THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, . MARCH 21, 1911-EVEHING EDITION. S2J L w iirrC D A V T,IlflI7Q'u,,r how ,n Benornl l)Ul a 8,,Rhl Ae' LUUJ DI 111V1HO, lino nB cmpnrod with 1909. The t -? U)twt importation of innnufncturlnR ' r-niuriu i in i'"""- l.nnilior llltrinK UIU was pnv.uuu.uuw field, OrcRon, for transntiMnn .fcot( Vftjut,, nl $i;,,7S0,000, whore through thn inatti ns second claii nail mnttor. . C. MAI.ONEV Ktlltor nnd Pub. AX IC. MAI.OXKV Xeww Editor L- ::r; An Independent Republican news papor published every evening ex copt Sunday, and Weekly by The Coon liny Time PuhlNliliiK Co. as In 1909 the figures were respecti vely D90,"fi0,000 feet, with a valua tion of I1S.2R0.000. Nearly all this lumber wan Imported from Cnnnd.i. Lumber from other countries onlyi amounted to $334,000 In 1910 and to $271,000 In 1909. However, thore wns a heavy fall ing off In the Import of living When I hear the ump bolter "Play ball!" "MICKEY" HAVE YOU? I've never heard A man confess llo liken to put On evenliiR dresB. JACK MEltEEX. Dedicated to the Hcrvlco of tho people, thnt no good cniiHo shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. SI IK DOES II KK IlKST. Canadian , 1Jo t lilimtcs this world a cold old world shingles. Shingles wore Imported In ' Am n) lg outlooks grim. 1909 to the extent of $2,900,000. , w(fU( ,OWevor, strives to make It mighty hot for him. W. J. CONRAD. Tho Coos Hay Times represents a consolidation of thu Dally Const Mall and Tho Coos Hay Advertiser. The Coast Mall was the first dally ostno llshed on Coos Hay and Tho Coos Day Times Is Ho Immediate successor. SUllSCIUITION KATES. DAIIiY. Ono year $6.00 Per month SO When paid Ptrlclly In ndvancoth subscription prlco of tho Coos Hay "'lies Is $G.00 per year or $2. SO fn. months. WEEKLY. I yenr fl.BQ There may be war, Hut ere we shout We'd like to know What It's about. THAYER CRIMES. .)IIIclnl I'npcr if Coot County. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY or marsh field. Address all communications to COOS MAY DAILY TIMES. " Mmi-kIiUcM :: :: :: s: Oreirnii but lu 1910 had fallen to $1,470,000 So far the Imports. The exports of wood production In 1910 show nl considerable Increase In quality anil . lu value In most of the Items listed. Hewn nnd sawed timbers wero ex-! ported to the amount of $14,Si"S,000 In 1910 ns compared with $1 .1.000.- j 000 In 1909. Tho principal In-1 creaso lu exports was Bent to the United Kingdom. France, Hnly and the Netherlands, the only country noting n decrease being (lerinnny. Much lumber Is going Into Canad'i. In 1910 the value of- lumber thus shipped waB upwards of $7,070,000 , but In the yenr previous tho value " " .nU ,mt m.ii., imif iiin,r u 770 nan There are problems In tf inn nm v,0 Yuf'x'lv''vi It Is probable thnt much of this foreign Increase wns duo to the tin sntlsfnctory Htnto of the home trade, leading lumber manufacturers to pay more attention to the needs of tho foreign market. Tho cost of living mounts or rails ' And wo hnve little picking, Hilt fortunately nought at nil j AfTects tho cost of kicking. , HAHKY WINKLER. thfs world To solve are mighty tough; Prny tell us why tho smnllest girl Should toto the blggost muff? J. ALBERT M.VTSOX. busy I t WITH THE i t TOAST AND TEA 2, Or why the very smnllest maid Puts on the fearful "rat"' And stnggorH down the street beneath A llowor gnrden lint? GEO. GOOD HUM. i NO HALF-AND-HALF METHODS IX Till: ItrPl'III.ICAX PAItTV. "T I UK republloan party," said Olfford Plnchot, pnrnphrns Iiik Lincoln, "can not llvo half dead and half alive." Tho snmo thought In another form Is voiced lu a communication from Judge Wntklua printed In another column of The Times this evening. The Judge makeu a strong nnd In- (? GOOD EVENLYO. Efforts to bo ' permanently luoful must be uniformly Joy- ous, n spirit all sunshine, grace- , fill from very gladneBH, benutl- ' fill because bright. Cnrlyle. Or why tho girl wltlr feet ton big For ordinary shoeif Goes lu and tells tho shoe clerk she Would llko a pair or twos? ALUEHT MENDEH. Hut all thoso things don't worry us; What wo would llko to know Is why tho very tallest; girl Should have the Bhortest beau? LESLIE' DLANCHARD. It Isn't so long to tho end of Life a 8omo Rrof for n Joy. mt ,8 ,, UtlJi 'il iniln na stn f1t unnuAti i11u Klcnl plea for tho progressive Ideaw ,f you B0 , n Rn0P ()r wnIk tho c)sob ' but It only marks the stronger tho, much wnv , ',,. .. ,, . , .. , rougu wu, j,, Buminer wore sighing for rnlh dividing linen between thu tun A...i .,... .i. , lnH. ,. ...i.rl ,i,n , , ...... . ' ",,ore l", And In winter wo hanker for roses. wlngH of the party, llotli stntementH still dreniuura stny! , B -, J.