THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 1 J I" " " " I he dy- Right Kind of or-Wear Clothes No other kind of Clothes mad: in America to Jay offer the advantages to bo found in our line; a signed guarantee of "absolutely pure wool, non-breakable coat fronts, first class trimmings and workmanship" and priced $10.00 to $25.00 WOMAN IS GUILTY. rt. IMIlti Mother Given Twenty Yen in. Aoclatcd Press to Coos Hay Time t At.nAN'V, N. Y., Mnr. 1G. The ' " In the case of Mr. Edith Molbcr brought In a verdict of second de - murder. It was out nineteen a ii tun. Judge Howard Imtucdla "y sentenced the woman to nn lu-1.-frinliinto term of not less thnn 20 jours at linrtl labor In the Auburn 'on. TV woman showed, not tho p Ightnt trnre r.f emotion. Slops THE WEATHER. (Uy Associated Press.) And what, by the way, luis bo o me of the old-fashioned hunter wlu know better than to pull his Bun toward him muzzle foremost? Don't forgot PHONE iilUI, tho Turkish Baths. M Mii-Miiii I .lll.t'l.o. . Woolen Mill Store .MiiiMtitleld, Oregon. WILL REDUCE MILK PRICES OREdOX, Mar. 17. Fair PORT ORFORD s tonight and probably Saturday frost. LOCAL temperature POUT. tti: For twenty-four hours ending nt 4 :-!3 p. in., Mar. 10, by Mm E. MlngiiB, special government meteorological observer: Maximum GO Minimum 4S At 4:43 p. in 39 Precipitation none Wind, Northwest; cloudy, , SAtVIII Ai MAIHIEX AXXOUXCE ItKDUCTlOX FOR APItIL 1. MICH GRADE AXI) ABSOLUTELY CLKAX AXI) PURE MILK. April 1st, Sacchl and Madden will reduce the prlco of Mnrshcld customers. Is mado possible by the grontor sup ply and tho fact that dairies can ba operated at less expenso In tho spring niul summer mnntliB thnn during tho winter. Messrs. .Sacchl mid Madden securo nonrly their entire supply from tho Issues Carries By Almost Una nimous Vote Better Boat Service. (Speclnl to Tho Times) POUT OUFOU1), Ore., Mnr. 17. The special school election held In Port Orford school district on Sat urday to vote upon the 55,000 bond Issue was practically unanimous for tho bonds tho vote being Bonds "Yes" 4 It; Bonds "Xo" 2. Tho board of education will proceed Im mediately to dispose of the bonds, and as soon as arrangements can bo tnndc, let the contract for tho build ing that It may bo ready for school In the fall. Tho nctlvlty of the Com mercial club in boosting tho bond Issue practically eliminated all oppo sition. In addition to the school building, linn Typhoid Fever Mrs. .1. Hlch- ard Olson, who was Just recovering from nn attack of la grippe, has been seventeen residences nro planned for taken III of typhoid fever. construction here this miinmor. Tho shingle mill has resumed work after liny Tract. Otto Hill has bought n month's shut-down; and It Is stnt- iHi..K,.. M .. . .- I...AA-.-. - . . - - t .-. ajI jvtt avnful it llllifiMllll t It tt t t n tt A milk to tllolr l"u,vu "Crcs 111 IIUUOIU lailU On UOUtl " u" s uiiiiiuiiij mill buiiiu This reduction Illvor from ,To ,'nrB0" for 300 !)r w'llnK nml Missouri partleB will acre, it was rormeriy part or the l"'i in nnoinor saw nun aim uavo 'i ICd. Noah ranch. in operation by September 1st. . UoproHcntnttvcs of tho Estnbrook Takes SoTTXorlli. Mrs. L. Knnpp Company were In Port Orford last of Port Orford oassod thrnnirh hern wo and ninde nrrangomenta to noted Price dairy at Sumner (tho ono lintl t0 bo cnrrlod on a cot. formerly conducted by Capt. liar- rls). Finely bred dnlry cows and tho Undergoes Operation. Mrs. Oscar today with her son who Is going to llIlV0 Ul steamer Flflold plying bu Portland for medical trentnient. He wcon Hnmlon nnd Sail Frnnclsco, stop on up trips, giving Port Orford direct boat service with the city again for the first time since tho Fhe Real Standard In buying drugs, tho really essential feature, Is Pl'UITY. It Is Impossible to got cheap drugs nnd have them puro. Tho only advantago wo got In buying Is buying In quantlt'cx. Wo buy tho lust nnd sell t :eiii close. The result Is a lower cost to jou hut wo never slight tho