& SFtmra ADS. NEWS .., BUSINESS 18 SLOW, AD- i ' ITISH. THAT IT PAYS IS KVI- i. ACi:i 1V SlVCKSSKt'I. lll'SI. OCT IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY READING THE COOS HAY TIMES. AI.I TIIK NEWS AI.Ij TIIK TIME TKItSKIiY TOM) :: :: t: ts NsS HQISKS KVli.Kiuiiii.nl. .. MK.Mltr.lt OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Established III 1H7H im The Const Mall VOL. XXXIV MARSHFIELD.OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mnll mill Coo liny Advertiser. No. 53 (Horn mm GENERAL INAGER 1LLIS IS I Southern Pacific Official Re turns Home From Trip to San Francisco. HE CANNOT GIVE j OUT STATEMENT NOW Report That Question of Eu gene or Gardiner Route Has Delayed It. C. .1. Mlllls, general mnnngcr of the Southern Pacific interests on Coos Hny, returned today from Portlnnd whoro ho hns been for n few dnys slnco his return from Cnll fornln whoro ho wns In conforonco with Southern Pacific officials nnd at tending to other business ninttors. He wns very reticent regarding tho constructlon of n lino to Coos Dny by tho Southern Pacific. "I do not wish to mako nny stato- racnt now as I havo no nbsotutoly do- finite Information to glvo," snld Mr. Mlllls upon being questioned about the rnllrond. "Howovor, things nro looking mighty bright nnd nil I can ray Is thnt rensonnblo pntlonco on Coos nay's part will bo rowardod In rensonnbio tlmo. Just when, I can't say." I Mr. Mlllls said that n Portland newspaper man had telephoned him about tho railroad matters nnd pos- Flblo Southern Pacific steamship lino from Coos Bay to San Frnnclsco nnd Imd possibly misunderstood him. Mr. Mlllls snld thnt ho wns doing nil In his power to ndvnnco Coos Bay's In terest nnd In caso tho C. A. Smith company could not satisfactorily take enro of tho Coos Bay-San Frnn rljco trnlllc. his company might en ter thnt field. Mr. Mlllls was met nt Portlnnd by Mrs. Mlllls nnd Miss Mnblo Claro Mlllls. Mrs. Mlllls returned hero with him but MIbs Mlllls romnlncd In Portlnnd for n short stow Prospects Aro llrlitlit. Althongh Mr. Mlllls declined to clvo out n statement at this tlmo, It Is known that tho Coos Bay project l now iiu to tho chief engineer of the svstcm nnd bonrd of directors for flnnl nctlon. " It Is further undorstood that tho iln'nv In tho flnnl nctlon on tho mnt- tcr 1ms been duo to n question as to wMher tho Coos Bay lino should bo hnllt via tlm nnt vmitn nt frnm RE El Kupene via tho route surveyed ro- wnB dlv0rcoJ in tho Circuit Court ,nio tangible clues to lend to tho nr ecpt.v to Coos nny. Tho latter sur- horo bout a year ago from a man rest of tho murderer of little Bnr ..... ..... . . . . , ' ' . ..." bnra Holznmn, tho flvo-year-old girl '" i'hii ui no cnecKcn up mm com- -n.i Mlth tho Drain route to deter- ir'pp hlch wns tho most ndvlsablo (!"' ' tnkes tlmo. It is known thnt vice-presidents Cnlvln nnd O'Brien hnvo both ro cimn'cndcd the Coos Bny project for Immedlato construction but tho dif ference ns to tho routo, as wns lenrn- ed wh.n Vice-president Calvin visit- ed Coos Bny Inst fall has probably delaycd tho matter slightly. i'h.n.. ii i i ii..., Iii-IIHT IIIH Illllllt'I Cllll UU UtlJIIDl- en so ns to start work this season or next will probably bo determined soon nnd It is not unlikely that actu- ni work can bo started this whichever routo Is chosen. USE DYNAMITE Two Wounded Insurrectos Caught After Blowing Up Mexican Barracks. Associated Press to Coos Bny iy Times. ) M. PASO, Tex., Mar. 1C. Juaroz Si'ent a sleepless night expecting a reDe nttnek following tho dynamit ing last night of tho federal barracks, u"i nothing further developed and , IUIIHV tlm.A 1 l.l- l. there are