THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHNELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1911 EVENING EDITION. II COGSTQN IMF HUTTER! Prominent Citizen Exprsssss Views On An Important Looal Question. Editor Times: TWO 1ST JOB AS ENGISEER rmitittuwl f'fttn paxo t I Idrrnl placed on file. Thin l fur t''t tramway on second street mil oth r ttrttti. The contractor on lilovanth street South hm onlorod imitl $110 ami tho "We Imre lived hero for 20 ymrt eoIltr,ctor for tho storm sower wm without a wharf unci enn llvo hero ordered pnld $10. 20 your moro without tiny, by gnil," Attn- Phono Company, exclaimed n Cooston knocker a erl Kiro Chief Trevor In n statement ago whon Informed that boiuo of tho to the council mild that lie thought moro progressive citizens wore sorl- tho council should take stops to cut ously considering tho cmiRtriictlon of off tho $." per month It la paying n much needed wharf for this coin- tho Homo Tolophonc company for tho munlly. Other citizens who either phone service for tho llro alarm at wanted no wharf nt nil or who fa- the C. A. Smith mill. He said that vorcd some other locality than tho under tho company's franchise tt present county road Joined tho chor- ngrccd to give biicIi service froo In us nnd soon thero wore two sides, tho city nnd that as tho alarm ser- Durlng tho past thrco years Cooston vlco to tho mill required some hddl hna mndo constderahlo progress, tlonal wiring, ho thought the city thanks to now citizens nnd frosli should pay for tho wiring nnd re blood who took tho lend In splto of quire tho company to give the ser nll opposition, so thnt tho placo now vlro free. Ho snld ho had ordered has n fine public school, n store, post tho alarm put In expecting tho coun offlcc, voting precinct, telephones, ell to look after tho llnnuclnl nrran ptc. In fnct Cooaton has made moro gemeuts. Tirogress In the past three years than Tho city hns been paying tho In the preceding 10 years. 'phone company $fl per month for this When tho wharf question camo up service for about u jear, It wan estl-i tho old timers naturally Joined tho mated. Mnnlly It was loforred to opposition with few exceptions, iib Is the fliinnco committee to Jlx up. Tho generally tho rnso In nil c.ommunl- latter will also look after the rear- ties that show slgim of awakening. rangoment of tho phones at tho city After n struggle of nearly a year hall so as to get moro beneficial ser- Cooston N about to bo rownrded vlco from thorn. Eugene's Debt Large. City Attorney Ooss reported Infor mally to the council thnt ho hnd re cently been nt Eugono and owliu to reports of thnt lining a model cltv $ SKf'l SWUJJ Tlu ever-!Iwwl rcmly-to-wcttr suit, so great ti boon to the wonnm, is iu.,,, ' Iffi j 1 i &tJiW i amnzhmlv )od editions for very nmricsi prices. In sum rl lines lui.i,,,,. C81S ' J ISIvfrtVflX ful tailorini it cqu'ils a iiiade-to-oilor suit ; and tlio oaso and qui ! n. ss fjlj J 3 Wi which it inav lie aetj'iired, makes it a tremendous time-saver for Imn-ip, w0. tww7 .i ( ww. an W: f W 4 I SSfj s' 53 iP-ii ,-. ct BBIHW ta ism 1 tf oaNr- ft RltC mi n.e OJIKX Error of til e M c f tast- imI divriminatintf jurtgnio it in mutlorft i 8 i1! v are now plan mx (heir Spring wardrobes our it to thematic, li':tiii;:uislu"l as e Wane of tnxhinti.tiiii new hiwoh now on n t. t!n Lookimr into the mirror of the Mnann& Mutton More, i woin.u, ni.n sure or dressinu- eoriv-tlv nn.l nt exiravaKanuy ior jji ijitf. " f . men. Far from being nil turned out of one mould our ready-to-wear suits of. fer the same diversity that the pages of the tailors' fashion magazines pi, sent. The aeeoinmolatiug difference is