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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1911)
. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1911 EVENING EDITION. x COOS BAY TIMES cans. Entered nt the poatolllcc at MarBh- Human life Is n sacred thing. The tn Irnnim iann ancient nromoiuoii: i uuu buimi. uui flnlil. Orniron. through the mails ns second clnss slay, la as binding as wnen uomcr aiall matter. e,, upcmibo It Is rooted In an eternal r , - s truth. The state alone, becauso It Is a dltlno Institution, has the right to take life, except ns Individuals are authorized to sacrifice It fo'r tho sake of Having life or preserving society. The frequency with which such In excusable affairs occur suggests not could bo Instilled Into certain Amorl- MTTIjK IXTKIIVIKWS. . "When you're laid on a lathe and ft. V. MAI.OXKV Kdltor nml Pub. MX K. MALOXKY New Kdltm' An Independent Republican news pnper published every evening ex cept Sunday, and Weekly by The Coos liny Times riiimsiimg u. onIv lllnt , la t00 mcn of tho spirit of lawlessness, but that It Is al lied Irnted to the i.crvlce of tho people, thnt no good cnuso sliall lack a champion, nnd that evil shall not thrive unopposed. The Coos Hay Times represents a consolidation of the Daily Coast Mall and Tho Coos Uny Advertiser. The Coast Mall was tho first dnlly esfno- llaliorl on Coos Uny nnd The liny T'mcs Is ltd Immediate sue ccssor. SI'IISCRIITIOX ItATKS. DAILV. Ono year $0.n" Per month ') When paid strictly In advance tl..' subscription price of the Coos Hay ""'ncs Is $i.00 per yoa,r or $2.50 fo months. wi:i:klv. t year $1.50 together too ensv for men to obtain """- " - . "c. ..- .loadly weapons who are unfit to bo dro')B of Inspiration run down your trusted with them. Concerning this ,)0,,-v n,,d suddenly become Icicles; the Portland Telegrnm prints tho fol- wl,e y,lr tl,roat 1b, ,lr' 01,r lowing common sense editorial: poppers are hot; when nn army of iflys arrest your breath; when they run n Hat pin through the top of F Jfllclnl Paper of Coos County. 'IO.M THK South nnd the Enst and the Middle West, Indeed, from your hl"8' ncross thro"K '0,,r bncl ... . mill nrn tllllllni? (tin lmml llirnntrli Coosi every section oi ino country, "" (here comes vehement and persistent l,,u '"" naw' wnc" "per 8"10"8 "KC protest on tho part of sober-minded. lttor 1,lllk nnd whiskey smells like law-abiding people ngnlnst tho sense-1 hell: whon ou t,,lnk J'0" lool ,lko loss and dangerous practice of tnills-,' II '' Sni,th nml focl ns rotton "iB criminate pistol "toting." Hut with ' u, ""nc " nyop straw s voca- ill the protest wo do not seem to get milnry ",en '" vo Bot Ulc KrI"l. nnywhere toward the elimination of 'es damn "ou' J'0" know "" i'0"' the evil nnd the prevention of the nu- !Kt)l tlie Krlppe. that's what I have: merous tragedies that result from It. wnnt H0,110?" 8ald ' w- "ennett Tluin, la flu. kllllne nl tlnnnliiirir n 3"l""lH. few days ngo, n life lost, nnother llfo mselbly to he spent In tho penltentla- v. nit really becauso there was a lovo inarrel, but because It Is the cuh- 0111 for lii'nn in lwi nliniit u'ltli mum " " AAAA.V.4ijU..A.JI-a..a..a..a.a.. T-r-r-r'-rTirv-v-VV'Virr'r OFFICIAL PAPKIt OK Till: CITV OK MAHSHI'IKLD. Address all communlcatloiiH to COOS HAV DAILV TIMKS, Mnrsliflflil :: :: :: :: Oregon t WITH THE f t n a c t ni n r i r - t , i l' RAI1AVAV IIAITIXd. 