The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 20, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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I North Bend News
V.- I" V Btevon Is
1i.Uo i:i nt M.rtV Point.
r in
Lt 111
Former Gardiner Ma.i Nowj
Identifisd With Bond snd ; Airt bb nan tuiy for North
Security House.
O. 11. HinwlRle. former!, wltit lh
j Hrr,M,t,$,M4,iM'M -
r. A. McXelll's' in, who hat vi
wr i:i of pncmnnla. If Improvta.
iir. and Mrs. Km Klawy miM
Ink I.
Mayor I.. .1. Sliupeoii a nil wife ami
IMsar SlmtMton Iinvo returned from
Slioru Acres.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Erlckson of
Mnwhflold wore RiiMta nt tho J. Cnrl
mjii home here Sunday.
Unrdlner Mill Company, and Flret N't
tlonnl Hank of Coos Hay. la now
making; his homo In l.os Anje'ei.
Cnllfornln, where he Is awoclnt.'d
with' the home of .1. II. Adams and
Company. This firm hns been crent-1
In nnd dealing In high-grade niort-j Miss Ellon Anderson of Shorninn
gso securities, nird In government, Invonue, has returned from n visit
fit, school district and corpo- on CntchliiB Inlet.
atlon bonds for the put seventeen)
o'cnra, and has n paid-in cnplrnl of. The steam schooner llnudou sall-
Ithroo and one-half mll'.lon dollars. cd yestordny for San I'odro with .1
The corporation Is composed of .?. U. j cargo of lumber.
Adams, J. S. Torrnnco, 13. J. Marsh-1 .
all, It. K. IluntlnRtom Howard Hunt-1 The Presbyterian I.ndles Aid will
lugton, nml other prominent gentle- meet Thursday afternoon nt the
'men of Los Angolos, and employs nn home of Mrs. A. II. Ouurusey.
efllclent corps of expert assistants. '
This house does not act as broker, j Mrs. E. E. Hayes nml Miss Flos
nor buy or sell on margin, but biiys'slo Hayes visited nt the John Sny
nnd sells bonds for Its own account der home In Mnrsblleld Saturday,
only. Mr. Hinsdale's experience In ,
flnnnclal matters, and bis connection
with this strong bonding house qual
ify him to render competent advice
concerning Investments In general
and particularly high class bond In
vestment. He solicits Inquiries from
these seeking safo Investments, and
will give his personal attention to any
etich business entrusted to his care.
Mrs. E. W. Fnhy and son, Holier'
of Hullnrds, are expected to visit it
tho W. II. Simpson home this week.
W. 0. Simpson and wife and
daughter, Edith, were guests nt thu
W. N. Ekblnd home In Marahllold
coos cou.vrv seat xews.
Ito.M'htirK Slayer Awaits Action
(iniml Jury In May. 1
Tho Hoscburg News snyH: "After
deliberating over six bourn thu coron
er's Jury empaneled to luntilru Into
tho means and manner of thu death
Events at Coqttlllc Ah Told Ity The
Todny County Clerk Wntson
mall to J. C. Mnreland, clerk of tllo
supreme court, the transcript of ap
nea I In tho case of A. II. Graham ver
sus the C. II. It. & E. It. II. & N Co.
of Iicnjamln Arthur Mnban, tho vie- The document comprises over 050
tlm In Mondny night's tragedy's ro
turned a verdict, In which they hold
that Kny McClallen who llrod tho
fatal shot, bad good reasons to fear
pageH of typewritten matter, thu ax
act number of thu last jingo being
H(7. Tho paokago Is certainly a
bulky one and Clerk Wntson wan
that his llfo was In danger, but thnt compelled to use grent care In tho
he wns not Justified In llrlng the shot,
which was rosponslblo for Mnhnn'1
death. I
"Holding that tho verdict warrant
ed thu detainment of McClnllon, n
warrant wnH Issued charging him
with tho crime of murder In tho
second degree. Upon Issunnco of tho
warrant, McClallen was served with
tho necessary papers, and upon ask
ing for nn Immediate preliminary
hearing, was escorted to tho olllco of
'Justice of the Ponce Honiihcii Mnrs-
ters where ho will veil examination.
nropnrntlon of It for shipment.