worth of the drugs we sell as wo nro exact on tho prescriptions wo fill. "THE BUSY CORNER" Leading Drug Store In C)os County. PHONE 298. LocMiart-Parsons Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Tin; busy corner phone 20a. FAMILY IIOTKL THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR sniilt,ary conditions hnvo won for this Nosier of Coqulllo underwent n crlt rnncli tho ndmlrntlon of nil who have leal operation Tuosdny evening nt visited. Neither money nor lnbor Is tho Homo hospital, Is reported Im Bpnrod In kcoplng this dairy In per- proving today. She Ikih veen very feet shapo. Tho cows nro washed bo- low fore each milking, tho stnblo kept carefully clean and tho bottles sterl- Xo Developments. Marshnl Carter earthquake. REPORT UXFOUXDKD. A report In circulation here today that tho Alliance would not mako another trip hero wns characterized by Agent McGoorgo ns bolng absolu tely without foundation, Mr. Mc- , llzed each time they nro used. (has not been able to find any trace Georgo mild thnt tho vessel's bus! I C,wi..lil ..1 mm,. .. I. I. ....... ,1... V..-. I. II,... .1 ' "' '"" '"" ... Itnies induced to: Day 50c, YCo and ' Mokhm. Sncohl and Madden guar- of Johnson, tho Xorth Ilend man who uess hns lucrensod considerably lately ?!.': week ?2.00 to u.0J). House- nntoo thnt tho milk will show by nctu- Is supposed to hnvo disappeared with nml tluU a cnm,B0 wu8 ,,))t consldor kfiplng apartments with gas ranges '! tjsts a higher per .cent of butter John Aronqulst. Thoro woro no de- 0ll ' 11.110 to 118.00 pei month. PURE HATf.S r W. HULI.IVAX, Prop. AL'TOMOMILK. For nutomobllo and other Ineur mice, boo Aug. Prlzeon. nest conv panics and chenpeut rntes. AUG. ritl.KKX, OH, Coiilml Ave., Miu-Hlifleld. fat 'than Ib required where all milk velopmcntK In tho enso today. Is carefully tested and u high stand ard Insisted upon, nnd In consequence of these precautions nnd sterilization are ablo to gunrantco that tlio milk supplied by thorn when properly car led for will not sour within 24 houra. They stand behind those gunrnii- Is Acquitted. San Frnnclsco pa pers nnnounco thnt D. H. nibb, for merly of tho California Lumber company nnd ono of tho builders of tho Porter Mill, was acquitted thoro MUS. FRANK UOdKIlS of South Coos Itlvcr was a Marshlleld visitor today. North Bend News IPPP'S on tho charge of soiling tho same tecH ready nnd willing toninkogood If iftnii twlco. Illbb lived on Coos liny! nny dofect Is provon for qulto a whtlo. Tho stoam schooner Wollesloy hii I Messrs. 8acchl and Madden nro finished her cargo at Porter mill and jnow ablo to supply moro customers tinkler As Con boy Harry Wink- Bailed for Snn Podro. i nnd If you want tho best milk and ior roturned this morning from a few ' Tho schooner Encoro will tlnish her crenm that can bo obtalnod, send In ,jftya 80journlng nt tho Herbert Uog- cargo nt Old North llond today and I your order nt onco to Sacchl's gro- ora rnnch on Coo8 Hlvori Harry wns 8au f0r San Pedro. . corv nt the comer of Second street .i . 1 n ni.i.... ..i.. i... . - aiiiiuavu iu wu uii u iiatiiii wiifi uub BuiM That Chicken Yard Now POIt HA LI) 17-ncro dairy ranch on i Coos Illvor, 8G acres of tillable bottom land, 40 acres under cul tivation. 2 good orchards, 2 chlc- ken houses, 150 chickens. Uroodj . Sow nnd all Horses and stock and good outfit of machinery. Prlco for ranch aud everything on tho place, J8.ri00.00. J2.600.00 will handle this deal L. Amadou, 178 Broad way, Marshfleld. North nnd Commercial. GRAND BALL privato advices by grapovluo tole-l freu atoro oi roninnu nrnveu nuro yesterday to visit relatives uoro. given by 43 FOH SALlv llouseliold furniture. Mrs. A. Dowon, 371 Droadway So. Nothing encourages chickens to lay better than to have a large roomy pen for them to scratch around in. Build it out of 4-foot LATH and save almost half in the cost of construction. 