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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1911)
Sfc5 ADS. NEWS uill S I'.lhlMWS IS SLOW, ah. . ...I THAT IT PAYS IS ISVL . v 1 1 " siTciiRSiun, itrai. rtlCT IT Will I.N IT IS NltW UV UKADiNi; Tine roos iuy timics. TIIK XISWS ALL THIS TIMIC TltftftlCI.Y TOLD :: ti it :i ,isi-h levitnvwmcmc n .MICMMCIt 01' AS3WIATICII PtUftS-S KMmIiIUIkmI Ih 1H7H kn Tin Cimm Mull IMHMMflMnMMNMiMMM Y-V MARSHFIEL0,0REQ9M, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 191 1 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. v """ii . tik. t ,.( mii h nml rNt Hny Advert l'r. liT Wl li 4 ' dy r m p V"ty' fT"1 "' tilths 5i MOFfflTT STRICKEN II Noted Financier and Railroad J Builder of Denver Passes Away Today. WAS JUST RECOVERING FROM SEVERE ILLNESS Suffers Chill and Dies Within Hour and a Half Built Railroad. IDy AMoelnti"' '"' m Coos lln; Times.) .....i. vmitf. V. Y.. Mar. 18. .& .w...., Pit Id H. Muffntt of Denver, president Dm iiiinver Northwestern nnd Pa- tIBc railroad and president of tho Pirt Xntlonnl Hank of Denver, died tuddcnly today at his nparimcniB m the hotel Helmont. Ho had Justness by lumbermen, coal miners nnd ifctnercd from an attnek of la grip- j farmers. pe nml imcumonla and was about to For nearly three years there has leave his room yesterday apparently been In n quiet way investigations In rooiI health. Ho wiw solzcd with carried on nlmost unceasingly per il sudden chill today and expired talnlng to the waste products of Coos iclthln an hour nnd n half. 1 BREAKWATER HE T A Many Sail This Aft3rnoon For,f01",",,: nnd i"-s of their own Irtml tt lwi mW lit tnliiih ti'lfli Ml u l II rflf Portland and Northern Points. Tie Hreakwater sailed for Portland this afternoon with n large passenger hst and a good cargo. Among those ulllni; on her wero tho following: Ferdinand Hansen, C. H. Llvesay, V. F. Live ay, A. C. Pnttorson, U Amadon, a. F. Wiseman, Lucy Cook, Mlu Alice Shields, John Cook, C. h. Wilson, Chas. Sneddon, Jr., Geo. 11. Merrlheld, Dob (Hies, I). 12. Merrlott, Mr M. Harvey, Miss Flora Quick, 0. A. Clark, K. A. Folsom, F. 13. Mnedke, 1 C. Wells, L. Follotte, R. M. JennlnRs, Mrs. H. M. Jennings, Mrs. Alice Hancock, N. S. Drlssler, Snm Lssb, Eva L. Crockett, Chas John ion, V. I.. Ilowman, J. V. I.liui, J. A. Orcen, J. C. Webster, Hon Smith, Mrs. b. X., D. X. Hannn, Ollvor AI$, Frank Hank, Frank Morso, W. E. Orr, V. F. Harklow, Henry Hocck, Herman Hoeck, Kvn Hoeck, It. Ma tbUke, Mrs. K. II. Smith, J. A. Hnzer, P A. Smith, John Ackmo, J. S. Po leron, Con Harrison, John Fells, Jno Benhanz. Xlck Kills, M. Walter, Tom ilcGowan, Chas. Carter, Alex Stono le, W. nivens, F. Schnerr and A. Matron. ROOSEVELT IN Former President Assists In Dedicating Big Dam at Reclamation Project. ,B' Aoclated Press .o Coos Day Times.) PHOENIX. Ariz., Mar. 18. Col. Mdore Roosevelt and party arrlv- , ,D pboenix early today and left "mediately ln automobiles for tho ttoosevelt reservoir at the big reclam- on dam twenty miles east of hero e'e the formal dedication takes niaCtat f0Ur 'clock today. A largo J " , er of citizens of Phoenix accom- PIed the party. Roosevelt's nv,in cn. i a i la IU be made nt Phnni, xin,iv io . -r,. ----- fcornw h. . . , i . Sunday m, leaV the reservo,r d famtT. ,n.B- The e-I,re8,dent t-v niu buena Hunaav niter- u a and night at tho town of Mesa An!! m"e8 east of Pnoenlx whore CWe Rsevelt Is attending school. " ----- IS I SUODEMLY NEW YORK NEW INDUSTRY PLANNED ERE Dr. E. Mincjus and H. C. Diers Have Scheme For Utilizing Waste. The utilization of what vna hlthor to considered wnsto by tlio lunibur Industries mul coal mines of Cooh llay will jirobnbly noon becomo an lniior- . . mm mcior in uoos uny commerce. Mnrketablo commodities, estlninted In value at hundreds of thousandH of 'dollars will probably soon bo nmdo irom so-called wnsto products which are now nemg inrown away as worm- Hay. II. C. Morn, a civil engineer has 'been most pcrslctent in his efforts to perfect a system that will give tho best results. Dr. E. Mlngus has assisted him In tho chemical end of tho proposition J I nil tho way, through and nothing has J been Hpnrod by them In making tho fullest Investigations and experi ments, in order to obtain tho best ! results. In order to develop tho best tllllt l" '' 'Hfc ( IUUWII 111 HI l!tlllll!