no signs of rebols In , ire surrounding country. Two nf the rebel band who dynamited the rracks were captured after being wounded. The authorities claim nc-ne r f the federals were killed. NEAR EL PASO ABOUT SLAYS RIVAL IN URG Roy McClallen, Weil-Known On Coos Bay, Kills Man Threatening Him. Hoy McClnllen of Rosoburg, who Is well known In Mnrshltcld having spent his summer vacations here for Bovornl yenrfl, was tho principal In a fatal shooting affair thcro Monday night. Tho Rosoburg Rovlow glv.'B the following particulars of tho tra gedy: "Den A. Mahau, a well-known lo cnj j,jumbor, In dead nnd Roy Mc- cinllcn, n prominent Rosoburg nn- tlve-born citizen, fncos a charge or murjor aa tho result of ono of tho moRt shocking tragedies that over t0ok ,,inc0 j this city. Underlying tj,0 nfrnr H tho nffoctlons of a worn- an that ongondorod dendly hatred between tho two men, culminating nto Monday night In McClallen shooting and killing Mohan on ono 0f tho principal business streets, Tho shooting wns either witnessed or heard by scores of pcoplo homo- wnnl bound from tho Palaco Thoa- tr0i jUBt ntcr tho closo of tho Elks' minstrel porformanco, which McClal- Ion and Mahan both attended. Mc Clallen fired four shots at Mahan from a 25-callbor automatic derrin ger, nbout four Inches long. Tho last shot, plorclng Mnhan's body, cnused his death within less than 15 minutes afterwards. Tho end wjb wholly preceded by a period of un consciousness, from which Mahan did not rovlvo. Immediately nftor tho shooting, McClallen surrondorod himself lo shorlff Qulno and mado a statement to tho effect that ho hod acted In solf-dofonso. Ho spoilt tho romaln- jK i,ourB of tho night In tho county jnj nna until ho was taken to tho inquest bogun by Coronor .Towett nt tho court house, Rivals for Woman. Mnhan was 37 years of ago and McClallen is a year of two younger, Tho womnu In tho caso is Miss LH- jinn Spolchor of Edonbowor, formor- y bookkeeper at Mahan's plumbing ..ini.llnl.n.AHl in Pnoa atrnni RtlA named ronn, 10 wuoin mio mui- rled at Grand Rapids, Mich. Mahan, WM0 has also beon divorced, Is re- ported to havo been engaged to tho woman up to tho tlmo sho resigned ... .. m--. "--"" from his employ last December. 'unsuccessful. Apparently tb. author when her acquaintance was formed t "1" ZlZ by McClallen. who has lived apart from his ..... ...If. tnr novnrnl .. .... .-. months past. Mrs. McClallen and, their 12-year-old son reside In Port- land. Miss Spolchor was an oyo wit- . .... ...i ri.o., aim .. T I1PSB lO IIIO KIIIIIIK Ul ...uiium. .. was being escorted homo at tho tlmo oy McClallen, who had accompanied her to tho minstrel show. year, .Tho shooting took placo on Jack son street, a half block north of tho Palnco Theatre and, singularly EMLirU IL11U. DllihUJUMJ . . enough, .in front of tho ofllco of the Commercial Abstract Company, jy 1 whom McClnllen wns employed. Ma i . ....... . n .in han was armed with a 32-callbor au- e t d to draw it Is n question not i 7, . . , Snld Ho Hiul to Do It. . . Ono of tho first men to reach tho scene of the shooting was Sheriff Qulne, to whom McClallen tendered his pistol. "I had to do It," said McClallen. "It was Just a caso of wi.ich ono could draw first. He has ueen carrying n gun for me for n long time. You'll find it on him. Searching the clothing of tho dead .., sheriff Qulno found Mohan's ,ovoiVor In a hip pocket. There wis a loaded cartridge in the breech. McClallen complained to' District Attorney Brown some time ago that (Continued on page 4.) ENGLISH GOHBI FAVORS IDEA House of Commons Cheers 0, ho Baw na n"cuity in tho way ot carrying out such an arrangement bo - Approval Of President Taft'S tncon this country and tho United Suggestion For ance. New Alli- Dy Associated Press to Coos Bi 7IL1C8.) LONDON, England, Mar 10. Sir Edward Grey's Indorsement of Presl- dent Taft's arbitration suggestion was seconded with chqers in tho House of Commons today by A. J. Ilalfour, leader of tho opposition, who In tho courso of a speech dcclar- LOSTJN BAY Report That Johnson of North Bend Was With John Aronquist. According to reports In circulation hero today, n man named Johnso'i ot North Bond disappeared at tho aamo tlmo that John Aronquist, tho solutions Indorsing tho record of R. harbor light tender, who Is supposed A. Ballingor bb Secretary of tho In to have been drowned a week ago. torlor wero Introduced at n meeting It was imnosslblo to confirm tho ro- of tho Spokano Bar Association last tiirt today or ascortaln oxactly who Johnson was. Matt Jutstrom stated that ho had beon Informed that John- son was a chum ot Aronquist and was with tho latter tho afternoon that Aronquist disappeared. Johndon was said to llvo in n shack on the; watorfront in North Bend. Ho is supposed to havo started out with Aronquist In tho boat and ob ho has when tho now resolutions aro Intro not been seen since It Is bollovod that ducod they will bo voted down by ho mot tho samo fato that Aronquist tho democrats and Insurgents who undoubtedly did. CLUES FUTILE IN PORTLAND No Arrests Made Yet For Fiendish Murder In Rose City Yesterday. (By Assoclnted PrttsH to Coos Baj Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 1C Al though n dozen detectives havo beon nt work since noon yestordny on ... . j, ,.. ..,., whoso ravished and Oondlshly mur- ocrou uuu' "uo '"""" ",". nt o n . - ' "" " .. .., ,, soon auor mo uouy uiov.u.v,. m fnr. A numoer u nur-n... .. '"" ward with more less vaguo Informa- tlon nut so iar now ...h "' " -"'Y developed. tanciuio cimrutii i - - Not even tho description of tho al leged murderer furnished by Mrs. Bertha Nelson, proprietor of tho lod King house, has been of much help.Drako, B. Hardgravo, C. J. Mlllls, to tho detectives. They aro deeply puzzled on account of tho metnoci ' ' ........ i. . 1 nntlHnc? tlin HttlO Kin - - """'";,:, ,. h.v. si 10 IIIO rUUlll uuu uiiw . --. . . . . . m .. mv1 whother tho imio ono wub uvomiu- nrod on tho street or oiaewnero aim corrled to tho apartment or whether -h. was lured to the room by prom- .Ues and then assaulted and lcllloi. Tho whole affair furnishes n mystery .. - . ..,n,ni.iv. win tnv dm most ox- '-"""' '" ,, ,.. port ueieciivcH ui hiu ".. --i-. - went for some tlmo to come. EXTRA COPIES. The Times printed a few ex tra copies of last night's paper with the railway train showing Coos Bay -products. Better send a few copies to your Eastern friends. For sale at the office. Read The Times Want Ada. States. Efforts were made In tho llouso of Commons today to ascertain tho views of tho Japanese government on Taft's suggestion but Sir Edwnrd I Grey declined to rovoal them. Ho ad-' mlttod the government nt Toklo had been mndo nwaro of tho llrltlah gov- ernmont's views on tho subject but ho snld to lny tho Jnpancso answer on tho tablo of tho Houso would bo premature. R. A. BALLINGER Spokane Bar Association Re jects Resolutions Indors ing Him. (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Bay Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Mar. 16. Ro- night. A heated discussion aroso which for a tlmo thrcatonod to dls- rupl tho association. Tho rcsol-i- tlms woro not adopted. A now iwt of resolutions will bo introduced next wook. Members of tho assocln- tlon declarod tho association .