'u their pockets: nnd In this ense uuou suspicion ns It nppenrs. and Is alleged, one mnii pulled a gun and nhnt the other to dentil. Unquestion ably there was no good rousin why either of thuso nion should "tote" a ititol: nnd If neither of them had , 'mil one there would hnve been no tragedy. SOMK people llkoto "twist tho1 " ls "lv 1,v "on lrntlc loglsln tall" of a railroad company .Just ' '"', '"ensure thnt we will over mnko o be doing Komethlng nnd to ''""Iwiiv ngnlnst this dnngerous busl show pcoplo they nro not In longuo n0H8' u W0,I,d ',0 " 'nsuro thnt with tho cornorntlons. Hut sonietlnies m,m" restrict -no mnirs logllimato It Is well for n commuu league" with n railroad conumiiy pcclally If It Is thinking about build- ' """ lll I'"0!"0 w" imlulRO In It lng a now lino that will bo of benotlt ,,,clll' ad,11,t aB "1,,cl '' concealing to tho community . ,,, WL'nno t,10' enrry. It would bo . something gained If tho law compoll- d every man entitled to enrry a gun, to carry It In full view. Tho effect UI8 weather comes near being wo,,ld bo 1,; rcndor U, ,ractlco n nowa-nnd good news. Although ,,,,,l,I,nr w tl,a njiMoriiblo class who l COOII KVKMXCJ. nil soineiuues - " "" " ilty to ho "In 1 I'f'vHRC8. Taken by nnd lnrge, tho company. Ka- l,rncllc f P'stol "toting" Is cownrd- TIIK WKATIIKIt. NOISE. Hecnuse half a dozen gmss hoppers under u fern iiiulie the Hold ring with 'heir Importunate chink, while tlii'iisiuuls of great tut tie. reposed beneath the ulud ow vt the Ililtlsli oak, chew the cuil nml tire Hltctit, pray do ut Imagine that those who make the noise are the only Inhab itant of the Held; thnt. of courxc, they are urnuy In num ber, or that, after nil, they are other than the llttli shriveled, meager, hopping, tb-mgh huul ami troublesome Insects of thu hour. IMimiud Hurke Mnrch on Coos liny bohavea about ns well ns It does any other part of tho globo tho month, ovon horo, has a bnd reputation for winds and chills. Hut hero for several days tho sun has beamed from a cloudless domo, tho wind has moved gontly hero and there without disturbing any ono, nnd spring lias dono nil thnt weather enn do to mnko every ono contcntod nnd hnppy. Of course, It Is dangerous tills complimenting tho weather nnd small children. They have n wny of kicking up their heels nnd nctlng perfectly scniulnlous lator on. Hut that, nfter nil, doesn't re move tho necessity of remarking the fnct when they are ho uncommonly good, and leaving to the future tho evil thereof, now nro victims of It. AX OII.IKCT fiKSSOX. THE SHIP OF DREAMS. TKi:A.l lmloii argot)-, return! XJ In Unys of vprltmilino when VU til 110. 8mllln anil Hiuillt, unit Rt'onicil true, I sent you hlthtr, arsosy, Dromn Imlen, itowor tlvclu-iV return I tttO Si'U till) WOlU d TliANTA, On., colebrntea n civic A hnuseelennlng In April nnd Oc- L, ,m' I,w'),1tc,, by ,lu n"Vr "."' m .... Tlirouuli (liulilnB wuvis niui Iciulcn I.MPORTAXri: OK A I'l'HK WATHIt SUPPIA". w HAT nro iya commltteos np- polnted by the Murshflold and North Hend councils doing In referenco to nn Improvement In tho water supply conditions on Coos Hay? Some of the lending public spirited cltUons think thnt this is something thnt should be luxentlgnted nnd set tled promptly. The Times believes that this mnttcr Is so Important that tober of each year. In 1000 Atlanta was crowded, dlr v and Hick. Tho mayor wanted mon ey to mnko it clean, comfortablo nnd 'i"lthy. The politicians opposed tho outlay as oxtravagance. Tho mayor; aopealed to President White of tho Atlantn Federation of Women'j Clubs. The women hnd been llullfferent to nolltlcs, Hut civic housecleanlng In volved the health of tholr children. "";-.olr Indifference dlsnpponred, and that SklCH, I snt unJ priiycd and strained my wrury eyi's. Now conies tho winter drenil. Oil, salla of folilcn liopfs. rrturnl Vlin.X an old bahelor manles hl women ueqiMlulunies nil wondiv that he didn't do It nouncr and his in'i. frlemls wonder how he happeuetl ti get caught. When a man marries to get it house keeper he Is sometimes mirprNcd unit aghast to Hnd that he Is reckoned In u n part of tho house furnishings. The reason the small boy would nth cr shovel off the neighbor's sidewalk limn the Jiotjio sidewalk Is bernuse ply ing the shovel on the nelglilHir's may uncover it quarter. It should be taken no without n l dny's delny. The people of Coos Hay vlty- Accordingly tho following con well understand Its slgnltlcance. Nowj"0" wa8 "l tho papers: Is the tlmo to act. for the health of I Atlanta. October ... 