THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1911 EVENING EDITION. WAT i lb "I LITTLE TALKS LBS KKELES s 4rT0WN W - ". The Woolen Mill-to-Man Marshfield Appendicitis No one is safe from Appendicitis! Today you may be .well and hearty to-morrow you may suffer the awful pains of this disease. ALDEKIIvA, the onlv known remedy for appen dicitis. Aldcriha is the Prescription of' a successful German physician, which saved many and many lives. For sale at the "BUSY CONNER." Pit ICE PEIt BOTTLE $1.00. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. PTION'13 298. Leading Drug Store In Coos County. WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mnuzcy, one of tho drivers and tho solicitor for us Is out for Laundry. Wntch lilinl ho In llnblo to stop you on tho street and explain Lall details of Laundry and also to ho at your homo any time. Ho knows Laundry business from A to 55. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry; :e:o.j FOUND On Front street, pnlr rim less nose glasses. Ownor can get same at Times office by paying for this notice. FOR RENT Sevcn-room modem house near In. Phono 59-J, or In quire Duncan's Undertaking Par lors. S-V.U FOR 80MF. ONE 30-foot i ,. ...... . . ..i uucu, ib-iooi cabin. Inqutto Btonecypher'a boat shop, Eastsldo. FOR 8ALIJ New Cypher incubator capacity 72 eggs. Regular prlco 20, will sell for $H,00. Bunk er Rill Store, Phone 301-L. FOR SAIJJ937.00 Bteel range for U0.00 account going away. $11.00 ft,r tight heater nearly new for M-50. Apply 161, Third street, Phone 147-L. 0R SALE Few settings of White Pekln duck eggs. Twelve for 75c. Mrs. E. L. Bessey. Phone 3168 Farmers. WANTED posujpn by bookkeeper ad general office 'man, 10 years "Perlence, address accountant, Tmes office. JYI1 t,t,.. " m'-i Baxter hotel at Co. Wile, Oregon, after April 1.1 Wrlto n, . oco personally uaxier Dfos., Coquillo, Ore. AXTElMVowan or girl to tnko harge of houso and dq cooking. jrashlng. See F. S. Dow. H SALK nouseholtl fnralturo. A' Dowp. 371 Broadway So. VAVnn T! J1-1 aian and wllo without "lldren to tako position. Enquire ulnco hotel. SEwSj 1911 Soft and Stiff Hats Mtllicoma . . . $3.00 Mallory Craven ette $3.50 Mill Store Clothier Oiejcn FOB good -woitic Bring your clothes to us. Cleaning, pressing and repairing a speclnity, by experienced invn. Satisfaction guaranteed IILANCHAUl) Ai 1)01). SOX, Alliance Dldg. Front St. FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD MAUSHKIELD'S POPULAR Rates teducod to: Day 00c, 76c nnd $1.00; week-$2.00 to $5.00. House keeping apartments with gns rnnges f 0.00 to $18.00 pet month. FREE BATI18 r..tV. SULLIVAN, Prop. Polks Oregon and Washington State Gazetteer mid I)us!ncu Direc tory. Just Issued for. 1911-12 is tho most complete work of tho kind published. It contains an accurate buslnoss di rectory of every city, town and vil lage In Oregon and Washington, and the names nnd addrosses of country merchants, and professional men, lumbermen, etc., who are located ad jacent to villages; also lists of gov ernment nnd county officers, commis sioners of doeds, stato boards, statu tory provisions, terms of courts, names of the postmasters, postofflccs, express, telephone and telegraph of fices, justices of the peace, hotels, dally and weekly newspapers; be sides much otbor Information useful to nil elasses of business and profes sional men. A descriptive eketoh of each place Is given, embracing vari ous Items of Interest, such as tho lo cation, population, distances to dif ferent points, tho most convenient shipping stations, the products that are markoted, stage communication, trade statistics, tho nearest bank lo cation, mineral Interests, churches, schools, libraries and societies. An important feature is tho classified di rectory, giving every business arran ged under its special heading, thus enabling subscribers to obtain nt a glanco a list of all housi3 manufac turing or dealing In any particular lino of goods. Tho work