THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, ORON. TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 191 l-EVEMNG EDITION. JL Spring Humors ' Conic to n,0Bt I'1'"!''0 nnd cnllB0 mnn' trouliloa pimples, bolts nnd other eruptions, besides loss of appetite, thnt tired feeling, bilious ness. Indigestion and headnche. Thu sooner you get rid of them the bettor, nnd the way to got rid of them and to build up thu system Is to tnko Arch Hiinmnitrllln nnd Oregon (irniw nnd Cnsca ra Compound. If effects wonderful cures, not simply because It contains sarsaparllla, but bocauso It combines tho utmost reme dial values of moro tlmn 10 different Ingredients. There Is no real substitute for ARCH HAHNAPAHILLA AND OREGON GRAPE AND CASCARA COMPOUND. Get It today. large dottle, price' 91.00. I'or Sale nt "The Uusy Corner" Leading Drug Store In Coos County. Lockhart-Parsons. Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCUItATELY COMPOUNDED. PI ONE 298. grdvaYod" Ills Otfetiae by" telling tho TOPICS OP T11B TIMES 'magistrate they wcro nhamrocks. , I MISSING WOHI) CONTKST. I In order to Increase our clroula tlon another million or two wo nro offering a beautiful plcturo of in automobile to bright renders who can supply tho missing, words In n Hat of Famous Sayings. ,Ouo will bo print ed each day. Our battling proposi tion for this evening Is as follows: "IT HI-: MUILT." WHEN THU DAY 1IKC3INS. When I from Blumbor wake, From sweet and bnlmy rest, With otic sad thought I sorely athe; It weighs upon my breast. My eyelids I unclose And to myself I say, "Well, I must face It, t suppose. Lord I here's another day." Of staying where I am t There's not tho slightest chnnco; . IT mortnl sickness I should sham, I hnve to quit tbla bed There Is no other way flQKNpGS Ivy Coudron has found the menn eit man In Coos county. Tho man fooled his hens by tacking up n sign In his hennery. "Eggs 9 cents n dos- THE WEATHER. (Uy Associated Press.) OUEOON, Mar. 21. Fair to night and Wednesday; frost tonight. LOCAL TEMPERATURE POUT. UK- psndlug other dovolopmonta In the case which may change tho situation. Enlarges Shop. Messrs. HuntOP nnd Clnrey hnvo added n third ohnlr to their Golden llarbcr shop to tnko care of tho Increasing business. Verdict Given. In the caso of tho Coos Day Paving and Construction company which was suing "Toots" Noblo for $10.50, Justlco Pcnnocte has rendered a ueclslon nwarding the plaintiffs $9.GG. And fnco tho struggle that I dread. 1C11" Tll0 tne fo1 ""8 laid two I22Z2SK2G Build That Chicken Yard Now Lord! hero's another day. Another day of work, Of cares that thickly throng. Of duties that I cannot shirk A day that's sixteen hours long. Thero seems no breathing spell, Though for relief I pray. I think I hear tho breakfast bell. Lord! here's another day. Nothing encourages chickens to lay better than to have a large roomy pen for them to scratch around in, Build it out of 4-foot LATH and save almost half in the cost of construction. While they last we can make the low price of 1 0 Cents Per 1 00 Lath A large number of chicken raisers on the Bay have al ready taken advantage of this offer. SKVEN WONDERS OF THE WOULD. ! "I wonder when the railway ! will be built. jV "I wonder where ho gets his money." , "I wonder how she can afford For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 p. m., Mnr. 20, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum GO Minimum 16 were discussing old sayings! At 4:13 p. m 49 eggs a day all winter to enrn thalr kocji. They when Dr. Dlx remarked that "tho way to n man's heart Is through his stomach." "And to his pocket Is through his appendix," John Qoss butted In. Precipitation none Wind, Southwest; cloudy. HOUN. Somo Coos Unv noonln hnvo Inst n ' DERRINGER To Mr. and