1010. Dear tho community Is above all things :Mndam: Sympathizing with tho elro. In fnct there Is nothing so liu- eh'nnR-np " progrnm of the wo portnnt Wo Intend to build here iijn,en of Atlanta. I promise to have city of front ten to twentv thousand '"' I'mlses put In good order. Oc In tho vorv near future, but we cimi,obor 26th- Uu da' aK,vod "lon. 'hey set a campaign agoing b'-Miod the city In n whirl. Committees visited the districts thnt most needed Improvement nnd ' showed uninformed mothers tho nd- vnntnges of better sewernge, parks, llaygrouiulH and schools and pure' t'hlldren nnd chliketis r-e frtilwt. wator. i cn,MM ' neighborhood feuds. After the light for these was won A nw ,, ...meuR of n phllosophe. Mrs. White told her committee that Who pays tho bill of itainages Innured before the city beautiful comes the by his small sun us cheerfully as he -Itv clenn. There were dirty streets' I'ays his poker losses. and noisome yards to bo cleansed nnd " sarhnge to be burned or removed. So Ma"-T " fx ,,e ,nvUwl U' thc ,n . . ,..... .. . .. nocence of the auditor. U uns decreed that October 2(5 should , be consecrated to cleaning the entire woman simietlmes keens tin a sem blame of luuueeiu'e long after ilia condition hns jMsseil merely lieenu" I harmoulxes with her east uf eounte nnnee. not do It without having a supply of puro water. This will be a drawing card of more weight than anything olse thnt can be mentioned. You iiia huvo n desirable location for n city, good drainage, Hue climute, rich so. I nnd all the delightful surrouudlutt Imaginable, but If ou lack pure water you will fall In building u wo- i (Signed) Xo Street T''s wns sent to tho commltteo for the signer's wnrd, and a prlzo of $25 ottered to tho ward sending tho ri'aet number of responses, while other premiums wore offered for the SAKK IXVKSMIJXTS. For Information concerning high-class bond Investments, bearing Br'r Intorest net, wnto O. H. Hlnsdalo, caro J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California. nest elllclent work. f'wmlng day wns observed entluvsl- Have That Roof Fixed i tropolls of Importanee. Let us settle "" ' "very secnon oi tne city. this ouestlon of wnter In the none fit- "" " "' lw rfpenteu ueM April ami tore twe yonrly. AH classes lmvn taku ! 'irt. and the Improvement of until- XOW lee CORTHELL Phone :iit c ruor siiAi,T xot kii.i.. OWPKU. mi IStiKllih poet of ox- hi-v eoiidltloum 1ms been lustnntnuo-' lU'XKKIt ous. , Now is the time to buy nt Htmker , THp woiueu of Mnrshfleld have' "111 Residence and vacant lots at low ceptlonully humane ohnrno Mi-tven themselve equal to the task Hkuivs and easy terms. nvorroil tlint "lie wotilil not '(-or. Mayor Straw hns elvon bis nn. For particulars see lingly all that man tils friond who uroval and promised his enthusiastic Al'O, KRl.KKX, needlessly sot foot upon a worm:" aUtance. Prof. Tlodgen of the "s Cetilial Ave., Mitrlillei), Ongon end the Hindu baa a horror or taking vh uohool. says tboy will lend eve- """" L! ' "" .- W' ry posslblo aid. Now let everv resl- l-'ou (joon AVORK Tho fooling of tho poet nnd of tho ,unt of tho city cooperate nnd make Hrlng'your clothes to us. Cleaning mild Hindu may overstep nnd bounds tba coming "oleanup" day a big sue- pressing and repairing n specialty of reasou and dogonornto Into sickly cess. Roinombor tho city cloan comes by experienced min, Satlsfncflo'i uentlmontallsm; but It la to bo wish- before wo can have tho city beautiful, guaranteed MLAXCHAKI) . 