ijiin vrnmpww""'1" " '""' 1 010X10 NEWS ADS. wiirx ntsi.vKss is slow, ad- TltTIbi:. THAT IT PAYS IS EVl- iiiici: nv successful nusi- VS IIOtSKS EVERYWHERE !! mmm MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXIV EMiibll&licd in 1878 im TIio Const Mull get it wiiilu it is new iiy HEADING THE COOS HAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME TERSELY TOLD :: :: ss :s MARSHFIELD.OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1911 EVENING EDITION. ROOSEVELT ON IB. 0UIL00K GENERAL HHGER 1LLIS SMS THAT COOS BAY RAILWAY UIE MAY B A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mnll nnil Coos liny Adcrtlcr. No. 52 1 Returns to Portland From Con ferencc With Southern Pacific Officials. Portland and Francisco. Former President Says All We Demanu - Is Order and ! i Justice. (Dj- Associated Press to Coos Day NOT READY TO GIVE Times.) I KL PASO. Tex.. Mnr. IB "All tho OUT DETAILS OF PLAN United States demands of Mexico Is order, Juntlco nnd Indopondoncc," de clared Thco. Itoosovolt today nt n breakfast at tho Toltec club. The colonel's remarks woro tho only ut terances ho has mado on tho Mexican situation and enmo ns n comploto jurprlso to tho momhors of his par ty Colonel HOOHOVUil n-'u up m inn observations on tho Mexican trouble Oregonlnn says: by saying that tho prosperity of his "New Bteamer servlco nnd a rail neighbors was a condition of tho wfty i)roJoct fm C(jos nrosncrlti of nny mnn. ! m. L .1 II . tIMUU DM It Inn In il.ni inl. He ciocinrcu noncsi uonniig uc- --- --s i-i i-uk v.. u. .unus, rmi BnUI Mn MB nt tho ImporInl tvfecn mnn and man wns tho only superintendent of tho Hnrrlman Hotel yesterday. certain foundation or prosporuy. Tne name thine Is true, ho snld, of tho nmshlp lino between this port and relations of communities to ench oth- Coon I3ay, to San FrnnclBCo for a BUT SOOi fa--.SOijIEE-TJlETHINGSrCQOS COUNTYWOULD SHIP -'ZT. coos , ..Ttyr-Afet'..'StQ'"-" 4 "IFIT-HADA RAILtaOA'lSV " TL- EB am U EATY IDEA NOW FAVORED Cti? mmmmmmkmm:- he Hopes For Early Action On It May Put Steamer On San Francisco Run. Thoreforo, Mr. ,ncss on that line Mlllls seemed to avoid discussing tho Bald, tho necessity of tho Hnrrlman railroad nroJoct for Coos Rnv. but ml- 'ntorests placing a steamer between PORTLAND, Ore. Mnr. 15 Tho ni,ttcd tlmt tllc enterprise Is rccelv-!000,8 Uny nml Snn Francisco Is being j Dredging Under Way. "Wo really don't caro to ontor that lug serious conslderntlon Early Hlnrt Probable. Wo nro not ready yet to mnko do- ho er. JUItY IS RKCUHEI). Italian TIiIotph (o Ho Tried For Mur' tier of Follow. month. Ho returned yesterday morn ing. Mr. Mlllls conference with leading Harrlman officials In "Is tho project n certainty?" was asked. "Well, wo hope something will bo English Press Welcomes Pres-i ident Taft's Suggested' Alliance. (IJy Associated Press to Coos Bi Titles.) LONDON, England, Mnr. 11. Tho afternoon papers welcome with en thusiastic and cordial Biipport Presi dent Tnft'B known wish for n general "Anglo-American arbitration treaty given In the Houso of Commons last i ..I..1.. t... Ml t.l r. . Tho Hnrrlman Interests had begun "''" UJ a,r 1'"WI.iru "r"- " w tho construction of n road from Drain "'l that tho Amorlcnn executlvo toward Coos liny, and probably would cherishes tho ljopo that an nmond- hnvo hnd It completed long before ment to tho oxlBtlnir nrbltrntlon 111 remove tho present Dra