.., iwpnni tm ipiwi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELDt OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1911-EVENING EDITION. T3 Wb II Hidgi V? A n . O .e$ Attention! Memorial Bay Next Sunday All Eagles requested to be present at Eagles Hall at 1:30 P. M., for Memorial Services. By order of the Worthy President, J. W. DAVIS. iS TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THIS STATU OK OHKOON, FOR COOS COUNTY. JAMES E. DERINO, Plnlntlff, vb. MARY BERING, ucrcnunni. Summons. TO MAIIY BERING: i THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON, you nro horoby roqulr A to npponr nnd nnswer unto tlio complaint filed ngnlnst you In tho ,boTO entitled Court nnd causo by Monday, tho 24th day of April, 1911, which date la subsequent to tho ox plratlon of bIx weeks after tho dato f nth day of March, 1911, which li the dato of tho first publication of this (ummons, It being prescribed Iti the order for aforesaid publication that tald summons bo published onco a week for six successive "weeks In the Coos Dny Times, a nowspnper of general circulation, nnd it you fall io to appear tho plaintiff will apply to the court for tho rcllot domanded In tho complaint to-wlt: That the tonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff nnd defendant bo dls itfrcd. This summons is published pursu ant to nn order of tho Honornblo John S. Col:o, Judgo of tho nbovo on titled court innilo nnd onto:-od Mnrch, the 9th. 1911. D:to for first publication, Mnrch 11, 1911. Date of Inst publication, April 22,1, 1911. KARRIN & PARKIN, I Attorneys for I'lnlntirf. Electric flat Irons! From $2.50 Up lllumlnnutB nnd repair parts for' irons or uinere'it makes una whllo ctlllnc on us nsk about having that Oil Lamp changed to an electric. We can do it nt sninll coM. Coos Bay Wiring Co. I'HO.N'K iSJi7-J FOR (iO()l WORK Bring your clothes to us. Cloning jrwslng and repairing a specialty, Ijr experienced nu-n. tintUfnctlon 'Mrautee.l IILANCHAHH .V HOI). KO.V, Alllnnce Illdg. Front fit. Polks Oregon and Washington Btate Gazetteer ami Hujlness Direc tory. Juit Issued Tor 1911-12 Is tho most wnipleto wcrk of tho kind published. It contnlus an accurato buslnosu di rectory of every city, town and vll 'e In Oregon nnd Washington, nnd tte nam8 and nddresses of country -"tuaius dlia nrnroHRlnnn mon BObermcn, etc., who are located nd went to villages; nlso lists of gov ernment and county ofllcers, commls Icners of deeds, stato boards, statu 'ory provisions, terras of courts, Mes of the postmasters, postofflcos, "press, telephone and telegraph of . justices of the peace, hotels. Ily and weekly newspapers; bo- mueh other Information usarul 0 " classes of business and profes- aI wen- A descriptive sketch of Place Is given, embracing varl- Items of Interest, such as the lo- C1"0n. DODlllnUnn l.nnnn . ji "ent points, the most convenient lipping stations, the products that " marknted, stage communication, ""e statistics, the nearest bank lo- "on mineral Interests, churches. .ools, libraries and societies. An nportant feature Is the classified dl- .0tY' BlvlrS every business arran- !I.MU.Bder Us spec,al heading, thus "Ming subscribers to obtain at a tar?06 a Ust of n11 h0UEes manufac- "DS or dealing in any particular r goods. The work generally compiled to deserve their liberal Mironage. PRICE 0.00. 8-1 POLK & CO. SEATTLE, Wcsh. DO YOU KNOW POSITIVELY THAT YOU CANNOT USE ELECTRIC POWER TO ADVANTAGE? As one man said recently, "Nowadays you can do almost everything with elei-tricity." He referred, of course, to anything requir ing mechanical force to make it operative. Ju your business and in your home, there is bound to be work that electricity can perform better than it is done now and usually more economically. We have a department in our organization which specializes in showing people how to use electric service. If you suspect thit electric power can be made useful to you, etll in our New Busi ness Department representatives, and ex plain your needs. Our men will be glad to take all the time necessary to make an in vestigation, go over the proposition with you carefully, and to submit authoritative advice, plans and estimates. There will be no fanci ?d grievance on our part should you decicb not to make the in stallation. OREGON POWER CO. TELEPHONE 178 Pacific Monumental and Building Works II. II. WILSON Proprietor MARSHFII-'I.D, ORE. All kinds or monumental work promptly ami nrtlstlcnlly exe cuted. Call nt our worke on Soutii llrnndwny. Cots' TIIU FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Kedcmdo Sxh Will make regular trips currying passengers both ways and freight between Coos liny nnd San Francisco. AlliVM-rvntlonHforpassengcra ma do nt Alllnnce Dock, Mnrsh'lcld and In tor-Ocean Transp. Co. Union Street Wharf No. 2, Sin Francisco. For Information, phono l.Jor285. Will nail Trout .Sau Francisco for Mnrshflcld Monday, March 27, (it .'I p. ru. