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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1911)
THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1911 EVENING EDITION. Housefurnishing Specials Wi need liuiko no eonnnonl on those prices, thoy speak Tor tlioms&lvos: Ruflk'cl Swiss Ciu'inins, pop Pair j)0e Hohhinot Curtains, Lice Udge and Insert ion, per Pair $2.00 Cretonne Tor Overdraws ioi4. to 5(. (luaranteed Sewing II x-kors .". . $i.70 Large Size Dressers Reveled Plate Mirrors ' $12.50 Tapestry Brussels t js, 9x12. t $12.50 Axniiustor Hugs, 27-37 $2,115 100 Other Great Bargains of the Styles and Quality sueh as are carried only by Perry, Montgomery Co. EASY PAYMENTS M.C.H0RT0N0N PUBLIC WORK G teMJOlLI DJHNNGS tlom ore pending which mar do nwajr with the luvoluntno' bankruptcy. pro ceedlngs, LOCAL THMIMCRATURE HE-I'OllT. Says Committee Did Not Urge J tub witiTiimi. Unbusinesslike Reduction I (U" Associated irco j OREGON, Mnr. 23 Fair to- In TaX Levies. night ami Friday. "Sumo of tlio city uillclals or coun- cllnion evidently misconstrued our request whonwe tippenrodboforethen as n committee irum the Chamber of Commerce," .remnrked M. C. Ilor- , ton today lu discussing tho criticism jOf tho cotumlttoo at Tuesday night's meeting. "We did not recommend or Bponk of cutting the tax levy but I we did recommend a retrenchment I In city expenses. i "Tho Chamber of Commerce ap pointed the committee to appear be (fore the city council, the school board jnnd the county commissioners to urge ' r. Hiit.iillHlitiintil f iiwiiniull it hl-MU14ll UilUIIUIlllll'Ill til UAtUIlll- turos. The Idea of coursu was to se No Truce of Mint. Marshal Carter has been timlblc to And auy further traco of tho suspect In tho Portland murder case who was reported to b In this section. Personal Notes For twenty-four hours ending lug 1:43 p. in., Mar. 22, by Mrs. 1'. MlnguB, special government meteorological observer: Maximum r7 Minimum 42 , At 4:43 p. m '.a ! Precipitation none Wind, Southwest: cloudy. I.. HARPOLE and family are moving to Hastslde. IRA A. ALBEE of Empire, Is a Marshlleld visitor today. MltS. 12. H. HODSON of Coos River Is a Marshlluld shopper today. OEO.'N. FARRIN expects to leave In a day or two for Portland. Arc! Kidney and Bladder Remedy A curative Ionic for nil Kidney, Uladder mid Urinary Diseases, such as ncuto and chronic Inflammation or congestion of the kid neys stono In tho bladdor and Catnrrh of tho Illadder and Urethra. For sale at the "BUSY CORNER." PliWfi PEli BOTTLE $1.00. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. 'PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. PHONE 298. Leading Drug Store In Coos County.'i: IXVKSMKXTS. For Information concerning high-class bond Investments, bearing Cft Interest not, write O. 1). Hinsdale, caro J. II. Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California. .Meet Friday. Dr. O. W. Leslie's Sunday school class will meet Friday cure a reduction In tho'tnx levy but"1"1 nt n, C" "' Mn,'8h llom0. to have the reduction lu tho tax levy to be made proportionate to the re duction in expenses. MISS LILLIAN McCANN flf North He ml Is a Marshlleld shopper to day. OIL SUPPLIES Tho Coob Day OH and Supply FOR SALE Bluing tnlilo mill chairs, Company, undor tho mnnnKOiuont of weathered oak rockors and library J W. Flanagan will coutlnuo to han table. Choap as owhor Is leaving dlo tho Union Oil Company's gaso town. Apply 101 Third or Phono Uno, distillate, bonzlno and coal oil Don't Buy your Butter, Cream or inlllc from tho Coos., Bay Ico nud Cold Storago company un less you want only tho Best - PHOXE 73-J Delivery H n. in. 2 p. in. BEAN POT CHEESE Try It. H7-L. FOR RENT Housekeeping 237 So. Broadway. rooms, at their oil house across tho Bay to which place thoy hnvo