"l -Tr!' i; ! THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1911 EVENING EDITION. s-- TYLEST&SHIONS 5oUBCE For Our pemn ' -J ZTa ..Z7. S -w4AdWfte5s WMm IS . i. - j9-.rwctnnn-jr -m i i,(un.i.Eiji) ma -jr pnng 11 First Showing of Spring Merchandise Which Begins Wednesday, March 1 5th Knowing the unusual interest that will bo manifested m Sprung AVcamblgs, jvo litlvo taken great pains to prepare a display that is sure to captivate those who appreciate the very newest and most approved styles. Our main object is to have you call and sec these goods. Whether you buy or not is of secondary importance. Wo want you to sec our excellent display, try on our suits, determine the style and fit. It is a inagni fioent ob. .jcot lesson of all that is desirable in wearables for Men, Women and Children If You Are Planning a Waist, Suit, or Dress that will express your distinctive taste, one that will combine serviceablcucss with lasting beauty, there is no other so good a place to study out the problem as here. And when you consider tho remarkablo moderate prices we arc offering, you cannot miss the opportu nity to be well dressed at so small a cost. Wo have almost an endless range of patterns in Wash Silks, in the soft Clingy Textures from 50c to $1.25 a yard. A bountiful assortment of tho heavier dress fabrics comprising every new style of mate rial priced from 50c to $2.25 a yard. The beautiful Marquisclts, Soisetts and Silk Mixed Wash Goods in profusion, priced from 15c to 75c per yard. French Gingham i, Scotch Madrasscs, Oalatcas, Dress Ginghams, Waistings, White Goods and figured materials suitable for every class of wear wo are showing in endless varieties- and very moderately priced from 8 l-'.te to J35c a yard. Better get your Summer Dress Goods now while the assortment is complete. An Unprejudiced Inspection of Coats and Suits in Our Stock Will Convince You That We Are Offering Unusual Values mi riic early Spring that is predicted will not catch us napping as the first section of our charming new Spring Suits has already arrived. The materials arc striped novelty weaves and fine French Serges. The colors are Light Grays, Blues, Whito Serges and hair lino stripes. The jackets are considerably shorter, measuring 22 and 24 inches. Thoy are fashioned with semi-fitted back and box front with two or four buttons. The linings arc of fine peau de cygne and striped silks. The majority of now skirts are plain gored models with panel fronts and backs, the width being a trifle more amplo than heretofore. Though strictly tailored, theso now coat suits possess a dash and charm that oilers a very pleasing relief from tho sombre colors and severity of tho winter styles. The now suits aro temptingly priced from $16.00 to $35.00. THE NEW ONE PIECE Dli ESSES In tho popular Foulards and Mossalincs. The lingerie Marquisette dresses beautifully trimmed. The new house dresses, tho Shirt Waists, tho Neckwear, Silk Skirts together with the endless novelties throughout every department will make a visit to our store, time well spent. ' As An Introductory to our now Clothing for men we arc offer ing a special suit lead er at $12.50 which will be very popular. Note them in our windows and take ad vantage of this un usual offering of new clothing. fir v!A. I WZmj2& idypH v g I All Through the Store and in Every Department There Is a Freshness of Spring Style Marshfield's Leading Outfitters and Furnishers MAGNES MATSON Marshfield's Leading Outfitters and Furnishers (H'hMXCS OP COQI'II.M. CcMHt Comity Scat News Ah Told Hy Tho HeriiW. Horn, to Mr. nml Mra. I.. S. Mar gin, Saturday, March i, n girl. -Miss Partridge, one of tho high school touchers hero, spent Sunday nt Mnrshfleld. Nov, Prank Adams of tho l'rcsliy torlnu ohuroh spent tho first of tho wouk nt Mnrshflold, Miss Mabel Crouch and Miss Win nie Curry returned Monday from n short visit nt Mnrshflold. Mrs. Harry Onrdnor, of Portland, Is visiting hor mother, Mrs. Samuel Johnson, and other relatives hero. Harold Manwnrlng returned from Mnrshflold last Saturday whoro ho has had nn operation for appendicitis. He is now getting along nicely. .vessel to load at tho inlno, and other good things for Rlvorton nnd the river. Married, nt tho resldonco of tho bride's father, George h. Slgsby, near Coqullle, Mnrch 2, Mr. and Karl Conger nnd Miss Evah Slgsby, Judgo K. O. I). Holden, oniclntlng. Albert Fish, bartender for 12. A. Deckott, was grnntod a soloon llcenso nt a special meeting of tho council nt noon yesterdny. Deckott could not secure a llcenso, so It was taken out In Fish's name to nvold closing tho saloon until tho now ordinance, bo comes oporntive. I.. A. I.lljoqvlst nnd George Gngo left Wodnosdny for San Francisco in tho Interests of tho Rlvorton coal Inlno. If they accomplish what thoy Remomber a TURKISH HATH will help you. Phono 2H-J. 1IIS WANTED. Soaled bids will bo recolved by tho uuderslgucd trustco up to 12 o'clock noon, Mnrch IS. 1911, for all or any portion of tho grocery stock nud fix tures of tho North Rend Morcantllo Co., formerly in buslnoss nt North nend. Right to reject nny or nil bids resorved. For Information apply to W. P, MURPHY, Trustee Dollars Spent Arc Dollars That Come Back With A Bunch of Friends The Electric Sign is not the only form of electric advertising. Proper Store Window lightning is another Good STORE lighting is a third. All help to give the public a fa vorable opinion of a mer chant. All help to keep his store in the public mind. Let our experts help you with your electric advertising. Ask the New Business Depart ment. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co. Saint Patrick's Snaps " "uiguis ouxioo ?100 for insldes, jisd.yv COra0ra' r . . fa, -V '- story dwelling with two lot;, aggregating 90x100 good W view, for $l,Hoo.oo. 10 ,t8 !n En8t Mar8hfloM for $(10000ea8y tom8f ' 2 Lots on Broadway 1,030.00 2 Lots on Second Street $1,200.00. "tf,;!!L0nDrOadway'wUUso0(1 unobstructed bay ' 92,100.00. 10 Acres fruit land $300.00easy terms. 00 n-3 fruit land S000.0Oeasy terms. " 4ru'1 'and 5100.00 easy terms. 8 "s fru,t land do" to Monhfleld with 225 fet waterfront ship channel for $1,300.00. S "v tract In Lobreo Park, closo to now Coquillo Road !.. easy terms. Biuinws lot on Second near Central 50xl00-"a quick 'j "'w ?a,Uo0.00, lots In Plat A 100x138 perfect title $500.00. Corner waterfront lot on Front street. 50x240, for $0,500.00. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HEXIty SEXGSTACKE.V, Manager. expect to It will mean an addttlon.il Mnrshflold, Oregon. Ik - -ji.'j ... ML.