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. OLD RELIABLE STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME N Sulls from Alnsworth Dock, Portland, at 8 P. M every Tuesday. Sails from Coos Pay every Saturday nt hervlco of Ude. Reservations will not be held later than Friday nou!i,uiilcsstlckctsare purchased L. II. KEATING, AGENT FIIONE MAIN 35-L 'THE Fill EM) OF COOS PAY" S. S. ALLIANCE CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH PANIC ROAD AT PORTLAND WILL SAIL FOR Portland on Sunday, March 26 NORTH PACIFIC 3TEAM8HIP COMPANY. PHONE 41 f P. McGEORGE, Agent COOS BAY-ROSEBURG STAGE LINt Daily stage between Roseburg and Marshfleld. Stage leaves Jnlly und Sundays at 7 p. m. Fare, $0.00. OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, C. P. RARNARD, 120 MARKET AV., Marshfleld. Agent, ROSEHURG, Ore. PHONE 11 FIELD IE HFE 'CASTLE DBEAM I 0' IS StUITERED- I I t W I T H T H E t t toastandiea: r.'OOII FAI'MMJ. Financial Charge Of It Turned Mrs. Emily McFarlin-Lcwis Over to Locrl!, School Basketball' Contest. At a meeting of the roprcseiita- Asks Divorce From T. J. Lewis No Castle. The Castle In Wales" which T. J. lives or mo t'oos County High schools Lewis, formerly coroner of Coos nt Coqulllo this week, It wns agreed county nnd well-known In Marsh- that the Marshfleld High school field for years ns undertaker, claimed should have the entire financial to have Inherited proved to be mere- mnnngement of tho Coos County ly n "Castle In the air" according to Interscholastle meet which will be the divorce petition of Mrs. Emily held here enrly In May. The plan Is Lewis, Just filed with County Clerk to have Mnrshfleld shoulder nil the Wntson. expenses nnd to tnlso whatever pro- It will be remembered that Mrs. fits may nccruo from tho event. It l's Lewis' announcement of his Inhcrl- belloved this will simplify matters tnnce of the Cnstlo In Wales and the considerably. At tho meeting, it was nlso decid ed that the Uandon nnd Myrtlo Point High school bnBkct bnll teams should big estate there preceded but n few weeks his unexpected marriage to Mrs. Emily McFarlln, widow of tho late cranberry king of Coos county. settle tho controversy over tho Coos! They disposed of the McFarlln hold county chnmplonshlp and a game to lugs hero nnd left for tho north, but bo played In Coqulllo Saturday, April after the lapso of a few months, they l. uandon and Myrtlo Point had returned to Coos Bny and soon nfter- boon unnblo to agreo on tho decisive wards separated, Mr. Lewis leaving, game, Myrtle Point objecting to the In her petition, Mrs. Lewis states Coqulllo hall. It was finally decided i that sho does not know tho' present I Hint tho gnmo should bo played in I whcrenboutB of Mr. Lewis nnd linn tho open nir if the weather permits J been granted service by publication. MIND. My ihIihI to me a. klninloin I. Such pretent Joys therein I mid That It excel all other hllw That earth nffords or grows by kind. Though much I want which mot would have, Yet Mill my niliitl forbids to crave. Edward Dyer. J and if not in tho Masonic hall there. McDoncr of North Dcnd and Stan ley Rrlggs of Marshfleld wero chosen ! Sho asks that the matrimonial bonds be sovcrod and that she bo permitted to rcsumo her former name, Emily ns Umplro nnd reforeo, they to niter-' O. McFarlln and that Mr. Lowln' unto In these positions. O. Knowl ton of Coqulllo wns chosen ne alter nate. Superintendent Rnab of North Uond and Superintendent TIedgen of Marshfleld wero selected as tlme- kopnerfl. Rmmrlntnmlnnt Unnl.-nM nf ! Coqulllo ns scorer. claim to any Interest a her property be set aside. Mrs. Lewis is now living on tho McFarlln ranch, which she regalnol, oi North Inlet. Don't forgot tho Turkish Rnths. PHONE 2M-.T. LITTLE TALKS. 