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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1911)
Stm ADS. NEWS u,,rsHisiM:ss is slow, aw StVi. tii wit pays wkvi U t i nv sfiTKssia'i. nvsi. OUT IT WHILE IT IS NEW IIY RKAIHNU TIIU CXIOS HAY TI.MItS. AM. THE NEWS Al.ti TIIK TIME TICIlSltl.V st :t t: :i MKMItKU OK ASSOCIVTKD PltKSS EMnblMioil III 1H7H it The Const Mnll VOL. XXXIV MARSHFIELD,OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A CotiMiliilitilon o( Tlnie, riwit Mnll nml Coo liny AihrrlUcr. No. 59 dona Sag IBf III ER10US DEATHS OF 10 DREN AI VANCOUVER ) W LET US TALK IT OVER imiiAT was a rather unusual condition oi I citizen, nftor mnklng coniplnlnt with J clnls ot criminal violation of u state Boys Succumb In Great THIEF SLAYS Ul former pal Denver Results In Con- U rather unusual condition of city nffnlrs whon n prominent 1th nt lonst three nmnlcliml out law nnil city ordinance, was compelled to appear boforu the city council wliero It was suggested tint lie confer with the district prosecuting attorney. Finally nftor much discussion It was moved and adopted that Marshal Carter lie instructed to enforce the law. What have we ofllelals and n city council for If not to enforce laws and look after the general welfare of the community and its citizens. Mr. It. 1 Williams has erected .i large liutldltiK that Is a credit to the city. He pnys taxes for the protection of his property and tho payment of olltcinl salaries that It may bo guarded. Yet by vlolntlon of city and statu InwB In an adjoining building the valuo and Income of Mr. WIUI- mnn' lilillillntr In litilntr flnutrfiVf.fl. Itn la nfii11nfttti.fl tfi rnti lilllinr niifl Murder Of Italian Journalist 111 thither to prod up olllclals to do only that -.vlilon Is their plain and sworn duty. Is It lack of civic pride, moral Htamlim or Just Indifference and care- "fCSSiotl lMssncss that permits such n condition? At the same meeting of the city council Contractor Morrlssey (Ily Associated Press to Coos Hay brought up the matter of payment fer the Hall nvenue paving that was Tliuus.) ho Bhnmolosaly slighted by ContrnetorS.Morilsgey& Whltmore when the DENVER, Colo., Mnr. 23. Anto- Job wnB being done thnt Inspector Lnwhorno refused to continue his ulo C. Puro, an Italian Journalist, was work. He coniplnlned time and again to the contractors that they were shot nml killed on n crowded street not complying with the spoclllcatlona but they Ignored his protests and In tho down-town district laHt nlgiit proceeded with the work. Now they have tho nervo to nppcnr mid nsk by Phlllppo Dropolla. Dropolln said the council to compel proporty owners to pay for -such n Job. ho and Puro cnrrled out n successful This Is so raw and course that taxpayers would be Justified In thlnk- dlamond robbery at Vancouver, D.C., lug thero Is something rotten somewhere. Young Agony After Eating Pur chased Food. ! CORONER DECIDES TO PERFORM AN AUTOPSY Mrs. Cora Goodwin, the Moth er, Says She Only Tasted Soma Of It. (By AHodntel Press to Coos liny Times.) VANCOt-'VHK. Wnsh., Mar. 23. The ni)tcrloiis deaths of William Coodln, nged 7, and Clyde Ooodwln, ,ged 9, sons of Mrs. Cora Goodwin, this morning has led to mi Invostlgu- IIod vshlch will result this afternoon ,)Ut Umt ,,uro m, nMm M 8mn In an autopsy by tlio coronor. The children ate noodles purchas ed from a Chinese- restaurant and tome pastry purchased at a bakciy Int night. They were taken sick about two nVlock this