in Article Ono ngnlnst tho between Coos Day nnd Snn Francisco, como to nn end. That tho Southern submission to nrbltrntlon of questions but It Is not certain that they can Pacific company Is still looking for- of vital Interest to tho two partlos or caro for tho work." Iward to having tho lino built to con- involving their honor. Tho forolim tho channel for tho first tlmo Thurs day. Panic Stops Construction. Hay were busl- "' nnnouncement concerning tho"o J. "" Is necessary, sad Mr. this time had It not been for tho w , time of commencing work 'on thoM".""' ,T 7 , ,,rfr ,t0 .?V 'i"0"0' Btr,l,Roncjr ot 1007' wh,ch hlbltlo.i k C. J. Mlllls, rond .. .., Mp MmiBnf ,,, Tnmrini work to tho Uimhcr vessels that ply forced tho work of construction to mim,on Since tho government, aided by tho noct Its main lino with Coos Day was secretary referred to Tnft's rocont nconlo of Coos Day. hns bocuii Im- Indicnted liv Mr. Mlllln vontnnlnv. Tin dono nt nn enrly date In that regard, , proving tho harbor and tho rlvor'nlso predicted a stendy Incrcaso In nrultratlon POch aB n "bold, coura- uut wo are not rcadyvto nnnounco channel nt Coos Day, tho port hns re- tho amount of traftlc his company will RC0U8 nnd pregnant with conso dcflnlto plnnB nt present," ho said. cclved consldornblo attention. Thohnndlo botweon Coos liny nnd Port- quencos" nnd ndded that ho bollovod tin Wna tint no fnHnntit nlmn itt ...-i. .....li i nt . . t a ."- 77 7. " V I .V '"".orKUUl"n,-,uw,ucol'n"?cnnnnoi(inna. tho nrU,Bh KOVOrnmont nnd parlla- """ .. BivuuiBiiiii Biiuuuon iu uoob uny ns to ouout n mtio nuovo Mnrshfleld, and Beginning about April 1, Mr. Mlllls tier vi X'ciiima. -" ",' ...w.. .. wui A.. a lo uuuu. u iiiuu uuuvu fliurmuiuiu, uiiu uugiuning auoui ipni J, Air. iMIIMB t III l f (nv Awoclntod Press to Coos Hoy Involved the placing, If nccessnry, of ho wns nbout tno Proposed rnllrond. wllj mnko It posslblo for vessels of snld tho Btenmcr Drca'-wator will men W0Uf'J ,)laco "10 fltamp 0I ap' TimPiO i Ho explained that slnco tho Orecon pon.ldnrnhin iirnf in onr i,n norf UnVn .m n i.,iBV cM,n,i,.i rn- M. Proval on U1 Bcnumonts oxprossoa. Times.) n stcauiBhlp service between Coos VITEIUIO, Italy, Mnr. 1R. After " D'v ""'" """ " " coal & Navigation Company sold tho much difficulty a Jury was secured Day and San Francisco, nnd the enrly stonmor Plant, which operated bo- today for tho trlnl of 30 members of construction of n rnllrond Into thnt twoen Cooa Dn' nml Snn Frnnclsco, Cnptnln MacQcnn, commanding tho spring nnd summer senson. . no i'n,n& emnaara noias iubs steamer Drcnkwator, said ycstordnyl Mrs. C. J. Mlllls, accompanied by "ronl and nnturnl nlllanco would: upon arriving from Coos Day. thnt tho her dnuchtor. Miss Mnbnl Minis, not bo that between England nnd i - - ..-.--- - . r tho Cnmmora charged with murders l0 n" Alaskn company, there seemed first mile nnd a half of tho chnnnol came up on tho Breakwater yesterday Franco or England and Japan but bo- Qonarlo, ' ",u to bo uncertainty about tho lumber has been dredged, nnd thnt ho took to moot Mr. Mlllls on his return from tween England and tho Unltod Sta- ern Pacific lino running between vessels uoing nolo to do all the busl- nf their follow thieves, Cuoccolo nnd tho lattcr's wlfo. tho Breakwater through that part of San Francisco." tes." ALASKA OASES TO BE UNTANGLED Secretary Fisher Will Begin Immediate Action to Help