K. l- Wilson, proprietor of the
l.iikoport Ilauuer and nlso tho iwncll
nustior on the llnudnniaii wlilcli was
published for a few weeks at Han
don, was n Conulllo business caller
yesterday. Whllo here Mr. Wilson
made temporary arrangements for
the printing of his Haudou paper at
tho Sentinel olllco.
During the present month, up to
the close of tho re-into period the
Upon motion of Attorney W. W. Card- receipt of taxes at tho sheriff's olllco
well, representing the defendant, ho hns been $ I mi, ()-!". I'll. During this
was released from custody under ball nrlod tho rebates have amounted 10
In the sum of $7,500. According to $1,071.10 which, added to the above
the foregoing procedure, McClallen amount makes n grand total of
will enjoy his liberty until such tlma II I0.0!ir..:i;i, the total assessment
ns the circumstances surrounding tho of taxes which have been paid dur
nffnlr can bo Investigated by tho 'ntc the month of March.
grand Jury, In regular session during
the Mny term of the circuit court." I'n to the close of the duck hunt
, in season, the county clerk bad
v'led 1102 IninterHllcensestoresldeuts
' ' ""'tii'". Iliir'n tho sumo pe
'od 170 combluutlou hunters and
) ''ecu licenses weie also Issued and
s nimlor licenses. This makes a
I I or ft2ii licenses granted already
'bli yea" mid the total receipts for
News of ("lty-Hy.tlie.Sen At. Told Hy
Wlllard Miller, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Miller of Four Mile, died
at the homo of his parents, Wednes
day. He wns bom January ir, 1903. t '.' has been $702 o.veopt tbnt sev-
i of 1 lie 1 1 no uses Usiied voro inn.le
Max Smith, the xenial pioprlotor "nt to .unimwldonts and the charge
of the Vienna Hakery and Cafe, took 'or thto u considerable create;',
unto himself a bride at Oakland, Cal making the nctual receipts Inrgjr
last Snturdny evening. The fortuuato rlu tho above figure.
lady was Mlis Eva Hansen, of Oak- -- .-.-.
land, nud the nereinony was soleinnli- HOltlX S'MtlXC SICXS,
ed nt the home of the bride's parents, .
Mr. mid Mrs. II. D. Hansen.
itAxnc:; papeh chaxhks.
Mr. T. II. Kreainer, who has be"n
connected with the Handen Hecordor
as business manager for the past two
and one-half years, has sold his in
terest. Mr. C. K. Kopf, editor, how
over retains bis Interest, and has ar
ranged to Incorporate the paper, uml
will he Its managing editor as be
fore. The paper will continue to bo
Independent In politics, ana will
boost for Ilnndon tlrst, Inst ami all
the t.'me.
Wo expect to mnke n number of
Improvements In the paper in tho this section where they find it agree-
nenr future, and will continue to run ab'e to spend the winter. If there
a semi-weekly paper for the present, were railroad facilities it is probable
but our ultimate nlm Is n real Hvo tha there would bo numbers of hu-
dally, with bonn-tlde press servlco is msns In the east as sensible ns the
Advice to clerks.
Peop'o 'n the east hivo. Iron look
!? e-'Herly for tho JlrU robin to an
P'r there ns a certain sign of the
'ipronch of spiinR. The contrary
holds true here. When the robins
H-nmiear It Is n sign r.f warm
voiMhor. A few weeks ayw there
were thousands of these birds in
Myrtle Point and vicinity. Indicating
that it was not yet warm enough for
'Nun to veiitme to their summer
norttng places, now the Hocks have
dwindled until only n 'ew mating
pnli s are left, Indicating that In tho
cold regions of tho country warmer
days are coming, nnd undoubtedly t
will be warmer and less stormy i
joon as the' business will warrant it.
Hnndon Kecorder,
If you M"e nn)'1 'ntt o !' rrsdo
T(nt or want be'tt try wsnt art.
rntiliu nnd spend their Ailnters 'n
Cooj county Myrtle Point Knter-priee.
Try The Tlnips' Wmjt Ad
Pu, Try Tte Tlntwi AVawt Ad. B-'ATIraei t Ads.
Trt tbf rr? who woubl
mniwl I s.y. ITI.TIVATK
c::aum of maxxkh.