morning. A doctor wan ailed nt seven o'clock but he could not mvc the children who died In tony. The mother claims she did cot eat nny of tho noodles but that the did partake of tho pastry. Sho vis not taken sick. Certain circumstances caused coroner to perform tho autopsy mediately mid tho stomachs of toji s 111 be sent to tho state bncte rlologlst at Seattle for his exnuiinn tlon. MANY ARRIVE tho to wu.iomi: hoosevelt. Councilman Savage said that ho guessed It would be all right If the mid betrayed him to tho police. Ho contractors deducted what they wero shy In material. Councilman declared he oervet! nn eight-months Savngo Is too good a contractor and business man to mnko such n state term." mont or defend It ns either good business or good morals. Tho con- tractors should bo compelled to do what thtlr contract calls for nnd wait foi their pay until they have compiled with a fairly mndo agree ment. They cannot plead Ignorance for Inspector Lnwhorno's evidence would be convincing and convicting anywhere. The Times Is equally sun'rlced nt Councilman Powers' statement of rompiomlHo and ruiiclllatlnu In saying that tho street would outlast tho niitmhitrx of tho cinnrll en If It didn't hnvo us much paving on it ns :i.-j llcutloiih letjuliod. Uooa Mr. Powers conduct his own buslncns thnt way? If coutruqturn do not comply wth spcclllcntlons and require ments iIoch Mr PoworH hid, "Oh, well, It's good enough. Hero's your money." Well, 1 think not. NO In Inrgo Icttcm mid then somo. Tho fact Is that rtubllc business is seldom given tho closo attention It" should receive because of divided responsibility nnd lack of time. Goun- Icllmen engaged in business of their own cannot afford to dovoto their j entire time nnd attention to civic .tlfalrs. The result Is that much Is ' neglected. This Is 'the occasion of the domnnd for 'tho commission enrly form of tlty government which is Liing established throughout tho coun Lust tr'- Mar8hlleld will come to tho commission form of city government warn Steamship Arrives In Early This Morning From Portland rorllaml Plans SIiviiuoiin Heceptlon Tor KtreiiiiniiH One. PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 23. Port land proposes to give Col. Thoodoro Roosevelt a strenuous day of it when be nrrhes In tho Hose City on April 5. From tho minute ho reaches the Union Depot until ho leaves by tho time gate, ho will bo driven about, dined, welcomed, grasped by tho bind and mnde to talk. Thero Is no let up In the program as now map ped out. Lven such n strenuous Tho Uronkwnter arrived In this morning from Portland. night, they encountered n little rough sooner or later and its coming will be hastened by a kuowlcdgo that It Is weather with tho result thnf thero noccssnry. .vns more seasickness among tho pns-, sensors than usual. They had a large list, of Incoming passengers. Tho nrenkwntor will sail nt 7:30 Saturday morning for Portland. Among thoso arriving en tho uronkwnter wore tho following: Recruiting Stations Ordered to' C. Q. Adams, Mrs. Adams, C. I). w i 1IES ELEVEN PEOPLE Jl MILES if. AN AEROPLANE WILL COMPEL GIRLS 10 WED Louis Breguet, French Aviator, Breaks Record In Passen ger Flight. HE KEPT MACHINE I ABOUT 100 FEET HIGH Wisconsin Legislator Would Tax Unmarried Women Over 25 Years of Aga. (Ily Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) MADISON, Wis., Mar. 23. A bill to put a tax of five dollars aniri- nlly on every unmnrrled woman ovtr'1'0"18 "roguot o