generally Is compll'od to desorvo their liberal patronage. TRICE 90.OO. R. L POLK & CO. SEATTLE, Wash. Remember a TURKISH BATH will help you. Phone 214-J. Former Marshfield Man Writes of the Splendid Booster j Spirit. KNOCKING. A word nnd n lift for your fellow Is bettor tlinn knocking his play, , And If you can't speak to Km kltully' Uo sq tc ku 1 lu.e nothing to say. , A dollar or two to a cronturo Knr down in the depths of despair Is hotter than knocking on morals Ami preaching a lot of hot air. A hope for the glory of heaven Is better than doubting the plan Or knocking the plea of salvation Established for God given man. ' LOS ANGELES, Cal., Mar Editor Times: At home, on tho 'streota of Marshllold, you frequently hear men growl about the town, about the weather or about the city administration. Many with a grouch about something; n knocker, If you please. In Los Angeles such a thing would 'bo an unpardonable sin. I meet former Coos Day men have lived here only n few months Every man of them Is n booster. Ho Is imbued with the spirit, and that Is one-half of tho groat success that In rnnilnu in tills wonderful rltv nnd tho surrounding valleys and townB. i With thorn It Is boost and boost. It seems they lie awake nights to boo3t for their respective localities. Wlth frlonds. I wish my homo town would got "Wlmt did you say?" naked n tall, t tho snmo spirit ns thoroughly Impre-, i,nn Wonmn with n lenthory complex gnntod. Tho people here nro cordlnl ' on amj ft raucous voice, and generous. I hnvo yet failed to J ..j UM tho person," tho woman re flnd a holdup or graft. But Cors Bay jcd. "there woro mnny things thnt takos so mnny things for granted. Jt Would keep a man nt homo, but tho hns so mnny fine nnturnl ndvnntage?, oltlof one- Is knowing how to propnroi points on tho const whoro ho spent If It would only exploit them ns tho good mcnlB for tho mnn of tho Iioubo. tho past fow days. Mr. Barnnrd says iCnllfornlnns do. i advised her nnd ndvlso cvory other (thnt tho roads nro In n fnlr condition If Los Angeles had Coos River womnn with n husband to get n good at prcsont tlmo'nud ho bolloves thnt jhoro It would bo blazoned In letters t rcllnblo cook book and study It. Men future delivery of tho mnllH will bo of red nil over this country ns n mut be fed nnd fed well to hold mndo without unusunl delny. Rose ! wonderland. Scores of things that thorn, nloni: with tho llttlo wifely hum News. jCoos Bay has that aro suporb they seem to tnko ns granted, In fact, as commonplace. They uo not call at tention to them ns tlioy should. Strangers pass along nnd fall to seo thorn. Not so down hero. Nothing U considered commonplace. Theso poo-' jplo put a high valuo on everything . they hnvo and they contlnunlly souna tho praises of all tho show spots, oven tho minor ones .. ....... i ii u winB. hub HPiniPrC(, A imines wnB prepnrlng to ro- of boosting. And thoy nro all at It. I I Big nnd llttlo. Tho nowihoy on the street will stop nnd pilot you two blocks around tho corner to show you something of Intorost. Some thing that Is a minor matter, per haps, but ho will Impress you and seo that you becomo Interested. It Is re freshing, this spirit of boostlug In this city which lies to tho farther sldo of a groat dosort. It Coos Bay with all Its wondorful resources, could get tho same spirit the results would bo astonishing. , A BOOSTER. THE AWAKENING. !ln maple, beech, and oven fir, Tho sluggish sap begins to stir. Tho sap, allko a sleeping thing, Awakens at tho touch of spring. In all tho tlmbor on the map Wo seo tho signs of running sap. And Indications toll us that Tls stirring In tho basoball bat, HARRY McKEOWN. If you have anything to soil, trade rent or want help, try n want ad. ff PRICESREDUCED S ntjrzstjng Gossip About V ar tous Topics by Wcl known People "There should bo nn ordinance "irtilill;tin'fc the' distribution or hand bills, cards nnd circulars on the streets," observed n C!iTiit(ir4 Lllter Street; Trout street