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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON.'. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1911 EVENING EDITION. That Peculiar Lightness and Flavor Found in the finest biscuit, rolls, cake, etc., is due to the absolute purity, fitness, and accurate combination of the ingredients of the gfggglg Royal Baking Powder. The best things in cook ery are always made with the Royal Baking Powder. Hence its use is universal in the most celebrated restaurants, in the homes of the people, wherever de- licious,wholesomefood is appreciated. Royal Baking Powder is sold in every civilized country, the world over. It is tlio only Baking Powder mndo from Royal Grapo Cream of Tartar. Royal Cook Book 800 Receipts Free. Send Name and Address. nOVAL DAKINQ POWDER CO, NEW YORK. ERS GIVEN ROLES i WWm pXi ss New Oregon Laws Regulating Conduct On the Highway Are Stringent. SAI.HM, Ore.. Mar. 23. Tlio now, uivKoii ii-mi-if ... ...... uio ... in )() rtAWt 8hn c,pornto ,i,0 niitoiwi- tlic rond are now, bolus distributed is0 ,J P,lch ninnnor us to exorcise to tlio different county nnd slnto olll- ovtry reasonable iirocnutlon to pro- rlnln In- tin Hrnrntnrv nf Ktnfo In VOIlt tllO frightening of nil.V Blll'll I taken vehicle Is then compelled to 'give the rond without further sK- nals of warning. It shall le the ilutv of every overtaken ohlcle o j turn to the rlnht nnd nle hnlf of j Mie rond to the overtaking one. Ve- lih to hll lw under absolute con tnl when nppronehlnn laterst'cMu Mrwts. and nt all Interaction those ap;ironchln from the right shml 1m vp the right-of-way. i i:very pru having control or elm nre of an automobile on public streets or hlirhwnys and approaching n vehicle drnwn by a horw or horn, or a horre upon which some person pnmphlct form. Automobile owners will be compelled to put in no small horses and assure every protection to the person rldluK r driving same. If the horses appear to be frightened amount of study to make themselvus tllc oporn,or 8i,ni reduce the speed of familiar with the provisions. Tlio his mnohlnq, nnd. If requested, slop new law goes Into effect August 1, tho machine until the person In this year. Tho following require ments arc embodied In the measure, which auto owners mid chauffeurs will be called upon by the stntu to live up to: Vehicles proceeding In opposite dl- olinrgo iff the horses shall have con trol of same. Every precaution s'inll be inii'n tallied when nutoniiiblles pass street cars from which passengers nro nllghtlng. nnd If necessary the ma chine' must atop until passengers are -1 Pacific Monumental and Building Works II. II. WILSON. I' MAHSIIFIKI.D, ORE. All kinds or monumental work promptly nnd arils; u.mj VKH, cuted. Call at our worktf on Sout.i Hrondwny JE3IK2 L m TIIH FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redoitdo rmi (''lulppcil M lielext) Will nmke regular trips carrying passengers Itotli vwijn ami f,vs betuceii Coos May and San l'liinclsco. All reservations foi-imssoiiRer, made at Alliance Dock, Marshllelil nnd Inter-Ocean Trmiii. p Colon Street Wharf .No. H, S-in I'Vnnrlnro. For Information, ,,),,' I ..I or UH."i. Will Mill from Marslilleld for Han PrnticNco Wed. uesilny, March Ul!, at l::0 p. in. IXTHH-OCKAX TRANSPORTATION COMPANY'. SmUlM, APRIL I IS 'CLEAK-UP" DAY IN MARSHFIELD j rectlons shall pass to the right, giving clear or tho streo No raelirg Is per-one-hnlf the rond to each. VoIiIcIch mltted by the act over any