--.. W N" BICDLAD linrk fnrthor back to tho biblical In-1 " ' Junction, thnt n "Iioiiho divided ,t ,HI,.t H0 loB for tho HonB nn'tl tho ngulust itself cannot Htnud." j BRU Tho republican party must becomo T, Krool, Ul0 mcadow tho Itluo nil ono thing or all another thing, it (10 8y. must ncconio eiiuer inorougniy pro- AluI 0VL, t)10 Btorm-wlnds breathing "Good-byot" KrosBlvo or wholly reactionary. Ono log ran not walk forwnrd and tho other backward. Until legs nnd both wings iniiHt move together If tho pnr- aro THE Hl'SHAXDETTE. He said: "I'd HUo to wash tho Supper dishes for you, pot, Hut If I did the world would any I ntn n hU8lmmtctte; And bo I can not wash them, And alas! dear, nnd nlack! It Isn't so long. Let us sing down r cnn not pilt tj, curtn8 ,,,,, tho Borrow; vnP i,nnlt vim mi Mm Jinolf." ty Ih to live nnd prosper nnd benclU opi) ,8 tk.C0,vB. but Joy wo mny And lll(i tho HWeet wlfo weop and wiu iinnm). iiorruw Prom the beautiful dreams of light of tomorrow! I grlovo, And with her salt tears wet Hor pillow? No, you should hnvo scon Tho meals- thnt husbandntttr. E. C, PADDOCK. hviuonco is not lncKiiig tnai ape- Frolll tlu, ienutirul dreams of tho clnl Interests and prnfesBlounl poli ticians have not yet given up all hope of controlling the organization Theg0 wnrm Mnrch tlny8 lmvo of tho republican party. Tho defeat tarted thu Inspiration buds In tho of Canadian reciprocity and the per- Hprlng poets nnd there wns u larno manunt commission on tnu tnrttr. I attondauco nt the mid-Lent meeting AT A HAUOAIX. which nro among President Taft's ,llHt ovnlng. Election of ofllcors wa "Man wnnts but little hore below" contributions to reform and Progros-LIU,8tpoiKtl bccnutio ono of tho mem- This fact's won him renown slvoness. form part of this evidence. ,l)cra hnil not completed his nomlnat- Whllo woman wants a lot of things Tho Btnndpnt lenders of tho party. ,nK 8pcoc)l Jnck i-Managan. who,' And wants them nil marked down, auch of them ns survived tho lnst'nctml ns outBldo guard furnished tho , john: icnoN'imi.M. flioction, need to Hiiuy tno tan ar.foiiowlnR report of tho meeting: tho wtilg party nnd tno fat lure or nil republican opponents of reform these 40 yenrs. Tho progressive loaders hnvo to rise above all per sonal couslderatloiiB and sectional fiitnr,Mtn nnit rnimlilnr nil nnlltlfil I Isauea from the sole standpoint of national welfnre. Tho Independent voter is abroad lu thu laud and the spirit of snno pro grosslvoness Is rlfo lu tho democratic party. Tho republican party cannot bank on the possibility of the democracy blundering. The Biircesa, nnd tho life ItBolfotthoropubllcans dopendH on thu wisdom nnd unselfish patriotism with which they meet the douiocrata during the next two years. THE LUMHKK THADE. t'OOS HAY IX lOlW. (An Adnptod Poem.) A little nonsense now nnd then Is often relished by tho men, With mo n moment prny contend My denr good-hearted friend, Whllo l do what's In my power To tell you of nn happy hour When I returned Just hnlf nllvo Prom wny back East In '25. On it train for Coos Hay bound, Helng tired and sleeping sound, When, nt Inst, the trip Is o'er. Itrakemnu opens wide the door, And shouts with voice loud nnd clear: "Coos Hay! Coos Day!" change cars hore; I'm hustled off, scarce half nltve, On Coos Hay In 1925. AT THE STHKET COHXEIL, Tholr foreheads aro low and their collars aro high. Tho bunch Is familiar, whorovor you go; You know theni at onco, as you'ro hurrying by For their voices nro high, nnd their lnngungo Is low, QUJET