Cu.iririM 1 niiut-rs In little
V'1'.v : are : et Worth e-
ii:i:iUP. VV'i'.i a etn:neriHp-
)tl"e'i-H l!v i.'it 'ffW ehrtlr. ,;i nll n:d let th uttire'K (
i;uct pasi llrt in: the elefntor. !
Thw Pf little t 'ilnts. lull 'they
lu-tke yen -.nd your work Hiier. ! 1
To pty vllt c or to plve short,
slinir. flippant nmwerx even to
stepld or Impuilent peopfe U 11
j.ret nilnku. wl nldcness
with unfiililnu' pi'itlcnee and po
liteness nml ee how niiicli bet- !
le- you feel.
Most lircfUrnelcseomefromnot ;
ivally llxtenlug to what Is en Id or ','
not really see-
lug what you ',
put down. The $
ehewln:: o t "
Ktim. toimcco
or paper as n
Jaw exercise jr
s h o ti I d be
eliminated. T
The world Ih
11 o w 11 r i. 't
uouirlng It vulgn,'. unbusiness
like, useless and silly. Keep
ahead of your employer and of
the hoard of health In this
tidnc ::
If your business Is to wait on .:
iMiriomers be enreful of your :;
diess and nppearunce. Do your .:
inanli.iirlng before you reach the ;;
store. A toothbrush Is a good .
Invdtmont. A salesman with 11
bad breath Is dear at any price. :
Let your dress be quiet, neat and'
not too fashionable. To have 11
prosperous appearance helps you $
Inwardly and helps tho busb v
Give each cuslnnicryour whole
nttentlnn, and give Just ns con
sldemto attention to a little
buyer as a big one.
If asked for Information bo
sure you have It before you give
It. Do not assume that tho lo
They Would Not
rnpyrls'it h (thIik
rliilio.i llll
l'n Afw)-
"Yon remombM'." sW the n
I Mlreel num. "the time the different In
I iim'i-im were HytliititK for Norlheiu I'n
I elltt? Well, nt lliat'lllue I was dip
' plug Into Klerks with mighty little
' I ...... ..It. -. .ml 11 tiittr
u I lllltlll',) llllll lllll,!,. I'll I' v. ..i ....
r ' lMii. I would bwe ."i one day
elii. I would bwe $." one
f ' mnke xeveiiil liuudreil tlie ne.M, repe.u
'! . 1
lllg uie procos viie veia.
".Siih. I never could do drudgery, nnd
my piHltloii of speculator on not
euoticli 10 buy a good burse was dis
tressing. Hut till was not the worst
of It. I wns lieeU over head to love,
and my girl's father was aware of my
tluaiiflal condition. He gave me to un
derstand that I must look ewewhere
for a wife, lie would never toiwcnt 10
give his daughter to one so reil;ie..
and even If I gullied a fortune lu Wall
street It wouldn't make any dl.Tireuce
lo blui. for lie didn't approve of suc
cess pilned In that way. Spiviilaturs
were drone.
"As for his daughter, she said she
agreed with blin, gave me 11 let-lure oil
the folly of thinking of marriage when
I had not men us for support for my
self alone mid was liable to he lauded
high nnd diy any hi so far as my
little capital was concerned. She ad
vised me to go to work mid threw out
a faint hint If t would earn an
honest Income she might marry me
after nil.
"I had 110 Idea of doing Hint so long
ns I had 11 dollar lu the world to put
up 011 stocks and kept peeing away
until ut last I got down to buying ten
V l shares at a time. One nfteruooii after
, I bud had some successes my broker
told me Hint I hud $100 to my credit.
He also told me that Northern Pacific
was tiding very strangely mid"
"Ob. cut It short." said one of the
listeners. "When the stock went up
.!) vim wi'ie In for a hundred shares and
cation or raw is so now utoihw g. Inidl, (ol of ()IUy."
you once thought It so. 1 "Who's telling this story?" asked the
Don't misdirect. Mnko your J amitor sharply,
directions so clear that they will ,.s Viiu."
be It real liulp. , "Well. then, shut up till 1 gel
j;.:,s-:.M.J.:.tHvH,J' through.