street or proceeding In tho same direction highway without permission of either shnll pass to tho left when ovortak- city or county authorities, lug one another. Tho overtaking Tho rnte of speed on streets nnd vehicle shall maintain Its speed aft- highways shall not exceed 25 miles or passing another vohlclo for such u an hour, provided, however, that no distance as to prevent dust nnd mud mnc1ilnn Fhall bo driven at n rate being thrown upon the vehicle foi- faster than eight miles an hour on lowing. Tho signal to pass shall -bo the county ronds when within 100 given by ono blnst of tho horn. If yards of any vohlclo drnwn by ,v tho ono blast Is not recognized, tlh'oo horse or horses. blasts inust bo given, nnd tho over- Automobiles operated In parks -u-u-vovtj-uw. . . s,. Hnj lc controlled by pnrk comiuls tablo or nnlninl matter, decayed jr fonpn, ,,y po8tC(, ,,, rcKuIntlnB decaying substances, garbage or tilth d , t A , , of any kind, tin cans, ashes or other gtft(0 of ,lllox,cnt,on , (k,0)nC(, coll. waste material In any place, except c,Ililvch. lncnnnblo nm. ,inni,(, ,0 Jb-icIi placo us shall be provided from ())ornto nutoluoblo, No vohlck. the City of Marshllold, for tho dump- ,, 1)0 1(jft U)0 Btrcol8 or ,,,,,. nig or snui gnruagc, etc. Section 7. Any person vlolntlng tho provisions of this ordinance shnll MAYOU l. I. STRAW OlTICIAIilA' . i ways unsecured, hut must bo so se cured Hint tho same cannot be moved without some action unnn the nnrt bo doomed guilty of a misdemeanor of tho owm,r N() vohlcIo ,,,, ,J0 and upon conviction thereof bcforotlio 0orutod 01l mbHc Btrcot8 wlth ox. llFHIOXATKH DAV TO COXYKItri CJTY INTO "SPOTLESS TOWN" STRONGEST CITY AXCK RKQl'IRIXtl REMOVAL OK OAHHAOK. Recorder's Court shall bo fined not .. .,., . 1 less than live nor more thnn ono m i,ii'i..-i i. .i ..-.- , v;i,.ii.n jiii.i Kin , en 111131 the purposo of being hauled or carted away from any house or lu.ltliln II... Ilmltu of tint f,l It nil nil , i .. .... .... i , v " " "" "" wwiiuum u......rH. or oy on)Iem nro exempt from the net so bo tho duty of ovory hotel keeper, In tho city Jnll not less thnn two nor fnr nR MUH, ,. ,rnnl rniniiniinn. OltDIX- liimrdlng house keeper, proprietor of. nwm than fifty days, nnd each day nre concerned. Patrol wngons, police nny restaurant, and tlio proprietor 'ir '"" B,,u" "' "" tuimmiu unibulanccs nnd Hro patrols shall ovory household nnd every person I"" ,,u ,l "parato and distinct of- )mvo tjle rlght-of-wny, notwlthstnn.l- OLD KKMAULE ItmtR BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIMJ3 Suits from Alnswni-lli Doric, I'orlland, it 8 P. M., every Tiu-.lny, Sails froiii Coos Day every Saturday nt service of tide. UeM'iinim Mill nut be bi'lil later Ihau l-'rldny iiooii,uuIeNNllcketsiiro purclmsi-tl l II. KKATINO, AOKXT PHOXK MAIN jw.f. "TIIU HtlllMI OI" COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE coxxkctixo with Tin: xokth ijaxk koad at poiitum) WIMiSAIIiKnOM Forlland at 6 P. M. Monday, March20 XOIITII PACIFIC SI'ICAMSIIIP COMPAXY. PIIONK II C. T. MctiKOHCK, Agent COOS BAY LIVERYJnrst Class Laundry To tho Public: For tho purposo of Improving tho sanitary condition as well ns the gen eral nppcnrauco of tho city, Saturday, April 1st, has been designated as "Clean Up Day," for tho city of Mnrshflold. Residents and property owners aro urgently requested to re move nil debris nnd unsightly mate rials from In nnd around tholr pro- JUIDl'B. Tho ladles of tho A. N. W. club1 hnvo arranged for removing freo