THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1911 EVENING EDITION. What 5c Will Doi I) Inch Deep Plo Pain ' ... .fa.W..l. ill I ! TlTfcl III irfKI. I II I '"""'"" " ""11""'11 CONTRIBUTIONS concerning social happening, Intended for publication In the society depart ment of The Times, imiRt bo sub mitted to tlia editor not later tlittn 0 o'clock p. in. Friday of oncn week. Exceptions will bo allowed only in ensos whero events occur Into. tlinn tho tlmo mentioned.) Toll us not In Irtlo Jlhglo Mnrrlago Is nn ompty dream, For tho girl la dond that's Blnglo, And things nro not na they aconi. Llfo la rcnl! Llfo la onrnoet! SInglo-blossodnoss n lib! "Mnn thou nrt, to nmn rotnrnotli," Una been spoken of tho rib. Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, la our destined ond or wny. But to Ilvo thnt ench tomorrow Brings us nearer wedding dny. Llfo Is long and youth la floating, And our honrts, tho' young nnd Still like plonsnnt druma bontlng Weddlng marchoa nil tho tiny. In tho world's broad Held of battle, In tho bivouac of life, He not llko dumb driven cattle, Ho n horolno n wlfo! T"int no Future, howo'er plonsantl 't the df ad Past biyy Ita dond! A - 'n tho living present, Hcplng for n 8pniiHo nhend! Llvoa of married folka romlnd ua Wo ran live our Uvea na well, And departing, leave bohlnd us Such oxnmplca a.i will tell; Surh rxnmploa thnt another Wanting tlmo In Idle apnrt A forlorn unmarried brother Scolng, shall tnko heart nnd court. Lot ua thou bo up nnd doing! , With n heart on triumph act! j Still nchlevlng, atlll pursuing, And each one n huabnud got! Selected. I KNOW I urn perfectly anfo In counting upon It. my dear. There Is no chnnco of your disappointing ". nnd thereby rob bing mo of tho moral thnt I conft dently expect will adorn thla tnlc. In tho first plnco, It would bo vory un kind of you; nnd In tho second, vory unnnturnl. I am relying, hnwovor, upon tho latter, being not altogether of n triiatlng disposition concerning the kind or unkind impulses of tho fomlnlno heart. Consequently, when I nHk you n question on n particular subject, as I am going to do In a minute, I know I fess, that it it an awfully simple lit-1 tie game. So It doesn't take, a clever woman to get what the ordinary woman wants. It does take a clever woman to get what the clevor woman wants. There's n vast difference, with ninny distinctions, my dears. And It de pends altogethor upon tho desires of that clover woman, whnt sho doos to gratify thorn. I know two really olevor women. Tho woods nro not full of thoin, by nny menus, lint I know two. One of thoso Is a wotnnti of UH not ho old thnt one can lny It to hor ago thoso dnys that she isn't mar person in nn Individual sort of way, tied. She la a rather distinctive without being actually good looking. Ono might ovou cull her plain, If thoro woren't something In her ex pression In tho ahndows of her eyes nnd tho Hues of hor mouth thnt mnkes you look n second time. And sho Is Invariably dressed In excellent taste. She has rend much, Is origin- nl, talks fascinatingly, nnd Is n clover raconteur. Whon Fin'whoro sho Is I mnko myself na Invisible ns pos sible nnd thou Just dote on her. This womnn novor hns n awnrtn of men nround hor. Hut thoro Is alwnyH ono ofton two to be seen engrossed with her In convorsntlon, with nn In- Morest that Is genuinely respectful. One can't Imagine n mnn attempting to Matter her. Uut alio Is the most widely ndmjred womnn I ovor know. I Tho other woman Is of n different type. Sho hns n dellcntely fnlr skin, .reddish brown hnlr nnd oyea of tho same velvet hue. Sho" Is mil, wll- PI2HSONAL flotlres of visitors In the olty, or .if Coos Day people who visit In tlier cities, together with notices of social nffnlrs, nro gladly recolvod in tho aoclnl do pnrtinen.. Tolophono 13: I. No tires of club meetings will be pub lished nad secretaries aro kindly riniiiteii tn furnish mine. lowy nnd sinuous, with