THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 4 Makes Home Baking Easy $3224 POWPER Royal Grapo Oroam of Tartar NDALUM.N0 LIME PHOSPHATE linvo, hnve been scores of yearn l the making, Includlnn. nil human Inws. rule nml regulations The 'llrst locomotive was not the llnlshel piece of mechanism of to-dnj. Fill- I (fill's first steamboat would he a I Jnkp Along side the present floating I j imlsoet. I The Oregon system Is the out- I growth nf political eorfflltlon. Ui'l condition tj"Htf tijifavo.t'inbj!jjio..n1',ji nor set' of ttioli !oft1d hnve foisted th; !stpm on us.- We Iislw the svstotn ; heentise n- majority of us. want It. We would not neeept anything wo didn't want, so don't let ub bo too 'hnrd upon brother 'Uren, or upon any ' particular Indlvidnnl. Let us be 'fair mid remember thnt lllllngsgnto Is not argument. As to whether or m URROUNO SOSPEGTED HI SUSPECT IS -mT cntinuT nunc MMm UUUDIII IILIL, CPBS i SHERIFF UAUK AND POSSE 3I.VRSHAL CARTER FXDHAVOlSS START FOR (A .MAS VALLHV AITER PORTLAND 3tl'ltl)::!t ' i SUSPECT DOUGLAS COUNTY I SHERIFF STARTS KRO.M HOSE-HU.RH. T.O LOCATE JIYKTKHIOIS stranger who is said to, RHSE.MHLE .MAX WANT HI) AT PORTLAND. Marshnl Cnrter has been last Pacific Monumental and Building Works II. H. WILSON. Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORE. All kuuli ot monumental work promptly nnd nrtls:w,n lXl, cnted. Cull lit our works on Souiu llrondwny. I " 1 Word .cached The Times by long ':" " yoslonlny endeavoring to I.. i .. .. ..n.,lJ..ii Iwt1ltit uti"inp,ii' not Mr. Uron Ifl a erank denonda I dlstnnce tcleiihono Into this nfter- ,OL,llu " """i""""" Absolutely P 1116 'siippo-se upon the nnglo from which noo'n thnt the mnn suspected of the who la declared by floveral to have Thin rtrtltr ItiteitlM nnwttnt " ilia mint, dimiiuuiiu hub ue- iui iiimu iiiiuuur una m-i-ii iuluiuu in n turoug h'euiiiuiuuiu m mv ....... rntrn frn rti ftnf-tl IPinn "uu viiiiiu 10 uu u mini nuu uuu u v,(iiiihh vuiiuj. oiiuiiu vjiiku aim ,i warned in iui muni iui mu in.' ;iiiiiu iiH i no ami i ucuovo 1110 uou- posse ion woquiiie una morning ior nniriier 01 lime minium iiuiiAiunu. nltlon Is apt. I Camas nnd the Douglna county slier- Last evening, Eugene ltoblusou I The old political system, In Ore- Iff and his deputy Btnrted from Uo- reported to Marshal Carter today gon was frnmod for nnothor nge. soburg for the snmo destination. An thnt ho hnd given tho stranger twen- Wo hnvo shod It as the serpent shoJs effort will be made to surround hln ty-tlve cents to buy food with. Mrs. TIIH FAST AND CO.MMODIOrs Steamer Redondo (Hiilpiei ,,u;, Wheless) Will make regular trip currying passengers both wiijh nnd fri.R1( lietueen C'oim I lay anil San rinnclsco. AIlreservalloiiifdriK,,,,,, made at Alliance Dock, Mitrlil1cl(l nml Inter-Ocean Tiniisp, r, Union Street Wlmif Xo. il. Sin KrancNro. l-'or Infiirmiiiliin, iinn,' lll or H.". Will sail fi-oin Marshllelil for San I'VanclMo Wed. nexilny, .Mnrcli Hi!, at l::) p. m. IXTHlt-OCHAN THAXSI'OHTATIOX CO.MPAXY STRONG PLEA PflR mWMW Judge Watkins Has a Heart-to- Heart Talk With the Reactionaries. his skin. The doors of opportunity niid thus provent his escape 'ore before iis and aro wldo open; that we shall rise to tho occasion I , do not doubt, despite the Jcorn of a ,''w manipulators of "Jackpots" and i "H'nalt funds." The eyo3 of the nation are turn ed In our direction and self-respect ought to lire every one of us with nn unalterable ambition and determina tion to stand by our 31111H and do all that lies within us to bring about mitosh full and complete and to this end let us pledge one ntiothc. 