THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELP, OREGON. TOESQAY, MARCH 14,' 1911 EVENING EDITION. The Spring Styles Are Here y are now showing tho iiowost ideas in Oxfords and Pumps. Our lino for girls and boys is just as complete as tho showing Tor Ladies and Men. "MONHY TALKS'' 7 DAIRY ASSOCIATION MEETS. The Coqulllo Valley Dnlry assorla tlnn hold a meeting Inst Saturday nml nfter considerable illscusalon decided to tnke over tbo O. K. Cooperative Creamery. A board or llvo directors win elected the following members being f elected. .1. I). Graham. W. II. Mall. .1. l Clausen. C. K. MrPm.1v ' MaktsHomi Biking Easy i The Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. UANDON BLUISH FIELD Get a Stetson and you'll know you have the nobbiest hat In the world. nml .1. W. Miller, A iimen meeting was bold Wednes day to dleotiM tbo best methods or operating the creamery and many points wore given by ablo Hpeakcrs. The directors also met Wednesday and elected the following olllcers: J. iD. Ornliam. president; .1. W. Miller, secretary and W. S. (Irnhnm was hired to take charge of tho butter making. Coaulllo Sontlnel. Till: WEATHER. (Uy Associated Press.) OREGON. Mar. 1 1. Fair tonight and Wednesday. T.OCAIi TEMPERATURE HE- TEMPERATURE PORT. Stale DREAR makes HENS LAV. Get Bomo nt the COOS IIAV HAKERY WASH THOSE PIMPLES OFF Use 1). 1). D., that mild, soothing wash, that recognized remedy for Eczcmn and all skin troubles. First ! For twenty-four hours ending at '1:13 p. m.', Mar. 13, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special govornnient meteorological observer: Maximum G4 Minimum 29 At 4:43 p. in G3 Precipitation nono Wind, Northwest; clear. 1 iliiPVi a am m Prescriptions Come to us in largo numbers each day. "Why? Be cause wo have a reputation for the purity 6i' our drugs and the skill -we use in compounding. Is finely equipped, kept scrupulously clean, and you can be sure that you got just what your physician moans that you should. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE 2!)S. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PIIESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Tin: iu'.sv corner prone uiks. 3Uc ml&c Joxcui11108 tnko nwn tlmt nwful bi,rnin5 uvii, uiiMiiHu ino bkiii wasu away HOUSEWIVES TAKE NOTICE Wo will do all of your Spread, Sheets, Tliblecloths, TowoIh, Napkins and Dish Cloths. every pimple every Impurity. Noth- llltr like D. 1). I"). fnr tlm rnniiilnvlmi Slips, ot n or.e trial U0mo indnv worth ten times Its cost to have a bottle In the bouse. At nnv rntn. and ns many of each as you wish to Uro, ,nlo our 8toro to tn. ovor Ul0 send at tho rnto of 30c per doz. loriB nf ti,l u-n.i,i,.rr..i ,.. . .,...... . IIOIIN. KROEOER To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. II. Kroegor of.Allogany, a daughter. I Call up IMiime 221W. and n driver ' will call and explain all. MARSHFIELD HANI) AND STEAM LAUNDRY. lied Cross Drug Store. Just a Few Is Ilauki'iipt. Claudo Stutsman, engineer or tho Mnrshtlold flro do- jpartmont, linn boon adjudged a volun tary imiiKrupt. POWDER Absolutely Pure The only baking powder mado from Royal Grapa Groam of Tartar NQ ALUM.ND LIME PHOSPHATE Personal Notes CAPT. .IAS MAOEE of Empire Is a Mnrshlleld visitor today. WILL E. HOAOLAND Is Burfering another attack of la grippe. Unity Dead. Tho wook-old-son of - D C ,Of the many things that can bo hail i Mr- and Mrs. L. Lolby of Ross Inlet, UOOCJ LI VCrV SerVlCe , who died yesterday, wan burled' this . . .1 - I frri... riinint'a TT.i.1nnll..m i-nncy new rigs, good horsos mid careful drivers nro now at tho dls-; W ftTB'C potwil of the Coon Hay public at u . a " "WwJUlfcO .mgkci nnioii Tea i'oib. . . i .Ion morning from Dungan's Undertaking parlors. Lighthouse Tender II civ. Tho Build Thai uft icscen WESHMH SJaTSSynCSfe. Mi v in in OPH m n pii "c ( w i . i ui now II pail W. L. CONDRON'S I.IVEIIV AND FEED STAHIjES piioni: a7..i. iieasonaiujE hates KIks or rlKH with drlvora ready for i """' ' ",llu ""eo ' 18 i.,wmiM.i hkhuiuhro lenuer ,wiiimi- nuy trip anywhere anv time. Horses ;N,c,o1 PlnttnI Sjn,1 VUon. . . .incnlla which bro..Kht In supplies to the boarded and rigs cared lor. jOuaranteed Paring Knives. . ..IHcjCnpo Anfgo Htntlon, sailed Sunday. oiiu mo nui ooiuc up to .Marsuiioui. dntlon Double Towol UliigB 1.1c Kong handle galvanized fire sho- iCIS. . ........ .JtiO 12-qt. Tin Dairy Pans Wc ;. . . 1 1 2x1 2 Shelf Brackets Irtc Eleetrln lnm.. mntm! rnr ..,... Ehlt Flour SoIVOB. EMMETT PIEIICE was down from his logging enmp yesterday on bus iness. ' JOE SCIIILL1N0. Jr., ciuno down from Gardlnor this morning to vls It here n fow days. hEU'WEIlSTEIt, tho gonial postmas ter at Empire, was a Marshflold' visitor today. J. M. McCUTCHEON and family to day moved to Denver 1 1 111 whoro thny will mako their homo. 1 Cnso No. 1(1 Granite Stow Pans 15c for evurv , i.iiriioso. Per tlm homo. nmM 'mckoi 1'iatou urusii and Comb Launches, Automobllo, Miniature , Flash Light Colored Lnmps for dec orative purpoiies for salo or rent. Open until 0:30 o'clock woek dayB; Saturday until 0:00 P. M. Phone your orders for delivery. IlceilV New Plan. Artlclos of In corporation hnvo bcon Hied In Salem thy tho Iteedsport Company, of Port land. This company will mnrkot tho townstto or Itcedsnort. near Oardl- 13e!"or ll,ul ('t ' Warron P. Hood ami associates. Ilosoburg Hovlow. Nothing encourages chickens' to lay belter than to have a large roomy pen for them to scratch around in. Build it out of 4-foot LATtf and save almost half in the cost of construction. While they last we can make the low price of &$$$& 10 Cents Per 100 Lath A large number of qhicken raisers on the Bay have al ready taken advantage of this offer. Coos Bay Wiring Co. iff IU. PHONE 237-J. OOS BAY ASH STORE The Store That Saves Vou Money. (.EO. N. DOLT, . - Mannger, Front Street, Mnr-lilcliJ. ,C00S BAY LIVERY , Wo have secured tho livery busi ness of h. II. Ilelsner and are pro' TEACHER pared to render excellent servlco to I tho peoplo of Coos Day. Caroful I ill'tvnrR rlia n.,1 nvntvllilnn WANTED Iftiwrlpiiril mt ,... ,..,. ,..,..-- Bnpvlp . teacher, man or woman for dU-' tho mibllc P,lono U8 tor ft dr,v,nB trlct No. 57. Six months torm i hors0( a rlg or nnyti,nK needcd , commeiiclng first or second Mon- tho livery Uuo. Wo also do a day In April. Salary $50 par trucking buslne'ss of all kinds. Railroad Man Hero. John Mortl mor, tho reputed roprosontntlvo of tho Hill linos who was horo soiih (lino ago, Is back on tho Day lookliwr over this section. IIo Is making por- soiinl trips up tho various Inlets emp tying Into tho Day. TOM T. DENNETT arrlvod homo to day via Drain from a trip to Portland, Sau Francisco and Stanford. MItS. MATSON of Loon Lake anil hor sister. Mrs. Norman Savagoof Coos Illvor, wore MarBhuold shop pers today. Don't forgot tho Turkish PHONE lill..T. . V Ilnthj. mouth. Address stating export enco nnd whoro you havo previous ly taught. Ira A. Albeo, Empire, Oregon. ULANCHARR RROTHERS. Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First nnd Alder Streets. Phono 13S-J Every family has nood of n gool, lollablo liniment. For apralui. brulfios soronosa of tho muscles and rheumatic palna there Is nono bettor than Chamborlahrs. Sold by all dealers. MItS. LOUIS SEYMOUR nnd children who have boon guotits nt tho Jens Ilnneou homo In Ferudnle, have roturnod home, MRS. ROSA DAVENPORT'S son In reported vory 111 of pneumonia. Thoy roMldo on North Front street,, oppotdto the city hnll. F. W. SMITH was down from the Coos Rlvor hntohory today and re ports that llshlug Is now pretty good on tho uppor rlvor. C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phone 190-J Retail Yards 182, South Broadway FOR SALE Full blood registered Dork8hlro boar and sow. Also Shnrploss steam turbine separator and bollor. Will bo sold cheap If taken at onco. Address E. A. Williams, Catching Inlot, Mnrsh tlold, or phone 3148. Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal $1.