that instead of seeing the stlos on paper, one sees the ' '"'" 'iviblo in cloth and color, and may tr innnv as one likes, ior settled conviction as 10 r.gnrcuoice. The sooner you sc 'ioui i'e j renter the variety will bo found. Look in tomorrow. You will he welcome. If y m see it in our ad it's so. MAGNES & MATSON AIARSIIFIELD'S LEAPING OUTFLTTEWS AND I'TKNIKIIKRS. on as with n whnrf. With the exception of about $300 which tho County Court ngrcoa to pay, those who start ed tho movoment bnvo subscribed B00 townis tbo wharf fund; nil thnt Is needed. As soon as tho Port run at a small oxpenso ho had lookod Commission dredges the Cooston Into tho mntter. He said that a com- channel tho whnrf will bo rushed to pie of yenrs ago, the city of lJugene completion. Owing to mlsrepreseu- hnd voted n $1100,000 bond Issue, tntlons, falsehood nnd nbuso system- one-half of which had been used 'n ntlcnlly carried on by unscrupulous pnylng up old current expense Indob- knockers so much Ill-feeling hns toduoss nnd tho hnlnnro In llxlng up been engendered thnt neighbors In tbolr water system, lio snld nil of Bovcrnl cases will not mip'i i m j,0 B,nt ntj tlitit tho water other, relatives nro not on sneaking system Is far from complete, llo- termn rod the noonle hr nmnthn sides this, the r'ty baa boon going Ir. linvo prnctlcn"v been Mv'dd !"' debt for tho past year on smnll lovla two nrmed o""", t p!hh of tlm ,, that tho unpaid warrants now to- progrorslves Is to bniil tho wbnrf lal about $l.0,000 In addition to the nt tho old rountv laii'lhic soulbenHt boudel Indebtedness. He said that of Plorco Point, In S"lber streot. th's year, the (ax levy had been In whlch Is the rniintr road. Their re.t- eronsed until It Is tho saino ns sons for building the whnrf thero aro Maishllold's. Ho said thnt the city ns follows: ' olllolals there had Informed him thnt 1. It Is the old county lauding tho chances now are thnt the wur wlioro tho people during tho pnst :t0 rants Kugono Is Issuing now will not yenrn or inmo linvo liwn ncpustomed ho pnltl Inside of llvo yenrs. to ship out their, produce anil where This repoit resulted In some erlt tho ranchers still have several of lulsm of the special commlttoo hend thelr potato houses. od by AI. C. Iloiton from tho Chain- 2. It Is a waterfront Instend of tier of Commerce urging tho Marsh n slough. How would the people Held city council to reduce tho city of North Ilond or Mnrshllold enjoy tax levy. going several blocks away from tho The council adjourned until .Mon- wnterfront Into n slough every dny day night, April II. In tho year to catch their boats, do .. - their shipping, etc.? They cortnlnly AI.O.Nt! Till-: WATKIIKUONT. would rebel. 2. It Is tho most rontrnl nnd ac- Tho Am. ,, t0lIay fr()jn ,,,... resstblo plnre. being on Sether street, n,i ror Handon. tho main thoroughfare, wliore are lo- M Who See JO ese new Spring Clothes Aiuc snn: to want to nrv. xi:vi:it havi: you skiix MOUi: HANDSOMK STVIiKS. tiikv aui: ihitijuiixt VCT DIOMKIKI), IMiAI.V Hl'T IHCH, COXSHItVATIVK Ill'T DIS- tixctivi:. tiikv akk srui: to cm: a sic yoi wiikx voi ski: tiikm axii tiii:v Air: so taii.oim:d that wiikx vor JIAVK WOltX TIIKM YOIH OI'IXIOX Ol' TIIKM WILIj UK STItKXCTIIKXKD STIMi .M' UK. VOl? .MAV NOT WAXT TO lll'V XOW lll'T YOU CKUTAIXI.V HIIOl I.I) SKK TIIKM XOW. IIKTI'KIl VAIil'KS l-'OR M"SS MOXKV WHW CASH OXIA. "MOXm; TALKS'' New Nettleton Shoes New Stc tson Hat o o Hab Clotkins: and Shoe Co. p(K) UAXIIOX MAKSIII'IKI.II peiilairiln.Ciptyigl yuf?tjvo. C-4V.MI,. ,C00S BAY LIVERY Wo lmvo secured iho Jlvury bul- 'ness rr h. II. Ilolsner utid are pre pjirea to render excellent scrvlcMJ 'the peoplu of Coos Hay. Cartljl '.uuuiB, goon rigs nnU overtbla. 