of cost nil garbage matter placed on the streets In front of property whoso owners or teunuts nre financially un Able to defray the oxpenso of same. Crdlnnuro No. 201 Is publlsh-id lierewlth foi tho benefit of thoso who nra iiniau lllar with tho laws of tho c'ly governing tho disposal of gnr tiiKo: having slops, swill, kitchen refuse, nK the provisions of this net. It Is decaying anlmal mattor, garbage, Section ,S. That Ordinance No. tjI0 ,iuty f nn pcraous opcrntliiK nn- nshos, tin cans, crockery, glass ware, I'D, entitled "An Ordinance to pro- to-mobllcs to obey orders of nn nu- metal or other substunco Intended vl,, for l prevention and removal thorlzed onieor, who shall signal such for delivery to scavengers or to be ()f lUilBancon. nnd to declare what vehicle to proceed with safety or to transported by nny scavongor away P"nU l"Btltute n nulsanco," duly 8t,,. rrom the premises, to keep nil ashes, wmctod on tho ISth day of I-'ebruarv, In cans, crockery, glass waro. cof- ti,n-. "" ordinances and parts, XOTICK. fee grounds nnd metal sopnrato and,"' oidlnancoa In conlllct nro hereby j Mnrshlleld city wnrrnnts drawn apart rrom una in n recoptacle otlior "!"" against tho gonernl fund endorsed than that In which any other gnr-, Section 0. Whorens thoro is no ,,rior to .March 23, mil, will be huge, filth or other mntter or sub- "nllimnco which adequately provides .m,j u0 oresentntlon at mv miiro. stance Intended for delivery to sea-' for tuo disposal of garbage. It Is tlo intorest ceases on these warrants vengers or to bo limited or carted J"s"iu mi uio common council Mnrch IT., 101 1. Wo havo secured tho Ilvory busl ncss cf L. II. Holsner und nro pre pared to render excellent service u tho pcoplo of Coos Day. Careful drivers, good rigs nnd ovuiy thing that will mean sutlsfuctiry service to tho public. Phono us lor it driving horse, it rig or anything needed li the liver) lino. Wo also do a trucking buslno8i of all kinds, WjAXCHAUD IlltOTIIKItS. Ilv'ry, 1-Ved and Sales Service. HI First and Alder Streets. Phono 138-J work Is most dcslrablo to anjroti wishing tholr linen to pobicii tbl particular finish so necessary t good tasto In dress. VK DO THAT CLASS OP W)ItK Ono Trial will Convince. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHOXI-: MAIX .T7.J away from tho promises Is placed, and such substnucea shnll not bo, tlnced or mixed in any receptacle and no scavenger shall mix said ar Mc'es together. No scavenger or other person shall 'mill or cart away from any houso, iiaco or premises any mixture or Mint nu emergency exists, and that It' Is necessary for tho Immedlnto pro nervation or tho public health thai this ordinance bo In force and offect I from and nfter Its approval by tlio Mayor; therefore an omorgoncy is hereby doclnred to exist and this or dinance shnll bo In full force nnd of- Dated nt Mnrshflold, Oregon, this 23rd day of March, 1011. . It. F. WILLIAMS. City Treasurer. Don't forget piioxi: '-ii..t. tho Turkish nnths. OHDIXAXCi: XO. t!lll. An Ordinance regulating the gather ing, removal and disposal of gar bage, and providing penalties for tho violation (hereof. I TDK CITY OF MAH8HFIKU) DOKS ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, No person or persons shall cast or leave or keep In or ad joining nuyaitreot, alley, lane, square, or public place, or In any yard, block, or premises, within the city limits, or In tho waters of Coos Hay or tribu taries thereof, any putrid, unsound, unwholesome, or refuse vegetable