-Is plainly divided into standpatters, democrats nnd Insurgents, nnd that claim n majority. BREAKWATER IN EARLY TODAY cnnmnK:n a :. r, di Steamship Arrives From Port - land After Good Trip Three Autos Aboard. Tho Breakwater nrrlvod In nt mid night last night from Portland after a vory good trip down tho coast. Sho had a Inrgo cargo and a big passon gor list. In tho freight cargo woro threo automobiles one for Fred Slaglo of i Coqulllo, ono for J. A. Lamb of Co-! quillo and ono for J. S. Lyons of Co- , f Tho Breakwater will sail at 1 o'clock Saturday. Miss L. Nellon, T. C. Stora, D. For rest, R. E. Schultz, G. II. SIgnnless, Miss Eva Crall, B. Matlsko, Frank Glrard, Mrs. Dyer, Mrs. Estabroolc, Mrs. Meeker, Vane Lundy, Chas. Farrier, B. H. Grant, Wm. Ackorman, W. Freeman, Mrs. Freeman, C. H, Wood, Rev. Brandon, Mrs. Brandon, Edw. Hobson, D. E, Marriott, W. E. Mrs. Mlllls, L. J. Simpson, Mrs. Simn- Bont Henry Hoeck, C. H. Dean, i. .i. . i Mlllnr. J. W. Snrlncor. K. IJaVlS. J. n a " VV. m fm,1v ii. ,, uwit, -. . -. . --, -- a 1 T7 T-l.Mn T fnil- rerguson, w. ;.. urumuu, j. v..u- guard, I', uanguaru, ueo. aanuoiB, o. jr. Pettlt, P. Tarnasky, Geo. Graham, cas x. El Hubbell, J. Seeloy, P. Johnson, Ellen, J. Parker, Mrs. ' Wagnor, Geo. Smith, J. F. Meyer, G. Mows, Win. Rnnnon. Joa Clausen. Mrs. ,.. M1' rlnHnn a nm.in. n. uiuuDuii, ....do W.....-W... .,, w , -. Lavallo, II. B. Donahoy. llniirion In. Tho steamer Bandon arrived In today from San Francisco and brought a big shipment of freight. Sho will load with lumber hore. nUn Tim iinetnn filnlm nlnces Mont first In tho field of senator'nl coV ruptlons becnuso of her batting nver- ago In nrovlniia ennntnrlnl rnrrill)-' In other words, Montana Js tlons .. . given credit for a Butte or a recorJ. row GLAIRS THAT liKulU 1 , U I III II ' SAN FRANCISCO i, him um- iJIUUjUUU IIIIL Conflagration Starting From Oil Damages Auto Firms. (Oy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Mar. 1C. An explosion ot nutoniobllo fuel oil nt C. F. Siilltdorf'R Mniznoto stnro 'onrlv Inilnv mimoil n Urn Hint nnrnnil 'to five other automobile supply hou- ses on Van Ness avenue. Tho dam In roil la natllnntml nt t100 OflO. n.l. .u ....... TVV,VV. FIRE l.V PENSACOLA. Dig Hotel nt Florida Resort Is Coos Bay Burned. Associated Press to (By Times.) MOBILE, Ala., Mar. 1C Flro to day destroyed nlno buildings Includ ing tho Southern hotel at Pcnsacoln, Pla., doing dnmngo estimated at 1150,000. FIRE IN LOS ANGELES. iuy Awoelnted Press to Coos Buy Times.) I LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Mar. 10. Flro damaged tho stocks ot tho J. R. Lauo Dry Goods Company and tho millinery firm of Hlns & Landt early today to tho amount of $50,000. FIRE AT HARVARD. KtiuIvulH Iii KxcIiihIvo Dormitory Rarely Ehciiik;. (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Dny Times.) CAMBRIDGE, Mnss., Mnr. 10. Randolph Hall, ono ot tho most ox- cluslvo of tho Harvard dormitories I was badly damagod by 11 ro nt nn onrly hour tins morning, ono stu- dcnt WftS rescuod unconscious. Many iothor woro ttW1Ikonoi, baroIy ,n tlmo to cscapo tho flames, cstlmntcd at $35,000. Tho loss Is LEAVE TDDftY Steamship In From Eureka and Sails This Afternoon For Portland. Tho Alliance sallod from hero for Portland this afternoon. Sho car ried a largo numbor from horo and theso with tho Eureka passongers filled every birth on tho vessel. Tho Alllanco brought A. Bordeau, J. L. Bowman, J. II. Brokorm and G. Honk In from Eurokn. Among tJ . gniiinK for Portland on her Woro tho mombors of tho Kelioy Mu- Blcal comedy company. Tho pas Bongor u8t follows: r o.,..,in. t- w o., ri1 "1, "'u." ?".Z-'n JVOOUKU, IJUHH. JJUU1LU1UH, w, Myeri