""f ""(( nil mpuifnpsPUff THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 6 Kaufman&Co. Memorial Sunday churches 9- - I I a. Uo U writ 4 I i i in ill M I if1 1 J V . . .' I It ! i t' fc. V T i I I '. f.tf 10 OEOilt mm mi Formal Csrcmonias of Sevonth Day Advcntlsts Next Sunday. i fem Minister ninl others nro request .1 to hand thi Suiulny church no ce not Inter than Fililuy evening to riftnri insertion Sa unlay.) Tho Sovonth I)ny AtlvontlstR will dodlcatc their fine new church build Ing on Coinmcrclnl nvcnuo West to morrow afternoon. It Is expected that a number of members of tho denomination from out of town will be In nttcnilancc. Tho first of the dedicatory services will be hold this evening at , tho church when Elder J. Mark Comer delivers a special Bormon. Tho prin cipal exorcises will bo tomorrow aft ernoon when tho following program will bo given: Bong "All Hall." Scrlpturo rending Elder .1. Mark Comer. Invocation PnBtor T. 0. Hunch. Song, Duct "Christ's Commis sion." Financial report Pastor T. iJ. Hunch. Song "Sweet Hy nnd Ily." Dedicatory sermon Elder F. S. Bunch. , Dedicatory song Mixed quartet te. Dedicatory prayer Elder J. Mark Comer. Closing song Chorus. Benediction Pastor E. H. Em- tncrson. I Tho now church was liitl't union tho direction of Ho v. Hunch and in ; ono of tho neatest nnd most plcto edifices In this section. P UNITED RRETIIREX CIIL'KCII OF NOIITII rend. 4 Sunday School at 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor nt 0:30 P. M. Preaching service nt 1 1 A, M. nnd 7:.10 P. M., by tho pnstor, Ilcv. Albright. 4 Till: LUTHERAN CHURCH. Ituv. J. Richard Olson, Pnstor. It 9:45 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Church service. Sermon In Swedish by Rev. Dcng ston. No evening service. At North Rend 2 P. M. Sunday school. 3:00 P. M. Preaching by Hcngston. Hov, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, r Services will bo hold In tho Chrl tlnn Sclonco hnll, 337 Thlr-' streo north, Sunday nt 11 n. n Subject, "Renllty." com- North Bend News 4 MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC 4 ciiritrit. Hov. Father Moron, Rector. 4 MnBS will bo colobrntod In Marsh Held 10:30 o'clock Suiulny morning, tho Hov. Father J. A. Mo rnn culebrnnt. MnMiUi'liI Acrle or Engle Mill M!j m (rlttutp lo finirmfm who Iihvi' immptl on. "We snw not the lift of the curtain. Nor hoard the Invisible door, An they passed where; life's probloms uncurtain Will follow nnd vox them no more. We lingered nnd wept on the thresh old! The threshold each mortal must cross Then we Inld n new wreath down upon it, To mark a new sorrow nnd loss." The Marsh field Acrln of Eagk6 will tomorow afternoon pay their beautiful -annual tribute to their comrnde8 who hnvo passed on. Once each year on Memorial Sunday they hold services In honor of their fr.i tcrnnl brothers who have solved life's greatest nnd flnnl problem. It Is u beautiful custom, this nnnu.il tribute nnd tho hours given to reflection on tho vacant place in the lodgo room Ib mellowing nnd uplifting In Its In fluence. It brings tho best of humnn nnturo Into the fullness of vigor, crowding back tho selfishness nnd tmperlousncss of men, nnd Impress ing them with the duty of recogni tion of tho value of friendship, it Is the gloom of doalh that reveals to us more clearly tho beauty of life. It Is tho broken ties at the grave that prompts us to a fuller nppreclatlon of tho tenderness of tho ties that are not yet hroken; nnd so while we mourn tho loss of our dend we may rojolco thnt thcro Ih no cloud so dnrk thnt there Is no light behind It, no sorrow so polgnnnt thnt there Is not a bnlm for tho wound It In flicts. Hov. Father Springer was n Mnrsh flold visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fnhy nnd children and Mrs. Fnhy, Mrs. Fnhy'B mother, loft today for their hninu nt Dullards nftor a short visit liurc. .NORTH REND CATHOLIC 4 cimtrii. 