or nnlmnl matter, or any unsound, pu trid, or unwholesome substance of any kind whatsoever. Section 2, No person or persons shnll permit or suffer to necumnlnto In or nbout any yard, lot. place, ir promloe or upon anv street or side walk, ndlacent or abutting upon nnv lot. h'ork. n'npo or premises, owned or on"i'leil lv him or them, or for which n"n or tov mnv be the ngent pr ji" wMMn M'o city limits, ro fu?o vecetnbles. decayed or decnylng substances, gnrbnge or filth of nny kind, nor suffer such yard, lot, placo TnrlHiKO. swill, or filth, mixed wlthl"81 ""''.. auer s approval iy other ashes, tin cans, crockory, glass ",0 J,"'fiI' ware, coffee grounds or metal what- Tll 0K'K Ordlnaiico was duly ever, but such ashes, tin cans, croc- 0UHcUul th, iatl " of February,' Tory, coffee grounds, and metal si nil, when so hauled or carted away t rom any premises In the city, bej o;. entirely sepa.rnte fVom nil other i ilii'iinooH, and Shall he so kept hen tho same shall bo dumped or lu'oaded. Unvn your Job printing done Tho Times office i toos. Approvod Februnr 13, 1008. K. K. STRAW, Mayor. Attest: J. M. I'PTON, Recorder. Ait.i April 1st, this ordinance will bo rigidly eufoiced. Romembcr a Tl'ltKSU will help you. Phone 2H-J. RATH Good Livery Service - ","'. "" Fancy now rigs, good horses ul lll'XUKIt HILL cnroful drlvors nro now nt the dlt- Now Is the time to buy at Hunker notmI of tho Cooa Uny I)llblIc HKASOXAIILi: HATDS. Rigs of rlgi with drlvors ready for any trip anywhoro nny time. How Hill. Roslc'mvo and itcnnt lots nt low figures ami ensy terms. I For particulars seo Alt!. FRI.IWX, IH Central Alt-., .Mumlilleltl, Oregon. bonrded and rigs cared for. Now hoarso and speclnl nccommO" datlons provided for funeral parties. W, L. OONDRON'S LIVKItY AND KKKIi ST.lllLES PilOXK 27II-J ESSIONALDIRECTORY ryu orvTTiLnT Oiteoiiathlc Physician Graduate or tho Amerhnn school of ' ' m Osteopathy at.Klrksvllle, Mo. Ollko - ,,, f r. i inisidurndouik. uouisiotoi2; no Have that Roof hxed t! Phono 101-J; Mnrshflold; Oregon, If you havo anything to sell, trade, rent or wnnt help, try a want ad. Try The Times' Wnnt Ads SeeMon 1. Nrt person or persons! diall ro'iiovu, transfer, or transjioiti hnniK,i any of tho public streets of! Mie city nt Marshfteld, any swill or lecaved matter, except It be In a ' ight'y covered metal leeeptacle, or nparatiis. or In such manner as will ."event the contents thereof rrom be- 'VI do'ioslted In the public streets, r rrom being exposed In the open air luring such process or trausporta- Imi. Any person or persons trnns- errliiK or transporting thru any of he public streets of Mnrshlleld any ueh substance, shnll so cover their avion, box or apparatus In such minor as will and shall prevent nny portion or the contents thereof from being deposited In tho public streets. Section 8. No person or persons thnll keep nny swill or i of use veget lblo or nnlmnl mntter, on nny pro- E. E. STRAW, Mayor. or premises to bo or remain In such mlfes within tho corporate limits of condition ns to cause or creato nol- Mie Cltv of Mnrshflold, except such somo or offensive smell or atmos- swill, vegetable or animal matter phee, sha'l be kept In a tightly covered Section 3. It shall be unlawful me'nl receptacle: provided, that all for nny person or persons to mix or luch swill, refuse vegetable or anl. place In the snmo vessel or recop- nuil matter shall be removed from facie, tln-cnns. glsss, crockery, or smcH premises at least twice en- nnv ino'il. ceo crounds, or