man In discussing the coming "clean-up" dny. "At tho present time wo nre powerless to do anything, for those handing out tho circulars stand In tho street and wo have no auth ority ovor them. The man or wo man hurrying along takes the circu lar, glances nt It, and In many cases drops tho paper In the street. If a thousand of these circulars blow up or down the street, tho, march toward a city clean or benutlful Is not so per ceptible. I am informed that there Is no ordinance which covers tho matter of circular distribution." "A woman whoso husband Is In clined to forget he hns a homo for WH0,nny further purpose than to give liltn n resldonco nnd n vot ing precinct, asked mo tho other dny how I mannged to keep my Keeping ' Hubby Home. husbnud In such a con touted stnto of domesticity," said , jBood - naturod little housewife tho otlior nftornoon while conversing touches of dovotlon." --. - Cooi River Services. Rev. J. II. Albright of North Bond will preach in tho it. n. church on Cooa River ,-xt g,uiay nt both tho morning and ovo,,i,. Horvlcos Instead -of tho re- nr ,mtor. ii.Miiirf I'liimo. A renort thnt.ivenuo west nenr Eleventh street. -" -" - - '- I !movo to Rosehurg to ronow tho sur vey enst from thoro was In genonl circulation around town. Mr. Haines when nuked nbout tho mnttor said that tho story was absolutely un founded. Thoro nro no announce ments yot to mnko concerning tbo Coos Bny and Bolso project Poultry Freaks. Goo. M, Sells, of tho Baneor Poultry yards was In Marshflold yostorday and reported two unusunl productions at his place. Ono Is a llttlo chick with four legs that was born last Sunday. It Is still living and promises to grow Into a rlpo old ago of four logod chlckon hood. It Is a Brown Leghorn. An other Is nn egg moasurlng 0 lnchos one way and 7 3-4 Inches tho othor way. PORT OIIFOK!) NEWS. Curry County Events Ah Told By Tho Tribune. , Dame Rumor says that quadruple wedding bells will bo ringing In Port Qrford before many rroonB roll by. A reward of twenty-flvo dollars ($25) will be paid to any person who will furnish evidence that will lead to the arrest and conviction of any porson for tbo Illegal salo or disposal of intoxicating liquors In Port Or tord Precinct. Good Citizenship League. Today Is the 8lBt birthday of Wm. Nordberg, Port Orford's oldest citi zen in point of residence, ho having landed hqre In 1856. Mr. Nordberg enjoys robust health for ono of his years. He has seen Curry county converted from a wlldomess Into a prosperous commonwealth, and ho says ho confidently expects to be In the crowd that waves a welcome .o tho first locomotive that thunders nlang the coast country, and thus ho will havo seen the span completed from the' Indian trail to tho Iron horse of commercialism, Hero's hop ing that your expectations may bo realized. Read The Times' Want ada. Try Times' Want Ads.T THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON, Mar. 22. Fair to ..nlght and Thursday. Frost In cast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE POUT. HE- For twenty-four hours ending lug 1:13 p. in., Mnr. 21, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, spocfnl government meteorological observer: Maximum G7 Minimum 4-1 At 4:-i3 p. in r.a Precipitation nono Wind, Northwest; clear. Lenten Servlcex. Thero will bo a Lenten service In Emmnnucl Episco pal church tomorrow evening nt 7:30 Undergoes Operation. Mrs. Ira Aw troy, who recently moved hero from tho state of Washington, under went nn operation at Mercy hospital today. Dies nt Ten Mile. Mrs. Ordella Vnnburger, nged 71, nn old resident of Ten Mllo, dtod nt her homo there n few days ngo. Burial was at Tom plcton. Two sons survive her. VIMIm Council. Mayor Jordan of Enstsldo was a visitor nt the Marsh Hold ct.v council meeting Inst night. Enstsldo recently decided to Improvo n number of streets there, but has not lot tho contracts yot. Bonds Fair. C. L. Barnard, the local stago man, hns returned from - Will