i Straighten Out the Mineral Claims. Hly Aunilatcd Proas to Cons Bny ' Tlmos.) I 8EATTLE, WobIi., Mnr. in. Sec- FRENCH BEAT TBIBES DOWN mm IS VICTIM OE PORTLAND FIEND Cruel and Ghastly Murder Dis- nlni08t pob,"v "t ' ttio body was that of Barbara Holtzman, tho COVered in Lodging HOUSe missing girl. Her parents woro sum There Today. WILL STOP SMUGGLING FOR REBELS T n,f,h?IIMr,M,lUorL;,8h" Situation In Morocco Grave But WRONG DOER ESCAPES er It concentrating his forces nt Seat tle for the work of cancelling tho Think Defeats Have Had I BEFORE ITS DISCOVERY nnd nnBlsh nnd tho mother utterly monod nnd soon tho little torrlblo truth was brought homo to them that tho tholr llttlo ono had mot death at tho hands of a flond. Tho fathor was nlmost besldo himself with grief Think Defeats Have Had Good Effect. fraudulent Alaska coal land claims no that tho land may bo opened for mln-t lag under lease or roynlty ns congrois may direct. Most of tho richest coal flFPAR finift lliinn Hln.1 AH ... .... r ,, . ,. V . - . FEZ Morocco, Mnr. 15. Two da- r'tj of tho filings hnvo beon nssall- fd as fraudulent. Tho vnlue of tho foatB BUfrred by Ul tr,be8,ncn at known coal deposits of Alnskn hnvo tho hands of tho French troops linyo frequently boon estimated at ono bll- had a salutary offect on tho trlbes- llon dollars. nien who are submitting to nuth- Indlctments In connection with nJ- orlty In IncrenBlng numbers. leged fraudulent coal land, trnnsac-, tlons have beon returned In n number I THOUHLE IN MOHOCCO. of r'nr, nm) tll0 nilngs of tho Cua- collapsod. Mrs. Nelson snys tho man who Is By Associated Press to coos Day Child Disappeared Yesterday BUBpecJ of ,coram,u0tlnr , ,cr,mo Tlmpg i I camo to her placo at 9:45 o'clock yes- and body pound mis Morning. (By Associated Pross to Cons Bn.v Times.! t PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 15. Boar- U.S. Leader of Washington Junta of Insurrectionists Gives Out Statement. Coon (Im (By Associated Pross to Tlmos.) NEW YORK, N. Y., Mar. 15. Dr. United States Government An nounces That Giving Aid From El Paso to Insurrectos Must Cease. (.(By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) EL PASO, Tex., Mnr. 15. "SmuB gllng nrms nnd nmmunltlon ncrois tho Mexican frontlor from El Paso must cense." This Is tho substnuco ot an order received by fodoral officials hero today nnd Is supposed to hnvo emanated from Washington on rep resentation from tho Mexican govern ment thnt El Pnso has been tho chief. icruay morning nnu inquired for n room. After ho wns assigned to ono1,, , , , ., . .. , . , . . , , , Francisco Gomoz, lendor of flint RllffOfl Iillil lin wna nnt In nvl. ' donco, excopt that Mrs. Nelson heard Washington Juntn of Insurrection- ( to tho Insurrectos nnd tho placo at what apparently was somo object fall-, h of Mexico delivered a gonornl de-i"",l-,, l,,u ,",""H"1 "ua uuu" J""u tho point from which help hns been sent lng to tho floor. Sho suspectod that hor lodger had fallen, but his foot flanco of tho Moxlcan government ned and fostered. I Tho assertion of Minister ot Flnan- .t.ln .n...n l..4 I .... 