moved their 'atcck. BIDS WAXTEI) To furnish, lOOO cords of good Alder wood. For particulars enquire of Cold Storago Company. Breaks Collar Hone. Tho three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. We did not advocate or suggest, Wm. McClure sustained a fractured that the tax levies be made less than collar bono by a fnll nt their homo sufficient to meet tho current ex- tho other day. penses but we did feel that the cur-1 . rent expenses could bo reduced and I W. 0. T. l .Meeting. The W. C. In a buslness-ltko way to reduce tho T. U. will hold n short local Institute tax levy which Is too high. session nt tho Methodist Episcopal "Wo cited what other towns were church Friday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. paying for conducting various city proparntory to tho Coos county InBtl- depnrlmcnts and from this comparl- tute to be hold lu the near future. boh we suggested that tho MnrshfloM ; council might be nblo to reduco tho Hold Picnic. The Sophomoro cost of tho city engineering depart- class of tho Marshlleld High school ment, tho street cleaning department will hold n class picnic on Soiuli nud tho police department, some of Cons Hlvor next Saturday. Each which they" have done. nunibor of tho class Is to Invito ono "Tho school board Is also plan- member of the Freshman class for nlng for a buslncss-llko retrenchment tho outing. In expenses which will probably on-. ' ablo us to reduce tho tax lovy In tho One Initiated. Marshlleld Lodge future. 'of Elks last night Initiated A. J. "It was not pur iden to have a tax Ness Into tho mysteries of tho Ant levy mndo that would not defray tho lors. At tho noxt meeting of tho current expenses and cause any ono lodge, a trusteo for threo years will to Issue Illegal warrants to pay bills bo cIiobch nnd two weeks from last I but wo wanted to hnvo unnecessary ! night, tho now olllcors will bo ln j expenses eliminated. . stnllod, I "In vlow of this, I do not feol thnl . any members of tho council or city j Recover GIuch. Through a i officials should crltlclso tho commit- found ad In Tho Times last evening, .too and especially on erroneous atn-.Claudo NaBburg today recovered 'i tcinents." 'pair of oyo-glasses lost yesterday. Ho loft tho glasses on tho running board of his auto, forgot thorn and they dropped off. Chas. Statin picked thorn nnd had tho found nd Inscrtod In Tho Times. MRS. C. E. NICHOLSON Is enter taining a few friends nt her homo today. MRS. T. A. JU55A Is reported qutto j ill at her homo In South Marsh- field. C. KNUDSON Is ill nt Morcy hospital of piioumonln but Is getting along fairly well. CHAS. SENDELUACH plans (o leave Saturday for Portland to vis it for awhile. A. S. HAMMOND of Coqulllo passod i through hero today en routo homo from Portland. GEO. SHERIDAN of tho North Bond Condensary arrived homo today from n visit In Roeehurg. ARTHUR McKEOWN nnd wlfo and children oxpect to leavo In n fow days for an extended visit In California. II. B. COX, who recently moved hero from Ten Mile Is occupying the Clausen house tit Seventh & Flanagan. NORTH I11-2XI) NEWS. - - Tho schoonor Echo, which has been loading lumbor nt the Portor Mill, was expected to go Immediately fto Grays Harbor but has been detain- eu acre. JUDGE JOHN S. COKE oxpocts iJ leave Saturday for Portland to look aftor some court mattes thore. ! The quicker a cold Is gotton rid of tho less tho danger from pneumonia nud othor sorlouB diseases. Mr. B W. L. Hall of Wavorly. Va.) says "I firmly bellovo Chamberlain's Coush Remedy to bo absolutely tho best preparation "im tfionvarkot for colds. I havo recommended It to my frionds nnd they all agroo with me." For salo by all dealers. VOX SALE OR BENT Breakwater hotel. Mrs. Carrlo Gray. FURNITURE FOR SALE A lot it fine furniture nlinoat how' will bo ld at half vnluo. Going east. Call at 300, 9th and Donnelly. Polks Oregon and Washington State Gazetteer find Business Direc tory.' Just Issued for 1911-12 Is the most completo work of tho kind published. It contains an accurate business di rectory of every city, town and vll- lago In Oregon and Washington, and Japaneso Cup and Saucor 23c A few of the articles from our 1,000 25c Bargains Sot of Tablo Mats. .....' 