4AAAAA4,4 AAAAAA.I PREPARE FOR THE HOT WEATH ER RY IH'YING YOUR Summer Underwear "Mi. Smith," snld tho landlady, "will you please say grace?" Smith sized up tho tablo from onil to end, The LlKIc Hoy and HN Drtnuu Tho little boy mulled in his Bleep that night, Ab ho wandered to Twilight Town; And his fnee lit up with a heavenly light Through the shadows that drifted down; Out he woke next morning with tear stained eye lu the light of tho gray dawn'a gleam, And out from tho stillness -wo heard him cry, "I've lost my dream my dream." And he told us then In tits childish way, Of tho wonderful dream ho'd known; He had wandered away from tho land of piny To the distant lnnd of tho Grown; He had won Mb shnro of tho fame and light In the struggle nnd toll of men; And ho nobbed nnd sighed In tho breaking light, "I want my dream again!" As tho years passed by, tho Llttlo Roy COUK COL'NTY SEAT NEWS. FROM UK LadlcH Sleeveless Vests Hie, 1.1c, 2tle, 25c Ladles Muslin Drawers . . .nop, 7.V,V,,I,H at l"1"0 As T",I Tlio Ladles Muslin Slclrts. . .$! to i?2.2.-. Sentinel. Laldes Corset Covers :, U1. 0n Krh,l," nliis. April H, nt the Ladles Knee length Pnnts. . . ,2.1c M,B,,,C linl1 ' t"'8 ly will occur Misses Vests. -,. tno ,!llri1 annunl oratorical content Children's Vests 2()o! ' l "' uo Clilldrrii's Pnnts n ul """' "u""'" 'r mo possession or grew Till he came to the Laud of tho nrnwii! then said: "Hebrews, 13th chanter. I And lll0 ,lronm ()f , UIirIy ,outh Mid when tlio , ,,.,. V.....U Kt I.U, Tho dnnui taut ho thought had llown; Yut once ngnln ha smiled In his Sth verse. Amen! landlady looked It up nfter broukfait she wasn't pleased a llttlo bit. sleep Whon thuuv uuur by might havo beard him weep, "I wnnt my dream my dream!" Fcr ho dreamed of tho Yesterday's of Youth, And the smile on a mothor's fnco. Shirt Waists, nil prices from nc u4) to $:M)t. Cash Talks Trade here and saio Money. c OOS BAY ASH STORE Tho Store That Saves You Money. GEO. N. HOLT, . - Manager Front Street. MurMifleld. tho cup nu It has been authoritatively ' stntcd that none of tho other towns "A burst hiiiisIiIiio, 4 A l?1lut nt riilti of the county will bo represented.! Tio weather I. iilaylnis Her trlckH agnln." "I hnd been troubled with consM patlon for two years nnd tried nil of the best physicians In . Urlatol. Tenn., and they could do nothing for rae," writes Thos. E. Wllllami. Mlddleboro, Ky. "Twq packages of ! Chamberlain's Stomach nnd Llvc-r Tablets cured mo." For sale by all dealers un i no two provioiiH occasions wiion i the cup wns contojtod for Coqulllo' repreyontntlves woro tho winners, the first being won by Miss Eva Sugg if Coqulllo and the second by Mlas Gretchen Sherwood nlso of school. Tho contestants this will bo Miss Iva Howey nnd Hello Thrift. A Mluncnpolls iiingnettc honlor savs ho Is nblo to euro disease br t,llH shakliig hands with tho nfdlcted vnr. son. Tho romody might bo a good a foi tho grip. year Miss IIRIEKS OF UANDON. Died, March 15, Wallaco Miller, the third child or F. R. Miller or Four Mile of Influenza and Infantile paralysis. PHONE I.8. KAUFMAN CO YOUR COAL ORDERS 91.30 lER TON. Alfred Mengren CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Old Mill North Bend. Phono 1151, NORTH REND, A OIL SUPPLIES The Coos Day Oil and Supply Company, under tho management of J. W. Flanagan will continue to han dle the Union Oil Company's gaso line distillate, benzlno and coal oil at their oil house across the Day to which place they have moved their stock, (minimum iu nBMtiq))giHWnnwua,t'i'J MiUMHWWU DO IT NOW Lay in your supply of wood now nnd avoid the usual summer rush. We havo plenty of wood and just at present can deliver it promptly. A little later, when orders begin to pile in, we will not bo able to give you our undivided atten tion. 12-in. Stove Wood $2.00 per dump loud. Fire Place Blocks $2.50 per dump loud Wq can furnish you a man to split and pile it if desired. C. A. SMITH LUMBER &MT'G. CO. PHONE 19-J 182 So. Broadway bfifcjtUOlJEEi: PHONETICS. A miss Bat alone with her beau For hours, the light turned down lean. When he suld he must gonu It affected her seau Sho wept and oxclaTmcd: Eau, ncau, neaul" Tho old-fiiHhloned poke bonnot Is roported to bo coming back, but wo'll bet It Isn't coming at tho old-fashioned prlco. Man wants but little hero below This statement cnttucs mirth. It might have been In former times Rut now ho wnnts tho earth. A Maryland woman was so badly cut uud slashed by Lor husband that 300 stitches wero required, tho sur gooiis using fifteen yards of silk to sow up her wounds. As a result sho mny feel llko a crazy quilt for a whllo OUR BREAD Is on n pedestal of Its own, Tho public demands good brend and we supply It. Thoro Is a certnln satisfaction about getting good bread that only those who havo tried our bread can appreciate. It is uniformly the samo quality. Try a loaf of our MILLKOMA DREAD U you want something extra good Coos Bay Bakery PHONE 111-L it mmmmmmtMsammmik ill HMfrlHaiiWii ii miii i i mm mUnii 1 1 iHMHilfii l M