(10. Nut coal $3.00. Wo do nil Kinds of hauling, and , contracting. Horses and vehicles for LOST $120 greenback between Sny. 8n,' For lu,'sk dellve-y call on dor hotel and now school houss. jl H EISNER iiunutu iui i mm u iu nines uuiyU Peanut Stick Is tho name of our nowost confoc tlon. It Is hotter than Peanut nrlt tlo and R you liked Drlttlo you will lovo Peanut 8tlck. Wo hnvo sovoral other" kinds of FJno, Fresh Nut Candy. Romombor our candles are mado In our own sunny, Sanitary factory right horo In Marshflold by nn export enndy mnkor. Thoy are pure, wholo soino nnd delicious. FRESH DAILY Always Something New nt or Annie Wheeler. Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON OE3EENT. Thn huo r....n j .... u j p., , -v uvmwio uuu iiupuricu uruuus. - icr, riffle Brick and all kinds of bulldors material. HUGH McLAIN oPFirr gpNERAL CONTRACTOR iLL, SOUTH BltOAnu'AV nnnv -- . FOR SATJ2 Household furniture for five rooms, cheap. Mrs, A, E. Pol loxfen, phono 147-L. FOR SALE A O-room bungalow with 2 lots 40x100 at MUllngton on now county road and 200 feet from railway. Will soil cheap on easy terms as owner Is going away. Apply to N. L. Sandon, Box 48G, Marsh field. or phono 120-J or 49-L. rnoNE sol. Pacific Monumental and Building Works H. H. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD. ORE. ) n 0t monumentaI work promptly and artistically exe- 4, Call at our worke on SoutU Broadway. WANTED TO RENT A dairy ranch of 20 cows or more. Address Les ter D. HIscox, North Bend. WANTED Man and wife without children to tako position. Enquire Dlanco hotel. First Class Laundry work is most desirable to anyone wishing their linen to possess that particular finish so necessary to good taste in dress, WE DO THAT CLASS OF WORK Ono Trial will Convinco. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J I C. P. DARNARD. tho mnll contractor, Ih expected horo this nftornoon from Rosoburg, having mado tho trip In over tho old Coos Day Wa gon road. Rulld New Oven. Tho oven of tho, Coos Uny Dakory collapsod Saturday afternoon nnd for a tlmo mndo con Bldorablo bothor. Howovor, a now ovon was quickly constructed and they are now In bettor shnpo than ovor. TWO STORES. 230 .Front St HO Central Ave. AUTOMOBILE. For automobllo and othor Insur ance, seo Aug. Frlzeen. Bost com panies and cheapest rates. AUO. FRIZEEN, 08, Central Ave., Marahlleld. FRANK PARSONS of tho Dusy Cor- nor, returned today from a visit at his old homo In Missouri, Mrs, Parsons stopped at Kansas City whoro alio will visit a whllo longor. Ho enme in via Drain. IIo de clares that Coos Day looks mighty good to him after a comparison of it with other points outside. F. M. PARSONS of tho "Dusy Cor nor" arrived homo today from Saa Francisco whore ho has bcon spondlng a fow weeks. Ho Intend ed to visit his old homo in Missou ri but tho Illness of Mrs. Parsons delayed thorn so, long that ho had to return horo, Mrs. Parsons loft Saturday for Kansas City and had nearly ontlroly rocovored. FOR RENT Three furnished house keeping rooms. Phono 49-L. FOR RENT t room house, comer Donnelly avo. and Ninth street $10 month. FOR SALE One-halt of Glen Gar dens, Reasonable. See UrB. Po ter Scott, Br. FASnLY nOTEL THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and $1.00; weok $2.00 to $5.00. House keeping upartments with gas ranges $10,00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS II. W. SULLIVAN. Pt.ji. "I had beon troubled with const, pntlon for two years and tried all of the bost physicians In Bristol, Tenn., and thoy could do nothing for me," writes Thos. E. Wllllum', M'ddloborp, Ky. "Two packages of Chamberlain's Stomach and LIv&r Tablets cured mo." For Bale by all dealers. SPRING MEDICINE Is now in order, and there is none better than B R 0 W N'S SARSAPARILLA YELLOW DOCK and CASCARA COMPOUND. It will put spring Into your gait and impart life and vigor to tho whole system. If you are afflicted with boils, pimples, or othor eruptions and irritations of the skin, Brown's Sarsaparilla will work wonders in a very short time, Price, $1,00 per bottle, BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS "THE QUALITY STORE." Oar New Store, 71 Market Aveune, Coos Building. r-' T'