1 liai will moan sntlsfnctcrj eenlceto J ho publlo. Phono us lor a drltltj uorso, n rig or nnytbln? ncedl la tho liver) lino. Wo also do i trucking business of nil klndi HliAXCHAItl) IIItOTIirilS. I.hery, l-Veil ouil Sulen Kcnliti, HI First uiul Alder Street. 'First Class Laundry work lo most dcslrnblo to anjo wliblug tholr linen to possets ttit particular finish so ncccsur t good tnsto In dress. WK i0 THAT OIjASS OP WORK Ono Trial will Convince. Coos Bay Steam laundiy , IMIOXK MAIX 7r,-i cnted tljo store, nost nlllco and publlo school mid where tho majority of tho peoplo on the two townsltes re side. In short, the logical placo. A. Tho least oxpoiislvo with n view both to drodidng nnd whnrf construction. Dredging tho natural Cooston channel to tho p-i.i'imxl thhrf Is but n bagatelle, a in itlr of three or four dnjs' work, aiid will probnb'v cost less than $300, there belnij hut 3.S00 euble yards of dirt to remo"o according to tbo re port of the Port fimiiiltwIiiii'H en glneer, wMio ilrdn'p-c even n part of the WIUpupIio h'"ui1i ns tho op'io sltlon reque will cost several thnusniH dollars. f. It Is well urotied from tho cold pv' iMoim,),, northwest wind"" nrevalllng for months every summer. 0. Will bo of greater benefit to the general public, ns nearly every lot on Pother street from tho propos- The Hrenkwnter Is duo In onrly to morrow from Poitlnud. T'i Phoenix nnd the sohoonors d.i McKay nnd Ituby io iepoitd liHiHouud at ItHiidoii. . T-lio Alllanw. whlcji ww due In to lly cttjn , Portlnnd. .will of arrive .mill lenio'roiv. hnvlug Ueon delayed here by londlug freight. The stwmor Aleit will go on the way in fw days to have her old bolleiH taken out nnd the hollers from the steamer Liberty put In. The MIuh") will be oqulppd with new i-wdine bulle.-s s.) that a'aq enn In inertod Into tow-bet fr tin s-nlth-Pewers Lodging company. TUB PAST AXI) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redcmdo (Kqulppcil vu!i WliclehS) Will make tegular trips carryliig pasengers belli uays anil freight between Coos. Hay mil San Francisco. AIIrcservntlousforpaRsengeih iiuiili nr Alliance Dock, MiirlillelI mill Inter-Ocean Transp. Ci. Ciilon Stieet Wharf Xo. S, Sin IVnndsco. For Information, phono II..I or art.-?. Will sail fiom Mnrhltllehl for San KrancNco M'eij. iieMl.iy, Maivli --', nt l:ill) p. in, fXTKU-OCKAN TIIAXSPOItTATIOX COMPANY. Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good hones itl careful drlvors nro now at the ilr posnl of tho Coos Day public at ItKAKOXAIIIiK IIATIS. Hlgs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nnywhoro tiny tlrao, Horw bonrded and rlga enred for. - - - Now hearso nnd Bpcclal nccoms PR0FESSI0MAL DIRECTORY (,ntl0B nrovWod for funeral putbi W. L. CONDRON'S LIVKHY AXI) FKKD STAIILGS u. i . ., . .. nonl nf PHOXIJ 27!W umeopauiy at KM-Ksvlile, Mo. Ollko In Kldoindo UiU. llouid 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Plume IOI-j; MnmlulBld; Oiegou. VH. J. W. IXOItAM. pxlt. (J. W. MSI.IK, - ...... ,.i- .... w.-ii-wIiiiiiiiu riij'Kicinn -.--w w- . Pi)iclaii ami Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Uui.ding IMioneht Olllce 1(12.1; Itesltlenco 1(121. 