of having the Kmporor
tltinir nnd nm t.- n,,,,,, t., .... n....
might bo called In mil".. Hut this
iv. viiiiv oiiv.ii ti litll 1I1II1IU1IL
seemed too far abend Tor those Wost-' ., ,. ,
crn enthusiasts. Tho Provincial As-i"0''' r ,
semblles sent a largo delegation tJ1 , !, ''
Poking last .lime, with tho petition
They pledged themselves to romnln
In the capital and to harrasB the
throno until their nntltlnn u-n. .rrnnt.
uu. it. in on hi nun Hllllll Ol UIO IICIO-
gates were ho much In earnest that
they cut off tliolr hands and with the
flowing blood penned letters to varl -
It Is said that somo of the delo-
m. i.nrtu ,.f t... w.i, .i.i
i... .i !.... ..
!" iu wriuuhiii mr a parliament
nioro voneniont tlmn over. Finally
nn olllolnl decree was laauod. HtutltiK
that an Imperial parliament, tho llrst
over called In tho history or Chinn.
will bo convoked In 113.
It Is the aphoro of oducntlon that
China Una undergone tho moat rndtc
trnnsformatlon. Chlna'H.old edu-
cntlonal Hystom Is n thing of tho
past, being completely Biipplnntod by
tho method of tho West. No ono
can really understand the tenor o.'
this chango until ho knows how
thoroughly nntlquated their formor
methods wero ln this lino. Their
wholo system wnn entirely out of
lnte, by thousands of year It seoiua.
Studonta wero not taught to reason
for themselves, to develop along orl-
hi iih., mu m hmuu vuryuuiiKi
by roto. A good essay writer, for
examplo, wns not ono who brought,
forth some new thoughts of his own,
hut ono who could string together
In nn artistic way, na many as pon-
Blblo of tho flno snylnga of tholr j
angea. i no curriculum was uovoui
dent. Somo amusing examples nro
io.u io uiusira.o una acu uuo iiik'i
official, on going to Europe, brouglit
.n lnrgo quantity of salt with him,
becauso ho thought there was nono
tnoro. in nn nrgumont niiout n com
imlno, a high official at Poking apoko
of growing coal, saying that Its rato
of growth waa not very great. Ono
man uigii in uuucaiiuuui circles, uau-
od a missionary: "Can your Bhlpa
Ball to tho moon?" Tho average
graduato student If naked where Eug-
land, Franco or Germany are, would
probably reply, "What la tho uso of
knowing. I do not expect to travel."
Tho slavish study of tho clasalcs,
'which, In tholr minds, enshrined all
that waa worth whllo to lenm, wns
adhered to almost from tho crndlo
to tho gravo. It has beon said that
u a uiuuoao scuoiar wero to leuvo on
studying for four consccutlvo yenr3,
ho would find himself Just whoro ho
started ns a boy. In other words,
ho would forget how to memorize,
and with this failure, his wholo odu-
cationnl fabric would collupso.
today would n thousand times rathor
delvo In Western lore than grind out
tho time-worn Bontoncos of Confucius
or MencliiB. Ono of tho greatest fac
tors In this educational reform has
beon tho presenco of the mission
school overywhoro In China, Theao
havo, with fow exceptions, beofl well
managed, and tholr graduates, after
going to foreign lands for post-grad-uato
training havo returnod to tholr
nntlvo land bringing tho best that
Wostorn training could give. Today
thousands of students aro studying
English nnd Gcrmnn universities,
China has repeatedly sent some ot
her highest olltclals abroad to mako
a careful study nnd Investigation ot
IWostem methods of Instructlou.
Those awakened Ideis hnve been put
mto I'rnctlco In their own schools la
tm? n" of flnor buildings, better
o'Wlpniont, more tin proved methods
of Instruction nnd dlsclpllno and tho
,nkl"K n of Western subjects In
l,lolr curricula. No doubt tho zoal
f,f lMo reformers was qulakouod a
hundred-fold when nn Imperial decreo
Knvc sanction to tho English tonguo
!ns lll olllclal Inngungo In all Chlncso
nv;""u,B Ul iiiuucrii learning. 40l
nnii jinti . e ....!-..- t . a
- ,0I,B 8l,lco n Cnmo80 I'f'nco resigned
his olllclal post to study In dormany
nnd Hnglnud, nnd many other stu
dents havo mnde slmllnr snorlflcoa In
order to study abroad. It Is no ox
ajegeration to say that never In tho
history of any nation has tho deslro
for n new learning tnkon so complete
possession of a people as It has of tho
Chinese. Tho earliest dream of eve
ry youth, It seems, Is to got a trnlu-
what becomo of his own classics.