record por- Of. v,,or ,.f nrrn n,,,l nrnnt., n "tun. . fOminUCC tOllay WllOll llO CnrHod U llflV V VlltttU Phenomenal Trip Made In France This Morning By Small Air Craft. (Uy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) DOUAI, Franco, .Mnr. 23. Aviator trlmonlnl commission" consisting of tho governor, superintendent of pub lic property nnd tho chief clerk of tho nssembly, was Introduced In the state assembly todny. eleven passengers in his monoplane for u distance of two miles. The Might was mnde nt n height oi Go to "ft feet. Tho wolght ofTIio eleven persons wns 1,315 pounds nnd the combined weight of tho machine and Us occupants was 2,602 pounds. ARRIVE TODAY ON ALLIANCE Till KS TO UNI) I.ll-'K. Miss Yniidci'bllt of New York Jumps From llitlcoiiy. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NAPLKS, Maly. Mnr. 23. Miss Concnl Vnndorbllt of Now York, ngad 27 years, throw herself from tho bal cony of the Grand Hotel todny mid wns crltlcnlly Injured. Sho wns re moved to n hospital whore bIio Is snld to bo rapidly sinking. i I LEAVE ANT IRE RECRUITS FOR ARMY Aldermnn, Mrs. Alderman, Mm. Nichols, L. D. Larson, Miss Holmes, j Ilov, D. Anderson, N. Johnson, J. ' MOJIK ItKCItriTH WA.N'TKI). Enlist As Many Men As Pos- suvhuhhh character may bo expected to have a 15o,,nor' Mr8' ,C- ,I;,8",U,,1' V' ", imhe sign of relief when ho leaves le'' Wm' McNo"' ,' V"K or' P'1"8' (Dy llndeavor Made to llnUst' Alfll.. llMI. Sible t0 Strengthen Armies In (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Mar. 23. Two Associated Prc33 to Coos Day telegrams from tre Wnr Department Field. to q Steamship Arrives In From Portland and Will Sail For Eureka Tomorrow. Tho Alliance nrrivod In this fore noon from Portland, bringing lnrgo passenger list mid considerable freight. Sho is loading freight hero nnd nt North Dend this afternoon nnd will sail In the morning for Kurek.i. Among those nrrlvlug on tho Alll nnco woro tho following: C. Newman, Francis II. Clarke. t:z. iszzs&sz. amship sas Late """" day Afternoon For San Francisco. . k nt T TAI 1 .. .. iintiiiiT v iTiiinn itiihmi i . III' . coon. li. McPhelns. A. F.Dolden. K. , Tla,es-) ! at AVartlnKton wora received at tho nmu amviiig ni :ao p. m loi. -j: . ,, I WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnr. 23. heudquartors of tho Chlcngo rocrult wsevpli win i .vI.Imi,,i .,. i ,, " aru, i. koiuob, m. innui, i . .,.. , ., , calls (or six or seven luousunu re- nig siaiiou yusieniay urging ino oiu- Roosevelt will bo whisked nwny In u ltlng niitoinohllo for n rldo about ton, giving him a chance to noto tbe changes that have taken plnco Ince he wns last hore, At 3:30 ho ill lay the cornor-stono of tho now son, K. M. Campbell, A. Mauchn, T. L. Ford, i:. L. Goulnrd, K. P. Wnlto, T. Dntes, J. Itubon, A. Nlckoll, II. Watson, I). Watson, Mrs. I). Wntson, J. O. Pcarco, O. J. Dlllnian, W. A. Hubbard. W. Et Smith, F. Folk, . Aubury, Mrs. Mauchn, J. B. Vree- ( carrying a big enrgo of lumber from land, .Mrs. D. diking, 13. W. Trout, tho Smith mill mid n fair passongor Tho Itedoudo sailed yesterday aft ernoon at 4:30 for San Francisco, Mnrgano, II. Hill, A. Thorn, J. Up-i-lousen, A. S. Hammond, Mrs. Ham mond, Geo. Sheridan, T. Meag her, Mrs. Meagher, J. Hawkins, J. Paulson. J. Lees, M. S. Kel- Multnonmh Club homo nnd ho will ,0'' A' FnrIo)'' a0' IcCtc,;011' mike ,!p,iin,.. ...i w Frank Moser, Mrs. McGeary, Mrs. - ..,.. .,,r .iitn. ii i.iit emits to bring the Infantry regiments