25c 2 Air MRS. HENRY BLACK Is spending A fow days at tho homo of uor daughter, Mrs. Carl Smedborg, ou Catching Inlet. Mrs. Fahy of Billiard is visiting friends In North Bond visit hero In fourtee'n years. accompanied her over. Her son TOPICS OF THE TIMES '' Hour 'Aro Changed. Commenc ing today, tho hours nt tho Marsh field City library are changod slight Iv. Heroaftor tho llbrarv will lu It Is. her first close(1 nt 9 0.clock , (ho 0V0nK . stond of 10 o'clock and will remain open In tho mornings from 10 o'clock j until 12 o'clock Instead of from 10 , till 11 o'clock. Tho changod hours Is more In accordanco with tho cus- .toms of libraries olsowhera and It Is bellovod that thoy will bo more ad- OEO. McCUTCHEON returned today from a fow weoks' visit at Port land, McMlnnvlllo and othor northorn points. MRS. A. E. NEFF and son, Emnior sou, expects to leavo Saturday to visit frionds nnd rolatlvcs In Portland and tho oast. Times havo changed, qormany novanUgeoU8 to tho pnb,c iuncer Hneezes wnen me Kaiser nun an attack of Influenza. That ho may attain tho requlsito Hearing Frkluy. Tho hearing In tho Coos Bay Rapid Transit Com pany mattor Is scheduled to bo ro- ..Bui i . ...... ,..u.0 .u. u. Bumod tomorrow ,f corta dOVolop- naval service, a Minneapolis youth ui mmtn do not tako plaC0i Nogotla. Iinvliiir ila lofra nnllprl Thn """"" ' havlnir his Iocs nulled PlantS , -0 pa nv ninn n.n lin lino lin.l hlj 'r ""'.". " AUTO Anytime, anywhere lten onable rates. Phono Blanco hotel 6 or Resldonco 28-J. WXai FOR RENT Knqulre GeO. Witfe, North Bond, Ore; Mil SALE 18-foot Inunch, 1 H.-P. enslno, also bpnt houso. Choap. APPly A. X. Times' office, HKXT Seven-room modern house near in. Phone 59-J, or In quire Dungan's Undertaking Parlors. 8.V.W the names and addresses of country merchants and professional men. lumbermen, etc., who are located ad jacent to villages; also lists of gov ernment nnd county officers, commis sioners of deeds, stato boards, statu tory provisions, terms of courts, names oi mo jjubik.ubiu.d, iuoiuim,uo, German China, cup and saucer, .'.23c Sot of G Wator Glassos 23o 35-cent Box Stationery 23a 4 10-cent Tablets 23c 2 15 -cent Tablets 23c pair Children's Hoso 23c 2 pair Ladles Hoso 23c 1 pair Ladles Wool Hoso. ..'... .23c log pulled, feels smaller than evor. MRS. J. RICHARD OLSON. who la 111 of typhoid fever and othor com plications, Is roported to bo In u rather critical condition. AUGUST FARLEY arrived hero to day from Portland whore ho has been receiving modlcal attontion. Ho Is somewhat Improved. express, telephone and telegraph of- Bk or SIdo Combs; .23c hotels uuuruuiucu itiiMiinutTcn. , . . . -i. u-iucu snears -nc FOR flees, justices of the peace, dally and weekly newspapers; be sides much other information useful to all classes of business and profes sional men. A descriptive sketch of each place Is given, embracing vari ous Items of Interest, such as tho lo cation, population, distances to dif ferent nolnts. tho most convenient Tho report that scientists found 500,000,000 bacteria In a quarter teaspoonful of Chicago Ico cream moves us to suspect that not much , of tho cream was loft when tho count Ing was over with. REAII THE TIMES' WANT ADS. SO.MI'. nVP 'll.tnntt .. . ... .. ..... .