The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 20, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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10 Cents a Button
$1.00 a Rip
Stylish appearance
is never lacking in
these trousers, no
matter what kind of
a coat t you wear
with them, nor
where you wear
The Dutchess have
the appearance of
custom-mad e
trousers without
the cost.
Price $2 to $6
Woolen Mill Store
Mill-tc-Man Clothier
Am I
Vuwn I
i lift 1
Ah?T rfli
W t
Was Prominent In Washington mul
Idaho Yoni-s Ago.
(Uy Associated Press to Coos Bio
Times. J
LOS ANGELES, Cat., Mar. 30.
Joseph It. Lewis, SI years of ago.
former territorial Judge of Idaho
and later territorial Judge and ter
ritorial chief Justice of Washington,
died at his home here yesterday.
News of Upper Coqulllo Vnlley From
Tin Enterprise.
Manager J. D. Clinton of the Co
ii "I'fl Vi'l"v o'ohon- coninnnv,
fclatiH t'. nt ll '"nnes hive hoen
added to the oxchunga since tlie llrst
of the year.
At the meeting of the directors of
the Myrtle Point Canning company
held last week, the following olllcors
woro elected for tho ensuing year:
'C. E. llullng, president; W. E. Pike,
vice president: L. A. Hohcrts, sec
retary nnd T. I). Quorln, treasurer.
For the purposo of getting unlfprmlty
of vegetable product for tho cannery,
It was agreed that the company
should secire tho necessary Rood and
retail It to the fanner nnd garden
ers. It was also agreed that an ex
pert processor should he Rccurcd,
and the directors nro now In corres
pondence with a man who Is recom
mended an a good one for tho position.
ROSEBURG, Ore., Mar.. 20. Two
unforutnate women were taken to tho
state Insane asylum from Itoseburg.
One Is Miss Mamie DeCosta, of Oar
diner, the other Mrs. Elmer Weekly,
i f Cleveland. Overstudy while In
school at Portland Is assigned as the
use for the dementia of Miss Do
Costa. The birth of Mrs. Weekly's
s'yth child, three weeks ago, Is the
Oiuse of her Insanity at this time.
She had been In tho asylum once bo
fore a low ears ago.
Co to (Viui:ii. I. X. Fenton, lead-'-
if the Marshtlold band was In Co
i .'lie recently with the view of ar
ranging for n concert In this city some
time early In the spring, it Is to bs
hoped arrangements can be made
whereby the band may come over and
nt least make expenses on tho trip.
Coqulllo Sentinel.
nn te a t rntff
rum. W. J. Conrad, Harry Winkler
'nnd Mr. McCarthy. Judge Qoss prcs
Ided as tonstmnstor and tho principal
response was by Mr. Parsons.
.Moon Moves. F. U. Moon, former
ly of tho O. K. Chop .House of Mnrsh
llcld nnd woll known both on tho riv
er and on tho bay, today opens a res
taurant In this city. Coqulllo Sentinel.
(Uy Associated Press.)
OREGON. Mar. 20. Fair to
night and Tuesday.
For' twenty-four hours ending
nt 4:43 p. m.. Mar. IS. by Mrs.
E. Mlngus, speclnl government
meteorological observer:
Maximum. .
Minimum. . .
At 4:43 p. in..
Wind, Northwest: clear.
Altar (JulliI Meeting The meeting
of the Altar Guild of Emmanuel Epis
copal church will be held with Mri.
Arthur McKeown at the J. W. Heuett
residence Tuesday afternoon Instead
of with Mrs. J. T. McCormac as Qrst
Fiivoin Cleanup Mayor Straw has
ngreed to assist the A. N. W. club
In Its cleanup campaign nnd In a day
or two will Issue a proclamation de
claring April 1, 1911, as the day for
everybody In Mnrshlleld to get busy
and remove nil debris, etc., from
buildings, lots, lawns, yards nnd alleys.
burg was
Council MeetH. The Marshfleld
At the regular monthly meeting
of the Myrtle Point (Ire department
Mondny evening, Dr. J. L. .Mnsson
resigned as chief, nnd S. E. Dlctz, as
sistant, was chosen to fill tho ofllce.
