THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHRELfy 'OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1911 EVENING EDITION. r EC rirvAQ t A V TIMFQ 'jtnncoorbad judgment oh the part of .thing llko n number of other brands KsKJVJD OJ I I llViCUllh0 ro,inci. ni money bylnws rclnt- f WITH TUP " 'of prophols. Kntorcd nt tho postolllcc nt Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through the mnlls as second class Din.ll mnttor. J TOAST A'NDTEA l fc. C. MALONKV Editor nnd Pub. MX IC. MALONKY News I'aHUjv V- t - An Independent Republican news paper published every evening ex ccpt Sunday,, and Weekly by Tlio Coos liny Times Publishing Co. 4 GOOD KVKXIXG. Dedicated to tlio service of tho people, that no good cauBc shall lack n champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Day Tlmos represents u consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mnll and Tho Coos Bay Advortlser. The Coast iMall was tho first dolly estaJ llshcd on Coos Uay nnd Tho Coos Hay Times Is It Itnmcdlato ouc-ccssor. tho council, all money bylaws rclat- J W I T H THE Ing to public utilities and local impro vements, before being Anally passed by the council, must be submitted to tho rate payers, of whom a two-thirds majority Is necessary. The, city council of Calgary, under authority that Is granted to cities there, has adopted a rule by which real estate Is assessed at 80 per cent of Its full value, while Improvements nnd, other property arc assessed at but BO per cent of their full value. This Is n most remarkable thing to have happen In a new country whoro ensy land holding Is usually held out as an Inducement to Immi gration. The tendency to a land tax Is strong In all English provinces much stronger than In tho United , Whpn (oII8 C0Hla cnrn a Ulgller mo States. Tho English nro everywhere! 0f nnVi putting the burden on real estate, And thlls lay ,, inoro for'n rnn.. ' of prophets. Dividing them Into rqunl parts for convenience, one-half the world Is engaged In making excuses ana tne 4 'other half In hearing themi Whatever poet, orator or sage ' May say, uld dgo-ls still old age. Longfellow. ' TIIKX AMI XOW. It makes mc laugh to hear the people Bay Times ain't ltko what they used to bo at nil; That tuny can'onslly enough recall Thoro nro more positions too good for the men occupying them than there nro men occupying position for which they are too good. Talk to a very stout woman and sho Is apt to say. "I was a little" bit of a thins when I married; did not weigh nn ounce over 90 pounds." while with us real estate Is taxed leas than nlmost any kind of property, TIIK COltOXATlOX HKASO.V. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. DAILY. Ono year JG.00 Per month 50 When paid strictly In ndvnnco tho subscription prlco of the Coos Day "1,uca la 5.00 per year or $2.50 fo. months. WEEKLY, j year. . ..$1.50 N .)fllclnl Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OK Till: CITY OP MAKKIIFIKLD. A J dress nil communlcntlona to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrohflcld :: :: t: :: Orcvu TIIK TAX PROBLEM. T'lH TIMES (UscusscH tho incronn cd assessed valuation of Mnrsh flo'.d proper' y In ntiothor column thin evening. There Is no quettton but tho proftont plniiH nro rru.lo nud unsnMsfaetory nud result In much Inequality In tho distribution of tho bunion of tnxntlou. It may help to solve tho problem hero If wo ntudy tho situation nud conditions In other localities. Calgary, Cunndn, Is a city of 55, 000 people and linn nn area of thirty-six Bquaro mlltM. The, total as sessment this yoar la $50,000,000 nud the tax rnto for nil purposes, Includ- EW ORLEANS may have her MnrdI Orns cnrnlvnls, San Fran clsco her Panama expositions, Now York her Oould weddings, Ma drid her bullfight feats nnd Coos Hay her railway, rumors, hut give London her coronatfons. They come but onco or twlco n llfo-tlme, hut when they come they bring good cheer, good times, good society nnd nil manner of good things. Tito most brilliant Bummer season London baa ever known fa In prospect. From ' tho beginning of Mity- onward Lon don will bo tho center of Ettropeait Interest. Arcordlnu to the schedule nf, ,ovontn, during tho drat fortnight In I 'stay King Oeorgo