11UXKKU IllIJi Now Is tho tlmo to buy at Dunltr Hill. Itcsldeuco nnd vacant lotiatlor flguros nnd ensy terms. For particulars seo AUO. FIHZKKV, H Central Ave., .Mnibliflcld, 0rfp- houses will be provided for. even thlr Mention Is not a serious one. Tho only good lenson ror dredging tho Wlllnncho slough Is on account ed wharf to Hie nubile school whore of the shelter It uffords to boots, dur tho street ends, has been sold to prl- 'uX winter storms. Tho Idea of the vnte Individuals, while nlong. tho onpsltlon that the Port Commission Wlllnncho slough most of tho lots tll ox-mud thousands of dollars o nro fdll retained by the two town- p-ib'le fun "s In diedglng Wlllnnchr site comiinnlcs, ns tho county records slough and thus compel tho people will show. of Cooston to walk several bloekf 7, The question of finances Is set- farther than Is necessary to reach tied long ngo nnd the piling nro all tho boats Is preposterous Indeed and cut nnd rendv to bo placed ns soon no Intelligent person will seriously ns tlio dredging Is done. consider such enormous expenditure S. A decided majority of tho poo- until business conditions warrant It. plo of Cooston nnd Wlllnncho aro especially when $300 In dredging the heartily In fnvor of tho Sether streot natural Cooston channol will furnish location. a shortor nnd better outlet for sev- Tho only objection to tho Sether oral jears to come, streot location Is Its oxposuro to tho WM. E. HOMME. southwest storms which visit us oe- . cnslonnlly In tho winter tlmo, but as Hv your Job printing done n a doublo boom and sovornl boat Tho Times office. W. HKXXKTT, Lawyer. OLD UBLIAIILE STEAMER KEAKWATER AMVAYS ON Tl.MR Sails from Aluxwortli Dock, Poitlaml, nt 8 P. l every Tuesday. Sails fiom Coos liny eery S.iiiuilny nt net-tiro of title. Ileservntlons will net lie lieltl later than Friday nooii.unlessileketsiiro purchased i. ii. iu..Tt.t., .(.i;.t PIIOXK MAIX an-ii J Otllco over Flanagan & Marshilold Y,M. S. TCItPKX, W Aichltect Over Chamber of Commorco. loo iCoal Cheapest Fuel Honnutt Bank - n.i Oregon' on Coos Bay 'Lump coal 81.50. Xut $J- We do nil Ainds of hauling, asi contracting. Horses nnd tonicien" snlo. For qujck doll'-o-v call n L. H. HEISNEK or phono 120-.T or 9-I . 'THE Fit I KM) OF COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE CONXF.CTtXO WITH THE XOUTII II WK HOAI) AT PORTiaXD WILL SAIL FROM Portland at 6 P. IV!. Monday, March20 NOUTII PACIFIC 3rKAMSHIP COMPANY. C F. McfiKOnOE. Agent IMIOXK 41 tuap :;fsti:d iuimm.i. PIAMOITII IMK'US. Our nintlngs hne pioaucod stand-nrd-bred spoclmons of exhibition quality with recoids of 2-12,227 0 oggs In 305 days. Haby ciilckK ami Esp8 fop ,.,,, Hook your orders now for spring delivery. A few cockerels troxa heavy laying stock for J5.00 riymoiitl, .co. Poult,,- Ynls. u HAL' HAV. prn ""r"'"-'"' '" im. I ,; em Electric Lamsp We have lamps suited fnr avt.. purpose Mazda t,, , ' i ' ouu ' ' v "SnL,r. o a.Tanta,um an a ten feet In width on solid rock, NOTICE TO COXTHACTOItf. NOTICE Is hereby given that 6 ed bids will bo received by the un dersigned up to 10 o'clock A. April 14, 1911, nt the Court !! In Coqulllo City, Coos County, Ore gon, for tho building of a road accordnnco with tho specification"1 tho offlcn of tlm County Clerk c Coos County, Oregon, from Sta 73l-plus-58 to Station "35"pluS' (.Tackson niuff) on the road lealM from Allegany to tho Douglas C0B tv lino BnM mnA wnv to DO ai I5" Hav3 Hat Roof fixed XOW See CORTHELL Phono 3121 . special SAFE IXV1SMEXTS. For Information concerning high-class bond Investments, bearing 6 Interest net, write O. B. Hinsdale, care J. H, Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California. Qft ...- . " .." IWJI Hi ,Yll "v-naii lamn fa . ... . .. . ...j i. to tho mm n .. i'"ori worK to do compieieu -, . """ - candle-pow AuP -""" - canaie-power It first 1911 p'lnP Si:S.,P .",' t0 8hW nn(J ' I rtt reserved to reject I :nln.-h0 dlfferent Iai"Ps for the bet-' or all bids. -.uieni M our service. Coos Bav Wiring Co. PHOXE 237J. or all bids. Dated this 22nd day of " ALFRED B0P Road Supervisor of Road D11"' No. C Coos County, Oregon.