Mrs. Dor- - -- i Wetli In Portland Allan Nichols has received a letter from his moth er, Mrs. Hnttlo Nichols, who Is 'n Portland announcing the mnrrlago of his slater, Miss Eunice Nichols. Miss Eunlco Nichols has been taking a 'nurse's course nt Portland nnd tho jnows of her ninrrlngo will como is a surprise to her ninny friends on tho Hay. revival religion. i Don't kick tho umbrella becnuso It seems to bo down and out. ingcr nt their homo In tho Rogers Dulldlug Sunday, n son. such clothes." "I wonder If ho Is really In earnest." "I wonder If ho thinks no- body suspects him." "I wonder If sho thinks tho powdor doesn't show." "I wonder If ho will ever pro- pose." Neither a hoe or n man's money nmountB to much uuloss used. The modern Phnrlseo Is not very different from the old-tlmu one. Not spasms but 3Cfi days In tho CiihIi Carrier. SyMem. Mr. Merrltt returned to Seattle Saturday after completing the Installation of n new Lnnison -cash carrier system In tho Magucs'& Mntson store. May Visit Here. P. A. Dovers lit n letter to Claude Nasburg says that ho Is planning nn eastern trip and hopes to visit Coos Uay en route homo na ho longs for n "breath of good old Coos liny atmosphere." Mr. Dovors Is devoting his entire atton- ( tlon to the Pasco irrigation project. Harry Hutlcr, formerly of Mnrshfleld, Is head of tho engineers on tho pro Ject. Hack On First Heat. The nnmo of Miss Mabel Smith was accidentally year Is what speaks In people's lives. I omitted yesterdny from the list of high school students who returned on the first trip of tho Allco 11 from Personal Notes JOE SCHILLING Is hero from Gardi ner on business, Not how much displayed, but how deep Is one's religion, Is what counts. A man who brags rarely good. makes I Tho natural born grouch hatcB 'spring for the houseclenulng horrors It brings. the picnic Saturday. FHED ASSENHEIMER of Gardiner Is In Marslifleld on business, Hunting for a Boft snap Is no way to II ml one. Advertising will bring results In almost every lino but rain making. Dignity Is a way wo hnvo of mak ing pcoplo believe wo nro what they know wo ain't. No ono has much sympathy for tho mule,' but no ono has much on tho mule In this particular. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phone 190-J Retail Yards 182, South Broadway FOR SAMS Now Cypher Incubator capacity 72 eggs. Regular prlco $20, will sell for H,00. Bunk er Hill Storo, Phono 301-L. A' plcco of flannel damponod with Chamborlaln's Liniment and bour.d on to tho affected parts is suporlor to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in tho side or r'.iost civo it a trial and you are certain to bo moro than pleased with the prompt rollef which It nt fords. Sold, by all dcalors. A fow of the articles from our 1,000 Somo Coos Hay pcoplo novor think there's much In a newspaper uuloss they sec their own name mentioned. Thoro may bo such a thing, but wo have never oncountored nn um brella largo enough for two pcoplo. When a man asks you to bo rea sonable that Is his way of asking you to accept his sldo of tho argu-mont. ' Thus far In March tho wind hasn't taken Its usual Interest In tho game of "Chaso tho hat." Council Tinilulit. Tho Mnrshfleld city council will meet this evening to take up street matters and other j city business. They will probably nblo take action to cooperate with tho A. N. W. club In tho city cleanup campaign. CAPT. CORNWALL nf.Gnrdlnor Is a Mnrshfleld business visitor. J. A. JUNELLE nnd wlfo of Gnrdl uer tiro Mnrshfleld visitors today. Gossip Is when n woman tells her neighbors what ono of her husband's , friends has told him. If preachers had to practlco what they preach, wo would hear no com plaint of long sermons. lliiys Auto, Frank Nelmo has closed n deal with Goo, Goodrum for tho purchnso of n