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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIME, MARSHf-lELD,' OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1911-EVEHIMG EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES Entered nt tho iio-.tul.lro at Marsh field. Oregon, for trnnsmlsfti in through tho innllH ns second elms trial I mutter. tt. C. MAI.ONKV Kiiltor nntl Pub. AN I?. MAI.ONKV NVw. IMItor An Independent Republican news paper published every evening jx ccpt Sunday, find Weekly by Tho Cooi Itny Tlmrn IMiblMiliig Cm. n ct of conditions to arise. II it I Hi Tho rat t n'cnrrler of ,i1hruo, thofhe was the father of twin evidently Mit.-nilmi In turned to the fur rtrntor ntnlnrlnt mnidutto. the nV with its 'never belonged to ft Don't Worry . j ! ..h of n struggle between Japan burden of dlienne, clt., ro condom-, club. nnd the t'nlted States In the North ned. nnd (he sentence U Approved. I'nelflP, n struggle which would In- but men tin of executing It nre not i evltnbly spread Into the southern Renernlly known. j ocenn, for It li In the southi-rn i The Times trill undertake to sup ! ocean thnl larger developments of ply Information as to method1. Soon trndo, In tho opinion of Australia, er or Inter there Is bound to be n nre to be looked for. J concerted attack on the files nnd the The Sydney Herald Is of the opl- conditions which produce theiff. It MISSING WOltll CO.VTI.tfT. - Testenlay's Ir-iffllng mystery was unfwffled by Doc, Sirax. The full phrrrte Is; ..ft...!.... I .. . ftf .. fl.W-11lltll It '-IIIlilU 1 11 III,. ",1,1ft 1 ........ - nlnn that Japan could not successful- will come enrllor with an nwakenfng ,... ., .,. -.i tmri- mmiI r-ii ' r"( .... . r- n w ly establish Itself upon the Pacific of Indlvldunl Interest, slope without havlns nn army of at ' The fly Is nn unnecessary pest and iloflst 200,000 men. With the Pnna- Dodlcatod to tho horvlcc of tho J inn canal completed It would be pos pcoplo, that no good emise Bhall Inckislble to shut In such nn army from n clmmplon, nnd that evil shall not i the Pacific slope between the ocean thrlvo unopposed. land the Itocklos by destroying: rail way communications across the Roo datiRer. It ean be exterminated, nrsf now Is the time to begin. si-ok.ixk'.h rxigun election. Tho Coos Hay Tlmos roprcsents it consolidation of the Dally Coast Mali nnd Tho Coos Hay Advertiser. The Coast Mall waB tho first dally ostno llshod on Coos Hay nnd The Coos Day Times Is Kb Immodlnto sue ccstor. s POKANE'S first election undtr the rommlsslon plan of govern ment gave nn interesting1 test of spring hoiiv't'ffimlntf. Extra bnfllliiK mysWy tliN rve "THE I.AXP OK Till-. . axd mi: home or the 4 .- " ' ' The Ten Comnmndmenfs, crai wllcn broken, are ns good ni before. SUIISCRIITION ItATKS. DAIIiV. One year JC.OO Per month 50 When paid strictly In advance tli" subscription price of tho Coos liny ""'uos Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 fn. months. WKEKLV. t year $1.50 Iftlclnl Paper of Cooi County. OFFICIAL PAPER OK Till: OK MAKSHFIELD. Ides and by patrolling tho coast with the American licet, It might be ensy for the Japanese to enter but Its nnlqtie system of dispensing alto it would be dllllmilt under such clr- gcthcr with n preliminary uom.'nnt eumstnnces for n single one to mnko lug primary nnd selecting cnmitUs his escape. slonure In n single election. Uinl'er Hut the Pnnnma Canal Is not this system the voters express llrst, i built nnd with GO, 000 Japanese In second" and third choices on their bnl- Moxlco nnd n conllng station, the first lots. Tho Jive cnndldntes who re- onset of war would bo distinctly In celve the highest majorities of the fnvor of tho Japanese. Tho Herald' Hrst choices votes cnBt nro declared' believes that America's possessions di elected", If there bo