will open the "fea-j tlvnl of omplro" nt the Crystal pnln ". On May 10 ho will unveil the Oiuhmi Victoria memorial In tho Mnll, nyd the ftalcor nnd kelsorln will bit present nt tho ceremony. Tho Imi j lmrlnl conference will ouen on Mav 23. The coronation will take nlnee way. The weather then comes In nnd ECU n whnck; "The winters that we're? having" now, by Jo! Ain't nothing like we had some- years ago. In '65" or may be further Uncle. And there fa nothing Just the' anine, cronfc they, Aa onco it was fn that old bygone day. Hut when-1" aalc tficm If they'd" lllcu J to sirr Tho old' dayB here and now look" nt mc And shrug, nud haven't got n wonf to airy. History may lUelf occasion ally, but with about the same disre gard for tin? text that the average man displays when quoting poetry. It Is the general impression thut the mnn who substitutes "dang" for "ditmn" doesn't f.vtl any better about the subjected addressed than the one who doesn't 113c tho doraturated cuss words. will then PRKSKNTTLV. Eftsoons the modest violets spring And' from the south tlie birds cftelr way will wing: T care .not for lifrd's or vfo lets coming does not' move me worth n ding. But I Tholr l It mihhixtg word contest: liiwnvm only for gentle' I on June 22. Tho royal progress through London will ho mnili nn I June 23. On June 211 it third royal nrocesalon will go from Police (o tho Outldh The rnrnnnllon festivities will Is the grass in yonder park" tlnrt grows! I I3ow T have waited j Kutnn , niton nun iougeu Last night's proved n real baffler. , , f ,r,,lg to c0," lu'o rornlVn.l lmn.Irmr of I1Illlwl,riI.nd drlvo nwny the fog- wihd that , .i. i. .i ,.. i i., i.-l blows. IIUIII tllllBl- Jill UlllllKlll IL ntllllll IIVJ i vory oasy to carry nway a prize auto j mobile pll-furo hut only "one succeed ed In solvlir? the brain cracker. Hur ry McICeown of the Clinndler hotel came iif row with the correct solii tlou. Tile phrase uompfeto rends: 44444444444' COAL STRIKES AND COAL PRICES Avor vy not the man who relics upon control stutiou electric service for his power. The fenr of waste mid extravagance in the cngin6 room disappears when'the Electric l)rii)c- is-' installed. Expensive boilers and engines do not have to ho maintained, repaired and replaced. Electric motors do away with line shafting and losses in power transmit sion. Tn nearly every possible power application the Electric Drive shows a big saving over otlp forms of power. Electric power weans energy only when you want it, and then all yon uuw. Every year shows improvement, economics and do. yelopinents in electric power machinery. The es timate you had made last year is probably out of date now. Vc employ competent experts to in. vestigatc your power needs and you can depend on their reports. Telephone 17S, Oregon Power Company. om Hunkliiglinin I I,l,f,ni mil nnd hack. ) be lnld within tho coronntlon octavo, the elcht dnys which begin on Juno and end Juno 20. They will "The Ifiml of the minor nnd the Hume of the hopeful." ( 0444W0044444 Untiring myatery for today: 44444444 "SULO.MOX ry ALL HIS C.'LOHV WAS .NOT AHICAYi:i " 4 Lncrr ; ." 4" 44444- fIIow glndsomely the wnrnillMj: rayn doth fall, jAnd froe th gTeenswnrd from Hh wlhter thrall! Methluka I almost hoar tile rau eoiiH vofco Of him who Bwcops the plate nnif yidlM "Play hall!" a. e: !ESS. Ing nil school and city levies. Is eatl-,conu,rll(ei ,,e8,(k,8 Ul0 coronnUo. tll0 meted nt 13 mills on tho dollnr, All public utilities nro owned nnd operated by tho city. Tho wator works, which Includes n ton mllo gra vity system, besides paying nil operat ing cxnonaos, pava Interest nud sink Inr fund on $1,0(8,000 cnpltal In vestmonL Tho electric light plant, after pro viding for Interest nud sinking fund on $.1(10,000 cnpltal luveatment nnd $35,000 doprcclntlon, pnld n profit of $4 0,000 Inst year. Tho street rnll wny, nftor paying Interest and sink ing fund on $510,000 cnpltal Invest ment and allowing G per cent of groaa rovonuo for depreciation, paid $55, 000 Into tho city's treasury lnat year. Tho systom la being greatly extended ynl nrnureB nnd tho Gulldhnll vis it, n military rovtow, n nnvnl rovlow at Siilthead, a atnte banquet, n gala "erformnuce nt tho opera, n gain t'eitrlpiil porfnrmnnco nnd nmbna aadnrs' ImuquetR. The rornnntlon season na planned "I tie n iirilllimt ono in qvery Bense. ' A miir, nt thrt llnnil nf fiinilK uIIT refer to "our" home nnd buggy, nml "ury'" automobile. Flanagan & Bennett Bank .Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits 4 STOUY OF TIIK DAY. 4 Robert Morris-, n mnn eolobrntod T'(, color effects nre to be ns vivid it.i '"' l"" l",,l '" imm " l,,r """"- uevoitition, wits onco nsuod l)y Dr. Uush: "Woll, Mr. Morris, how did dveH and dyers can .mnke them, llrlght redH nnd blues will bo very nnuulnr with the Indies, and old gold you llko tho sermon? I have heard is to ho taken back Into fnvor after ,l 'l,Rhly nx,0''-" "w'. """ buki no, "i crru not iiko it at nil. It yenra of neglect. Uoso In mrlousi abides will be a reigning fnvorlto. One vivid edition nf It la known nn, Mncchus, whllo another dtsttngulsh- Is ton smooth nnd tamo for me." "Mr. Morris." replied the doctor, "whnt sort of n sermon do you llko?"" "I llko, sir," replied Mr. Morris, "that oil for lift ilnllonrv In llin nvnpf Tmn of the Knellsh cahbaeo rnsn. ,! Punching which drive a man u, thla year. All theso bondH run from , ,rU ...,. nro Pom!ll . . . Into a comer of his pew and mnkea twenty to thirty yearn nnd bear 4V4 inittko u their own for evening wonr.h,m th,nk tho dov" " 'fter Wm'" por cont Interest. 'um-ni min.i,. i. nnnn,ni. ninin.n.,, por un.gary nns soiveu ,no question or popularity, whllo thoro ,a n Broon B0 political patronage In Its public utll- rminnt and rich that tho dresamnk itlos In n largo measure by relieving or8 nro tempering It by hlnck veilings, tho Immedlnto ndmlnlstratora of, M(,n8 c,olhoa w, 8now a aJmlnr theso utilities of tho necessity of ,,,, to Rhtor co,or8( th01RU ,n ft ovorlastlngly acrnmbllng to get nnd ,uotun0li degreo. or course. Instead keep oloctod in olllce. The street 0f 8omuro Rrnyg nnd bIack8i gre0il railway uporlntendont, for Instance, , mli nm, vlo,ot 8UtnBa wll bo Been. Is hlrod upon recommendation of tlw(Ari,a. 80mo Btrklng lounge suits city commission, u body of three oxo-j,mvo l)0C Hh0W, by u,o dealers, cutlvo omclals headed by the mayor. ' nmonB tho most notable being light woo nre mo Kouemi maungers ot Bruy striped with violet, flin nlfv'a nnflrn hhiiMinoa lint u1ioa ' " ' """" "" " "wov covereu wun purple nna green recommendations the people's ropre- j na,,res. light brown streaked with nuiiumvi-n in wie cuiiucu may overrule bright red, electric blue by a two-thirds vote. J Tholr syBtom of from ours In that Although money talks, It tolla all It knows nbout fools whom It has been parted. nerer from Our Saturday Market I Basket Whon n man, or n community la losing confidence,' in himself or Itself it doosn't help matters much by ad mitting It. . Talk to a woman about being sick and before you go sho probably will t say: "i naven t ueen reeling very Is wII filled with nil tho PUT!!-: FOOU the market embraces. .Uxat received a shipment of largo iwen and Mnnznnelln Olives liubulk We havo No.' 1 ojrl No. 2 Norway mCKKUKL. Ono barrel K IC K K Norway SALT HERRING. SALMON' BBLLIKS, DRIKD HER KING, DRIBDr HALIBUT. RICHELIEU- CODFISH, the best on tho market. All kinds of CANNED KISH. JWK H.VVK TIIK KXCLVSIVK SALK OF II. J. 1IKIXZ PURK 11ARLKY MALT VLNKGAIt IX nyHC FOR MARSH. KIKMI. IT IS TIIK IIKST VIXK OAR OX TIIK MARKET RY ThST. IS SKVKX YE.RS OLD. WK IIAVK IT ALSO HOTTLKl) KV PKKSSLY FOR U.S. , Condensed! Statement of tho t first National Bank of Coos Bay At th? close of business, March 7th, 11)11. RESOURCES. ' Loans and dis counts 51C9.33S.03 light gray I ' ...,. won niyseu laieiy. monoy out of current reveauo to pay I for pormnnont Improvomenta. Ry their bonding system they are en abled to bring to tholr city Inrge sums of monoy from outside financial centers, and at about one-third less Interest thnn enn bo done by a city financing within Itself. This system la also very advantageously applied In the Instilling of local improve ments, tho underlying principle belli,; that there should be a small but steady tax paid during tho life of the Improvomont. , Calgary has made what Is perhaps a now departure In the hnudllng or the sinking fund In that she lets It out on first mortgages on rovouue produclng