n more or less Indellnablo llgure. Sho Is not gowned sho Is draped. And sho wears her hats sweeping low over her eyes to glvo thorn Hint elusive, Jlon, Win. StaulT, Mrs. F. C. Birch, .Miss Irene Prouss nnd F. L. Sumner (nlternnte) wcro olocted delogntos to jtho district convention to bo held April 21 to 23, Inclusive, in Coqulllc. At tho next mooting, tho lenguo will oieci ouicers ror tho ensuing year. 0. W. Dungnn nnd wlfo nro hero from Randon far n fow days vWt with friends nnd rcfntlvos. Miss Itnmonn Hudcllffe, who spout tho Btimmor hero n couple of yenrs ngo, Is expected hero ngnln thla Bummer to visit her. cousin, Mr. 12. W. Knmmoror. Slnco hor provlcus visit hero, Miss Hadcllffo hns gone on tho stngo nnd won considerable renown. Mrs. Colby K. Perry will entertain tho Altnr Guild or the Mnrshfleld Episcopal church nt her homo next Tuesday nftornoon. Tho guild met Inst Tuesday with Mrs. F. A. Haznrd At present, they nro working; now altar cloths for tho church. Tho Slstora of Hothnny will moot next Wednesday nftornoon with Miss Agnes liutchesou to continue their needlework. Tills wook thoro woro present, Mrs. J. T. Hnrrlgau, Mrs. Arthur McICeown, Mrs. F. A. Sncclil, Mrs. L. F. Donning, Mrs. Harry IJrndfloId, Mrs. Otto Schottor, Mrs. err this orr and keep it. it mav save vor moxev AMI A LOT OF COSTLY SEPARATOR EXPERIENCE. iHow to eparator I quart Dairy Pan Deep Pudding Pan Mlner.M' Tin Cups PorfornUMl Pie Pain Sewing Machine Oil Mulch Safes Stove Llftors Stnnv Cuffs, pair. . . Vegetable Brushes U Pairs Heol Plate Sink Brushes ... TmcliiK Wheel . . . Flic Shovels Intoles, pnlr KtifS Heaters ... . Xiitmcg Orators. . . mill loot) other thin !'J rt ua it Is bnflllng. This womnn "toinporniuent." Sho says so her self, which Is how I know. Sho, too, tulks cleverly, hut In nn outlrely dif ferent wny from tho other womnn. I lor elovemess consists In what she does not sny. Hor wisdom If of tho world, wordly. Olfted with u chnrni Ing eiiunclntlou nnd tho faculty of liitlnltoly dollcato expression, alio can transform tho ugliness emotion Into n beautiful passion. Sho Is In variably tho contor of n chnrmed clr clo of Infatuated mou who discuss her among themselves whon nlono. Sho hns fow womon frlonds. It nil depends, ns I snld n while ago, upon tho desires of tho clover woman, what sho doos to gratify them. And It Is tho "tomporamon tnl" clover woman who gots a ccrtnln kind of homage, tho sonslbly clovor womnn gets another. Hut In olther case, wo inuy ns well you aro going to give expression .o acknowledge that It Is tho clovor wo- what will Immediately afford ua mnn, of ono sort or nuothor, who 's something to tnlk about. So, with 'volled quality thnt Is ns fnsclnntlng C' K' Vorry nml M,88C8 0rnco Mc" Thls womnn linn "Ulw" ll,l(l 'co iouiho .niuuiioy. out further parley, hero It is: Con fidentially, Just between ourselves, you know, what Is your opinion on tho popularity of n clever woman? Thorp! I knew It! I wns per fectly confident that there would ho thnt InvoluutiiH)' rise of tho eye- you going to do nbout It? Condemn brows. I wnH nbsolutely sure of nil olever women boonuse thoy nre thnt pocullnr llttlo smile. Wo enn't clover? What's tho use? Condemn help It. nny of us, nny moro than ' lug them doesn't do away with thorn, wo can help fliiBorlng our stray looks. For my part. It looks to mo llko a Mrs. E. S. Ilnrgolt will ontortnln n smnll cotorlo of Indies, hitherto termed tho "Glow Worm Club" nt hor homo In South Mnrshfleld this nftor noon complimentary to Mrs. Win. Diingnn of Ilnudon. Somo of tho mombors dislike "(How Worm" club as n title and this nftornoon It Is pro posed thnt n secrot ballot bo hold to select a now name. At a rccont mooting of Doric Chap ter, Order of tho Eastorn Star, Mrs. F. A. Hazard was olocted treasurer to fill tho vacancy caused by tho re signation of Mrs. John Bonr, who re tired on account of her removal to tholr ranch for tho stimmor necessi tating hor absonco from ninny of tho meetings. On Sunday evening In tho Eplsco pal church, Miss Ora Jnno Woods and Mr. Aloxnndor Ilrown Cnmpbell ro- ndmlred by men. They mny protejt C01VC ' H,lc oi jiapusm. thnt they don't wnnt clovor womon. 