fore-door, thlrty-horse-powcr Cadillac which will arrive on tho next llrenkwatcr, probably. It will bo driven by Chauf feur LackBtrom, If Satan is Idle during Lent, who attends to tho job of tempting wo men to wear tho hnroin skirt? Tho miraculous cllmato of Califor nia never producod a moro brilliant day than Coos Day enjoyed Sunday. Tho light effects woro marvelous, es pecially at sunsot. c Bargains FOR SALE $rt7.0O Btecl range for 110.00 account going away. 911.00 air tight heater noarly now for J4.50. Apply 161, Third street, Sot of Tablo Mats 23c Phono 147-L. 2 Air Plants 23c - Japaneso Cup and Saucer, 23o FOR SALE Few setting of White Gorman China, cup nnd saucor. . ,23o Pekln duck eggs. Twelve for75c. Set ot Water Glasses 23c Mrs. E. L. Dessoy. Phono 3168 3B-cent Vox Stationery 23o Farmers. i 10-cont Tablets 23c - . . 2 16-cont tablets 23c WANTKD Position by ' liookkeoper 2 Pa,r Children's Hoso 23c and general office man. 10 yearn 2 pair Ladles Hoso 23c wperlonce, address accountant, P'ar Ladles Wool Host 23c Times office. Rack or Sldo Combs., 23c Guaranteed PockotKnlves 23o 6-inch Shears ..23c Trailo Hero and Save Money. A Now Jorsoy womon's club wants a law passed compelling married nion to wear largo rings on tholr fingers as a sort ot protective measuro for tho women. Why aftor they nro mar rlod. It is too lato thon. Evon pleasant weather during March doesn't holp ninny people to feel kindly townrd tho tnx nsscssor. And If wo should hnvo wnr with Moxlco, would It strain your Imagina tion vory much to guess who will get licked? Many a proud father's hair Is rap idly bolng stronked with gray bo causo his infant pors'lsts in Indulging In high bawls. Hrlugs Girl Home. Miss McQrnw, n sister of Mrs. Harry Nasburg, ar rived hero Monday with StollnCulbort son, tho North Rend girl who eloped lost summon Miss McGraw Is con nected with tho San Francisco Juve nllo court nnd nsslsted tho Culbertson girl to tho homo of her parents In North Rend. J. J. RURXS of North Rend was a Mnrshfleld business visitor today. .1. T. HALL Is at Ten Mllo on mat tors connected with tho Hnndol estate. C. S. WINSOR drove down from North Rend today in his now automobile, W. R. COX, constnblo In 'Justlco Ponnock's court, is laid up with In grippe. MISS FLORENCE AIKEN returned Monday from San Francisco whoro bIio has been studying art. OIl KENTRastcr hotel nt Co- qullle, Oregon, aftor April 1. Write or see personally Haxtor Bros., Coqulllo, Ore. ANTED Woman or girl to toko charge of house nnd do cooking. N washing. See F. S. Dow. FOR fOOS BAY VASH STORE Tho Storo Thnt Suvcs You Money, GEO. N. ROIT, . - Manager. Front Street. Maraltfleld. SALE HoilsnhnM fnnilliin. Mrs. A. Rownn i7i n. a Fttlt SALE -Thoroughbred vhlto ..VH, w, xtuuunu 2U. , . fifteen. Coos Hay Grocery, Why Doctors Drop In Harness. Folks who wait till tho doctor gods' to bod boforo calling him. Folks who pay htm last ot all. Hysterical folks who want hlni "right away," when thoy could Just as well wait till ho finished his meal. Folks who call tho wrong doctor by mlstnko and nover apologize. Ofllco patients who don't . know when to go. Tho follow who has beon arrostud In Doston for soiling ' cbuntoffolted pieces of tho Rlarnoy "stono oiily ag- Somo peoplo who nro vory conspi cuous on 'Co6s' tfay will hnvo to bo hunted tor with a telescopo whin you got Into heaven, A Glendalo mlnistor recently' preached on "How to Get Even with Our Neighbors." Wo presume ho had a crowded house. Wed In California. Harry Law of tho Lockhurt Grocory, returned on tho Rodoudo yesterday from Oak land, Cat., whore ho was murrlod a fow days ago, Mrs. Law Is from Morcod, Cat., but tho coromony tool: placo nt tho homo ot hor sister In Oakland. Thoy will mako tholr homo In Marshflold. LEON AMADON loft on Rronkwator