Iturxe Hospital. Or. L. Harrison
returned Wednesdny from Coos Hay, j
where he had been for nearly a weok ;
on veterinary business. Ho has n
contract with tho Smith Lumber com
pany to look nftor their horses nnd cUy COHMc, wl nijet tomorrow lllB,lt
(wlll fix up the plnco owned by that (o (nk(J ,, vnroUB nmUor8
company and known nB tho old Itoyor
placo as a range for their horses whllo , Inil. n, Concert. Tho band con-
they are being treated. Myrtle Point m.t Rvc, ,,y ,,, C(um IJnv XnVB,
Enterprise. htoservo Hand In the Marshnold city
! park yosterday was enjoyed by a
I CULUNGS OF COQUILLi:. j, nmenc0 VOHlort,n, The
'weather was lino nnd the program
Coo County Sent .Www As Told y d romUtlon excellent.
The Heiiiltl.
Dies nt Los Angeles. Judge John
F. Hall lias received a telegram an
nouncing the death of J. M. Shahan
t "t Los Angeles, March IT. Mr. Slia-
jhan lived at Empire for threo or
f4ffttfA, four years and was connected with
HORN. some of Major. Kinney's enterprises.
l"-' left here about a year and a half
SMEDBURG To Mr. and Mrs. Carl 'Ko and soon after sustained a stroke
Stnedburg of Catching Inlet, n son.'"' paralysis from which ho never to-
Monday. March. 20. Mrs. Smed- covered. He whb an uncle of J. V.
fnrtnorlv Miss Mnrv . 'B" '"n "cnu.
Personal Notes
11. It. KELLER returned today from
San Francisco.
Arch Mentholated White Pine
and Tar With Eucalyptus
The best remedy Coughs, Hoarsoness, and Bronchitis. I
For Sale nt "The Busy Corner"
Leading Drug Store In Coos County.
Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
krild That
9 U
Workmen nro mnklng n showing
nt the ennncry, since tho heavier
timbers hnvo been received. Tho
foundation has been laid and most of
the lower floor Joists nro In place. '! fill Coqulllo his homo. mrcnUi Mr nmi,MrH. c. M. Rhodes.
w. ii. .iasi is loremnu oi me carpen
ter work.
u. rt. i,auKiy, imoiimn ior uio A1, .Mllrr,,.nomIe Weldon and
Home Telephone company, has mov- ., . . . . C1,
ed hs family, over from Marshfleld SumJny t Ul0 , ()f , brdo.ft
Theylhavo moved Into one of tho Fol-
on South Inlet. Justice Pennock of-
Postmaster II. n. Steward Is rc
Jolcln." ovor tho recovery of a valued
opal ring which was presented to
him some 29 years ago by an old Indy
friend, now dead, who lived In Cali
fornia. He was wearing tho ring
about a year ago when doing some
work In the cometory, at which tlmo
It was lost. It was found during
tho past week by Mrs. W. A. King.
Mr. King proposed to advortloo It, but
found tho owner through Inquiry nnd
returned tho ring to Mr. Steward.
son. bungalows In Elliott's addition. flc(Uodt on,y IUOInbor8 of tll0 fnm.
, llles being present
a niurriugo license was griuueu
James E. Lnno and Jessie Ellen Hcg
gard last Friday.