live who receive i ' tho Pacific, such ns Hawaii nnd the n nmJbrUy. If thero nro not, then j - Philippines, will Inevitably fall Into tho second choice votes nre added' tlij The fellows who had' something tho hands of tho Japanese, but winds tho first chofco nnd those who .iavoln-',frtW;,J' for n rnli,y dn" ve hvcn up a carefully written editorial by a sufficient mnjorlty of both first nndjl"r Investing In ninu'rellrM and' rub' saying: "Wo nro morally rertnln second' choice- votes nro declnred. if J bora today. that In the long run America, by that does not mnko up tho entire list ' . sheor weight of numbors, wealth nnd of live commissioners, then the third brains, must win." It fervently do- choice votes nro added in. ' Mitny a lifelong light hnB ' ? ' "'' TiiofoiiT roit 'nil-: day. ' If liiiBlnes mid religion will not mix, there mny fie some- thfng wrong with tho mixer. ' ? ' Addross nil COOS DAY MnrNhlleld :: CITY" Biros that this country should win, I In the SpoKnne election, only one ' won nothing but tho mrme of (not only from the point of view of man of tho scores of candidates re-l n irullhead. : -1 blood brothershlp, but also from tho reived n majority of first choice votes I ' W V ' s",i ' communications to Lelllsh standpoint that If Japan wero nnd he rocolVwf nn ovorwhelmlng ' DAIliY' TIMKS. ,to loso, "wo Australlnns might feel majority. Not u single othor candl COAL STRIKES AND COAL IMUCKs ry not iho man who relics upon central Klntioa olcclric acrviee for his power. The foar of Vnsle nnd cxtravjigaiu'e in tho engine room tUsnppcari when the Klcclric Drive is installed. Kxpoiusive boilers and engines do not have to be limitituiiKsi. repaired nnd replaced. ISlcetrie motors du nvav with line shafting and losses in power trmisiiuj. sioii. Tn nearly every possible power .'ipphVntiou the Klcclric Drive shows a big saving oCr oth'.r forms oC power. Klcclric power means encrnu only when you iranf il, and then all yon Hmt Every year shows improvement, economies ami (K vclopments in electric power machinery. The e$. timatc you had made last year is probably out of date now, AVc employ competent experts to in. vestigate your power needs and yon can depend on (heir reports. Telephone ITS, Oregon Power Company. .MtiXACK OK WAIt. :: Oregon H certain reassurance that In years doto was olccteif even after tho seo- , to como wo shall not bo loft alone to ond cholro votes hnd been added nnd lltonr tho fnilt of Kastcrn invasion, It refiulred' the addition of third a CCOItDING to dispatches Allshed In Loudon, thero Hccms our task, to ho sorlous mennco of war be tween this country nnd Jnpnu, the casus belli apparently being an nt : present dtsnvowed attempt by Japan j to establish n footing In Mexico. It Booms thnt tho Toyo Klsen Knlshn has been negotiating for n Mrs. nolle Whltnoy, fashfon ex- ,port, tofu" n convention of Chlcngo dressmakers tho other day tllat they liftlt.lit 1tuf na U'nll tunlA I1 fliiilt 'but that both Kuropo and America choice votes to mnko tho necessary ni mt RS InHttll0 ,lIlVOni 8klrt pub- In their sovernl colonies will shnro hi majority. ... , It I. dbulltmr IT th.a system has nnt fo tho hue nr0 . any advantage over tho regular y,. , , , something to say about HIIOOKLVf !t0,(r" l nmnr- non-partisan vlu,re lt KtnyB. This thing orglvlng - iiuimiiiuiijH imiiihu nnu a suori oni lot election tcr follow that ONO regarded ns moral) n buzz- t eleutlon tcr follow thnt. The cx Ing, Irritating nuisance, tho fly prosslon of second nnd third cholco now Ib known to bo a dlscnso '8 Hkoly to bo confusing and voters conllng carrier nntl n dangerous Invader of nro nut' likely to resort to It. Tho utatlou at Manznulllo, which Is tho homes, spreading sickness nnd contn- rourilB ,,f tllir Spokane election sho up our til's, nnd hnS'a, nnd coats, nnd' clgnrcttei, and