- tures all over tho world who mnko tho latest Improved machinery fori iruuilL'IIIK lllUil nun jiiuuiitio, uivj i havo been nlded by Information fur nished from tho U.S. Hurcnu of Intel ligence on fuels, Chemical depart ment of tho Forestry Sorvlco nnd from other eminent authorities on tho profitable utilization or wnsto products. Tho making of their own Investi gations and oxpoilmont8, nml tho nd vlco recolved from these governmen tal departments and numorous auth orities has enabled them to porfect a number of now processes nnd tii co-ordinating or tho latest Improved ' apparatus, i-wiltlng In a now com-; blnntlon of equipment of vhlch tho machinery is practically Indestruc tible and easy of operation and low tir.'itSX: ductloii of other chemical products By tills now combination of pro cesses and apparatus Messrs. DIor and MlnguB fool thnt they havo un covered tho sccrot or cheap produc tion of valuable products from wnsto on Coos Hay, now thrown nway be cause or tho lack of proper treat ment. ...,. ,i,ii i,oir this nrtemoon when three squads tin They say that b co ml M heir of ty yoM ocesses with the "Mas e k 1 process commonced t0 drng tho three ,,t. T -i ...oni.innt-v fnr lirlnuettlng itiois . . . , l rlnnpttlnir riiols and machlnory for uriquuu h Mid tho urom i "':". lB wood, ;; ZZA DIstlHat on and Ronnl K v km and mo v... . .".. utilization or was e arm ro use tho . .. . ..! funm ivnnrl ntlfi can mauo a now iu h.m - coal which they have named "Ligno- tet." This fuel can bo made In any grade desired so that it can bo used in any furnace, range, stove or grate suitable for coal. Also for all kinds or steam purposes, smelting, blacksmithlng, locomotive and naval uses . ... j .. nnin amuril'ft this inei uu uui. w...- -.... nor chocking gases, is iree " dust and no asnes 10 sien "'. can bo made perfect and economical for heating and cooking and in or- flclency equnl to tho best grade or Pennsylvania anthracite coal and for steaming purposes equal to the standard steam coals of the world. Dy bringing this "lignolet" up to certain grade it can ue udcu .-. t Com-1 mauing gas ior Ba "bi '""" "-- - pared with tho price oi sw,.,. .. gasoline boats, its economy will bo over six times as great. In other . .i.i. ..,i f tha "licno- wrtvna miriiL nuuuua u -- let" will operate n given power of Tjvwf Y'fJ"" (Continued on page 5.) TKINK PORTLAND Chas. Powers Says He Saw Man Closely Answering Dc- scrlptlon and Marshal Car- ' ter Follows Clue Sails was vvlilontly a stranger hero. SOUtll. Mr. Powers gays that the stranger This aftornoon. Marshal Carter c,01M!,r M tho description , , . ., . given of the man wanted at Portland received n metsiiRt from Uandon say- wh(jh g n f()1oW8. lug that the stranger cloBely ntiswer-' -Ago. -15 to r,0 years; height, Ing the description or the slayer of about C feet; weight, about 150 Barbara lioltzman had sailed on the pounds; medium comploxlon; mus steamer Ellznboth for San Francisco, tachu not very dark; thin long face The Elizabeth will reach there Sun- resembling consumptive; wearing day. At Handon, he had his mouu- long dark gray coat and black slouch tache shaved off and attracted some- hat." attention by his peculiar actions. The I Mr. Powers reported the matter to authorities at Portland have been no- Marshal Carter yostorday and the In- titled and will doubtless have tho sus pect arrested at San Francisco to morrow. Powers In Sine. Chas. Powers, who conducts a gro cory store on South Hroadwny, be lluV0H tnnl l!l nml w,l '" wanted In 'ni lor n ""iruer oi nvc-yoar- "'" "" huihiihiu iib- Held Thursday afternoon nnd for whom $1,000 reward Is offorcd. A stranger closely nnsworlng tho do- scrlptlon of the perpetrator of mo most atrocious crime known In Ore- HA PLAGUE DEATHS MANY Fatalities From Dread Diseas: Reach Total of 88,498 With No Improvement. ( ny Associated Press Times.) to Coon Da; LONDON", Knglnml, Mnr. 18. Dur- Ing tho month of February deaths threat of a gonornl strlko or teams front tho plague In India reached tho I tors tloing up "everything on wheels" enormous totnl of 88,498. Ofllclal nd-jln vIccb are that the most persistent ef forts to stamp out