4 Hov. Futlnr Springer, Rector. 4 Mass will bo celebrated nt 8 o'clock. Sunday morning by tho very Rev. Father Mornn. The North Ilend W. C. T. U. lurid their llrst local Institute Tuesday at tho Presbyterian church. Tho pro grain was as follows: j Song Members Mrs. lluxor, pia nist, j Invocation Mrs. R. 0. Summorlln Solo Mrs. Ernest McCrny. I A successful local union Mm. Robt. McCnnn. W. C. T. U. PlaiiB of Work to bo emphasized Mrs. Geo. Razor. I si:vi-:.i n dav adve.ntists 4 T. (J. RltNCH, Mln'nter. 444444 4444444444 4 Seventh Day Adventlst servlc re conducted every Saturday n Hie r new church ns follows: Sabbath school at 10 a. in. preach tig sorvlco 10: -in n. in. You an nrdlally Invited to attend. 4 O 44 40444 444 FIRST HAITIKT CIU'RCR. 4 Rev O. l.oHoy Hall. 4 4 Residence G92 Sixth btreet 4 4 Plumes: 4 Residence. 2fiO-J. Study, 289-L. 4 4 44 444044444 4 10 o'clock Sunday bunool, Ami Dell, superintendent. 11 o'clock Worship. 3 o'clock Enstsldo service. 0:30 o'clock n. Y. P. l 7:30 o'clock Evening worship. Evening subject of the pnstor will bo: "What think yo of the Christ," fourth sermon In the series, "Ik Christianity True," answering some I'onest doubters. You nro cordially welcomed nt all tho services In this church. pending, "Sketch of Mrs. Adn Wallace Unruli" Mrs. Ritchie. Remarks, "Systematic Giving" Mrs. R. 0. Summerlln. Rending, "What Constitute a Suc cessful Local Union" Mrs. Ernest McCrny. Solo Mrs. McCrny. Frnyor Mrs. E. T. Mngulro. POLITICS AT MYRTLE POINT. 4 4444444444444444 4 EPISCOPAL EMMANUEL 4 CHURCH. Rev. Robt. K. Drowning, Rector 8 A. M. Holy Communion. 0:30 A. M. Sunday school. 11 A. M. Morning Prnyer nnd sermon. 7:30 P. M. Evening prayer nnd sermon. '4 4 NORTH HHND .METHODIST 4 (IHRCU. Rov. ALIIERT S. HISEY. Pnstor 44444444444444 Sunday school 10:00 n. in. Preaching 11:00 n. m. Epworth Lengue, 7:30 p. m. There will be services In St. Candidates for Annual City Election Lukn's church, Empire nt 3 p. m., A iv Nnmetl. Sunday. Tho city caucus for tho purpose of . placing In nomination candidates for lty ofllco was held at tho city hail Wednesday evening, Mayor J. t Densoii presiding ns chairman nnd L. C. nnrgelt secretary, both being chosen by acclamation. Nominations for two cnuncllmen being declared In order, live names wero proposed and the four below named hnvlng received tho four high- day. est votea wero declared tho noinl- nees; Frank Sehroeder, Jake Strong, '' 4444444444444 HHISTIAX lilt Hl'H. 4 A. O. Walkor, Minister. O 44 4444444444 444 4 Preaching In the morning nnd eve nlug on tho second and fourth Sun day of each month. Hlblo hduiol nt 10 o'clock, Y. P. S. C. E. nt (5:30 every Sun .'0VVVVVOfrOVWWV,f NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. 4 L. HASMUSSEN, Pastor. Services Sunday morning nt : 0 : 4 ." Sunday school nt 10 o'clock. Junior League, -1:00 p, m. South- W. E. Lowellen and Chns innyd. J. S. Whltnker nnd R. C. Domont woro uniueil by ncclamntlon ns can didates for couucllmen for tho two year term. No names wero opposed to J. M. Arrlngton and I. E. Rose, l. m, present encumbents as city treasurer nnd city recorder, respectively, nnd they wero nominated by acclamation, J. R. llouson nnd W. T. Dement having been placed before the caucus ns candidates for mayor, tho nomi nations wero declared closed and they woro declared tho nominees by, ncclamntlon. Myrtlo Point Entor-' prise. MAIISHFIELl) H PRKSHYTKIUAN CHURCH 444444-444444 Sunday school, 10 a. in. sharp. Y. P. S. C, E, at 6:30 p. m. Preaching nt 11 a, ni,, and 7:30 4 4 4,4 4 44 444444444 METHODIST KP1SCOPAL Rev, H. I. Hutlodge, Pastor. 