0120. WATKINS. gram of oxcrclses will bo announced later. Editor Times: You hlro ft man to woru ior jim, ,,,. Ato Dri n 13 ooldcn hnu for a term. After a while you "! purclinecil a runnbout for htu por you hnvo been deceived. You find ', UB0 I1(J recoml tho mnchilU, your hired mnn Is Incompotent, or)tll8 wcoJ that ho Is dishonest nnd that Instead i of being n benefit to you ho Is n do- W p,.,,,,.,, ciiurcJi.-Prepnrn-trlmont. You dUehnrgo thnt mnn of tom wofo otc t0 course without pre Imlnnrles thnt I- Iocnton of tho ow SovcUh your right, that Is your. prlv lego. AdvontHt n You would bo fool If you did., 1. 1 m( M(rainoIlf mxt Sin, 80 say we all 0 us. Mnrch 2fi A nimbr Qf ,,, On tho other hand wo o!ect n mnn )f fho (lunon)linl()n from 0Hla(,0 to perform tho (...ties of n public of- Uh w Uq n nUolH,nn p nco ror n term, wo pny 11 mi 10 per form those duties. Ho 'Is our "hlr'il man. Directly wo llnd that this of ficer Is n loafer, that, ho don't at tend to our business, that he Is dls- honcHt and that Instead of being ;fi rvfy Pratt, a rawyer In tho Ol.l nny benont to ub ho Ib a posltlvo In- North Ilend mill hnd tho llttlo finger Jury, still wo hnvo no right to goton IiIb left hand out off yesterday by rid of him. Ho Iuih a perfect right .i.eldenlally getting It In contnut to drnw his pny nnd rob uh until tho with the saw. end of Ills elective term without re- , . sort Is hnd to tho long, tedious nnd SUHVIVAL OK TIIH UNFIT. cumbersome process of Impeachment. "1'Ih the cracked and noseless pitcher 80 sny tho stnudpnttcrs, nil of them. Thnt survives tho hardest knock?; Honestly now, what Is the mntt-ir 'TIb tho gown thnt loaat becomes us with tho recall? I That outweara our favorlto frocks, n ono way nnd nnother It has 'TJ the broken ribbed umbrella been nsserted a million of times, 'lhr confronts us, rain; days, more or less, that under the cor-stltu- Whibi our own, ponrMinndlod iroaf- .'Archambeau also ro-.iorted to Marsh-; al Carter that he had been to her 1 A baseball player 33 years of ago house seeking victuals. ) hns been dropped from a ! So far, Marshnl Cnrter hns been league team because he Is "too old.' uunblo to upprcliend him. I It's n Ktime In which com plosion ! boautlllera don't help very much. I A Coos Hay woman can oaslly llnd ! out whether her husband Is a cow- Tlio Hov. Dr. Aked Ib going from nrd by Inviting hfni to tnko n walk Now York, wlioro people don't scorn with her tho first tlnio she wears a to caro about honven, to Cnllfomla, harem skirt. where folks Imagine they aro already. . there. A St. Louis jury awarded a woman $2,310 for doctoring n man's corns. Wnnted A want nd will sell It. No doubt every man on the Jury has Phono 133-J. hnd experience with coriiB. CITICIAL STATHMHNT OK ItlXKIPTS AND KXPHNDITUHKS OK I'OHT OK COOS HAY KOK TIIH YHAH 11)10. Receipts. 1910 January 1. On hnnd In tre.i ury $192.28 Uccclved from J. Ueunott, account argument. . . . 45.00 Received from Taxes, county trensurer 11, HOG. 11 Itccolved from W. U. Douglas, account argument. ... 