cers to tnko Immediate stetis to en- ot tho army mobilized in California list all posslhlo recruits and to keep nnd Texas up to full strength have tho ofllco open dny and night It neces- beon sent out by tho Wnr Dopnrtmont snry. 8lxty thousnnd hand bills to all army recruiting stations in tho httndod MMen Wanted" nro being dlb- country. tributod In Chicago for tho army. IC A. Porter, Mrs. N. Koll. ALONG TIIK WATKHFHOXT. Tho Advent and Hnndolph nrrivod In nt Dandon yesterday nnd tho Aru go sailed. me colonel will then ho brought hrtto tho West Sldo'at r.:30. when he has an Invitation to" attend a ro Ptlon to ho given by tho Now York ,wlty He may, however, decide to live this hour up to resting, In enso h U sufficiently fagged to requlro fixation. J Col, Roosevelt will attend n din- -" in ins honor nt tho Commercial "W at 6-30. which will Inst until 8 0cIck, when ho will be tnken to tho aory for n public address. This li expected to last for two Lours. , lh the Preliminaries, so ho will be Ammser. G. Hodobank, N. uaoian, H. Clnyes, F. Jeamert, C. Maca.ll, M. Goro, G. Dante, B. Mack, P. Dal'.asl, J. Hages, E. D. Mooro, Mrs. Mooro, M. Glendennlhg, J. C. Walkor, A. Stouolake. ttenlMsKentorhoBnstSldowhero Stlllwoll. P. Cowherd, M. Armstro.,3, Uff Sfl fl niiTII Ifl :rLr--?Jn?.s?i-RITF ON WOOL M. C. RM TH S i I Mft IT i " - IS ATTACKED VE E to ckxhok imctuhics. .National Association Chargss Marshfield Man Advanced By IRE REPORTS ! OF RAILROAD: list. Among thoso sailing on hop woro tho following: Sid Polnck, T. 8. Drady, W. S. Tre go, B. II. Kroenke, C. A. Ilurvoy, Mr. Mulling, W. J. Hunt, J. T. Dar nes, Geo. II. Varnoy, Irono Donnli- 'sou, Josco Donaldson, Gortrudo Woods, Mrs. B. Donaldson, Ilobty Dlllnrd, Jim Merchant, Iris Blrod, Ilobt, Tinkler, Mrs. C. A. Hnrvoy, Gebherd PrechtoI,C. II. Carpenter, J, D, Arnott, A, Knsmusson. Poitlitml Will Iteguliiti: Moving Pic lure Shown nnd Play Houses PORTLAND. Oro Mar. 23. Portlnnd will have Its ploys censorod In future so that city theaters will Western Railways With Discriminating. (Dy Associated Press to Coos uay Associated Press ' Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnr. 23. Inequalities in freight charges on raw present only mornl nnd helpful shows 'rw again nt in nVinM, ,.,i... .i, If a city ordlunnco now being consld- Portland Press club has spoken for'ered Pn8ses' Local organizations are wooi from western and northwestern u lamous ex-Preshlent during th'o'unck,nS the movemeiu siroiigiy uhu Wool states to mo eastern wuoi mm Oregon and Washington Railway and IMav. Co. M. C. Smith, who has been master mechanic nt the local railway shops for the past four years, has been ad vanced to n higher position In the Oregou nnd Washington Railway and binder of t thocUy Ho'urge tho need of a more wholesome kot8 especially Chicago. St. Louis and Navigation Company's largo shops at 1 80 to the PresTclub rooms and '" of plays in the city theatres. Do8ton are the subject of a complaint P" and. Ho will leave with his BMt .k resa c,ub roomB ana . .. ' ... ii.ioa fnr n . ... ,. nnn,m.r nnmmB. family a week from next Saturday to J1 ,he newspaper men until time e the train at midnight on his yJ north. ilon; "ASEIIALI, SI'ASOX OK 10H. Opening Closing No. Date. Date. Games. April 12 Oct 8 154 April 12 Octl 168 April 12 Octl 1GS Mnr 28 Oct 22 200 April 21 Oct 8 168 April 18 Spt-i 116 May 3 Spt 5 126 May 11 Spt 4 112 J0"' League ;atI- League Atnr. As3o. Jfc- Com I.e t Lea.... ,JrthMrn