4444444444444 Sunday school. 10 a. ni. Morning service, 11 a, m. Epworili Leugue, 6:30 p. Evening service, at 7:30. Iramcaucaaia. TruiiKCKuenMn grows i.linost every known grain In the world. The for ests of the CnueiHliin miiuutalii range produce sufTroii. luiulder. oak. walnut and boxwood luii)hcr. while npplc!. pears and gr.ipen grew wild In these fori'stn to such an extent that they tire exported lu large iuaulltles. The First ScIentUt. The llit M-li'ii:lst-tlmt Is to rny. th" flrst innn to think about the world in a Fclenjltle way-wtih t!a old OreeU Tlinle-i. who lived nlmut I'lV.I It. V. in. Take your SUNDAY DINNER nt Tho CHANDLER. Special menu. HKSKRVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. When k!wii ns soon ns the eroupr mug s'ifri raw(iorlaIn'8 Coiiih Remedy .will warC. off nn a'tneX of rroun rt' )"ent nV dpiitrer anl cause o.' suvl-y. Thous.-ndi of wothe- use 1' sufceuf ally, So J all dealora. 4 NORTH IIEND PRESUY- 4 TER1AN CHURCH. 4 Rev. D. A. Mac Lcod, Minister. 4444444444444444 ie a, M. Sunday school. 11 A. M.-i-Pronchlng sorvlco. 6:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor Preaching serv co nt 7;30 In tlu ovenlng with sneclal muse. All strangers In tho city are e fonded nn lev tntlon to nil of then services. Csmsl's Hnlr. , Camel's hair brushes are not made 'rem the h.ilr of camels, but from hnlrs from the tails of Ruslnn and SJ berliin Mjulrre's. The hair of ciinnris Is. however, used for iimklnu Hue Inli rlcs. such ns shawls, rugs and miner' clothing, and Irf souietliues ml.cd with llk. Offers aroram 3 . Fine Modern Ilunienlow with k iislnehs Lot In North Ilend level lot 40x100 $11,100.00, on Union $S. .00 Fine Modern Uungnlcw level lot 60x100 $11,100.00 Hair Hlock on Commercial avenue $2,0.10.00 Rest Residence lots on Central avenue OOxHO, close In $2,1100.00 Corner Hay View Lot on Central 80xH0.. .$1,000.00 Ruslne-H lot In North nend Sherman near Virginia $1,001.00 lA'vel Lots In Hay Park 110.00 down .$00.00 Rest Business Corner In Mirsh fleld $lfl,000, 00 Huy your Untt (,,.,, " " i or inllli froni the C ..s Day t, nnd Cold Stornge company Un. loss you wnnt only tiiu Best PHONE 7:-.T Delivery H n. in.. 3l DEAN POT CHEESE Try It Fine Dairy and Stock Ranch Coos Rlvor. . . . $U1,000, ,00 Flanagan & Bennett Bank E8tablishcd,1889 C-.pffal, Sirplns and Undivided Profits Over .... Assets Over . $100,000 . $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits WATCH! NOTE Homer Ma izcy, onu if the drltcri nnd the Rolleltov for us la out for Laundry. Watch hl.n: ho Is t to stop you tho st.-ect and ciplij nil details of Laundry and also to be nt your home any il.no. He knou laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and . i Steam Laundry PHONL. I1UD.J ' Condensed Statement of tho first National Ban!( of Coos Bay At th? c!o-e of husliiihs Mnrch 7th, 11)11. RESOflH E.S. Loans nnd dis counts. . . ,. . $lG9,33S.'.ir Overdrafts, . . . .IS U. S. Ilonds and premiums. . . . 25,250.00 Other bonds and warrants. . .. 81,037.15 Hanking House.. 74,100.11 Furniture nnd fixtures .... 7.0S9.3 J Cash mill duo from banks . . i:t(l,i:j(I.I7 LIABILITIES. Capital stock. ..100,000.00 Surplus and pro- flu G.2S3.1I Circulation. . . . 24,500.00 Rcpooits ;io:j,ii(ii).0() $494,052.20 400 TRAP- NESTED IWRn PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Our inatlimH liavo produced ituj. nrd-bred specimens of cxhlbltloa quality with records of 242.227 1 eggs In 3RC days. Ilaliy Chirks mill Egg f0P Untchinc nook your orders now for iprlij delivery. A few cockerels froa heavy Inylng stock for $5.00. Plymoutli Piece, Poultry Ynrdfc PRE!) HACIIMAN, PrOB. Mni-slillelil, Hov .IK5, pimnp 2y HUNKER HILL Now Is the tlmo to buy nt Dunktr (lll.,Restdenre nn:l vacant lotiatlo? figures and easy terms. Eor particulars eco VG. ITtl.EE.V, IH Central Ave., Mnrhhileld, Orrjoi $404,052.20 Cash Reserve it" Per Cent of Deposits Wo Invito your attention to tho condition of this bank as shown by tho nbovo statement. A goncrnl banking business transacted. Accounts of individuals, corporations nnd firms received. Intorcst paid on time nnd Havings Deposits. Safe deposit boxes for rent at $3.00 nnd up per annum. Your business solicited. OFFICERS : W. S. CHANDLER. Presldont. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. M. C. HORTON, Vice-President. RAY T. KAUFMAN, AssL-CaBhlor. DIRECTORS: V. S. CHANDLER, F. S. DOW, STEPHEN C. ROGERS JOHN S. CQKE, WM. GRIMES, W, p. MURPHY V. U. DOUGLAS, JOHN F. HALL, M. C. HORTON ' COOS BAY LIVERY Wo hnvo Hocurod tne ,'lverjr bat! neis ct L. l llulane: and are pre pa rod to render excellent service to tho people of Coos liny. Careful drlvors. good rigs nnd evci)thltj that will moan satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us or a drlrltr horso, a rig or anything needed b tho livery line. Wo also do i trucking business of alt kinds. IILANCHARD IIHOTIIKU3. Livery. !(! and Kales Smlre. Ml First and Aide' Streets. Phofi 13S.J The Locomotive, The first rueco'sful steam livnnm the wns built lu 1S00 n a model nnd operated on Its Inventors kitchen ta ble. The Judicious reader of Judicious an vcrtloements uhvu.vs gets mure ttiini his money's worth. Florida Tiroes-Union. eaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAULO AND JOSSON CESIENT. The best Dom.ftlc and Imported brands' Plaster, Lime, Drlck and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR I? OFFICE, SOUTH HROADWAY. MIO.VE 201. Good Livery Service Fnncy now rigs, good horses mi enreful drivers nro now at ttfe dl posal of the Coos Hay public at HEASONAHLK HATKS. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhoro nn)' time. Horw boarded and rigs cared for. Now hearse and special accooB datlons provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVKRY AND FEED STAUM3 PHONK 27.J Have That Roof fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono .1121 PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If you salttt from MwMlnr, Itchlnc. tllod or ralrudlug I'lliw, n-n4 uw jrour adJrru, mul I UI If It )ou Itow to curt jourlf at 1iitoi bjr the ntv itorpllon treatments anl will alo wnil tome of thla borne Irratmrat frr for trial. lih rrffivnrra from your n locality If rv.ue.tel, IrunuMlate rr liff aiul iHTtnanrnt cure auuivl. Semi bo money, but lelt olbera of ibla offer. Write tilay to Mr. U. fcumaiern, Ilex l, Notre Dame, lud. I j'i'i'i'i'i COGS jEA -SATANIJr W&T s cy v n' - .SpPESfwrrn X - BY YdBSBSfe-rn I 'ii iii " CS0S BAY REALTY orNDtCATE, CEALE&S U&s AGENTS COAL . COimiZATWN MIW. FAJtH. nUOT. MIMUL jipwums. Ommms cr mvswAi wmms A WlClAlTYsz The past has proven that Investments in email na cities nro tho most profitable. The C R n I l. v" neor &rowJng ntusehke, Marshfield, Ore. ' "' Sl has 6uch to . Chas. J. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THlTIMErT Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal $4.50. Nut coal f00- We do all rflnds of hauling, w1 contracting. Horses and vehicle! fr sale. For quick de!ie-.v call L. H. HEISNER r phono 120-J or 9-L. NOTICE TO TAX VAYERS. Taxes for the year of 191 duo and paablo on and f'er Fe ruary 1st. 1911. Three per ntr bate up to March 15th. From M" 15th to April 3rd pay taxes at l There will bo no further ntlce ' thft nmnimt of Iktm due sent OUt mail, except whe'ro tho taxptf"1 quest It and furnish a list of property on which they desire pay. W. w. ulu7, Sheriff and Tax CoU Dated: Coqutlle, Oregon, JD0 16th, 1911. - M: i rtji sBllsssss iiflssssHsMBBMstfWW '' vto