China has roused from her lone
rnte of progress In tho
deendes Is at all commenau-
' , . , . V ' . ' '""". -
.rniit wifii tnnf ..r ti... .n .i..nM.i I
" ",,m,)er8' ",ul ,,,nllt,a ,n territory.
Is too poor nt present to assort hor-
solf ns she would llko to do. China
lias all that Japan lackB. Let her
i ....
T" "8 th1oro,,B1h,y 'iwnl",l
""! J.IMmiJ0BO "'V'0 b"c10",' nnd1thc1n
! ""n.'. 1 W . , lk-7r,nd i
non uiiinn Is mood, It ulllt-hauBO
.,lll fnco of tho world.
Tll vago loves his nntlvo shore,
Tho' rudo tho soil nnd chlil tho
Then woll mny Erin's soiib ndoro
Their Isle whloji nnturo formed so
What Mood reflects a hIiow bo aweet,
As Shannon's great or pnstornl
Or who a friend or foo can meet,
So gen'rous ns an Irishman?
Tho' his hnnil bo rnsk, hla henrt la
, warm,
i And principle la still his guldo,
None nioro regrota a deed of harm
I None more forgives with nobler
,Io ho (Ju , but w0.t bo (lnr.
Mnrn nt , nr.lf.frn thnn to nlau.
..,. ,, ,,,.- rownrd.
.., ..., i. in,,, .. irinhnmn-
If poor ln wonl, he'll for you pay,
I , And guldo you whoro you aafo
mny ho;
If you're his comrade, whilst you
i stay
Ills cottago holds a Jubllco;
1Uh ,1I0Bt 80l1 ,10 wll, uniock,
. Ad ,f ,,0 nny your ,norUB BCnn
ymr conndonco ho acohis to mock
. F(Jr fnUhfu, la nn irishman.
n , .. i,011ni i WOo or wonl.
( Wnnt00P i,0 UdB i0 dares to do.
Try Jlm w,tu goldi ,t won.t ,)reVall;
Dut o'on In flro you'll find" him
Ho Books not safety lot Ills post
Do whoro thoro's might tn danger's
van; '
For, If tho field of famo bo lost
It won't bo by an Irishman.
KrjnB joyij nnji from nK0 to ago,
' JJo tnJU UOro' .Kronti mor() faniM
nI1(J fre0(
M noftCO bo yourHi or Biiould you
Defonslvo wnrs, cheap victory,
Mny ,,jonty. (jow jn ovory jiold,
And gentle breezes sweetly fnn,
May choorful smiles sorenoly glldo,
Iu the breast of ovory Irishman,
Tako your SUNDAY" DIXXER at
Tho CHANDLER. Special monu.
RESERVE tables for PARTIES by
Rotuombor a TURKISH
will help you. Phone 214-J.
A North Carollnn editor assorts
that wild geeso can bo told from oth
er kinds becauso they fly In tho shapo
of a V. And no doubt thoy aro
wild becauso thoy can't mastor tho
rest of tho alphabet.
TIhti' U more Cuturrli in thl Mflloii of llio
roiiiilr) IIihiiiiII n Iiit lli'iii' put Inpvllirr
ami mult tliv liihl Ivw yvnn u upKicl tn Im
jiiciiriiliU'. Fur il u r ra I m u ( iloi torn io
noiiiicril it lorul il m'wko viui iirn'crllH-il local
emu -It's mid by nuin'untlv f. Illnjr In ruro
wllli loiil triulimnl, iiri.iioun t It InciiruMp
IScK'iiif linn liroflicliirtli to U n romlltu
tlnt'al (ll.tum anil therefore requlrm iiniktllu
ilolnil IrvHliiieiit. IIhU'u t'liiarili Cure, m- nu
fnrllind by K J ' lifiii'V A Co Tolwlo. Ohio,
lit uiinly toiistltu'liiiin1 rnreuii the umrkiit.
It l luVen In ilose from lOilnipn'ou Uhsmioii
ul. It rtKillrrctly uu the blooil uml jiiiieoim
mirfacenit tlie x t-ti-ti) Thev offer one hundred
nullum for .iiyritH' it fnlUtocuri', bend for
clrrulHriiSlid lrlltniiiilal. . .
Addrr V J OlIrJNKY A CO., Toledo. Ohio
Bold b Vt ukkIkI. 7ie
Take MU' Vnuillv I'lU's for eomtliiullou