5lra- Kosnltha Cnmpbell, Mrs. A. B. for their sisters nnd wives, but It U , Campbell and Miss Mary Jnmeson tho olovor women, Just tho snmo, who0'1 ns witnesses, wins their ndmlrntlon nnd, In ono, enso, tholr respect. I Tno 'nplB of the Ladles Art club And so now, my' MumchI. what nro.wblch wns to hnvo been hold yester day nt .Airs. Lnng s homo wns post poned until next Friday whon Mrs. I.oMleux will bo hostess. or polishing our nnllH on our pnlms. It Is ono of thoso unconscious llttlo habits that re Hoc t the Impulses nt our minds. And bo whon nnyono mentions u clever womnn, ono smiles nnd looks catty. I suppose it nil harks baok to this: The clever woman has nil too often used her olovornees In tho cause of adventure. All ndvonturot sos nro of necessity clever. There fore ( all flavor women must, por force, he ndventurosios. Consequent ly, that catty smile. That's why 1 asked you. 1 wanted to soo It. Hut, doarlo mo, children, when ouo gots right down to it, It Is not that such womon nro so clover, ns thnt tho men they fool nro so fool ish. You nnd I, not at nil clovor wo mon, know how easy It Is. Wo know tho llttlo tricks, the wiles nnd biuIIoj, I timely little hint to thoo of us of drab personnlltlos nnd fnwn-coloreil dispositions, to tone up our color schoinos." j Mls,s Nellie Towor has Issuod In vitations for n miscellaneous shower for Miss Horthn Kruse of North Hond whoso marriage to Dr. Cnphoy of Portland Is nnnoiinood for tho latter pnrt of April. Miss Tower's Invita tions aro for noxt Woduosday evon tnK. Mrs. C. F. McCollum of North Hond ro turned homo this week from Sail Francisco whore sho has visited with her sisters, Mrs. Sheridan and Mrs. Moltett. Mrs. John Lafon of West Marsh Hold expects her father and mother Mrs." A. H. Daly, ontortnlned In her homo In West Mnrshfleld Thurs day aftomoon for Mrs. Hojo Sr It (Continued on Pago S) 11I3HI2 IS THE STANDAHD 11 V WHICH THE EFFICIENCY OF A CUEAM S12PAHAT0U SHOt'1,1) HE TESTED: IT SHOULD SKIM COOL MILK. It's much hnrder to skim milk nt Go to 70 degrees tlinn milk nt SB or HO. Some machines thnt will do fnlr work with milk nt 90 degrees will got nil clogged up with milk nt 70. Remember thnt lots of times In tho winter your milk will bo nearer Ofi tlinn SB. IT KIIOl'M) PHODl'Ci: HEAVY OH TIII.V CHEAM AS DKSIHED. Whether you nro churning your own cream, soiling It to n local creamery, or shipping It to somo distant point, It Is doslrnblo to produco n very thick cronm. Thick eronm churns easier, Is loss llablo to spoil, nhd hns loss bulk. It pnys to mnko thick cronm, but to do this the mnchlno must bo niechnnlcully perfect. A poorly or chenply constructed soparnor cannot bo adjusted to sccuro tho desired results. IT SHOULD SEPAHATE ITS FULL HATED CAPACITY. All cronm sopnrntors nro rntod upon tho bnsls of tholr capacity for ono hour. The DE LAVAL Is tho only mnchlno mndo thnt will, under nil conditions, separate Its rated capacity for ono full hour, nnd nt the snmo tlmo skim clean and produco cream of uniform qunllty. In addition to tho nbovo n cream separntor should ho stmplo In construction, durable, easy to opornto and cnBy to clean. THE 1)12 LAVAL MEETS ALL THESE HEQUIHEMEXTS. Wo don't know of any other soparator that doos. Ir anyone rep resenting nny other separator comes to you with a lot of claims mnko them provo up to this tost. Your crenmorymnn or your stnto experiment station will toll you that It's n fair test. Wo know that tho DI2 LAVAL will glvo you hotter service and Inst longer tlinn nny other cronm separator on tho mnrkot, nnd wo stnnd ready to provo It at nil times and ngnlust nil comers. Wrlto us or bettor yet call In nnd sec us, or get a cntaloguo nnd tnlk over tonus nnd prices. COOS BAY ASH cnmDi! The Store That Snu-s You on (JEO. X. HOLT. . . MaiJJ I.,, L mri'i'i, .'inrjiillpld. vn Pie Time Here gonernlly sees n lot of peop!