1 Mrs. K. A. Loop and two children
will leavo Eugeno today and nro ox-
Hwirn Suit. Justice Pennock Is
today hearing tho Htilt of tho Coos
Hay Paving nnd Construction Com
pany vs. Chns. Noble. Tho mitt
nroso over a dlfforonco between tho
two as to tho price of a sldewnlk
pected to nrrlvo hero Saturday. They
are coming In by way of Roseburg n,oBt,o Noblo property,
and Dr. Loop will meet thorn at Myr-,
Point with
In New Clinnuel Tho Nann Smith
which sailed yestorday afternoon for
S. R. Loshbaugh of Hrldgo has
traded his proporty In that neighbor
hood to Wnltor McDonald of naudon,
and Mr. Donald Is moving up to take
possession this weok. Mr. Loshbaugh
will remain a couplo of months to
help In tho saw mill and thon oxpocts
to movo to Handon to mako his
I Tim fotlnwlnir nnrnnns rlnlmoil tho
'county bounty on wild cat pelts dur-.Dn' Po,nt w,th n blR cnrK0 lum'
I. . . I. am mn.ln Hi n rln tllfnilfrfi tllA T1HU'
Ing tho last weok; J. A. Colton, two; UU1 """,u ",u "' o
John Shook, four; F. E. Rogers, ,""' i r "' UfUUK w.h..
one; O. W. Morris, four; Nathan
Smith, ono; Oliver Miller, ono.
P. M. TULLEY and wife expect ti
leave this weok for California.
MRS. E. E. DONALDSON will leavo
on the Redondo for California.
T. M. WALKER of Coqulllo Is a
Marshfleld business visitor today.
S. JUMPER nnd wlfo of North In
let were Marshfleld visitors today.
IRIS ELROD and Jas. Merchant
will leavo this week for San Frau-clsco.
day from Coqulllo whore ho had
beou on business.
CAL WRIGHT loft today for Ton
Mile whore ho will tnko caro of
'tho Handel storo pending tho sot
tlomont of tho ostato.
A complaint was (Hod In tho cir
cuit court yesterday by tho Flold
Timber company, of Jackson, Mich.,
In n wireless messago to Engineer
Loofo, Cnpt. Olson says they found
the now channel In lino shape.
""" j
Many at Hull. Tho ball given by
tho Knights of Finland bnnd nt tho
Thos. Vert and E. E. Farber of this
city expects to Join several families
from Coqulllo and loavo soon for Mex
ico, whoro thoy havo bought farm
proporty, which Is located hi tho
southern part of tho republic It Is
understood that about a dozen Coos
county families expect to form tho
In which It Books to havo sot aside ( Finnish hall Saturday night was Jar
tho slx-mlll special road tax lovlod goly nttonded and proved a vory do-
by tho voters of road district No. 11.
Thomas Hoono was appointed-su
pervisor of road district No. 11 until
in successor Bhould bo appointed and
duly qualified.
llghtful affair. Tho band nottod a
good sum which will bo used In pur
chasing nooded paraphernalia. Music
for tho danco was furnished by tho
Sicken Yard Now!
encouranes chickens to lav better than to
have a large roomy pen for them to scratch around in,
Build it out of 4-foot LATH and save almost half in
the cost of construction. While they last we can make,
the low price of
10 Cents Per 100 Lath
A large number of chicken raisers on the Bay have al-
ready taken advantage of this offer.
WANTED Position by bookkeeper
and general oftlco man, 10 years
oxperlence, address accountant,
Times ofllco.
Two teachers In tho city schools,
Miss Lulu M. Portor and Mrs. Ella
Porter, havo handed In their resigna
tions to tho school board, and tho
sumo wero duly acceptod by tho
board at a mooting Tuesday ovonlng.
Miss Portor, tt Is understood, resign
ed on account of poor health, and
Mrs. Portor In ordor to bo with hor
daughter. Miss Portor is teaching
In the high school and Mrs. Portor
In. tho eighth grado. Miss Maud
.uiiiui U cufevuu, uua HCUU OUWUIUU .
to teach In the blah school next year, at tho M, C
Fuel Coal. According to tho gov
ornmont roport, Coos Hay furnished
12,200 tons of fuel coal to coastwlso
vessels during tho yoar 1 9 1 0. This
la about 1.G00 tons loss than was
suppllod tho provlous year. Tho to
tal valuo of tho coal suppllod was
$37,9G4, an average prlco of $3.11
por ton.
Many nt Social. Tho St. Patrick's
social given by the congregation of
tho Marshfleld Prosbytorlan church
Horton homo was at-
.FOR HUNT Huxter hotel nt Co.
qullle, Oregon, after April 1.