tho disease havo failed to effect any permanont Im provement in tho situation. in REVIVED Lakes In New York Park Are Dragged For Young Wo man's Body. I By Associated PreB to Coos Ha) Times. I NEW YORK, N. Y., Mnr. 18. Interest in tho strange disappearance or Miss Dorothy Arnold was revived "luul cuiHiuuiituu iu uitib mu ii ,nke8 ,n Centrni Park !n a search ror tho young woman's body. Francis R. Arnold, father of Miss Arnold, ex- was olther thrown or Jumped into ono q( n Contral pnrk u been tho habit or Miss Arnold to wnlk through tho park on her way homo after shopping trips. i O.IME WAS CLEAN ONE. Edgar McDnuicl Hays There Wus No "Houghing It" In Last Game. "Whoever told Tho Times that there was considerable 'roughing It' Jn th(j gjjetuaij gamo between tho North Dend and Marshfield High Bchoo, basketball game hero didn't tJjey ulung about, gM as&r McDanlel, editor of the Benfl Harbor ,n dj8CU88g tho t0Aay, i have seen every gftmo Jn (Jje Berles hero and nJso gaw hreo ganJeB ,n tho Co,jUjue valley f conB,der the gaine q yery. cean( the.e beJng fl0 'roughing it' on either side. Tho fact that the umpire, who was a Marsh- field man, only called three fouls on North Dend clearly indicates this. The North Bend boys simply out-( classed the Marshfield team and that was all there was to it." FIEND WAS RERE "" ,n M,nri nm ll,t0 ,,u lore al,a liouulit n light lunch, wiyltiK tlmt lit WM ,,, tT0 ..cmp tr aml hlu, I10t' ''tiiiiitoi.RtrorsihHir..iii fictions wore peculiar anil Mr. Pow- t,,H "me,, M iiuarunco cioseiy. no vestlgatlon hats lead the latter to be lieve that Mr. Powers Is correct In Ills conclusions and that the Mend Is somowhorc In this section. Marshal Carter found that a man got aboard tho Hreakwater at Astoria but tho crew did not remember his doscrlp- nun. Tho fellow told Mr. Powers that he was goltfg to leave Thursday nftcr- noon for "Camp 5" wherever that may bo. Marshal Carter has notified tho (inkers in tho other towns In this section. STRIKE DANGER IS Ifflf LESS General Walkout of New York Teamstsrs May Be Averted Some Resume Jobs. (Hy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y., Mar. 18. Tho Now York nnd vicinity to nld tho striking expressmen, seemed less m? unclng today. Tho employes of tho United States Express company voted to return to work today. AN INNOCENT Andrew Toth Released Alter Twenty Years Imprison ment Wrongfully i Dy Associated I resa to Coos Wt Associated I ress Times.) P1TTSDURO, Mar. 18. Andrew Toth was released rrom tho ponlten- tiary hore today after serving twea- onrs for a crime lio did not com- oth was accused of murdering a follow workman and was Honteuced for fo. Recently it was discovered ll0 wBt lmU Inllo awuy when thu commMcA nnd ,l0 WBi ,,uraoned by tho governor, XOHTH HKXI) NEWS. Mayor L. J. Simpson is suffering from a severe soro throat. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hyler, who mBsed tho laBt Redondo, aro expected lomo Monday from San Francisco. I A local instltuto of tho W. C. T, U. will be held at tho Presbyterian I church Tuesday and tho county pres- ident, Mrs. Ernest McCray of Marsh- ( flol(j(Will bo present. Mrs. Robt. Mc- Cann will talk on "What Constitutes a Succeg8fu! Local Union," and "Na-I tlonal, State and Local Plans to bo Kinpha8,zed ThlB year," will be Mrs. Geo. Hazer's subject, while Mrs. Co- vey WRi speak on "Our State Union." MfB RUchJe wlu Bpeak on 0ur Lo. cal Union as a ractor in Municipal Ar- fairs." Mrs. R. G. Summerlln will talk on "God s Plan of Finance." There will bo a number of others. Photo finishing and supplies, the very best, at Walker Studio. i HAN INSURGENTS EXECUTE .LEG D MM rn am m7 IU fUJI mm. TO END WAR I American Residents of Chihua hua Hold Mass Meeting For Purpose. (Uy Associated Prcs to Coos Ua Times.) CHIHUAHUA, Mexico, Mar. 18. The 700 American residents here held a meeting today to consider plans of appealing to Diaz to end tho war as soon as possible. Dr. Manuel Hal boas, a prominent physician, already had prepared a petition suggesting that if Diaz guarantees certain re forms to the people, tho war should quickly stop. I Tho city lias been under siege for practically eighteen days and tho peo ple's patience Is becoming exhausted. Continual rumors that tho Insurgents would attack tho town have kept tho people keyed up to a high nervous tension. rive CONGEST E r Program Announced For Spe cial Entertainment In Marshfield Tomorrow The Coos Hay Naval Resorvo Hand will glvo a public concert tomorrow aftornoon at 2.: 30. 