Harry Smith, Mrs. F. H. uor- ,, neBaIo Havnes. F. R. Ilnyncs. Mrfli P n naynos, Chas. Larson, G. w iIoiuBter, F. C. Billings, W. B. Charlsworth, Mnblo Stanley, Amy Jenckson, Gladys Stevenson, Cath pryno Gibson, Violet Fisher, Mado lln Mathews, M. J. Kelly, Dick Mack, Harry Hallam, Joo Nathan, Mrs. F. Italian, Mrs. M. J. Kelly, Geo. Mur ray, C. B. Haywood, Mr. C. Wicks. Mrs. C. Wicks, G. P. Storey, J. II. Featherstone, E. W, Kammerer, Mrs. Lew,8 Knap, t Mr. Lewis Knapp, Orroa Knapp, Mrs. C. Brooks, Martin Brooks, Chas. Brooks, Geo. MIntz- T Mo.-i.nnf Inhn rilllinov TV nor. .1. A. .Mornnor, Jonn uuiiney, v. Hoben, Arthur Drain, Argo Congo, D. Molvemer. VnONE I. S. KAUFMAN & CO YOUR V. -w rt ..-. of Kt nrf TAV u.u uiiimiia ? - "' IEHG0 WILL REFOiS FOR PEACE Negotiations Between Senor Limantour and Senors Madero End. ; DIAZ'S ADVISER HAS STARTED FOR CAPITAL Expect That Leading Insurrec tionists Will Now Aid Government. (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y., Mar. 1C Tho Bllddcn donnrttirfi frnm Nnur Vrrl- nf Senor Limantour last night after a week of conferences nnd noEOtla- jtloiiB, tho prcclBo nnturo of which imiicrio was not clear, is now ex plained by tho understanding that he has succeeded in effecting n tentative plan by which substantial roformu nro oxpected to bo Immodiatoly put In forco by tho Mexican govornmont and tho leading Insurrectionists being satisfied, aro to aid In, restoring peace. Tho presenco hero ot Sonor Mado. ro, father ot tho provisional presi dent,, together with his throa nonn, brothers ot tho provisional proitdont, and tho fact that Limantour and tho senors Mado'ro havo been in confor onco whllo Important message have beon going back and forth botwom Limantour nnd persons In Mexico.' City, add significance to tho situation. Word from Mexico City Is that Presi dent Diaz has assured tho vloptlom of certain ot Llmantour's suggestions; for reform. Senor Limantour car ries with him to Moxlco City a full expression of tho doniands of Insur rectionists which it Is hoped will bo nccoptnblo to tho Mexican govorn mont nnd bo mndo n bnsls of peace, REBELS ARE RETREATING, Mexican Federal Troow Follow Thoin Southward. (By Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) DOUGLAS, Ariz., Mar. 1C. - Tho main body of rebels which has boon In this district, Is retreating south ward nnd as they nro mouutod and the fodoralu aro on foot, thoro Is no chanco that tho govornmont forces will overtake them. NO SIGNS OF TROUBLE. Expected llattlo Near Douglas Doesn't Mutcrlnllzc. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) DOUGLAS, Ariz., Mor.-lO. Al though thoro was ovory Indication last night that n bnttlo would occur today between tho fcdorals and re bels, thero aro no signs of tho robols today. NOTICE IS RECEIVED. Americans Wanted by Mexico Agnliibt Young Rebols, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 10. Formnl notlco ot tho action of tho Mexican congress In carrying out tho recommendation of Presldont Diaz for tho suspension of tho constitu tional guarantees woro received nt tho Mexican embassy today. Tho ac tion is given full publicity as a warn ing to Americans who may bo tompt od to cast their lot with tho Insur rectos. SPALDING BASEBALL goods at THE GUNNERY. BIDS WANTED. Sealed bids will bo received by tho undersigned trusteo up to 12 o'clock noon, March 18, 1911, for all or any portion of tho grocery stock and fix tures of tho North Bond Morcanlllo COti fornierly )n business at North I . . . . . . . . . ... ... Bond. Right to roject any or all bids roservod. For Information npply to W. P. MURPHY. Trustee. Marshfleld, Oregon.