27.00 NOItTII HHNI) NHWS. Total receipts ' $11,770.89 Hxpeuil'.iireH. Jan. W. C. Harris expense of trip to San Francisco $100.00 North Ilend Drug Co., cash 'oolc. . . .,,.' .75 Chicago Kveutiig Post, advo Using bond snlo S7.f0 V. S. ! lire Hnti tli.i iifwinl. rMiii'l nhtnl t.WM, ..J JH ..,.. .... -v.v . . ... , senators, thct that duty Is strictly, In some other hall-nick stays, n function of the legislature. Nobo.Iy j thnt la properly Informed would ovr 'TIs tho course nnd common fabric ninko nny such e'.nlm. Then why Oooh unscathed through buiIb aipl continue to repeat that threadbaio dust, assertion year In and year out with- While our best and llnest llnon out Intermission? Wo do not now Oets tho eoffeo-stalna and rust. or never did protend to elect son- 'TIs the weed that's most obnoxloua ntors under statement No. 1 Und ir That Is left to spread and grow, Statement No. 1 the poople merely While tho slips wo dearly cherish express n preference, nothing more. Kail a victim to the hoo. nothing less, that expression legally binds nobody At best It Imposes a 'TIs tho battlo-scnued old Tliomns, moral obligation only, ami a legts- Who splt and growls and bites, Intor can vote iih ho pleases. If Who stays with uh from year to ye,v, there la any good reason why tho And murdors sloop o'nlghts, folks Hhould not express 11 proforoiuo While fiollosoine young Tnbby, for nny public olllrou, elective or a;i- With temper sweet and mild, polntlve, or upon any sibjeet or pun- llwnuum the prey of vandal buys, lie Interest 1 do not know It. Tho Or Is by thief beguiled, people pay the freight and they cer tainly ought to have a light to s- tih tho friend our heart most longad lect their servantK .1 for ' Wo do not pretend that tho Ore- who esu Just a minute stay, gon plan Is perfect. Common lion- While the family aversion OBty compels us to einrode that It Comes prepared to spend tho day. is crude In some respects and Tuna, inimboiiobs examples Jt Is In need of repairs. What wo Do not prove one little bit do c'nlm Is that the Oiogou plan is The oarrootnoss of that saylns better Bulled to our present "The survival of tho lit." than the old way. We hold that ic embodies right principles In tho main, thnt it embodies the gorm of n political system that will even tually develop into something better YOUH WIFK. If you think your wife can stand the shock. Take her home a box of candy thnn anything we have had hereto- she used to like so much when you fore. Wo do not claim that It will were engaged. over bo devoid of all defeats or abu- Or even say that the suppor sho ee8, but wo do claim that It will ha'ohns prepared is Just exactly as it fewer defects pud be subject to fewir ought to be. nbuses thnn the old method, Woj Or kiss her at some other time aro uot ex'ieetlns to attain nn absj- than wren you go out in the morning luto standard of perfection. We aro and come In at night. ! .20 301.21 15.15 10.15 32.00 37.-0 1.G7 S.00 C1.G0 20.00 80.00 10.00 Norton & Hanson, blank bo ks C. It. Peck, balance of salary and expenses 1900. W. P. Evans, expenses 1909.- J. C. Gray, expenses 1909 .W. C. Harris, expenses 1909 William Grimes, Interest on uotn of $2,500.00. . Febr. Coos liny Homo Telephone Co.. long distance calla.; John Hear, hauling brush ft 1 bulkheadlng H, L. Iloblnsou, ciigliice', 5. Itry and expenses. . March. Coos Hay Times, printing npdit 1909 April. I'VW. Woods, premium on treasurer's bend. May. K. K. Gettlus, engineer, sen Ices June. Ira Holder man, boat hire, Vf j saving serv.'co Investigation 30.00 Coos Hay Homo Tel. Co., long distance phcre 90 July. W. P. Kvnns, expenses advanced on trip to Snu Francisco on dredger matters ,.- 100.00 Soiftomber. K. L. ltoblusou, onglneor talnry 50.00 Soptember. K. I. ltoblusou, engineer, snlnry 39.00 Abel A. Adams, purchase pr'c waterfront for docks ...1,000.00 CnssltiB It. Peck, purchaso pr'rs waterfront for docks. . . 