coin, nnd now our trousers' (Here's' going-to-b'c a-lllnlf reached' stftnetlmo you'll see- It not only Is betrayed In Its bnd j'neino coasi lormiuni m mo .lexicau i.fon Central railway. Japan denies time Its edvornment has been nttomntlng to procuro this coaling atntlon, but works ,,,lt ll 'h' known to bo nn mi- tho Toyo Klsen Is n government-own- necessary ovll. It Is a pest nnd n cd steamship Hue. Jnpau'docH not danger in tho houso only becnuso pre- deny thnt thin steamship company CIU,tons not only to prevent It enter nas opened nogotlntlonB for this ond. , ,lllt ,g() , Iirovollt i 0xlBtcnco Thoro nro already 00,000 Jnpnneso nrp neglected. Tho lly Is not one Known to hnvo Bottled in Moxlco nnd nr !, itimvni.inM,. i.i.n.ii.ntu .r ....... " - . ....... ft..., ft.. B Hint, ftir the second cholco tho vote was so Hinuir thnt four candidate wore chosen only uftor third cholco votes hnd' been added. Tho third cholco votes wero few only ono enn-dldlito- receiving- moro thnn 1,000 nnd tho nvoragv mtrcli less than f.00. along Central American ports, Tho mor. We lire not required to toler- ' . 4- t WITH THE t X TOASTANPTPAt ift ' Tinr rrACin:.OK f.'iiui,.sj:rss " a womnn looks nt a man in evening dress, she some- tlinetr can't help wondorlng why ' Uo wants to lilnzon Ills nucestry to tile world by wearing n coat with ii long tall to It." Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1S89 Capital, SurpYs and. Undivided Profits Over . . . Assets Over $100,000 $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits o CJOOI KVKXI.Vn. If yon do not wish for Ills ICIngdom. don't pray for It; but If yon do, you miiBt do moro than pray for It; you must work for It. Ruskln. ; mo ou(; It's too full'." number Increases. On tho death of n,0 It nny ,ongor tIin, ,vo tolorn,0 tho Diaz It Is bolloved that nn nttompt COtulltIonH which glvo It life, will bo rondo by tho Japanese to es- A lrnvou,r returning from the tnbllsh n government which will bo pnnmn canal strip was pestered by favorablo to Japan; in othor words (1P8 h. Sow 0rlenns. Then for tho a Jnpanoso-Moxicnu dynasty. Thla Is nr8t ni0 u rnino to ,,, nrocat0ir something which tho Tutted States, tnnt t,ur,1K ,,,8 vat to tho 8thniUH In tho opinion of tho London papers, t,,0 nHOCt )rct,,nnR tropics, ho hnd cannot woll stand for. Tho Jnpnn- not 800l, ,-y, Thore mn). ,mvo bwn eso, firmly entrenched In Mexico. r,,.V j)Ut tlwy wero 80 ncon1,,lcu. would not only provo n dnngtirouB ,lat no ,,(l HOt notlco tholm ra. cnomy to Amorlcn'H peaceful, posses- nunm ,, ,,, n (,ea(h Htrll)i Whites eion or tno i-nnnma ciinni; not only Coutd not live and work there, nnd would thoy Interfere with American natives wero carried off by contagi-l lutoroHts In Moxlco nnd Central Am- ,, ,i8ense8 as tho Chinese now aro orlcn, but would nlso tend toward perishing with tho plague. That Is establishing a standard of Eastern changod. It had to be. Tho can.U clvlllzntlon In the country of tho ,,, t0 , llllR nml ,,WnR comunon,, white man. Londou papors do not m, to obtain beforo it could bo. i hesltnto to Bay that If these clrcum- Tho government went nftor tho n stances bo ns stated, tho United Sta- nml tho mosniilto nml .h, fnni ni,ooa toB hna every right to Interfere In which bred tlinm nn.i rinnn.i k.. marshaled far nnd wldo. tho settlement of Moxlco and to pro- cnna etrlp. It was n big Job .Epics 0wa tl0 nnrl,or traHlc. at the dfny's .vent tho lodgmeut of tho Japaneso i,aVo been written of Bmnllerones.' '"''I. at n point whoro they would hnvo n Probably nono will carry the story nonr,nB height and barter through good place of attack upon tho Pnclllo f the Insect killing In Pannmn. butj an end,e8s fntrylnnd. B0I,U tho canal Itself will servo as a im-!, Curiously enough In this rogard. minder of tho slaughtor. Down In g0 and 8,00I, nnil nant,nR tug. car tho Sydney Morning Herald, tho lead- tho Ironies, where. If nntnr.. ........ nnd 8tonm 8n". stoic v ok Tin: i.r. " n A Ifttlo girl' was vlsltlhg- tho beacn for the first time, nnd'hor rirthor took Her to bntho lt tho occam Nothing nione rxtonslvo than tllu lwthtub at home had' l)ein her experience. As silo wadl'd' outt. tigUtly holUtlw; her father's hand, sho was pusently up to her neck .ln the- water. "Oh, papa." sho exclaimed, "tafci TIIK IIARIIOU, THAKKIC. U and down tho shining roads. through tho silver hazei Orer nil tho glories of tho Jeweled waterways. , On tho shifting tracks or light. whoro (ho long rays. sHdo, Neath tho pageantry of. f IlICASS TACKS. (A. T. Hatiutr favorlto loom.) It's soldont that I chase down to tho wallitis place, r see so many go to that sort of woo, cloud, , fresh curses to Invent, to ronst tho government, to boost the grouch's cause, to clamour for now laws, to have the old re- pealed, that all mon may bo heeled. And I nm baling hay, the good old-fashfoned way. I do my dally grind with calm, contented mind? I'm uttorlng no Ing paper of ono of tho two chief produce Insects, certainly would bo Vomv of 8tatQ," movomont, prldo of roars; I have nocorns or sores; cities In Australia, In Ita Issue of tlm pimi,.,. i.nt.i...r.- !, .. ..' gllttorlng trail; .......ft, ...,fty..ft. , .llftT.W l.lftl U ,. , January 2S, has been discussing this nies nnd thero nro no mosquitoes. r0"8H tne splondld onyx paths of very question with regard to tho do- Thnt 8 ,, ol,Ject ,psg0 for t))0 nHt,j'l the lavish night. inlnaucy of tho I-ncllic Blopo. especial- orltles up north. Ullnzlng with n thousand sparks, link- ly of tho South Sea. Naturally Tho alarm ngiUnst the danger has' with chains bf light. enough, tho Australian paper takoa i,Con sounded conslstentlv nnd loud- aCa tho nnrbor tranic. land-nud-sea- 183,10 llrst with those conditions y by authorities and Tho Times vo-' ward drawn. which mllltato ngalnst Itself as u luuteors In tho war. This papor will WcRV,nK through the magic strands weak whlto power In n land remote endeavor to give to persons Interest-1 f tho (,usk nnd dawK ' from nil othor whlto people. lt td In tho effort to oxtormluato tho . points out that tho Buplneness of aiseaso carriers such InformnHnn AU nllko transfigured, sordid trado Condensed Statement 3f Ull First National Bank of Coos Bay At thft! clos. of hutlnesti, Mavch 7tli, 1011. Great Hrltaln has pormlttod Germany suggestions, and ammunition as can and toll, ! me wuria seems pretty gay, whllo I am baling hay. These mon who rant nnd fret, o'er perils they hnvo met, who prance and chew tho rag about tho country's flag and how It (taunts and waves above a gang or Knaves what fun do they oxpect from this, their dally act? What good do they pur sio, with all their whoopsydo? What comforts have thov to obtain a lodgmeut not only In New bo obtained from health denartmonts WoarJ' crowds, and dingy freight, . bought with all their tommy liiiinon, immeuinioiy to mo norm or and from tho government. I "vwr 8,,1" a"d sow, , Australia, but also In Samoa, nnd Puhllu perceptions In tho'so mnttovs lT,) nnd dow" tho RoUhm roads, whore that Germany has today actually nn- nro becoming moro aouto and tho np-' tho w " nm fret. dor Its control some six groups of proelntlon of tho dangers which un- Toucuod to ito a(l Kindness by the the Islands of Ocoanlo. Conscious noVeasnrllv nro thrust Into imma. u ' B'eat breath of tho sea; at presout of Its woukiiMg. for Aus- ,UOi lively, thanks to tho continued So tno ,,nruo' trntllc 'goes, nt th.j' InB wrong. I always get my rot? nat bodies have they Blnln with nil their toll nnd pain? I earn my livelihood by sawing piles of wood; I saw tho whole year long, and I seo noth otYo.'U of preachers ngalnst them, tralln mid Now Zealand lmvu n popu lntlan but