"The stock wns nbout par. nnd I
gave 1111 order to buy ten shares. That
was Just before the stock went up to
11 hundred and fifty. The next even
lug I to see my-girl and told lici
. i'Lk. that I bad made fifty points 011 North
Substantial Roceptnclo of yjhjoh Any em paellle. hiivlng sold out Hint after
Town Mloht Mako.Uto. i noon.. She suld that my selling wn
' j the only sensible thing cnunirlcd with
Tho accompanying Illustration shows the transaction. When I left her she
u self closing can for receiving paper ""' W" '' I"K ' ""
nnd- other waste which has been In ; "' u''"'r ,0 'Kmt "m, ,,,ll,U,"r
successful operutlon during the past ( '.1,, , pi, two Whhw llt ,II1VW iniMk.
four seasons, and any town that cures s:w, , H.((1 .,uw. ll)lu. H,m , po, ,
for tho appearance of Its stieets might itn vlnr made $10,000';'
I "'None. she replied. 'If you sluuili
I make Hint you would be nil the fm
' ther from reformation.'
I "I went away laughing, nnd whoi..
should I meet but Jim Attcrbiiry. '
, told lilm of my guild fortune anil nsked
him to go nnd have a little supper wl:l.
1 nit, lie net-opted, ami we went Into 1
, restaurant.
1 "This Is a kind of confession. I sup
pose, and I might ns well make It now
l I'm 011 the subject. We drunk several
liottles or wine and I bi-came iitulil-
lions 10 treat Jim roydily. Cnlug luto.i
tnglit haul;, I cashed a check for Slot1
nnd"- '
Hlow It nil In." suld the critic of
'the story.
I "Not nil of it. A pickpocket relieved
me of what I didn't spend. I went
lied ut n o'elo-k and didn't wnl;e or
till ." lu the afternoon. When I did 1
went out to get something to eat nml
buying 11 paper I saw lu enormous let
ters In a nevspaHr Hint Northern
Pnclflc had begun to skip up nbout HI
o'clock lu tho morning and had closed
ut a with 1000 bid.
i "Wasn't I disgusted though? Ilud
I held on a day or two I would have
, made 11 small fortune. And when I
1 thought Hint out of the whole deal I
hadn't left but S'.'OO 1 sat down mid
' cried. Yes. I cried; for notwithstand
ing the prejudice of my girl and her
father against speculutliig. I believed
a ompeteiiee would huve helped me ,, .
...... .....1. .11. 1 ........ ' -'.
iiiiuuKii "nn hit. riming m,v iiui;i 1
In my po-ket I found the letter she
! hud asked me to ot. I carried It I -my
hand till I came to a box mid
sllpKd It In, hoping that I wouldn't
j have to confess why I hadn't posted
! It the night before,
j "That night there was a terrible time
1 about Northern Pacltle stock and the
next morning, true enough, there were
sales at KKiu. In the evening, pining
for sympathy. I went to see my girl.
I found her lu the slough of despond.
1 tried In vain to got out of her what
was the matter but failed. Finally she
said hoinethlng about the letter she
bad given me the night before. I
swore I had put It In the box a few
minutes after I had left the house.
She was too much In the dumps to
Jolly me. so I left early,
"The next morning about 0 o'clock
she telephoned me to come right up
to the house. I did so and found her
dancing about the room like a luuatlc.
She came and threw both urms about
my neck
"Why did you tell me you hud post
ed my letter when I pive It to youV
she asked.
" 'What do you mean?' 1 stammered
' 'It was an order to sell 200 shares
of Northern Pacific nt 1.10. It was de
lnycd one day and the stock was sold
for 1000. I'm worth a million,'
"With a trembling hand she banded
mo the broker's noUce of sale." "-
adopt it with advisability. The can Is
scmlclri ular lu horizontal stvtlou. with
a tilt back, and Is made to lit Into the
Iron street rcilway poles used in most
cities, being held In place by 11 book
which engi t-iK lu the latticework of
the ile. This penults easy removal
for tlie purpose of emptying tho can.
The bottom of the can. Is perforated
Willi hall' Inch holes, allowing water
from rains to drain off.