500.00 J. W. Dennett, refund on monj 3 ndvanced for printing h"l"-l ttssstsst November. K, L. Iloblnsou, engineer, salary and cxponses. . . Kdgnr MeDaniol, advertising Keutuck Inlet project. . December. 10. L. Robinson, engineer, snlnry nirl expensed. . . Footo, auto hlro connection with Plat It bulkheadlng. Ploneor Ilnrdwaro Co., nalla for bulkheadlng. . . . Interest on wnrrnnta 12. OS Interest on Win. Grimes note of $2,rOO.o"o G1.95 Principal of Win. Grimes note 2,500.0'j Western Union Telegraph Co , messages during year. . . ' S.57 C. It. Peek, salary as port attorney during yenr. . . . 1,200.00 To oxponsos Incldont to suit of Dennett Trust Company ot nl vs. Son,;- 8tacken et al.; Telephones attorney to County Clerk. . . . Telegram attorney to Clerk Rupromo Court. Kxponses of attorney at Coiiulllo Cash to County Clerk certified copies, . . Cash to sheriff for witness fees Cash for exponses of wltnojs. , . . Cash for tiling fee In Supremo Court . Kxpenses of attorney at trial In Supremo Court SI. 2 Kxponses Commissioner Sengitnokon nttoiidlng Court.,. 3.90 Cash paid tGortrudo Miller, itcnogrnphle foes 22 00 Kxpensos advanced by Com. Rengstackon to witnesses. . l.-io Chas. H. Selby, services ns n torncy 10.00 II. C. Dlers, per diem witness foes ,,,, 15. 00 Ira It. Kiddle, stenographic fees, n.QO ..... 1.... n..t.i 1,1.1 .. r ... 1 .. ...... -X V.UUB iiiij iiiiniaiiiiiK Luinpiuiv, pruning uriei 3; 13.S5 115.50 7.05 9(1.35 2.50 1.50 3.10 .50 19.S0 2.R0 11.20 2.10 10.00 t 2.70 .10 7.50 125.00 33. S5 satisfied If wo get n little nearer to Or sny that the dress sho has on It than ever before, leaving some- makes her look like a girl, thing to be dono by those who fol- Or pick up her handkerchief for low, Tho Oregon plan Is new and her when she drops It. untried in this country. Wo aro pioneers; It is now In process o' evolution. Wo have ns yet nothing but tho working model. Wo nro try ing It out. Perfection la nppronched hy degrees, never In nny other way. Time and patience Is required to de Tdop all things. The best things wa 00 Violet llonderson, stenographic work. ... 11,00 To expenses Incident to mandamus suit against County Treasurer: Kxponses of attorney at Coqulllo. Phono to county treasurer To expenses Incident to suit of Hennessey vs. Port of Coos Ilayi Filing fees to County Clerk C. F. McKnlght, attorney feea representing plaintiff. . Violet Henderson, stenogrnphlc fees preparing record. .. To expenses Incident to suit In Federal Court of Halo vs. Sengstacken: Filing fees to clerk of Court. , 10,00 Kxpenses. of Attorney In attendance upon Court nt Portland 50.00 ITo expenses Incident to election on Dennett Amendment: Coos Day Publishing Company, orlnting pnmphlets 122.50 Envolopes enclosing pamphlets s nn Postage and addressing same. . . . 40.1r Telephones to county clerk You might even give up the most To expenses for December Annual Report, H. C. Dlers 100.00 comfortable chair for her once tn .To expenses, engineer, and commissioners for year 1910 S4.00 vory great while. To Plat D bulkhead 1,041.4 Don't do any of these things too suddenly; sho may have a weak Total disbursements heart and It's Just as well to take 1910 Dec, 11. gash balance on h.nd. no unnecessary risks. Selected. .$11,433.16 ...