101. od that a duo modicum of tholr spirit Lot ovoryono got busy. SOX, Alllawco llhlg. Front St. the bones of your body nro bolng drawn apart with tho slow certainty I of tho thumb-screw movement; when your teeth grow 30 When You heavy nnd long that lime The your lips nro open , (5Hp. when your mouth Is I shut; when your eyes bung out nn Inch nnd nre blcnred and blood-shot; when the cords of your neck mnko your ears extend uu like n donkey's: when tho huge COAL STRIKES AND COAL PRICES wor ry not the innn who relics upon central station electric service for his power. The fair of waste and extravagance in the engine room disappears when the Electric Drive is installed. Expensive boilers and engines do not have to be maintained, repaired and replaced. Electric motors do away with line shafting and losses in power transmis sion. In nearly every possible power application the J'Jlcclric Drive shows a big saving over other forms of power. Electric power weans enerim onlji when you wmil il, and then all you want. Every year shows improvement, economics and de velopments in electric power machinery. The es timate you had made last year is probably out of date now. We employ competent experts to in vestigate your power needs and you can depend on their reports. Telephone ITS, Oregon Power Company. Business Direct,-.M.I.... ,- .. . ..,... iih in n list of nci,.T "'"a'r" 'iu8 mat it Pny to Patronize. will GoTrj WILLEY & SCHROEDER for Plumbing and Heatina Mni-slUlolil, oft. 1-iiuno TT3 STADDEN All kinds or pliotoK,.,,, Wol bromide enlarging a, ,hI Mulshing. Condensed Statement of the first National Bank of Coos Bay Al th? close of business .March 7tli, 11)1 1. RRsoriu 1US. Loans nnd dis counts $1(J0,33S.93 Overdrafts. . . U. S. Honds and prom lu in s. . . Other bonds and warrants. . . Hanking House. Furnlturo and fixtures . . . Cntli mill line from bunk . .IS 23,2o0.00 SI, 037.13 74,100.11 7,fiS9.n i:i(l,litl).17 M.i;iMTii:fi. Capital stock. . .?100,000.00 Surplus mid pro fits Circulation. . , Deposits C2S3.ll . 21,500.00 . .:to:i,t!OiM)(i $11)4,032.20 'J, J.. KOONT2 Mnclilne ami Nepal,, si,,,,,, (JKNKUAIi .MACIIIMst Steam and Una lingim. Work At Hoilnnd's boat shop, Kroa( Ore. street, MnfBhlleld, Electric Lamps Wo hnvo lamps suited for eHrr purpose Mnztln,. Tnntnlum and a "speclnr 00-wntt lamp far superior to tho common 32 candle-power, it Is n plonmiro for iib to show and . plain tho different lamps fur tho bet terment of your service. Coos Bay Wiring Co, phonic ;7j M94.032.20 Cash Hcserve .17 Per Cent of Deposits Wo Invito your attention to the condition of this bank ns shown by tho nbovo statement. A general banking bualneis transacted. Accounts of Individuals, corporations nnd firms received. Interest pnid on tlmo and Ravings Doposlta. Safo deposit boxes for rent at $3.00 and up per annum. Your business solicited. first Class Laundry wuni 10 ii.iiai ucsirauio to anvoai wUlilng their linen to possess thai particular Mulsh so ueccsiary to good tasto lu dross. wi: 1)0 THAT CLASS OP WOIIK Ono Trlnl will Convince. Coos Bay Sleam Laundry PIIO.VK MAI.V 57-1 w. s. W. 8. CHANDLEK, JOHN S. COKE, W. U. DOUGLAS. OITICKHS: CHANDLEIt. President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. M. C. HORTOX, Vice-President. RAY T. KAUFMAN', Asst.