OnSERVEU. A SPHIXO PASTORAL. I wanderod where tho rolled oats grew In proud nrrny, All crowned with dladoms of dew At break of day. THE Hureau of Statistics has Is Biied detailed tlgures covering tho exports and Imports of And far as human eye can seo lumber for tho year 1910, with com-j The groat city llos ahead of me. parisons with tho two preceding iHnlldlngs high as old tlr trees, yoara. Now, the aggregate Import of loss nnd round timber free or duty dur ing 1910 wns 207.000,00'0 foot, valu ed nt $2,170,000. Tho previous city parks nro truly j I strolled to where the cowslips hid In my rotroat; j I stood in ectnsy nmld 1 wend my way on Central Avenu, I Tho shredded wheat. Not caring where I go or what I do i I saw tho llttlo biplanes out Portlnjul can't compare with these; Oh Its Joy to be alive On Coos Hay In 1925. year's imports In this class amount ed to 151,000,000 foot, valued nt $1. 540.000. Imports of mahogany were low. bolng B0.000.000 foot In 1010. valued nt $3,500,000, as compared with 37,000,000 foot In 1909 nt a That stumble round scarce half nllvo, ;rnnd, And I listen to tho band, Watch the nutos going by, People with tholr heads hold high. One thing I notice more nnd more: No knockers ns In dnys or yore. Upon tho wing, And thou I could no longer doubt That It was spring. A. T. HAINES. In March the big ash pile ceasu to bo a beauty spot on the face of nature. valuation of $2.G50.000. Tho pulp wood Imported during 1910 totaled 937,731 cords, valued nt $0,000,000, whorons tho 1909 imports wore slightly In excess of thoso figures, bo lng 937,903 cords, tho vnluntlon, however, being but $5,613,000. Sta tistics covorlng tho Imports of lutu- For the railway's built In '25. 11ENHY SENGSTACKKN. THE FAX'S PItKFEItEXCE. You nro waiting to hoar tho first robin,. , I don't caro for robins at all; shall fool that life still Is worth TIii'ih W uun rntiurli In thu nvijon rt Ue I'omitrv IIihiihU i lior illn'iur put tnj;illnT, Hint mull the liut fi'U tr Mil" tupits M lie iiii'iirHlilo 1'or it Kiortl m n v i niloi't rro iioiitntM tt lorn! il oe niul iin itIIhh! local tnn !. Hint by oimOHinly t lltiic to mro i. . I... .,1 tritiiuMit, proniMin ix It liioiirallo tSolonro lia pri)in ctarrli M lo roiitiltu. Ho, l i11 n mill ihvrpfore renilr' ivnllii ll.iiml IrvHtiniMH llilTn CntHrli Cure m nil. (Hclunsl h Y J Jicnoy A l'o TohMo. Ohio, Ul i- onb 'tnttulnim euro on the market. It U tukvn In iltitrn (rom 10 ilnijn to tenspoon lul It KctillrtH'lly ou tlio lilootl rni'l muniu ii'ai'co( lhe vlim Thcv offer ono liumlmt lollrtor nyoH' It fU to cure. Soml for clrruUit ami tetlmoiiUU. A2',.rS;: J J" riHtSEY & CO., Toleao. Ohio. SoldbyPmgKlm.75c Talis ilall'i Famllr rill' for corutlpatiou, COAL STRIKES AND COAJj PRICES wor ry nol the iiinn who relics upon central station eicetrie service for his power. The fear of waste and extravagance in the engine room disappears when the Electric Drive is installed. Expensive boilers and engines do not have to be maintained, repaired and replaced. Electric motors do away with line shafting and losses in power transmis sion. In nearly every possible power application, the Electric Drive shows a big saving over oilier forms of power. Electric power menus encnji; null when you want it, and then all you want. Every year shows improvement, economies and de velopments in electric power machinery. The es timate yon had made last year is probably out of date now. AVe employ competent experts to in vestigate your power needs and you can depend on their re port a. Telephone ITS, Oregon Power Company. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits itttsoritCKs. Loans nnd dis counts $169,538.95 Overdrafts. ... AS U. S. Donds and premiums. . . . 25,250.00 Other bonds nnd warrants. . .. 81,037.13 Danlclng Houso.. 74,100.11 Furniture nnd fixtures .... 7,989.31 Cnsli mid dun from IntiikN . . i:t(l,l:t(l,17 lilAliU.ITIES. Capital stock. ..$100,000.00 Surplus nnd pro fits Circulation. . . . 