-The top Is a lover which Is made
somewjint smaller- than the can Itself,
allowing ills ut one Inch play between
the edge of tho cover and the sides of
the can. The cover Is fastened to a
horlr.ontnl red which extends tliroueh
holes lu opposite sides of tlie can and
serves as a swivel, allowing the cover
to swing downward. This rod Is fas
tened a short distance" from the back
of tho (over, and at the back a weight
Is fastened to the underside of the cover
sufficiently heavy to draw the hitter
bad; to place, thus making It self
1 losing. The material used lu tho con
struction of tie cans Is heavy pel
vanlied iron, painted. For guidance,
the words "Push Down" nro print
ed with stencil on top of the cover
and the request to "Put It In Here"
Is stenrjled on the outside of the can.
- - .-
We Have a Suit For You
$8.50, $10.00,
$12.00, $15.
Buys a Suit
See the Window
Opposite The Breakwater Office
Stieamer Redodo
( Kipilppcd t.ii
Will make legular Hips cuirj nj; passengers both ways and frrlghl
between Coos Hay anil Sail 1 nuclsco. Alln-scrvatlonsforpnsscnfrri
made ut Alliance Dock, Marshileld and Intcr-Occan TraiiKp. fj,
I'iiIoii Stni't Wharf No. -. Ssn Francisco. For Information, pliw
I l-l or tiS.1. Will sail from Maishllelil for San IVaucNro VJ
uesday, .March , at -IHttl p. 111.
Sails from Aliiswortli Hock, Portland, nt 8 P. M., every T11H1.
Sails from Coos Hay every Saturday nt service of tide. Ili-wrwlk'
' will not lie held later than Friday iiooii,iiu!cNstlckeisarc purclu!
Portland at 6 P. M. Monday, Marcb20
PHONE 1 1 c, F. McflKHIIflK. Av
Qood Newi For Retailors.
It Is reporteU that the mull order
houses experienced n shrlnkngo Ir.
business during the past year, and the
head of one of the biggest mall order
houses states that this shrinkage It
due to the retail merchants learnlug
Jo advertise their prices in big insures.
Dit. c. vt. i.:si,ik, """
. .1 ...
v.-n.HiMiiiic riiysician
adiidte of the Anion :an hehool of
( "ptny at Kirksvllle, Mo, Oflke
I In Kldui'Hiln Hlk. Hours 10 to 12; l to
jl; Phone !o:-J; Mnrslilleld; Oregou.
Phlclan and Siiigcon.
209-210 Coke Untitling
Phonos; OilU-,. i(i-j.i; iu-Ulciicc 1021.
w. iu:xxi:rr,
Onice over Flanagan & Hennett Hank
the nubile. Phono
i -i- - ..nvthlnc
nureu, it i ib -Ji " i,i
Over Chamber of Commor
.... . .! .na Mllff H
wo navo securi-ii ,
iihk of l. It. Heisaof & '"'
oared to render exvdhcnt rtl?,
.1... ., ....! ,.r Pnni Hay.
drivers, gooil rigs and ere'
thnt will mean satlsfactt-rr "
us lor '
h lluon lino. We lfu
trucking business of all Hf
Livery, Feed and Sale
j. m... i.fl AMP' u
111 ' II Dl MM- ---
Phono 138-J
RpbcI htds. for the lr7u
.L- ' j , .Inrahflfild to
mo rouu iium . ,u
Hnnsn Slouch. Will be rereV
imrtnrslnnH nt the store 0
& Hanson, up to 7 o'clock P- '
day, March 21, 19H-
Bids to be by tne -
'"c .MSTK I) ilin,i.-i.
Our matinRs have produced stand-ard-bred
specimens of exhibition
quality with records of 242,27 2'
eggs In 365 days.
Haby Chicks and Kbw for H.rrl.ln.
. D00k your orders now for ntiael ,tn . hmi, for tho faitbful
nni vnf k - w ---
" A ,ov' cockerels from
heavy laying stock for $5.00.
riymoutl, $ce, PouUty Yftnls
"""""' " -85. Phono
amount of earth moved-
culars apply to F. P. Nort011'
point, on line oi rou- i
Tho right to rejeci
Ut Jm tr HnAnVtfflfl.
uiud, io imo'"' , .J tt1
tiijj iii i, reaulre
ance of his contract
n . . .. . Tih d&r
uaiea mis id" ..rtgi
F. "".,
Road SuDervlsor of
No. 6, Coos County,
MB; a
ad Wi
"i son,
iJ horn
red, j,
"io Is
lr i.
keard ti
Wi we
tl,e gru,
on had
"- Wl
Pe fath