-. humph u , ; , ; ,"! shipping stauonB, mo proaucia wiai ., .u-iuu. cuuin. innuuo Stoneo-pher's boat shop, Eastslde K SALIp0,v 8eitinKS 0f M'hlto min duck oggs. Twelve for 75c. ,rs- E. L. Bessoy. Phono 3108 farmers OU RKXT-Haxter .hotel at, Co Wllle, Oregon, after April 1. v"te or see personally Baxter ""-. CoquJUe, ore. J? 8AI'E nouaehold furniture. lrs- A. Dowon 371 n-o.i. o -, V.A wiuhuitm; uut WAVTrrv TT JUdren to take position. B1nco h0tel without Enquire are marketed, stago communication, trado statistics, tho nearest bank lo cation, mineral Interests, churches, schools, libraries and soclotles. An Important feature is tho classified di rectory, giving every business arran ged under Its special heading, thus enabling subscribers. tQ obtain at n glance a list of all houses manufac turing or dealing In any particular line of goods. Tho work generally is complied to deserve their liberal patronage. PRICE 80.00. R. L POLK & CO. SEATTLE, "Wcsh. Trade Hero and Save Money. POOS BAY vASH STORE The Storo That Saves Ypu Money, liKO. X. HOLT, - Mmiuger Front Ktwet. Mirlitlelil. FOR SALE Thoroughbred white Leghorn eggs for hatching, $1 for fifteen. Coos Bay Grocery. A Magazine You Will Enjoy We knqw you will eujoy reading a copy of The Motion Picture Story Miigiulne. In appearance, quality and worth it equals any magazlno on tho market. Thoro is no othsr magazine so beautifully Illustrated. Its stories aro brimful of human In terest. They will toll you of other 'countries with their strnngo cus I toms. They will provide many pleas ant hours for evenhigs at home. I Read it from cover to oover and 4 then cohie around and seo our high class motion nlcturo nlnvs. Aftor Homer Mauzey, ono cf the drivers j.reaillng tno mnBaziU0 yQU will have and tho solicitor for us Is out for,a newep and kconor jntor08t Jn mo. Laundry. Watch him! ho is liable jton ,,,ctlirei. Vou wll, Beo gomo of to stop you on tho street and explain, UlQ Btor,08 yoi, ,mvo road aoto all dotalls of Laundry and -also to bo tho Bcreon W,1V npt como toniBi,t? at your homo any tlmo. Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z. TTllP Omheimi Marshfield Hand and u you wish to subscribe or pur- q. chase a single copy leavo your order OlCam Laiindry at our ticket office. Price $1.50 per PIIONL. 220-J Jyear, 15c per copy. WATCH! NOTICE! SEE YOUR DOCTOR FIRST don't trifle with your health by taking medicine that may not do you any good but may Injuro you. When you tuko sick go to boo your, doctor at once; ho will prescribo a medlclno to suit your oxact condition, then bring your prescription to us and wo will fill It with drugs of tho hlghoU quality and purity, Many a serious Illness may 'jo avorted when you tako the right medlclno at tho right time for your oxact trouble. "Seo your doctor, then MRS. HATTIE NICHOLS returned today from Portland whore sho wont to attend tho marrlago of hor daughtor, Miss Eunlco, which took place thoro recoutly. see us. Brown Drug Co., J. W. LEES, who formerly conduct ed a harbor shop on South Broad way but who Is now with a col lection agency lu Portland, arriv ed here today on buslnoss. G. A. SIGNALNESS, ono of tho own ers of tho Cooston townslto, who has beou looking aftor buslnoss Interests on tho Bay, expects to leave Saturday for Portland. B. H. KREAMER and wife of Bandou nro expected hero tomorrow en route to Portland. Mr. Kreamer recently disposed of his luterost In tho Bandou Recorder and Is now Booking n now location. K. A. HENDRICKS, who formerly resided hero but who moved to San Diego, recently has wrltton frionds thnt ho will move to Port land whore he will engago In tho creamory business. L. B. LARSON, formerly a promi nent young bii8lno3 man of Fort Dodgo, Iowa, but moro recently Pacific coast' representative for a Minneapolis wholesalo dry goods company, arrived In Marshfield to day to Investigate tho prospocta of tho Coos county country. A ,1-