THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1911 EVENING EDITION. BID IS BIG FOB RM El irNnntliwed frt'tn (mf ' ' tV lil lhn f nihil Ma ll'i R'ruU !,l It! tl'l I l U l'- I' I V'".!U ' Nrnwn InilliK' i hr "1l-r thai M hnn'a threala hml prwt n Mctl. I lens mind for en Ion a lime that he berame iindti excited when he sn Mnhan end liroNRht hla pIMol tut" i.lnr without thmwht. : tV rf MrC1lr'e tfnrtteye. .1 , (1. Wen n4 V. W. Curdwwll. were ci,,,-,-,, wttMMPft '"P"" Plant for Flnt Nw Vos- WILL B B EW STEAMER . - .MAm KhaJ lhlA ' Ki. Mi' mm nrv naennnent. leaaKL him .. rniitfi VinntP ftOIH ttM Bll MIR w ' "v .... I IH l'"" ' sel For Service. Btre Spel Lumbar Coninnnv .uMA ftttAi HIIIUMM ? MflffMflltaltt ....j . """ ' ... I gun on him before he Mm te afcantta PfIwll MM r , , ,----i ma,i brief ennvereiiUe wit MoCtftlMn j the r.l important " & . - ., ,w lh of lh. ,-.. bv MiClallen. HcrltinK Mil w wi. - -. 1.. J. Wmptim, who returned on the Breakwater yeeterday from a trip to Sun Francleew and lrllid atatea that the Slmpavti Lumbar com mh haa decided to build H new steamer to curry lumbar from their North llend mill. The steamer la to bo about 200 fet limn with forty ftut lien in nml will curry nbmit S00, 000 feet of lumber. She will also have pttafonjier accommodations nml lll In ono of tho anoedleat lumber 'carriers now In the aervleo horo. She I will be built at the North Ilctul yards .f 1 A 14 aKfcf Ititnlrtil S J t 1 1 t 4& It JIM 4 111 . topM Bhoot- Norm bcnu riigii ocnooi &as- ))lcU,tl wltlllM 8lx ,ntmtnR. considor- , , ., wllW ,M, tjttui. cllwit. If ol wwHPWtant by lira .1 Mrformanre with AltM inwn . . , . mtmmtiimj m Irhw. of whom tha rajwta M- w ; wHI :m ig -LU iBSBFII ... .. . .. ifca trial nmi! ban wa Ina-Mi'ly Jil. wetiancii , "- tln twrtlfleil follow: ; "Mnhan cami directly toward m on the aldewalk and I told him M Htop. lie dldnt aay anythlnu. bit I knew he waa after me. lie kept rlK'i on coming and when he waa with 1. 1 n few feet of me tie tried to pull ; gun and 1 fired at him with a plainl which 1 drew from my veat pneket. pne of .Mahan'a handi wa at hla lilj workcl when be aiivanceu mwaru nw After he quit cnmliiK ' 1 u BEATEN Mill ketball Team Victors By Score of 50 to 5. Ily n scoro of 50 to 5, the North nble of the timber to be lined In the construction litis ulrondy boen got out Iiik. He wra facinn me ni mi umo". unless It wna when lie turned allKhtly In tryiiiK to drnw hla mm. I do not SCOrC Of 50 tO 5. , by the Simpson enmps. remember Jnat how ninny tlme I .-,.