$337.73 HENRY SENGSTACKEN. Secretary Port of Coos Bay. OLD RBLIAULE STEAMER BREAKWAH ALWAYS ON TIME SnlN from Alnsworth Dock, Portland, nt 8 P. 31., every Tuesday. Sails from Coos Hay every Sulimlay at service of tide. Kescrvalloiii will not be held later than Friday iionii,iiiilcNS(lcko(Niire pinTmM., Ij. II. KKATINU, AGENT PHONE .MAIN iM.J, "THE KIUHM) OK COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE CONNECTING WITH THE NOItTII DANK ROAD AT PORTLAND WILL SAIL FHO.M Portland at 6 P. M. Monday, March20 NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO.MPANY. PHONE II ('. F. MrOEORGK, Agent THE IIALLAD OF THE HUG. Within my mind there Is no plan To elevnto my fellow mnn; No socialistic thoughts, I ween, Aro harbored In my classic beau. 1 never strive to set tho pacu, Or had the scleutlllc nice; And always let my groping mind On high-brow problems go It blind. No worry o'er my thluk-tnnk Jars About the men who live In Mars; My Interest Is looso and alack, On whether T. R. can conio bnck. nut I'll confess I'd llko to know Tlio Inside dopo on the "Dig Show." Tho baseball news I careful scan; 1 am n rabid, wild-eyed fan. ARCHIE JOHNSTON. You nio probnbly nwaro tint pnonmonln always results from i cold, but you never heard of a call resulting In pneumou n when Chim berluln's Cough Remedy was used. Why tnko tho risk when this remtdr mny bo hnd for a trlflo? For til by nil dealers. MARCH .MUSINGS. O, tho springtime la n season That wo love, riion It's always warm and pleas ant Dy the stove. JAY MONTGOMERY. O, tho spring time Is tho season That wo hate Whon there won't n radiator Radiate! GEO. ROT.NOR. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY pvlt. G. V. LLSLIE, - Osteopathic Physician Graduate of tho Amorhan school ot Osteopathy nt Klrksvllle, Mo. 0fli In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; lto 4; Phono 1G1-J; Marsh flold; Oregon. pltTj "7ngua3i, -' Physician nnd Surgeon. 209-210 Cnko Building Phones: Olllco 102.1; Residence 1021. J. V. 11KNNETT, Lawyer. iomco ovor Flanagan & Dennett Dilc Mnrshflold Oregoa IV, 3L S. TUHPKN, W Architect Don't Buy your llutter, Cream or milk from tho Coos Hay Jco and Cold Storage company un less you want only tho Best PHONE 7J1-J Delhery 8 . ,, a n , DEAN POT CHEESE Try It. Ovor Chambor of Commorce. I , WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzey, one of the drivers nnd tho solicitor for ub is out for Laundry. Watch him! ho is liable to stop you on the street and explain n 1 details of Laundry and also to bo nt your home any time. He knows Laundry business from A to 55. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry rilONU 2291 100 TRAP NESTED HAHItEI PLY.MOUTII HOCKS. Our mntlugB hnvo produced stand-ard-bred specimens of oxhlbltioa quality, with records of 212.227.5H eggs In 3G5 days. Dally Chicks nml Eggs for HiKcliInf Hook your orders now for spring ilmlvprv. A fnu' eockerelS fW , heavy laylrjg stock for $5.00. Plymouth Place, Poultry urui. FRED- BACIIMAN, Trop. 3IarshlleI(l, Ito.v -185, Phone gg COOS BAY LIVS j We hnvo secured the livery buN ' nesa of L. H. Helsner and are pre pared to rondor excellent service M Itho neonlo of Cooa Bay. CarefV drivers, good rlga and overythint lhat will mean satisfactory service the public. Phone us Ior a drlTl horso, a rig or anything neeoea - the livery lino. We also ao trucking business of all kinds. iujANchard nnoiiiERS. Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phone 138-J OIL SUPPLIES The Coos Bay Oil and Supp'f Company, undor -tho manageoent0 J. W. Flanagan will continue to ban die tho Union OR Company's lino, distillate, benzlno nnd coal o fit fVinlf nil .. .en anrnaa the D"7 which place they have movod U'r stock, ' 'imiL' i4ui cgrwwi rV