1 1 ,A t ' lng marks of ono of tho most cruel BfnnH ,,. ,m ,, ,,, ihn rnnm '" ". . '"".co Llmantour nt Now York last night nnd henrtloss murders ever recorded soon Indicated that nothing serious 0omez 8nl(1 tho rovolutlonUt8 wIIl Xtte tnZllcZ wInoE in this city, tho body of little Bar- bad happened. When ho loft tho not ,ay down 'tnolr mB unt tholr'"g1' "B v' 'T? '".?.. t uu Biiunit uii; niiutim iiiuiuj" una wuuit- nlngham claims are now before tho Moorish Trlbos niscnnlcntcil and bnra Holtzman, a five-year-old girl, houso, Mw. Nelson wna unablo to say. don)BndH ro Krnnted and tho Insur-' ,, rnnRtfirnnHn ,inr interior Department on nnnllcntion Outlook Is One. for patents. It Is understood thnt fP-v Asoelntod Prosi to Coos Boy Fisher will dovote great enorgy to ua- Times ) angling the Alnskn coal Innd sltua- PARIS, Franco, Mnr. 15. A dls- tkm nnd Hint President Tnft will co- patch to Lo Matin from Fez says tho operato heartly with him. Tho first situation In Morocco is exceedingly 6ktmilsh In QnnHU ...111 l.n -rnHni. nA Hn..A ,11 ,l.n UILas nA .lla.nn,nn,lf. ... .JV..H.IU nut uu .tlHJUJl U Bl''c Hw ,,,ucu utu ...ovw..v..v.- ,.. ., II,,,,. ,U1,I nhei, t.. i , -r ..... . i. mechanic, wno lives within n nen Judge C. II. Hnnford w hoar ed nt tho alleged abuses of tho move- ' ,. ,,,, arpnmQ.. .. . . . . . ..... . . . ,.. blocks of tho rooming nouso. -oM...tmB Ull n uomuror mod oy at- ment to stop mo preacuing ui n iiuiy torneys for Cornelius Christopher nnd war. Grgo Simons Indicted nt Tncoina Tho French consul Is quoted as last October. Other cases will fol- snylnc that In many years sorvlco In IUW, ASSESS STOCK OF COMPANY ! I Morocco ho has never seen a situa tion so serious, Nd Transit Company Stock holders Asked to Pay Ten Per Cent. J. H. Gru Ranld Transit company nro ulso cred ltors of the company who have claims In his actions, Mrs. Nelson did not 'on file. Thus they will bo hit twice Biispect anything wrong until today In the proceedings tho certain per when sho wont to the room to seo cent of loss they must stand on their what had become of the lodger, clnlms and tho assessment for Rapid She found the door locked nnd tho Transit stock. ky removed, This fact aroused hor suspicions nnd tho door wns burst open. There wns the body of tho llttlo girl. A bloody cloth covered tho llttlo ono's nostrils Indicating she had been j RhA wnlfo.l nnnrli- nil mnrnlnn-tn lionr '... .. ... vu " " .". wns found on n blood-stnlned bed In . m ,. n . ,,,;,,?,"" "niB nr " worriou over mo Fifteen Amorlcnns enpturod nt n rooming house nt 107 Russel stro3t ""' ' ''--" n'Z . PrSnt Unltd Stnt8 trP8 '" Orando nro still In jail at that shortlyboforo noon today by Mrs. f"t0 J J" " TtZZ0' Cont,nu,nB ho Bn,a' "wo-t,mtplce according to reports. Tho Mox--. x., ..'- '. ,.!n,1C0' Tll l,,scovory of th0 crl"10 rl- Is the Insurrectionists, think tho mo- . ,..,., . . I IVUII 1IUIIIUI IVIl'D Bf 11 in iiujiiuuauiu Mr Vl. lnMI,l H annA lVOm0nt f trPa ,8 d,rCCtC(l OBOlnBt t,0y w ,J0 hot bnnu,l8i T0 ,. , n Tir n r Zln, MwIco " M ' BmuBSnB B "rrecto Junta, however. Insists It ed man ns being about 45 years of nnd Ia not nuroIjr dIroctod ngnlnBt ln. ma r from n(1 , ago with n gray moustache. Ho was 8lirgents. Tho govornmont is now;Hlo mon WU Ilovor u0 ,10ard rrom. iivuuy iii-uHHi.-u mm uiiuouruu noi iu r0alIzinK tho sorlousness of tho Insur- . llw,u' bo in tho best of health. So far as 4 -.i tu ..t ,v shop yesterday afternoon to make' ,, ,., , t mn,v""'""'v,u"" ",v " u,u w""' somo purchases and never returned. tnIfo tho ,.., lnto thn hollRn ,BdM,,' .'