( wnltlng ior ono or moro ot our fninous pies hot from the oven. Mnny declare th.t "mother never baked pics a, good." Fresh Fruit the freshest of ega and mlik, nnd nil other materials cquaN ly ns good, with tho "knov how," nro whnt mnko ourplei u dronm of delight. oxi2 of orit will add tho Dual touch c! goodness to the SUNDAY DIXXint w&mmA MAHSHFIELD OHECOX SOONEIt OH LATEH YOU WILL HUY A DE LAVAL, WHY NOT NOW? Coos Bay Bakery PHONE lil.L Royal Theater Harry Holllugsworth nnd Comply on TO-NIGHT March 1 1 will present "TiTe Country Girl" and Sunday Night Vaudeville Do You Know How lo Get Full Yalue Out Of Your Gas Range? PRICES 15 AND 25 CENTS OIL SUPPLIES Tho Coos day Oil and Company under tho managemeil ol J. W. Flanagau will continue to hi die tho Union OH Conipau)'! line, dlatlllato, benzlno and coil ' nt their oil houso across the Bar til which placo they have moved tb office. Phon 302. tho "charming Inconsistencies" that ( hero from Harrodsburg, Ky., short win us whnt wo aro after, ovon if wo ly to mnko an extonded visit on tho aro not always unconsciously "piny- Hay. ing" our victims. Many of us nro too Innocont to know that wo nro plnv lng them. Hut many ot us, also, aro thoroughly awaro of what wo aro do-1 Lenguo, In tho church parlors, Woi- lng. And wo know, you roust con- nesday night, Eric Dolt, Frank Dll it tho regular meeting ot the Mnrshllold Methodist church Epworth Peanut Stick Is tho nnmo of our nowost confec tion. It is better tlinn Peanut Brit tle and If you liked Brittle you will loo Peanut Stick. Wo have several other kinds ot Flue, Fresh Nut Candy. Homombor our enudlos nro mndo in our own sunny, Sanltnry factory r.ght horo in Mnrshllold by nn expert enndy mnker. They are pure, whole some nnd delicious. Telephone 178 Occasionally we learn of ladies who neglect to use the oven or certain burners of their gas range. Others use more gas than they need by failing to employ a lit tle care in combination cooking We will take pleasure in send ing a representative to give fron nvnnrt inpfxnni:. t- ij!. J ..wv wn, ! iiiouubuuii tu lames p J C Jrfl who may not quite understand 0 LfVCty jCrVIK how to get full value from their' Fancy now r,gs' s00d UT !!l j iuii voun, iiuiii uiLir enroful drivers aro now at the dl posal of tho Coos nay public t ItEASONAHLE HATHS Rigs or rigs with drivers read f I n.... -i.. , ,i... TlorsO ... i j iiiu uiivwiiurn uiiv iiiu. ' i tiling that Can be COOkGri hv n boarded and rigs cared far. I v ii Trtni 1 uff uearso ana Bpeomi uvw- llnttrtna ..aI.Ia.i nu fnnarll nifU" I W. L.CONDRON'Sfl LIVEHY AND FEED STAW'" PHONE 27.1-J. gas range. The gas range cook any- coal range, and do it much better. FHESH DAILY Always Soiiiotlilug New nt mfajwck TWO STOHES. 330 Front St 140 Central At. Oregon Power Company FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and 11.01; week $2.00 to J5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges flO.OO to $18.00 per month. FREE OATHS T.. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. Remember a TURKISn will help you. Phone 214-j, BATH FOR GOOD WORK Drlng your clothes to us. Cleaning, Z" fnd repa,r"S specialty, b exPe"ced men. Satisfaction Buaranteed-HLANCHARD & i,0i). SON, South Hroad,vay. Don't forget the Turkic .u NOTICE TO STOCKHOIiDERS- Tho annual meeting of the stocl lioldors of tho Mnrshfleld Land Co pany will bo held in tho offlceJ ol S. Kaufman & Co., on Front itK Marshflold, Coos county, Oregon." Mondav. tho third dav of April J'1" nt four o'clock P. M., for the elec1 of directors and for the transU of such other ouslness as mr brought before said meeting. Dated at Marshflold, Oregon, first day of March, 1911. O. W. us Secret"' tM t PHONE ai4gr. ; '.T r" Tfl "" 1 iJUHM'miy i(' l-r