'While they last we can make the low price of 1 0 Cents Per 1 00 Lath A large number of chicken raisers on the Bay have al ready taken advantage of this offer. WAXTKD Housekeeper. Must bo compotont to tako full charge. No objection to man and wlfo or wl- 1 dow with child. Good pay. Pernia- ment. Coos River ranch. LOST In Houth Marblideld, be twoon 7th and 1.2th streets, a ca meo plu. Reward for return to Mrs. HI Wright or the Times' offlco FOH HALK -Team weighing ubout 1,050 nnd 1,150 each, Iucjulro Conner & Hoagland Grocery. VOn SALE Good milk cow. Address nox 657 Marsutlold, Ora. LOST $'20 fjrccHl'ack between Suy der hotel and new school hous3. Reward tor roturn to Times ofiloe or Annie Wheeler. i FOH SALE furniture for , five rooms, cheap. Mrs. A. E. Pol lexfen, phone 147-L. Knights of Finland Brass Brnd r In the hall on Central avenue Sa'urday Evening, March the' 18th Tickets Gents 75 conts. Ladlos free. Grand march at 9 o'clock sharp. The Brass Band of twenty Instru ments will furnish the music If you like a good tlmo and a good dance bo euro to conio and bring your frieuas with you. graph uro to tho offect that bo did u few cowboy stunts that surprised tlio natives. Ho handled a ropo and a cow llko a veteran and mado qulto u reputation for himself. D. OP II. NOTICE. Members of Mascot Lodge No. 5, D, of II., nro requested to nieot In tho Odd Fellows hall at 2:30 p. m Saturday to arrango for Mrs. Han- ! son's funeral. By order of MRS. ELIZABETH WHITE, C. of H. W. E. Best has moved from tho R. G. Gale rcsldonco to Porter addition. Mrs. T. V. Johnson nnd Mrs. Wm. Lawhorne of MarshflolJ woro guests yesterday of their mother, Mrs. M. J. Patt. Road Tho Times Want Ads. New Shirts New Hats .if New Shoes Word has beon recolvod hero of tho death of Mrs. P. M. Rummell at Soattlo of pneumonia. They former ly lived lu North Bond. Tho North Bond IC. ot P. lodgo this week conforrod tho rank of Ed quire on Carl Hollonbeck nnd W. J. Jackson for tho Marshfleld lodgo. A uumbor of Marshflold Knights woro present and a llttlo banquot followed .thodogreo work. ! C A, Snijih Lumber & Mfg. Co. 1 Phone 190-J Retail Yards 182, South Broadway lnSBSSBHIH irwpi'.rsiw'-' I r ' -" . WAXTKH Boy nt 1avIs' Confec tionery to work beforo nnd after ( school. Must be of good habits nnd net under 15. I WAXTKH Man and wife without children to take position. Enquire Blanco hotel. FOR IIHXT Throe furnished house keeping rooms. Phono 49-L. Times Want Ads Bring Result FOR SALE One-half of Glen Gar dens. Reasonable. See Mrs. Pe ter Scott, Sr, Good Livery Service Fancy uew rigs, good horses and inreful drivers am now at tho dis posal of the Coos Bay public at RKAKOXA11LE RATES Rigs or rigs with drivers rendy foi my trip anywhere any time. Horse joarded and rig3 cared .''ir. Now hearse and special accommo latlons provided for funoral parties W. L. OC-NDP.rwS i.i very axi pki:i staml:h i'iiovf sru-.i first Class Laundry work la most deslrnb'o to auyone wiiblnq; their llnan to possoss thn articular finish so necessary to good tasto in dress. WE DO THAT CLASS OP WORK Ono Trial will Convince. roos Bay Fteamr laundry PIIOXE JLIX 57-J , , .1,', Flelschmann's comprossod YEAST. Spring and summer styles how be- " ",..,, . x ,r x. sL . . Froah da ly at IiOCIUIART's grocery Ing shown. Wo handlo tho best C4uau u""' lines. Much of tho "back to tho farm" rM..,i. ov,i,. i nn talk comes from men who noYor Cluott Shirts ..$1.30 to $2.00 know whut a real backacho Is like. Thoroughbred Hats Stutctmuui lints . . .:j.oo .$2.30 Spring uud Summer SIKH'S Are now arriving and part of our stock Is now here. Wo can glvo you satisfaction and save you money, The Bazar HOl'SE OP QUALITY PIIOXE Ja An Indiana man clalmB to havo gainod forty-two pounds slnco leav ing his nagging knife. A fellow with less originality would probably have given all the credit to his escape from his wlfo's cooking. Somotlmes tho ofllceseoker who makes the slowest run scattors tho most "dust." If you havo anything to soil, trade, rent or want holp. try a want nd. The Same Today Tomorrow Every Day Primrose Butter YOUIl GROCERY HAS IT