.'' ' linnin? flni i rnnrn n rn nvnivn ruiui sand mon under arms fighting for tho lnsurrecto cnuso nnd that many 'American mon In high places nro nlJ- Gortlo Nelson, proprietor of tho hauso. The murdered llttlo girl wns tho dnughter of Voollln lloltzmnn, few rooming house. Tho little girl was sent to the butcher tnko tho child into tho houso Mrs. Nolsou has no Idea when tho as- Mrs. Nelson stntes that an unldon tilled man rented n room from hor at Bajt and murder occurred. 9:45 o clock a. in., and although he seemed to bo somewhat mysterious STOPPING AN AI) 1 To savo money is llko stop- ping a clock to save tlmo. Finn across border. PETTY CRIME AT NORTH BE1D High School and Buslnes; FAI I ING WAI I t W Ui I B hf if l M V MM I DRIES HUT Mexican Olllolals and Iiibiirroctos Kv cliaugo Volleys. (Bv Assncia'od PrH tf Cons Unv c'oVfd. nnd when Mrs. NoIbou piille'l I Tiiips off the bed coverings Indications of tVOS of North Bond. trnstf n t t nvim r. TMnn 1K Tlrlnt? i ... .,.nnln,l Jv. 1n,l 'he Coos Biy Rapid Transit com- from the American side of the In- unor the HMle bodv was IjIqo.I ran" bankruptcy action, hns just sent ternntlonal lino, the Mexican customs soaked and tho little lo?s and torso cut notice tn tlm .tn.i,i,ij ,i. rmMnla nt Alpndnnos todnv Sent a worn sninnrod with tho Ufa lllnnd Of company for a second assessment of volley Into the Insurrectos, the lat- tho child. , ia numbor of Pt,y thoftB ond dolre" (ny Associated Press to Coos Bny 'caught by falling walls today Houses Broken Into By Unknown Miscreants. As jot, the North Bond pollco have! been unable to solve tho mystory of lng tho Insurrectos with resources. 'school building was broken into and OUJIl. lilllU B UUDIV U1DU uiunutl IIIVU. t Nothing was taken although tho desk , was pretty thoroughly rifled. 1 no ooor on 1110 luu iihj- urucury i was also forced but so far as can bo . ... . . .. , (ascertained, nothing wns taken. , several WOrKmen faiaiiy III- f Entrance to tho Fourier Brothers. jured In ACCidGtlt at Meat Market was also effected nnd Nashville. about forty cents In change was (Oy AssocIatt.il fios to Coos Bay , taken from the money drawer. Times ) I Careful watch Is being kept and ij NASHVILLE, Tenn., Mar. 15. Is hoped to land tho offenders soon, i Botweon llftoon and twonty workmen engngod In tearing down tho walls of FIRE IN MILWAUKEE. the J. H. Falb & Co., building which was recently damagod by fire, woro It is i - -" "vvumu ap rMr rent on tholr stock. tor ronlylng by flrlns across the lino As Foon ns she had rerovefl from nauons mere, wiuio no loss or a Times.) probable tiat bevoral workmon who Tpre rro about 150 stockholders into the American town of Andrade, fh first terrible shock of dlseovnrv conslderablo amount was reported, tho MILWAUKEE, Mar. 15. Tho were mostly negroes will not bo 11 hk W'nltv holding from one to No one was hurt so far as Is known. Mrs. Xelson rushed to the street and petty crimes have caused more or lumber yard of tho M Ililty Lumber brought out alive n shares anlrrn ai,., ..,i.it oht mvn iucpput, nnmia nt sn nun nnprf nnichbors. and the Dollco less uneasiness. f!orananv was nracticallv rinqtrnvnrt At 2 o'clock thirteen had been ro- -,.. .v, auum uYU'iuiiuo nr.iiniu t.t.i. bwwMu v - .,, ,. - .... 1 , .., ., , . ... .. .. i . ore of the stockholders in tho THE GUNNERY. were called. From tho first It was Last Friday night, the new (irsfi high by fire today. Four were dead. A The loss Is $200,000 moved. I 1 ., t4.A J ' Ji.. bJbutniii j Adkvtd