property, and the due dates so arranged iih to lusuro the funds being available when required to retire the bonds. Thus, while they nro paying not only for public utili ties, but nlso for local Improvements with four and u half per cent monoy, ' tho city Is recovering six per ceut ou Its ontlro Blnking fund. As u safeguard against oxtrnvu- nud dark violet. All of which makes the out- flnanclng differs iok a very bright oue to all classes, they do not take . Vaydo Ilapkudorolbt nnd Jega Pe saslk were married In Kansas City the other dny. Take a second look nt those names and imagine what the tlrat qunrrel will sound like BIG VALUES In Coffee, Sugar, Spices, Canned Goods, Soap, Candies, Fruits and HIGH GRADE GROCERIES Once n customer, ALWAYS u customer I i Satisfaction and Fair Prlcos and Flrt ( Quality Always Hare. j A man who becomos Infatuated with a girl by moonlight may also ba Included among thoso who are will lug to risk a good deal. If a prlio fighter hns sense enough to, save his monoy nnd his strength, 1 (hat la about all tho world expects of him In an lntellectunl way. Our list of FRESH FRUIT VEGETABLES for Saturday: and FRESH VEGETABLES HEAD LETTUCE GREEN ONIONS FRESH PEAS ASPARAGUS FRESH CUCUMBERS. RADISHES, OREGON RHUBARB, SPINACH BRUSSELS SPROUTS. FRESH TOMATOES, PARSLEY, CELERY, CABBAGE, CARROTS. BEETS, PARSNIPS. RUTABAGAS, BUNCH TURNIPS. Whllo at times he may run some-ARTICHOKES. CAULIFLOWER, what to flabby fat In other ways, I FRESH FRUITS. there Is never any danger of tho ! GRAPE FRUIT, ORANGES. pugilist's vocal cords breaking tralu-ing. Tho Kansas woman worth $3,000, 000 who committed suicide probably wanted to go while she was sure of a funeral that would mako tho neigh bors Envious. ' Cook's Grocery PI I ONE 181) Full Lino Garden Seeds "I novor wear a stuffod bird on my hnt nowadays," snld a Mnrshtleld woman yesterday. "Whllo I am not a membor of tho Audlblo society, I nm In full sympathy with It." APPLES. BANANAS, LEMONS ' PINEAPPLES. and A political prophet rogulates his guesses by what ho wants to happon rather than what he expects. In 'which, It may bo added, he Is somo- DRIKI) FRUITS. FRESH DATES. PRESSED WHITE FIGS. ITALIAN PRUNES, PEACHES APRICCTS, PEARS. APPLES. BLACK FIGS. FOR THE REST PHONE US YOUR ORDER. OLLIVANT & WEAVER PURKFOOI) GKOCKRYMKX A Good Place to Trade. PHOXK 275-J Try our MISTLETOE, HAMS, BA CON and LARD. Overdrafts. . . U. S. Bonds una premiums. . . Other bonds and warrants. . . Banking House,, Furniture and fixtures . . . , Cnah and duo from banks . , .43' 2S.250.00 81,037.15 74,100.11 7.9S9.3I 1110,1.1(1.17 LIABILITIES. Capital stock. .. 1100,000.00 Surplus and pro fits. ., . . ,. Circulation. . . Deposits. , . C.2S3.H . 24,500.00 . .aon.uoo.oo 494,052.20 9194,052.20 Cash Reserve 7 Per Cent of 'Deposits Wo Invito your attention to tho condition of this bank as shown by tho abovo statoment. A goneral banking business transacted. Accounts of Individuals, corporations and firms received. Interest pnld on tlmo and SavlngB Deposits. , Safo deposit boxes for rent at 3.00 nnd up per annum. Your business solicited. OFFICERS: CHANDLER,- Presldont. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. M. C. HORTON, Vlco-Prealdoht. RAY T. KAUFMAN, ABeL-Cnsbler. DIRECTORS: F. S. DOW, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, WM. GRIMES, W. P. MURPHY, JOHN F. HALL, M. C. HORTON. W. S. W. S. CHANDLER, JOHN S. COKE, W. U. DOUGLAS, Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSOX CEMEXT. PlasfP t T bSft, Domwt,c ad Imported branda. Piaster, Lime, Brick and all klnda of bulldore material. HUGH McLAIN oma, SSHFSAL CONTRACTOR - ". WAY. PHOXK 201. Dally COOS BAV-ROSEBIIRr, STAf.F I IMF .:,"s,:irr;i;iir -' - .w nuihiTKH, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., MarshflJd. C. P. HARXARD, Agent, ROSERURG. Ore. I'HOXE 11 FOR GOOD WORK unng your clothes to us. pressing and repairing a -I v.ujucnran mi. ..... . SON, Alliance nidg. Vnat St. Cleaning, specialty, PA3IILY nOTEL THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates i educed to; Day 50c, 75o and 1.00; week J2.00 to J5.00. Hu8 keeping apartments with gas rang P0.0O to $18.00 per month. FRBB BATHB n. W. SULUVAN, no I ft A SWi ftili .lul