-, v .i Mr Slinpuon anya that the lumber fired; F was naturally excited. at the Hy n score of 50 to ... the North ))mrat nm tjo ,,,. out)ook R0. time; I think I tired three times. Ilond hlnh scbool bnsketball team crny , .,, brlfihtor. DIsciishIiii; thotiRh I have been told since that I nnt uIrIiI defeated the Mnrshllell the ch:iiiK' In the North llend Lumber fired four tlmiw. I was not ncnnnlnt- Thero waa a Rood turn out at the company, he atated that tho output cd with Mnhnn nnd never conversed Knme, IncludliiK n Rood sUed crowd of the mill was to be greatly Increns- wlth him. I have been carrylim n frfitu Mnrshllold. cd, It IioIiir planned to put In a bnnd pistol for (he protection of my llfo 'pho Riime waH marked by more 8ftv and other Into Improvements. ever bIiico the first of tho year, when roiighiiesH thnn linn chnrnt'lerlzed Oilier Ship UtillilliiK Men Who See These New ring Clothes i;.- mU:k T(i VM P) iu. IMI " SKKV mJmIk HiMUniK sri i.i s. ,.,-v tm: " J!" iiiiixinicn. n.MN hit mm. tossicitvvn i, i nuj tixci'ivk. tiikv Aiti: srm: to im.kxsi: vo J skic tiiioi AXi tiii:v n:: so taii.oim:i that uiik n IIAVK WOltN TIIIOI. VOI'lt OPINION III' TIIKM WtUU l .sTItMN'ttTIIICNKI) STII.I. MOIHJ. VOf MAV NOT WANT TO WY SOW HIT VOI IMHIAlNIA Hlion.l) SKK TIIKM NOW. iVi . mriTHK v.i.ris 101: i.itss monicv win? ash onia. i JOiVAT TALKS'' New Nettleton Shoes N?m Stetson Hats Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. V T ItANUON MAItSHKIi:U tVUi BIIIV.W i.i .i.n ... .-v ...... I iiuiiiii nn ill. ill inin iiiiiuiaiiitMii wind nu.. .......i.f 1 . Miss Spelcher wnrned mo In a note nnv of t10 KnmcB played here thin ' Kruno & Hnnka have closed the, V op Iff r ( mfpft HMj, V ..... ,.-!. .... .I..l,.n.l In kill ... v. ... I ........,.. II .!!.. uUUI VU11VV i niu -II Hint Mnhnn hnd threatened lo kill HOnH()n. North llend plnyera nro nl- contract for building a small frolght' me." lcRed to have started "roiiRh lions- or, l4 feet long. 20-foot beam and Milium Howsiil ,,,H WW' Iiir" It during tho first hnlf nnd tho Hlx feet drnught for Capt. Glliaon. An Interesting pnrt of McClnllen'a Mnralillcld plnyera retaliated In tho She will coat about $12,000 and will atory wna that Mnhnn followed hi in B0COnd half with tho reault that ply between Snn Francisco and Ilolt- about the strceta at night, either on npnriv n 0f the plnyera had bumpa naa Hay. foot or In hla automobile. On ono nj )rMH0H lo show for It. C. 11. Donn arrived hero from As- occnslon. MrClnllen said, Mahnn, In jt wnH tno inHt Rnni0- nf n moat torln yestordny to Inspect tho work passing him on tho street, drew back ,jsnotroiia aenaon for tho Mnrahllo'.l on tho slater ahlp to the lll-fntcd hla arm na I' to strlko blm, but mero- K, HC100j tenm. not a alnglo vie- Osbkoah which Is being built at the ly pawed Mm with an utternnco ton. )0nR Mnr(,, the eight gnniCH. Kruso & Ilnnks ahlpynrd. Good pro- undcr Ills brentJi. Thla. he anld, wna Tno incU)8 inBt night wore n gress la being mndo and It la hoped dono In the presence of 12111s J. Nenl, follows: who corroborated the .itnloment Mnrshflcld Position when called to the wltnesa aland. 