Move. E. F. Morrlssey nnd wifo will movo from tho Wllllnms flats April 1 to West Marshflold whoro thoy will occupy tho Iioubo ro- cently vacated by Win. Orlmes. J. C. Kendnll nnd wlfo will nlso movo from tho Tower npnrtmonts ovor tho Cook grocery to n Iioubo on Central SIiown Up J.L.Johnson, thoNorth Bond mnn, who wns roportcd to hnvo disappeared at tho samo ttmo that John Aronqulst, tho harbor light tondor disappeared, has put In np pearanco again nt North Bond. Mar tin says that ho saw Aronqulst leavo on his tour of tho lights tho night ho disappeared and thnt no ono wns with hlu. Agri-emcuf Filed. It was stated today that tho copy of tho original agreement botween Mujor L. D. Kin ney and F. B. Walte, ovor which thoro has been moro or less dobato, has been filed with County Clerk Wntson at Coquillo and will bo used In the bankruptcy proceedings now pending. Tho copy, It Is said, had boon misplaced and thero was a dif ference as to Its contonts. Seeds ! Seeds ! A full lino for GARDEN, FIELD AND FARM VEGKTAHLE, FLOVEIl AND GRASS SEEDS Fertilizers for GARDEN LAWN. and RANCH. SEE US The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY PHONE til! Primrose The Same YOUR GROCERY HAS IT TO ISSUE BONDS City Council There Considers Calling Special Election Soon. The North Bend city council at Its noxt meeting, March 2S, will deter mine whether or not a special city election will be held there soon to de cide whether the city shall float a bond tisuu to tnko up tho outstand ing general fund warrants. An or dinance providing for It Is now being drafted nnd tho dato will bo deter mined nt the next meeting. It Is understood that the majority of tho couucllmeu thero favor tho Idea. North Bend now hns about $40,000 In outstanding gonornl fund warrants, that is Including tho Interest. It la figured thnt If theso woro redeemed, tho banks nnd others would tnko up tho speclnl street Improvement war rants nnd relieve tho financial situa tion considerably. Personal Notes B. ARNOTT expects to leavo today for California points. GEO. E.. PEOPLES of Coquillo was n Marshllold buslnoso visitor today MRS. M. C. IIORTON Is ontortnlntag nt u luncheon nud noodle work to day. ROBERT DILLARD leaves today for San Frnnclsco on business and plcnsurc. MRS. D. McDONALD of North Bond was tho guest of Mrs. II. J. Mc Keown yesterday. ANDREW LANDLES' llttlo child, who has been very 111 of pnoumo nln, Is reported improving. , I). SMITH of Coos River wns In Marshflold today on routo homo from n business trip to Coquillo. RALPH DEAN of Grants Pass Is In tho city visiting nt tho homo of Tom Hnrvey. Mrs. Harvey Is Mr. Doan's sister. C. E. NORTON of Marshflold Is spondlng tho day In Rosoburg looking nfter buslnoss mnttors and greeting old tlmo frlonds. Ross burg Nows. A. J. SHERWOOD of Coquillo, was a buslnoss visitor In tho city today and reports n busy and prosperous season In prospoct In tho valley. Preparations nro being mado to cloar moro land for farming than In sovoral seasons past. SHERIFF W. W. OAGE'camo ovar from Coquillo today to sorvo pa pers In various litigation ponding. No now criminal matters hayo do Yolopod In tho last fow days al though sovoral matters aro await ing tho roturn of Doputy Prosecut ing Attorney Llljoqvlst from 8au Francisco, CONDRON GETS CONTRACT. Is Ixnvest Bidder On County Road Grudlng to fihlnglo Houso Inlet. Road SuporvUor F. P. Norton has nwardod to Waltor Condron tho two contracts for grading on tho now county road to 8hInglo House Inlot. Tho bids on tho work woro opened yestorday and Mr. Condron was away tho lowest bidder on the work. The bids woro as follows: On Contract No. 1 J. J. Burns, 29 conts per cubic yard; C. R. Flanagan, 24 cents; E. O. Perham, 33 cents; D. W. Smnll, 42 cents. Wa. tor Condron, 21 conts. On Contract No. 2. J, J. Burns, 38 Vi conts; E. G. Perham, 32 cents nnd $190 for clearing; Waltor Con dron 26 conts. ULSTER guaranteed pockot KNIVES nt the GUNNERY. Today Tomorrow Every Day Butter