Saturday for Portland on busluoas nnd will return In 10 days. OTTO SCIIETTBR loft Sundny on tho Nann Spilth for San Francisco whoro ho will spend n fow weoka. An eastorn col logo professor wants to know It anyone can explain tho Will Cut Queus. Marshflold Chi namen aro letting their hair grow and as soon as it attains a desired longth, thoy will sacrlflco tholr queus In accordance with tho Importul mnndato Issuo'd somo tlmo ago. Thoy hnvo beon shaving tholr hoads with tho oxceptlon ot tho small spot from which tho queus havo beon nurturn- ed. K. A. Audertion Wilis. E. A. An derson has ovldonco that his oyes aro as good and his wit as quick ns , L. SUMNER returned yestorday from Randon. Ills fathor, who has beon qulto 111, is considerably improved. MRS. OEO, F. MURCH will onto.' taln noxt Tuesday complimentary to Mrs, Hoath who will leave shortly for her homo In the oast. ALRERT HANSEN and Miss Mary Hanson arrived on tho Rodondo yestorday from California to at tend tho funoral of tholr motbor. mystofy ot llfo and death. Wo, for .forty years ago. Tho othor evening 1 ANTED Housekeeper. Must bo competent to tnko full chnrgo. No ""jcuion to man nnd wlfo or wl dw with child. Good pay. Pormn ment. Coos ,nivni- mnh " -"" . AXTEDrn nnd wjfo wthqt , children to take position. Enquire Blanco hotel. ttAXTEDClenn nines ofllco ery. cotton rails at Cash paid on delir- Have your job printing dono nt e Times offle. Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal $4.30. Nut coal $3.00. Wo do all Kinds ot hauling, and contracting. Horses and vehicles for sale. For quick dollvery call on L. H. HEISNER ur phone 120-J or 49-L. Sedentary habits, lack ot outdoor exorcise, Insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid Hvo, worry nnd nnxloty, nro tho mott common cnuses ot otomnch trouble.!. Correct your hnblts nnd tnke Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon bo well again. For snlo by all dealers, SAFE INVKSMEXTS. For Information concerning high-class bond Investments, bearing Ctf interest net, write O. D. Hinsdale, care J. II. Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California. FOR GOOD WORK Rrlng your clothes to us. Cleaning, pressing nnd repairing a specialty, by experienced men. Satisfaction guaranteed RLANCHAUD & UOD SON, Alliance Illdg. Front St. ono, can't understand why somo Coos Bay men don't dio. Hnvn your Job printing done o Tht. Times office. Stafford's Chocolates Made on Coos Day. Evory pleco Is fresh with a dellcatoly flavored cen ter, oncaBod In a coating of rich, puro high-class chocolate. It's no Won der, considering their purity, why they aro so popular, Surprise your wlfo or sweetheart with a box tonight. TWO STORES. VKiO Front St .140 Central Ave. ho set himself to solving a puzzlo plcturo by outlining a numbor ot faces concealed in a'slnglo portrait. Today ho received a lottor from tho Wltmark company of San Francisco awarding him a piano -chock of $140 for tho correctness of his solution. . E. ADELSPERGER and family havo tukon apartmonts at tho Hotsnor homo whllo tholr real donco Is bolng remodelled and onlargod. Hearing Postponed Tho adjourn ed hearing In tho Coos Ray Rapid Transit Bankruptcy mattor, whlsh was to havo takon plnco today was aujournod by mutual ngreomont, MR8. DONALDSON, who has boon conducting tho mllllnory store in tho Alllanco building, will leavo tomorrow for California In hopes ot benefitting hor health, MESSRS. GOODYEAR Harrington and Davis of tho C. A. Smith Com pany, who havo beon making a short visit nt tho plant horo, left on tho Nann Smith Sunday for Sun Francisco. For those lingering coughs take Brown's Cough Balsam It often cures when all other cough medi cines fail. Price, 25c, 50c and $1.00. BROWN DRUG CO. Graduate Chemists "The Quality Store."