3 Clarke center "Mnhan nearly ran mo down with stutsmnii r f hlB nutomobllo on the street ono eve- t cinrke I f nine nnd nt other times he followed cnrlson I k mo for blocka." McClnllen contlnu- 1()t r K Kibbler of the longing camps near hero nun Ml; "ICvovy time I rimed n corner iMttmnn aiibatltuted for Carlson In a young North llend girl la being In Mnhan wou'' - ! mo In hla mn- tlt, n8t j,,,, Stanley Ilrlggs was vestlgated by tho local authorities chlno. I got' so 1 wna actually nfrnld roferee. I today. The girl camo to Mnrshlleld , to hnvo tho now vessel rendy for ser- N Ileni vice In a couplo of months. Grout J Hanson1 IXVKSTIOATK CASH. Nowklrkl Vnn Zllo , A scnndnl Involving n cook at one I to walk on the streets alone. I knew, of course, Hint he did not wnnt mo to keep compnny with Mlsi Spelcher. but I didn't consider tint nny renson why I ahouldn't. Ho wasn't lenloiiB of 1110 any more thnn ho would hnvo been of any other man." VMli Hl-lrlrt Atfot-ii-y. During the evnnilnnilnn "f Me Clnjli'ii It was related If l,ln '"w he ami mim sneicnei v'sitoi nvri.-t American Farm Laborers Re- Attnrimv Prown end pi',"i i ES TD FARM HELP yejiterdav but clnliup that sho the guout of another girl hero. wis Thnt looks llko a good coffee trade In good coffee, doesn't It? And wo hnvo It, too. Our Coffee . ........ ti.l.H.lit 1'lin lllllS UinilO lib mini lliumm. uitj hnvo found our coffeo excellent In flnvor, stimulating nnd healthful. You do not hnvo to pay fancy prices I for good coffee. Wo can supply yon from 30 Cents a Pound upwards. Let us supply you with your next order. Cook's Grocery . lMioxi: ih: Full Iilue (Jniden Seeds .lust Iteceheil. Dollars Spent Arc Dollars That Come Back With A Bunch of friends The Electric Sign is not the only form cf electric at Klolschmnnn's comprowd YKAST. Fresh dally at I.OCKHAHT'a grocery 100 Ilomember will be'p you. a Tl'llKISH Phone 2M-.I. HATH "OurS atnrday Mnbnn'H 'ieii. llriwn f'-'r-d thnt iiropeedln'a bo iiH'iited ngnlnst M-ilinn to mil bi im-'or bonds to keep tho pence. Thla met with object Inns from both McClnllen nnd the woman. The woman feared the notlrlety H' would attach to her name. McClnllen said Mnhnn would furnish n small bond oiihI'. tliuu In the last forty-llvo years ac become more nuKrHvnted and try to cordlun to the Depnrtmout of Agrl- ceived More Last Year Than Ever Before. j (Hy Aaouliitoi Press 10 Coo llin I Times.) I WASHINGTON, I). C, Mar. 10. IllKhur wages wore paid American farm laborers In 1!10 thnn In any 1 ai' 'ke n 1 THAP Xi:STi:i) IIAIIUICIi PIA'.MOl'TII HOCKS. Our mntlngo hnvo produced stand ' nril.lirnil Kin'rlinoiiH of exlllb'tloil lnunllty wlih records of 212,227.222 ori;r In 3(15 days. I llaby Clilcka mid V.-.H.' for Hntcliluu I Hook your orders now for spring delivery. A fev cockerels from benvy laying stock for $3.00. Plymouth Place, Poultry Voids. FUED. MACHMAN. Pro, Miinlitleld. Ilov l5. Phone U.S8 enrrv n" ''Is ieiiib ii"t earlier, llrown then ndvlsed McClnlkm not to bo in"'! '" imneiiv with the wo man. McClnllen wssenled to this plnn niul kept bis word until the night of the Elks' Mlntrol oiirform nnce. when be look Ml Spelehor i tho tbentro. lie aahl. a'ler ner'nlaabm to nc'iMintuv unt'iioi- !! -uid her escort bnd been refused ber. In the miHiiit'me Mefal'en anld 1m $32.ili. her home at Kiloni''ne. Hlwnys golug Oil! ''" ''' P"inelllim else nlso .."ufi In the neuullm". AnoO'er ! '' ludv'a poipmiii' nn'i vnn Rgfuilted by Mn hnn on the street. Plolu ,,,', ev",v,,iin'i,,i of Me Clnllen. the district atoeinv naked him If bo ve" not n nir-d man. "1 am," willed MkIuH-m. 