I.e. ""' Ao. ftn. Bint te Le fi.o nriiinnnrn irovlilfts lor u r m Tntfirsfnlo nommerca uommis- board of seven censors, to be named Bto by tho National Wool Growers assume his position, by the mayor, who shall pass upon Association against tho Oregon Short Tho appointment Is a marked ad all acts In tho vaudeville houses, Llne and many other western and vnncoment for Mr. Smith as he will plays In tho other theatres and mo- northwestern railroads. It is averred havo charge of a mechanical depart tlon picture films. Objectionable tnat the wool rates are unreasonable, nwnt of tho road which is tho suc exhlbitlons may be stopped by order discriminatory and that particular cewor to the Oregon Short Lino Ho of this board and not again present- preference Is glv3n by the roads to has been In the employ of the Har- Paclflc coast terminals. The rates "'" '"- ! u l"1""' ' are asserted to be from seven and a now and (ho advancement comes as oTnr.YiMX to itESIAIX. hnir tn ten cents too hlEh in comparl- a rowaru oi meru ..u w f(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day san with tho rates from other wool his faithful services. Times.) territory. It Is declared that tho do- Mr. Smith's many friends hero ST. PETERSDURG. Russia. Mar. fendant railways are also violating while pleased with his promotion o3Rmnnror Nicholas gave an au- the ion and short haul provisions of will regret the necessity of Ills leav H. H. , - . .. Tl. . . . .. ii . inp" i :ikik nuv. r ed within tho city. yy nt State Le May 20 Spt 20 120 dlence todny to M. Stolypln and it Is the law. rnnnriPrt that as a result of It, the ing Coos Day. JJJOMOliiLKs, supplies at THE Premier has withdrawn his reslgna- Vl&tm guaranteed pocket "-VNKUY. ttoD at the GUNNEItV. KNIVES PHOXK I. S. KAUFMAN & CO YOUR COAL ORDERS -$i.."S0 I'EH TON. "Inside of Thirty Days" Is Portland Message Clarke Returns Today. Moro roports of railroads wore afloat hero today. Ono was that a man heavily interested in Coos Riy property had sent word to frlonds hore that "Inside of thirty dayH there will bo big things doing on Coos Day." Just what his tip is, no one hore can protend to say. President Francis II. Clnrko of tho Coos Day and Dolse returned on the Alliance today from Portlnnd where he has been for several weeks. Ho suffers fcoverely' from seasickness mil went directly to his homo. He his stated In the past that his compaiy had no announcements to mako and Intimated that they would not mako any until they nctually bogan con struction. Jacob M. Dlako, who is on the Day has not made any public statonient of his plans relative to his street car franchise here although he Is quoted by others as saying that he will know by tho middle of next week whether he will construct the line or not. i NAN ESIT Attorney For Insurrectionists Denies Americans Are Furnishing Money. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW ORLEANS. La., Mar. 23. "President Diaz must step down bo fore peaco can como to Mexico," was tho declaration of Captain Osbum K. Hopkins, of Washington, nttornoy for tho Mndero Insurrectionists who sailed from New Orleans Into yosto? day for Guatemala City for consul tation with President Cabrera on matters concerning thnt government Hopkins emphatically denied tho re port that American Interests are fi nancing the Mexican revolution. Tho Madeio family alona Is furnishing money, he snld. If you have anything to sell, trade, rent or want help, try a want ad.