.AVrlte or seo porsonally Baxter
Hros., Coqulllo. Ore.
WANTED Woman or girl to tnko
chargo of house and do cooking.
No washing. Seo F. S. Dow.
i liuuuuu uy uuuui BUTuiuj-iiYu. Tun-
Froa.Slaglo ontortalned tho' dIvo,8lon8 worh -moved and M.
momuers pi mo nro uunuroa emu c Horton ftnU R T 8troet la 8poc,al
Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. l00Bturae8 contributed much to tho
Ward Gago, of Rlverton. Several of ovenjng'8 fun,
the mombors of tho club woro not I
present, but onough guests woro In-j ifm, lulgimtlon. Tho congro-
yltod for .four tables. Tho rules of were suspended and a prize
was given. Mrs. D. D. Plorco being
tho winner. Coqulllo Horald.
A. Smith Lumber '& Mfg. Co.
Phone 190-j Retail -Yards 182, South Broadway
FOR RENT I-Hirulshed houjkkee'p-
tng rooms. 1024 EIrod avouue. '
FOR SALE Household furniture.
Mrs. A. Dowon, 371 Droadway So.
WANTED Honsekeeper, Mus.t bo
competent to take full chargo. No
objection to man and wlfo or wi
dow with child. Good pay. Pormn
ment. Coos River ranch.
FOR SALE Toiim weighing about
1,030 and 1,150 each. Inqulro
Conner & Hoagland Grocery.
FOR SALE Ilouselio.d furniture for
1CI Third street. Mrs. A. E. Pol
lexfen. phope 147-L.
WANTED Man ami wlfo wltliout
children to take position. Enquire'
Blanco hotel. (
Fresh Green
Wo have Just received a nlco lino
of appetizing Fresh Spring Garden
Stuff for Marshfleld Tables. It In
The Bazar
Ration of tho Marshflold Swedish
Lutheran church at its last mooting
refused' to accept tho resignation of
tho pastor, Rov. J, Richard Olson,
who has received a call to a Portland
church. Anothor mooting will be
held soon to consldor It again as
Rov. Qlson does not feol that ho can
reject tho offer from Portland.
MILO PIERSON of Ton Mile is ar
ranging to orcct a now storo 'build
ing at Lakeside. It will be 00x100
foot and two stories high.
GEO. SHERIDAN of tho North nend
Condonsary Is expected back In u
day or two from Rosoburg whoro
ho has boon visiting his father,
T. R. Sheridan.
JACOB M. BLAKE arrived hero to
day from San Francisco on tho
Redondo. It Is understood that
his visit hero is on mattors con
nected with his streot railway pro
Joct. E. A. McGEOROB and wlfo arrlvod
hero today from Michigan via Los
Angoles and may mako tholr fu
ture homo hore. Mr. McOoorgo l
a brothor of Agont McGeorgo of
tho Alliance and Redondo.
GEO. E. COOK loaves today with hU
threo little daughters for Eugouo
whoro ho will havo thorn ontor a
private school. HIb son, John
Cook, loft Saturday for Portland
with his grandmotner whoro ha
will probably outer a military
A. M. ROSS roturnod today from
San Francisco whoro ho hus boon
on business. Ho roports that tho
rumor Is current In San Francis
co that tho Southorn Pacific Is go
ing to build to Marshflold thU yoar
but ho was unablo to get any of
ficial confirmation of it.
Miss Blrdsoy, an up-to-dato trlm
mor, Is to take full chargo of Mrs.
Donaldson's Mlllluory Storo during
Mrs. Doualdson's nbsonco, which no
cessltatos a trip to California on nc-
niion nimiiT T.nnt nvntiine. p. M. 'count of her healtii. -manning yuu
Parsons was tho guest of honor nt n all for tho kind patronage and hop
bachelor dinner given by Harry ing you will coutlnuo tho samo as
Winkler. Among those present woro ' Miss Blrdsoy will mako nn offort to
Mr. Parsons. J. I). Goss. Geo. Good- please all. Mrs. E. DONALDSON.
Tie Same
Every Day
Primrose Butter
L i