'Mmi I won't l" 'ii n fou iivj. I v" peev ed on Feb. ?l. with t' " of n (U VO-"" "" "'"'l I" Irtlni1 " HNI-lcl Afornev'i Onln'on. nidtrlxf .Wlnvnev ll'""'!! S"iB (be story told bv Miss Pne'cher Hint Ma hnn provoked the shooting by a mo cult me. The nverayo wages of tho country being $27.30 per mouth while twenty years nun It wna only ( $!S.8H. The hUbest rale of wages' wmh In Navniln where $31 was paid. In M outturn nml WasbluKtou tho average was $30.00. South Caroll-1 1111 paid the lowest. $10.30. In the far western Mate the average was $13. IS. With board tho nvarngo was I.KS'T PIJOPKIM'V IX COPS. Will of IMgnr I. Ilewes Is Filed In Portlauil. POItTI.ANI). Ore.. Mnr. .17. Tbo vlU of Elgin 1. Howes, who. died lsst 1 Friday, wtia Hied In tho County Court for probate. Mrs. Nellie E. Godfrey, 0110 'of the daughters of the deceased, Is the petitioner. The estate in this, county Is valued at $0,000, thero be ing also timber holdings in Coos ; eo'inty, the value of whle'i Is not g'ven In the petition. The will gives half the property to the widow, Donna Howes, and the balance to children, Fletcher and Thornton rement of bis rlubt hand toward his Howes, Mrs. Hazel 11. Morse, Mrs. I pocket, ns lf to draw n kuii. Though n revolver wns found In ono of Mo han's hip pockets, his coat nnd pwenter Incket were buttoned so tightly thnt the pocket wns not roa rtiiv nnpftiii'. Drown contends that If Manuii bnd accosted McClnllen with fio Intention of "otlni blm that be would pf bnl lh v evion , ,., i) i r in n '' 100 llvit' he i-mid te"ro it l"IMt !i. te ! A iv we ful ctrer"g,nnre siii- i iff r l"e theory M ihr f'eij Mary Shourds Godfrey. and Mrs. Nellie K, There will be a ST. PATHICK SO. ClAlj for the members of tho PHILS. liyTHHIAV CONGHKGATIOX at the ui:siih:( K of Mr. M. ( IIOKTOV. FHIDW eveuliu. March 17th. V 1 nd'iiN-ion of 23 icnts will I ': i ! 1 1 i 1 :i tl'o lA.umxi's i,l t! e o uUlJ. Basket I.I Plll iwtw w wi Is Filled With tho Heat of PUKE FOOD FOK YOlMt SUXDAV DIXXEH. Try our lllil) ItllUIO.N CAXXKD GOODS If you .want thu boat. HEU'IufjIlON MAINE CO K.N ' 'vV " TOM TlllTM PEAS ASPAKAGUS TIPS HAUTI.E'IT PEAS SLICED .LEMON CLING PEACHES APIUCOTS " " PINEAPPLE SQUASH PUMPKIN KEFUGEE STH1NG- LESS BEANS CATSUP STKAWDEKKIES STKAWHEKKY PKE SEKVES " " SAUEK KKAUT HOMINY OYSTEKS SHHIMPS LOllSTEHS ' " SALMON MINCED KAZOE SOUP CLAMS OLIVES We have our regular full supply of FKKSH FHl'lTS and VKGUT AIH.ES. DHIED FKL'ITS of all kinds. S.M.TKD and DitlED V1SH. Plume Pa Vnr Ordprf. 