botwoon live nnd six mil lions, It Is evident that tho Amino doiiiis would liko to proclaim for thomiolroa a doctrine somewhat f.V.u'.'J'...Vl'IirHr, similar In scopo to thnt of rroshlont Monroo, but which would npply to tho Islands of tho South Pacific. Australia bolleves thnt in nny struggle between Germany nnd Groat Ilrltnln, tho formor would be a losor nnd theroforo Is contldont of tho re sult, although regretting tho policy of lalssez falro which pormlttod such i TIht.' U more I'atHrrh In tliW .tvtloti of tliti ruiifr. tiin Mil i lior ilUHM't nut iimothtT. mi In I v Xi'ti if iliu t r ti .1. ......... ..., i.i ,,. . ,.. .. ... i,..-..mi, ,i - mii'hi I. Mrflw.ini itritn'riiHMi imkHI iiufU'i. nml ly iiius'Hiitl) f 111 tivr id ruro .. i.t. t ...i fomuuMii, irt.iftu il u liioiimblr. vl n.v n iio,mi cttirrli to lk a ivutlllii ! ' I-f in,l Oioivforo ri'tuliv 1-oiiiitlUi-llmml irvmini'iit llxU' Cilr h Tim., in nil fKriU'iil I,) P J liriie) . 'o Tuliolo. Ulilu, l I e nnlt .nl(ii,tnini' rnriin lhi inttrkol. It 1 In' in iiili)ii I nnu 10.lro)u topnoii ill II aruillrei'll) mi Hie liloo.l Hii'l iihunmik itt'tft-ftSMidhOftO'"- TIikv offer una IiiiikUihI lnlr for ny re It (lUiocuro. Scml (or rlrriiUr iul i,ilinonUU. A.I.IICM- r J CIICNKY A CO.. ToIihJo, Ohio PoM br llriiKrUln. 7V Take Lair. I'uniiU riU'a (or eontlI(ttion hour's commnnd, pay when ended Is the day. nnd Hearing all man's work nnd stress to my home repair, and find no through God's wonderland. ' walling there. WALT MASON". HESOUIlCKS. Loans and ills- counts ?1G0i33.!3 Overdrafts. ... .is U. S. Honds nnd promlums. . . . Othor bonds and warrants. . .. Banking House.. Fiirnlturo nnd fixtures .... Cash nml duo from banki . . 2J,'150.00 81,07.15 7l,100.1t T,S9.3I i;tn,io.i7 LIABILITIES. Capital stock. . .J100.000.OJ Surplus and pro- m Circulation. . . PeixxiltH. . 6,:S3.U . . 24,500.04 . ..ftl0300.0 ?I9I,05ti) 1491,052.20 Cask HeM-rve ST Pr Ct of Deposits Wo invito your attention to tho condition of this bank as sho" by the above statement. A general banking buslneis transacted.' Accounts of Individuals, corporations nnd firms recelvod. Intorest paid oa tlnio and Savings Deposits. Safe deposit boxes for rent at" $3.00 and up per annum. Your business solicited. .ft OFFICERS: W. S. CHANDLER, Presldont, DORSEV KREITZER, Cashier. M. C. HOHTON. Vice-President. RAY T. KAUFMAN. Asst.-Cashler.' DIRECTORS: F. S. DOW, STEPHEN" C. ROGERS. WM. GRIMES, W. P. MURPHY, JOHN' F. HALL, M. C. HORTON". W. S. CHANDLER, JOHN S. COKE, W. U. DOUGLAS, Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAI1LO AND JO!SOX CEMENT. pi... rThe bMt DomMtlc '! Imported brands, raster, Lime, Drlck and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENF.R A T rnMTD a r-r-T I 0FF1Cn' y01' imOADWAV. MiONE 201. Another cheering thought: Today ! Is twenty-four hours nearer sinnmor i SSLSSSiSZJZirIIirz.-'-T than yesterday was. .,, ,. ,,,. ,., .. " "" ,i.. iiuio wum t;ei n uo tie of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I will soon flx you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains I no onlum or other narcotio mj m... Tho Chicago man who dropped 'be Given as confldontlv in n i,i, " dead tho othor day when ho found to an adult. Sold by all dealers. ., J$ BAY-ROSEBURG STAGE LINfc '. .Miirslifleld. Tho subject of larjo families al ways Booms 'to come up when thero Is llttlo elso to talk nbout. Agent, ROSEI1URG, Ore. FHONE 11 FOR GOOD WORK . Bring your clothes to ms. cleaning Pressing and repairing . 8peclaItj,; by oxPlenced ,. SatlsfactIon SON, Alliance Rldg. Front St, FAMILY nOTEL THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75 U.00; week 2.00 to 5'00,1, keeping apartments with g8 ' ' J10.00 to $18.00 per month, r HATHA T tv nvTlVAai1 --,.... ... ... - RwEt!!!. . Z.L''-ir,'"7T. Vft.?iiBA-i."c . w; ,. : . . . ft