24,500.00 DcpoNitx noauo.ou $494,052.20 $494,052.20 i ConU RcNcrvo 37 Per Cent of Deposits Wo Invito your nttontlon to tho cindltlon of this bank as shown by the abovo statement. A gonerul banking business transacted. Accounts of Individuals, corporations and firms received. Intorest paid on tlmo and Savings Doposlts. Safe deposit boxos for rent at $3.00 and up per annum. Your business solicited. JJ OFFICERS: W. S. CHANDLER, President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashlor. M. C. HOKTON, VlcrhPresIdont. RAY T. KAUFMAN, Asat.-Casblor. DIRECTORS: V. S. CHANDLER. F. S. DOW. STEPHEN C. ROGERS JOHN 8. COKE. WM. GRIMES, W. P. MURPHY W! U. DOUGLAS, JOHN F. HALL, M. C. HORTON. ' Business Director? FollowhiB Is n list of J Business Flrnm thnt I tl ! Pny to Pntronlrn. 'B Go To WILLEY & SCHROEDER for Plumbing and Heatino .Mnnlillclil, Ore., p,. " ''lime ;;j STADDEN All IiIikIm t.r pliotdKrnpi, liranililp viiliirKliiK mul k IIiiIhIiIiiK. J. J-. KOONTZ Slnehliif nnd Repair .Sh,H- fJENEKAh MACIUMsx Steiun nn.I Gas KnBtne Work At Holland's boat shop, proit Btreet. Marsluield. Ore. I Electric Lamp Wo hnvo lnmps suited for ett7 purpose Mnzdn, Tantalum uj", "special" 90-wntt lamp far UMt to tho common 32 candle-power, i is n picaauro ror us to show ! plain tho dlfforont lnmps for the l. tenuent ot your service. Coos Bay Wiring Co, phonic a:i7-j. Condensed Statement of th First National Bank of Coos Bay At Ilia close of luminous, .March 7th, 11)11. " - i First Ciass Laundry work Is most deslrnblo to urn wishing their linen to poisni tb particular finish so necessary a good taste- in dress, WE HO THAT CLASS OP WOK Ono Trial will Convince. Coos Bay Sleam Laundry I'HONK .MAIN" ,7-J Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, Rood honnl curoftil drivers nro now at the & posal of tho Coos Hay public it REASO.VAHLE IIATKS. RIra or rigs with driven ml; bl any trip any whore any time. Ilorwl bonrded nnd rigs enrod for. Now honrso nnd special ck dntlons provided for funeral pittia I W. L. CONDHON'.S MVKKV AND FEED STAUIH PHONE U7:l-J FA.M1LY HOTEL TUB IJX)YD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rntos reduced to: Day BOc, 7!l $1.00; wook $2.00 to $5.00. Ho keeping npnrtmonts with gi risp $10.00 to $18.00 per month. TW BATHS II. W. SULLIVAN, rrop. Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIARLO AND JOSSO.V CE.MENT. me neai uomtic nnd Imported brands Plaster. Lime, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN SSSA.1: CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH 1IROADWAY. PHONE 201. "" COOS BAY-KOStttlJRG TAf.F imT Dally stnuo between lloselmn; anil Marhiloi.i c, Ll' an.1 Suiulays , 7 . ,. Vl, 90.00 S,nK ,Pnve d"y OTTO SCHETTER, AKent. C. ,, nllVllm HUNKER him, Now Is tho tlmo to buy at Bunker Hill. Resldenco nnd vacant lots at low figures nnd easy terms. For particulars seo AUG. FRIZEEJf, 08 Central Ave., Marshfleld, Oregon. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono aiai Polks Oregon and Washington Stnto Gazetteer nnd llujJafM Vb tory. Just Issuod for 1311-12 UtheE comploto work of tho kind publish It contains an accurate burinta rectory of every city, town ui Iago in Oregon and Washington. ' tho names and addresses of coU morchants and professional cf. lumbormon. etc.. who are loaW' Jacent to villages; also HsU ol l ornmont and county officer, & slonors of deeds, state board;, it tory provisions, terms of w names of the postmasters, postoffie express, telephono and telegriP1 flees, justices of the peace, dnlly and weekly newspaper!! sides much other Information to all classes of business and ?r' slonnl mon. A descriptive sietrt' each place Is given, embracing ous items of Interest, such as ' cation, population, distances to forent points, tho most con shipping stations, the Products.!; nro marketed, stngo communW trnde statistics, the nearest b cation, mlnoral intorests, chore schools, libraries and 6clelI' Imtin.lnnt fnnt.ixn Id fllQ ClaSSlDC rectory, giving every business ged under Its special headlnf. enabling subscribers to obtain glance a list of nil houses jm turlng or dealing In any P' lino of goods. The work e Is compiled to deserve their patronage.. TRICE SD.QO. R. L. POLK & CO SBkTThV, W"k 4