1 Proper Store Window lightning is another Good STORE lighting is a third, All help to give the public afa- vora!:l3 opinion of a mer chant. All help to ke?;) his store in the public mind. Let our experts help you with your electric advertising. Ask the New Business Depart ment. Tcbphone 178. Oregon fdwer Co, Electric Lamps Wo hnvo lnmps suited for every .... . i purpose Mnzda, Tantalum and n I "special" 00-wntt lamp far superior j to the common 32 cnndlo-powor. It , ils n plcnsuro for us to show nnd ox plain tho dlfforent lamps for tho bot , torment of your service. Your Sunday Rcast Wo hnvo Ii ready for you. Sweet and Juicy. KOAST Ml'TTOX KOAST iin:F Union Meat Marke! Phone I's Your Order. Phone V KOST I'Oltlv Coos Bay Wiring Co.! PHONE 2:l7J. COOS BAY LIVERY We nave secured mo 'Ivory Imisi luess rf L. II. Ilelsuei and are pie imieri to render extelietn service t the people of Coos l'i Cnrefn j drivers, guod rigs nail meiytlun 'hat will mean satlsfncu service i i be public. Phone us lor a drivlu iitne, a rig or anything needed i ! the llverj Hue. We also do trucking hu?ine of all wimlw ItLAXcilAHD DKOTHEKS. I.lvery, l-'eeil ami SiiIch Seivirc. Ml FlrM and Alder Strei'U Plinno I :t -1 Beaver Hill Ccal MOfXT IMAHI.O AND .IOSSOX CEMENT. The best Dcimf Ic and Imported brands Plaster, Lime, Itrick anil nil kinds of bulhleih iiiaierlnl HUGH McLAIf'i GENERAL CONTRACTOP OFFICE, SOUTH HKOADWAY. PHONE ,-'il. OlUV'-'TftWFaVFR beovv f f- .. .(, PI'ON'V I. S. K.UFMW HPMl Ii THE t V.K .Ol OUUt'tillV.MKX fo RVLili M ta t'.ut VOIL 0 1 IH UU-$ 1.30 PKtt TO.. IM10X1C S'S Cqt. Sl . Contra! XOTICE TO COXTHArrOKS. Sealed bids, for, tho grading of the road from Marshfleld to Shingle House Slough, will bo received by the undersigned, at the store of Norton & Hansen, up to 7 o'clock P. M. Tuos day. March 21, 1911. I Illds to be by tho yard for tho amount of earth moved. For parti culars apply to F. P. Norton, at Eaglo point, on line of road. ) Tho right to reject any and nil bids. Is reserved. j Kidder will be required to enter into a bond for the faithful perform anco of his coutract. ' Dated this 17th day of Mau'i, lPii. p. r. Noavox, K.mrt S.t-iervlaur of Finad DUtrht Coos Bay-R)seburg Stap Line Dally sIoko between Hoscburf, and Marsliilelil. Sliigo leaves dall and Sunibi)s nl 7 ;i. m. .Fare, $0.00. OTTO SCIIF.TTF.H, Agcn., ( V. KAKXARD, VM MAKKET AV Marsliilelil. Agent, KOSEHL'HG, Ore. PHONE 11 sup. Coal CheEpzst fuel 30c Per Dozen r - uni'ciMvivi.'s TAKE XOTICI j . M II i ..w.w.. ... --- un ujos Day Lump conl $ Xul coal tfil.OO. Wo do all lnds of hauling, and contrnctlnB. Horses and vehicles fo-- sale. For quick dp--v pnll on L. H. HEISNER or phone 120-. or 4!-L, ;Have riL- Fccf fixed NOW Se: CORTHELL We will do all of your Snreucls. Sheets. Tablecloths, Towels, Napkins and Dish Cloth- h(, nnd ns mnnv of each as )'0U " 'send nt the rate of 30c per d I Call up Plume tiSD-J. and a " will cnll and explain all. I.MAKSHFIEI.D hand" I.M'XHHV, I'lmite stiui. FOK i'l I'r na voei '""' I i"s'nc ti .1 l ev'ier'.MH'i nrnneH.l - -' SOX. U!m:r- Vli' . 1 b i s' 4