-Cashler. DIItECTORS: T. S. DOW, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, Wf. GRIMES. W. P. MURPHY. JOHN F. HALL, M. C. HORTON. tTIiilnrran 'Jl. Cl.i.nAiA D-l. y ...... . ...0u. .w uc.iiieu cuim oi marsnznid, Orejton Oldest Hank In Coos County, KstaMlHlicd In 1HH0 Paid ii Gnnltul, Surilus, and Uiidlvliled ProlltN ovi-r Slf.onoo Assets Over Half Million I),. M. r ,,,0'(l,),. Good Livery Service Fancy new rifts, good homes anl careful drlvors aro now at the dU posnl or tho Coos Day public at HKAHO.VAIILK HATES. Rigs or rigs with drlvors ready for any trip anywhoro nny tlmo. Honci boarded nnd rigs enrod for. New honrso and sjieclnl nccommo dntlons provided for funeral parties. W. L. -"NT)RONS TilVEUY AM) K1CKI) STAIILKS PIIOXB a7!l-J PAikllLY HOTEL THK MX) YD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR RntoB teduced to: Day 50c, 75c and $1.00; week $3.00 to $5.00. House keeping npartmonts with gas rsngti $1Q,.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATH8 n. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. Dies n gonoral banking business and draws drnft n m, n if California San Francisco, Cnl.; Hnnove "-.tlSaa" misT Irst National Rank, Portlan , Ore.; First Natlonni it., X' n )urir. Ore.: The Lon inn tnin, Hi.,n:ii"..fU(Inn,.1,ank. hurir. Or- Th l.n,ln ti-. o.-'T-n! .-". ;""""' "ann aT.0 . e;;rv:.-, r -"."?. '".. Lo(,n. Rag-am. Also sells exchange on all nl the nrlneln. VT.i.. -, ' Individual and corporation accounts kept subject o check ?f doposlt lock boxes for rent J ai lo CIie!K. bafo OFFICERS: J. V. HEXXKTT, Pn-sldent. .J. H. TLVVirJAY v i It. I WILLIAMS. Cashier. l.EO. E VviXciVrSTFu' Kn' IXTERESTlMIl) OX TIMll Ih'pOSIt"' "' CmU' Polks Oregon and Washington Beaver Hill Coal muu.vt DIAHLO AND JOSSOX CESIGXT. The best Domerlc nnd Imported brands' Plaster, Lime, Drlck and all kinaa of builders material HUGH McLAIN ALCONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH HROADWAY. PHOXE 201. ""mi . COOS BAY-ROStBUHG STAGE LINt OTTO SCHKTTKll. Agenl, 12) MARKET AV., MurlUleld PHOXE It n n F!) . irw oir rer uozen HOISEWIVKS TAKE NOTK'K We will do all of your Spreads, Sheets, Tablecloths, Slips, Towels, Xnpklus and Dish Cloths. ' and as many of each as you wish to send at tho rato of 30c per doz. Call tip Phone 220-J. and a driver will call and explain al MnSlFIELD IIAX1) AXD STEAM LAUNDUY. Stnto (inetteer nod Ilu!ncss Dlrw tory. Just Issued for 1911-12 Is the most comploto work of tho kind published. It contains an accurato business di rectory of overy city, town and til lage in Oregon and "Washington, and tho names and addresses of country merchants and professional men, lumbermen, otc, who aro located ad jacent to villages; also lists of got eminent and county officers, commis sioners of deeds, stato boards, statu tory provisions, terms of courts, names of tho postmasters, postofflces, express, telephono and telegraph of fices, Justices of tho peace, hotels, dally nnd weekly newspapers; be sides much other Information useful to all classes of business and profes sional men. A descriptive sketch of each place Is given, embracing vari ous Items of interost, such as 'he lo cation, population, distances to dif ferent points, tho most convenient shipping stations, tho products that l are marketed, stage communication, , trade statistics, tho nearest bank lo cation, minora! Interests, churches. "" .schools, libraries nnd societies. An important feature Is tho classified dl Ifta! Chnorn C i roctory. giving every business arran-V-Ullj UlLafJ;3l rU6l I S0(1 ,maor lts special heading, thus enauims subscribers to obtain at slanco a list of nil houses manufac turing or dealing in any pnrtlcular lino of goods. Tho work generally Is complied to deserve their liberal patronage. PRICE SO.OO. ' 1'. UAHNAUI). iKCiil, IiOSKlU'IUi, on.. Lump on Coos Bay sale coal xt -,,, o- Jo an vlnd3 u( hatiI(ug and Horses nnd vehicles fnr contractlr.g. call For quick dellve-v L- H. HEISNER or phone 1J0-J or 49-l. R. L. POLK & CO. SEATTLE, Wash,