'f lho weather will permit, it will bo given at tho city park and If not at tho Masonic Opera House. Director Fouton an nounces tho following program: 1. March, "Orandloso" Sort 2. Overture, "Morning Moon and Night" Suppo 3. "Moonlight Sonata". Deethovon 1. Caprice, "Dance of tho Honey bells" Manila (n) Pilgrim Chorus from Tann- hauser R. Wagner (b) "Evening Stnr from Tann- hauser" It. Wagner G, Selection, "Tho Huguenots" Meyerbeer 7. March, "Adjutant Pholp's".. Sargent LOCAL OVERFLOW. I'unmil Tuesday. Tho funeral of Mrs. E. J, Hanson will bo held next Tuesday from tho Wilson Undortnk lug parlors, tho Rev. R. E. Drown ing officiating. Mascot Lodge, De greo of Honor, will hnvo charge, or tho services at tho grave. Persons de siring to view tho remains can do so nt tho Wilson chapel from 10 to 12 o'clock Tuesday. (Jets Many Replies "Take out that want ad ror I have had a dozen calls rrom girls and women desiring tho place," said Mrs. A. II. Stutsman yos torday. She had an ad In The Times want column for a girl or woman for general housework and ono inser tion brought all these. Inquiries. Many others havo had similar experiences' with Tho Times want ads. MRS. MARY HARVEY and Miss Flo ro Quick were guests last evening at tho homo of Rev. G, LeRoy Hall. They were en route from Coqulllo whore they havo been vis iting to their home In Pendleton. ALOXtt THE WATERFHOXT. The fig Columbia yesterday tow ed out tho Encore, getting the craft to 6ea on one tide. It is seldom they have been able to do this especially with a vessel drawing about eighteen feet of water. PHONE I. S. KAUFMAN & CQ 1'OUR COAL ORDERS 94.50 PER TON. If you want your Kodak work done right, take it tp Walker Studio. ENT SPIES Take Two From "Bull-Pen" and Shoot Them For Aiding Diaz. WERE CONVICTED OF ASSISTING GOVERNMENT Rebels at Mexicali Impose Death Penalty On Opponents of Revolution. (Uy Associated Press to Coos Hay ' MEXICALI, Mexico, Mar. 18. Felipe Hies, a .Mexicali saloonkcopor and another unknown man wore shot as spies by the Insurrectos In n "bull- I pen" here last night. 1 Papers from tho Mexican govern ment were found on Hies by tho ro- Ibels who chnrged tho men with ald- Mng tho plan to rotako Mexicali from tho American side. Another man was found not guilty nnd rcloasod. BJYSTERY John Schenk Shot and Killed at His Home Under Strange Circumstances. (Uy Associated press to Coos Hay Times.) CHICAGO, III., Mnr. 18. John Schenk, superintendent of tho North western (Ins Light and Coko com , puny was found dead with two bul ' lot wounds In his body nt his homo In Pnrkrldge. Tho police nro Inves tigating n report attributing his death to murder. Mrs. Schenk Is bordering on u stnto of collapse and Is uiinblo to toll a coherent story to tho police. It Iwas llnally ascertained that tho cou ple attended an entertainment last night and wero accompanlod homo by a number or friends who remained for soma time. Following tho depar ture of tho guests, a commotion was heard and the wifo says sho found her husband dend in tho front hall wy. LATEL Mrs. Schenk rocovoroil from her shock nnd admitted sho shot her husband, thinking him a burglar. i diiu maiuu iney were nappy logoiuor. Mow OIlU-c.Tlio Stutsman Roat Estate Company has moved Its offices Into tho sulto or rooms In tho Songs taekou building formerly occupied by the Marshfield Public library. BIG CUT IN E American Wool Company, Known As "Woolen Trust" Makes Reduction. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BOSTON, Mass., Mar. 18. At tho head office of the American Wool Company here today It was announced that the directors of the corporation had voted a reduction .n the common Stock or $30,000,000 to $20,000,000. Tho corporation controls thirty-four mills In New England and Now York state. It figured largely In tho last year tariff hearings in Washington where the low tariff men usunlly re ferred to It as "Tho "Woolen Trust." Pictures enlarged in colors, Sepia, back crayon. Walker Studio. Ighicago ras T 1