ashes, i-cok with nny swill, vegetable or animal So'on f No person or personr .Blatter, or other filth or garbage for shall deposit any swill, refuse, vege DOCTOR PRAISES D. D. D. Although nn M. D I acknowledge to my patients nnd pntrons that your remedy, I). D. I)., reaches cases of Eczomn and permanently euros them. Dr. Ira T. Gnbbeit, Caldwell, Kan. "My euro began from the Ibst ap plication of D. D. D. My .skill Is now as smooth as a baby's. 1 wouldn't take, n thousand dollars tor what D, 1). D. has dono tor me," writes August Santo, or Chllllcothe, Ohio. These nro Just samples or letters wo aro receiving every day from grateful patients all over tho coun try. "Worth Its weight In gold," "All v ''on)e8 wssed away bv D. D. D.," "1 round Instnnt rellei." "D. D O .Is llttlo short or miraculous." These nro tho words or others In describing tho great skin remedy, D. D. D. Proven by thousands or cures, ror ch years to bo absolutely harmless mid reliable In evory caso of skin re-'hl. no matter whrt It Is. t'"t n tr'sl bottle tedsv' Instant ellef only 25c. Re1 Cross Store. Stafford's Chocolates Mndo on Coos Day. . Every piece Is fresh with a delicately flavored cen ter, encased In a coating of rich, pure high-class chocolate. It's no won der, considering their purity, why they are so popular. Surprlfo your wlfo or sweetheart with n box tonight. ryt. J. W. INGRAM, Physician and Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Ilulldlng Phones! Olllce 1JI2.I; Residence HliM. J. W. HKXXKTT, l.miyer. Olllco over Flanagan & Hennett nmilc Marshfleld Oregon yy,M. S. Tl'RPKX, W Architect Over Chamber or Commorco. too NOW See CORTHELL Phono 3121 Coal Cheapest fuel on Coos Bay Lump conl $l.r0. Xiit coal $3.00. Wo do all Kinds of hauling. contracting. Horses nnd vehicles (or salo. For quick dellve-v call a L. H. HEISNER TRAP NKSii'i) liiiMM.-.. PLYMOPTH HOCKS. . ,. lur phono 120-J or 49-L. Our matlugs have produced stand-' " onlm'vlliv.MPPClmen.8 f exhlblt,0"i XOTICK "TO COXTHACTOHS. egg in ,COrdS f 242'227'222 I NOTICE l,s hereby given that n Hbr c,r,' aT-. I "'is will bo received by the un- Hook t , K8BS fP ",c,""8 derslgned up to 10 o'clock A. M-. HOOk your Orders nna. f 0...1 . .... ' -,-..- Hnii5 de.lvori-. a ,.""". .T DJ""K AP H. "11. e "ri "" . .. tKV- i-ucKercia TWO STORKS. ,i(i Front St 11(1 Central Me. When your teet are wet and cold, nnd your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy, bathe your feet In hot water he fore going to bed, and;' you aro a!- Drutr most certain to ward off a sevee colJ. For salo by all dealers. frnm i -. 1.1- ii. r. rv.."iTitV. Or" tu.aiv l.i -.... .. .. .. '" -"'mine wiy, u " . ,. P rn o ..... , ?&,- Kn' r h0 'DU,ldlne 0f " raa Pi!?n i,' ",,ry Yn",S- accordance with tho speclflcatlou.l ,WJ "ACHMAN. ProB. tho oRlce of Ul0 County Clerk of Maihfleld, Ho.tHrt 0e HR Com Uom ,, -,. t .731-P1UE-58 to Station 735-plu'- FJPrfri I .MA (Jackson Dluff) on tho road lead'" w y UtnC LaiXipS rrom Allegany to the Douglas Co" we have lamps suited ror every ty line. Said road way to be at le"1 lrr.StraZda' Tantaln and a ten reet in width on solid rock, special 90-watt lamp rar superior Work to be completed by AW o the common 32 candle-power. It first, 1911. is a p eamre lor us to show and ex- The right is reserved to reject M Plain the different lamps ror the bet- or all bids. torment or your service. Dated this 22nd day of MrA Coos Bay Wiring Co. C S,JZRZT -wi i7. , No c nnntv. Oregon. f "f sU1 , Mil a-ii rn ---"- - H